i18n: automatic bump

Change-Id: I31301c544c21bbf389267a761733457d8098b1de
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ace.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ace.json
index 11851eb..de668b5 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ace.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ace.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "ڤڠڬيلن بوت",
+        "trigger_summary": "متن يڠ بوت مڠاجر",
+        "bot_answer": "ڤردان منتري",
+        "answer_summary": "متن يڠ بوت مڠهادڤي",
+        "default_trigger": "سلامي",
+        "default_answer": "سلام، ساي سهيڠڬ اكن ممباواكن، نامون ساي مڠاجركن كيت سبلوم لبيه باڬي.",
+        "always_title": "اوتوماتيك ڤرلو ڤرلو",
+        "always_summary": "بوت اكن ايكتيڤ اونتوق سموا ڤمباچ."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ast_ES.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ast_ES.json
index 11851eb..c1881b2 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ast_ES.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ast_ES.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Trigger bot",
+        "trigger_summary": "El testu al que responda Bot",
+        "bot_answer": "La respuesta del bot",
+        "answer_summary": "El testu que Bot va enviar",
+        "default_trigger": "El so padre foi un neñu.",
+        "default_answer": "Hola, actualmente estoy ocupáu pero responderé-y lo antes posible.",
+        "always_title": "Activar automáticamente Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot va ser activa pa toles conversaciones."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_az.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_az.json
index 11851eb..c80c1df 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_az.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_az.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "بوت قوزغات",
+        "trigger_summary": "بوت جاواب وره جک متن",
+        "bot_answer": "بوت جاواب",
+        "answer_summary": "بوت گؤندره جک متن",
+        "default_trigger": "سلام.",
+        "default_answer": "سلام، من ایندیکی آندا مشغولام آمما نئجه دیر کی جاواب وره رم.",
+        "always_title": "بوتی اوتوماتیک فعال ائدیر",
+        "always_summary": "بوت بوتون مکالمه لرده فعال اولاجاق."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be.json
index 11851eb..426ac5c 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Выбух бота",
+        "trigger_summary": "Тэкст, на які Bot адкажа",
+        "bot_answer": "Адказ бота",
+        "answer_summary": "СМС, які будзе адпраўляць Бот",
+        "default_trigger": "Прывітанне",
+        "default_answer": "Прывітанне, у цяперашні час я заняты, але я адкажу вам як мага хутчэй.",
+        "always_title": "Аўтаматычна актываваць бота",
+        "always_summary": "Бот будзе актыўна на ўсіх размовах."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be_BY.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be_BY.json
index 11851eb..426ac5c 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be_BY.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_be_BY.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Выбух бота",
+        "trigger_summary": "Тэкст, на які Bot адкажа",
+        "bot_answer": "Адказ бота",
+        "answer_summary": "СМС, які будзе адпраўляць Бот",
+        "default_trigger": "Прывітанне",
+        "default_answer": "Прывітанне, у цяперашні час я заняты, але я адкажу вам як мага хутчэй.",
+        "always_title": "Аўтаматычна актываваць бота",
+        "always_summary": "Бот будзе актыўна на ўсіх размовах."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bn.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bn.json
index 11851eb..35a57ef 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bn.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_bn.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "বট ট্রিগার",
+        "trigger_summary": "টেক্সট যা বট সাড়া দেবে",
+        "bot_answer": "বট প্রতিক্রিয়া",
+        "answer_summary": "বার্তা যা বট পাঠাবে",
+        "default_trigger": "হ্যালো.",
+        "default_answer": "হ্যালো, আমি বর্তমানে ব্যস্ত কিন্তু যত তাড়াতাড়ি সম্ভব উত্তর দেব।",
+        "always_title": "স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে সক্রিয় করুন",
+        "always_summary": "সব কথোপকথনের জন্য বট সক্রিয় থাকবে।"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ca.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ca.json
index 11851eb..457f97c 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ca.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ca.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Trigeració de bot",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text que el bot respon",
+        "bot_answer": "Resposta del bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Text que Bot enviarà",
+        "default_trigger": "Hola, que està bé?",
+        "default_answer": "Hola, actualment estic ocupat, però us respondré el més aviat possible.",
+        "always_title": "Activar automàticament Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot serà actiu per a totes les converses."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_da.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_da.json
index 11851eb..4f6d1ae 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_da.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_da.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot afløser",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst, som Bot vil svare på",
+        "bot_answer": "Botrespons",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst, som Bot sender",
+        "default_trigger": "Hej, hvad er det?",
+        "default_answer": "Jeg er travlt, men jeg svarer hurtigst muligt.",
+        "always_title": "Aktiver automatisk Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot vil være aktiv for alle samtaler."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eo.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eo.json
index 11851eb..35af564 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eo.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eo.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "La bot-ekspluadilo",
+        "trigger_summary": "Teksto, al kiu la bot respondos",
+        "bot_answer": "Reago de la bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Teksto, kiun bot sendos",
+        "default_trigger": "Saluton, ĉu?",
+        "default_answer": "Saluton, mi estas okupita, sed mi respondos vin kiel eble plej baldaŭ.",
+        "always_title": "Aŭtomate aktivigu la boton",
+        "always_summary": "Bot estos aktiva dum ĉiuj konversacioj."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et.json
index 11851eb..7121482 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot-käivitus",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst, millele Bot vastab",
+        "bot_answer": "Botide reaktsioon",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst, mida Bot saataks",
+        "default_trigger": "Tere, ma olen siin.",
+        "default_answer": "Tere, praegu olen ma hõivatud, aga vastan teile niipea kui võimalik.",
+        "always_title": "Automaatiliselt aktiveerida Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot on aktiivs kõnelustel."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et_EE.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et_EE.json
index 11851eb..7121482 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et_EE.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_et_EE.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot-käivitus",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst, millele Bot vastab",
+        "bot_answer": "Botide reaktsioon",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst, mida Bot saataks",
+        "default_trigger": "Tere, ma olen siin.",
+        "default_answer": "Tere, praegu olen ma hõivatud, aga vastan teile niipea kui võimalik.",
+        "always_title": "Automaatiliselt aktiveerida Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot on aktiivs kõnelustel."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eu.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eu.json
index 11851eb..f8a4406 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eu.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_eu.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Botak piztu",
+        "trigger_summary": "Botak erantzun egingo dion testua",
+        "bot_answer": "Botaren erantzuna",
+        "answer_summary": "Botak bidaltzen duen mezua",
+        "default_trigger": "Kaixo, lagunak.",
+        "default_answer": "Kaixo, lanpetuta nago baina lehenbailehen erantzungo dizut.",
+        "always_title": "Automatikoa aktibatzeko Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Botak elkarrizketa guztiak egingo ditu."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ga.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ga.json
index 11851eb..749e3e4 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ga.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ga.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigaire",
+        "trigger_summary": "Teachtaireacht a fhreagraíonn Bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Freagra bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Teachtaireacht a chuirfidh Bot",
+        "default_trigger": "Síochán.",
+        "default_answer": "Slánaithe, faoi láthair tá mé ag obair ach beidh mé a fhreagairt duit chomh luath agus is féidir.",
+        "always_title": "Gníomhach Bot go huathoibríoch",
+        "always_summary": "Beidh Bot gníomhach do gach comhrá."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gl.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gl.json
index 11851eb..aefdc31 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gl.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gl.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Trigger bot",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto que Bot vai responder",
+        "bot_answer": "Resposta do bot",
+        "answer_summary": "O texto que o bot vai enviar",
+        "default_trigger": "Ola,",
+        "default_answer": "Ola, actualmente estou ocupado, pero responderéche o antes posible.",
+        "always_title": "Activar Bot automáticamente",
+        "always_summary": "Bot estará activo para todas as conversacións."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gu.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gu.json
index 11851eb..8a18b2a 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gu.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_gu.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "બોટ ટ્રીગર",
+        "trigger_summary": "ટેક્સ્ટ કે જે બોટ જવાબ આપશે",
+        "bot_answer": "બોટ પ્રતિભાવ",
+        "answer_summary": "ટેક્સ્ટ કે જે Bot મોકલશે",
+        "default_trigger": "હાય.",
+        "default_answer": "હાય, હાલમાં હું વ્યસ્ત છું પરંતુ શક્ય તેટલી વહેલી તકે જવાબ આપીશ.",
+        "always_title": "સ્વયંસંચાલિત રીતે બૉટ સક્રિય કરો",
+        "always_summary": "બોટ બધી વાતચીત માટે સક્રિય રહેશે."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr.json
index 11851eb..5f4fbf9 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Otključač botova",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst na koji će Bot odgovoriti",
+        "bot_answer": "Odgovor botova",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst koji će Bot poslati",
+        "default_trigger": "-Zdravo.",
+        "default_answer": "-Zdravo, trenutno sam zauzet, ali odgovorit ću vam što prije.",
+        "always_title": "Automatski aktivirati Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot će biti aktivan za sve razgovore."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr_HR.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr_HR.json
index 11851eb..5f4fbf9 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr_HR.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_hr_HR.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Otključač botova",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst na koji će Bot odgovoriti",
+        "bot_answer": "Odgovor botova",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst koji će Bot poslati",
+        "default_trigger": "-Zdravo.",
+        "default_answer": "-Zdravo, trenutno sam zauzet, ali odgovorit ću vam što prije.",
+        "always_title": "Automatski aktivirati Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot će biti aktivan za sve razgovore."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ig.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ig.json
index 11851eb..f425a5e 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ig.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ig.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Akpaaka bot",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text na Bot ga-aza",
+        "bot_answer": "Mmeghachi omume bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Ozi nke Bot ga-eziga",
+        "default_trigger": "Ndewo, lee!",
+        "default_answer": "Ndewo, m nọ n'ọrụ ugbu a ma m ga-aza gị ozugbo o kwere mee.",
+        "always_title": "Akpaghị aka rụọ ọrụ Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot ga-arụ ọrụ maka mkparịta ụka niile."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ja.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ja.json
index 11851eb..12a4aff 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ja.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ja.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "ボットトリガー",
+        "trigger_summary": "ボットが応答するテキスト",
+        "bot_answer": "ボット反応",
+        "answer_summary": "ボットが送信するテキスト",
+        "default_trigger": "こんにちは",
+        "default_answer": "こんにちは,私は忙しいが,できるだけ早く返信します.",
+        "always_title": "ボットを自動起動する",
+        "always_summary": "ボットはすべての会話で活躍する"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kk.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kk.json
index 11851eb..f63af25 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kk.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kk.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Бот қоңыраушысы",
+        "trigger_summary": "Бот жауап беретін мәтін",
+        "bot_answer": "Боттың жауап беруі",
+        "answer_summary": "Бот жіберйтін мәтін",
+        "default_trigger": "Сәлем.",
+        "default_answer": "Сәлем, қазір мен көп жұмыс істеп тұрмын, бірақ мүмкіндігінше тез арада жауап беремін.",
+        "always_title": "Автоматты түрде ботты қосу",
+        "always_summary": "Бот барлық әңгімелерде белсенді болады."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kn.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kn.json
index 11851eb..98449d7 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kn.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_kn.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "ಬೋಟ್ ಟ್ರಿಗ್ಗರ್",
+        "trigger_summary": "ಬಾಟ್ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯಿಸುವ ಪಠ್ಯ",
+        "bot_answer": "ಬಾಟ್ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ",
+        "answer_summary": "ಬಾಟ್ ಕಳುಹಿಸುವ ಪಠ್ಯ",
+        "default_trigger": "ಹಲೋ.",
+        "default_answer": "ಹಲೋ, ನಾನು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರತನಾಗಿದ್ದೇನೆ ಆದರೆ ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾದಷ್ಟು ಬೇಗ ನಿಮಗೆ ಉತ್ತರಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ.",
+        "always_title": "ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ ಬೋಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಿ",
+        "always_summary": "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳಲ್ಲೂ ಬಾಟ್ ಸಕ್ರಿಯವಾಗಿರುತ್ತಾನೆ."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_lt.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_lt.json
index 11851eb..eadf749 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_lt.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_lt.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Botų iškrovimas",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekstas, į kurį atsakys botas",
+        "bot_answer": "Bot atsakymas",
+        "answer_summary": "Rašymas, kurį bus išsiųstas",
+        "default_trigger": "Sveiki.",
+        "default_answer": "Sveiki, šiuo metu aš esu užimtas, bet atsakysiu jums kuo greičiau.",
+        "always_title": "Automatiniai aktyvinti Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Botas bus aktyvus visais pokalbiais."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ml.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ml.json
index 11851eb..64a5def 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ml.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ml.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "ബോട്ട് ട്രിഗർ",
+        "trigger_summary": "ബോട്ട് പ്രതികരിക്കേണ്ട ടെക്സ്റ്റ്",
+        "bot_answer": "ബോട്ട് പ്രതികരണം",
+        "answer_summary": "ബോട്ട് അയയ്ക്കുന്ന സന്ദേശം",
+        "default_trigger": "ഹായ്.",
+        "default_answer": "ഹലോ, ഞാന് ഇപ്പോൾ തിരക്കിലാണ്, പക്ഷെ എത്രയും വേഗം മറുപടി പറയും.",
+        "always_title": "ബോട്ട് യാന്ത്രികമായി സജീവമാക്കുക",
+        "always_summary": "എല്ലാ സംഭാഷണങ്ങളിലും ബോട്ട് സജീവമായിരിക്കും."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mn_MN.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mn_MN.json
index 11851eb..50cab08 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mn_MN.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mn_MN.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Бот-ийн галт тэрэг",
+        "trigger_summary": "Бот хариулах текст",
+        "bot_answer": "Бот хариу",
+        "answer_summary": "Бот илгээх мессенж",
+        "default_trigger": "Сайн байна уу",
+        "default_answer": "Сайн байна, би одоо маш завгүй боловч аль болох хурдан хариу өгнө.",
+        "always_title": "Автоматч ботыг идэвхжүүлнэ",
+        "always_summary": "Бот бүх яриаг идэвхтэй явуулна."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mr.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mr.json
index 11851eb..cde4347 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mr.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_mr.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "बॉट ट्रिगर",
+        "trigger_summary": "बॉटला प्रतिसाद देणारा मजकूर",
+        "bot_answer": "बोट प्रतिसाद",
+        "answer_summary": "बॉट पाठवेल",
+        "default_trigger": "नमस्कार.",
+        "default_answer": "नमस्कार, सध्या मी व्यस्त आहे पण शक्य तितक्या लवकर उत्तर देईन.",
+        "always_title": "Bot स्वयंचलितपणे सक्रिय करा",
+        "always_summary": "बोट सर्व संभाषणांसाठी सक्रिय असेल."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ms.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ms.json
index 11851eb..64a5def 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ms.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ms.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "ബോട്ട് ട്രിഗർ",
+        "trigger_summary": "ബോട്ട് പ്രതികരിക്കേണ്ട ടെക്സ്റ്റ്",
+        "bot_answer": "ബോട്ട് പ്രതികരണം",
+        "answer_summary": "ബോട്ട് അയയ്ക്കുന്ന സന്ദേശം",
+        "default_trigger": "ഹായ്.",
+        "default_answer": "ഹലോ, ഞാന് ഇപ്പോൾ തിരക്കിലാണ്, പക്ഷെ എത്രയും വേഗം മറുപടി പറയും.",
+        "always_title": "ബോട്ട് യാന്ത്രികമായി സജീവമാക്കുക",
+        "always_summary": "എല്ലാ സംഭാഷണങ്ങളിലും ബോട്ട് സജീവമായിരിക്കും."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nb.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nb.json
index 11851eb..e9cad85 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nb.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nb.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Bottryser",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst som Bot vil svare på",
+        "bot_answer": "Bot- reaksjon",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst som Bot vil sende",
+        "default_trigger": "Hei, hva er det?",
+        "default_answer": "Hei, for øyeblikket er jeg opptatt, men vil svare deg så snart som mulig.",
+        "always_title": "Aktiver automatisk Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot vil være aktiv for alle samtaler."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ne.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ne.json
index 11851eb..96d37ed 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ne.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_ne.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "बोट ट्रिगर",
+        "trigger_summary": "पाठ जुन Bot ले प्रतिक्रिया दिनेछ",
+        "bot_answer": "बोट प्रतिक्रिया",
+        "answer_summary": "बोटले पठाउने सन्देश",
+        "default_trigger": "नमस्कार",
+        "default_answer": "नमस्कार, म अहिले व्यस्त छु तर म तपाईंलाई यथाशीघ्र जवाफ दिनेछु।",
+        "always_title": "स्वचालित रूपमा Bot सक्रिय गर्नुहोस्",
+        "always_summary": "बोट सबै कुराकानीको लागि सक्रिय हुनेछ।"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nl.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nl.json
index 11851eb..cc274bf 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nl.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nl.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Bot-trigger",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst waarop Bot zal reageren",
+        "bot_answer": "Bot-reactie",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst die Bot zal sturen",
+        "default_trigger": "Hallo, ik ben hier.",
+        "default_answer": "Hallo, ik ben momenteel druk bezig, maar ik zal u zo snel mogelijk antwoorden.",
+        "always_title": "Automatisch activeren Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot zal actief zijn voor alle gesprekken."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nn.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nn.json
index 11851eb..d8c4a37 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nn.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_nn.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Trillare",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst som Bot skal svara på",
+        "bot_answer": "Bot svar",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst som Bot sender",
+        "default_trigger": "Hei, det er ikkje så bra.",
+        "default_answer": "Hellas, eg er for tiden oppteken, men vil svara deg så snart som mulig.",
+        "always_title": "Å aktivere Bot automatisk",
+        "always_summary": "Botten vert aktiv for alle samtal."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_oc.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_oc.json
index 11851eb..90bd04c 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_oc.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_oc.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Trigor bot",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tèxte que Bot respondrà",
+        "bot_answer": "Respons del bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Tèxte que Bot enviarà",
+        "default_trigger": "Bonjour, lo",
+        "default_answer": "Bonjour, ara soi ocupat mas vos respondrai lo mai lèu possible.",
+        "always_title": "Activar automaticament Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot serà actiu per totas las conversas."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl.json
index 11851eb..8801b7a 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Wystrzeliwarka",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst, na który odpowie Bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Odpowiedź botów",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst, który będzie wysłany przez bot",
+        "default_trigger": "- Cześć.",
+        "default_answer": "Cześć, jestem zajęty, ale odpowiem jak najszybciej.",
+        "always_title": "Automatycznie aktywować bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot będzie aktywny podczas wszystkich rozmów."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl_PL.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl_PL.json
index 11851eb..8801b7a 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl_PL.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pl_PL.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Wystrzeliwarka",
+        "trigger_summary": "Tekst, na który odpowie Bot",
+        "bot_answer": "Odpowiedź botów",
+        "answer_summary": "Tekst, który będzie wysłany przez bot",
+        "default_trigger": "- Cześć.",
+        "default_answer": "Cześć, jestem zajęty, ale odpowiem jak najszybciej.",
+        "always_title": "Automatycznie aktywować bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot będzie aktywny podczas wszystkich rozmów."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt.json
index b89a8fd..fba5236 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Trigger do Bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto que o Bot vai responder",
+        "bot_answer": "Resposta do bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Mensagem que o Bot vai enviar",
         "default_trigger": "Oi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "default_answer": "Olá, estou ocupado, mas vou responder o mais rápido possível.",
         "always_title": "Ativar o Bot automaticamente",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "O Bot estará ativo para todas as conversas."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_BR.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_BR.json
index b89a8fd..fba5236 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_BR.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_BR.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Trigger do Bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto que o Bot vai responder",
+        "bot_answer": "Resposta do bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Mensagem que o Bot vai enviar",
         "default_trigger": "Oi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "default_answer": "Olá, estou ocupado, mas vou responder o mais rápido possível.",
         "always_title": "Ativar o Bot automaticamente",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "O Bot estará ativo para todas as conversas."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_PT.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_PT.json
index b89a8fd..fba5236 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_PT.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_pt_PT.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
         "bot_trigger": "Trigger do Bot",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
+        "trigger_summary": "Texto que o Bot vai responder",
+        "bot_answer": "Resposta do bot",
+        "answer_summary": "Mensagem que o Bot vai enviar",
         "default_trigger": "Oi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
+        "default_answer": "Olá, estou ocupado, mas vou responder o mais rápido possível.",
         "always_title": "Ativar o Bot automaticamente",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "always_summary": "O Bot estará ativo para todas as conversas."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk.json
index 11851eb..402d454 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Výrazník",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text, na ktorý bude Bot reagovať",
+        "bot_answer": "Odpoveď botov",
+        "answer_summary": "Text, ktorý bude Bot poslať",
+        "default_trigger": "Ahoj, dobre.",
+        "default_answer": "Zdravím, momentálne som zaneprázdnený, ale odpovedzím vám čo najskôr.",
+        "always_title": "Automaticky aktivovať Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot bude aktívny pri všetkých rozhovoroch."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk_SK.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk_SK.json
index 11851eb..402d454 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk_SK.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sk_SK.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Výrazník",
+        "trigger_summary": "Text, na ktorý bude Bot reagovať",
+        "bot_answer": "Odpoveď botov",
+        "answer_summary": "Text, ktorý bude Bot poslať",
+        "default_trigger": "Ahoj, dobre.",
+        "default_answer": "Zdravím, momentálne som zaneprázdnený, ale odpovedzím vám čo najskôr.",
+        "always_title": "Automaticky aktivovať Bot",
+        "always_summary": "Bot bude aktívny pri všetkých rozhovoroch."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr.json
index 11851eb..cf97644 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Покушач бота",
+        "trigger_summary": "Текст на који ће Бот одговорити",
+        "bot_answer": "Отговор бота",
+        "answer_summary": "Текст који ће Bot послати",
+        "default_trigger": "Здраво.",
+        "default_answer": "Здраво, тренутно сам заузет, али ћу вам одговорити што је пре могуће.",
+        "always_title": "Автоматски активирајте бот",
+        "always_summary": "Бот ће бити активен за све разговоре."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr@Cyrl.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr@Cyrl.json
index 11851eb..cf97644 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr@Cyrl.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_sr@Cyrl.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Покушач бота",
+        "trigger_summary": "Текст на који ће Бот одговорити",
+        "bot_answer": "Отговор бота",
+        "answer_summary": "Текст који ће Bot послати",
+        "default_trigger": "Здраво.",
+        "default_answer": "Здраво, тренутно сам заузет, али ћу вам одговорити што је пре могуће.",
+        "always_title": "Автоматски активирајте бот",
+        "always_summary": "Бот ће бити активен за све разговоре."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_te.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_te.json
index 11851eb..559d06c 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_te.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_te.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "బాట్ ట్రిగ్గర్",
+        "trigger_summary": "బాట్ స్పందిస్తుంది టెక్స్ట్",
+        "bot_answer": "బాట్ ప్రతిస్పందన",
+        "answer_summary": "బాట్ పంపే సందేశం",
+        "default_trigger": "హలో.",
+        "default_answer": "హలో, ప్రస్తుతం నేను బిజీగా ఉన్నాను కానీ వీలైనంత త్వరగా మీకు సమాధానం ఇస్తాను.",
+        "always_title": "ఆటోమేటిక్గా బాట్ను యాక్టివేట్ చేయండి",
+        "always_summary": "బాట్ అన్ని సంభాషణలు కోసం చురుకుగా ఉంటుంది."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tt.json b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tt.json
index 11851eb..e95ecea 100644
--- a/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tt.json
+++ b/AutoAnswer/data/locale/AutoAnswer_tt.json
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-        "bot_trigger": "Bot trigger",
-        "trigger_summary": "Text that Bot will respond to",
-        "bot_answer": "Bot response",
-        "answer_summary": "Text that Bot will send",
-        "default_trigger": "Hi",
-        "default_answer": "Hello, currently I am busy but will answer you as soon as possible.",
-        "always_title": "Automatically activate Bot",
-        "always_summary": "Bot will be active for all conversations."
+        "bot_trigger": "Бот-экиткеч",
+        "trigger_summary": "Бот җавап бирәчәк текст",
+        "bot_answer": "Ботның реакциясе",
+        "answer_summary": "Бот җибәрәчәк текст",
+        "default_trigger": "Сәлам.",
+        "default_answer": "Сәлам, мин хәзер бик мәшгуль, әмма мөмкин кадәр тизрәк җавап бирәчәкмен.",
+        "always_title": "Автомат рәвештә ботны активлаштыру",
+        "always_summary": "Барлык сөйләшүләрдә бот актив булачак."
\ No newline at end of file