im: add off call instant messaging

- Add a non-designed page for out of call messaging
accesible by a button on smartlist.
- Use a combobox to select the contact method in case
there is more than one.
- Connect to message inserted signal to scroll to bottom
the message view.

Change-Id: I84c99403054fb8a64aecb93b87c7c68c1e34f4ac
Tuleap: #153
diff --git a/callwidget.ui b/callwidget.ui
index 0a4d60b..5d49054 100644
--- a/callwidget.ui
+++ b/callwidget.ui
@@ -261,6 +261,46 @@
+        <widget class="QWidget" name="messagingPage">
+         <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_11">
+          <property name="leftMargin">
+           <number>0</number>
+          </property>
+          <property name="topMargin">
+           <number>0</number>
+          </property>
+          <property name="rightMargin">
+           <number>0</number>
+          </property>
+          <property name="bottomMargin">
+           <number>0</number>
+          </property>
+          <item>
+           <widget class="QListView" name="listMessageView">
+            <property name="selectionMode">
+             <enum>QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection</enum>
+            </property>
+           </widget>
+          </item>
+          <item>
+           <widget class="QComboBox" name="contactMethodComboBox"/>
+          </item>
+          <item>
+           <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_5">
+            <item>
+             <widget class="QLineEdit" name="messageEdit"/>
+            </item>
+            <item>
+             <widget class="QPushButton" name="sendButton">
+              <property name="text">
+               <string>Send</string>
+              </property>
+             </widget>
+            </item>
+           </layout>
+          </item>
+         </layout>
+        </widget>
         <widget class="QWidget" name="callInvitePage">
          <layout class="QVBoxLayout" name="verticalLayout_9">
           <property name="spacing">