i18n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I6470f8a9441c686b1f51d8ece70ef90f244b5cbe
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en_AU.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en_AU.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11851eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en_AU.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
+        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
+        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "default_trigger": "Hi",
+        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en_SE.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en_SE.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11851eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_en_SE.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
+        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
+        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "default_trigger": "Hi",
+        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es.json
index 7b10637..5b690c0 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Disparador del bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto al cual responderá el bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Respuesta del bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Texto que enviará el bot",
         "default_trigger": "Hola",
         "default_answer": "Hola, ahora no puedo atenderte, pero te responderé apenas pueda.",
         "always_title": "Activar Bot automáticamente",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "El bot estará activo en todas las conversaciones."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_AR.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_AR.json
index 7b10637..5b690c0 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_AR.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_AR.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Disparador del bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto al cual responderá el bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Respuesta del bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Texto que enviará el bot",
         "default_trigger": "Hola",
         "default_answer": "Hola, ahora no puedo atenderte, pero te responderé apenas pueda.",
         "always_title": "Activar Bot automáticamente",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "El bot estará activo en todas las conversaciones."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_CO.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_CO.json
index 7b10637..5b690c0 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_CO.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_CO.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Disparador del bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto al cual responderá el bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Respuesta del bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Texto que enviará el bot",
         "default_trigger": "Hola",
         "default_answer": "Hola, ahora no puedo atenderte, pero te responderé apenas pueda.",
         "always_title": "Activar Bot automáticamente",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "El bot estará activo en todas las conversaciones."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_MX.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_MX.json
index 7b10637..5b690c0 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_MX.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_es_MX.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Disparador del bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto al cual responderá el bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Respuesta del bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Texto que enviará el bot",
         "default_trigger": "Hola",
         "default_answer": "Hola, ahora no puedo atenderte, pero te responderé apenas pueda.",
         "always_title": "Activar Bot automáticamente",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "El bot estará activo en todas las conversaciones."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_fi.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_fi.json
index 11851eb..43449fc 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_fi.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_fi.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Botti laukaisin",
+        "trigger_summary": "Teksti johon Botti vastaa",
+        "bot_answer": "Botin vastaus",
+        "answer_summary": "Teksti jonka Botti lähettää",
+        "default_trigger": "Hei",
+        "default_answer": "Hei. Olen kiireinen juuri nyt, mutta vastaan sinulle mahdollisimman pian",
+        "always_title": "Aktivoi Botti automaattisesti",
+        "always_summary": "Botti on aktiivinen kaikissa keskusteluissa"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr_HR.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr_HR.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11851eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr_HR.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
+        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
+        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "default_trigger": "Hi",
+        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ro.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ro.json
index 11851eb..ef874c9 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ro.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ro.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Activează robotul",
+        "trigger_summary": "Textul la care va răspunde robotul",
+        "bot_answer": "Răspunsul robotului",
+        "answer_summary": "Textul pe care îl va trimite robotul",
+        "default_trigger": "Bună",
+        "default_answer": "Bună, acum nu pot răspunde, dar te voi contacta în cel mai scurt timp posibil.",
+        "always_title": "Activează automat robotul",
+        "always_summary": "Robotul va fi activ pentru toate conversațiile."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sl.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sl.json
index bb59f2c..0b9f4b4 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sl.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sl.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Prožilo bota",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Besedilo, na katerega se bot odzove",
+        "bot_answer": "Odziv bota",
+        "answer_summary": "Besedilo, ki ga pošlje bot",
         "default_trigger": "Živjo",
         "default_answer": "Živijo, trenutno ne utegnem, ampak odgovorim čim prej, ko bo mogoče.",
         "always_title": "Samodejno aktiviraj bota",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "Bot bo dejaven za vse pogovore."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sq_AL.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sq_AL.json
index 11851eb..9cbe623 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sq_AL.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sq_AL.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Çka vë në punë Robotin",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst të cilit do t’i përgjigjet Roboti",
+        "bot_answer": "Përgjigje roboti",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst që do të dërgojë Roboti",
+        "default_trigger": "Njatjeta",
+        "default_answer": "Tungjatjeta, aktualisht jam i zënë, por do t’ju përgjigjem sa më shpejt të jetë e mundur.",
+        "always_title": "Aktivizoje automatikisht Robotin",
+        "always_summary": "Roboti do të jetë aktiv për krejt bisedat"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json
index 11851eb..bef21b9 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "trigger_summary": "Botun yanıtlayacağı metin",
+        "bot_answer": "Botun yanıtı",
+        "answer_summary": "Botun göndereceği metin",
+        "default_trigger": "Selam",
+        "default_answer": "Merhaba, şu anda meşgulüm ama en kısa zamanda size dönüş yapacağım.",
         "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
         "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
\ No newline at end of file