Add Debian and Ubuntu packaging

This moves the official Debian packaging into ring-project. Jenkins
should now be able to run packaging jobs and publish packages. It
should also make it easy to add a `verify` check on Jenkins to test
packaging patches.

This will make it much easier to work on packaging issues because the
build environment is now reproductible on any machine.

The patch adds Makefile targets to create packages such as:
 - package-all
 - package-<DISTRO>

Builds are all done inside Docker containers and it is possible to
build many at a time with the `package-all` target.

To debug a build, use `package-<DISTRO>-interactive` to obtain a shell
inside a container, ready to launch a build.

Tuleap: #781
Change-Id: Id87a74a6c412ffc5bf82b9562639ce5a9424b06a
diff --git a/packaging/rules/debian/rules b/packaging/rules/debian/rules
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6613410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packaging/rules/debian/rules
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# Hardening
+export DEB_BUILD_MAINT_OPTIONS = hardening=+all
+include /usr/share/dpkg/
+# Number of CPUS
+NO_CPUS=$(shell nproc)
+ifeq ($(NO_CPUS),0)
+	dh $@
+	###############################################
+	## Re-create tarballs from tarballs-unpacked ##
+	###############################################
+	mkdir -p daemon/contrib/tarballs
+	# Create tarballs
+	for i in $(CURDIR)/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/*; do \
+		projectname=`basename $$i` && \
+		cd $$i && tar -caf ../../tarballs/$$projectname * && \
+		echo "Repacked $$projectname"; \
+	done
+	# Prevent bootstrap script from verifying checksums
+	mkdir -p daemon/contrib/native
+	touch daemon/contrib/native/.sum-msgpack
+	touch daemon/contrib/native/.sum-opendht
+	touch daemon/contrib/native/.sum-pjproject
+	###########################
+	## Ring Daemon configure ##
+	###########################
+	mkdir -p daemon/contrib/native
+	cd daemon/contrib/native && \
+        ../bootstrap \
+				--disable-ogg \
+				--disable-flac \
+				--disable-vorbis \
+				--disable-vorbisenc \
+				--disable-speex \
+				--disable-sndfile \
+				--disable-speexdsp && \
+		make list && \
+		make -j1
+	cd daemon && \
+		./ && \
+		./configure \
+				--prefix=/usr \
+				--without-iax
+	#############################
+	## libringclient configure ##
+	#############################
+	cd lrc && \
+		mkdir build && \
+		cd build && \
+		cmake  \
+			-DRING_BUILD_DIR=$(CURDIR)/daemon/src \
+			-DENABLE_VIDEO=true \
+			..
+	############################
+	## gnome client configure ##
+	############################
+	cd client-gnome && \
+		mkdir build && \
+		cd build && \
+		cmake \
+			-DLibRingClient_PROJECT_DIR=/$(CURDIR)/lrc \
+			..
+	dh_auto_configure
+	#######################
+	## Ring Daemon build ##
+	#######################
+	cd daemon && make -j$(NO_CPUS)
+	pod2man daemon/man/dring.pod > daemon/dring.1
+	#########################
+	## libringclient build ##
+	#########################
+	cd lrc/build && make -j$(NO_CPUS)
+	########################
+	## gnome client build ##
+	########################
+	cd client-gnome/build && make LDFLAGS="-lpthread" -j$(NO_CPUS)
+	################################
+	## Generated contrib tarballs ##
+	################################
+	rm -rfv daemon/contrib/tarballs
+	#######################
+	## Ring Daemon clean ##
+	#######################
+	if [ -d daemon/contrib/native ]; then cd daemon/contrib/native && make distclean; fi
+	rm -rfv daemon/contrib/native
+	rm -rfv daemon/dring.1
+	#########################
+	## libringclient clean ##
+	#########################
+	if [ -d lrc/build ]; then cd lrc/build && make distclean; fi
+	rm -rfv lrc/build
+	########################
+	## gnome client clean ##
+	########################
+	if [ -d client-gnome/build ]; then cd client-gnome/build && make distclean; fi
+	rm -rfv client-gnome/build
+	#########################
+	## Ring Daemon install ##
+	#########################
+	cd daemon && make DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/ring-daemon install
+	rm -rfv $(CURDIR)/debian/ring-daemon/usr/include
+	rm -rfv $(CURDIR)/debian/ring-daemon/usr/lib
+	###########################
+	## libringclient install ##
+	###########################
+	cd lrc/build && make DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/ring install
+	rm -rfv $(CURDIR)/debian/ring/usr/include
+	# This is a symlink, should be in -dev package
+	rm -v $(CURDIR)/debian/ring/usr/lib/
+	# cmake files
+	rm -rfv $(CURDIR)/debian/ring/usr/lib/cmake
+	##########################
+	## gnome client install ##
+	##########################
+	cd client-gnome/build && make DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/ring install
+	# Remove ring binary: it is not needed for now
+	rm $(CURDIR)/debian/ring/usr/bin/
+tmpdir:= $(shell mktemp -d)
+workdir:= $(shell pwd)
+PKD := $(abspath $(dir $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+version_to_download := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -ldebian/changelog | perl -ne 'print $$1 if m{^Version:\s+(?:\d+:)?(\d.*)(?:\~dfsg.+)(?:\-\d+.*)};')
+# Repacks the tarball with contrib tarballs unpacked.
+	# Download ring tarball
+	else \
+	    uscan --rename --destdir=${tmpdir} --download-version ${version_to_download} ;\
+	fi
+	# Unpack ring tarball
+	tar -C ${tmpdir} -xf ${tmpdir}/*.tar.gz
+	# Remove original tarball
+	rm ${tmpdir}/*.tar.gz
+	# Unpack all of the orig tarballs into tarballs-unpacked
+	mkdir ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked
+	for i in `find ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs/ -name "*.tar.*"`; do \
+		projectname=`basename $$i` && \
+		mkdir ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/$$projectname && \
+		tar -C ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/$$projectname -xf $$i && \
+		echo "Unpacked $$projectname"; \
+    done
+	###################
+	## Exclude files ##
+	###################
+	# This does not exclude everything that we need to exclude.
+	# debian/copyright's File-Excluded section also excludes files.
+    ## pjproject
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/g7221 # non-distributable (requires a license from Polycom)
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/ilbc # non distributable (the version included with pjproject)
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/milenage # non distributable
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/BaseClasses # non distributable (?)
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/portaudio # not needed
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/speex # not needed
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/mp3 # not needed
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/gsm # not needed
+	rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/bdsound # not needed
+	#rm -rf  ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/third_party/srtp # not needed
+	rm -f ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/pjmedia/src/pjmedia-audiodev/s60_g729_bitstream.h # non distributable
+	rm -rf ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs-unpacked/pjproject-*/pjproject-*/build/vs # not needed, VisualStudio files.
+	# Remove all contrib tarballs
+	rm -rf ${tmpdir}/ring-project/daemon/contrib/tarballs
+	# Create the new tarball
+	cd  ${tmpdir} && tar -czf ${workdir}/ring_${version_to_download}~dfsg1.orig.tar.gz ring-project
+	# Clear the temp dir
+	rm -rf ${tmpdir}