Windows client for Jami

For more information about the jami project, see the following:


  • Jami client library and Jami daemon
  • Mingw-w64 build environment
  • Qt5 (we link against Qt5Core, Qt5Widgets, Qt5Gui) built with Mingw
  • Qt5 Svg, Qt5 ImageFormats & Qt5 WinExtras built with Mingw

Get the source code

  • git clone

Build instructions

USE THE QMAKE OF Qt BUILT WITH MINGW (e.g. /usr/bin/[i686 | x86_64]-w64-mingw32-qmake-qt5)

cd ring-client-windows
mkdir build && cd build
export QTDIR=<path to mingw qt> (e.g. /usr/[i686 | x86_64]-w64-mingw32/lib/qt)
git submodule init && git submodule update
cd libqrencode
./ && ./configure --host=[i686 | x86_64]-w64-mingw32 --prefix=<Install dir of Jami and LRC>
make install
cd ..
qmake ../ -r -spec win32-g++ RING=<Install dir of Jami and LRC> [BUILD=Debug]
make install

You will find all files in ./release directory.

#Auto update

If you want to enable auto-update

  • Build winsparkle In the client directory after having initialized the submodule
    cd winsparkle
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<LRC Directory>/cmake/winBuild.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=Install dir of Jami and LRC> ../cmake",
    make install
  • Compile the client with ENABLE_AUTOUPDATE=True


Compile the client with 'BUILD=Debug' and libRingClient with '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug'


cd build/release
makensis ring.nsi