fix : message text bugs

- fix wrong unread notifications.
- fix, closes the chat panel at the end of a call.
- cleanup some tricky code.

Change-Id: I65beca257bd4aee5451165ef6dc0a9ad5236161e
Tuleap: #790
5 files changed
tree: d7892d6b1d9df37cda76d3840280cad08235fdf7
  1. Assets/
  2. contrib/
  3. localization/
  4. .gitignore
  5. _language-fr.appx
  6. _scale-100.appx
  7. _scale-125.appx
  8. _scale-150.appx
  9. _scale-400.appx
  10. Account.cpp
  11. Account.h
  12. AccountListItem.cpp
  13. AccountListItem.h
  14. AccountListItemsViewModel.cpp
  15. AccountListItemsViewModel.h
  16. AccountsViewModel.cpp
  17. AccountsViewModel.h
  18. App.xaml
  19. App.xaml.cpp
  20. App.xaml.h
  21. Call.cpp
  22. Call.h
  23. CallsViewModel.cpp
  24. CallsViewModel.h
  25. Contact.cpp
  26. Contact.h
  27. ContactsViewModel.cpp
  28. ContactsViewModel.h
  29. Conversation.cpp
  30. Conversation.h
  31. dependencies.vcxproj
  32. dependencies.vcxproj.filters
  33. Globals.h
  35. LoadingPage.xaml
  36. LoadingPage.xaml.cpp
  37. LoadingPage.xaml.h
  38. MainPage.xaml
  39. MainPage.xaml.cpp
  40. MainPage.xaml.h
  41. MessageTextPage.xaml
  42. MessageTextPage.xaml.cpp
  43. MessageTextPage.xaml.h
  44. Package.appxmanifest
  45. Package.StoreAssociation.xml
  46. pch.cpp
  47. pch.h
  48. PreviewPage.xaml
  49. PreviewPage.xaml.cpp
  50. PreviewPage.xaml.h
  51. ring-client-uwp.sln
  52. ring-client-uwp.vcxproj
  53. ring-client-uwp.vcxproj.filters
  54. RingConsolePanel.xaml
  55. RingConsolePanel.xaml.cpp
  56. RingConsolePanel.xaml.h
  57. RingD.cpp
  58. RingD.h
  59. RingDebug.cpp
  60. RingDebug.h
  61. SmartPanel.xaml
  62. SmartPanel.xaml.cpp
  63. SmartPanel.xaml.h
  64. SmartPanelItem.cpp
  65. SmartPanelItem.h
  66. SmartPanelItemsViewModel.cpp
  67. SmartPanelItemsViewModel.h
  68. Styles.xaml
  69. UserModel.cpp
  70. UserModel.h
  71. UserPreferences.cpp
  72. UserPreferences.h
  73. Utils.h
  74. VCardUtils.cpp
  75. VCardUtils.h
  76. Video.cpp
  77. Video.h
  78. VideoCaptureManager.cpp
  79. VideoCaptureManager.h
  80. VideoManager.cpp
  81. VideoManager.h
  82. VideoPage.xaml
  83. VideoPage.xaml.cpp
  84. VideoPage.xaml.h
  85. VideoRendererManager.cpp
  86. VideoRendererManager.h
  87. WelcomePage.xaml
  88. WelcomePage.xaml.cpp
  89. WelcomePage.xaml.h
  90. Wizard.xaml
  91. Wizard.xaml.cpp
  92. Wizard.xaml.h