contacts/conversations: adds saving conversation to json

- adds saving contact specific conversation to a json file

- loads the json file into the conversation object when loading
  the contacts list

- generates a UID for the contact to avoid name collisions, which
  is stored in the contact data file

Change-Id: I8a7b757d09b270e65c4d264805934faf8466c09f
Tuleap: #980
diff --git a/Contact.cpp b/Contact.cpp
index b49cbbd..d714ad0 100644
--- a/Contact.cpp
+++ b/Contact.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@

 #include "Contact.h"


+#include "ObjBase.h" // for CoCreateGuid


 using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core;

 using namespace Platform;

 using namespace Windows::Data::Json;

@@ -29,11 +31,45 @@
 using namespace ViewModel;


 Contact::Contact(String^ name,

-                 String^ ringID)

+                 String^ ringID,

+                 String^ GUID)


-    name_ = name;

+    name_   = name;

     ringID_ = ringID;

+    GUID_   = GUID;


+    if (GUID_ == nullptr)

+        GUID_ = Utils::GetNewGUID();


+    //RingDebug::instance->print(Utils::toString(GUID_).c_str());


+    // load conversation from disk

     conversation_ = ref new Conversation();

+    StorageFolder^ localfolder = ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder;

+    String^ messagesFile = ".messages\\" + GUID_ + ".json";

+    Utils::fileExists(ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder,

+                      messagesFile)

+    .then([this,messagesFile](bool messages_file_exists)

+    {

+        if (messages_file_exists) {

+            try {

+                create_task(ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder->GetFileAsync(messagesFile))

+                .then([this](StorageFile^ file)

+                {

+                    create_task(FileIO::ReadTextAsync(file))

+                    .then([this](String^ fileContents) {

+                        if (fileContents != nullptr)

+                            DestringifyConversation(fileContents);

+                    });

+                });

+            }

+            catch (Exception^ e) {

+                RingDebug::instance->print("Exception while opening messages file");

+            }

+        }

+    });

+    //conversation_ = ref new Conversation();


     notificationNewMessage_ = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed;

     unreadMessages_ = 0; // not saved on disk yet (TO DO)


@@ -50,8 +86,6 @@
             unreadMessages_ = 0;








@@ -63,7 +97,6 @@
         ref new DispatchedHandler([this, propertyName]()


         PropertyChanged(this, ref new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));





@@ -73,9 +106,72 @@
     JsonObject^ contactObject = ref new JsonObject();

     contactObject->SetNamedValue(nameKey, JsonValue::CreateStringValue(name_));

     contactObject->SetNamedValue(ringIDKey, JsonValue::CreateStringValue(ringID_));

+    contactObject->SetNamedValue(GUIDKey, JsonValue::CreateStringValue(GUID_));


     JsonObject^ jsonObject = ref new JsonObject();

     jsonObject->SetNamedValue(contactKey, contactObject);


     return jsonObject;






+    JsonArray^ jsonArray = ref new JsonArray();


+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < conversation_->_messages->Size; i++) {

+        jsonArray->Append(conversation_->_messages->GetAt(i)->ToJsonObject());

+    }


+    JsonObject^ jsonObject = ref new JsonObject();

+    jsonObject->SetNamedValue(conversationKey, jsonArray);


+    return jsonObject->Stringify();




+Contact::DestringifyConversation(String^ data)


+    JsonObject^ jsonObject = JsonObject::Parse(data);

+    String^     date;

+    bool        fromContact;

+    String^     payload;


+    JsonArray^ messageList = jsonObject->GetNamedArray(conversationKey, ref new JsonArray());

+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < messageList->Size; i++) {

+        IJsonValue^ message = messageList->GetAt(i);

+        if (message->ValueType == JsonValueType::Object) {

+            JsonObject^ jsonMessageObject = message->GetObject();

+            JsonObject^ messageObject = jsonMessageObject->GetNamedObject(messageKey, nullptr);

+            if (messageObject != nullptr) {

+                date = messageObject->GetNamedString(dateKey, "");

+                fromContact = messageObject->GetNamedBoolean(fromContactKey, "");

+                payload = messageObject->GetNamedString(payloadKey, "");

+            }

+            conversation_->addMessage(date, fromContact, payload);

+        }

+    }






+    StorageFolder^ localfolder = ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder;

+    String^ messagesFile = ".messages\\" + GUID_ + ".json";


+    try {

+        create_task(localfolder->CreateFileAsync(messagesFile

+                    , Windows::Storage::CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting))

+        .then([&](StorageFile^ file) {

+            try {

+                FileIO::WriteTextAsync(file, StringifyConversation());

+            }

+            catch (Exception^ e) {

+                RingDebug::instance->print("Exception while writing to conversation file");

+            }

+        });

+    }

+    catch (Exception^ e) {

+        RingDebug::instance->print("Exception while opening conversation file");

+    }

\ No newline at end of file