misc: allow building using qmake generated Makefile on windows

Don't implicitly configure a vcxproj with qmake allowing building
and debugging from QtCreator as well as Visual Studio.

Change-Id: Ifbb181d6d910c1b5bd9167d015f4ed6860d6ccaf
Gitlab: #581
Gitlab: #7
diff --git a/copy-runtime-files.ps1 b/copy-runtime-files.ps1
index 78521ce..b541e75 100644
--- a/copy-runtime-files.ps1
+++ b/copy-runtime-files.ps1
@@ -3,31 +3,28 @@



-    [string]$lrcDir

+    [string]$lrcDir,

+    [string]$outDir



-write-host "Copying runtime files..." -ForegroundColor Green

+write-host "Copying deployment files..." -ForegroundColor Green


 # default values

-$qtver = If ($qtver) {$qtver} Else {"5.15.0"}

-$mode  = If ($mode)  {$mode} Else {"Release"}

+$qtver = If ($qtver) { $qtver } Else { "5.15.0" }

+$mode = If ($mode) { $mode } Else { "Release" }


-$qtverSplit1, $qtverSplit2 ,$qtverSplit3 = $qtver.Split('.')

-$qtMsvcDir = If((([int]$qtverSplit1) -ge 6) -OR ( (([int]$qtverSplit1) -eq 5) -AND (([int]$qtverSplit2) -ge 15))) {

-    "msvc2019_64"

-} Else {

-    "msvc2017_64"


+$qtverSplit1, $qtverSplit2 , $qtverSplit3 = $qtver.Split('.')

+$qtMsvcDir = "msvc2019_64"


 $QtDir = "C:\Qt\$qtver\$qtMsvcDir"


-$ClientDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

+$clientDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition


-$OutDir = $ClientDir + "\x64\" + $mode

-If(!(test-path $OutDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $OutDir -Force }

+if (!$outDir) { $outDir = $clientDir + "\x64\" + $mode }

+If (!(test-path $outDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $outDir -Force }


-if (!$daemonDir) { $daemonDir = $ClientDir + '\..\daemon' }

-if (!$lrcDir) { $lrcDir = $ClientDir + '\..\lrc' }

+if (!$daemonDir) { $daemonDir = $clientDir + '\..\daemon' }

+if (!$lrcDir) { $lrcDir = $clientDir + '\..\lrc' }


 write-host "********************************************************************************" -ForegroundColor Magenta

 write-host "using daemonDir:    " $daemonDir -ForegroundColor Magenta

@@ -46,25 +43,25 @@



-    "$ClientDir\qt.conf",

-    "$ClientDir\images\jami.ico",

-    "$ClientDir\License.rtf"

-    )

+    "$clientDir\qt.conf",

+    "$clientDir\images\jami.ico",

+    "$clientDir\License.rtf"


 foreach ($i in $FilesToCopy) {

-    write-host "copying: " $i " => " $OutDir -ForegroundColor Cyan

-    Copy-Item -Path $i -Recurse -Destination $OutDir -Force -Container

+    write-host "copying: " $i " => " $outDir -ForegroundColor Cyan

+    Copy-Item -Path $i -Recurse -Destination $outDir -Force -Container




 # qt


-$windeployqt = "$QtDir\bin\windeployqt.exe --qmldir $ClientDir\src --release $OutDir\Jami.exe"

-iex $windeployqt

+$windeployqt = "$QtDir\bin\windeployqt.exe --qmldir $clientDir\src --release $outDir\Jami.exe"

+Invoke-Expression $windeployqt


 # ringtones

-$CopyDir = $OutDir + "\ringtones"

-If(!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }

-$RingtonePath = "$ClientDir\..\daemon\ringtones"

+$CopyDir = $outDir + "\ringtones"

+If (!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }

+$RingtonePath = "$clientDir\..\daemon\ringtones"

 write-host "copying ringtones..."

 Get-ChildItem -Path $RingtonePath -Include *.ul, *.ogg, *.wav, *.opus -Recurse | ForEach-Object {

     write-host "copying ringtone: " $_.FullName " => " $CopyDir -ForegroundColor Cyan

@@ -79,8 +76,8 @@
 Get-ChildItem -Path $lrcTSPath -Include *.ts -Recurse | ForEach-Object {

     & $lrelease $_.FullName


-$CopyDir = $OutDir + "\share\libringclient\translations"

-If(!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }

+$CopyDir = $outDir + "\share\libringclient\translations"

+If (!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }

 write-host "copying lrc translations..."

 Get-ChildItem -Path $lrcTSPath -Include *.qm -Recurse | ForEach-Object {

     write-host "copying translation file: " $_.FullName " => " $CopyDir -ForegroundColor Cyan

@@ -88,12 +85,12 @@


 # client translations

-$clientTSPath = "$ClientDir\translations"

+$clientTSPath = "$clientDir\translations"

 Get-ChildItem -Path $clientTSPath -Include *.ts -Recurse | ForEach-Object {

     & $lrelease $_.FullName


-$CopyDir = $OutDir + "\share\ring\translations"

-If(!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }

+$CopyDir = $outDir + "\share\ring\translations"

+If (!(test-path $CopyDir)) { New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $CopyDir -Force }

 write-host "copying client translations..."

 Get-ChildItem -Path $clientTSPath -Include *.qm -Recurse | ForEach-Object {

     write-host "copying translation file: " $_.FullName " => " $CopyDir -ForegroundColor Cyan