i18n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I117b29a66f8338b83d7ab746aba131092d90a1da
diff --git a/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_cs_CZ.json b/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_cs_CZ.json
index a61316c..b3ef8a9 100644
--- a/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_cs_CZ.json
+++ b/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_cs_CZ.json
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
     "irfile_entries_2": "Koncertní sál Jack Lions - University of York",
     "irfile_entries_3": "Kostel svatého Patrika - Patrington",
     "streamlist_title": "Zvukový kanál",
-    "streamlist_summary": "Select the stream to filter",
+    "streamlist_summary": "Vyberte stream, který chcete filtrovat",
     "streamlist_entries_1": "Posláno",
     "streamlist_entries_2": "Přijato",
-    "always_summary": "Activate the filter when a call starts",
-    "always_title": "Automatically activate the filter"
+    "always_summary": "Aktivovat filtr při zahájení hovoru",
+    "always_title": "Automaticky aktivovat filtr"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_sq_AL.json b/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_sq_AL.json
index 7be4401..28118f8 100644
--- a/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_sq_AL.json
+++ b/AudioFilter/data/locale/AudioFilter_sq_AL.json
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     "streamlist_title": "Rrjedhë audio",
     "streamlist_summary": "Përzgjidhni rrjedhën që duhet filtruar",
     "streamlist_entries_1": "Dërguar",
-    "streamlist_entries_2": "Received",
+    "streamlist_entries_2": "Marrë",
     "always_summary": "Aktivizoje filtrin kur fillon thirrja",
     "always_title": "Aktivizoje vetvetiu filtrin"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_cs_CZ.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_cs_CZ.json
index 11851eb..c7c552c 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_cs_CZ.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_cs_CZ.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Spouštěč bota",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text, na který bude Bot reagovat",
+        "bot_answer": "Botova odpověď",
+        "answer_summary": "Text, který Bot odešle",
+        "default_trigger": "Dobrý den",
+        "default_answer": "Dobrý den, v současné době jsem zaneprázdněn, ale odpovím vám co nejdříve.",
+        "always_title": "Automatická aktivace Bota",
+        "always_summary": "Bot bude aktivní pro všechny konverzace."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_cs_CZ.json b/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_cs_CZ.json
index 9016e80..7c065f1 100644
--- a/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_cs_CZ.json
+++ b/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_cs_CZ.json
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-    "background_title": "Background image",
-    "blur_title": "Blur background",
-    "acceleration_title": "Use hardware acceleration",
-    "acceleration_summary": "Use CUDA or NNAPI where applicable",
-    "blurlevel_title": "Blur level",
+    "background_title": "Obrázek pozadí",
+    "blur_title": "Rozmazat pozadí",
+    "acceleration_title": "Použití hardwarové akcelerace",
+    "acceleration_summary": "Použít CUDA nebo NNAPI tak, kde bude potřeba",
+    "blurlevel_title": "Stupeň rozmazání",
     "streamslist_title": "Video stream",
-    "streamslist_summary": "Select the stream to hide the background",
+    "streamslist_summary": "Výběrem streamu skryjete pozadí",
     "streamslist_entries_1": "Posláno",
     "streamslist_entries_2": "Přijato",
-    "ForegroundSegmentationAlways_title": "Automatically activate GreenScreen",
-    "ForegroundSegmentationAlways_summary": "Hide the background when a call starts."
+    "ForegroundSegmentationAlways_title": "Automaticky aktivovat GreenScreen",
+    "ForegroundSegmentationAlways_summary": "Skrýt pozadí při zahájení hovoru."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_sq_AL.json b/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_sq_AL.json
index 288d4d2..4e46822 100644
--- a/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_sq_AL.json
+++ b/GreenScreen/data/locale/GreenScreen_sq_AL.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
     "streamslist_title": "Rrjedhë video",
     "streamslist_summary": "Përzgjidhni rrjedhën që duhet fshehur në prapaskenë",
     "streamslist_entries_1": "Dërguar",
-    "streamslist_entries_2": "Received",
+    "streamslist_entries_2": "Marrë",
     "ForegroundSegmentationAlways_title": "Aktivizo vetvetiu GreenScreen-in",
     "ForegroundSegmentationAlways_summary": "Fshihe sfondin, kur fillon një thirrje."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_cs_CZ.json b/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_cs_CZ.json
index 9804960..234eedc 100644
--- a/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_cs_CZ.json
+++ b/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_cs_CZ.json
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-    "image_category": "Watermark image",
-    "text_category": "Watermark text",
+    "image_category": "Obrázek vodoznaku",
+    "text_category": "Text vodoznaku",
     "videostream_title": "Video stream",
-    "videostream_summary": "Select the stream to put the watermark on",
+    "videostream_summary": "Vyberte stream, na který chcete umístit vodoznak",
     "videostream_entries_1": "Posláno",
     "videostream_entries_2": "Přijato",
-    "showlogo_title": "Enable watermark image",
-    "logoposition_title": "Image position",
-    "infosposition_title": "Text position",
-    "position_entries_1": "Top right",
-    "position_entries_2": "Top left",
-    "position_entries_3": "Bottom left",
-    "position_entries_4": "Bottom right",
-    "mark_title": "Image file",
-    "markbackground_title": "Add background color",
-    "markbackground_summary": "Add a partial transparency to the image background if it isn't visible enough",
+    "showlogo_title": "Povolení obrázku vodoznaku",
+    "logoposition_title": "Pozice obrázku",
+    "infosposition_title": "Pozice textu",
+    "position_entries_1": "Vpravo nahoře",
+    "position_entries_2": "Vlevo nahoře",
+    "position_entries_3": "Vlevo dole",
+    "position_entries_4": "Vpravo dole",
+    "mark_title": "Soubor s obrázkem",
+    "markbackground_title": "Přidat barvu pozadí",
+    "markbackground_summary": "Přidání částečné průhlednosti pozadí obrázku, pokud není dostatečně viditelné.",
     "markbackground_entries_1": "Nic",
-    "markbackground_entries_2": "Black",
-    "markbackground_entries_3": "White",
-    "logosize_title": "Image size",
-    "showinfos_title": "Enable watermark text",
-    "location_title": "Text to be displayed",
-    "location_summary": "Write any text you want to display",
+    "markbackground_entries_2": "Černá",
+    "markbackground_entries_3": "Bílá",
+    "logosize_title": "Velikost obrázku",
+    "showinfos_title": "Povolení textu vodoznaku",
+    "location_title": "Text k zobrazení",
+    "location_summary": "Napište libovolný text, který chcete zobrazit",
     "date_title": "Zobrazit datum",
-    "dateformat_title": "Date format",
+    "dateformat_title": "Formát Datumu",
     "timeformat_entries_2": "WeekDay YYYY/MM/DD",
     "timeformat_entries_3": "WeekDay MM/DD/YYYY",
     "timeformat_entries_4": "WeekDay DD/MM/YYYY",
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
     "timeformat_entries_7": "DD/MM/YYYY",
     "timeformat_entries_8": "Month DD YYYY",
     "timeformat_entries_9": "DD Month YYYY",
-    "time_title": "Display time",
-    "timeformat_title": "Time Format",
-    "language_pattern": "System default",
-    "timezone_title": "Display time zone",
-    "fontsize_title": "Font size",
-    "WatermarkAlways_title": "Automatically activate WaterMark",
-    "WatermarkAlways_summary": "Activate the watermark when a call starts."
+    "time_title": "Zobrazení času",
+    "timeformat_title": "Formát času",
+    "language_pattern": "Výchozí nastavení systému",
+    "timezone_title": "Nastavit časovou zónu",
+    "fontsize_title": "Velikost fontu",
+    "WatermarkAlways_title": "Automatická aktivace funkce WaterMark",
+    "WatermarkAlways_summary": "Aktivace vodoznaku při zahájení hovoru."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_sq_AL.json b/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_sq_AL.json
index 6ce6e08..786642a 100644
--- a/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_sq_AL.json
+++ b/WaterMark/data/locale/WaterMark_sq_AL.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
     "image_category": "Figurë watermark-u",
     "text_category": "Tekst watermark-u",
-    "videostream_title": "Rrjedhw video",
+    "videostream_title": "Rrjedhë video",
     "videostream_summary": "Përzgjidhni rrjedhën te e cila të vendoset watermark-u",
     "videostream_entries_1": "Dërguar",
-    "videostream_entries_2": "Received",
+    "videostream_entries_2": "Marrë",
     "showlogo_title": "Aktivizoni figurë watermark-u",
     "logoposition_title": "Pozicion figure",
     "infosposition_title": "Pozicion teksti",