misc: fix translation

Change-Id: I82f488a18f3a061390f3416d7337758cb8ba3680
GitLab: #43
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en.json
index 5c1a68e..a77dadb 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en.json
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
         "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
         "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations.",
         "name": "Auto Answer",
-        "description_summary": "Use an AI model running locally on your device to automatically subtitle the conversation in real time!"
+        "description_summary": "Set up a bot that automatically answers with given text."
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