i18n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I81f576671eeb1fd9bcbb20a7e53a262e91580023
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg.json
index 11851eb..302353e 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Отприлчик на бота",
+        "trigger_summary": "Текст, на който Bot ще отговори",
+        "bot_answer": "Отговор на бота",
+        "answer_summary": "Текст, който ще изпрати Бот",
+        "default_trigger": "Здравейте.",
+        "default_answer": "Здравейте, в момента съм заета, но ще ви отговоря възможно най-скоро.",
+        "always_title": "Автоматично активиране на Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Бот ще бъде активен за всички разговори."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg_BG.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg_BG.json
index 11851eb..302353e 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg_BG.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bg_BG.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Отприлчик на бота",
+        "trigger_summary": "Текст, на който Bot ще отговори",
+        "bot_answer": "Отговор на бота",
+        "answer_summary": "Текст, който ще изпрати Бот",
+        "default_trigger": "Здравейте.",
+        "default_answer": "Здравейте, в момента съм заета, но ще ви отговоря възможно най-скоро.",
+        "always_title": "Автоматично активиране на Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Бот ще бъде активен за всички разговори."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_el.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_el.json
index 36fb1f3..918fe94 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_el.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_el.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Ενέργεια ενεργοποίησης του bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Τμήμα που θα απαντήσει το Bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Απάντηση του bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Τμήμα που θα στείλει το Bot",
         "default_trigger": "Γειά",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "default_answer": "Γεια σας, είμαι απασχολημένος αλλά θα σας απαντήσω το συντομότερο δυνατό.",
         "always_title": "Ενεργοποίησε το bot αυτόμματα",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "Ο Μποτ θα είναι ενεργός για όλες τις συνομιλίες."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_he.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_he.json
index 11851eb..776a307 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_he.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_he.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "פוצץ בוט",
+        "trigger_summary": "טקסט שהבוט יענה לו",
+        "bot_answer": "תגובה של סולן",
+        "answer_summary": "מסקסט ש-Bot ישלח",
+        "default_trigger": "היי, היי.",
+        "default_answer": "שלום, כרגע אני עסוק אבל אענה לך בהקדם האפשרי.",
+        "always_title": "תפעיל את Bot באופן אוטומטי",
+        "always_summary": "בוט יהיה פעיל בכל השיחות."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko.json
index 11851eb..f420a41 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "로봇 트리거",
+        "trigger_summary": "보트가 응답할 텍스트",
+        "bot_answer": "로봇 반응",
+        "answer_summary": "보트가 보낼 메시지는",
+        "default_trigger": "안녕하세요",
+        "default_answer": "안녕하세요, 저는 현재 바쁘지만 가능한 한 빨리 답변하겠습니다.",
+        "always_title": "자동으로 Bot을 활성화",
+        "always_summary": "모든 대화에 보트가 적극적으로 참여할 겁니다."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko_KR.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko_KR.json
index 11851eb..f420a41 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko_KR.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ko_KR.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "로봇 트리거",
+        "trigger_summary": "보트가 응답할 텍스트",
+        "bot_answer": "로봇 반응",
+        "answer_summary": "보트가 보낼 메시지는",
+        "default_trigger": "안녕하세요",
+        "default_answer": "안녕하세요, 저는 현재 바쁘지만 가능한 한 빨리 답변하겠습니다.",
+        "always_title": "자동으로 Bot을 활성화",
+        "always_summary": "모든 대화에 보트가 적극적으로 참여할 겁니다."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sv.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sv.json
index 11851eb..f1f6310 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sv.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sv.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Bottryckare",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text som Bot kommer att svara på",
+        "bot_answer": "Botrespons",
+        "answer_summary": "Text som Bot kommer att skicka",
+        "default_trigger": "- Hej, då.",
+        "default_answer": "Hej, jag är upptagen, men jag svarar så snart som möjligt.",
+        "always_title": "Aktivera Bot automatiskt",
+        "always_summary": "Bot kommer att vara aktiv för alla samtal."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ta.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ta.json
index 11851eb..dd10b4b 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ta.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ta.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "போட் துப்பாக்கி",
+        "trigger_summary": "போட் பதிலளிக்கும் உரை",
+        "bot_answer": "போட் பதில்",
+        "answer_summary": "போட் அனுப்புகிறது என்று செய்தி",
+        "default_trigger": "வணக்கம்.",
+        "default_answer": "வணக்கம், தற்போது நான் பிஸியாக இருக்கிறேன் ஆனால் விரைவில் பதிலளிப்பேன்.",
+        "always_title": "தானாக செயலிழக்கவும்",
+        "always_summary": "போட் அனைத்து உரையாடல்களிலும் செயலில் இருக்கும்."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json
index bef21b9..ccc8828 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tr.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot tetikleyicisi",
         "trigger_summary": "Botun yanıtlayacağı metin",
         "bot_answer": "Botun yanıtı",
         "answer_summary": "Botun göndereceği metin",
         "default_trigger": "Selam",
         "default_answer": "Merhaba, şu anda meşgulüm ama en kısa zamanda size dönüş yapacağım.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_title": "Bot'u otomatik olarak etkinleştir",
+        "always_summary": "Bot tüm konuşmalar için aktif olacak."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_uk.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_uk.json
index 11851eb..298f286 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_uk.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_uk.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Поштовхник бота",
+        "trigger_summary": "Текст, на який Bot відповість",
+        "bot_answer": "Відповідь бота",
+        "answer_summary": "Текст, який відправить Бот",
+        "default_trigger": "Привіт.",
+        "default_answer": "Привіт, зараз я зайнятий, але я відповіду вам якомога швидше.",
+        "always_title": "Автоматично активуйте бот",
+        "always_summary": "Бот буде активним у всіх розмов."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_vi.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_vi.json
index 11851eb..04b0991 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_vi.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_vi.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Trigger bot",
+        "trigger_summary": "Các văn bản mà Bot sẽ trả lời",
+        "bot_answer": "Phản ứng của bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Thông tin nhắn mà Bot sẽ gửi",
+        "default_trigger": "Chào anh.",
+        "default_answer": "Chào, lúc này tôi bận nhưng sẽ trả lời sớm nhất có thể.",
+        "always_title": "Tự động kích hoạt Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot sẽ hoạt động trong mọi cuộc trò chuyện."
\ No newline at end of file