video: refactor video implementation

- changes the SetParameters signal to ParametersChanged and removes
  the use of the GetCameraInfo signal as an alternative usage is
  implemented in the daemon API as of commit:

Change-Id: Iba76e6ec8f9d1ceb1068bd58b151ac37b9f72ed1
Tuleap: #790
diff --git a/RingD.cpp b/RingD.cpp
index 477a27b..2a8bf86 100644
--- a/RingD.cpp
+++ b/RingD.cpp
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@
                     const std::string& callId,

                     bool state)


-            // why this cllaback exist ? why are we not using stateChange ?

+            // why does this callback exist ? why are we not using stateChange ?


             MSG_("callId = " + callId);

             MSG_("state = " + Utils::toString(state.ToString()));

@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@
                     const std::string& callId,

                     bool state)


-            // why this cllaback exist ? why are we not using stateChange ?

+            // why does this callback exist ? why are we not using stateChange ?


             MSG_("callId = " + callId);

             MSG_("state = " + Utils::toString(state.ToString()));

@@ -536,7 +536,8 @@



-            if (state3 == CallStatus::ENDED) {

+            if (state3 == CallStatus::ENDED ||

+                (state3 == CallStatus::NONE && code == 106) ) {

                 DRing::hangUp(callId); // solve a bug in the daemon API.



@@ -581,6 +582,8 @@
             auto callId2 = toPlatformString(callId);

             auto from2 = toPlatformString(from);


+            from2 = Utils::TrimRingId2(from2);


             auto item = SmartPanelItemsViewModel::instance->findItem(callId2);

             Contact^ contact;

             if (item)

@@ -680,7 +683,7 @@
     getAppPathHandler =



-        ([this](std::vector<std::string>* paths) {

+        ([this](const std::string& name, std::vector<std::string>* paths) {




@@ -731,40 +734,21 @@
     using namespace Video;

     outgoingVideoHandlers =


-        DRing::exportable_callback<DRing::VideoSignal::GetCameraInfo>

-        ([this](const std::string& device,

-        std::vector<std::string> *formats,

-        std::vector<unsigned> *sizes,

-        std::vector<unsigned> *rates) {

-            MSG_("<GetCameraInfo>");

-            auto device_list = VideoManager::instance->captureManager()->deviceList;


-            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < device_list->Size; i++) {

-                auto dev = device_list->GetAt(i);

-                if (device == Utils::toString(dev->name())) {

-                    Vector<Video::Resolution^>^ resolutions = dev->resolutionList();

-                    for (auto res : resolutions) {

-                        formats->emplace_back(Utils::toString(res->activeRate()->format()));

-                        sizes->emplace_back(res->width());

-                        sizes->emplace_back(res->height());

-                        for (auto rate : res->rateList()) {

-                            rates->emplace_back(rate->value());

-                        }

-                    }

-                }

-            }

+        DRing::exportable_callback<DRing::VideoSignal::DeviceAdded>

+        ([this](const std::string& device) {

+            MSG_("<DeviceAdded>");


-        DRing::exportable_callback<DRing::VideoSignal::SetParameters>

-        ([&](const std::string& device,

-             std::string format,

-             const int width,

-             const int height,

-        const int rate) {

+        DRing::exportable_callback<DRing::VideoSignal::ParametersChanged>

+        ([&](const std::string& device) {


             ref new DispatchedHandler([=]() {

-                MSG_("<SetParameters>");

+                MSG_("<ParametersChanged>");

+                auto settings = DRing::getDeviceParams(device);


-                    Utils::toPlatformString(format),width,height,rate);

+                    Utils::toPlatformString(settings["format"]),

+                    stoi(settings["width"]),

+                    stoi(settings["height"]),

+                    stoi(settings["rate"]));




diff --git a/VideoCaptureManager.cpp b/VideoCaptureManager.cpp
index 2e91f6e..e820227 100644
--- a/VideoCaptureManager.cpp
+++ b/VideoCaptureManager.cpp
@@ -351,7 +351,25 @@

             this->activeDevice = deviceList->GetAt(0);

             MSG_("GetDeviceCaps DONE");

-            DRing::addVideoDevice(Utils::toString(device->name()));


+            std::vector<std::map<std::string, std::string>> devInfo;

+            Vector<Video::Resolution^>^ resolutions = device->resolutionList();

+            for (auto& res : resolutions) {

+                for (auto& rate : res->rateList()) {

+                    std::map<std::string, std::string> setting;

+                    setting["format"] = Utils::toString(rate->format());

+                    setting["width"] = Utils::toString(res->width().ToString());

+                    setting["height"] = Utils::toString(res->height().ToString());

+                    setting["rate"] = Utils::toString(rate->value().ToString());

+                    devInfo.emplace_back(std::move(setting));

+                    MSG_("<DeviceAdded> : info - "

+                        + rate->format()

+                        + ":" + res->width().ToString()

+                        + "x" + res->height().ToString() + " " + rate->value().ToString()

+                    );

+                }

+            }

+            DRing::addVideoDevice(Utils::toString(device->name()), &devInfo);


         catch (Platform::Exception^ e) {


@@ -413,7 +431,6 @@
     MediaProperties::VideoEncodingProperties^ vidprops = static_cast<VideoEncodingProperties^>(allprops->GetAt(0));

     String^ format = vidprops->Subtype;


-    // for now, only bgra

     auto videoFrame = ref new VideoFrame(BitmapPixelFormat::Bgra8, videoFrameWidth, videoFrameHeight);


     try {

@@ -428,23 +445,22 @@
                 isRendering = true;

                 auto bitmap = currentFrame->SoftwareBitmap;

                 if (bitmap->BitmapPixelFormat == BitmapPixelFormat::Bgra8) {

-                    const int BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 4;


                     BitmapBuffer^ buffer = bitmap->LockBuffer(BitmapBufferAccessMode::ReadWrite);

                     IMemoryBufferReference^ reference = buffer->CreateReference();


                     Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IMemoryBufferByteAccess> byteAccess;


                     if (SUCCEEDED(reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>(reference)->QueryInterface(

                                       IID_PPV_ARGS(&byteAccess)))) {

                         byte* data;

                         unsigned capacity;

                         byteAccess->GetBuffer(&data, &capacity);

-                        auto desc = buffer->GetPlaneDescription(0);

                         byte* buf = (byte*)DRing::obtainFrame(capacity);

                         if (buf)

                             std::memcpy(buf, data, static_cast<size_t>(capacity));




                     delete reference;

                     delete buffer;
