video : add video debug output to video.log

Change-Id: I266b8519aceba214803789a6b1f23876a974a1f8
Tuleap: #1226
diff --git a/RingDebug.cpp b/RingDebug.cpp
index c5475b2..2524ff0 100644
--- a/RingDebug.cpp
+++ b/RingDebug.cpp
@@ -56,7 +56,18 @@
     /* fire the event. */

     auto line = ref new String(wString.c_str(), wString.length());


-    FileIO::AppendTextAsync(_logFile, line+"\n");

+    FileIO::AppendTextAsync(_logFile, line + "\n");



+void RingClientUWP::RingDebug::WriteLine(String^ str)


+    /* save in file */

+    FileIO::AppendTextAsync(_videoFile, str + "\n");


+    /* screen in visual studio console */

+    std::wstringstream wStringstream;

+    wStringstream << str->Data() << "\n";

+    OutputDebugString(wStringstream.str().c_str());




@@ -70,5 +81,10 @@
         this->_logFile = file;



+    task<StorageFile^>(storageFolder->CreateFileAsync("video.log", CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting)).then([this](StorageFile^ file)

+    {

+        this->_videoFile = file;

+    });

