filesystem: change file saving and opening to blocking functions

- changes the file loading and saving for contacts, messages, and
  preferences files, from the UWP API's async file functions to c++
  standard fstream functions

Change-Id: If8ccf4d276573474fd34091deb8785accec5113c
Tuleap: #1051
diff --git a/UserPreferences.cpp b/UserPreferences.cpp
index 2307c78..c9fd121 100644
--- a/UserPreferences.cpp
+++ b/UserPreferences.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@

 using namespace Windows::Data::Json;

 using namespace Windows::Storage;

+using namespace Windows::UI::Core;

+using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core;


 using namespace RingClientUWP;

 using namespace Platform;

@@ -30,64 +32,35 @@


     StorageFolder^ localfolder = ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder;

-    String^ preferencesFile = "preferences.json";

+    String^ preferencesFile = localfolder->Path + "\\" + "preferences.json";


-    try {

-        create_task(localfolder->CreateFileAsync(preferencesFile

-            ,Windows::Storage::CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting))

-            .then([&](StorageFile^ newFile){

-            try {

-                FileIO::WriteTextAsync(newFile,Stringify());

-            }

-            catch (Exception^ e) {

-                RingDebug::instance->print("Exception while writing to preferences file");

-            }

-        });

-    }

-    catch (Exception^ e) {

-        RingDebug::instance->print("Exception while opening preferences file");

+    std::ofstream file(Utils::toString(preferencesFile).c_str());

+    if (file.is_open())

+    {

+        file << Utils::toString(Stringify());

+        file.close();







-    String^ preferencesFile = "preferences.json";

+    StorageFolder^ localfolder = ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder;

+    String^ preferencesFile = localfolder->Path + "\\preferences.json";


-    Utils::fileExists(ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder,

-        preferencesFile)

-        .then([this,preferencesFile](bool contacts_file_exists)

-    {

-        if (contacts_file_exists) {

-            try {

-                create_task(ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder->GetFileAsync(preferencesFile))

-                    .then([this](StorageFile^ file)

-                {

-                    try {

-                        create_task(FileIO::ReadTextAsync(file))

-                            .then([this](String^ fileContents){

-                            if (fileContents != nullptr) {

-                                Destringify(fileContents);

-                                // select account index after loading preferences

-                                selectIndex(PREF_ACCOUNT_INDEX);

-                                if (PREF_PROFILE_PHOTO)

-                                    loadProfileImage();

-                            }

-                        });

-                    }

-                    catch (Exception^ e) {

-                        RingDebug::instance->print("Exception while reading preferences file");

-                    }

-                });

-            }

-            catch (Exception^ e) {

-                RingDebug::instance->print("Exception while opening preferences file");

-            }

+    String^ fileContents = Utils::toPlatformString(Utils::getStringFromFile(Utils::toString(preferencesFile)));


+    CoreApplication::MainView->CoreWindow->Dispatcher->RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority::Normal,

+    ref new DispatchedHandler([=]() {

+        if (fileContents != nullptr) {

+            Destringify(fileContents);

+            selectIndex(PREF_ACCOUNT_INDEX);

+            if (PREF_PROFILE_PHOTO)

+                loadProfileImage();


-        else {

+        else


-        }

-    });

+    }));


