text message : add visual new message notification

- adds a red buble with the number of unread messages.

Change-Id: I8c40df3e0421fba02444e5092a8975ce27ce989c
Tuleap: #961
diff --git a/Contact.cpp b/Contact.cpp
index 1fb7032..b49cbbd 100644
--- a/Contact.cpp
+++ b/Contact.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 using namespace Windows::UI::Core;


 using namespace RingClientUWP;

+using namespace ViewModel;


 Contact::Contact(String^ name,

                  String^ ringID)

@@ -33,6 +34,24 @@
     name_ = name;

     ringID_ = ringID;

     conversation_ = ref new Conversation();

+    notificationNewMessage_ = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed;

+    unreadMessages_ = 0; // not saved on disk yet (TO DO)


+    /* connect to delegate */

+    ContactsViewModel::instance->notifyNewConversationMessage += ref new NotifyNewConversationMessage([&] () {

+        notificationNewMessage = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Visible;

+        unreadMessages_++;

+        PropertyChanged(this, ref new PropertyChangedEventArgs("unreadMessages"));

+    });

+    ContactsViewModel::instance->newContactSelected += ref new RingClientUWP::NewContactSelected([&]() {

+        if (ContactsViewModel::instance->selectedContact == this) {

+            PropertyChanged(this, ref new PropertyChangedEventArgs("unreadMessages"));

+            notificationNewMessage = Windows::UI::Xaml::Visibility::Collapsed;

+            unreadMessages_ = 0;

+        }

+    });






diff --git a/Contact.h b/Contact.h
index eb1ff21..7e84d87 100644
--- a/Contact.h
+++ b/Contact.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@

 using namespace Platform;

 using namespace Windows::Data::Json;

+using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml;

 using namespace Windows::UI::Xaml::Data;


 /* strings required by Windows::Data::Json. Defined here on puprose */

@@ -36,7 +37,6 @@
     Contact(String^ name, String^ ringID);

     JsonObject^ ToJsonObject();



     virtual event PropertyChangedEventHandler^ PropertyChanged;


     property String^ name_;

@@ -48,12 +48,33 @@
             return conversation_;



+    property Visibility notificationNewMessage

+    {

+        Visibility get()

+        {

+            return notificationNewMessage_;

+        }

+        void set(Visibility visibility)

+        {

+            notificationNewMessage_ = visibility;

+            PropertyChanged(this, ref new PropertyChangedEventArgs("notificationNewMessage"));

+        }

+    }

+    property String^ unreadMessages

+    {

+        String^ get()

+        {

+            return unreadMessages_.ToString();

+        }

+    }



     void NotifyPropertyChanged(String^ propertyName);



     Conversation^ conversation_;

+    Visibility notificationNewMessage_;

+    unsigned int unreadMessages_;




diff --git a/ContactsViewModel.cpp b/ContactsViewModel.cpp
index 80799ff..0aa9aed 100644
--- a/ContactsViewModel.cpp
+++ b/ContactsViewModel.cpp
@@ -43,11 +43,17 @@
         if (contact == nullptr)

             contact = addNewContact(from, from); // contact checked inside addNewContact.


+        bool isNotSelected = (contact != ContactsViewModel::instance->selectedContact) ? true : false;


         if (contact == nullptr) {

             ERR_("contact not handled!");




+        screenConversationMessage("" /* accountId not used yet at this stage */, from, payload);


+        if (contact->ringID_ == from && isNotSelected)

+            notifyNewConversationMessage();




diff --git a/ContactsViewModel.h b/ContactsViewModel.h
index 29dfec8..b4de756 100644
--- a/ContactsViewModel.h
+++ b/ContactsViewModel.h
@@ -25,8 +25,11 @@
 namespace RingClientUWP



+/* delegates */

 delegate void NewContactSelected();

 delegate void NoContactSelected();

+delegate void ScreenConversationMessage(String^ accountId, String^ from, String^ payload);

+delegate void NotifyNewConversationMessage();


 namespace ViewModel {

 public ref class ContactsViewModel sealed

@@ -79,6 +82,8 @@
     /* events */

     event NewContactSelected^ newContactSelected;

     event NoContactSelected^ noContactSelected;

+    event ScreenConversationMessage^ screenConversationMessage;

+    event NotifyNewConversationMessage^ notifyNewConversationMessage;



     ContactsViewModel(); // singleton

diff --git a/SmartPanel.xaml b/SmartPanel.xaml
index 9e5fb61..cef2e26 100644
--- a/SmartPanel.xaml
+++ b/SmartPanel.xaml
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@


                     <Border x:Name="_visualNotificationNewMessage_"

-                            Visibility="Collapsed"

+                            Visibility="{x:Bind notificationNewMessage, Mode=OneWay}"

                             Style="{StaticResource BorderStyle2}">

-                        <TextBlock Text="0"

+                        <TextBlock Text="{x:Bind unreadMessages, Mode=OneWay}"

                                    Style="{StaticResource TextStyle3}"/>


                             <TranslateTransform X="-17" Y="-14"/>

diff --git a/SmartPanel.xaml.cpp b/SmartPanel.xaml.cpp
index d9e0dd5..4c340ef 100644
--- a/SmartPanel.xaml.cpp
+++ b/SmartPanel.xaml.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@

     _accountsList_->ItemsSource = AccountsViewModel::instance->accountsList;

     _smartList_->ItemsSource = ContactsViewModel::instance->contactsList;


+    /* connect delegate */

+    ContactsViewModel::instance->notifyNewConversationMessage += ref new NotifyNewConversationMessage([&]() {

+        //_visualNotificationNewMessage_->Vi

+    });


