refactor: implement new lrc api

- use new lrc models for
 - smartlist
 - conversation view
 - account selector

Change-Id: I0a009d4e9be6f84100f49ba176d853e05364c351
diff --git a/ b/
index 06c6805..af7e37b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 SOURCES += main.cpp\
-        mainwindow.cpp \
+    mainwindow.cpp \
     callwidget.cpp \
     configurationwidget.cpp \
     navwidget.cpp \
@@ -59,13 +59,11 @@
     videooverlay.cpp \
     imdelegate.cpp \
     contactpicker.cpp \
-    contactmethodpicker.cpp \
     globalsystemtray.cpp \
-    smartlistdelegate.cpp \
+    conversationitemdelegate.cpp \
+    conversationsfilterwidget.cpp \
     callutilsdialog.cpp \
-    combar.cpp \
     idlabel.cpp \
-    smartlist.cpp \
     ringcontactlineedit.cpp \
     pixbufmanipulator.cpp \
     qualitydialog.cpp \
@@ -74,13 +72,16 @@
     sendcontactrequestwidget.cpp \
     currentaccountwidget.cpp \
     contactrequestwidget.cpp \
-    contactrequestitemdelegate.cpp \
-    quickactcontactrequestwidget.cpp \
-    contactrequestlistwidget.cpp \
+    smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.cpp \
     deleteaccountdialog.cpp \
     bannedcontactswidget.cpp \
     photoboothwidget.cpp \
-    deletecontactdialog.cpp
+    smartlistmodel.cpp \
+    smartlistview.cpp \
+    accountitemdelegate.cpp \
+    accountlistmodel.cpp \
+    messagemodel.cpp \
+    invitebuttonswidget.cpp
 HEADERS  += mainwindow.h \
     callwidget.h \
@@ -100,14 +101,12 @@
     videooverlay.h \
     imdelegate.h \
     contactpicker.h \
-    contactmethodpicker.h \
     settingskey.h \
     globalsystemtray.h \
-    smartlistdelegate.h \
+    conversationitemdelegate.h \
+    conversationsfilterwidget.h \
     callutilsdialog.h \
-    combar.h \
     idlabel.h \
-    smartlist.h \
     ringcontactlineedit.h \
     pixbufmanipulator.h \
     qualitydialog.h \
@@ -117,14 +116,17 @@
     sendcontactrequestwidget.h \
     currentaccountwidget.h \
     contactrequestwidget.h \
-    contactrequestitemdelegate.h \
-    quickactcontactrequestwidget.h \
-    contactrequestlistwidget.h \
+    smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h \
     deleteaccountdialog.h \
     bannedcontactswidget.h \
     photoboothwidget.h \
-    deletecontactdialog.h \
-    lrcinstance.h
+    lrcinstance.h \
+    smartlistmodel.h \
+    smartlistview.h \
+    accountitemdelegate.h \
+    accountlistmodel.h \
+    messagemodel.h \
+    invitebuttonswidget.h
  HEADERS += shmclient.h
@@ -141,20 +143,17 @@
     videoview.ui \
     videooverlay.ui \
     contactpicker.ui \
-    contactmethodpicker.ui \
     callutilsdialog.ui \
-    combar.ui \
     qualitydialog.ui \
     ringbutton.ui \
     photoboothdialog.ui \
     sendcontactrequestwidget.ui \
     currentaccountwidget.ui \
     contactrequestwidget.ui \
-    quickactcontactrequestwidget.ui \
     deleteaccountdialog.ui \
     bannedcontactswidget.ui \
     photoboothwidget.ui \
-    deletecontactdialog.ui
+    invitebuttonswidget.ui
 win32: LIBS += -lole32 -luuid -lshlwapi -lgdi32
 LIBS += -lqrencode
diff --git a/accountitemdelegate.cpp b/accountitemdelegate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346d750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accountitemdelegate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "accountitemdelegate.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QTextDocument>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "accountlistmodel.h"
+#include "ringthemeutils.h"
+AccountItemDelegate::AccountItemDelegate(QObject *parent)
+    : QItemDelegate(parent)
+AccountItemDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter,
+    const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
+    const QModelIndex& index) const
+    QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option);
+    painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+    // Not having focus removes dotted lines around the item
+    if (opt.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) {
+        opt.state.setFlag(QStyle::State_HasFocus, false);
+    }
+    // First, we draw the control itself
+    QStyle* style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style();
+    style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget);
+    bool selected = false;
+    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
+        selected = true;
+        opt.state ^= QStyle::State_Selected;
+        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistSelection_);
+    }
+    else if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) {
+        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistHighlight_);
+    }
+    QRect &rect = opt.rect;
+    // Avatar drawing
+    opt.decorationSize = QSize(avatarSize_, avatarSize_);
+    opt.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Left;
+    opt.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter;
+    QRect rectAvatar(dy_ + rect.left(), + dy_, avatarSize_, avatarSize_);
+    drawDecoration(painter, opt, rectAvatar,
+        QPixmap::fromImage(<QImage>())
+        .scaled(avatarSize_, avatarSize_, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
+    QFont font(painter->font());
+    // Presence indicator
+    QPainterPath outerCircle, innerCircle;
+    QPointF center(rectAvatar.right() - avatarSize_ / 6, (rectAvatar.bottom() - avatarSize_ / 6) + 1);
+    qreal outerCRadius = avatarSize_ / 6, innerCRadius = outerCRadius * 0.75;
+    outerCircle.addEllipse(center, outerCRadius, outerCRadius);
+    innerCircle.addEllipse(center, innerCRadius, innerCRadius);
+    auto status =<int>(AccountListModel::Role::Status)).value<int>();
+    auto isPresent = Utils::toEnum<lrc::api::account::Status>(status) == lrc::api::account::Status::REGISTERED;
+    if (isPresent) {
+        painter->fillPath(outerCircle, Qt::white);
+        painter->fillPath(innerCircle, RingTheme::presenceGreen_);
+    }
+    font.setPointSize(fontSize_);
+    QPen pen(painter->pen());
+    painter->setPen(pen);
+    QRect rectTexts(dx_ + rect.left() + dx_ + avatarSize_,
+          ,
+                    rect.width(),
+                    rect.height() / 2);
+    // The name is displayed at the avatar's right
+    QVariant name =<int>(AccountListModel::Role::Alias));
+    if (name.isValid())
+    {
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(true);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::lightBlack_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
+        QString nameStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(name.value<QString>(), Qt::ElideRight,
+            rectTexts.width() - avatarSize_ - dx_);
+        painter->drawText(rectTexts, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, nameStr);
+    }
+    // Display the ID under the name
+    QString idStr =<int>(AccountListModel::Role::Username)).value<QString>();
+    if (idStr != name.toString()) {
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(false);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::grey_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
+        if (!idStr.isNull()) {
+            idStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(idStr, Qt::ElideRight,
+                                           rectTexts.width() - avatarSize_ - dx_ * 2);
+            painter->drawText(QRect(dx_ + rect.left() + dx_ + avatarSize_,
+                     + dy_ * 3,
+                              rect.width(),
+                              rect.height() / 2),
+                              Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignLeft, idStr);
+        }
+    }
+QSize AccountItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const
+    QSize size = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index);
+    size.setHeight(cellHeight_);
+    return size;
diff --git a/smartlistdelegate.h b/accountitemdelegate.h
similarity index 78%
rename from smartlistdelegate.h
rename to accountitemdelegate.h
index 2b5e413..c3a798c 100644
--- a/smartlistdelegate.h
+++ b/accountitemdelegate.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
- * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -15,29 +15,26 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
  * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
 #pragma once
-#include <QObject>
+#include <QPainter>
 #include <QItemDelegate>
-class QPainter;
-class SmartListDelegate : public QItemDelegate
+class AccountItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate
-    explicit SmartListDelegate(QObject* parent = 0);
+    explicit AccountItemDelegate(QObject *parent = nullptr);
     void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
     QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
-    constexpr static int sizeImage_ = 48;
-    constexpr static int cellHeight_ = 60;
+    constexpr static int fontSize_ = 10;
+    const QFont font_ = QFont("Arial", fontSize_);
     constexpr static int dy_ = 6;
     constexpr static int dx_ = 12;
-    constexpr static int fontSize_ = 10;
-    constexpr static int effectiveComBarSize_ = 48;
+    constexpr static int avatarSize_ = 36;
+    constexpr static int cellHeight_ = 48;
diff --git a/accountlistmodel.cpp b/accountlistmodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb7b2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accountlistmodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                 *
+* Author: Andreas Traczyk <>           *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     *
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     *
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or        *
+* (at your option) any later version.                                      *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          *
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
+* GNU General Public License for more details.                             *
+*                                                                          *
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        *
+* along with this program.  If not, see <>.    *
+#include "accountlistmodel.h"
+// Qt
+#include <QDateTime>
+// LRC
+#include "globalinstances.h"
+// Client
+#include "pixbufmanipulator.h"
+#include "lrcinstance.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+AccountListModel::AccountListModel(QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractItemModel(parent)
+int AccountListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    if (!parent.isValid()) {
+        return LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountList().size(); // count
+    }
+    return 0; // A valid QModelIndex returns 0 as no entry has sub-elements
+int AccountListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    return 1;
+QVariant AccountListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+    auto accountList = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountList();
+    if (!index.isValid() || accountList.size() == 0) {
+        return QVariant();
+    }
+    auto& accountInfo = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountInfo(;
+    switch (role) {
+    case Role::Alias:
+    case Qt::DisplayRole:
+        return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(accountInfo.profileInfo.alias));
+    case Role::Username:
+        return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(accountInfo.profileInfo.uri));
+    case Role::Type:
+        return QVariant(Utils::toUnderlyingValue<lrc::api::profile::Type>(accountInfo.profileInfo.type));
+    case Role::Status:
+        return QVariant(Utils::toUnderlyingValue<lrc::api::account::Status>(accountInfo.status));
+    case Role::Picture:
+    case Qt::DecorationRole:
+        return PixbufManipulator::accountPhoto(accountInfo);
+    case Role::ID:
+        return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(;
+    }
+    return QVariant();
+QModelIndex AccountListModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    if (column != 0) {
+        return QModelIndex();
+    }
+    if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount()) {
+        return createIndex(row, column);
+    }
+    return QModelIndex();
+QModelIndex AccountListModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
+    Q_UNUSED(child);
+    return QModelIndex();
+Qt::ItemFlags AccountListModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    auto flags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
+    if (!index.isValid()) {
+        return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
+    }
+    return flags;
diff --git a/accountlistmodel.h b/accountlistmodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..127cb88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accountlistmodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                 *
+* Author: Andreas Traczyk <>           *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     *
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     *
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or        *
+* (at your option) any later version.                                      *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          *
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
+* GNU General Public License for more details.                             *
+*                                                                          *
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        *
+* along with this program.  If not, see <>.    *
+#pragma once
+// Qt include
+#include <QAbstractItemModel>
+// LRC
+#include "api/account.h"
+#include "api/conversation.h"
+#include "api/contact.h"
+class AccountListModel : public QAbstractItemModel
+    enum Role {
+        Alias = Qt::UserRole + 1,
+        Username,
+        Picture,
+        Type,
+        Status,
+        ID
+    };
+    explicit AccountListModel(QObject *parent = 0);
+    // QAbstractItemModel
+    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
+    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
+    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
+    QModelIndex index(int row, int column = 0, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const;
+    Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
diff --git a/callutilsdialog.cpp b/callutilsdialog.cpp
index db2453b..5e41620 100644
--- a/callutilsdialog.cpp
+++ b/callutilsdialog.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     ui(new Ui::CallUtilsDialog),
-    smartListDelegate_(nullptr),
+    conversationItemDelegate_(nullptr),
     spikeMask_(new QPixmap(":/images/spikeMask.png"))
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
     delete effect_;
     delete spikeMask_;
     delete fadeAnim_;
-    delete smartListDelegate_;
+    delete conversationItemDelegate_;
     delete notCurrentProxyModel_;
     delete ui;
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@
         notCurrentProxyModel_ = new NotCurrentProxyModel(&RecentModel::instance());
-    if (not smartListDelegate_) {
-        smartListDelegate_ = new SmartListDelegate();
+    if (not conversationItemDelegate_) {
+        conversationItemDelegate_ = new ConversationItemDelegate();
-    ui->contactView->setItemDelegate(smartListDelegate_);
+    ui->contactView->setItemDelegate(conversationItemDelegate_);
diff --git a/callutilsdialog.h b/callutilsdialog.h
index 0ab4491..e4b9130 100644
--- a/callutilsdialog.h
+++ b/callutilsdialog.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "callmodel.h"
 #include "recentmodel.h"
-#include "smartlistdelegate.h"
+#include "conversationitemdelegate.h"
 #include <ciso646>
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
     Ui::CallUtilsDialog* ui;
     bool confMode_;
-    SmartListDelegate* smartListDelegate_;
+    ConversationItemDelegate* conversationItemDelegate_;
     NotCurrentProxyModel* notCurrentProxyModel_;
     QPixmap* spikeMask_;
     QPropertyAnimation* fadeAnim_;
diff --git a/callwidget.cpp b/callwidget.cpp
index e15cf7d..e41a38e 100644
--- a/callwidget.cpp
+++ b/callwidget.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
  * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
  * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -33,41 +34,22 @@
 #undef ERROR
 #undef interface
-#include "audio/settings.h"
-#include "accountmodel.h"
-#include "personmodel.h"
-#include "person.h"
-#include "fallbackpersoncollection.h"
-#include "categorizedcontactmodel.h"
-#include "localhistorycollection.h"
-#include "media/text.h"
-#include "media/recording.h"
-#include "media/recordingmodel.h"
-#include "recentmodel.h"
-#include "contactmethod.h"
+// lrc
 #include "globalinstances.h"
-#include <availableaccountmodel.h>
-#include "pendingcontactrequestmodel.h"
 #include "profilemodel.h"
-#include "profile.h"
-#include "peerprofilecollection.h"
 #include "localprofilecollection.h"
-#include "callmodel.h"
+// client
 #include "wizarddialog.h"
 #include "windowscontactbackend.h"
 #include "contactpicker.h"
-#include "contactmethodpicker.h"
 #include "globalsystemtray.h"
-#include "smartlistdelegate.h"
+#include "conversationitemdelegate.h"
 #include "imdelegate.h"
 #include "pixbufmanipulator.h"
 #include "settingskey.h"
-#include "contactrequestitemdelegate.h"
-#include "deletecontactdialog.h"
+#include "lrcinstance.h"
+#include "messagemodel.h"
 CallWidget::CallWidget(QWidget* parent) :
@@ -77,15 +59,9 @@
-    pageAnim_ = new QPropertyAnimation(ui->welcomePage, "pos", this);
+    using namespace lrc::api;
-    setActualCall(nullptr);
-    videoRenderer_ = nullptr;
-    connect(ui->settingsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &CallWidget::settingsButtonClicked);
-    connect(ui->videoWidget, SIGNAL(setChatVisibility(bool)),
-            ui->instantMessagingWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
+    QApplication::setEffectEnabled(Qt::UI_AnimateCombo, false);
     QPixmap logo(":/images/logo-ring-standard-coul.png");
     ui->ringLogo->setPixmap(logo.scaledToHeight(100, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
@@ -93,106 +69,92 @@
-    try {
-        callModel_ = &CallModel::instance();
+    videoRenderer_ = nullptr;
-        connect(callModel_, SIGNAL(incomingCall(Call*)),
-                this, SLOT(callIncoming(Call*)));
-        connect(callModel_, SIGNAL(callStateChanged(Call*, Call::State)),
-                this, SLOT(callStateChanged(Call*, Call::State)));
+    // this line is not welcome here, and must be removed
+    ProfileModel::instance().addCollection<LocalProfileCollection>(LoadOptions::FORCE_ENABLED);
-        RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->setFilterRole(static_cast<int>(Ring::Role::Name));
-        RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->setFilterCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
-        ui->smartList->setModel(RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy());
-        PersonModel::instance().addCollection<PeerProfileCollection>(LoadOptions::FORCE_ENABLED);
-        ProfileModel::instance().addCollection<LocalProfileCollection>(LoadOptions::FORCE_ENABLED);
-        PersonModel::instance().
-                addCollection<WindowsContactBackend>(LoadOptions::FORCE_ENABLED);
-        connect(ui->smartList, &QTreeView::entered, this, &CallWidget::on_entered);
-        smartListDelegate_ = new SmartListDelegate();
-        ui->smartList->setSmartListItemDelegate(smartListDelegate_);
-        ui->contactRequestList->setItemDelegate(new ContactRequestItemDelegate());
-        ui->smartList->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
-        connect(ui->smartList, &SmartList::btnVideoClicked, this, &CallWidget::btnComBarVideoClicked);
-        connect(RecentModel::instance().selectionModel(),
-                SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)),
-                this,
-                SLOT(smartListCurrentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)));
-        //set most recent call to view
-        connect(&RecentModel::instance(), &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, [=](const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight,const QVector<int> &vec){
-            Q_UNUSED(bottomRight)
-            Q_UNUSED(vec)
-            if (topLeft.isValid() && RecentModel::instance().hasActiveCall(topLeft)){
-                ui->smartList->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(topLeft,QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
+    // select last used account if stored in registry
+    auto accountList = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountList();
+    if (!accountList.empty()) {
+        std::string accountIdToStartWith;
+        QSettings settings;
+        if (settings.contains(SettingsKey::selectedAccount)) {
+            accountIdToStartWith = settings
+                .value(SettingsKey::selectedAccount, true)
+                .value<QString>()
+                .toStdString();
+            if (Utils::indexInVector(accountList, accountIdToStartWith) == -1) {
+                accountIdToStartWith =;
-        });
-        connect(RecentModel::instance().selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, [=](const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected) {
-                    // lambda used to focus on the correct smartList element when switching automatically between two calls
-                    Q_UNUSED(deselected)
-                    if (selected.size()) {
-                        auto idx = selected.indexes().first();
-                        auto realIdx = RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->mapFromSource(idx);
-                        ui->smartList->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(realIdx, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
-                    } else {
-                        RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->clearCurrentIndex();
-                        ui->smartList->clearSelection();
-                        ui->smartList->selectionModel()->clearCurrentIndex();
-                    }
-                });
-        connect(&NameDirectory::instance(), SIGNAL(registeredNameFound(Account*,NameDirectory::LookupStatus,const QString&,const QString&)),
-                this, SLOT(contactLineEdit_registeredNameFound(Account*,NameDirectory::LookupStatus,const QString&,const QString&)));
-        connect(&AccountModel::instance(), SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex,QVector<int>)),
-                ui->currentAccountWidget, SLOT(update()));
-        connect(ui->searchBtn, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(searchBtnClicked()));
-        connect(ui->sendContactRequestWidget, &SendContactRequestWidget::sendCRclicked, [=]{Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->messagingPage);});
-        connect(ui->contactRequestWidget, &ContactRequestWidget::choiceMade, [this]() {
-            if (getSelectedAccount()->pendingContactRequestModel()->rowCount() == 0)
-                ui->mainTabMenu->setCurrentWidget(ui->mainTabMenuPage1);
-            else
-                ui->contactRequestList->selectionModel()->clear();
-        });
-        connect(AvailableAccountModel::instance().selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged,
-                this, &CallWidget::selectedAccountChanged);
-        // It needs to be called manually once to initialize the ui with the account selected at start.
-        // The second argument (previous) is set to an invalid QModelIndex as it is the first selection.
-        selectedAccountChanged(AvailableAccountModel::instance().selectionModel()->currentIndex(), QModelIndex());
-        // This connect() is used to initialise and track changes of profile's picture
-        connect(&ProfileModel::instance(), &ProfileModel::dataChanged,
-                ui->currentAccountWidget, &CurrentAccountWidget::setPhoto);
-        connect(ui->videoWidget, &VideoView::videoSettingsClicked, this, &CallWidget::settingsButtonClicked);
-        connect(ui->smartList, &QListView::customContextMenuRequested, [=](const QPoint& pos){ setupSmartListMenu(pos);});
-        // setup searchingfor mini spinner
-        miniSpinner_ = new QMovie(":/images/waiting.gif");
-        ui->spinnerLabel->setMovie(miniSpinner_);
-        ui->spinnerLabel->hide();
-    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
-        qDebug() << "INIT ERROR" << e.what();
+        }
+        else {
+            accountIdToStartWith =;
+        }
+        setSelectedAccount(accountIdToStartWith);
+        // get account index and set the currentAccountWidget selector
+        auto index = Utils::indexInVector(accountList, accountIdToStartWith);
+        if (index != -1) {
+            ui->currentAccountWidget->changeSelectedIndex(index);
+        }
+    // conversation list
+    conversationItemDelegate_ = new ConversationItemDelegate();
+    ui->smartList->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu);
+    // setup searchingfor mini spinner
+    miniSpinner_ = new QMovie(":/images/waiting.gif");
+    ui->spinnerLabel->setMovie(miniSpinner_);
+    ui->spinnerLabel->hide();
+    // set to welcome view
+    ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->welcomePage);
+    // connections
+    connect(ui->settingsButton, &QPushButton::clicked,
+            this, &CallWidget::settingsButtonClicked);
+    connect(ui->videoWidget, SIGNAL(setChatVisibility(bool)),
+            ui->instantMessagingWidget, SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
+    connect(ui->videoWidget, &VideoView::videoSettingsClicked,
+            this, &CallWidget::settingsButtonClicked);
+    connect(ui->buttonConversations, &QPushButton::clicked,
+            this, &CallWidget::conversationsButtonClicked);
+    connect(ui->buttonInvites, &QPushButton::clicked,
+            this, &CallWidget::invitationsButtonClicked);
+    connect(ui->currentAccountWidget, &CurrentAccountWidget::currentAccountChanged,
+            this, &CallWidget::currentAccountChanged);
+    // TODO(new lrc)
+    connect(&ProfileModel::instance(), &ProfileModel::dataChanged,
+            ui->currentAccountWidget, &CurrentAccountWidget::setPhoto);
+    connect(ui->smartList, &QListView::customContextMenuRequested,
+            this, &CallWidget::slotCustomContextMenuRequested);
+    connect(ui->smartList, &SmartListView::btnAcceptInviteClicked,
+            this, &CallWidget::slotAcceptInviteClicked);
+    connect(ui->smartList, &SmartListView::btnBlockInviteClicked,
+            this, &CallWidget::slotBlockInviteClicked);
+    connect(ui->smartList, &SmartListView::btnIgnoreInviteClicked,
+            this, &CallWidget::slotIgnoreInviteClicked);
+    connect(&LRCInstance::behaviorController(), &BehaviorController::showCallView,
+            this, &CallWidget::slotShowCallView);
+    connect(&LRCInstance::behaviorController(), &BehaviorController::showIncomingCallView,
+            this, &CallWidget::slotShowIncomingCallView);
+    connect(&LRCInstance::behaviorController(), &BehaviorController::showChatView,
+            this, &CallWidget::slotShowChatView);
@@ -200,9 +162,7 @@
     delete ui;
     delete menu_;
     delete imDelegate_;
-    delete pageAnim_;
-    delete smartListDelegate_;
-    delete shareMenu_;
+    delete conversationItemDelegate_;
@@ -221,131 +181,108 @@
-    QSettings settings;
-    auto displayDate = new QAction(tr("Display date"), this);
-    displayDate->setCheckable(true);
-    displayDate->setChecked(settings.value(SettingsKey::imShowDate).toBool());
-    ui->listMessageView->addAction(displayDate);
-    auto displayAuthor = new QAction(tr("Display author"), this);
-    displayAuthor->setCheckable(true);
-    displayAuthor->setChecked(settings.value(SettingsKey::imShowAuthor).toBool());
-    ui->listMessageView->addAction(displayAuthor);
-    auto lamdba = [=](){
-        QSettings settings;
-        settings.setValue(SettingsKey::imShowAuthor, displayAuthor->isChecked());
-        settings.setValue(SettingsKey::imShowDate, displayDate->isChecked());
-        emit imDelegate_->sizeHintChanged(QModelIndex());
-    };
-    connect(displayAuthor, &QAction::triggered, lamdba);
-    connect(displayDate, &QAction::triggered, lamdba);
-    connect(&::media::RecordingModel::instance(),
-            SIGNAL(newTextMessage(::media::TextRecording*, ContactMethod*)),
-            this,
-            SLOT(onIncomingMessage(::media::TextRecording*, ContactMethod*)));
-CallWidget::onIncomingMessage(::media::TextRecording* t, ContactMethod* cm)
+CallWidget::onIncomingMessage(const std::string& convUid,
+                              uint64_t interactionId,
+                              const lrc::api::interaction::Info& interaction)
-    Q_UNUSED(cm)
+    Q_UNUSED(interactionId);
     if (!QApplication::focusWidget()) {
-        auto idx = t->instantTextMessagingModel()->
-                index(t->instantTextMessagingModel()->rowCount()-1, 0);
-        GlobalSystemTray::instance()
-                .showMessage("Ring",
-                             QString(tr("Message incoming from %1")).arg(
-                       ;
-        QApplication::alert(this, 5000);
+        Utils::showSystemNotification(this,
+            QString(tr("Message incoming from %1"))
+            .arg(QString::fromStdString(interaction.body)));
+    updateConversationView(convUid);
+    ui->conversationsFilterWidget->update();
-CallWidget::triggerDeleteContactDialog(ContactMethod *cm, Account *ac)
+CallWidget::setupSmartListContextMenu(const QPoint& pos)
-    auto dlg = new DeleteContactDialog(cm, ac);
-    dlg->exec();
-CallWidget::setupSmartListMenu(const QPoint& pos)
-    auto idx = ui->smartList->currentIndex();
-    if (not idx.isValid())
-        return;
     QPoint globalPos = ui->smartList->mapToGlobal(pos);
-    QMenu menu;
-    QVector<ContactMethod*> contactMethods = RecentModel::instance()
-            .getContactMethods(RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->mapToSource(idx));
-    if (contactMethods.isEmpty())
+    auto index = ui->smartList->indexAt(pos);
+    if (not index.isValid()) {
-    auto contactMethod = contactMethods.first();
-    if (contactMethods.size() == 1){
-        auto copyAction = new QAction(tr("Copy number"), this);
-        menu.addAction(copyAction);
-        connect(copyAction, &QAction::triggered, [contactMethod]() {
-            QApplication::clipboard()->setText(contactMethod->uri());
-        });
-        auto copyNameAction = new QAction(tr("Copy name"), this);
-        menu.addAction(copyNameAction);
-        connect(copyNameAction, &QAction::triggered, [contactMethod]() {
-            QApplication::clipboard()->setText(contactMethod->primaryName());
-        });
-    } else {
-        auto callMenu = menu.addMenu(tr("Call Number"));
-        auto copyMenu = menu.addMenu(tr("Copy Number"));
-        for (auto cM : contactMethods) {
-            auto uri = cM->bestId();
-            auto copyAction = new QAction(tr("Copy %1").arg(uri), this);
-            copyMenu->addAction(copyAction);
-            connect(copyAction, &QAction::triggered, [uri]() {
-                QApplication::clipboard()->setText(uri);
-            });
-            auto callAction = new QAction(tr("Call %1").arg(uri), this);
-            callMenu->addAction(callAction);
-            connect(callAction, &QAction::triggered, [cM]() {
-                Call* c = CallModel::instance().dialingCall(cM);
-                c->performAction(Call::Action::ACCEPT);
-            });
-        }
-    auto ac = getSelectedAccount();
-    if (ac && !ac->hasContact(contactMethod)) {
-        auto addExisting = new QAction(tr("Add to contacts"), this);
-        menu.addAction(addExisting);
-        connect(addExisting, &QAction::triggered, [this, contactMethod, ac]() {
-            /* uncomment and capture globalPos in lambda to reactivate popup
-            ContactPicker contactPicker(contactMethod);
-            contactPicker.move(globalPos.x(), globalPos.y() - (contactPicker.height()/2));
-            contactPicker.exec();
-            */
-            ac->addContact(contactMethod);
-        });
-    } else if (ac) {
-        auto removeExisting = new QAction(tr("Remove from contacts"), this);
-        menu.addAction(removeExisting);
-        connect(removeExisting, &QAction::triggered, [this, contactMethod, ac]() {
-            triggerDeleteContactDialog(contactMethod, ac);
-        });
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto convUid =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::UID))
+        .value<QString>()
+        .toStdString();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(convUid, *convModel);
+    auto contactUid = (*conversation);
+    auto contact = LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo().contactModel.get()->getContact(contactUid);
+    if (!Utils::isContactValid(contactUid, *convModel)) {
+        return;
+    QMenu menu;
+    // video call
+    auto videoCallAction = new QAction(tr("Start video call"), this);
+    menu.addAction(videoCallAction);
+    connect(videoCallAction, &QAction::triggered,
+        [this, convUid, conversation, convModel]() {
+            convModel->placeCall(convUid);
+            ui->callingPhoto->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imageForConv(convUid)));
+            if (convUid != selectedConvUid()) {
+                selectConversation(*conversation, *convModel);
+            }
+        });
+    // audio call
+    auto audioCallAction = new QAction(tr("Start audio call"), this);
+    menu.addAction(audioCallAction);
+    connect(audioCallAction, &QAction::triggered,
+        [this, convUid, conversation, convModel]() {
+            convModel->placeAudioOnlyCall(convUid);
+            ui->callingPhoto->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imageForConv(convUid)));
+            if (convUid != selectedConvUid()) {
+                selectConversation(*conversation, *convModel);
+            }
+        });
+    if (contact.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::RING) {
+        // separator
+        menu.addSeparator();
+        // clear conversation
+        auto clearConversationAction = new QAction(tr("Clear conversation"), this);
+        menu.addAction(clearConversationAction);
+        connect(clearConversationAction, &QAction::triggered,
+            [convUid]() {
+                LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->clearHistory(convUid);
+            });
+        // block contact
+        auto blockContactAction = new QAction(tr("Block contact"), this);
+        menu.addAction(blockContactAction);
+        connect(blockContactAction, &QAction::triggered,
+            [convUid]() {
+                LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->removeConversation(convUid, true);
+            });
+        // separator
+        menu.addSeparator();
+        // copy number(infohash)
+        auto copyNumberAction = new QAction(tr("Copy number"), this);
+        menu.addAction(copyNumberAction);
+        connect(copyNumberAction, &QAction::triggered,
+            [contact]() {
+                QApplication::clipboard()->setText(
+                    QString::fromStdString(contact.profileInfo.uri)
+                );
+            });
+    }
+    smartListModel_->isContextMenuOpen_ = true;
+    smartListModel_->isContextMenuOpen_ = false;
-void CallWidget::setupQRCode(QString ringID)
+CallWidget::setupQRCode(QString ringID)
     auto rcode = QRcode_encodeString(ringID.toStdString().c_str(),
                                      0, //Let the version be decided by libqrencode
@@ -379,24 +316,22 @@
-    ui->qrLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(result.scaled(QSize(qrSize_, qrSize_), Qt::KeepAspectRatio)));
+    ui->qrLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(result.scaled(QSize(qrSize_, qrSize_),
+                           Qt::KeepAspectRatio)));
     bool ringAccountFound = false;
-    auto a_count = AccountModel::instance().rowCount();
-    for (int i = 0; i < a_count; ++i) {
-        auto idx = AccountModel::instance().index(i, 0);
-        auto protocol =<int>(Account::Role::Proto));
-        if (static_cast<Account::Protocol>(protocol.toUInt()) == Account::Protocol::RING) {
+    auto accountList = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountList();
+    for (int i = 0; i < accountList.size(); ++i) {
+        auto accountId =;
+        auto& accountInfo = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountInfo(accountId);
+        if (accountInfo.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::RING) {
             ringAccountFound = true;
-            auto account = AccountModel::instance().getAccountByModelIndex(idx);
-            if (account->displayName().isEmpty())
-                account->displayName() = account->alias();
-            if (account->needsMigration()) {
-                WizardDialog dlg(WizardDialog::MIGRATION, account);
+            if (accountInfo.status == lrc::api::account::Status::ERROR_NEED_MIGRATION) {
+                WizardDialog dlg(WizardDialog::MIGRATION);
@@ -416,151 +351,80 @@
+CallWidget::on_smartList_clicked(const QModelIndex& index)
-    if (not actualCall_)
-        return;
-    ui->callerIdLabel->setText(QString("%1")
-                               .arg(actualCall_->formattedName()));
-    ui->callerPhoto->setPixmap(
-                QPixmap::fromImage(
-                    GlobalInstances::pixmapManipulator()
-                    .callPhoto(actualCall_, QSize(128, 128)).value<QImage>()));
-    ui->callerBestIdLabel->setText(actualCall_->peerContactMethod()->bestId());
-    if(actualCall_->state() == Call::State::OVER || actualCall_->state() == Call::State::FAILURE){
-        ui->outboundCallLabel->setText(actualCall_->toHumanStateName(Call::State::INITIALIZATION));
-    } else {
-        ui->outboundCallLabel->setText(actualCall_->toHumanStateName());
-    }
-CallWidget::callIncoming(Call* call)
-    if (!QApplication::focusWidget()) {
-        GlobalSystemTray::instance()
-                .showMessage("Ring",
-                             QString(tr("Call incoming from %1")).arg(call->formattedName()));
-        QApplication::alert(this, 5000);
-    }
-    setActualCall(call);
+    Q_UNUSED(index);
-    if (actualCall_ != nullptr)
-        actualCall_->performAction(Call::Action::ACCEPT);
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid(), *convModel);
+    callModel->accept(conversation->callId);
-    if (actualCall_ == nullptr)
-        return;
-    actualCall_->performAction(Call::Action::REFUSE);
-    ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->welcomePage);
-    setActualCall(nullptr);
-CallWidget::callStateChanged(Call* call, Call::State previousState)
-    Q_UNUSED(previousState)
-    if (call == nullptr
-            || call != actualCall_)
-        return;
-    callStateToView(call);
-    if (call->state() == Call::State::OVER) {
-        setActualCall(nullptr);
-        ui->smartList->clearSelection();
-        RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->clear();
-    }
-CallWidget::callStateToView(Call* value)
-    if (value) {
-        switch (value->state()) {
-        case Call::State::INCOMING:
-            if (not value->account()->isAutoAnswer())
-                ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->callInvitePage);
-            else
-                ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->videoPage);
-            break;
-        case Call::State::CURRENT:
-        case Call::State::CONFERENCE:
-        case Call::State::HOLD:
-            ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->videoPage);
-            hideMiniSpinner();
-            break;
-        case Call::State::OVER:
-            ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->welcomePage);
-            break;
-        case Call::State::FAILURE:
-        case Call::State::ERROR:
-            on_cancelButton_clicked();
-            hideMiniSpinner();
-            break;
-        case Call::State::INITIALIZATION:
-        case Call::State::CONNECTED:
-        case Call::State::RINGING:
-            miniSpinner_->start();
-            ui->spinnerLabel->show();
-            ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->outboundCallPage);
-            break;
-        default:
-            qWarning() << "Call state not handled doing nothing : "
-                       << value->toHumanStateName();
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-CallWidget::setActualCall(Call* value)
-    actualCall_ = value;
-    CallModel::instance().selectCall(value);
-    ui->videoWidget->pushRenderer(value);
-    ui->instantMessagingWidget->setMediaText(actualCall_);
-    callStateToView(value);
-    if (actualCall_) {
-        callChangedConnection_ = connect(actualCall_,
-                                         SIGNAL(changed()),
-                                         this,
-                                         SLOT(callChangedSlot()));
-    } else
-        disconnect(callChangedConnection_);
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid(), *convModel);
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel()->hangUp(conversation->callId);
+    showConversationView();
-    if (actualCall_){
-        actualCall_->performAction(Call::Action::REFUSE);
-        ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->welcomePage);
-    }
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid(), *convModel);
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel()->hangUp(conversation->callId);
+    showConversationView();
-CallWidget::on_smartList_clicked(const QModelIndex& index)
-    RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(
-                RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->mapToSource(index),
-                QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
+    ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->messagingPage);
+    ui->imMessageEdit->clear();
+    ui->imMessageEdit->setFocus();
+    disconnect(imClickedConnection_);
+    imClickedConnection_ = connect(ui->listMessageView, &QListView::clicked, [this](const QModelIndex& index) {
+        auto urlList =<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::LinkList)).value<QList<QUrl>>();
+        if (urlList.size() == 1) {
+            QDesktopServices::openUrl(;
+        } else if (urlList.size()) {
+            //TODO Handle multiple url in one message
+        }
+    });
+CallWidget::selectSmartlistItem(const std::string & convUid)
+    if (convUid.empty()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    ui->smartList->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Deselect);
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(convUid, *convModel);
+    if (conversation == convModel->allFilteredConversations().end()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto contactURI = QString::fromStdString((*conversation).participants[0]);
+    if (contactURI.isEmpty() ||
+        convModel->owner.contactModel->getContact(contactURI.toStdString()).profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::TEMPORARY) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (int row = 0; row < smartListModel_->rowCount(); row++) {
+        QModelIndex index = smartListModel_->index(row);
+        auto indexContactURI =<QString>();
+        if (indexContactURI == contactURI) {
+            ui->smartList->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(index, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
+            return;
+        }
+    }
@@ -569,62 +433,46 @@
     if (!index.isValid())
-    auto realIndex = RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->mapToSource(index);
-    if (RecentModel::instance().hasActiveCall(realIndex))
-        return;
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->placeCall(selectedConvUid());
-    ContactMethod* m = nullptr;
-    if (auto cm =<ContactMethod*>()) {
-        m = cm;
-    } else {
-        if (auto person =<Person*>()) {
-            m = person->phoneNumbers().first();
-        }
-    }
+    ui->callingPhoto->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imageForConv(selectedConvUid())));
-    if (m && !RecentModel::instance().index(0, 0, realIndex).isValid()) {
+CallWidget::imageForConv(const std::string& convUid)
+    return Utils::conversationPhoto(convUid, LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo());
-        QPixmap map = QPixmap::fromImage(
-                        GlobalInstances::pixmapManipulator().callPhoto(m, QSize(130,130)).value<QImage>());
-        ui->callingPhoto->setPixmap(map);
+const std::string&
+    return LRCInstance::getSelectedAccountId();
-        Call* c = CallModel::instance().dialingCall(m);
-        c->performAction(Call::Action::ACCEPT);
-        setActualCall(c);
-    }
+const std::string&
+    return LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
-CallWidget::smartListCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex &currentIdx, const QModelIndex &previousIdx)
+CallWidget::smartListSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection  &selected, const QItemSelection  &deselected)
-    Q_UNUSED(previousIdx);
-    if (not currentIdx.isValid()) {
-        auto widget = ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget();
-        if (widget == ui->messagingPage || widget == ui->videoPage)
-            Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
-        if(actualCall_)
-            setActualCall(nullptr);
+    Q_UNUSED(deselected);
+    QModelIndexList indices = selected.indexes();
+    if (indices.isEmpty()) {
-    //catch call of current index
-    auto currentIdxCall = RecentModel::instance().getActiveCall(currentIdx);
+    auto selectedIndex =;
-    if (currentIdxCall) {
-        if (currentIdxCall != actualCall_) //if it is different from actual call, switch between the two
-            setActualCall(currentIdxCall);
-    } else { // if there is no call attached to this smartlist index (contact tab)
-        setActualCall(nullptr);
-        showIMOutOfCall(currentIdx); // change page to contact request of messaging page with correct behaviour
+    if (not selectedIndex.isValid()) {
+        return;
-    /*
-    else { // if non defined behaviour disconnect instant messaging and return to welcome page
-        setActualCall(nullptr);
-        if (imConnection_)
-            disconnect(imConnection_);
-        ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->welcomePage);
-    }
-    */
+    selectConversation(selectedIndex);
@@ -638,7 +486,7 @@
     } else {
         if (ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget() == ui->contactRequestPage)
-            Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
+            Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
@@ -657,144 +505,219 @@
+    setConversationFilter(lrc::api::profile::Type::RING);
+    setConversationFilter(lrc::api::profile::Type::PENDING);
     emit NavigationRequested(ScreenEnum::ConfScreen);
-CallWidget::searchContactLineEditEntry(const URI &uri)
-    auto cm = PhoneDirectoryModel::instance().getNumber(uri, getSelectedAccount());
-    // if its a new CM, bring it to the top
-    if (cm->lastUsed() == 0)
-        cm->setLastUsed(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t());
-    // select cm
-    RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(RecentModel::instance().getIndex(cm),
-                                                              QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
-    ui->ringContactLineEdit->clear();
-    cm->setAccount(AvailableAccountModel::instance().currentDefaultAccount(cm));
-CallWidget::uriNeedNameLookup(const URI uri_passed)
-    if (uri_passed.protocolHint() == URI::ProtocolHint::RING_USERNAME ) {
-        return TRUE;
-    } else if (
-        uri_passed.protocolHint() != URI::ProtocolHint::RING && // not a RingID
-        uri_passed.schemeType() == URI::SchemeType::NONE // scheme type not specified
-    ){
-        // if no scheme type has been specified, determine ring vs sip by the current selected account
-        auto idx = AvailableAccountModel::instance().selectionModel()->currentIndex();
-        if (idx.isValid()) {
-            auto account =<Account *>();
-            if (account && account->protocol() == Account::Protocol::RING)
-                return TRUE;
-        }
-    }
-    return FALSE;
     auto contactLineText = ui->ringContactLineEdit->text();
-    URI uri_passed = URI(contactLineText);
-    Account* ac = getSelectedAccount();
-    if (!contactLineText.isNull() && !contactLineText.isEmpty()){
-        if (uriNeedNameLookup(uri_passed)){
-            NameDirectory::instance().lookupName(ac, QString(), uri_passed);
-        } else {
-            searchContactLineEditEntry(uri_passed);
-        }
-    }
+    setConversationFilter(contactLineText);
-    processContactLineEdit();
+    // select current temporary item and show conversation
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto conversations = convModel->allFilteredConversations();
+    auto contactIsValid = Utils::isContactValid(, *convModel);
+    if (!conversations.empty() && contactIsValid) {
+        selectConversation(smartListModel_->index(0));
+    }
+void CallWidget::slotAcceptInviteClicked(const QModelIndex & index)
-    processContactLineEdit();
+    auto convUid =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::UID)).value<QString>();
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->makePermanent(convUid.toStdString());
+void CallWidget::slotBlockInviteClicked(const QModelIndex & index)
-    if (not highLightedIndex_.isValid())
+    auto convUid =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::UID)).value<QString>();
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->removeConversation(convUid.toStdString(), true);
+void CallWidget::slotIgnoreInviteClicked(const QModelIndex & index)
+    auto convUid =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::UID)).value<QString>();
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->removeConversation(convUid.toStdString());
+void CallWidget::slotCustomContextMenuRequested(const QPoint& pos)
+    setupSmartListContextMenu(pos);
+void CallWidget::slotShowCallView(const std::string& accountId,
+                                  const lrc::api::conversation::Info& convInfo)
+    Q_UNUSED(accountId);
+    Q_UNUSED(convInfo);
+    qDebug() << "BehaviorController::showCallView";
+    ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->videoPage);
+    hideMiniSpinner();
+void CallWidget::slotShowIncomingCallView(const std::string& accountId,
+                                          const lrc::api::conversation::Info& convInfo) {
+    Q_UNUSED(accountId);
+    qDebug() << "BehaviorController::showIncomingCallView";
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    auto call = callModel->getCall(convInfo.callId);
+    if (call.isOutgoing) {
+        miniSpinner_->start();
+        ui->spinnerLabel->show();
+        ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->outboundCallPage);
+    }
+    else {
+        selectSmartlistItem(convInfo.uid);
+        auto selectedAccountId = LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo().id;
+        auto accountProperties = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountConfig(selectedAccountId);
+        if (!accountProperties.autoAnswer) {
+            ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->callInvitePage);
+        }
+        else {
+            ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->videoPage);
+        }
+        if (!QApplication::focusWidget()) {
+            auto formattedName = Utils::bestNameForConversation(convInfo, *LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel());
+            Utils::showSystemNotification(this,
+                QString(tr("Call incoming from %1")).arg(QString::fromStdString(formattedName)));
+        }
+    }
+    if (!callModel->hasCall(convInfo.callId)) {
+    }
-    on_smartList_doubleClicked(highLightedIndex_);
+    ui->videoWidget->pushRenderer(convInfo.callId);
+    // TODO:(new lrc) in call chat
+    //ui->instantMessagingWidget->setMediaText(actualCall_);
+    disconnect(selectedCallChanged_);
+    selectedCallChanged_ = connect(
+        callModel,
+        &lrc::api::NewCallModel::callStatusChanged,
+        [this, callModel](const std::string& callUid) {
+            auto call = callModel->getCall(callUid);
+            qDebug() << "NewCallModel::callStatusChanged: " << static_cast<int>(call.status);
+        }
+    );
+    ui->callerPhoto->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(imageForConv(selectedConvUid())));
+void CallWidget::slotShowChatView(const std::string& accountId,
+                      const lrc::api::conversation::Info& convInfo) {
+    Q_UNUSED(accountId);
+    Q_UNUSED(convInfo);
+    qDebug() << "BehaviorController::showChatView";
+    showConversationView();
-CallWidget::selectedAccountChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous)
+CallWidget::currentAccountChanged(const QModelIndex &current)
-    Q_UNUSED(previous)
-    if (current.isValid()) {
-        if (ui->selectBar->isHidden()){
-            ui->selectBar->show();
-        }
-        auto ac =<int>(Account::Role::Object)).value<Account*>();
-        // First, we get back to the welcome view (except if in call)
-        if (ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget() != ui->videoPage &&
-            ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget() != ui->welcomePage) {
-            Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
-        }
-        // We setup the ringIdLabel and the QRCode
-        auto protocol = ac->protocol();
-        if (protocol == Account::Protocol::RING) {
-            ui->ringIdLabel->setText((ac->registeredName().isEmpty())?ac->username():ac->registeredName());
-            setupQRCode(ac->username());
-        } else {
-            ui->ringIdLabel->setText(tr("NO RING ACCOUNT FOUND"));
-        }
-        // Then, we update the pending CR list with those from the newly selected account
-        if (disconnect(crListSelectionConnection_)) {
-            ui->contactRequestList->selectionModel()->clear();
-            // The selection model must be deleted by the application (see QT doc).
-            QItemSelectionModel* sMod = ui->contactRequestList->selectionModel();
-            delete sMod;
-            RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->clear();
-        }
-        ui->contactRequestList->setItemModel(ac->pendingContactRequestModel());
-        // We modify the currentAccountWidget to reflect the new selected account
-        // if the event wasn't triggered by this widget
-        ui->currentAccountWidget->changeSelectedIndex(current.row());
-        if (actualCall_){
-            // keep call on foreground
-            callStateToView(actualCall_);
-        }
-    } else {
+    if (!current.isValid()) {
+        return;
+    if (ui->selectBar->isHidden()){
+        ui->selectBar->show();
+    }
+    auto accountId =<int>(AccountListModel::Role::ID)).value<QString>().toStdString();
+    setSelectedAccount(accountId);
+CallWidget::setSelectedAccount(const std::string& accountId)
+    LRCInstance::setSelectedAccountId(accountId);
+    // First, we get back to the welcome view (except if in call)
+    if (ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget() != ui->videoPage &&
+        ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget() != ui->welcomePage) {
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
+    }
+    // We setup the ringIdLabel and the QRCode
+    auto& accountInfo = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountInfo(accountId);
+    auto id = accountInfo.registeredName.empty() ? accountInfo.profileInfo.uri : accountInfo.registeredName;
+    auto isRingAccount = accountInfo.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::RING;
+    if (isRingAccount) {
+        ui->ringIdLabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(id));
+        setupQRCode(QString::fromStdString(accountInfo.profileInfo.uri));
+    }
+    updateSmartList();
+    currentTypeFilter_ = accountInfo.profileInfo.type;
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->setFilter(accountInfo.profileInfo.type);
+    updateConversationsFilterWidget();
+    connectConversationModel();
+void CallWidget::setConversationFilter(lrc::api::profile::Type filter)
+    if (currentTypeFilter_ == filter) {
+        return;
+    }
+    currentTypeFilter_ = filter;
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->setFilter(currentTypeFilter_);
+void CallWidget::updateConversationsFilterWidget()
+    auto invites = LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo().contactModel->pendingRequestCount();
+    if (invites == 0 && currentTypeFilter_ == lrc::api::profile::Type::PENDING) {
+        currentTypeFilter_ = lrc::api::profile::Type::RING;
+        LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->setFilter(currentTypeFilter_);
+    }
+    ui->conversationsFilterWidget->setVisible(invites);
+    ui->verticalSpacer_3->changeSize(0, 10 * (1 - static_cast<bool>(invites)));
+void CallWidget::setConversationFilter(const QString & filter)
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->setFilter(filter.toStdString());
 CallWidget::showIMOutOfCall(const QModelIndex& nodeIdx)
-    ui->contactMethodComboBox->clear();
-    QString name =<int>(Ring::Role::Name)).toString();
-    QString number =<int>(Ring::Role::Number)).toString();
+    QString displayName =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::DisplayName)).toString();
+    QString displayId =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::DisplayID)).toString();
+    QString contactURI =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::URI)).toString();
-    if (getSelectedAccount()->isIp2ip()){
+    bool isContact = false;
+    auto selectedAccountId = LRCInstance::getSelectedAccountId();
+    auto& accountInfo = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountInfo(selectedAccountId);
+    bool isRINGAccount = accountInfo.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::RING;
+    try {
+        accountInfo.contactModel->getContact(contactURI.toStdString());
+        isContact = true;
+    }
+    catch (...) {}
+    if (!isRINGAccount){
         ui->imMessageEdit->setPlaceholderText("No messaging possible out of call (SIP) ");
@@ -805,58 +728,38 @@
     ui->imNameLabel->setText(QString(tr("%1", "%1 is the contact username"))
-                                     .arg(name));
+                                    .arg(displayName));
-    if ( !getSelectedAccount()->isIp2ip() && name != number ){
+    if (isRINGAccount && displayName != displayId){
         ui->imIdLabel->setText(QString(tr("%1", "%1 is the contact unique identifier"))
-                                   .arg(number));
+                                    .arg(displayId));
     } else {
-    auto cmVector = RecentModel::instance().getContactMethods(nodeIdx);
-    ui->contactMethodComboBox->setVisible(cmVector.size() > 1);
-    foreach (const ContactMethod* cm, cmVector) {
-        ui->contactMethodComboBox->addItem(cm->bestId());
-    }
+    bool shouldShowSendContactRequestBtn = !isContact && isRINGAccount;
+    ui->sendContactRequestPageButton->setVisible(shouldShowSendContactRequestBtn);
-    ui->sendContactRequestPageButton->setVisible(shouldDisplayInviteButton(*cmVector[0]));
+    showConversationView();
-    ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->messagingPage);
-    ui->imMessageEdit->clear();
-    ui->imMessageEdit->setFocus();
-    disconnect(imClickedConnection_);
-    imClickedConnection_ = connect(ui->listMessageView, &QListView::clicked, [this](const QModelIndex& index) {
-        auto urlList =<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::LinkList)).value<QList<QUrl>>();
-        if (urlList.size() == 1)
-            QDesktopServices::openUrl(;
-        else if (urlList.size()) {
-            //TODO Handle multiple url in one message
-        }
-    });
+    auto currentConversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid(),
+                                                             *LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel());
+    messageModel_.reset(new MessageModel(*currentConversation, accountInfo, this->parent()));
+    ui->listMessageView->setModel(messageModel_.get());
+    ui->listMessageView->scrollToBottom();
-    if (ui->imMessageEdit->text().trimmed().isEmpty())
-        return;
-    auto idx = RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->currentIndex();
-    auto cmVec = RecentModel::instance().getContactMethods(idx);
-    if (cmVec.size() > 0) {
-            auto cm = cmVec[0];
-            if(!cm) {
-                qWarning() << "Contact Method not found";
-                return;
-            }
-            QMap<QString, QString> msg;
-            msg["text/plain"] = ui->imMessageEdit->text();
-            cm->sendOfflineTextMessage(msg);
-            ui->imMessageEdit->clear();
-    } else {
-        qWarning() << "No contact method found for messaging";
+    auto msg = ui->imMessageEdit->text();
+    if (msg.trimmed().isEmpty()) return;
+    ui->imMessageEdit->clear();
+    try {
+        LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->sendMessage(selectedConvUid(), msg.toStdString());
+    } catch (...) {
+        qDebug() << "exception when sending message";
@@ -866,48 +769,6 @@
-void CallWidget::on_contactMethodComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index)
-    auto idx = RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->currentIndex();
-    auto cmVec = RecentModel::instance().getContactMethods(idx);
-    ContactMethod* cm {};
-    if (index < cmVec.size() && index >= 0 ){
-        cm = cmVec[index];
-    }
-    if (cm){
-        ui->sendContactRequestPageButton->setVisible(shouldDisplayInviteButton(*cm));
-        if (auto txtRecording = cm->textRecording()) {
-            ui->listMessageView->setModel(txtRecording->instantMessagingModel());
-            if (imConnection_)
-                disconnect(imConnection_);
-            imConnection_ = connect(txtRecording,
-                                    SIGNAL(messageInserted(QMap<QString,QString>,ContactMethod*,media::Media::Direction)),
-                                    this,
-                                    SLOT(slotAccountMessageReceived(QMap<QString,QString>,ContactMethod*,media::Media::Direction)));
-            auto messagesPresent = txtRecording->instantMessagingModel()->rowCount() > 0;
-            if (messagesPresent) {
-                ui->listMessageView->scrollToBottom();
-                txtRecording->setAllRead();
-            }
-            ui->listMessageView->setVisible(messagesPresent);
-            ui->noMessagesLabel->setVisible(!messagesPresent);
-            if (not messagesPresent) {
-                imVisibleConnection_ = connect(txtRecording->instantMessagingModel(),
-                                               &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted,
-                                               [this, txtRecording]() {
-                    if (imVisibleConnection_)
-                        disconnect(imVisibleConnection_);
-                    auto messagesPresent = txtRecording->instantMessagingModel()->rowCount() > 0;
-                    ui->listMessageView->setVisible(messagesPresent);
-                    ui->noMessagesLabel->setVisible(!messagesPresent);
-                });
-            }
-        }
-    }
 CallWidget::slotAccountMessageReceived(const QMap<QString,QString> message,
                                        ContactMethod* cm,
@@ -923,17 +784,19 @@
 CallWidget::on_ringContactLineEdit_textChanged(const QString& text)
-    RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->setFilterRegExp(QRegExp(text, Qt::CaseInsensitive, QRegExp::FixedString));
+    Q_UNUSED(text);
+    processContactLineEdit();
-    RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->clear();
-    disconnect(imConnection_);
+    deselectConversation();
+    ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->welcomePage);
-void CallWidget::hideMiniSpinner()
@@ -960,50 +823,9 @@
-CallWidget::contactLineEdit_registeredNameFound(Account* account,NameDirectory::LookupStatus status,
-                                                const QString& address,const QString& name)
-    URI uri = URI(ui->ringContactLineEdit->text());
-    QString username_to_lookup = uri.userinfo();
-    if ( != 0){
-        return;
-    }
-    switch (status)
-    {
-        case NameDirectory::LookupStatus::SUCCESS:
-        {
-            uri = URI("ring:" + address);
-            qDebug() << "contactLineEdit username to search: " << username_to_lookup;
-            qDebug() << uri;
-            searchContactLineEditEntry(uri);
-            auto cm = PhoneDirectoryModel::instance().getNumber(uri);
-            cm->setAccount(account);
-            break;
-        }
-        case NameDirectory::LookupStatus::INVALID_NAME:
-        {
-           qDebug() << "Invalid Ring username";
-           break;
-        }
-        case NameDirectory::LookupStatus::ERROR:
-        case NameDirectory::LookupStatus::NOT_FOUND:
-        default:
-        {
-            qDebug() << "Could not resolve Ring username";
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    ui->sendContactRequestWidget->sendCR(RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->currentIndex());
-        // temporarly changed comportment waiting for message in payload implementation
-        /*ui->sendContactRequestWidget->setup(RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->currentIndex());
-        slidePage(ui->sendContactRequestPage);*/
+    LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel()->makePermanent(selectedConvUid());
@@ -1015,42 +837,223 @@
-    ui->contactRequestList->selectionModel()->clear();
-    auto idx = AvailableAccountModel::instance().selectionModel()->currentIndex();
-    if (idx.isValid()) {
-        auto ac =<int>(Ring::Role::Object)).value<Account*>();
-        return ac;
+    auto currentConversationModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo().conversationModel.get();
+    if (ui->smartList->selectionModel()) {
+        ui->smartList->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(QModelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Deselect);
-    return nullptr;
+    QObject::disconnect(modelSortedConnection_);
+    QObject::disconnect(modelUpdatedConnection_);
+    QObject::disconnect(filterChangedConnection_);
+    QObject::disconnect(newConversationConnection_);
+    QObject::disconnect(conversationRemovedConnection_);
+    QObject::disconnect(conversationClearedConnection);
+    QObject::disconnect(interactionStatusUpdatedConnection_);
+    QObject::disconnect(newInteractionConnection_);
+    modelSortedConnection_ = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::modelSorted,
+        [this]() {
+            updateConversationsFilterWidget();
+            selectSmartlistItem(selectedConvUid());
+            ui->smartList->update();
+        }
+    );
+    modelUpdatedConnection_ = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::conversationUpdated,
+        [this](const std::string& convUid) {
+            Q_UNUSED(convUid);
+            ui->smartList->update();
+        }
+    );
+    filterChangedConnection_ = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::filterChanged,
+        [this]() {
+            updateSmartList();
+            updateConversationsFilterWidget();
+            ui->smartList->update();
+        }
+    );
+    newConversationConnection_ = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::newConversation,
+        [this](const std::string& convUid) {
+            updateSmartList();
+            updateConversationForNewContact(convUid);
+            ui->conversationsFilterWidget->update();
+        }
+    );
+    conversationRemovedConnection_ = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::conversationRemoved,
+        [this]() {
+            backToWelcomePage();
+        }
+    );
+    conversationClearedConnection = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::conversationCleared,
+        [this](const std::string& convUid) {
+            updateConversationView(convUid);
+            // if currently selected,
+            // switch to welcome screen (deselecting current smartlist item )
+            if (convUid != selectedConvUid()) {
+                return;
+            }
+            backToWelcomePage();
+        }
+    );
+    interactionStatusUpdatedConnection_ = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::interactionStatusUpdated,
+        [this](const std::string& convUid) {
+            if (convUid != selectedConvUid()) {
+                return;
+            }
+            updateConversationView(convUid);
+        }
+    );
+    newInteractionConnection_ = QObject::connect(
+        currentConversationModel, &lrc::api::ConversationModel::newInteraction,
+        [this](const std::string& convUid, uint64_t interactionId, const lrc::api::interaction::Info& interaction) {
+            onIncomingMessage(convUid, interactionId, interaction);
+        }
+    );
+    currentConversationModel->setFilter("");
+    // clear search field
+    ui->ringContactLineEdit->setText("");
+    return true;
+CallWidget::updateConversationView(const std::string& convUid)
+    if (convUid != selectedConvUid()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto& currentAccountInfo = LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo();
+    auto currentConversationModel = currentAccountInfo.conversationModel.get();
+    currentConversationModel->clearUnreadInteractions(convUid);
+    ui->conversationsFilterWidget->update();
+    auto currentConversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(convUid,
+                                                             *currentConversationModel);
+    if (currentConversation == currentConversationModel->allFilteredConversations().end()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    messageModel_.reset(new MessageModel(*currentConversation, currentAccountInfo, this->parent()));
+    ui->listMessageView->setModel(messageModel_.get());
+    ui->listMessageView->scrollToBottom();
+CallWidget::selectConversation(const QModelIndex& index)
+    auto currentConversationModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    if (currentConversationModel == nullptr || !index.isValid()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    const auto item = currentConversationModel->filteredConversation(index.row());
+    if (selectConversation(item, *currentConversationModel)) {
+        auto convUid = selectedConvUid();
+        if (! {
+            return;
+        }
+        lastConvUid_.assign(convUid);
+        auto currentConversationModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+        auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+        auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(convUid, *currentConversationModel);
+        const auto item = currentConversationModel->filteredConversation(index.row());
+        if (callModel->hasCall(conversation->callId)) {
+            ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->videoPage);
+        }
+        else {
+            showIMOutOfCall(index);
+        }
+    }
-CallWidget::shouldDisplayInviteButton(ContactMethod &cm)
+CallWidget::selectConversation( const lrc::api::conversation::Info& item,
+                                lrc::api::ConversationModel& convModel)
-    // Displaying the button for a SIP ContactMethod is a nonsense
-    if (cm.protocolHint() == URI::ProtocolHint::RING) {
-        // If we know that the other accepted us
-        if (cm.isConfirmed())
-            return false;
-        // If not sure, we still check if the contact method is linked to a
-        // Ring account or if the selected account is a RING one.
-        if(auto linkedAccount = cm.account())
-            return linkedAccount->protocol() == Account::Protocol::RING;
-        else if (auto acc = getSelectedAccount())
-            return acc->protocol() == Account::Protocol::RING;
+    if (selectedConvUid() == item.uid) {
+        return false;
+    } else if (item.participants.size() > 0) {
+        convModel.selectConversation(item.uid);
+        LRCInstance::setSelectedConvId(item.uid);
+        convModel.clearUnreadInteractions(item.uid);
+        ui->conversationsFilterWidget->update();
+        return true;
-    return false;
-void CallWidget::on_contactRequestList_clicked(const QModelIndex &index)
-    RecentModel::instance().selectionModel()->clear();
-    contactReqListCurrentChanged(index, QModelIndex());
+    auto currentConversationModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    if (currentConversationModel == nullptr) {
+        return;
+    }
+    currentConversationModel->selectConversation("");
+    LRCInstance::setSelectedConvId("");
+    ui->smartList->selectionModel()->clear();
+    disconnect(imConnection_);
+CallWidget::updateConversationForNewContact(const std::string& convUid)
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    if (convModel == nullptr) {
+        return;
+    }
+    ui->ringContactLineEdit->setText("");
+    auto selectedUid = selectedConvUid();
+    auto it = Utils::getConversationFromUid(convUid, *convModel);
+    if (it != convModel->allFilteredConversations().end()) {
+        try {
+            auto contact = convModel->owner.contactModel->getContact(it->participants[0]);
+            if (!contact.profileInfo.uri.empty() && == 0) {
+                LRCInstance::setSelectedConvId(convUid);
+                convModel->selectConversation(convUid);
+            }
+        } catch (...) {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    auto& currentAccountInfo = LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo();
+    smartListModel_.reset(new SmartListModel(currentAccountInfo, this->parent()));
+    ui->smartList->setModel(smartListModel_.get());
+    ui->smartList->setItemDelegate(new ConversationItemDelegate());
+    // smartlist selection
+    QObject::disconnect(smartlistSelectionConnection_);
+    smartlistSelectionConnection_ = connect(ui->smartList->selectionModel(),
+        SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
+        this,
+        SLOT(smartListSelectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
+    ui->currentAccountWidget->update();
+    updateSmartList();
+    updateConversationsFilterWidget();
+    connectConversationModel();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/callwidget.h b/callwidget.h
index f77d82e..9fb6178 100644
--- a/callwidget.h
+++ b/callwidget.h
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
+* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
 * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
 * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
 * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
+* Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
 *                                                                         *
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -29,7 +30,9 @@
 #include "navwidget.h"
 #include "instantmessagingwidget.h"
+#include "smartlistmodel.h"
+// old LRC
 #include "callmodel.h"
 #include "video/renderer.h"
 #include "video/previewmanager.h"
@@ -37,7 +40,16 @@
 #include "categorizedhistorymodel.h"
 #include "media/textrecording.h"
-class SmartListDelegate;
+// new LRC
+#include "globalinstances.h"
+#include "api/newaccountmodel.h"
+#include "api/conversationmodel.h"
+#include "api/account.h"
+#include "api/contact.h"
+#include "api/contactmodel.h"
+#include "api/newcallmodel.h"
+class ConversationItemDelegate;
 class ImDelegate;
 class QPropertyAnimation;
@@ -52,18 +64,22 @@
     explicit CallWidget(QWidget* parent = 0);
-    void atExit();
     bool findRingAccount();
 public slots:
+    void on_ringContactLineEdit_returnPressed();
+public slots:
     void settingsButtonClicked();
     void showIMOutOfCall(const QModelIndex& nodeIdx);
-    void btnComBarVideoClicked();
-public slots:
-    void on_ringContactLineEdit_returnPressed();
-    inline void on_entered(const QModelIndex& i){if (i.isValid()) highLightedIndex_ = i;}
+    void slotAcceptInviteClicked(const QModelIndex& index);
+    void slotBlockInviteClicked(const QModelIndex& index);
+    void slotIgnoreInviteClicked(const QModelIndex& index);
+    void slotCustomContextMenuRequested(const QPoint & pos);
+    void slotShowCallView(const std::string & accountId, const lrc::api::conversation::Info & convInfo);
+    void slotShowIncomingCallView(const std::string & accountId, const lrc::api::conversation::Info & convInfo);
+    void slotShowChatView(const std::string & accountId, const lrc::api::conversation::Info & convInfo);
+    void update();
 private slots:
     void on_acceptButton_clicked();
@@ -82,55 +98,75 @@
     void on_pendingCRBackButton_clicked();
 private slots:
-    void callIncoming(Call* call);
-    void callStateChanged(Call* call, Call::State previousState);
-    void smartListCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex &currentIdx, const QModelIndex &previousIdx);
+    void smartListSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection  &selected, const QItemSelection  &deselected);
     void contactReqListCurrentChanged(const QModelIndex &currentIdx, const QModelIndex &previousIdx);
     void slotAccountMessageReceived(const QMap<QString,QString> message,ContactMethod* cm, media::Media::Direction dir);
-    void onIncomingMessage(::media::TextRecording* t, ContactMethod* cm);
-    void callChangedSlot();
-    void contactLineEdit_registeredNameFound(Account *account, NameDirectory::LookupStatus status, const QString& address, const QString& name);
-    void searchBtnClicked();
-    void selectedAccountChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous);
-    void on_contactMethodComboBox_currentIndexChanged(int index);
-    void on_contactRequestList_clicked(const QModelIndex &index);
+    void onIncomingMessage(const std::string & convUid, uint64_t interactionId, const lrc::api::interaction::Info & interaction);
+    void currentAccountChanged(const QModelIndex &current);
-    Ui::CallWidget* ui;
-    Call* actualCall_;
-    Video::Renderer* videoRenderer_;
-    CallModel* callModel_;
-    int outputVolume_;
-    int inputVolume_;
+    void placeCall();
+    void conversationsButtonClicked();
+    void invitationsButtonClicked();
+    void setupOutOfCallIM();
+    void setupSmartListContextMenu(const QPoint &pos);
+    void setupQRCode(QString ringID);
+    void backToWelcomePage();
+    void triggerDeleteContactDialog(ContactMethod *cm, Account *ac);
+    // lrc
+    void selectConversation(const QModelIndex& index);
+    bool selectConversation(const lrc::api::conversation::Info& item,
+        lrc::api::ConversationModel& convModel);
+    void deselectConversation();
+    bool connectConversationModel();
+    void updateConversationView(const std::string& convUid);
+    void showConversationView();
+    void selectSmartlistItem(const std::string& convUid);
+    QImage imageForConv(const std::string & convUid);
+    void processContactLineEdit();
+    void hideMiniSpinner();
+    void updateConversationForNewContact(const std::string& convUid);
+    void updateSmartList();
+    void setSelectedAccount(const std::string & accountId);
+    void setConversationFilter(const QString& filter);
+    void setConversationFilter(lrc::api::profile::Type filter);
+    void updateConversationsFilterWidget();
+    const std::string& selectedAccountId();
+    const std::string& selectedConvUid();
     QMenu* menu_;
-    SmartListDelegate* smartListDelegate_;
-    QPersistentModelIndex highLightedIndex_;
+    ConversationItemDelegate* conversationItemDelegate_;
     ImDelegate* imDelegate_;
     QMetaObject::Connection imConnection_;
     QMetaObject::Connection imVisibleConnection_;
     QMetaObject::Connection callChangedConnection_;
     QMetaObject::Connection imClickedConnection_;
     QMetaObject::Connection crListSelectionConnection_;
-    QPropertyAnimation* pageAnim_;
-    QMenu* shareMenu_;
+    Ui::CallWidget* ui;
     QMovie* miniSpinner_;
     constexpr static int qrSize_ = 200;
-    void setActualCall(Call* value);
-    void placeCall();
-    void setupOutOfCallIM();
-    void setupSmartListMenu(const QPoint &pos);
-    void slidePage(QWidget* widget, bool toRight = false);
-    void callStateToView(Call* value);
-    void setupQRCode(QString ringID);
-    void searchContactLineEditEntry(const URI &uri);
-    bool uriNeedNameLookup(const URI uri_passed);
-    void processContactLineEdit();
-    static Account* getSelectedAccount();
-    static bool shouldDisplayInviteButton(ContactMethod& cm);
-    void backToWelcomePage();
-    void hideMiniSpinner();
-    void triggerDeleteContactDialog(ContactMethod *cm, Account *ac);
+    // lrc
+    Video::Renderer* videoRenderer_;
+    std::string lastConvUid_ {};
+    lrc::api::profile::Type currentTypeFilter_{};
+    std::unique_ptr<SmartListModel> smartListModel_;
+    std::unique_ptr<MessageModel> messageModel_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection modelSortedConnection_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection modelUpdatedConnection_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection filterChangedConnection_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection newConversationConnection_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection conversationRemovedConnection_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection newInteractionConnection_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection interactionStatusUpdatedConnection_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection conversationClearedConnection;
+    QMetaObject::Connection selectedCallChanged_;
+    QMetaObject::Connection smartlistSelectionConnection_;
diff --git a/callwidget.ui b/callwidget.ui
index 7b7031a..1efddad 100644
--- a/callwidget.ui
+++ b/callwidget.ui
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
          <item row="0" column="0">
-          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2" stretch="3,1,18">
+          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_2" stretch="0,0,0">
            <property name="spacing">
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
             <widget class="CurrentAccountWidget" name="currentAccountWidget" native="true">
              <property name="sizePolicy">
-              <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
+              <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="Fixed">
@@ -130,23 +130,32 @@
              <property name="minimumSize">
-               <height>100</height>
+               <height>60</height>
             <widget class="QWidget" name="selectBar" native="true">
+             <property name="sizePolicy">
+              <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
+               <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+               <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+              </sizepolicy>
+             </property>
              <property name="maximumSize">
-               <width>324</width>
-               <height>16777215</height>
+               <width>16777214</width>
+               <height>30</height>
-             <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
+             <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="selectBar_layout" stretch="0,0,0">
               <property name="spacing">
+              <property name="sizeConstraint">
+               <enum>QLayout::SetDefaultConstraint</enum>
+              </property>
               <property name="leftMargin">
@@ -169,7 +178,7 @@
                 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-                  <width>16</width>
+                  <width>10</width>
@@ -181,14 +190,14 @@
                 <property name="sizePolicy">
-                 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+                 <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">
                 <property name="minimumSize">
-                  <width>244</width>
+                  <width>266</width>
@@ -203,6 +212,9 @@
+                <property name="cursor">
+                 <cursorShape>IBeamCursor</cursorShape>
+                </property>
                 <property name="toolTip">
                  <string>Search contact text input</string>
@@ -221,42 +233,6 @@
-               <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_3">
-                <property name="orientation">
-                 <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-                </property>
-                <property name="sizeType">
-                 <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
-                </property>
-                <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-                 <size>
-                  <width>10</width>
-                  <height>20</height>
-                 </size>
-                </property>
-               </spacer>
-              </item>
-              <item>
-               <widget class="QPushButton" name="searchBtn">
-                <property name="minimumSize">
-                 <size>
-                  <width>30</width>
-                  <height>30</height>
-                 </size>
-                </property>
-                <property name="toolTip">
-                 <string>search button</string>
-                </property>
-                <property name="text">
-                 <string/>
-                </property>
-                <property name="icon">
-                 <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-                  <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_search_black_18dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_search_black_18dp_2x.png</iconset>
-                </property>
-               </widget>
-              </item>
-              <item>
                <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
                 <property name="orientation">
@@ -266,8 +242,8 @@
                 <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-                  <width>20</width>
-                  <height>20</height>
+                  <width>10</width>
+                  <height>38</height>
@@ -276,150 +252,104 @@
-            <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_5" stretch="0">
-             <property name="spacing">
-              <number>0</number>
-             </property>
-             <property name="leftMargin">
-              <number>0</number>
-             </property>
-             <property name="topMargin">
-              <number>0</number>
-             </property>
-             <property name="bottomMargin">
-              <number>0</number>
-             </property>
-             <item>
-              <widget class="QTabWidget" name="mainTabMenu">
-               <property name="sizePolicy">
-                <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
-                 <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-                 <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-                </sizepolicy>
-               </property>
-               <property name="minimumSize">
-                <size>
-                 <width>0</width>
-                 <height>0</height>
-                </size>
-               </property>
-               <property name="maximumSize">
-                <size>
-                 <width>16777215</width>
-                 <height>16777215</height>
-                </size>
-               </property>
-               <property name="toolTip">
-                <string/>
-               </property>
-               <property name="currentIndex">
-                <number>0</number>
-               </property>
-               <property name="iconSize">
-                <size>
-                 <width>24</width>
-                 <height>24</height>
-                </size>
-               </property>
-               <widget class="QWidget" name="mainTabMenuPage1">
-                <attribute name="icon">
-                 <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-                  <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_chat_black_24dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_chat_black_24dp_2x.png</iconset>
-                </attribute>
-                <attribute name="title">
-                 <string/>
-                </attribute>
-                <attribute name="toolTip">
-                 <string>Conversations</string>
-                </attribute>
-                <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_6">
+            <widget class="QWidget" name="smartListWidget" native="true">
+             <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_5" stretch="0,0,0">
+              <property name="spacing">
+               <number>0</number>
+              </property>
+              <property name="leftMargin">
+               <number>1</number>
+              </property>
+              <property name="topMargin">
+               <number>1</number>
+              </property>
+              <property name="rightMargin">
+               <number>0</number>
+              </property>
+              <property name="bottomMargin">
+               <number>1</number>
+              </property>
+              <item>
+               <spacer name="verticalSpacer_3">
+                <property name="orientation">
+                 <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
+                </property>
+                <property name="sizeType">
+                 <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
+                </property>
+                <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+                 <size>
+                  <width>20</width>
+                  <height>10</height>
+                 </size>
+                </property>
+               </spacer>
+              </item>
+              <item>
+               <widget class="ConversationsFilterWidget" name="conversationsFilterWidget" native="true">
+                <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="conversationFilterLayout">
                  <property name="spacing">
-                  <number>0</number>
+                  <number>10</number>
                  <property name="leftMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
+                  <number>10</number>
                  <property name="topMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
+                  <number>10</number>
                  <property name="rightMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
+                  <number>10</number>
                  <property name="bottomMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
+                  <number>10</number>
-                  <widget class="SmartList" name="smartList">
-                   <property name="minimumSize">
-                    <size>
-                     <width>324</width>
-                     <height>0</height>
-                    </size>
+                  <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonConversations">
+                   <property name="toolTip">
+                    <string>Show conversations</string>
-                   <property name="mouseTracking">
-                    <bool>true</bool>
+                   <property name="text">
+                    <string>Conversations</string>
-                   <property name="indentation">
-                    <number>0</number>
+                  </widget>
+                 </item>
+                 <item>
+                  <widget class="QPushButton" name="buttonInvites">
+                   <property name="toolTip">
+                    <string>Show invites</string>
-                   <property name="headerHidden">
-                    <bool>true</bool>
+                   <property name="text">
+                    <string>Invites</string>
-                   <attribute name="headerMinimumSectionSize">
-                    <number>0</number>
-                   </attribute>
-               <widget class="QWidget" name="mainTabMenuPage2">
-                <attribute name="icon">
-                 <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-                  <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_black_24dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_black_24dp_2x.png</iconset>
+              </item>
+              <item>
+               <widget class="SmartListView" name="smartList">
+                <property name="autoScrollMargin">
+                 <number>16</number>
+                </property>
+                <property name="indentation">
+                 <number>0</number>
+                </property>
+                <property name="rootIsDecorated">
+                 <bool>false</bool>
+                </property>
+                <property name="itemsExpandable">
+                 <bool>false</bool>
+                </property>
+                <property name="expandsOnDoubleClick">
+                 <bool>false</bool>
+                </property>
+                <attribute name="headerVisible">
+                 <bool>false</bool>
-                <attribute name="title">
-                 <string/>
-                </attribute>
-                <attribute name="toolTip">
-                 <string>Contact requests</string>
-                </attribute>
-                <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_7">
-                 <property name="spacing">
-                  <number>0</number>
-                 </property>
-                 <property name="leftMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
-                 </property>
-                 <property name="topMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
-                 </property>
-                 <property name="rightMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
-                 </property>
-                 <property name="bottomMargin">
-                  <number>0</number>
-                 </property>
-                 <item>
-                  <widget class="ContactRequestListWidget" name="contactRequestList">
-                   <property name="styleSheet">
-                    <string notr="true"/>
-                   </property>
-                   <property name="rootIsDecorated">
-                    <bool>false</bool>
-                   </property>
-                   <attribute name="headerVisible">
-                    <bool>false</bool>
-                   </attribute>
-                   <attribute name="headerMinimumSectionSize">
-                    <number>0</number>
-                   </attribute>
-                  </widget>
-                 </item>
-                </layout>
-              </widget>
-             </item>
-            </layout>
+              </item>
+             </layout>
+            </widget>
@@ -490,7 +420,7 @@
               <property name="currentIndex">
-               <number>0</number>
+               <number>2</number>
               <widget class="QWidget" name="welcomePage">
                <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_15">
@@ -677,8 +607,10 @@
                    <string notr="true">color: #aeaeae</string>
                   <property name="text">
-                   <string>This is your RingID.
-Copy and share it with your friends!</string>
+                   <string>
+                                        This is your RingID.
+                                        Copy and share it with your friends!
+                                      </string>
                   <property name="textFormat">
@@ -1033,7 +965,7 @@
-               <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_12" stretch="1,25,25,1">
+               <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_12" stretch="1,25,1">
                 <property name="leftMargin">
@@ -1178,19 +1110,6 @@
-                   <widget class="QComboBox" name="contactMethodComboBox">
-                    <property name="minimumSize">
-                     <size>
-                      <width>160</width>
-                      <height>0</height>
-                     </size>
-                    </property>
-                    <property name="toolTip">
-                     <string>Peer contact method selector</string>
-                    </property>
-                   </widget>
-                  </item>
-                  <item>
                    <widget class="QPushButton" name="sendContactRequestPageButton">
                     <property name="sizePolicy">
                      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
@@ -1221,23 +1140,6 @@
-                <item alignment="Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter">
-                 <widget class="QLabel" name="noMessagesLabel">
-                  <property name="enabled">
-                   <bool>true</bool>
-                  </property>
-                  <property name="font">
-                   <font>
-                    <pointsize>12</pointsize>
-                    <weight>75</weight>
-                    <bold>true</bold>
-                   </font>
-                  </property>
-                  <property name="text">
-                   <string>Start the conversation !</string>
-                  </property>
-                 </widget>
-                </item>
                  <widget class="QListView" name="listMessageView">
                   <property name="sizePolicy">
@@ -1918,9 +1820,9 @@
-   <class>SmartList</class>
+   <class>SmartListView</class>
-   <header>smartlist.h</header>
+   <header>smartlistview.h</header>
@@ -1941,9 +1843,10 @@
-   <class>ContactRequestListWidget</class>
-   <extends>QTreeView</extends>
-   <header>contactrequestlistwidget.h</header>
+   <class>ConversationsFilterWidget</class>
+   <extends>QWidget</extends>
+   <header>conversationsfilterwidget.h</header>
+   <container>1</container>
diff --git a/combar.ui b/combar.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9e661..0000000
--- a/combar.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ui version="4.0">
- <class>ComBar</class>
- <widget class="QWidget" name="ComBar">
-  <property name="geometry">
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>578</width>
-    <height>112</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="sizePolicy">
-   <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
-    <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-    <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-   </sizepolicy>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle">
-   <string/>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">
-   <property name="spacing">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="leftMargin">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="topMargin">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="rightMargin">
-    <number>5</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="bottomMargin">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <item>
-    <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
-     <property name="orientation">
-      <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-      <size>
-       <width>40</width>
-       <height>20</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-    </spacer>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnComBarVideo">
-     <property name="sizePolicy">
-      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">
-       <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-       <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-      </sizepolicy>
-     </property>
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>30</width>
-       <height>30</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="maximumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>30</width>
-       <height>30</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="toolTip">
-      <string>Call button</string>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string/>
-     </property>
-     <property name="icon">
-      <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-       <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_videocam_white.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_videocam_white.png</iconset>
-     </property>
-     <property name="iconSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>18</width>
-       <height>18</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <resources>
-  <include location="ressources.qrc"/>
- </resources>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/configurationwidget.cpp b/configurationwidget.cpp
index 67e9388..81f9b55 100644
--- a/configurationwidget.cpp
+++ b/configurationwidget.cpp
@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@
-    });
-    connect(ui->exitSettingsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=]() {
         emit NavigationRequested(ScreenEnum::CallScreen);
diff --git a/contactmethodpicker.cpp b/contactmethodpicker.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d7d11a..0000000
--- a/contactmethodpicker.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
- * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- **************************************************************************/
-#include "contactmethodpicker.h"
-#include "ui_contactmethodpicker.h"
-#include "contactmethod.h"
-ContactMethodPicker::ContactMethodPicker(const Person::ContactMethods& cM, QWidget *parent) :
-    QDialog(parent),
-    ui(new Ui::ContactMethodPicker),
-    contactMethods_(cM)
-    ui->setupUi(this);
-    this->setWindowFlags(Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
-    this->setWindowFlags(Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Popup);
-    for (auto contactMethod : cM) {
-        auto item = new QListWidgetItem();
-        item->setText(contactMethod->uri());
-        ui->contactMethodListWidget->addItem(item);
-    }
-    delete ui;
-ContactMethodPicker::on_contactMethodListWidget_clicked(const QModelIndex &index)
-    index_ = index.row();
-    accept();
-ContactMethodPicker::getSelected() const
-    return;
diff --git a/contactmethodpicker.h b/contactmethodpicker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 489ab98..0000000
--- a/contactmethodpicker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
- * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- **************************************************************************/
-#pragma once
-#include <QDialog>
-#include "person.h"
-#include "personmodel.h"
-namespace Ui {
-class ContactMethodPicker;
-class ContactMethodPicker final : public QDialog
-    explicit ContactMethodPicker(const Person::ContactMethods &cM, QWidget *parent = 0);
-    ~ContactMethodPicker();
-    ContactMethod* getSelected() const;
-private slots:
-    void on_contactMethodListWidget_clicked(const QModelIndex &index);
-    Ui::ContactMethodPicker *ui;
-    const Person::ContactMethods& contactMethods_;
-    int index_;
diff --git a/contactmethodpicker.ui b/contactmethodpicker.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index 338d2df..0000000
--- a/contactmethodpicker.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ui version="4.0">
- <class>ContactMethodPicker</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="ContactMethodPicker">
-  <property name="geometry">
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>93</width>
-    <height>93</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle">
-   <string/>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
-   <property name="spacing">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="leftMargin">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="topMargin">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="rightMargin">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <property name="bottomMargin">
-    <number>0</number>
-   </property>
-   <item>
-    <widget class="QListWidget" name="contactMethodListWidget"/>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/contactrequestitemdelegate.cpp b/contactrequestitemdelegate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e6d9f6..0000000
--- a/contactrequestitemdelegate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
- * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#include "contactrequestitemdelegate.h"
-#include "ringthemeutils.h"
-#include "accountmodel.h"
-#include "pendingcontactrequestmodel.h"
-#include "contactrequest.h"
-#include "globalinstances.h"
-#include "pixmapmanipulatordefault.h"
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <ciso646>
-ContactRequestItemDelegate::ContactRequestItemDelegate(QObject* parent) :
-    QItemDelegate(parent)
-ContactRequestItemDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter
-                        , const QStyleOptionViewItem& option
-                        , const QModelIndex& index
-                        ) const
-    painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-    QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option);
-    // Not having focus removes dotted lines around the item
-    if (opt.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus)
-        opt.state ^= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-    // First, we draw the control itself
-    QStyle* style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style();
-    style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget);
-    bool selected = false;
-    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
-        selected = true;
-        opt.state ^= QStyle::State_Selected;
-        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistSelection_);
-    }
-    else if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) {
-        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistHighlight_);
-    }
-    // Then, we print the text
-    QFont font(painter->font());
-    font.setPointSize(10);
-    font.setBold(true);
-    painter->setFont(font);
-    QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
-    QRect rectText(opt.rect);
-    rectText.setLeft(opt.rect.left() + dxText_);
-    rectText.setTop( + dyText_);
-    rectText.setBottom( + fontMetrics.height());
-    QString text(;
-    text = fontMetrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, rectText.width());
-    QPen pen(painter->pen());
-    pen.setColor(RingTheme::lightBlack_);
-    painter->setPen(pen);
-    painter->drawText(rectText,text);
-    // Draw the picture from the vCard
-    QRect rectPic(opt.rect.left() + dxImage_, + dyImage_, sizeImage_, sizeImage_);
-    auto cr =<int>(Ring::Role::Object)).value<ContactRequest*>();
-    auto photo = GlobalInstances::pixmapManipulator().contactPhoto(cr->peer(), QSize(sizeImage_, sizeImage_), false);
-    drawDecoration(painter, opt, rectPic, QPixmap::fromImage(photo.value<QImage>()));
-ContactRequestItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option
-                           , const QModelIndex& index
-                           ) const
-    QSize size = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index);
-    size.setHeight(cellHeight_);
-    return size;
diff --git a/contactrequestitemdelegate.h b/contactrequestitemdelegate.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d059e3..0000000
--- a/contactrequestitemdelegate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
- * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- ***************************************************************************/
-#pragma once
-#include <QObject>
-#include <QItemDelegate>
-class ContactRequestItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate
-    ContactRequestItemDelegate(QObject* parent = 0);
-    void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
-    QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
-    constexpr static int cellHeight_ = 60;
-    constexpr static int sizeImage_ = 48;
-    constexpr static int dxImage_ = 16;
-    constexpr static int dyImage_ = 6;
-    constexpr static int dxText_ = dxImage_ + sizeImage_ + 12;
-    constexpr static int dyText_ = 13;
-    constexpr static int separatorYPadding_ = 20;
diff --git a/contactrequestlistwidget.cpp b/contactrequestlistwidget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e74d39..0000000
--- a/contactrequestlistwidget.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
-* Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
-* Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
-*                                                                         *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
-* (at your option) any later version.                                     *
-*                                                                         *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
-* GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
-*                                                                         *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
-* along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
-#include "contactrequestlistwidget.h"
-#include "contactrequest.h"
-#include "pendingcontactrequestmodel.h"
-#include "itemdataroles.h"
-#include "quickactcontactrequestwidget.h"
-#include <QScrollBar>
-#include <QAbstractItemView>
-#include <QEvent>
-#include <ciso646>
-ContactRequestListWidget::ContactRequestListWidget(QWidget *parent) :
-    QTreeView(parent)
-    // for hover detection
-    setMouseTracking(true);
-    //connects the entered signal to the creation and display of hovering widget
-    connect(this, &QAbstractItemView::entered, [this](const QModelIndex & index) {
-        //get current hovered row quick action widget
-        auto widget = indexWidget(index);
-        //build and add hovering quick action widget to row and display, if already built just display
-        if (!widget) {
-            QuickActContactRequestWidget* quickBtns = new QuickActContactRequestWidget();
-            setIndexWidget(index, quickBtns);
-            connect(quickBtns, &QuickActContactRequestWidget::quickValidCRBtnClicked,
-                    this,
-                    [=](){ model()->data(index, static_cast<int>(Ring::Role::Object)).value<ContactRequest*>()->accept(); });
-            connect(quickBtns, &QuickActContactRequestWidget::quickMuteCRBtnClicked,
-                    this,
-                    [=](){ model()->data(index, static_cast<int>(Ring::Role::Object)).value<ContactRequest*>()->discard(); });
-            connect(quickBtns, &QuickActContactRequestWidget::quickBanCRBtnClicked,
-                    this,
-                    [=](){ model()->data(index, static_cast<int>(Ring::Role::Object)).value<ContactRequest*>()->block(); });
-        }
-        else if (index.isValid()){
-            indexWidget(index)->setVisible(true);
-        }
-        //hide previously shown hover widget (if any)
-        if(hoveredCRIndex_.isValid() and indexWidget(hoveredCRIndex_))
-            indexWidget(hoveredCRIndex_)->setVisible(false);
-        //update current hovered index
-        hoveredCRIndex_ = index;
-    });
-ContactRequestListWidget::setItemModel(QAbstractItemModel *model)
-    setModel(model);
-    // Hide unused columns
-    for(int column = 1; column < model->columnCount(); column++){
-        hideColumn(column);
-    }
-ContactRequestListWidget::enterEvent(QEvent* event)
-    Q_UNUSED(event);
-    verticalScrollBar()->show();
-ContactRequestListWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent* event)
-    Q_UNUSED(event);
-    hoveredCRIndex_ = QModelIndex();
-    verticalScrollBar()->hide();
-ContactRequestListWidget::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event)
-    if (qobject_cast<QScrollBar*>(watched) && event->type() == QEvent::Enter) {
-        hoveredCRIndex_ = QModelIndex();
-        return true;
-    }
-    return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);
-ContactRequestListWidget::drawRow(QPainter* painter,
-                                  const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const
-    if(index == hoveredCRIndex_ && indexWidget(hoveredCRIndex_))
-        indexWidget(index)->setVisible(true);
-    else if(indexWidget(index))
-        indexWidget(index)->setVisible(false);
-    QTreeView::drawRow(painter, option, index);
diff --git a/contactrequestlistwidget.h b/contactrequestlistwidget.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dc61e3..0000000
--- a/contactrequestlistwidget.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
-* Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
-* Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
-*                                                                         *
-* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
-* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
-* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
-* (at your option) any later version.                                     *
-*                                                                         *
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
-* GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
-*                                                                         *
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
-* along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
-#include <QTreeView>
-class ContactRequestListWidget : public QTreeView
-    explicit ContactRequestListWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
-    ~ContactRequestListWidget();
-    void setItemModel(QAbstractItemModel *model);
-    QModelIndex hoveredCRIndex_;
-    void enterEvent(QEvent *event);
-    void leaveEvent(QEvent *event);
-    bool eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event);
-    void drawRow(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const;
diff --git a/conversationitemdelegate.cpp b/conversationitemdelegate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f260519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conversationitemdelegate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
+ * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "conversationitemdelegate.h"
+#include <QApplication>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QDebug>
+// Client
+#include "smartlistmodel.h"
+#include "ringthemeutils.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <ciso646>
+ConversationItemDelegate::ConversationItemDelegate(QObject* parent) :
+    QItemDelegate(parent)
+ConversationItemDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter
+                        , const QStyleOptionViewItem& option
+                        , const QModelIndex& index
+                        ) const
+    QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option);
+    painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+    // Not having focus removes dotted lines around the item
+    if (opt.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus)
+        opt.state ^= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
+    // First, we draw the control itself
+    QStyle* style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style();
+    style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget);
+    auto isContextMenuOpen =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::ContextMenuOpen)).value<bool>();
+    bool selected = false;
+    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
+        selected = true;
+        opt.state ^= QStyle::State_Selected;
+    } else if (!isContextMenuOpen) {
+        if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) {
+            highlightMap_[index.row()] = true;
+        } else {
+            highlightMap_[index.row()] = false;
+        }
+    }
+    // One does not simply keep the highlighted state drawn when the context
+    // menu is openÂ…
+    auto rowHighlight = highlightMap_.find(index.row());
+    if (selected) {
+        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistSelection_);
+    } else if (rowHighlight != highlightMap_.end() && (*rowHighlight).second) {
+        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistHighlight_);
+    }
+    QRect &rect = opt.rect;
+    // Avatar drawing
+    opt.decorationSize = QSize(sizeImage_, sizeImage_);
+    opt.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Left;
+    opt.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter;
+    QRect rectAvatar(dx_ + rect.left(), + dy_, sizeImage_, sizeImage_);
+    drawDecoration(painter, opt, rectAvatar,
+                   QPixmap::fromImage(<QImage>())
+                   .scaled(sizeImage_, sizeImage_, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
+    QFont font(painter->font());
+    // If there's unread messages, a message count is displayed
+    if (auto messageCount =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::UnreadMessagesCount)).toInt()) {
+        QString messageCountText = (messageCount > 9) ? "9+" : QString::number(messageCount);
+        qreal fontSize = messageCountText.count() > 1 ? 7 : 8;
+        font.setPointSize(fontSize);
+        // ellipse
+        QPainterPath ellipse;
+        qreal ellipseHeight = sizeImage_ / 6;
+        qreal ellipseWidth = ellipseHeight;
+        QPointF ellipseCenter(rectAvatar.right() - ellipseWidth, + ellipseHeight + 1);
+        QRect ellipseRect(ellipseCenter.x() - ellipseWidth, ellipseCenter.y() - ellipseHeight,
+            ellipseWidth * 2, ellipseHeight * 2);
+        ellipse.addRoundedRect(ellipseRect, ellipseWidth, ellipseHeight);
+        painter->fillPath(ellipse, RingTheme::notificationRed_);
+        // text
+        painter->setPen(Qt::white);
+        painter->setOpacity(1);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        ellipseRect.setTop( - 2);
+        painter->drawText(ellipseRect, Qt::AlignCenter, messageCountText);
+    }
+    // Presence indicator
+    if (<int>(SmartListModel::Role::Presence)).value<bool>()) {
+        qreal radius = sizeImage_ / 6;
+        QPainterPath outerCircle, innerCircle;
+        QPointF center(rectAvatar.right() - radius, (rectAvatar.bottom() - radius) + 1);
+        qreal outerCRadius = radius;
+        qreal innerCRadius = outerCRadius * 0.75;
+        outerCircle.addEllipse(center, outerCRadius, outerCRadius);
+        innerCircle.addEllipse(center, innerCRadius, innerCRadius);
+        painter->fillPath(outerCircle, Qt::white);
+        painter->fillPath(innerCircle, RingTheme::presenceGreen_);
+    }
+    using namespace lrc::api;
+    auto type = Utils::toEnum<profile::Type>(
+        );
+    switch (type) {
+    case profile::Type::RING:
+    case profile::Type::TEMPORARY:
+        paintRingConversationItem(painter, option, rect, index);
+        break;
+    case profile::Type::PENDING:
+        paintRingInviteConversationItem(painter, option, rect, index);
+        break;
+    case profile::Type::SIP:
+        break;
+    default:
+        paintRingConversationItem(painter, option, rect, index);
+        break;
+    }
+ConversationItemDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
+                            const QModelIndex& index) const
+    return QSize(0, cellHeight_);
+ConversationItemDelegate::paintRingConversationItem(QPainter* painter,
+                                                    const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
+                                                    const QRect& rect,
+                                                    const QModelIndex& index) const
+    QFont font(painter->font());
+    font.setPointSize(fontSize_);
+    QPen pen(painter->pen());
+    painter->setPen(pen);
+    auto leftMargin = dx_ + sizeImage_ + dx_ / 2;
+    auto rightMargin = dx_;
+    auto topMargin = 0;
+    auto bottomMargin = 12;
+    QRect rectName1(rect.left() + leftMargin,
+           + topMargin,
+                    rect.width() - leftMargin - infoTextWidth_,
+                    rect.height() / 2);
+    QRect rectName2(rectName1.left(),
+           + rectName1.height(),
+                    rectName1.width(),
+                    rectName1.height() - bottomMargin);
+    QRect rectInfo1(rectName1.left() + rectName1.width(),
+           + topMargin,
+                    infoTextWidth_ - rightMargin,
+                    rect.height() / 2);
+    QRect rectInfo2(rectInfo1.left(),
+           + rectInfo1.height(),
+                    rectInfo1.width(),
+                    rectInfo1.height() - bottomMargin);
+    QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
+    // The name is displayed at the avatar's right
+    QString nameStr =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::DisplayName)).value<QString>();;
+    if (!nameStr.isNull()) {
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(true);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::lightBlack_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        QString elidedNameStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(nameStr, Qt::ElideRight, rectName1.width());
+        painter->drawText(rectName1, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, elidedNameStr);
+    }
+    // Display the ID under the name
+    QString idStr =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::DisplayID)).value<QString>();
+    if (idStr != nameStr && !idStr.isNull()) {
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(false);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::grey_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        idStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(idStr, Qt::ElideRight, rectName2.width());
+        painter->drawText(rectName2, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, idStr);
+    }
+    // top-right: last interaction date/time
+    QString lastUsedStr =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::LastInteractionDate)).value<QString>();
+    if (!lastUsedStr.isNull()) {
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(false);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::grey_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        lastUsedStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(lastUsedStr, Qt::ElideRight, rectInfo1.width());
+        painter->drawText(rectInfo1, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight, lastUsedStr);
+    }
+    // bottom-right: last interaction snippet
+    QString interactionStr =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::LastInteraction)).value<QString>();
+    if (!interactionStr.isNull()) {
+        // remove phone glyphs
+        interactionStr.replace(QChar(0xd83d), "");
+        interactionStr.replace(QChar(0xdd7d), "");
+        interactionStr.replace(QChar(0xdcde), "");
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(false);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::grey_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        interactionStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(interactionStr, Qt::ElideRight, rectInfo2.width());
+        painter->drawText(rectInfo2, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignRight, interactionStr);
+    }
+ConversationItemDelegate::paintRingInviteConversationItem(QPainter* painter,
+                                                          const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
+                                                          const QRect& rect,
+                                                          const QModelIndex& index) const
+    QFont font(painter->font());
+    font.setPointSize(fontSize_);
+    QPen pen(painter->pen());
+    painter->setPen(pen);
+    auto leftMargin = dx_ + sizeImage_ + dx_ / 2;
+    auto rightMargin = dx_;
+    if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) {
+        rightMargin = infoTextWidth_ - dx_ * 2;
+    }
+    auto topMargin = 0;
+    auto bottomMargin = 12;
+    QRect rectName1(rect.left() + leftMargin,
+ + topMargin,
+        rect.width() - leftMargin - rightMargin,
+        rect.height() / 2);
+    QRect rectName2(rectName1.left(),
+ + rectName1.height(),
+        rectName1.width(),
+        rectName1.height() - bottomMargin);
+    QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
+    // The name is displayed at the avatar's right
+    QString nameStr =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::DisplayName)).value<QString>();;
+    if (!nameStr.isNull()) {
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(true);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::lightBlack_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        QString elidedNameStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(nameStr, Qt::ElideRight, rectName1.width());
+        painter->drawText(rectName1, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, elidedNameStr);
+    }
+    // Display the ID under the name
+    QString idStr =<int>(SmartListModel::Role::DisplayID)).value<QString>();
+    if (idStr != nameStr && !idStr.isNull()) {
+        font.setItalic(false);
+        font.setBold(false);
+        pen.setColor(RingTheme::grey_);
+        painter->setPen(pen);
+        painter->setFont(font);
+        idStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(idStr, Qt::ElideRight, rectName2.width());
+        painter->drawText(rectName2, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, idStr);
+    }
+ConversationItemDelegate::paintSIPConversationItem(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem & option, const QModelIndex & index) const
diff --git a/smartlistdelegate.h b/conversationitemdelegate.h
similarity index 74%
copy from smartlistdelegate.h
copy to conversationitemdelegate.h
index 2b5e413..249d77b 100644
--- a/smartlistdelegate.h
+++ b/conversationitemdelegate.h
@@ -23,21 +23,27 @@
 class QPainter;
-class SmartListDelegate : public QItemDelegate
+class ConversationItemDelegate : public QItemDelegate
-    explicit SmartListDelegate(QObject* parent = 0);
+    explicit ConversationItemDelegate(QObject* parent = 0);
     void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
     QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+    void paintRingConversationItem(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QRect& rect, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+    void paintRingInviteConversationItem(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QRect& rect, const QModelIndex& index) const;
+    void paintSIPConversationItem(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
     constexpr static int sizeImage_ = 48;
     constexpr static int cellHeight_ = 60;
     constexpr static int dy_ = 6;
     constexpr static int dx_ = 12;
     constexpr static int fontSize_ = 10;
-    constexpr static int effectiveComBarSize_ = 48;
+    constexpr static int infoTextWidth_ = 144;
+    mutable std::map<int, bool> highlightMap_;
diff --git a/conversationsfilterwidget.cpp b/conversationsfilterwidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07abdf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/conversationsfilterwidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "conversationsfilterwidget.h"
+#include "ringthemeutils.h"
+#include <QPainter>
+static inline const QRect
+getNotifierRect(const QRect& buttonRect)
+    qreal radius = 8;
+    QPointF ellipseCenter(buttonRect.right() - radius * 2,;
+    return QRect(ellipseCenter.x() - radius, ellipseCenter.y() - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2);
+ConversationsFilterWidget::handleNotifierOverlay(const QString& buttonName,
+                                                 SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier*& notifier,
+                                                 lrc::api::profile::Type filter)
+    auto button = this->findChild<QPushButton*>(buttonName);
+    if (!button) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!notifier) {
+        notifier = new SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier(this);
+        button->stackUnder(notifier);
+        notifier->setTypeFilter(filter);
+        notifier->hide();
+        QObject::connect(notifier, SIGNAL(clicked()), button, SLOT(click()));
+    } else {
+        notifier->setGeometry(getNotifierRect(button->frameGeometry()));
+        notifier->show();
+    }
+ConversationsFilterWidget::ConversationsFilterWidget(QWidget *parent)
+    : QWidget(parent)
+void ConversationsFilterWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event)
+    QWidget::paintEvent(event);
+    using namespace lrc::api::profile;
+    handleNotifierOverlay("buttonConversations", unreadMessagesNotifier_, Type::RING);
+    handleNotifierOverlay("buttonInvites", pendingInvitesNotifier_, Type::PENDING);
diff --git a/quickactcontactrequestwidget.h b/conversationsfilterwidget.h
similarity index 63%
rename from quickactcontactrequestwidget.h
rename to conversationsfilterwidget.h
index b74c292..1ce9eef 100644
--- a/quickactcontactrequestwidget.h
+++ b/conversationsfilterwidget.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -15,32 +15,27 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
  * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+#pragma once
+#include "api/profile.h"
+#include "smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h"
 #include <QWidget>
-namespace Ui {
-class QuickActContactRequestWidget;
-class QuickActContactRequestWidget : public QWidget
-    explicit QuickActContactRequestWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
-    ~QuickActContactRequestWidget();
-    void quickValidCRBtnClicked();
-    void quickMuteCRBtnClicked();
-    void quickBanCRBtnClicked();
-    Ui::QuickActContactRequestWidget *ui;
+class ConversationsFilterWidget : public QWidget





+    explicit ConversationsFilterWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);



+    virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);



+    void handleNotifierOverlay(const QString& buttonName,
+                               SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier*& notifier,
+                               lrc::api::profile::Type filter);

+    SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier* unreadMessagesNotifier_{ nullptr };

+    SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier* pendingInvitesNotifier_{ nullptr };

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/currentaccountwidget.cpp b/currentaccountwidget.cpp
index 9693217..a339061 100644
--- a/currentaccountwidget.cpp
+++ b/currentaccountwidget.cpp
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
  * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "currentaccountwidget.h"
 #include "ui_currentaccountwidget.h"
 #include "globalinstances.h"
 #include "availableaccountmodel.h"
 #include "account.h"
@@ -26,15 +28,36 @@
 #include "profilemodel.h"
 #include "profile.h"
 #include "person.h"
 #include "utils.h"
-#include "globalinstances.h"
+#include "lrcinstance.h"
+#include "pixbufmanipulator.h"
 CurrentAccountWidget::CurrentAccountWidget(QWidget *parent) :
     ui(new Ui::CurrentAccountWidget)
-    setup();
+    accountListModel_ = std::make_unique<AccountListModel>();
+    ui->currentAccountSelector->setModel(accountListModel_.get());
+    accountItemDelegate_ = new AccountItemDelegate();
+    ui->currentAccountSelector->setItemDelegate(accountItemDelegate_);
+    connect(&LRCInstance::accountModel(),
+        &lrc::api::NewAccountModel::accountAdded,
+        [this](const std::string& accountId) {
+            auto accountList = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountList();
+            auto it = std::find(accountList.begin(), accountList.end(), accountId);
+            if (it != accountList.end()) {
+                auto index = std::distance(accountList.begin(), it);
+                //   newly created account
+                // index should be 0
+                QModelIndex idx = ui->currentAccountSelector->model()->index(index, 0);
+                emit currentAccountChanged(idx);
+                update();
+            }
+        });
@@ -43,80 +66,41 @@
-    ui->accountsStatus->setText("No enabled account: impossible to communicate!");
-    ui->accountsStatus->hide();
-    ui->currentAccountSelector->setModel(&AvailableAccountModel::instance());
-    updateAccounts();
-    if (ui->currentAccountSelector->count() > 0) {
-        ui->currentAccountSelector->setCurrentIndex(0);
-        qDebug() << "CurrentAccount : setup over";
-    } else {
-        qDebug() << "CurrentAccount : No account available";
-    }
-    updateAccounts();
-    auto selector = ui->currentAccountSelector;
-    if (selector->count() <= 1){
-        selector->hide();
-        if (selector->count() < 1) {
-            ui->accountsStatus->show();
-            setPhoto();
-        } else {
-            ui->accountsStatus->hide();
-        }
+    if (ui->currentAccountSelector->count() <= 1) {
+        ui->currentAccountSelector->setEnabled(false);
+        ui->currentAccountSelector->setStyleSheet(
+            "QComboBox:disabled{color: black;}"
+            "QComboBox{border:0;}"
+            "QComboBox::down-arrow{image:url('none');}"
+        );
     } else {
-        selector->show();
-        ui->accountsStatus->hide();
+        ui->currentAccountSelector->setEnabled(true);
+        ui->currentAccountSelector->setStyleSheet("");
+    setPhoto();
-    auto selector = ui->currentAccountSelector;
-    if (selector->count() > 0) {
-        if (ProfileModel::instance().selectedProfile()) {
-            if (auto p = ProfileModel::instance().selectedProfile()->person()) {
-                QVariant avatarImage = ProfileModel::instance().selectedProfile()->person()->roleData(Qt::DecorationRole);
-                QImage image = Utils::getCirclePhoto(avatarImage.value<QImage>(), ui->idDisplayLayout->contentsRect().height());
-                ui->currentAccountPixmap->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image));
-                qDebug() << "CurrentAccount : Photo set";
-            } else
-                qDebug() << "CurrentAccount : selected profile has no person";
-        } else
-            qDebug() << "CurrentAccount : Profilemodel: no selected profile";
-    } else {
-        qDebug() << "CurrentAccount : account not set";
-        ui->currentAccountPixmap->setPixmap(QPixmap());
+    auto accountId = LRCInstance::getSelectedAccountId();
+    try {
+        auto& accountInfo = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountInfo(accountId);
+        QVariant avatarImage = PixbufManipulator::accountPhoto(accountInfo);
+        QImage image = Utils::getCirclePhoto(avatarImage.value<QImage>(), ui->idDisplayLayout->contentsRect().height());
+        ui->currentAccountPixmap->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image));
+    catch (...) {}
 CurrentAccountWidget::on_currentAccountSelector_currentIndexChanged(int index)
-    QModelIndex idx = ui->currentAccountSelector->model()->index(index,0);
-    Account* ac = AccountModel::instance().getAccountByModelIndex(idx);
-    if (ac) {
-        AvailableAccountModel::instance().selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(idx, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect);
-        setPhoto();
-    } else {
-        qDebug() << "CurrentAccount : account not referenced correctly";
-        //null for now
-    }
+    QModelIndex idx = ui->currentAccountSelector->model()->index(index, 0);
+    emit currentAccountChanged(idx);
+    setPhoto();
diff --git a/currentaccountwidget.h b/currentaccountwidget.h
index 10d01f6..20f5f46 100644
--- a/currentaccountwidget.h
+++ b/currentaccountwidget.h
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@
 #include <QWidget>
+#include "accountlistmodel.h"
+#include "accountitemdelegate.h"
 namespace Ui {
 class CurrentAccountWidget;
@@ -35,6 +38,9 @@
     void changeSelectedIndex(int index);
+    void currentAccountChanged(const QModelIndex& current);
 public slots:
     void update();
     void setPhoto();
@@ -43,9 +49,9 @@
     void on_currentAccountSelector_currentIndexChanged(int index);
+    AccountItemDelegate * accountItemDelegate_;
+    std::unique_ptr<AccountListModel> accountListModel_;
     Ui::CurrentAccountWidget *ui;
-    void setup();
-    void updateAccounts();
diff --git a/currentaccountwidget.ui b/currentaccountwidget.ui
index 51b5cee..c10708b 100644
--- a/currentaccountwidget.ui
+++ b/currentaccountwidget.ui
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-    <width>294</width>
-    <height>184</height>
+    <width>461</width>
+    <height>128</height>
   <property name="sizePolicy">
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
-    <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="fullLayout" stretch="4,0,0">
+    <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="fullLayout" stretch="4">
      <property name="spacing">
-      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="idDisplayLayout" stretch="0,0,0">
+      <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="idDisplayLayout" stretch="0,0,0,0">
        <property name="leftMargin">
@@ -71,9 +71,12 @@
          <property name="orientation">
+         <property name="sizeType">
+          <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
+         </property>
          <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-           <width>40</width>
+           <width>10</width>
@@ -82,15 +85,15 @@
        <item alignment="Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter">
         <widget class="QLabel" name="currentAccountPixmap">
          <property name="sizePolicy">
-          <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
+          <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
          <property name="minimumSize">
-           <width>0</width>
-           <height>60</height>
+           <width>48</width>
+           <height>48</height>
          <property name="toolTip">
@@ -106,42 +109,32 @@
          <property name="orientation">
+         <property name="sizeType">
+          <enum>QSizePolicy::Minimum</enum>
+         </property>
          <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-           <width>40</width>
+           <width>10</width>
+       <item>
+        <widget class="QComboBox" name="currentAccountSelector">
+         <property name="sizePolicy">
+          <sizepolicy hsizetype="Expanding" vsizetype="Fixed">
+           <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+           <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+          </sizepolicy>
+         </property>
+         <property name="toolTip">
+          <string>account selection combobox</string>
+         </property>
+        </widget>
+       </item>
-     <item alignment="Qt::AlignHCenter">
-      <widget class="QLabel" name="accountsStatus">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>20</width>
-         <height>10</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Account status</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="styleSheet">
-        <string notr="true">text: centered;</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QComboBox" name="currentAccountSelector">
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>account selection combobox</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
diff --git a/deletecontactdialog.cpp b/deletecontactdialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 85c15f0..0000000
--- a/deletecontactdialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- **************************************************************************/
-#include "deletecontactdialog.h"
-#include "ui_deletecontactdialog.h"
-// LRC
-#include "person.h"
-#include "account.h"
-#include "bannedcontactmodel.h"
-DeleteContactDialog::DeleteContactDialog(ContactMethod* cm, Account* ac, QWidget *parent) :
-    QDialog(parent),
-    ui(new Ui::DeleteContactDialog),
-    contactMethod_(cm),
-    account_(ac)
-    setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint);
-    ui->setupUi(this);
-    ui->contactNameLabel->setText(cm->bestName());
-    if (cm->bestName() != cm->bestId())
-        ui->contactIdLabel->setText(cm->bestId());
-    else
-        ui->contactIdLabel->hide();
-    delete ui;
-void DeleteContactDialog::on_deleteCancelBtn_clicked()
-    close();
-void DeleteContactDialog::on_deleteAcceptBtn_clicked()
-    account_->removeContact(contactMethod_);
-    accept();
-void DeleteContactDialog::on_deleteBanBtn_clicked()
-    account_->removeContact(contactMethod_);
-    account_->bannedContactModel()->add(contactMethod_);
-    accept();
diff --git a/deletecontactdialog.h b/deletecontactdialog.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 792f654..0000000
--- a/deletecontactdialog.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- **************************************************************************/
-#include <QDialog>
-// LRC
-#include "contactmethod.h"
-namespace Ui {
-class DeleteContactDialog;
-class DeleteContactDialog : public QDialog
-    explicit DeleteContactDialog(ContactMethod* cm, Account *ac, QWidget *parent = 0);
-    ~DeleteContactDialog();
-private slots:
-    void on_deleteCancelBtn_clicked();
-    void on_deleteAcceptBtn_clicked();
-    void on_deleteBanBtn_clicked();
-    Ui::DeleteContactDialog *ui;
-    ContactMethod* contactMethod_;
-    Account* account_;
diff --git a/deletecontactdialog.ui b/deletecontactdialog.ui
deleted file mode 100644
index fa97857..0000000
--- a/deletecontactdialog.ui
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<ui version="4.0">
- <class>DeleteContactDialog</class>
- <widget class="QDialog" name="DeleteContactDialog">
-  <property name="geometry">
-   <rect>
-    <x>0</x>
-    <y>0</y>
-    <width>400</width>
-    <height>200</height>
-   </rect>
-  </property>
-  <property name="sizePolicy">
-   <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">
-    <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-    <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-   </sizepolicy>
-  </property>
-  <property name="windowTitle">
-   <string>Dialog</string>
-  </property>
-  <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout">
-   <item>
-    <spacer name="verticalSpacer">
-     <property name="orientation">
-      <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeType">
-      <enum>QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-      <size>
-       <width>20</width>
-       <height>10</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-    </spacer>
-   </item>
-   <item alignment="Qt::AlignHCenter">
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="label">
-     <property name="font">
-      <font>
-       <pointsize>12</pointsize>
-      </font>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string>Do you want to delete this contact?</string>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item alignment="Qt::AlignHCenter">
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="contactNameLabel">
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>10</width>
-       <height>0</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="font">
-      <font>
-       <pointsize>12</pointsize>
-       <weight>75</weight>
-       <bold>true</bold>
-      </font>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string/>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item alignment="Qt::AlignHCenter">
-    <widget class="QLabel" name="contactIdLabel">
-     <property name="minimumSize">
-      <size>
-       <width>10</width>
-       <height>0</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-     <property name="font">
-      <font>
-       <pointsize>12</pointsize>
-       <italic>true</italic>
-      </font>
-     </property>
-     <property name="text">
-      <string/>
-     </property>
-    </widget>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <spacer name="verticalSpacer_2">
-     <property name="orientation">
-      <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeType">
-      <enum>QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-      <size>
-       <width>20</width>
-       <height>20</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-    </spacer>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="buttonRow">
-     <property name="spacing">
-      <number>10</number>
-     </property>
-     <property name="topMargin">
-      <number>0</number>
-     </property>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="deleteCancelBtn">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>0</width>
-         <height>30</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Cancel contact deletion button</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>Cancel</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="deleteAcceptBtn">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>0</width>
-         <height>30</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Delete contact validation button</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>Delete</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="deleteBanBtn">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>0</width>
-         <height>30</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Delete and ban validation button</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>Delete and ban</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
-   <item>
-    <spacer name="verticalSpacer_3">
-     <property name="orientation">
-      <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-     </property>
-     <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-      <size>
-       <width>20</width>
-       <height>10</height>
-      </size>
-     </property>
-    </spacer>
-   </item>
-  </layout>
- </widget>
- <resources/>
- <connections/>
diff --git a/images/icons/ic_block-24px.svg b/images/icons/ic_block-24px.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8032acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/icons/ic_block-24px.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/><path d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zM4 12c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8 1.85 0 3.55.63 4.9 1.69L5.69 16.9C4.63 15.55 4 13.85 4 12zm8 8c-1.85 0-3.55-.63-4.9-1.69L18.31 7.1C19.37 8.45 20 10.15 20 12c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8z"/></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/images/icons/ic_clear-24px.svg b/images/icons/ic_clear-24px.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dea8678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/images/icons/ic_clear-24px.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M19 6.41L17.59 5 12 10.59 6.41 5 5 6.41 10.59 12 5 17.59 6.41 19 12 13.41 17.59 19 19 17.59 13.41 12z"/><path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"/></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/imdelegate.cpp b/imdelegate.cpp
index 55f10d0..6c13048 100644
--- a/imdelegate.cpp
+++ b/imdelegate.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@
 #include "imdelegate.h"
 #include <QApplication>
-#include <QTextDocument>
 #include <QSettings>
 #include <QDateTime>
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
 #include "ringthemeutils.h"
 #include "settingskey.h"
+#include "messagemodel.h"
+#include "utils.h"
 ImDelegate::ImDelegate(QObject *parent)
     : QStyledItemDelegate(parent)
@@ -35,25 +37,17 @@
-ImDelegate::formatMsg(const QModelIndex& index, QString& msg) const
+ImDelegate::formatMsg(const QModelIndex& index, QString& msgString) const
-    QSettings settings;
-    QStringList meta;
-    if (settings.value(SettingsKey::imShowAuthor).toBool()) {
-        meta <<
-                    static_cast<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::AuthorDisplayname)).toString();
+    auto date =<int>(MessageModel::Role::InteractionDate)).value<QDateTime>();
+    auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+    QString dateString;
+    if ( == {
+        dateString = date.time().toString();
+    } else {
+        dateString = date.toString();
-    if (settings.value(SettingsKey::imShowDate).toBool()) {
-        auto timeStamp =
-                    static_cast<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::Timestamp)).value<uint>();
-        auto date = QDateTime::fromTime_t(timeStamp);
-        auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
-        if ( ==
-            meta << date.time().toString();
-        else
-            meta << date.toString();
-    }
-    msg = QString("%2<footer><i>%1</i></footer>").arg(meta.join(" - "), msg);
+    msgString = QString("%1<br><footer><i>%2</i></footer>").arg(msgString, dateString);
@@ -61,6 +55,16 @@
                   const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
                   const QModelIndex& index) const
+    if (!index.isValid()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto msg =<int>(MessageModel::Role::Body)).toString();
+    auto type = static_cast<lrc::api::interaction::Type>(<int>(MessageModel::Role::Type)).value<int>());
+    auto isOutgoing =<int>(MessageModel::Role::Direction)).value<bool>();
+    auto isGenerated = Utils::isInteractionGenerated(type);
+    auto dir = isGenerated ? Qt::AlignHCenter : (isOutgoing ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft);
     QStyleOptionViewItem opt = option;
     initStyleOption(&opt, index);
@@ -68,77 +72,69 @@
     opt.font = fontMsg_;
-    if (index.isValid()) {
-        auto msg =<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::FormattedHtml)).toString();
-        opt.text.clear();
-        QStyle* style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style();
+    opt.text.clear();
+    QStyle* style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style();
-        auto dir =<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::Direction))
-                .value<media::Media::Direction>() == media::Media::Direction::IN
-                ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight;
+    formatMsg(index, msg);
-        formatMsg(index, msg);
+    QTextDocument document;
+    document.setDefaultStyleSheet(defaultStylesheet_);
+    document.setDefaultFont(fontMsg_);
+    document.setHtml(msg);
+    auto textOptions = QTextOption(Qt::AlignLeft);
+    textOptions.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapMode::WordWrap);
+    document.setDefaultTextOption(textOptions);
-        QRect textRect = getBoundingRect(dir, msg, opt);
+    QRect textRect = getBoundingRect(dir, opt, document);
+    document.setTextWidth(textRect.width());
-        if (dir == Qt::AlignLeft) {
-            opt.decorationSize = iconSize_;
-            opt.decorationPosition = (dir == Qt::AlignRight ?
-                                          QStyleOptionViewItem::Right : QStyleOptionViewItem::Left);
-            opt.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter;
-        } else
-            opt.decorationSize = QSize();
+    if (dir == Qt::AlignLeft) {
+        opt.decorationSize = iconSize_;
+        opt.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Left;
+        opt.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter;
         style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget);
-        QPainterPath path;
-        path.addRoundedRect(textRect, padding_, padding_);
-        if (dir == Qt::AlignRight) {
-            painter->fillPath(path, RingTheme::imBlue_);
-        }
-        else {
-            painter->fillPath(path, RingTheme::imGrey_);
-        }
-        painter->save();
-        QTextDocument document;
-        document.setDefaultFont(fontMsg_);
-        document.setDefaultStyleSheet("body { color : black; } i { opacity: 100; font-size : 11px; text-align : right; }");
-        document.setHtml(msg);
-        auto textOptions = QTextOption(Qt::AlignLeft);
-        textOptions.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapMode::WordWrap);
-        document.setDefaultTextOption(textOptions);
-        document.setTextWidth(textRect.width());
-        painter->translate(textRect.topLeft());
-        document.drawContents(painter);
-        painter->restore();
+    } else {
+        opt.decorationSize = QSize();
+        opt.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Right;
+    QPainterPath path;
+    path.addRoundedRect(textRect, bubbleRadius_, bubbleRadius_);
+    if (dir == Qt::AlignRight) {
+        painter->fillPath(path, RingTheme::imGrey_);
+    } else if (dir == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
+        painter->fillPath(path, Qt::transparent);
+    } else {
+        painter->fillPath(path, RingTheme::imBlue_);
+    }
+    painter->save();
+    painter->translate(textRect.topLeft());
+    document.drawContents(painter);
+    painter->restore();
 QRect ImDelegate::getBoundingRect(const Qt::AlignmentFlag& dir,
-                                  const QString& msg,
-                                  const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const
+                                  const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
+                                  QTextDocument& txtDoc) const
     QRect textRect;
-    QTextDocument txtDoc;
-    txtDoc.setDefaultFont(fontMsg_);
-    txtDoc.setHtml(msg);
-    auto textOptions = QTextOption(Qt::AlignLeft);
-    textOptions.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapMode::WordWrap);
-    txtDoc.setDefaultTextOption(textOptions);
     if (dir == Qt::AlignLeft) {
         txtDoc.setTextWidth(option.rect.width() - iconSize_.width() - padding_);
         textRect.setRect(option.rect.left() + iconSize_.width() + padding_,
                 + padding_,
+    } else if (dir == Qt::AlignHCenter) {
+        txtDoc.setTextWidth(option.rect.width() - padding_);
+        auto optCenter = option.rect.left() + option.rect.width() / 2;
+        textRect.setRect(optCenter - txtDoc.idealWidth() / 2,
+                + padding_,
+                         txtDoc.idealWidth(),
+                         txtDoc.size().height());
     } else {
         txtDoc.setTextWidth(option.rect.width() - padding_);
         textRect.setRect(option.rect.right() - padding_ - txtDoc.idealWidth(),
@@ -158,22 +154,30 @@
     QString msg =<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::FormattedHtml)).toString();
-    auto dir =
-                static_cast<int>(media::TextRecording::Role::Direction))
-            .value<media::Media::Direction>() == media::Media::Direction::IN
-            ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignRight;
+    auto isOutgoing =<int>(MessageModel::Role::Direction)).value<bool>();
+    auto isGenerated = Utils::isInteractionGenerated(
+        static_cast<lrc::api::interaction::Type>(<int>(MessageModel::Role::Type)).value<int>())
+    );
+    auto dir = isGenerated ? Qt::AlignHCenter : (isOutgoing ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignLeft);
     formatMsg(index, msg);
-    QRect boundingRect = getBoundingRect(dir, msg, opt);
+    QTextDocument document;
+    document.setDefaultFont(fontMsg_);
+    document.setHtml(msg);
+    auto textOptions = QTextOption(Qt::AlignLeft);
+    textOptions.setWrapMode(QTextOption::WrapMode::WordWrap);
+    document.setDefaultTextOption(textOptions);
-    QSize size(option.rect.width(), boundingRect.height());
+    QRect boundingRect = getBoundingRect(dir, opt, document);
+    QSize size(boundingRect.width() + 2 * margin_, boundingRect.height());
     /* Keep the minimum height needed. */
     if(size.height() < iconSize_.height())
-    size.setHeight(size.height() + 2 * padding_);
+    size.setHeight(size.height() + 2 * margin_);
     return size;
diff --git a/imdelegate.h b/imdelegate.h
index 5a6151a..c422610 100644
--- a/imdelegate.h
+++ b/imdelegate.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #pragma once
 #include <QPainter>
+#include <QTextDocument>
 #include <QStyledItemDelegate>
 class ImDelegate : public QStyledItemDelegate
@@ -26,21 +27,21 @@
     explicit ImDelegate(QObject *parent = 0);
-    enum DisplayOptions {
-        AUTHOR = 1,
-        DATE
-    };
     void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
     QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
     void formatMsg(const QModelIndex& index, QString& msg) const;
-    QRect getBoundingRect(const Qt::AlignmentFlag& dir, const QString& msg, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option) const;
+    QRect getBoundingRect(const Qt::AlignmentFlag& dir, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option,
+        QTextDocument& txtDoc) const;
     const QFont fontMsg_ = QFont("Arial", 10);
-    const QSize iconSize_ {38,38};
+    const QString defaultStylesheet_ = QString("body { color : black; } i { opacity: 100; font-size : 10px; text-align : right; }");
+    const QSize iconSize_ {38, 38};
+    constexpr static int margin_ = 5;
     constexpr static int padding_ = 5;
+    constexpr static int bubbleRadius_ = 12;
diff --git a/instantmessagingwidget.cpp b/instantmessagingwidget.cpp
index 95cce48..9473950 100644
--- a/instantmessagingwidget.cpp
+++ b/instantmessagingwidget.cpp
@@ -46,23 +46,6 @@
     connect(copyAction, &QAction::triggered, [=]() {
-    QSettings settings;
-    auto displayDate = new QAction(tr("Display date"), this);
-    displayDate->setCheckable(true);
-    displayDate->setChecked(settings.value(SettingsKey::imShowDate).toBool());
-    ui->listMessageView->addAction(displayDate);
-    auto displayAuthor = new QAction(tr("Display author"), this);
-    displayAuthor->setCheckable(true);
-    displayAuthor->setChecked(settings.value(SettingsKey::imShowAuthor).toBool());
-    ui->listMessageView->addAction(displayAuthor);
-    auto lamdba = [=](){
-        QSettings settings;
-        settings.setValue(SettingsKey::imShowAuthor, displayAuthor->isChecked());
-        settings.setValue(SettingsKey::imShowDate, displayDate->isChecked());
-        emit imDelegate_->sizeHintChanged(QModelIndex());
-    };
-    connect(displayAuthor, &QAction::triggered, lamdba);
-    connect(displayDate, &QAction::triggered, lamdba);
@@ -86,12 +69,9 @@
             textMedia = call->addOutgoingMedia<media::Text>();
         if (textMedia) {
-            ui->listMessageView->setModel(
-                        textMedia->recording()->
-                        instantMessagingModel());
+            ui->listMessageView->setModel(textMedia->recording()->instantMessagingModel());
-            connect(ui->messageEdit, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, [=]()
-            {
+            connect(ui->messageEdit, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, [=]() {
                 if (not ui->messageEdit->text().trimmed().isEmpty()) {
                     QMap<QString, QString> messages;
                     messages["text/plain"] = ui->messageEdit->text();
diff --git a/combar.cpp b/invitebuttonswidget.cpp
similarity index 62%
rename from combar.cpp
rename to invitebuttonswidget.cpp
index 757f319..ee18f90 100644
--- a/combar.cpp
+++ b/invitebuttonswidget.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
- * Author: Jäger Nicolas <>              *
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -16,23 +16,32 @@
  * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
-#include "ui_combar.h"
+#include "ui_invitebuttonswidget.h"
-#include "combar.h"
+#include "invitebuttonswidget.h"
-ComBar::ComBar(QWidget* parent) :
+InviteButtonsWidget::InviteButtonsWidget(QWidget* parent) :
-    ui(new Ui::ComBar)
+    ui(new Ui::InviteButtonsWidget)
-    connect(ui->btnComBarVideo, &QPushButton::clicked , this , [=](){
-        emit btnVideoClicked();
-    });
+    connect(ui->btnAcceptInvite, &QPushButton::clicked, this,
+        [=]() {
+            emit btnAcceptInviteClicked();
+        });
+    connect(ui->btnIgnoreInvite, &QPushButton::clicked, this,
+        [=]() {
+            emit btnIgnoreInviteClicked();
+        });
+    connect(ui->btnBlockInvite, &QPushButton::clicked, this,
+        [=]() {
+            emit btnBlockInviteClicked();
+        });
     delete ui;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/combar.h b/invitebuttonswidget.h
similarity index 73%
rename from combar.h
rename to invitebuttonswidget.h
index ca01889..7e1919b 100644
--- a/combar.h
+++ b/invitebuttonswidget.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Jäger Nicolas <>              *
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -21,20 +21,22 @@
 #include <QWidget>
 namespace Ui {
-class ComBar;
+class InviteButtonsWidget;
-class ComBar : public QWidget
+class InviteButtonsWidget : public QWidget
-    explicit ComBar(QWidget* parent = 0);
-    ~ComBar();
+    explicit InviteButtonsWidget(QWidget* parent = 0);
+    ~InviteButtonsWidget();
-    Ui::ComBar* ui;
+    Ui::InviteButtonsWidget* ui;
-    void btnVideoClicked() const;
+    void btnAcceptInviteClicked() const;
+    void btnIgnoreInviteClicked() const;
+    void btnBlockInviteClicked() const;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/invitebuttonswidget.ui b/invitebuttonswidget.ui
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1f8bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/invitebuttonswidget.ui
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

+<ui version="4.0">

+ <class>InviteButtonsWidget</class>

+ <widget class="QWidget" name="InviteButtonsWidget">

+  <property name="geometry">

+   <rect>

+    <x>0</x>

+    <y>0</y>

+    <width>323</width>

+    <height>114</height>

+   </rect>

+  </property>

+  <property name="sizePolicy">

+   <sizepolicy hsizetype="MinimumExpanding" vsizetype="MinimumExpanding">

+    <horstretch>0</horstretch>

+    <verstretch>0</verstretch>

+   </sizepolicy>

+  </property>

+  <property name="windowTitle">

+   <string/>

+  </property>

+  <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout">

+   <property name="spacing">

+    <number>0</number>

+   </property>

+   <property name="leftMargin">

+    <number>0</number>

+   </property>

+   <property name="topMargin">

+    <number>0</number>

+   </property>

+   <property name="rightMargin">

+    <number>5</number>

+   </property>

+   <property name="bottomMargin">

+    <number>0</number>

+   </property>

+   <item>

+    <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">

+     <property name="orientation">

+      <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>

+     </property>

+     <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">

+      <size>

+       <width>209</width>

+       <height>17</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+    </spacer>

+   </item>

+   <item>

+    <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnAcceptInvite">

+     <property name="sizePolicy">

+      <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Fixed">

+       <horstretch>0</horstretch>

+       <verstretch>0</verstretch>

+      </sizepolicy>

+     </property>

+     <property name="minimumSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>30</width>

+       <height>30</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+     <property name="maximumSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>30</width>

+       <height>30</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+     <property name="toolTip">

+      <string>Accept invite</string>

+     </property>

+     <property name="text">

+      <string/>

+     </property>

+     <property name="icon">

+      <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">

+       <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_black_24dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_black_24dp_2x.png</iconset>

+     </property>

+     <property name="iconSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>18</width>

+       <height>18</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+    </widget>

+   </item>

+   <item>

+    <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnIgnoreInvite">

+     <property name="minimumSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>30</width>

+       <height>30</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+     <property name="maximumSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>30</width>

+       <height>30</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+     <property name="toolTip">

+      <string>Ignore invite</string>

+     </property>

+     <property name="text">

+      <string/>

+     </property>

+     <property name="icon">

+      <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">

+       <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_clear-24px.svg</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_clear-24px.svg</iconset>

+     </property>

+     <property name="iconSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>18</width>

+       <height>18</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+    </widget>

+   </item>

+   <item>

+    <widget class="QPushButton" name="btnBlockInvite">

+     <property name="minimumSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>30</width>

+       <height>30</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+     <property name="maximumSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>30</width>

+       <height>30</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+     <property name="toolTip">

+      <string>Block person</string>

+     </property>

+     <property name="text">

+      <string/>

+     </property>

+     <property name="icon">

+      <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">

+       <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_block-24px.svg</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_block-24px.svg</iconset>

+     </property>

+     <property name="iconSize">

+      <size>

+       <width>18</width>

+       <height>18</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+    </widget>

+   </item>

+   <item>

+    <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">

+     <property name="orientation">

+      <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>

+     </property>

+     <property name="sizeType">

+      <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>

+     </property>

+     <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">

+      <size>

+       <width>13</width>

+       <height>17</height>

+      </size>

+     </property>

+    </spacer>

+   </item>

+  </layout>

+ </widget>

+ <resources>

+  <include location="ressources.qrc"/>

+ </resources>

+ <connections/>


diff --git a/lrcinstance.h b/lrcinstance.h
index 573f7d3..e92dd34 100644
--- a/lrcinstance.h
+++ b/lrcinstance.h
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 #undef ERROR
+#include <QSettings>
 #include "api/lrc.h"
 #include "api/account.h"
 #include "api/newaccountmodel.h"
@@ -31,6 +33,8 @@
 #include "api/contact.h"
 #include "api/datatransfermodel.h"
+#include <settingskey.h>
 class LRCInstance {
     static void init() {
@@ -55,15 +59,51 @@
         return instance().lrc_->isConnected();
+    static const lrc::api::account::Info&
+    getCurrentAccountInfo() {
+        return accountModel().getAccountInfo(instance().selectedAccountId);
+    };
+    static lrc::api::ConversationModel*
+    getCurrentConversationModel() {
+        return getCurrentAccountInfo().conversationModel.get();
+    };
+    static lrc::api::NewCallModel*
+    getCurrentCallModel() {
+        return getCurrentAccountInfo().callModel.get();
+    };
+    static const std::string& getSelectedAccountId() {
+        return instance().selectedAccountId;
+    };
+    static void setSelectedAccountId(const std::string& accountId) {
+        instance().selectedAccountId = accountId;
+        QSettings settings;
+        settings.setValue(SettingsKey::selectedAccount, QString::fromStdString(accountId));
+    };
+    static const std::string& getSelectedConvUid() {
+        return instance().selectedConvUid;
+    };
+    static void setSelectedConvId(const std::string& convUid) {
+        instance().selectedConvUid = convUid;
+    };
     std::unique_ptr<lrc::api::Lrc> lrc_;
     static LRCInstance& instance() {
         static LRCInstance instance_;
         return instance_;
-    }
+    };
     LRCInstance() {
         lrc_ = std::make_unique<lrc::api::Lrc>();
+    std::string selectedAccountId;
+    std::string selectedConvUid;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 61dec93..a0284ab 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 #include "pixbufmanipulator.h"
 #include "lrcinstance.h"
-#include <QThread>
 #include <QTranslator>
 #include <QLibraryInfo>
 #include <QFontDatabase>
diff --git a/mainwindow.cpp b/mainwindow.cpp
index c3cd8f6..c6abaec 100644
--- a/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -42,10 +43,19 @@
     ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
     connect(ui->callwidget, &CallWidget::NavigationRequested,
-            [this](ScreenEnum scr){Utils::slidePage(ui->navStack, ui->navStack->widget(scr));});
+            [this](ScreenEnum scr) {
+            Utils::setStackWidget(ui->navStack, ui->navStack->widget(scr));
+        });
     connect(ui->configurationwidget, &ConfigurationWidget::NavigationRequested,
-            [this](ScreenEnum scr){Utils::slidePage(ui->navStack, ui->navStack->widget(scr));});
+            [this](ScreenEnum scr) {
+            Utils::setStackWidget(ui->navStack, ui->navStack->widget(scr));
+            if (scr == ScreenEnum::CallScreen) {
+                ui->callwidget->update();
+            }
+        });
     QIcon icon(":images/ring.png");
@@ -189,7 +199,7 @@
     connect(settings, &QWinThumbnailToolButton::clicked, [this]() {
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->navStack, ui->configurationwidget);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->navStack, ui->configurationwidget);
diff --git a/messagemodel.cpp b/messagemodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998c97f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/messagemodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                 *
+* Author: Andreas Traczyk <>           *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     *
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     *
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or        *
+* (at your option) any later version.                                      *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          *
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
+* GNU General Public License for more details.                             *
+*                                                                          *
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        *
+* along with this program.  If not, see <>.    *
+#include "messagemodel.h"
+// Qt
+#include <QDateTime>
+// LRC
+#include "globalinstances.h"
+#include "api/contactmodel.h"
+#include "api/conversationmodel.h"
+// Client
+#include "pixbufmanipulator.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+MessageModel::MessageModel(const ConversationInfo& conv, const AccountInfo& acc, QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractItemModel(parent),
+    conv_(conv),
+    acc_(acc)
+int MessageModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    if (!parent.isValid()) {
+        return conv_.interactions.size();
+    }
+    return 0; // A valid QModelIndex returns 0 as no entry has sub-elements
+int MessageModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    return 1;
+QVariant MessageModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+    if (!index.isValid() || conv_.interactions.size() == 0) {
+        return QVariant();
+    }
+    auto it = conv_.interactions.begin();
+    std::advance(it, index.row());
+    const auto& item = (*it).second;
+    switch (role) {
+    case Role::Body:
+        return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(item.body));
+    case Role::Picture:
+    case Qt::DecorationRole:
+        return GlobalInstances::pixmapManipulator().decorationRole(conv_, acc_);
+    case Role::DisplayName:
+    case Qt::DisplayRole:
+    {
+        auto& contact = acc_.contactModel->getContact(conv_.participants[0]);
+        return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(Utils::bestNameForContact(contact)));
+    }
+    case Role::Presence:
+    {
+        auto& contact = acc_.contactModel->getContact(conv_.participants[0]);
+        return QVariant(contact.isPresent);
+    }
+    case Role::InteractionDate:
+    {
+        auto& date = item.timestamp;
+        return QVariant(QDateTime::fromTime_t(date));
+    }
+    case Role::Status:
+        return QVariant::fromValue(static_cast<int>(item.status));
+    case Role::Direction:
+        return QVariant::fromValue(lrc::api::interaction::isOutgoing(item));
+    case Role::Type:
+        return QVariant::fromValue(static_cast<int>(item.type));
+    }
+    return QVariant();
+QModelIndex MessageModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    if (column != 0) {
+        return QModelIndex();
+    }
+    if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount()) {
+        return createIndex(row, column);
+    }
+    return QModelIndex();
+QModelIndex MessageModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
+    Q_UNUSED(child);
+    return QModelIndex();
+Qt::ItemFlags MessageModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    auto flags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
+    if (!index.isValid()) {
+        return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
+    } else {
+        flags &= ~(Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+    }
+    return flags;
diff --git a/messagemodel.h b/messagemodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8411c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/messagemodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                 *
+* Author: Andreas Traczyk <>           *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify     *
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     *
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or        *
+* (at your option) any later version.                                      *
+*                                                                          *
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          *
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           *
+* GNU General Public License for more details.                             *
+*                                                                          *
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        *
+* along with this program.  If not, see <>.    *
+#pragma once
+// Qt include
+#include <QAbstractItemModel>
+// LRC
+#include "api/account.h"
+#include "api/conversation.h"
+#include "api/contact.h"
+class MessageModel : public QAbstractItemModel
+    using AccountInfo = lrc::api::account::Info;
+    using ConversationInfo = lrc::api::conversation::Info;
+    using ContactInfo = lrc::api::contact::Info;
+    enum Role {
+        Body = Qt::UserRole + 1,
+        DisplayName,
+        Picture,
+        Presence,
+        Status,
+        DataTransferStatus,
+        InteractionDate,
+        Direction,
+        Type
+    };
+    explicit MessageModel(const ConversationInfo& conv, const AccountInfo& acc, QObject *parent = 0);
+    // QAbstractItemModel
+    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
+    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
+    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
+    QModelIndex index(int row, int column = 0, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const;
+    Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+    ConversationInfo conv_;
+    const AccountInfo& acc_;
diff --git a/photoboothwidget.cpp b/photoboothwidget.cpp
index 537f544..ded23f4 100644
--- a/photoboothwidget.cpp
+++ b/photoboothwidget.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
-    startBooth();
@@ -44,12 +43,7 @@
 void PhotoboothWidget::startBooth()
-    // // // //
-    // stop (or start before) to give Preview manager some time to start
-    // TODO go modify the daemon to ensure starting upon calling videomanager::startCamera
-    // // // //
diff --git a/pixbufmanipulator.cpp b/pixbufmanipulator.cpp
index 3ca4956..f0fe02e 100644
--- a/pixbufmanipulator.cpp
+++ b/pixbufmanipulator.cpp
@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@
 #include "contactmethod.h"
 #include "profilemodel.h"
 #include "profile.h"
+#include "globalinstances.h"
+ // new LRC
+#include <api/contactmodel.h>
+#include <api/conversation.h>
+#include <api/account.h>
+#include <api/contact.h>
 #include "utils.h"
 #include "ringthemeutils.h"
@@ -51,20 +58,13 @@
     if (h.isEmpty() || h.isNull()) {
         return RingTheme::defaultAvatarColor_;
-    uint8_t colorsLength = sizeof(RingTheme::avatarColors_) / sizeof(QColor);
-    bool ok;
-    auto colorIndex = QString(, colorsLength);
+    auto colorIndex = std::string("0123456789abcdef").find(;
     return RingTheme::avatarColors_[colorIndex];
 // Generate a QImage representing a dummy user avatar, when user doesn't provide it.
 // Current rendering is a flat colored circle with a centered letter.
 // The color of the letter is computed from the circle color to be visible whaterver be the circle color.
-// \param color circle color
-// \param letter centerer letter
 static QImage
 fallbackAvatar(const QSize size, const QString& canonicalUriStr, const QString& letterStr = QString())
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
     // If a letter was passed, then we paint a letter in the circle,
     // otherwise we draw the default avatar icon
+    QString letterStrCleaned(letterStr);
+    letterStrCleaned.remove(QRegExp("[\\n\\t\\r]"));
     if (!letterStr.isEmpty()) {
         auto letter =;
         QFont font("Arial", avatar.height() / 2.66667, QFont::Medium);
@@ -104,8 +106,7 @@
-(const QSize size, const ContactMethod* cm)
+fallbackAvatar(const QSize size, const ContactMethod* cm)
     if (cm == nullptr) {
         return QImage();
@@ -121,6 +122,14 @@
     return image;
+fallbackAvatar(const QSize size, const std::string& alias, const std::string& uri)
+    return fallbackAvatar(size,
+                          QString::fromStdString(uri),
+                          QString::fromStdString(alias));
 /*Namespace Interfaces collide with QBuffer*/
 QByteArray QImageToByteArray(QImage image)
@@ -174,11 +183,12 @@
 QVariant PixbufManipulator::personPhoto(const QByteArray& data, const QString& type)
     QImage avatar;
-    QByteArray ba = type.toLatin1();
-    const char* c_str2 =;
-    if (avatar.loadFromData(data.fromBase64(data), c_str2))
-        return Utils::getCirclePhoto(avatar, avatar.size().width());
-    return fallbackAvatar(IMAGE_SIZE, QString());
+    const bool ret = avatar.loadFromData(QByteArray::fromBase64(data), type.toLatin1());
+    if (!ret) {
+        qDebug() << "vCard image loading failed";
+        return QVariant();
+    }
+    return QPixmap::fromImage(Utils::getCirclePhoto(avatar, avatar.size().width()));
@@ -287,3 +297,65 @@
+PixbufManipulator::decorationRole(const lrc::api::conversation::Info & conversationInfo,
+                                  const lrc::api::account::Info & accountInfo)
+    QImage photo;
+    auto contacts = conversationInfo.participants;
+    if (!contacts.empty()) {
+        try {
+            // Get first contact photo
+            auto contactUri = contacts.front();
+            auto contactInfo = accountInfo.contactModel->getContact(contactUri);
+            auto contactPhoto = contactInfo.profileInfo.avatar;
+            auto bestName = Utils::bestNameForContact(contactInfo);
+            auto bestId = Utils::bestIdForContact(contactInfo);
+            if (accountInfo.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::SIP &&
+                contactInfo.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::TEMPORARY) {
+                photo = fallbackAvatar(IMAGE_SIZE, QString(), QString());
+            }
+            else if (accountInfo.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::SIP) {
+                photo = fallbackAvatar(IMAGE_SIZE,
+                                       QString::fromStdString("sip:" + bestId),
+                                       QString());
+            }
+            else if (contactInfo.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::TEMPORARY && contactInfo.profileInfo.uri.empty()) {
+                photo = fallbackAvatar(IMAGE_SIZE, QString(), QString());
+            }
+            else if (!contactPhoto.empty()) {
+                QByteArray byteArray(contactPhoto.c_str(), contactPhoto.length());
+                photo = personPhoto(byteArray, nullptr).value<QImage>();
+            }
+            else {
+                auto avatarName = contactInfo.profileInfo.uri == bestName ?
+                                  QString() :
+                                  QString::fromStdString(bestName);
+                photo = fallbackAvatar(IMAGE_SIZE,
+                                       QString::fromStdString("ring:" + bestId),
+                                       avatarName);
+            }
+        }
+        catch (...) {}
+    }
+    return QVariant::fromValue(scaleAndFrame(photo, IMAGE_SIZE));
+PixbufManipulator::accountPhoto(const lrc::api::account::Info& accountInfo)
+    QImage photo;
+    if (!accountInfo.profileInfo.avatar.empty()) {
+        QByteArray ba = QByteArray::fromStdString(accountInfo.profileInfo.avatar);
+        photo = GlobalInstances::pixmapManipulator().personPhoto(ba, nullptr).value<QImage>();
+    }
+    else {
+        auto bestId = Utils::bestIdForAccount(accountInfo);
+        auto bestName = Utils::bestNameForAccount(accountInfo);
+        photo = fallbackAvatar( IMAGE_SIZE,
+                                QString::fromStdString("ring:" + bestId),
+                                QString::fromStdString(bestName));
+    }
+    return QVariant::fromValue(scaleAndFrame(photo, IMAGE_SIZE));
diff --git a/pixbufmanipulator.h b/pixbufmanipulator.h
index 4155e5d..8bbe96a 100644
--- a/pixbufmanipulator.h
+++ b/pixbufmanipulator.h
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
     QVariant   decorationRole(const ContactMethod* cm) override;
     QVariant   decorationRole(const Person* p) override;
     QVariant   decorationRole(const Account* acc) override;
+    QVariant   decorationRole(const lrc::api::conversation::Info& conversation,
+                              const lrc::api::account::Info& accountInfo) override;
     static QImage scaleAndFrame(const QImage photo, const QSize& size);
-    static QImage scaleAndFrame(const QImage photo, const int& size);
+    static QVariant accountPhoto(const lrc::api::account::Info& accountInfo);
diff --git a/quickactcontactrequestwidget.cpp b/quickactcontactrequestwidget.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 020d9e6..0000000
--- a/quickactcontactrequestwidget.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- **************************************************************************/
-#include "quickactcontactrequestwidget.h"
-#include "ui_quickactcontactrequestwidget.h"
-#include <QFont>
-#include "contactrequestitemdelegate.h"
-QuickActContactRequestWidget::QuickActContactRequestWidget(QWidget *parent) :
-    QWidget(parent),
-    ui(new Ui::QuickActContactRequestWidget)
-    ui->setupUi(this);
-    // set symbols in buttons using FontAwsome
-    ui->quickValidCRBtn->setText(QChar(0xf00c));
-    ui->quickMuteCRBtn->setText(QChar(0xf12d));
-    ui->quickBanCRBtn->setText(QChar(0xf00d));
-    connect(ui->quickValidCRBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){
-        emit quickValidCRBtnClicked();
-    });
-    connect(ui->quickMuteCRBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){
-        emit quickMuteCRBtnClicked();
-    });
-    connect(ui->quickBanCRBtn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [=](){
-        emit quickBanCRBtnClicked();
-    });
-    disconnect(this);
-    delete ui;
diff --git a/ressources.qrc b/ressources.qrc
index e93b7c1..fa04106 100644
--- a/ressources.qrc
+++ b/ressources.qrc
@@ -44,5 +44,7 @@
+		<file>images/icons/ic_clear-24px.svg</file>
+		<file>images/icons/ic_block-24px.svg</file>
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ee5b41..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@


-# Project created by QtCreator 2018-06-28T15:11:54




-QT       += core gui


-greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets svg xml network winextras


-VERSION = 2.0.0

-GIT_VERSION = $$system(git --git-dir $$PWD/.git --work-tree $$PWD describe --always --tags)


-DEFINES += NIGHTLY_VERSION=$$system("echo %date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%")


-TARGET = Ring



-contains(BUILD, Debug) {

-    QMAKE_STRIP = echo

-    CONFIG += console




-    QMAKE_LRELEASE = lrelease




-    main.cpp\

-    mainwindow.cpp \

-    callwidget.cpp \

-    configurationwidget.cpp \

-    navwidget.cpp \

-    accountdetails.cpp \

-    aboutdialog.cpp \

-    videowidget.cpp \

-    utils.cpp \

-    wizarddialog.cpp \

-    windowscontactbackend.cpp \

-    selectareadialog.cpp \

-    accountserializationadapter.cpp \

-    instantmessagingwidget.cpp \

-    accountstatedelegate.cpp \

-    videoview.cpp \

-    videooverlay.cpp \

-    imdelegate.cpp \

-    contactpicker.cpp \

-    contactmethodpicker.cpp \

-    globalsystemtray.cpp \

-    smartlistdelegate.cpp \

-    callutilsdialog.cpp \

-    combar.cpp \

-    idlabel.cpp \

-    smartlist.cpp \

-    ringcontactlineedit.cpp \

-    pixbufmanipulator.cpp \

-    qualitydialog.cpp \

-    ringbutton.cpp \

-    photoboothdialog.cpp \

-    sendcontactrequestwidget.cpp \

-    currentaccountwidget.cpp \

-    contactrequestwidget.cpp \

-    contactrequestitemdelegate.cpp \

-    quickactcontactrequestwidget.cpp \

-    contactrequestlistwidget.cpp \

-    deleteaccountdialog.cpp \

-    bannedcontactswidget.cpp \

-    photoboothwidget.cpp \

-    deletecontactdialog.cpp



-    mainwindow.h \

-    callwidget.h \

-    configurationwidget.h \

-    navwidget.h \

-    accountdetails.h \

-    aboutdialog.h \

-    videowidget.h \

-    utils.h \

-    wizarddialog.h \

-    windowscontactbackend.h \

-    selectareadialog.h \

-    accountserializationadapter.h \

-    instantmessagingwidget.h \

-    accountstatedelegate.h \

-    videoview.h \

-    videooverlay.h \

-    imdelegate.h \

-    contactpicker.h \

-    contactmethodpicker.h \

-    settingskey.h \

-    globalsystemtray.h \

-    smartlistdelegate.h \

-    callutilsdialog.h \

-    combar.h \

-    idlabel.h \

-    smartlist.h \

-    ringcontactlineedit.h \

-    pixbufmanipulator.h \

-    qualitydialog.h \

-    ringthemeutils.h \

-    ringbutton.h \

-    photoboothdialog.h \

-    sendcontactrequestwidget.h \

-    currentaccountwidget.h \

-    contactrequestwidget.h \

-    contactrequestitemdelegate.h \

-    quickactcontactrequestwidget.h \

-    contactrequestlistwidget.h \

-    deleteaccountdialog.h \

-    bannedcontactswidget.h \

-    photoboothwidget.h \

-    deletecontactdialog.h \

-    lrcinstance.h



- HEADERS += shmclient.h

- SOURCES += shmclient.cpp



-FORMS    +=

-    mainwindow.ui \

-    callwidget.ui \

-    configurationwidget.ui \

-    accountdetails.ui \

-    aboutdialog.ui \

-    wizarddialog.ui \

-    instantmessagingwidget.ui \

-    videoview.ui \

-    videooverlay.ui \

-    contactpicker.ui \

-    contactmethodpicker.ui \

-    callutilsdialog.ui \

-    combar.ui \

-    qualitydialog.ui \

-    ringbutton.ui \

-    photoboothdialog.ui \

-    sendcontactrequestwidget.ui \

-    currentaccountwidget.ui \

-    contactrequestwidget.ui \

-    quickactcontactrequestwidget.ui \

-    deleteaccountdialog.ui \

-    bannedcontactswidget.ui \

-    photoboothwidget.ui \

-    deletecontactdialog.ui


-INCLUDEPATH += $${RING}/lrc/src

-INCLUDEPATH += $${RING}/client-windows/winsparkle/include

-INCLUDEPATH += $${RING}/client-windows/qrencode-win32/qrencode-win32



-CONFIG( debug, debug|release ) {

-    # debug

-    # daemon lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/../daemon/contrib/msvc/lib/x64/

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/../daemon/MSVC/x64/DebugLib_win32/bin/ -ldring


-    # lrc lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/../lrc/msvc/Debug/ -lringclient_s


-    # winsparkle lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/winsparkle/x64/release/ -lWinSparkle


-    # qrcode lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/qrencode-win32/qrencode-win32/vc8/qrcodelib/x64/Release-Lib/ -lqrcodelib

-} else {

-    # release

-    # debug

-    # daemon lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/../daemon/contrib/msvc/lib/x64/

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/../daemon/MSVC/x64/ReleaseLib_win32/bin/ -ldring


-    # lrc lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/../lrc/msvc/Release/ -lringclient_s


-    # winsparkle lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/winsparkle/x64/release/ -lWinSparkle


-    # qrcode lib

-    LIBS += -L$$PWD/qrencode-win32/qrencode-win32/vc8/qrcodelib/x64/Release-Lib/ -lqrcodelib





-LIBS += -lOle32 -lAdvapi32 -lShlwapi -lUser32 -lGdi32 -lCrypt32 -lStrmiids



-    ressources.qrc


-RC_FILE = ico.rc



-    translations/ring_client_windows_nb.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_pa.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_pt_BR.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_pt.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ms.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_de.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_uk.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_sq_AL.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ca.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_es.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_da_DK.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_et_EE.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_de_DE.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_lt.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_fr_FR.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_nl_BE.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_he.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_sk_SK.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_pl.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_es_AR.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_nl.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_it_IT.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_bg.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_id.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_en_GB.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_pl_PL.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_eu.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_eo.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_nl_NL.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ru_RU.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_hr.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_zh_CN.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_fr.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_tr.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_cs_CZ.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_zh_TW.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_fr_CA.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ko_KR.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_zh.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_fa_IR.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_fi.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_sv.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_it.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_el.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ja.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_hu.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_sl.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_hi_IN.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ro.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ru.ts \

-    translations/ring_client_windows_ar.ts \


-RINGTONES.files = $${RING}/daemon/ringtones

-RINGTONES.path = $$OUT_PWD/release


-PACKAGING.files = ring.nsi images/ring.ico

-PACKAGING.path = $$OUT_PWD/release


-LICENSE.files = License.rtf

-LICENSE.path = $$OUT_PWD/release




-RUNTIME.files = $${RING}/lrc/msvc/Release/ringclient.dll

-RUNTIME.path = $$OUT_PWD/release


-LRC_TRANSLATION.files = $${RING}/share/libringclient/translations

-LRC_TRANSLATION.path = $$OUT_PWD/release/share/libringclient/


-QTRUNTIME.files = $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5Core.dll $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5Widgets.dll \

-                        $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5Gui.dll $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5Svg.dll \

-                        $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5Xml.dll $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5WinExtras.dll \

-                        $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5Network.dll $$RUNTIMEDIR/Qt5Sql.dll

-QTRUNTIME.path = $$OUT_PWD/release


-QTDEPSRUNTIME.path = $$OUT_PWD/release


-QTPLATFORMS.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/platforms/qwindows.dll

-QTPLATFORMS.path = $$OUT_PWD/release/platforms


-QTPLUGINIMAGE.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/imageformats/

-QTPLUGINIMAGE.path = $$OUT_PWD/release


-QTSQLDRIVERS.files = $$[QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS]/sqldrivers/qsqlite.dll

-QTSQLDRIVERS.path = $$OUT_PWD/release/sqldrivers


-LIBSTD.files = $$RUNTIMEDIR/libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll $$RUNTIMEDIR/libstdc++-6.dll \

-                $$RUNTIMEDIR/libwinpthread-1.dll $$RUNTIMEDIR/libgcc_s_seh-1.dll

-LIBSTD.path = $$OUT_PWD/release






diff --git a/ring-client-windows.sln b/ring-client-windows.sln
index f2e9245..222923c 100644
--- a/ring-client-windows.sln
+++ b/ring-client-windows.sln
@@ -37,15 +37,16 @@
 		RelWithDebInfo|x86 = RelWithDebInfo|x86


 	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution

-		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64

-		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64

-		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64

-		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib_win32|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64

-		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib_win32|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.Debug|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.Debug|x86.Build.0 = Release|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib_win32|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib_win32|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64

 		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib_win32|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x64

 		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib_win32|x86.Build.0 = Release|x64

-		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64

-		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64

+		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64

 		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib|x86.ActiveCfg = Release|x64

 		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.DebugLib|x86.Build.0 = Release|x64

 		{0F6318E4-4C06-384E-BCA8-F344DA187957}.MinSizeRel|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64

diff --git a/ring-client-windows.vcxproj b/ring-client-windows.vcxproj
index d092da0..cb7f54b 100644
--- a/ring-client-windows.vcxproj
+++ b/ring-client-windows.vcxproj
@@ -5,10 +5,6 @@



-    <ProjectConfiguration Include="Debug|x64">

-      <Configuration>Debug</Configuration>

-      <Platform>x64</Platform>

-    </ProjectConfiguration>


   <PropertyGroup Label="Globals">


@@ -26,15 +22,6 @@



-  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'" Label="Configuration">

-    <PlatformToolset>v141</PlatformToolset>

-    <OutputDirectory>debug\</OutputDirectory>

-    <ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage>false</ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage>

-    <CharacterSet>NotSet</CharacterSet>

-    <ConfigurationType>Application</ConfigurationType>

-    <IntermediateDirectory>debug\</IntermediateDirectory>

-    <PrimaryOutput>Ring</PrimaryOutput>

-  </PropertyGroup>

   <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />

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@@ -49,9 +36,6 @@
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@@ -59,19 +43,15 @@
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@@ -90,7 +70,7 @@



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@@ -136,109 +116,53 @@



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+    </ClCompile>

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@@ -261,16 +185,17 @@

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@@ -278,8 +203,6 @@

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@@ -296,12 +219,18 @@

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@@ -312,9 +241,25 @@
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+    </QtMoc>

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+    </QtMoc>

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+    </QtMoc>

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+      <Define Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">_WINDOWS;UNICODE;_UNICODE;WIN32;WIN64;NIGHTLY_VERSION=20180706;ENABLE_AUTOUPDATE;QT_NO_DEBUG;NDEBUG</Define>


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@@ -331,10 +276,6 @@
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-      <Message Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">Generate moc_predefs.h</Message>

-      <Outputs Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">debug\moc_predefs.h;%(Outputs)</Outputs>


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@@ -342,21 +283,17 @@
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@@ -433,13 +370,10 @@
     <QtUic Include="callutilsdialog.ui">


     <QtUic Include="callwidget.ui">

-    </QtUic>

-    <QtUic Include="combar.ui">

+      <SubType>Designer</SubType>


     <QtUic Include="configurationwidget.ui">


-    <QtUic Include="contactmethodpicker.ui">

-    </QtUic>

     <QtUic Include="contactpicker.ui">


     <QtUic Include="contactrequestwidget.ui">

@@ -448,10 +382,9 @@

     <QtUic Include="deleteaccountdialog.ui">


-    <QtUic Include="deletecontactdialog.ui">

-    </QtUic>

     <QtUic Include="instantmessagingwidget.ui">


+    <QtUic Include="invitebuttonswidget.ui" />

     <QtUic Include="mainwindow.ui">


     <QtUic Include="photoboothdialog.ui">

diff --git a/ring-client-windows.vcxproj.filters b/ring-client-windows.vcxproj.filters
index a777fab..276995b 100644
--- a/ring-client-windows.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/ring-client-windows.vcxproj.filters
@@ -75,27 +75,12 @@
     <ClCompile Include="callutilsdialog.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


-    <ClCompile Include="callwidget.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

-    <ClCompile Include="combar.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

     <ClCompile Include="configurationwidget.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


-    <ClCompile Include="contactmethodpicker.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

     <ClCompile Include="contactpicker.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


-    <ClCompile Include="contactrequestitemdelegate.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

-    <ClCompile Include="contactrequestlistwidget.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

     <ClCompile Include="contactrequestwidget.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


@@ -105,9 +90,6 @@
     <ClCompile Include="deleteaccountdialog.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


-    <ClCompile Include="deletecontactdialog.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

     <ClCompile Include="globalsystemtray.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


@@ -141,9 +123,6 @@
     <ClCompile Include="qualitydialog.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


-    <ClCompile Include="quickactcontactrequestwidget.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

     <ClCompile Include="ringbutton.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


@@ -156,12 +135,6 @@
     <ClCompile Include="sendcontactrequestwidget.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


-    <ClCompile Include="smartlist.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

-    <ClCompile Include="smartlistdelegate.cpp">

-      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

-    </ClCompile>

     <ClCompile Include="utils.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


@@ -180,6 +153,36 @@
     <ClCompile Include="wizarddialog.cpp">

       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>


+    <ClCompile Include="smartlistview.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="smartlistmodel.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="messagemodel.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="accountlistmodel.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="accountitemdelegate.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="callwidget.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="conversationitemdelegate.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="conversationsfilterwidget.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>

+    <ClCompile Include="invitebuttonswidget.cpp">

+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>

+    </ClCompile>



     <QtMoc Include="aboutdialog.h">

@@ -203,24 +206,12 @@
     <QtMoc Include="callwidget.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


-    <QtMoc Include="combar.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </QtMoc>

     <QtMoc Include="configurationwidget.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


-    <QtMoc Include="contactmethodpicker.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </QtMoc>

     <QtMoc Include="contactpicker.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


-    <ClInclude Include="contactrequestitemdelegate.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </ClInclude>

-    <QtMoc Include="contactrequestlistwidget.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </QtMoc>

     <QtMoc Include="contactrequestwidget.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


@@ -230,9 +221,6 @@
     <QtMoc Include="deleteaccountdialog.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


-    <QtMoc Include="deletecontactdialog.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </QtMoc>

     <QtMoc Include="globalsystemtray.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


@@ -263,9 +251,6 @@
     <QtMoc Include="qualitydialog.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


-    <QtMoc Include="quickactcontactrequestwidget.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </QtMoc>

     <QtMoc Include="ringbutton.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


@@ -284,12 +269,6 @@
     <ClInclude Include="settingskey.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


-    <QtMoc Include="smartlist.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </QtMoc>

-    <QtMoc Include="smartlistdelegate.h">

-      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

-    </QtMoc>

     <ClInclude Include="utils.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


@@ -308,6 +287,33 @@
     <QtMoc Include="wizarddialog.h">

       <Filter>Header Files</Filter>


+    <QtMoc Include="smartlistmodel.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="smartlistview.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="messagemodel.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="accountlistmodel.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="accountitemdelegate.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="conversationitemdelegate.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="conversationsfilterwidget.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>

+    <QtMoc Include="invitebuttonswidget.h">

+      <Filter>Header Files</Filter>

+    </QtMoc>



     <CustomBuild Include="debug\moc_predefs.h.cbt">

@@ -331,15 +337,9 @@
     <ClInclude Include="ui_callwidget.h">

       <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>


-    <ClInclude Include="ui_combar.h">

-      <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>

-    </ClInclude>

     <ClInclude Include="ui_configurationwidget.h">

       <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>


-    <ClInclude Include="ui_contactmethodpicker.h">

-      <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>

-    </ClInclude>

     <ClInclude Include="ui_contactpicker.h">

       <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>


@@ -352,9 +352,6 @@
     <ClInclude Include="ui_deleteaccountdialog.h">

       <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>


-    <ClInclude Include="ui_deletecontactdialog.h">

-      <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>

-    </ClInclude>

     <ClInclude Include="ui_instantmessagingwidget.h">

       <Filter>Generated Files</Filter>


@@ -563,15 +560,9 @@
     <QtUic Include="callwidget.ui">

       <Filter>Form Files</Filter>


-    <QtUic Include="combar.ui">

-      <Filter>Form Files</Filter>

-    </QtUic>

     <QtUic Include="configurationwidget.ui">

       <Filter>Form Files</Filter>


-    <QtUic Include="contactmethodpicker.ui">

-      <Filter>Form Files</Filter>

-    </QtUic>

     <QtUic Include="contactpicker.ui">

       <Filter>Form Files</Filter>


@@ -584,9 +575,6 @@
     <QtUic Include="deleteaccountdialog.ui">

       <Filter>Form Files</Filter>


-    <QtUic Include="deletecontactdialog.ui">

-      <Filter>Form Files</Filter>

-    </QtUic>

     <QtUic Include="instantmessagingwidget.ui">

       <Filter>Form Files</Filter>


@@ -620,6 +608,9 @@
     <QtUic Include="wizarddialog.ui">

       <Filter>Form Files</Filter>


+    <QtUic Include="invitebuttonswidget.ui">

+      <Filter>Form Files</Filter>

+    </QtUic>



     <None Include="images\FontAwesome.otf">

diff --git a/ringthemeutils.h b/ringthemeutils.h
index da8e504..8b77e73 100644
--- a/ringthemeutils.h
+++ b/ringthemeutils.h
@@ -26,11 +26,13 @@
 static const QColor imGrey_ {"#dedee0"};
 static const QColor imBlue_ {"#cfebf5"};
 static const QColor lightBlack_ {63, 63, 63};
-static const QColor grey_ {192, 192, 192};
+static const QColor grey_ {160, 160, 160 };
 static const QColor red_ {251, 72, 71};
 static const QColor lightRed_ {252, 91, 90};
 static const QColor darkRed_ {219, 55, 54};
+static const QColor notificationRed_{ 255, 59, 48 };
 static const QColor green_ {127, 255, 0};
+static const QColor presenceGreen_{ 76, 217, 100 };
 static const QColor smartlistSelection_ { 237, 237, 237 };
 static const QColor smartlistHighlight_ { 242, 242, 242 };
diff --git a/settingskey.h b/settingskey.h
index 9fd4234..8a2453a 100644
--- a/settingskey.h
+++ b/settingskey.h
@@ -24,9 +24,8 @@
 constexpr static char autoAnswer[] = "autoAnswer";
 constexpr static char geometry[] = "geometry";
 constexpr static char windowState[] = "windowState";
-constexpr static char imShowAuthor[] = "imShowAuthor";
-constexpr static char imShowDate[] = "imShowDate";
 constexpr static char enableNotifications[] = "enableNotifications";
+constexpr static char selectedAccount[] = "selectedAccount";
 #define accountAutoAnswer(A) (A+SettingsKey::autoAnswer)
diff --git a/smartlist.cpp b/smartlist.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 21db00e..0000000
--- a/smartlist.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Jäger Nicolas <>              *
- * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
- * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- **************************************************************************/
-#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
-#include <QEvent>
-#include <QTreeWidgetItem>
-#include <QScrollBar>
-#include "smartlistdelegate.h"
-#include "combar.h"
-#include "smartlist.h"
-#include <ciso646>
-SmartList::SmartList(QWidget *parent) :
-    QTreeView(parent)
-    verticalScrollBar()->hide();
-    connect(this, &QAbstractItemView::entered, [this](const QModelIndex & index) {
-        auto widget = indexWidget(index);
-        if (!widget) {
-            ComBar* bar = new ComBar();
-            setIndexWidget(index, bar);
-            connect(bar, &ComBar::btnVideoClicked, this, [=](){ emit btnVideoClicked(); });
-        }
-        else if (index.isValid())
-            indexWidget(index)->setVisible(true);
-        if(hoveredRow_.isValid() and indexWidget(hoveredRow_))
-            indexWidget(hoveredRow_)->setVisible(false);
-        hoveredRow_ = index;
-    });
-    setVerticalScrollMode(ScrollPerPixel);
-    reset();
-SmartList::enterEvent(QEvent* event)
-    Q_UNUSED(event);
-    verticalScrollBar()->show();
-SmartList::leaveEvent(QEvent* event)
-    Q_UNUSED(event);
-    hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
-    verticalScrollBar()->hide();
-SmartList::setSmartListItemDelegate(SmartListDelegate* delegate)
-    if (delegate) {
-        setItemDelegate(delegate);
-        smartListDelegate_ = delegate;
-    }
-SmartList::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event)
-    if (qobject_cast<QScrollBar*>(watched) && event->type() == QEvent::Enter) {
-        hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
-        return true;
-    }
-    return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);
-SmartList::drawRow(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const
-    if(index == hoveredRow_ && indexWidget(hoveredRow_))
-        indexWidget(index)->setVisible(true);
-    else if(indexWidget(index))
-        indexWidget(index)->setVisible(false);
-    QTreeView::drawRow(painter, option, index);
diff --git a/smartlistdelegate.cpp b/smartlistdelegate.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cb9d964..0000000
--- a/smartlistdelegate.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
- * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
- *                                                                         *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
- *                                                                         *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
- * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
- **************************************************************************/
-#include "smartlistdelegate.h"
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QPixmap>
-#include <QDebug>
-// LRC
-#include "itemdataroles.h"
-#include "person.h"
-#include "recentmodel.h"
-#include "call.h"
-// Client
-#include "combar.h"
-#include "ringthemeutils.h"
-#include <ciso646>
-SmartListDelegate::SmartListDelegate(QObject* parent) :
-    QItemDelegate(parent)
-SmartListDelegate::paint(QPainter* painter
-                        , const QStyleOptionViewItem& option
-                        , const QModelIndex& index
-                        ) const
-    QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option);
-    painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-    // Not having focus removes dotted lines around the item
-    if (opt.state & QStyle::State_HasFocus)
-        opt.state ^= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
-    // First, we draw the control itself
-    QStyle* style = opt.widget ? opt.widget->style() : QApplication::style();
-    style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_ItemViewItem, &opt, painter, opt.widget);
-    bool selected = false;
-    if (option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) {
-        selected = true;
-        opt.state ^= QStyle::State_Selected;
-        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistSelection_);
-    }
-    else if (option.state & QStyle::State_MouseOver) {
-        painter->fillRect(option.rect, RingTheme::smartlistHighlight_);
-    }
-    QRect &rect = opt.rect;
-    // Avatar drawing
-    opt.decorationSize = QSize(sizeImage_, sizeImage_);
-    opt.decorationPosition = QStyleOptionViewItem::Left;
-    opt.decorationAlignment = Qt::AlignCenter;
-    QRect rectAvatar(16 + rect.left(), + dy_, sizeImage_, sizeImage_);
-    drawDecoration(painter, opt, rectAvatar,
-                   QPixmap::fromImage(<QImage>())
-                   .scaled(sizeImage_, sizeImage_, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation));
-    QFont font(painter->font());
-    // If there's unread messages, a message count is displayed
-    if (auto messageCount =<int>(Ring::Role::UnreadTextMessageCount)).toInt()) {
-        font.setPointSize(8);
-        QFontMetrics textFontMetrics(font);
-        // If there is more than 10 unread messages, "10+" is displayed
-        QString messageCountText = (messageCount >= 10)? "9+" : QString::number(messageCount);
-        // This QRect is the bounding one containing the message count to be displayed
-        QRect pastilleRect = textFontMetrics.boundingRect(QRect(rectAvatar.left() - (2 * sizeImage_)/9,
-                                                                rectAvatar.bottom() - sizeImage_/3 - textFontMetrics.height(), sizeImage_, textFontMetrics.height()),
-                                                          Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, messageCountText);
-        // This one is larger than pastilleRect and is used to prepare the red background
-        QRect bubbleRect(pastilleRect.left() - 3,,
-                         pastilleRect.width() + 6, pastilleRect.height() + 1);
-        // The background is displayed
-        QPainterPath path;
-        path.addRoundedRect(bubbleRect, 3, 3);
-        QPen pen(RingTheme::red_, 5);
-        painter->setOpacity(0.9);
-        painter->setPen(pen);
-        painter->fillPath(path, RingTheme::red_);
-        // Then the message count
-        painter->setPen(Qt::white);
-        painter->setOpacity(1);
-        painter->setFont(font);
-        painter->drawText(pastilleRect, Qt::AlignCenter, messageCountText);
-    }
-    // Presence indicator
-    QPainterPath outerCircle, innerCircle;
-    QPointF center(rectAvatar.right() - sizeImage_/6, (rectAvatar.bottom() - sizeImage_/6) + 1);
-    qreal outerCRadius = sizeImage_ / 6, innerCRadius = outerCRadius * 0.75;
-    outerCircle.addEllipse(center, outerCRadius, outerCRadius);
-    innerCircle.addEllipse(center, innerCRadius, innerCRadius);
-    if (<int>(Ring::Role::IsPresent)).value<bool>()) {
-        painter->fillPath(outerCircle, Qt::white);
-        painter->fillPath(innerCircle, RingTheme::green_);
-    }
-    font.setPointSize(fontSize_);
-    QPen pen(painter->pen());
-    if (index.column() != 0) {
-        if (selected) {
-            opt.state ^= QStyle::State_Selected;
-        }
-        QItemDelegate::paint(painter, opt, index);
-        return;
-    }
-    painter->setPen(pen);
-    QRect rectTexts(16 + rect.left() + dx_ + sizeImage_,
-          ,
-                    rect.width(),
-                    rect.height() / 2);
-    // The name is displayed at the avatar's right
-    QVariant name =<int>(Ring::Role::Name));
-    if (name.isValid())
-    {
-        pen.setColor(RingTheme::lightBlack_);
-        painter->setPen(pen);
-        font.setBold(true);
-        painter->setFont(font);
-        QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
-        QString nameStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(name.toString(), Qt::ElideRight
-                                                                , rectTexts.width()- sizeImage_ - effectiveComBarSize_ - dx_);
-        painter->drawText(rectTexts, Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::AlignLeft, nameStr);
-    }
-    // Display the ID under the name
-    QString idStr =<int>(Ring::Role::Number)).value<QString>();
-    if (idStr != name.toString()){
-        pen.setColor(RingTheme::grey_);
-        painter->setPen(pen);
-        font.setItalic(true);
-        font.setBold(false);
-        painter->setFont(font);
-        QFontMetrics fontMetrics(font);
-        if (!idStr.isNull()){
-            idStr = fontMetrics.elidedText(idStr, Qt::ElideRight, rectTexts.width()- sizeImage_ - effectiveComBarSize_ - dx_);
-            painter->drawText(QRect(16 + rect.left() + dx_ + sizeImage_,
-                           + rect.height()/7,
-                                    rect.width(),
-                                    rect.height()/2),
-                              Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignLeft, idStr);
-        } else {
-            qDebug() << "This is not a Person";
-        }
-    }
-    // Finally, either last interaction date or call state is displayed
-    QVariant state =<int>(Ring::Role::FormattedState));
-    pen.setColor(RingTheme::grey_);
-    painter->setPen(pen);
-    font.setItalic(false);
-    font.setBold(false);
-    painter->setFont(font);
-    rectTexts.moveTop(cellHeight_/2);
-    if (state.isValid() && RecentModel::instance().getActiveCall(RecentModel::instance().peopleProxy()->mapToSource(index)))
-    {
-        painter->drawText(QRect(16 + rect.left() + dx_ + sizeImage_,
-                       + rect.height()/2,
-                                rect.width(),
-                                rect.height()/2),
-                            Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, state.toString());
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        QVariant lastUsed =<int>(Ring::Role::FormattedLastUsed));
-        if (lastUsed.isValid())
-        {
-            painter->drawText(QRect(16 + rect.left() + dx_ + sizeImage_,
-                           + rect.height()/2,
-                                    rect.width(),
-                                    rect.height()/2),
-                              Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, lastUsed.toString());
-        }
-    }
-SmartListDelegate::sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem& option
-                           , const QModelIndex& index
-                           ) const
-    QSize size = QItemDelegate::sizeHint(option, index);
-    size.setHeight(cellHeight_);
-    return size;
diff --git a/smartlistmodel.cpp b/smartlistmodel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d767a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartlistmodel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "smartlistmodel.h"
+// Qt
+#include <QDateTime>
+// LRC
+#include "globalinstances.h"
+#include "api/contactmodel.h"
+#include "api/conversationmodel.h"
+// Client
+#include "pixbufmanipulator.h"
+#include "messagemodel.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+SmartListModel::SmartListModel(const lrc::api::account::Info &acc, QObject *parent)
+    : QAbstractItemModel(parent),
+    acc_(acc)
+int SmartListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    if (!parent.isValid()) {
+        return acc_.conversationModel->allFilteredConversations().size();
+    }
+    return 0; // A valid QModelIndex returns 0 as no entry has sub-elements
+int SmartListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    return 1;
+QVariant SmartListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
+    if (!index.isValid()) {
+        return QVariant();
+    }
+    const auto& item = acc_.conversationModel->filteredConversation(index.row());
+    if (item.participants.size() > 0) {
+        try {
+            switch (role) {
+            case Role::Picture:
+            case Qt::DecorationRole:
+                return GlobalInstances::pixmapManipulator().decorationRole(item, acc_);
+            case Role::DisplayName:
+            case Qt::DisplayRole:
+            {
+                auto& contact = acc_.contactModel->getContact(item.participants[0]);
+                return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(Utils::bestNameForContact(contact)));
+            }
+            case Role::DisplayID:
+            {
+                auto& contact = acc_.contactModel->getContact(item.participants[0]);
+                return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(Utils::bestIdForContact(contact)));
+            }
+            case Role::Presence:
+            {
+                auto& contact = acc_.contactModel->getContact(item.participants[0]);
+                return QVariant(contact.isPresent);
+            }
+            case Role::URI:
+            {
+                auto& contact = acc_.contactModel->getContact(item.participants[0]);
+                return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(contact.profileInfo.uri));
+            }
+            case Role::UnreadMessagesCount:
+                return QVariant(item.unreadMessages);
+            case Role::LastInteractionDate:
+            {
+                auto& date =;
+                return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(Utils::formatTimeString(date)));
+            }
+            case Role::LastInteraction:
+                return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(;
+            case Role::ContactType:
+            {
+                auto& contact = acc_.contactModel->getContact(item.participants[0]);
+                return QVariant(Utils::toUnderlyingValue(contact.profileInfo.type));
+            }
+            case Role::UID:
+                return QVariant(QString::fromStdString(item.uid));
+            case Role::ContextMenuOpen:
+                return QVariant(isContextMenuOpen_);
+            }
+        } catch (...) {}
+    }
+    return QVariant();
+QModelIndex SmartListModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
+    Q_UNUSED(parent);
+    if (column != 0) {
+        return QModelIndex();
+    }
+    if (row >= 0 && row < rowCount()) {
+        return createIndex(row, column);
+    }
+    return QModelIndex();
+QModelIndex SmartListModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
+    Q_UNUSED(child);
+    return QModelIndex();
+Qt::ItemFlags SmartListModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
+    auto flags = QAbstractItemModel::flags(index) | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
+    auto type = Utils::toEnum<lrc::api::profile::Type>(data(index, Role::ContactType).value<int>());
+    auto displayName = data(index, Role::DisplayName).value<QString>();
+    auto uid = data(index, Role::UID).value<QString>();
+    if (!index.isValid()) {
+        return QAbstractItemModel::flags(index);
+    } else if ( type == lrc::api::profile::Type::TEMPORARY &&
+                uid.isEmpty()) {
+        flags &= ~(Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+    }
+    return flags;
diff --git a/smartlistmodel.h b/smartlistmodel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9071599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartlistmodel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+* Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
+*                                                                         *
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
+* (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+*                                                                         *
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+* GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+*                                                                         *
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+* along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+#pragma once
+// Qt include
+#include <QAbstractItemModel>
+// LRC
+#include "api/account.h"
+#include "api/conversation.h"
+#include "api/contact.h"
+#include "messagemodel.h"
+namespace lrc { namespace api { class ConversationModel; } }
+class SmartListModel : public QAbstractItemModel
+    using AccountInfo = lrc::api::account::Info;
+    using ConversationInfo = lrc::api::conversation::Info;
+    using ContactInfo = lrc::api::contact::Info;
+    enum Role {
+        DisplayName = Qt::UserRole + 1,
+        DisplayID,
+        Picture,
+        Presence,
+        URI,
+        UnreadMessagesCount,
+        LastInteractionDate,
+        LastInteraction,
+        ContactType,
+        UID,
+        ContextMenuOpen
+    };
+    explicit SmartListModel(const lrc::api::account::Info& acc, QObject *parent = 0);
+    // QAbstractItemModel
+    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const override;
+    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
+    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override;
+    QModelIndex index(int row, int column = 0, const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
+    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const;
+    Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const;
+    bool isContextMenuOpen_{false};
+    const AccountInfo& acc_;
diff --git a/smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.cpp b/smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b3764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h"
+#include "lrcinstance.h"
+#include "ringthemeutils.h"
+#include "api/conversationmodel.h"
+#include <QPainter>
+SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier::SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier(QWidget *parent)
+    : QPushButton(parent)
+void SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier::setTypeFilter(lrc::api::profile::Type filter)
+    typeFilter_ = filter;
+SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
+    // nb: don't paint the 'button' here!
+    // QPushButton::paintEvent(event);
+    Q_UNUSED(event);
+    QPainter painter(this);
+    painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
+    QFont font(painter.font());
+    int totalUnreadMessages = 0;
+    using namespace lrc::api::profile;
+    switch (typeFilter_) {
+    case Type::RING:
+    {
+        auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+        auto ringConversations = convModel->getFilteredConversations(Type::RING);
+        std::for_each(ringConversations.begin(), ringConversations.end(),
+            [&totalUnreadMessages, convModel](const auto& conversation) {
+                totalUnreadMessages += convModel->getNumberOfUnreadMessagesFor(conversation.uid);
+            });
+        break;
+    }
+    case Type::PENDING:
+    {
+        auto& accountInfo = LRCInstance::getCurrentAccountInfo();
+        totalUnreadMessages = accountInfo.contactModel->pendingRequestCount();
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    if (totalUnreadMessages) {
+        QString messageCountText = (totalUnreadMessages > 9) ? "9+" : QString::number(totalUnreadMessages);
+        qreal fontSize = messageCountText.count() > 1 ? 7 : 8;
+        font.setPointSize(fontSize);
+        QRect buttonRect(this->rect());
+        // ellipse
+        QPainterPath ellipse;
+        qreal radius = buttonRect.width() / 2;
+        ellipse.addRoundedRect(buttonRect, radius, radius);
+        painter.fillPath(ellipse, RingTheme::notificationRed_);
+        // text
+        painter.setPen(Qt::white);
+        painter.setOpacity(1);
+        painter.setFont(font);
+        buttonRect.setTop( - 2);
+        painter.drawText(buttonRect, Qt::AlignCenter, messageCountText);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/combar.h b/smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h
similarity index 68%
copy from combar.h
copy to smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h
index ca01889..3a928c3 100644
--- a/combar.h
+++ b/smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
- * Author: Jäger Nicolas <>              *
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -15,26 +15,23 @@
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
  * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
 #pragma once
-#include <QWidget>
+#include "api/profile.h"
+#include "smartlistselectorbuttonnotifier.h"
-namespace Ui {
-class ComBar;
+#include <QPushButton>
-class ComBar : public QWidget
+class SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier : public QPushButton
-    explicit ComBar(QWidget* parent = 0);
-    ~ComBar();
+    SmartlistSelectorButtonNotifier(QWidget *parent = 0);
+    void setTypeFilter(lrc::api::profile::Type filter);
-    Ui::ComBar* ui;
+    virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
-    void btnVideoClicked() const;
+    lrc::api::profile::Type typeFilter_{ lrc::api::profile::Type::INVALID };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smartlistview.cpp b/smartlistview.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae44423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smartlistview.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
+ * Author: Jäger Nicolas <>              *
+ * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
+ * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or       *
+ * (at your option) any later version.                                     *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
+ *                                                                         *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.   *
+ **************************************************************************/
+#include "smartlistview.h"
+#include "invitebuttonswidget.h"
+#include "smartlistmodel.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <QScrollBar>
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <ciso646>
+SmartListView::SmartListView(QWidget *parent) :
+    QTreeView(parent)
+    verticalScrollBar()->setEnabled(true);
+    setVerticalScrollMode(ScrollPerPixel);
+    verticalScrollBar()->setStyleSheet("QScrollBar:vertical { width: 0px; }");
+    setDragEnabled(true);
+    setAcceptDrops(true);
+    setDropIndicatorShown(true);
+    setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
+    setMouseTracking(true);
+    installEventFilter(this);
+    QObject::connect(this, &QAbstractItemView::entered,
+        [this](const QModelIndex & index) {
+            auto type = Utils::toEnum<lrc::api::profile::Type>(
+      <int>(SmartListModel::Role::ContactType)).value<int>()
+                );
+            if (type == lrc::api::profile::Type::PENDING) {
+                auto widget = indexWidget(index);
+                if (!widget) {
+                    InviteButtonsWidget* buttons = new InviteButtonsWidget();
+                    setIndexWidget(index, buttons);
+                    QObject::connect(buttons, &InviteButtonsWidget::btnAcceptInviteClicked, this,
+                        [this, index]() {
+                            hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
+                            emit btnAcceptInviteClicked(index);
+                        });
+                    QObject::connect(buttons, &InviteButtonsWidget::btnIgnoreInviteClicked, this,
+                        [this, index]() {
+                            hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
+                            emit btnIgnoreInviteClicked(index);
+                        });
+                    QObject::connect(buttons, &InviteButtonsWidget::btnBlockInviteClicked, this,
+                        [this, index]() {
+                            hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
+                            emit btnBlockInviteClicked(index);
+                        });
+                }
+                else {
+                    widget->show();
+                }
+                if (hoveredRow_.isValid() && indexWidget(hoveredRow_)) {
+                    indexWidget(hoveredRow_)->hide();
+                }
+                hoveredRow_ = index;
+            }
+        });
+    reset();
+SmartListView::enterEvent(QEvent* event)
+    Q_UNUSED(event);
+SmartListView::leaveEvent(QEvent* event)
+    Q_UNUSED(event);
+    hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
+SmartListView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
+    if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) {
+        emit customContextMenuRequested(event->pos());
+    }
+    else {
+        QTreeView::mousePressEvent(event);
+    }
+SmartListView::eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event)
+    auto index = this->indexAt(static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event)->pos());
+    if (!index.isValid()) {
+        hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
+    }
+    if (qobject_cast<QScrollBar*>(watched) && event->type() == QEvent::Enter) {
+        hoveredRow_ = QModelIndex();
+        return true;
+    }
+    return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);
+    auto model = this->model();
+    if (!model) {
+        return;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(); ++i) {
+        auto index = model->index(i, 0);
+        if (index.isValid() && indexWidget(index)) {
+            qDebug() << "hide a ButtonsWidgets";
+            indexWidget(index)->setVisible(false);
+        }
+    }
+SmartListView::drawRow(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const
+    if (index == hoveredRow_ && indexWidget(hoveredRow_)) {
+        indexWidget(index)->setVisible(true);
+    }
+    else if (indexWidget(index)) {
+        indexWidget(index)->setVisible(false);
+    }
+    QTreeView::drawRow(painter, option, index);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smartlist.h b/smartlistview.h
similarity index 75%
rename from smartlist.h
rename to smartlistview.h
index 1dfa915..a7e6d89 100644
--- a/smartlist.h
+++ b/smartlistview.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Jäger Nicolas <>              *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -20,27 +21,29 @@
 #include <QTreeView>
-class SmartListDelegate;
+class ConversationItemDelegate;
-class SmartList : public QTreeView
+class SmartListView : public QTreeView
-    explicit SmartList(QWidget* parent = 0);
-    ~SmartList();
-    void setSmartListItemDelegate(SmartListDelegate* delegate);
+    explicit SmartListView(QWidget* parent = 0);
+    ~SmartListView();
     void enterEvent(QEvent* event);
     void leaveEvent(QEvent* event);
+    void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
     bool eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event);
     void drawRow(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const QModelIndex& index) const;
-    SmartListDelegate* smartListDelegate_;
-    QPersistentModelIndex hoveredRow_;
-    void removeCombar();
+    void hideButtonsWidgets();
+    QModelIndex hoveredRow_;
-    void btnVideoClicked() const;

+    void btnAcceptInviteClicked(const QModelIndex& index) const;
+    void btnBlockInviteClicked(const QModelIndex& index) const;
+    void btnIgnoreInviteClicked(const QModelIndex& index) const;
diff --git a/stylesheet.css b/stylesheet.css
index b5d7c35..285d674 100644
--- a/stylesheet.css
+++ b/stylesheet.css
@@ -26,6 +26,40 @@
     background-color: #db3c30;
+QPushButton#buttonConversations, QPushButton#buttonInvites {
+    background-color: rgb(242, 242, 242);
+    border-style: solid;
+    border-width: 0px;
+    border-radius: 5px;
+    padding: 8px;
+	color: rgb(32, 32, 32);
+QPushButton#buttonConversations:hover, QPushButton#buttonInvites:hover {
+    background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);
+QPushButton#buttonConversations:pressed, QPushButton#buttonInvites:pressed {
+    background-color: rgb(212, 212, 212);
+QPushButton#btnAcceptInvite, QPushButton#btnIgnoreInvite, QPushButton#btnBlockInvite {
+    background-color: transparent;
+    border-style: solid;
+    border-width: 0px;
+    border-radius: 9px;
+    padding: 8px;
+	color: rgb(32, 32, 32);
+QPushButton#btnAcceptInvite:hover, QPushButton#btnIgnoreInvite:hover, QPushButton#btnBlockInvite:hover {
+    background-color: rgb(212, 212, 212);
+QPushButton#btnAcceptInvite:pressed, QPushButton#btnIgnoreInvite:pressed, QPushButton#btnBlockInvite:pressed {
+    background-color: rgb(187, 187, 187);
 QWidget#callInvitePage, QWidget#outboundCallPage{
     background-color : rgb(77, 77, 77);
     background-image : url(:/images/background-dark.png);
@@ -54,7 +88,7 @@
     background: rgb(255, 255, 255);
-SmartList, ContactRequestListWidget{
+SmartListView {
     background-color: white;
     border: none;
@@ -106,14 +140,14 @@
     background-color: transparent;
-SmartList::item:selected, QListView#accountView::item:selected, QListView#contactView::item:selected,
-QTreeView#contactRequestList::item:selected, QListView#BannedList::item:selected{
+SmartListView::item:selected, QListView#accountView::item:selected, QListView#contactView::item:selected,
+QListView#contactRequestList::item:selected, QListView#BannedList::item:selected {
     background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 255);
     border: none;
-SmartList::item:hover, QListView#accountView::item:hover, QListView#contactView::item:hover,
-QTreeView#contactRequestList::item:hover, QListView#BannedList::item:hover{
+SmartListView::item:hover, QListView#accountView::item:hover, QListView#contactView::item:hover,
+QListView#contactRequestList::item:hover, QListView#BannedList::item:hover {
     background-color: rgba(242, 242, 242, 255);
@@ -371,6 +405,7 @@
     border-style: solid;
     border-width: 2px;
     border-color: #414141;
+    border-bottom: transparent;
     border-top: transparent;
     border-left: transparent;
     border-right: transparent;
@@ -378,10 +413,6 @@
     padding: 2px;
-    border-color: #3AC0D2;
     border-radius: 0px;
     border-style: solid;
diff --git a/utils.cpp b/utils.cpp
index 03864d8..5923946 100644
--- a/utils.cpp
+++ b/utils.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -27,13 +28,18 @@
 #include <shlwapi.h>
 #include <QObject>
 #include <QErrorMessage>
 #include <QPainter>
 #include <QStackedWidget>
 #include <QPropertyAnimation>
+#include <QApplication>
+#include "globalinstances.h"
+#include "pixbufmanipulator.h"
+#include "globalsystemtray.h"
@@ -212,17 +218,161 @@
-Utils::slidePage(QStackedWidget* stack, QWidget* widget, bool toRight)
+Utils::setStackWidget(QStackedWidget* stack, QWidget* widget)
-    if (stack->indexOf(widget) != -1 && stack->currentWidget() != widget){
-        QPropertyAnimation* pageAnim = new QPropertyAnimation();
-        int dir = (toRight ? -1 : 1);
+    if (stack->indexOf(widget) != -1 && stack->currentWidget() != widget) {
-        pageAnim->setTargetObject(widget);
-        pageAnim->setDuration(animDuration_);
-        pageAnim->setStartValue(QPoint(widget->width() * dir, widget->y()));
-        pageAnim->setEndValue(QPoint(widget->x(), widget->y()));
-        pageAnim->setEasingCurve(QEasingCurve::OutQuad);
-        pageAnim->start();
+void Utils::showSystemNotification(QWidget* widget, const QString & message, long delay)
+    GlobalSystemTray::instance().showMessage("Ring", message);
+    QApplication::alert(widget, delay);
+// new lrc helpers
+inline std::string
+removeEndlines(const std::string& str)
+    std::string trimmed(str);
+    trimmed.erase(std::remove(trimmed.begin(), trimmed.end(), '\n'), trimmed.end());
+    trimmed.erase(std::remove(trimmed.begin(), trimmed.end(), '\r'), trimmed.end());
+    return trimmed;
+Utils::bestIdForConversation(const lrc::api::conversation::Info& conv, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model)
+    auto contact = model.owner.contactModel->getContact(conv.participants[0]);
+    if (!contact.registeredName.empty()) {
+        return removeEndlines(contact.registeredName);
+    }
+    return removeEndlines(contact.profileInfo.uri);
+Utils::bestIdForAccount(const lrc::api::account::Info& account)
+    if (!account.registeredName.empty()) {
+        return removeEndlines(account.registeredName);
+    }
+    return removeEndlines(account.profileInfo.uri);
+Utils::bestNameForAccount(const lrc::api::account::Info& account)
+    if (account.profileInfo.alias.empty()) {
+        return bestIdForAccount(account);
+    }
+    return account.profileInfo.alias;
+Utils::bestIdForContact(const lrc::api::contact::Info& contact)
+    if (!contact.registeredName.empty()) {
+        return removeEndlines(contact.registeredName);
+    }
+    return removeEndlines(contact.profileInfo.uri);
+Utils::bestNameForContact(const lrc::api::contact::Info& contact)
+    auto alias = removeEndlines(contact.profileInfo.alias);
+    if (alias.length() == 0) {
+        return bestIdForContact(contact);
+    }
+    return alias;
+Utils::bestNameForConversation(const lrc::api::conversation::Info& conv, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model)
+    auto contact = model.owner.contactModel->getContact(conv.participants[0]);
+    auto alias = removeEndlines(contact.profileInfo.alias);
+    if (alias.length() == 0) {
+        return bestIdForConversation(conv, model);
+    }
+    return alias;
+Utils::profileType(const lrc::api::conversation::Info& conv, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model)
+    try {
+        auto contact = model.owner.contactModel->getContact(conv.participants[0]);
+        return contact.profileInfo.type;
+    }
+    catch (...) {
+        return lrc::api::profile::Type::INVALID;
+    }
+Utils::formatTimeString(const std::time_t& timestamp)
+    std::time_t now = std::time(nullptr);
+    char interactionDay[64];
+    char nowDay[64];
+    std::strftime(interactionDay, sizeof(interactionDay), "%D", std::localtime(&timestamp));
+    std::strftime(nowDay, sizeof(nowDay), "%D", std::localtime(&now));
+    if (std::string(interactionDay) == std::string(nowDay)) {
+        char interactionTime[64];
+        std::strftime(interactionTime, sizeof(interactionTime), "%R", std::localtime(&timestamp));
+        return interactionTime;
+    }
+    else {
+        return interactionDay;
+    }
+Utils::getConversationFromUid(const std::string& uid, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model) {
+    return std::find_if(model.allFilteredConversations().begin(), model.allFilteredConversations().end(),
+        [&](const lrc::api::conversation::Info& conv) {
+            return uid == conv.uid;
+        });
+Utils::getConversationFromUri(const std::string& uri, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model) {
+    return std::find_if(model.allFilteredConversations().begin(), model.allFilteredConversations().end(),
+        [&](const lrc::api::conversation::Info& conv) {
+            return uri == conv.participants[0];
+        });
+Utils::isInteractionGenerated(const lrc::api::interaction::Type& type)
+    return  type == lrc::api::interaction::Type::CALL ||
+            type == lrc::api::interaction::Type::CONTACT;
+Utils::isContactValid(const std::string& contactUid, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model)
+    auto contact = model.owner.contactModel->getContact(contactUid);
+    return  (contact.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::PENDING ||
+            contact.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::TEMPORARY ||
+            contact.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::RING ||
+            contact.profileInfo.type == lrc::api::profile::Type::SIP) &&
+            !contact.profileInfo.uri.empty();
+Utils::conversationPhoto(const std::string & convUid, const lrc::api::account::Info& accountInfo)
+    auto& convModel = accountInfo.conversationModel;
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(convUid, *convModel);
+    if (conversation == (*convModel).allFilteredConversations().end()) {
+        return QImage();
+    }
+    QVariant var = GlobalInstances::pixmapManipulator().decorationRole(*conversation, accountInfo);
+    return var.value<QImage>();
diff --git a/utils.h b/utils.h
index cd21780..f304b31 100644
--- a/utils.h
+++ b/utils.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                                *
+ * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -24,6 +25,9 @@
 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
 #include <windows.h>
 #include <ciso646>
+#undef OUT
+#undef IN
+#undef ERROR
 #else //LINUX
 #define LPCWSTR char*
@@ -33,6 +37,11 @@
 #include <QImage>
 #include <QStackedWidget>
+#include "api/conversationmodel.h"
+#include "api/account.h"
+#include "api/contactmodel.h"
+#include "api/contact.h"
 namespace Utils
     constexpr int animDuration_ = 200; // animation duration for sliding page in ms
@@ -47,6 +56,50 @@
     QString GetCurrentUserName();
     void InvokeMailto(const QString& subject, const QString& body, const QString& attachement = QString());
     QImage getCirclePhoto(const QImage original, int sizePhoto);
-    void slidePage(QStackedWidget *stack, QWidget *widget, bool toRight = false);
+    void setStackWidget(QStackedWidget *stack, QWidget *widget);
+    void showSystemNotification(QWidget* widget, const QString& message, long delay = 5000);
+    std::string bestIdForConversation(const lrc::api::conversation::Info& conv, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model);
+    std::string bestIdForAccount(const lrc::api::account::Info & account);
+    std::string bestNameForAccount(const lrc::api::account::Info & account);
+    std::string bestIdForContact(const lrc::api::contact::Info & contact);
+    std::string bestNameForContact(const lrc::api::contact::Info & contact);
+    std::string bestNameForConversation(const lrc::api::conversation::Info & conv, const lrc::api::ConversationModel & model);
+    lrc::api::profile::Type profileType(const lrc::api::conversation::Info & conv, const lrc::api::ConversationModel & model);
+    std::string formatTimeString(const std::time_t& timestamp);
+    lrc::api::ConversationModel::ConversationQueue::const_iterator getConversationFromUid(const std::string& uid, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model);
+    lrc::api::ConversationModel::ConversationQueue::const_iterator getConversationFromUri(const std::string& uri, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model);
+    bool isInteractionGenerated(const lrc::api::interaction::Type& interaction);
+    bool isContactValid(const std::string& contactUid, const lrc::api::ConversationModel& model);
+    QImage conversationPhoto(const std::string& convUid, const lrc::api::account::Info& accountInfo);
+    // helpers
+    template<typename E>
+    constexpr inline typename std::enable_if<   std::is_enum<E>::value,
+        typename std::underlying_type<E>::type
+    >::type
+    toUnderlyingValue(E e) noexcept
+    {
+        return static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type >(e);
+    }
+    template<typename E, typename T>
+    constexpr inline typename std::enable_if<   std::is_enum<E>::value && std::is_integral<T>::value,
+        E
+    >::type
+    toEnum(T value) noexcept
+    {
+        return static_cast<E>(value);
+    }
+    template<typename T>
+    ptrdiff_t
+    indexInVector(const std::vector<T>& vec, const T& item)
+    {
+        auto it = std::find(vec.begin(), vec.end(), item);
+        if (it == vec.end()) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        return std::distance(vec.begin(), it);
+    }
diff --git a/videooverlay.cpp b/videooverlay.cpp
index 572fbcb..f0706fe 100644
--- a/videooverlay.cpp
+++ b/videooverlay.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
  * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 by Savoir-faire Linux                           *
  * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -28,7 +29,8 @@
 #include "person.h"
 #include "account.h"
+#include "lrcinstance.h"
+#include "utils.h"
 VideoOverlay::VideoOverlay(QWidget* parent) :
@@ -38,70 +40,15 @@
+    ui->bottomButtons->setMouseTracking(true);
-    actionModel_ = CallModel::instance().userActionModel();
-    connect(actionModel_,&UserActionModel::dataChanged, [=](const QModelIndex& tl, const QModelIndex& br) {
-        const int first(tl.row()),last(br.row());
-        for(int i = first; i <= last;i++) {
-            const QModelIndex& idx = actionModel_->index(i,0);
-            switch (<UserActionModel::Action>()) {
-            case UserActionModel::Action::MUTE_AUDIO:
-                ui->noMicButton->setChecked(<bool>());
-                ui->noMicButton->setEnabled(idx.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
-                break;
-            case UserActionModel::Action::MUTE_VIDEO:
-                ui->noVideoButton->setChecked(<bool>());
-                ui->noVideoButton->setEnabled(idx.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
-                break;
-            case UserActionModel::Action::HOLD:
-                ui->holdButton->setChecked(<bool>());
-                ui->holdButton->setEnabled(idx.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
-                ui->onHoldLabel->setVisible(<bool>());
-                break;
-            case UserActionModel::Action::RECORD:
-                ui->recButton->setChecked(<bool>());
-                ui->recButton->setEnabled(idx.flags() & Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    });
-    connect(CallModel::instance().selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, [=](const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous) {
-        Q_UNUSED(previous)
-        Call* c =<int>(Call::Role::Object)).value<Call*>();
-        if (c) {
-            if (c->hasParentCall()) {
-                ui->holdButton->hide();
-                ui->transferButton->hide();
-                ui->addPersonButton->hide();
-                ui->chatButton->hide();
-                ui->joinButton->show();
-            } else {
-                ui->holdButton->show();
-                ui->transferButton->show();
-                ui->addPersonButton->show();
-                ui->chatButton->show();
-                ui->joinButton->hide();
-            }
-            if (auto* contactMethod =  c->peerContactMethod())
-                ui->addToContactButton->setVisible(not contactMethod->contact()
-                                                   || contactMethod->contact()->isPlaceHolder());
-            if (auto* acc = c->account())
-                ui->transferButton->setVisible(acc->isIp2ip());
-            else
-                ui->transferButton->setVisible(false); // Hide transferButton as fallback so it is not displayed for Ring calls
-        }
-    });
+    ui->onHoldLabel->setVisible(false);
     connect(transferDialog_, &CallUtilsDialog::isVisible, [this] (bool visible) {
@@ -143,9 +90,28 @@
+VideoOverlay::setVideoMuteVisibility(bool visible)
+    ui->noVideoButton->setVisible(visible);
+    return ui->bottomButtons->underMouse() || ui->topInfoBar->underMouse();
-    actionModel_->execute(UserActionModel::Action::HANGUP);
+    auto selectedConvUid = LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid,
+        *LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel());
+    auto& callId = conversation->callId;
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    if (callModel->hasCall(callId)) {
+        callModel->hangUp(callId);
+    }
@@ -182,25 +148,52 @@
-    actionModel_->execute(UserActionModel::Action::HOLD);
+    auto selectedConvUid = LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid,
+        *LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel());
+    auto& callId = conversation->callId;
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    if (callModel->hasCall(callId)) {
+        auto onHold = callModel->getCall(callId).status == lrc::api::call::Status::PAUSED;
+        ui->holdButton->setChecked(!onHold);
+        ui->onHoldLabel->setVisible(!onHold);
+        callModel->togglePause(callId);
+    }
-    actionModel_->execute(UserActionModel::Action::MUTE_AUDIO);
+    auto selectedConvUid = LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid,
+        *LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel());
+    auto& callId = conversation->callId;
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    if (callModel->hasCall(callId)) {
+        ui->noMicButton->setChecked(callModel->getCall(callId).audioMuted);
+        callModel->toggleMedia(callId, lrc::api::NewCallModel::Media::AUDIO);
+    }
-    actionModel_->execute(UserActionModel::Action::MUTE_VIDEO);
+    auto selectedConvUid = LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid,
+        *LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel());
+    auto& callId = conversation->callId;
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    if (callModel->hasCall(callId)) {
+        ui->noVideoButton->setChecked(callModel->getCall(callId).videoMuted);
+        callModel->toggleMedia(callId, lrc::api::NewCallModel::Media::VIDEO);
+    }
 void VideoOverlay::on_joinButton_clicked()
-    CallModel::instance().selectedCall()->joinToParent();
+    // TODO:(newlrc) conferences
+    //CallModel::instance().selectedCall()->joinToParent();
@@ -215,21 +208,16 @@
-    QPoint globalPos = mapToGlobal(ui->addToContactButton->pos());
-    if (auto contactMethod = CallModel::instance().selectedCall()->peerContactMethod()) {
-        ContactPicker contactPicker(contactMethod);
-        contactPicker.move(globalPos.x(),
-                           globalPos.y() + ui->addToContactButton->height());
-        contactPicker.exec();
-    }
-    actionModel_->execute(UserActionModel::Action::RECORD);
+    auto selectedConvUid = LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid,
+        *LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel());
+    auto& callId = conversation->callId;
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    if (callModel->hasCall(callId)) {
+        callModel->toggleAudioRecord(callId);
+    }
 void VideoOverlay::on_videoCfgBtn_clicked()
diff --git a/videooverlay.h b/videooverlay.h
index 002a9aa..bf49b1f 100644
--- a/videooverlay.h
+++ b/videooverlay.h
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
     void setTime(const QString& time);
     inline bool isDialogVisible(){ return dialogVisible_; };
     void toggleContextButtons(bool visible);
+    void setVideoMuteVisibility(bool visible);
+    bool shouldShowOverlay();
 private slots:
@@ -55,13 +57,11 @@
     void on_noMicButton_clicked();
     void on_noVideoButton_clicked();
     void on_qualityButton_clicked();
-    void on_addToContactButton_clicked();
     void on_recButton_clicked();
     void on_videoCfgBtn_clicked();
     Ui::VideoOverlay* ui;
-    UserActionModel* actionModel_;
     CallUtilsDialog* transferDialog_;
     QualityDialog* qualityDialog_;
     bool dialogVisible_ = false;
diff --git a/videooverlay.ui b/videooverlay.ui
index 9697ad0..956d5bb 100644
--- a/videooverlay.ui
+++ b/videooverlay.ui
@@ -23,8 +23,523 @@
   <layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout" rowstretch="0,1,0" columnstretch="0,0,2,0,0">
-   <item row="1" column="2">
+   <item row="2" column="0" colspan="5">
+    <widget class="QWidget" name="bottomButtons" native="true">
+     <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_3">
+      <item>
+       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
+        <property name="orientation">
+         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+        </property>
+        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+         <size>
+          <width>40</width>
+          <height>20</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </spacer>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="hangupButton">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Hangup</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_close_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_close_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="holdButton">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Hold / Unhold</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_pause_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_pause_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="checkable">
+         <bool>true</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="chatButton">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Chat</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_chat_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_chat_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="addPersonButton">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Add person to call</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="transferButton">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Transfer call</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_call_transfer_white_24px.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_call_transfer_white_24px.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="noMicButton">
+        <property name="sizePolicy">
+         <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Minimum">
+          <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+          <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+         </sizepolicy>
+        </property>
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Mute Mic</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_mic_off_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_mic_off_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="checkable">
+         <bool>true</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="noVideoButton">
+        <property name="sizePolicy">
+         <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Minimum">
+          <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+          <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+         </sizepolicy>
+        </property>
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Mute Video</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_videocam_off_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_videocam_off_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="checkable">
+         <bool>true</bool>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="recButton">
+        <property name="sizePolicy">
+         <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
+          <horstretch>0</horstretch>
+          <verstretch>0</verstretch>
+         </sizepolicy>
+        </property>
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Record call</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_voicemail_white_24dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_voicemail_white_24dp_2x.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="qualityButton">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Quality</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_high_quality_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_high_quality_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="joinButton">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="maximumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>36</width>
+          <height>36</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Join Calls</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+        <property name="icon">
+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_group_add_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_group_add_white_24dp.png</iconset>
+        </property>
+        <property name="iconSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>24</width>
+          <height>24</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
+        <property name="orientation">
+         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+        </property>
+        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+         <size>
+          <width>40</width>
+          <height>20</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </spacer>
+      </item>
+     </layout>
+    </widget>
+   </item>
+   <item row="0" column="2">
+    <widget class="QWidget" name="topInfoBar" native="true">
+     <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_7">
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="nameLabel">
+        <property name="palette">
+         <palette>
+          <active>
+           <colorrole role="WindowText">
+            <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
+             <color alpha="255">
+              <red>255</red>
+              <green>255</green>
+              <blue>255</blue>
+             </color>
+            </brush>
+           </colorrole>
+          </active>
+          <inactive>
+           <colorrole role="WindowText">
+            <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
+             <color alpha="255">
+              <red>255</red>
+              <green>255</green>
+              <blue>255</blue>
+             </color>
+            </brush>
+           </colorrole>
+          </inactive>
+          <disabled>
+           <colorrole role="WindowText">
+            <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
+             <color alpha="255">
+              <red>143</red>
+              <green>146</green>
+              <blue>147</blue>
+             </color>
+            </brush>
+           </colorrole>
+          </disabled>
+         </palette>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Name label</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_3">
+        <property name="orientation">
+         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
+        </property>
+        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
+         <size>
+          <width>40</width>
+          <height>20</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+       </spacer>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="timerLabel">
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+         <palette>
+          <active>
+           <colorrole role="WindowText">
+            <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
+             <color alpha="255">
+              <red>255</red>
+              <green>255</green>
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+            <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
+             <color alpha="255">
+              <red>255</red>
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+            </brush>
+           </colorrole>
+          </disabled>
+         </palette>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Time elapsed</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string>00:00</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QPushButton" name="videoCfgBtn">
+        <property name="minimumSize">
+         <size>
+          <width>30</width>
+          <height>30</height>
+         </size>
+        </property>
+        <property name="toolTip">
+         <string>Configuration</string>
+        </property>
+        <property name="text">
+         <string/>
+        </property>
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+         <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
+          <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_settings_white_48dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_settings_white_48dp_2x.png</iconset>
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+      <number>7</number>
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      <item alignment="Qt::AlignHCenter|Qt::AlignVCenter">
       <widget class="QLabel" name="onHoldLabel">
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@@ -54,546 +569,6 @@
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-     <item>
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-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
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-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
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-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Hangup</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_close_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_close_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-        <size>
-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
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-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="holdButton">
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-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
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-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Hold / Unhold</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_pause_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_pause_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
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-       <property name="checkable">
-        <bool>true</bool>
-       </property>
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-     </item>
-     <item>
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-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
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-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Chat</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_chat_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_chat_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-       <property name="iconSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
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-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="addPersonButton">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
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-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Add person to call</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-         <height>24</height>
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-     <item>
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-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Transfer call</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_call_transfer_white_24px.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_call_transfer_white_24px.png</iconset>
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-       <property name="iconSize">
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-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
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-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="noMicButton">
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-        <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Minimum">
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-         <verstretch>0</verstretch>
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-       <property name="minimumSize">
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-         <height>36</height>
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-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Mute Mic</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_mic_off_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_mic_off_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
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-        <bool>true</bool>
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-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="noVideoButton">
-       <property name="sizePolicy">
-        <sizepolicy hsizetype="Minimum" vsizetype="Minimum">
-         <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-         <verstretch>0</verstretch>
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-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
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-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Mute Video</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_videocam_off_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_videocam_off_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-       <property name="iconSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
-        </size>
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-       <property name="checkable">
-        <bool>true</bool>
-       </property>
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-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="recButton">
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-        <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
-         <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-         <verstretch>0</verstretch>
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-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
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-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Record call</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_voicemail_white_24dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_voicemail_white_24dp_2x.png</iconset>
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-        <size>
-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
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-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="qualityButton">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Quality</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
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-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_high_quality_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_high_quality_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-       <property name="iconSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
-        </size>
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-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="joinButton">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>36</width>
-         <height>36</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Join Calls</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_group_add_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_group_add_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-       <property name="iconSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>24</width>
-         <height>24</height>
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-         <height>20</height>
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-   </item>
-   <item row="0" column="2">
-    <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_7">
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QLabel" name="nameLabel">
-       <property name="palette">
-        <palette>
-         <active>
-          <colorrole role="WindowText">
-           <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
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-             <green>255</green>
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-             <green>146</green>
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-           </brush>
-          </colorrole>
-         </disabled>
-        </palette>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Name label</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="addToContactButton">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>30</width>
-         <height>30</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="maximumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>30</width>
-         <height>30</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Add to contact</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_white_24dp.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_person_add_white_24dp.png</iconset>
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-       <property name="iconSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>18</width>
-         <height>18</height>
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-     <item>
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-        <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-       <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
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-         <width>40</width>
-         <height>20</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-      </spacer>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QLabel" name="timerLabel">
-       <property name="palette">
-        <palette>
-         <active>
-          <colorrole role="WindowText">
-           <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
-            <color alpha="255">
-             <red>255</red>
-             <green>255</green>
-             <blue>255</blue>
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-         </active>
-         <inactive>
-          <colorrole role="WindowText">
-           <brush brushstyle="SolidPattern">
-            <color alpha="255">
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-          <colorrole role="WindowText">
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-             <red>143</red>
-             <green>146</green>
-             <blue>147</blue>
-            </color>
-           </brush>
-          </colorrole>
-         </disabled>
-        </palette>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Time elapsed</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string>00:00</string>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-     <item>
-      <widget class="QPushButton" name="videoCfgBtn">
-       <property name="minimumSize">
-        <size>
-         <width>30</width>
-         <height>30</height>
-        </size>
-       </property>
-       <property name="toolTip">
-        <string>Configuration</string>
-       </property>
-       <property name="text">
-        <string/>
-       </property>
-       <property name="icon">
-        <iconset resource="ressources.qrc">
-         <normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_settings_white_48dp_2x.png</normaloff>:/images/icons/ic_settings_white_48dp_2x.png</iconset>
-       </property>
-      </widget>
-     </item>
-    </layout>
-   </item>
diff --git a/videoview.cpp b/videoview.cpp
index b88f82e..5a9c70a 100644
--- a/videoview.cpp
+++ b/videoview.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
 #include "videoview.h"
 #include "ui_videoview.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "lrcinstance.h"
 #include "video/devicemodel.h"
 #include "video/sourcemodel.h"
 #include "recentmodel.h"
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@
     connect(&CallModel::instance(), SIGNAL(callStateChanged(Call*, Call::State)),
             this, SLOT(callStateChanged(Call*, Call::State)));
     overlay_ = new VideoOverlay(this);
     auto effect = new QGraphicsOpacityEffect(overlay_);
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@
     // Setup the timer to start the fade when the mouse stops moving
@@ -145,8 +148,9 @@
-    if (not overlay_->isDialogVisible())
+    if (!overlay_->isDialogVisible() && !overlay_->shouldShowOverlay()) {
+    }
@@ -192,8 +196,19 @@
 VideoView::dropEvent(QDropEvent* event)
     auto urls = event->mimeData()->urls();
-    if (auto call = CallModel::instance().selectedCall()) {
-        if (auto outVideo = call->firstMedia<media::Video>(media::Media::Direction::OUT)) {
+    auto selectedConvUid = LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid, *convModel);
+    auto callList = CallModel::instance().getActiveCalls();
+    Call* thisCall = nullptr;
+    for (auto call : callList) {
+        if (call->historyId() == QString::fromStdString(conversation->callId)) {
+            thisCall = call;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (thisCall) {
+        if (auto outVideo = thisCall->firstMedia<media::Video>(media::Media::Direction::OUT)) {
@@ -225,8 +240,19 @@
     media::Video* outVideo = nullptr;
     int activeIndex = -1;
-    if (auto call = CallModel::instance().selectedCall()) {
-        outVideo = call->firstMedia<media::Video>(media::Media::Direction::OUT);
+    auto selectedConvUid = LRCInstance::getSelectedConvUid();
+    auto convModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentConversationModel();
+    auto conversation = Utils::getConversationFromUid(selectedConvUid, *convModel);
+    auto callList = CallModel::instance().getActiveCalls();
+    Call* thisCall = nullptr;
+    for (auto call : callList) {
+        if (call->historyId() == QString::fromStdString(conversation->callId)) {
+            thisCall = call;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (thisCall) {
+        outVideo = thisCall->firstMedia<media::Video>(media::Media::Direction::OUT);
         if (outVideo)
             activeIndex = outVideo->sourceModel()->activeIndex();
@@ -316,6 +342,26 @@
+VideoView::pushRenderer(const std::string& callUid) {
+    auto callModel = LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel();
+    QObject::disconnect(videoStartedConnection_);
+    if (!callModel->hasCall(callUid)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    auto call = callModel->getCall(callUid);
+    videoStartedConnection_ = QObject::connect(callModel, &lrc::api::NewCallModel::remotePreviewStarted,
+        [this](const std::string& callId, Video::Renderer* renderer) {
+            Q_UNUSED(callId);
+            slotVideoStarted(renderer);
+            this->overlay_->setVideoMuteVisibility(LRCInstance::getCurrentCallModel()->getCall(callId).isAudioOnly);
+        });
+    ui->videoWidget->setPreviewDisplay(call.type != lrc::api::call::Type::CONFERENCE);
 VideoView::slotVideoStarted(Video::Renderer* renderer) {
@@ -357,7 +403,7 @@
     } else {
     QRect& previewRect =  ui->videoWidget->getPreviewRect();
     if (draggingPreview_) {
         if (previewRect.left() > 0
diff --git a/videoview.h b/videoview.h
index 159c373..41f02f0 100644
--- a/videoview.h
+++ b/videoview.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
     explicit VideoView(QWidget* parent = 0);
     void pushRenderer(Call* call);
+    void pushRenderer(const std::string& callUid);
     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event);
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@
     constexpr static int startfadeOverlayTime_ = 2000; //msec
     // TODO: fix when changing Qt version
-    // Full(1.0) opacity bug affecting many Qt version (macOS + win10)
+    // Full(1.0) opacity bug affecting many Qt versions (macOS + win10)
     // causing the render to take a buggy code path which can be avoided
     // by using opacity values other than precisely 1.0.
diff --git a/wizarddialog.cpp b/wizarddialog.cpp
index 7fedb37..c315334 100644
--- a/wizarddialog.cpp
+++ b/wizarddialog.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
  * Author: Edric Ladent Milaret <>*
  * Author: Anthony Léonard <>          *
  * Author: Olivier Soldano <>          *
+ * Author: Andreas Traczyk <>          *
  *                                                                         *
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@
 const QString DEFAULT_RING_ACCT_ALIAS = QObject::tr("Ring account", "Default alias for new Ring account");
-WizardDialog::WizardDialog(WizardMode wizardMode, Account* toBeMigrated, QWidget* parent) :
+WizardDialog::WizardDialog(WizardMode wizardMode, AccountInfo* toBeMigrated, QWidget* parent) :
     ui(new Ui::WizardDialog),
@@ -61,9 +62,9 @@
     if (wizardMode_ == MIGRATION) {
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->profilePage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->profilePage);
-        ui->usernameEdit->setText(toBeMigrated->displayName());
+        ui->usernameEdit->setText(QString::fromStdString(toBeMigrated->profileInfo.alias));
@@ -126,58 +127,10 @@
-    ui->navBarWidget->hide();
-    Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->spinnerPage);
-    repaint();
-WizardDialog::endSetup(Account::RegistrationState state)
-#pragma push_macro("ERROR")
-#undef ERROR
-    switch (state) {
-        case Account::RegistrationState::UNREGISTERED:
-        case Account::RegistrationState::READY:
-            if (ui->signUpCheckbox->isChecked()) { // If the user wants to register its name on the blockchain
-                bool regSuccess = account_->registerName(ui->passwordEdit->text(), ui->usernameEdit->text());
-                ui->usernameEdit->clear();
-                if (!regSuccess) {
-                    usernameFailedRegistration();
-                } else {
-                    connect(account_, SIGNAL(nameRegistrationEnded(NameDirectory::RegisterNameStatus,QString)),
-                            this, SLOT(handle_nameRegistrationEnded(NameDirectory::RegisterNameStatus,QString)));
-                    ui->progressLabel->setText(tr("Registering your public username, it may take a few minutes..."));
-                }
-            } else {
-                account_->performAction(Account::EditAction::RELOAD);
-                accept();
-            }
-            { //avoid scope crossing init
-                auto profile = ProfileModel::instance().selectedProfile();
-                if (profile && AccountModel::instance().size() == 1) {
-                    profile->setAccounts({account_});
-                    profile->save();
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        case Account::RegistrationState::ERROR:
-            ui->spinnerLabel->hide();
-            ui->navBarWidget->show();
-            ui->nextButton->hide();
-            ui->progressLabel->setText(tr("An error has occured during your account creation"));
-            AccountModel::instance().remove(account_);
-            break;
-        case Account::RegistrationState::TRYING:
-        case Account::RegistrationState::COUNT__:
-            break;
-    }
-#pragma pop_macro("ERROR")
 WizardDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event)
@@ -189,12 +142,6 @@
-    QMessageBox::warning(this, "Username not registered", "Your account has been created, but we could not register your username. Try again from the settings menu.");
 WizardDialog::on_photoTaken(QString fileName)
     auto image = QImage(fileName);
@@ -210,7 +157,7 @@
-    Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->linkMethodPage);
+    Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->linkMethodPage);
@@ -225,11 +172,11 @@
     if (existingAccount) { // If user want to add a device
         ui->accountLabel->setText(tr("Add a device"));
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->explanationPage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->explanationPage);
     } else { // If user want to create a new account
         ui->accountLabel->setText(tr("Create your account"));
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->profilePage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->profilePage);
@@ -249,9 +196,11 @@
     const QWidget* curWidget = ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget();
+    if (curWidget == ui->profilePage) {
+        ui->photoBooth->stopBooth();
+    }
     if (curWidget == ui->profilePage || curWidget == ui->explanationPage) {
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->accountPage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->accountPage);
     } else if (curWidget == ui->accountPage) {
     } else if (curWidget == ui->fileImportPage) {
@@ -266,17 +215,21 @@
     if (curWidget == ui->profilePage) {
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
     } else if (curWidget == ui->explanationPage || curWidget == ui->fileImportPage) {
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->linkMethodPage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->linkMethodPage);
     } else if (curWidget == ui->accountPage) {
-        if (ui->pinEdit->isVisible()) // If we are adding a device
-            Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->explanationPage);
-        else // If we are creating a new account
-            Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->profilePage);
+        if (ui->pinEdit->isVisible()) {
+            // If we are adding a device
+            Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->explanationPage);
+        } else {
+            ui->photoBooth->startBooth();
+            ui->photoBooth->show();
+            Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->profilePage);
+        }
         ui->passwordEdit->setStyleSheet("border-color: rgb(0, 192, 212);");
         ui->confirmPasswordEdit->setStyleSheet("border-color: rgb(0, 192, 212);");
@@ -285,11 +238,11 @@
     } else if (curWidget == ui->linkMethodPage) {
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
     } else if (curWidget == ui->spinnerPage) {
-        Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
+        Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->welcomePage);
@@ -354,14 +307,8 @@
 WizardDialog::handle_nameRegistrationEnded(NameDirectory::RegisterNameStatus status, const QString& name)
-    Q_UNUSED(name)
-    disconnect(account_, SIGNAL(nameRegistrationEnded(NameDirectory::RegisterNameStatus,QString)),
-               this, SLOT(handle_nameRegistrationEnded(NameDirectory::RegisterNameStatus,QString)));
-    if(status != NameDirectory::RegisterNameStatus::SUCCESS) {
-        usernameFailedRegistration();
-    }
-    account_->performAction(Account::EditAction::RELOAD);
+    Q_UNUSED(name);
+    Q_UNUSED(status);
@@ -417,35 +364,30 @@
                                 const QString &pin,
                                 const QString &archivePath)
-    QString alias = (displayName.isEmpty() || displayName.isNull()) ? DEFAULT_RING_ACCT_ALIAS :
-                                                                      displayName;
-    // set display name
-    account_ = AccountModel::instance().add(alias, Account::Protocol::RING);
-    account_->setDisplayName(alias);
+    QtConcurrent::run(
+        [=] {
+            LRCInstance::accountModel().createNewAccount(
+                lrc::api::profile::Type::RING,
+                displayName.toStdString(),
+                archivePath.toStdString(),
+                password.toStdString(),
+                pin.toStdString()
+            );
+        });
-    // archive properties
-    account_->setArchivePassword(password);
-    // import from DHT
-    if (!pin.isEmpty() && !pin.isNull())
-        account_->setArchivePin(pin);
-    // import from file
-    if (!archivePath.isEmpty() && !archivePath.isNull())
-        account_->setArchivePath(archivePath);
+    connect(&LRCInstance::accountModel(),
+        &lrc::api::NewAccountModel::accountAdded,
+        [this](const std::string& accountId) {
+            //set default ringtone
+            auto confProps = LRCInstance::accountModel().getAccountConfig(accountId);
+            confProps.Ringtone.ringtonePath = Utils::GetRingtonePath().toStdString();
+            LRCInstance::accountModel().setAccountConfig(accountId, confProps);
+            accept();
+        });
-    // set default UPNP behavior
-    account_->setUpnpEnabled(true);
-    //set default ringtone
-    account_->setRingtonePath(Utils::GetRingtonePath());
-    connect(account_, &Account::stateChanged, this, &WizardDialog::endSetup);
-    account_->performAction(Account::EditAction::SAVE);
-    auto profile = ProfileModel::instance().selectedProfile();
-    if (profile && AccountModel::instance().size() == 1) {
-        profile->person()->setFormattedName(alias);
-    }
+    ui->navBarWidget->hide();
+    Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->spinnerPage);
+    repaint();
@@ -461,6 +403,6 @@
     wizardMode_ = IMPORT;
-    Utils::slidePage(ui->stackedWidget, ui->fileImportPage);
+    Utils::setStackWidget(ui->stackedWidget, ui->fileImportPage);
diff --git a/wizarddialog.h b/wizarddialog.h
index 097c1c1..6d4cfda 100644
--- a/wizarddialog.h
+++ b/wizarddialog.h
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
 #include "account.h"
 #include "person.h"
+// new lrc
+#include "lrcinstance.h"
 namespace Ui {
 class WizardDialog;
@@ -35,6 +38,8 @@
+    using AccountInfo = lrc::api::account::Info;
     enum WizardMode {
@@ -43,7 +48,7 @@
-    explicit WizardDialog(WizardMode wizardMode = WIZARD, Account* toBeMigrated = nullptr, QWidget* parent = 0);
+    explicit WizardDialog(WizardMode wizardMode = WIZARD, AccountInfo* toBeMigrated = nullptr, QWidget* parent = 0);
 //UI Slots
@@ -55,7 +60,6 @@
     void on_passwordEdit_textChanged(const QString& arg1);
 private slots:
-    void endSetup(Account::RegistrationState state);
     void on_usernameEdit_textChanged(const QString& arg1);
     void handle_registeredNameFound(Account *account, NameDirectory::LookupStatus status, const QString& address, const QString& name);
     void handle_nameRegistrationEnded(NameDirectory::RegisterNameStatus status, const QString& name);
@@ -69,14 +73,13 @@
     Ui::WizardDialog* ui;
-    Account* account_;
+    AccountInfo* account_;
     WizardMode wizardMode_;
     QMovie* movie_;
     QTimer nameLookupTimer_;
     void setup();
     void changePage(bool existingAccount);
-    void usernameFailedRegistration();
     void validateFileImport();
     void createRingAccount(const QString &displayName = QString(),
                            const QString &password = QString(),