Custom title bar

- adds style.
- adds logic to the hamburger button.

Change-Id: Ieda5f8224bdcb1ab1c666d83c258a9d4f212e536
diff --git a/MainPage.xaml b/MainPage.xaml
index 199583c..7f30376 100644
--- a/MainPage.xaml
+++ b/MainPage.xaml
@@ -23,8 +23,33 @@



-    <SplitView x:Name="_outerSplitView_"

-               IsPaneOpen="False">

+    <Grid>

+        <Grid.RowDefinitions>

+            <RowDefinition Height="32"/>

+            <RowDefinition Height="*"/>

+        </Grid.RowDefinitions>

+        <Grid Canvas.ZIndex="2" Grid.Row="0" Background="LightBlue">

+            <Grid.ColumnDefinitions>

+                <ColumnDefinition Width="50"/>

+                <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>

+            </Grid.ColumnDefinitions>

+            <!-- hamburger button. -->

+            <Button x:Name="_toggleSmartBoxButton_"

+                        Grid.Row="0"

+                        Content="&#xE700;"

+                        Click="_toggleSmartBoxButton__Click"

+                        HorizontalAlignment="Center"

+                        Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle2}"/>

+            <!-- _titleBar_ is used to move the window. -->

+            <Rectangle x:Name="_titleBar_"

+                       Grid.Column="1"

+                       Height="32"

+                       VerticalAlignment="Top"

+                       Fill="Transparent"/>

+        </Grid>

+        <SplitView x:Name="_outerSplitView_"

+                   Grid.Row="1"

+                   IsPaneOpen="False">


             <Frame x:Name="_consolePanel_"/>


@@ -48,4 +73,5 @@



+    </Grid>
