client-qml: add initial commit

Change-Id: I32bfdd2a618aa7ac6181da2697e241667b010aab
diff --git a/src/settingsview/components/CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.qml b/src/settingsview/components/CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3d4392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settingsview/components/CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1376 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 by Savoir-faire Linux
+ * Author: Yang Wang   <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+import QtQuick 2.15
+import QtQuick.Window 2.14
+import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
+import QtQuick.Controls.Universal 2.12
+import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3
+import QtGraphicalEffects 1.14
+import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
+import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
+import Qt.labs.platform 1.1
+import net.jami.Models 1.0
+import "../../commoncomponents"
+Rectangle {
+    id: accountViewRect
+    enum RegName {
+        BLANK,
+        TAKEN,
+        FREE,
+        SEARCHING
+    }
+    property int regNameUi: CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.BLANK
+    property string registeredName: ""
+    property bool registeredIdNeedsSet: false
+    property int refreshVariable : 0
+    signal navigateToMainView
+    signal navigateToNewWizardView
+    function refreshRelevantUI(){
+        refreshVariable++
+        refreshVariable--
+    }
+    Connections {
+        id: btnRegisterNameClickConnection
+        target: btnRegisterName
+        enabled: {
+            refreshVariable
+            switch (regNameUi) {
+            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.FREE:
+                return true
+            default:
+                return false
+            }
+        }
+        function onClicked() {
+            slotRegisterName()
+        }
+    }
+    function updateAccountInfoDisplayed() {
+        setAvatar()
+        accountEnableCheckBox.checked = ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.get_CurrentAccountInfo_Enabled()
+        displayNameLineEdit.text = ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getCurrentAccount_Profile_Info_Alias()
+        var showLocalAccountConfig = (ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getAccountConfig_Manageruri() === "")
+        passwdPushButton.visible = showLocalAccountConfig
+        btnExportAccount.visible = showLocalAccountConfig
+        linkDevPushButton.visible = showLocalAccountConfig
+        registeredIdNeedsSet = (ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.get_CurrentAccountInfo_RegisteredName() === "")
+        if(!registeredIdNeedsSet){
+            currentRegisteredID.text = ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.get_CurrentAccountInfo_RegisteredName()
+        } else {
+            currentRegisteredID.text = ""
+        }
+        currentRingID.text = ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getCurrentAccount_Profile_Info_Uri()
+        // update device list view
+        updateAndShowDevicesSlot()
+        bannedContactsListWidget.visible = false
+        bannedContactsLayoutWidget.visible = (bannedListModel.rowCount() > 0)
+        if (advanceSettingsView.visible) {
+            advanceSettingsView.updateAccountInfoDisplayedAdvance()
+        }
+        refreshRelevantUI()
+    }
+    function connectCurrentAccount() {
+        accountConnections_ContactModel.enabled = true
+        accountConnections_DeviceModel.enabled = true
+    }
+    function disconnectAccountConnections() {
+        accountConnections_ContactModel.enabled = false
+        accountConnections_DeviceModel.enabled = false
+    }
+    function isPhotoBoothOpened() {
+        return currentAccountAvatar.takePhotoState
+    }
+    function setAvatar() {
+        currentAccountAvatar.setAvatarPixmap(
+                    ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getAvatarImage_Base64(
+                        currentAccountAvatar.boothWidht),
+                    ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getIsDefaultAvatar())
+    }
+    function stopBooth() {
+        currentAccountAvatar.stopBooth()
+    }
+    function toggleBannedContacts(){
+        var bannedContactsVisible = bannedContactsListWidget.visible
+        bannedContactsListWidget.visible = !bannedContactsVisible
+        updateAndShowBannedContactsSlot()
+    }
+    function unban(index){
+        ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.unbanContact(index)
+        updateAndShowBannedContactsSlot()
+    }
+    Connections {
+        id: accountConnections_ContactModel
+        target: ClientWrapper.contactModel
+        function onModelUpdated(uri, needsSorted) {
+            updateAndShowBannedContactsSlot()
+        }
+        function onContactAdded(contactUri){
+            updateAndShowBannedContactsSlot()
+        }
+        function onContactRemoved(contactUri){
+            updateAndShowBannedContactsSlot()
+        }
+    }
+    Connections {
+        id: accountConnections_DeviceModel
+        target: ClientWrapper.deviceModel
+        function onDeviceAdded(id) {
+            updateAndShowDevicesSlot()
+        }
+        function onDeviceRevoked(id, status) {
+            updateAndShowDevicesSlot()
+        }
+        function onDeviceUpdated(id) {
+            updateAndShowDevicesSlot()
+        }
+    }
+    // slots
+    function verifyRegisteredNameSlot() {
+        if (ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.get_CurrentAccountInfo_RegisteredName() !== "") {
+            regNameUi = CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.BLANK
+        } else {
+            registeredName = ClientWrapper.utilsAdaptor.stringSimplifier(
+                        currentRegisteredID.text)
+            if (registeredName !== "") {
+                if (ClientWrapper.utilsAdaptor.validateRegNameForm(registeredName)) {
+                    regNameUi = CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.SEARCHING
+                    lookUpLabelTimer.restart()
+                } else {
+                    regNameUi = CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.INVALIDFORM
+                }
+            } else {
+                regNameUi = CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.BLANK
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    Timer {
+        id: lookUpLabelTimer
+        interval: 300
+        onTriggered: {
+            beforeNameLookup()
+        }
+    }
+    function beforeNameLookup() {
+        ClientWrapper.nameDirectory.lookupName("", registeredName)
+    }
+    Connections {
+        target: ClientWrapper.nameDirectory
+        enabled: true
+        function onRegisteredNameFound(status, address, name) {
+            afterNameLookup(status, name)
+        }
+    }
+    function afterNameLookup(status, regName) {
+        if (registeredName === regName && regName.length > 2) {
+            switch (status) {
+            case NameDirectory.LookupStatus.NOT_FOUND:
+                regNameUi = CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.FREE
+                break
+            default:
+                regNameUi = CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.TAKEN
+                break
+            }
+        } else {
+            regNameUi = CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.BLANK
+        }
+    }
+    function setAccEnableSlot(state) {
+        ClientWrapper.accountModel.setAccountEnabled(ClientWrapper.utilsAdaptor.getCurrAccId(), state)
+    }
+    /*
+     * JamiFileDialog for exporting account
+     */
+    JamiFileDialog {
+        id: exportBtn_Dialog
+        mode: JamiFileDialog.SaveFile
+        title: qsTr("Export Account Here")
+        folder: StandardPaths.writableLocation(StandardPaths.DesktopLocation)
+        nameFilters: [qsTr("Jami archive files") + " (*.gz)", qsTr(
+                "All files") + " (*)"]
+        onAccepted: {
+            // is there password? If so, go to password dialog, else, go to following directly
+            var exportPath = ClientWrapper.utilsAdaptor.getAbsPath(file.toString())
+            if (ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.hasPassword()) {
+                passwordDialog.openDialog(PasswordDialog.ExportAccount,exportPath)
+                return
+            } else {
+                if (exportPath.length > 0) {
+                    var isSuccessful = ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.accoundModel().exportToFile(ClientWrapper.utilsAdaptor.getCurrAccId(), exportPath,"")
+                    var title = isSuccessful ? qsTr("Success") : qsTr("Error")
+                    var iconMode = isSuccessful ? StandardIcon.Information : StandardIcon.Critical
+                    var info = isSuccessful ? qsTr("Export Successful") : qsTr("Export Failed")
+                    msgDialog.openWithParameters(title,info, iconMode, StandardButton.Ok)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        onRejected: {}
+        onVisibleChanged: {
+            if (!visible) {
+                rejected()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function exportAccountSlot() {
+    }
+    PasswordDialog {
+        id: passwordDialog
+        onDoneSignal: {
+            var success = (code === successCode)
+            var title = success ? qsTr("Success") : qsTr("Error")
+            var iconMode = success ? StandardIcon.Information : StandardIcon.Critical
+            var info
+            switch(currentPurpose){
+            case PasswordDialog.ExportAccount:
+                info = success ? qsTr("Export Successful") : qsTr("Export Failed")
+                break
+            case PasswordDialog.ChangePassword:
+                info = success ? qsTr("Password Changed Successfully") : qsTr("Password Change Failed")
+                break
+            case PasswordDialog.SetPassword:
+                info = success ? qsTr("Password Set Successfully") : qsTr("Password Set Failed")
+                passwdPushButton.text = success ? qsTr("Change Password") : qsTr("Set Password")
+                break
+            }
+            msgDialog.openWithParameters(title,info, iconMode, StandardButton.Ok)
+        }
+    }
+    MessageBox {
+        id: msgDialog
+    }
+    function passwordClicked() {
+        if (ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.hasPassword()){
+            passwordDialog.openDialog(PasswordDialog.ChangePassword)
+        } else {
+            passwordDialog.openDialog(PasswordDialog.SetPassword)
+        }
+    }
+    function delAccountSlot() {
+    }
+    DeleteAccountDialog{
+        id: deleteAccountDialog
+        anchors.centerIn: parent.Center
+        x: (parent.width - width) / 2
+        y: (parent.height - height) / 2
+        onAccepted: {
+            ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.setSelectedAccountId()
+            ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.setSelectedConvId()
+            if(ClientWrapper.utilsAdaptor.getAccountListSize() > 0){
+                navigateToMainView()
+            } else {
+                navigateToNewWizardView()
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    NameRegistrationDialog{
+        id : nameRegistrationDialog
+        onAccepted: {
+            registeredIdNeedsSet = false
+        }
+    }
+    function slotRegisterName() {
+        refreshRelevantUI()
+        nameRegistrationDialog.openNameRegistrationDialog(registeredName)
+    }
+    LinkDeviceDialog{
+        id: linkDeviceDialog
+        onAccepted: {
+            updateAndShowDevicesSlot()
+        }
+    }
+    function showLinkDevSlot() {
+        linkDeviceDialog.openLinkDeviceDialog()
+    }
+    RevokeDevicePasswordDialog{
+        id: revokeDevicePasswordDialog
+        onRevokeDeviceWithPassword:{
+            revokeDeviceWithIDAndPassword(idOfDevice, password)
+        }
+    }
+    MessageBox{
+        id: revokeDeviceMessageBox
+        property string idOfDev: ""
+        title:qsTr("Remove Device")
+        text :qsTr("Are you sure you wish to remove this device?")
+        icon :StandardIcon.Information
+        standardButtons: StandardButton.Ok | StandardButton.Cancel
+        onYes: {
+            accepted()
+        }
+        onNo:{
+            rejected()
+        }
+        onDiscard: {
+            rejected()
+        }
+        onAccepted: {
+            revokeDeviceWithIDAndPassword(idOfDev,"")
+        }
+        onRejected: {}
+    }
+    function removeDeviceSlot(index){
+        var idOfDevice =,0), DeviceItemListModel.DeviceID)
+        if(ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.hasPassword()){
+            revokeDevicePasswordDialog.openRevokeDeviceDialog(idOfDevice)
+        } else {
+            revokeDeviceMessageBox.idOfDev = idOfDevice
+        }
+    }
+    function revokeDeviceWithIDAndPassword(idDevice, password){
+        ClientWrapper.deviceModel.revokeDevice(idDevice, password)
+        updateAndShowDevicesSlot()
+    }
+    function updateAndShowBannedContactsSlot() {
+        if(bannedListModel.rowCount() <= 0){
+            bannedContactsLayoutWidget.visible = false
+            return
+        }
+        bannedListModel.reset()
+    }
+    function updateAndShowDevicesSlot() {
+        if(ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getAccountConfig_Manageruri() === ""){
+            linkDevPushButton.visible = true
+        }
+        deviceItemListModel.reset()
+    }
+    DeviceItemListModel {
+        id: deviceItemListModel
+    }
+    BannedListModel{
+        id: bannedListModel
+    }
+    Layout.fillHeight: true
+    Layout.fillWidth: true
+    ColumnLayout {
+        anchors.fill: parent
+        spacing: 0
+        Item {
+            Layout.fillWidth: true
+            Layout.maximumHeight: 10
+            Layout.minimumHeight: 10
+            Layout.preferredHeight: 10
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
+        }
+        RowLayout {
+            spacing: 6
+            Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignTop
+            Layout.fillWidth: true
+            Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+            Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+            Layout.preferredHeight: accountPageTitle.height
+            Item {
+                Layout.fillHeight: true
+                Layout.maximumWidth: 30
+                Layout.preferredWidth: 30
+                Layout.minimumWidth: 30
+            }
+            Label {
+                id: accountPageTitle
+                Layout.preferredWidth: 117
+                Layout.maximumHeight: 25
+                Layout.preferredHeight: 25
+                Layout.minimumHeight: 25
+                text: qsTr("Jami Account")
+                font.pointSize: 15
+                font.kerning: true
+                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+            }
+            Item {
+                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                Layout.fillHeight: true
+            }
+        }
+        ScrollView {
+            id: accoutScrollView
+            property ScrollBar hScrollBar: ScrollBar.horizontal
+            property ScrollBar vScrollBar: ScrollBar.vertical
+            Layout.fillHeight: true
+            Layout.fillWidth: true
+            ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded
+            ScrollBar.vertical.policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded
+            font.pointSize: 8
+            font.kerning: true
+            clip: true
+            ColumnLayout {
+                id: accoutnViewLayout
+                Layout.fillHeight: true
+                Layout.maximumWidth: 625
+                Item {
+                    Layout.fillHeight: true
+                    Layout.maximumWidth: 30
+                    Layout.preferredWidth: 30
+                    Layout.minimumWidth: 30
+                }
+                ColumnLayout {
+                    spacing: 6
+                    Layout.fillHeight: true
+                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                    Layout.leftMargin: 30
+                    Item {
+                        Layout.fillHeight: true
+                        Layout.maximumWidth: 24
+                        Layout.preferredWidth: 24
+                        Layout.minimumWidth: 24
+                    }
+                    ToggleSwitch {
+                        id: accountEnableCheckBox
+                        labelText: qsTr("Enable")
+                        fontPointSize: 11
+                        onSwitchToggled: {
+                            setAccEnableSlot(checked)
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Item {
+                        Layout.fillHeight: true
+                        Layout.maximumWidth: 20
+                        Layout.preferredWidth: 20
+                        Layout.minimumWidth: 20
+                    }
+                    ColumnLayout {
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        Label {
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            Layout.maximumHeight: 21
+                            Layout.preferredHeight: 21
+                            Layout.minimumHeight: 21
+                            text: qsTr("Profile")
+                            font.pointSize: 13
+                            font.kerning: true
+                            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                        }
+                        Item {
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            Layout.maximumHeight: 10
+                            Layout.preferredHeight: 10
+                            Layout.minimumHeight: 10
+                        }
+                        ColumnLayout {
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            layoutDirection: Qt.LeftToRight
+                            spacing: 6
+                            PhotoboothView {
+                                id: currentAccountAvatar
+                                Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
+                                Layout.maximumWidth: 261
+                                Layout.preferredWidth: 261
+                                Layout.minimumWidth: 261
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 261
+                                Layout.preferredHeight: 261
+                                Layout.minimumHeight: 261
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                onImageAcquired: {
+                                    ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.setCurrAccAvatar(imgBase64)
+                                }
+                                onImageCleared: {
+                                    ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.clearCurrentAvatar()
+                                    setAvatar()
+                                }
+                            }
+                            InfoLineEdit {
+                                id: displayNameLineEdit
+                                fieldLayoutWidth: 261
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                font.pointSize: 10
+                                font.kerning: true
+                                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+                                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                                onEditingFinished: {
+                                    ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.setCurrAccDisplayName(
+                                                displayNameLineEdit.text)
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Item {
+                        Layout.fillHeight: true
+                        Layout.maximumWidth: 20
+                        Layout.preferredWidth: 20
+                        Layout.minimumWidth: 20
+                    }
+                    ColumnLayout {
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        Label {
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            Layout.maximumHeight: 21
+                            Layout.preferredHeight: 21
+                            Layout.minimumHeight: 21
+                            text: qsTr("Identity")
+                            font.pointSize: 13
+                            font.kerning: true
+                            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                        }
+                        Item {
+                            Layout.fillHeight: true
+                            Layout.maximumWidth: 10
+                            Layout.preferredWidth: 10
+                            Layout.minimumWidth: 10
+                        }
+                        ColumnLayout {
+                            spacing: 7
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            RowLayout {
+                                spacing: 6
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                Layout.maximumWidth: 625
+                                Label {
+                                    Layout.maximumWidth: 13
+                                    Layout.preferredWidth: 13
+                                    Layout.minimumWidth: 13
+                                    Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                    text: qsTr("Id")
+                                    font.pointSize: 10
+                                    font.kerning: true
+                                    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                                    verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                                }
+                                TextField {
+                                    id: currentRingID
+                                    property var backgroundColor: "transparent"
+                                    property var borderColor: "transparent"
+                                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                    Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                    font.pointSize: 10
+                                    font.kerning: true
+                                    font.bold: true
+                                    readOnly: true
+                                    selectByMouse: true
+                                    text: { refreshVariable
+                                            return ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getCurrentAccount_Profile_Info_Uri()}
+                                    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                                    verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                                    background: Rectangle {
+                                        anchors.fill: parent
+                                        radius: 0
+                                        border.color: currentRingID.borderColor
+                                        border.width: 0
+                                        color: currentRingID.backgroundColor
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            RowLayout {
+                                spacing: 6
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 32
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                layoutDirection: Qt.LeftToRight
+                                Label {
+                                    id: lblRegisteredName
+                                    Layout.maximumWidth: 127
+                                    Layout.preferredWidth: 127
+                                    Layout.minimumWidth: 127
+                                    Layout.minimumHeight: 32
+                                    Layout.preferredHeight: 32
+                                    Layout.maximumHeight: 32
+                                    text: qsTr("Registered name")
+                                    font.pointSize: 10
+                                    font.kerning: true
+                                    horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                                    verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                                }
+                                RowLayout {
+                                    spacing: 6
+                                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                    Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignVCenter
+                                    TextField {
+                                        id: currentRegisteredID
+                                        Layout.maximumWidth: 300
+                                        Layout.preferredWidth: 300
+                                        Layout.minimumWidth: 300
+                                        Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                        Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                        Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                        placeholderText: { refreshVariable
+                                                           var result = registeredIdNeedsSet ? qsTr("Type here to register a username") : ""
+                                                           return result}
+                                        text: {
+                                            refreshVariable
+                                            if (!registeredIdNeedsSet){
+                                                return ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.get_CurrentAccountInfo_RegisteredName()
+                                            } else {
+                                                return ""
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        selectByMouse: true
+                                        readOnly: { refreshVariable
+                                                    return !registeredIdNeedsSet}
+                                        font.pointSize: 10
+                                        font.kerning: true
+                                        font.bold: { refreshVariable
+                                            return !registeredIdNeedsSet}
+                                        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                                        verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                                        background: Rectangle {
+                                            anchors.fill: parent
+                                            radius: {refreshVariable
+                                                     var result = registeredIdNeedsSet ? height / 2 : 0
+                                                     return result}
+                                            border.color: "transparent"
+                                            border.width: {refreshVariable
+                                                           var result = registeredIdNeedsSet ? 2 : 0
+                                                           return result}
+                                            color: {refreshVariable
+                                                    var result = registeredIdNeedsSet ? Qt.rgba(
+                                                                              240 / 256, 240 / 256,
+                                                                              240 / 256,
+                                                                              1.0) : "transparent"
+                                                    return result}
+                                        }
+                                        onTextEdited: {
+                                            verifyRegisteredNameSlot()
+                                        }
+                                        onEditingFinished: {
+                                            verifyRegisteredNameSlot()
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    LookupStatusLabel {
+                                        id: lookupStatusLabel
+                                        visible:{refreshVariable
+                                                 var result = registeredIdNeedsSet
+                                                 && (regNameUi
+                                                     !== CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.BLANK)
+                                                    return result}
+                                        MouseArea {
+                                            id: lookupStatusLabelArea
+                                            anchors.fill: parent
+                                            property bool isHovering: false
+                                            onEntered: isHovering = true
+                                            onExited: isHovering = false
+                                            hoverEnabled: true
+                                        }
+                                        ToolTip.visible: lookupStatusLabelArea.isHovering
+                                        ToolTip.text: {
+                                            switch (regNameUi) {
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.BLANK:
+                                                return qsTr("")
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.INVALIDFORM:
+                                                return qsTr("A registered name should not have any spaces and must be at least three letters long")
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.TAKEN:
+                                                return qsTr("This name is already taken")
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.FREE:
+                                                return qsTr("Register this name")
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.SEARCHING:
+                                                return qsTr("")
+                                            default:
+                                                return qsTr("")
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        lookupStatusState: {
+                                            switch (regNameUi) {
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.BLANK:
+                                                return "Blank"
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.INVALIDFORM:
+                                                return "Invalid"
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.TAKEN:
+                                                return "Taken"
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.FREE:
+                                                return "Free"
+                                            case CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.SEARCHING:
+                                                return "Searching"
+                                            default:
+                                                return "Blank"
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    HoverableRadiusButton {
+                                        id: btnRegisterName
+                                        visible: {refreshVariable
+                                                    var result = registeredIdNeedsSet
+                                                 && (regNameUi
+                                                     === CurrentAccountSettingsScrollPage.FREE)
+                                                    return result}
+                                        Layout.maximumWidth: 80
+                                        Layout.preferredWidth: 80
+                                        Layout.minimumWidth: 80
+                                        Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                        Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                        Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                        text: qsTr("Register")
+                                        font.pointSize: 10
+                                        font.kerning: true
+                                        radius: height / 2
+                                    }
+                                    Item {
+                                        Layout.fillHeight: true
+                                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            RowLayout {
+                                spacing: 6
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                HoverableButtonTextItem {
+                                    id: passwdPushButton
+                                    visible: ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getAccountConfig_Manageruri() === ""
+                                    Layout.maximumWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.preferredWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.minimumWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                    text: ClientWrapper.accountAdaptor.hasPassword() ? qsTr("Change Password") : qsTr("Set Password")
+                                    font.pointSize: 10
+                                    font.kerning: true
+                                    radius: height / 2
+                                    onClicked: {
+                                        passwordClicked()
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                Item {
+                                    Layout.fillHeight: true
+                                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                }
+                            }
+                            RowLayout {
+                                spacing: 6
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                HoverableButtonTextItem {
+                                    id: btnExportAccount
+                                    visible: ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getAccountConfig_Manageruri() === ""
+                                    Layout.maximumWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.preferredWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.minimumWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                    text: qsTr("Export Account")
+                                    font.pointSize: 10
+                                    font.kerning: true
+                                    radius: height / 2
+                                    onClicked: {
+                                        exportAccountSlot()
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                Item {
+                                    Layout.fillHeight: true
+                                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                }
+                            }
+                            RowLayout {
+                                spacing: 6
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                HoverableButtonTextItem {
+                                    id: btnDeletAccount
+                                    backgroundColor: "red"
+                                    onEnterColor: Qt.rgba(150 / 256, 0, 0, 0.7)
+                                    onDisabledBackgroundColor: Qt.rgba(
+                                                                   255 / 256,
+                                                                   0, 0, 0.8)
+                                    onPressColor: backgroundColor
+                                    textColor: "white"
+                                    Layout.maximumWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.preferredWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.minimumWidth: 261
+                                    Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                    Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                    text: qsTr("Delete Account")
+                                    font.pointSize: 10
+                                    font.kerning: true
+                                    radius: height / 2
+                                    onClicked: {
+                                        delAccountSlot()
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                Item {
+                                    Layout.fillHeight: true
+                                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Item {
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        Layout.minimumHeight: 20
+                        Layout.preferredHeight: 20
+                        Layout.maximumHeight: 20
+                    }
+                    ColumnLayout {
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        Label {
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            Layout.maximumHeight: 27
+                            Layout.preferredHeight: 27
+                            Layout.minimumHeight: 27
+                            text: qsTr("Linked Device")
+                            font.pointSize: 13
+                            font.kerning: true
+                            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                        }
+                        Item {
+                            Layout.fillHeight: true
+                            Layout.maximumWidth: 10
+                            Layout.preferredWidth: 10
+                            Layout.minimumWidth: 10
+                        }
+                        ColumnLayout {
+                            spacing: 7
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            ListViewJami {
+                                id: settingsListView
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.minimumWidth: 580
+                                Layout.preferredWidth: 605
+                                Layout.minimumHeight: 164
+                                Layout.preferredHeight: 164
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 164
+                                model: deviceItemListModel
+                                delegate: DeviceItemDelegate{
+                                    id: settingsListDelegate
+                                    width: settingsListView.width
+                                    height: 85
+                                    deviceName : DeviceName
+                                    deviceId: DeviceID
+                                    isCurrent: IsCurrent
+                                    onClicked: {
+                                        settingsListView.currentIndex = index
+                                    }
+                                    onBtnRemoveDeviceClicked:{
+                                        removeDeviceSlot(index)
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            HoverableRadiusButton {
+                                id: linkDevPushButton
+                                visible: ClientWrapper.settingsAdaptor.getAccountConfig_Manageruri() === ""
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                radius: height / 2
+                                text: qsTr("+Link Another Device")
+                                font.pointSize: 10
+                                font.kerning: true
+                                onClicked: {
+                                    showLinkDevSlot()
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Item {
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        Layout.minimumHeight: 20
+                        Layout.preferredHeight: 20
+                        Layout.maximumHeight: 20
+                    }
+                    // banned list view
+                    ColumnLayout {
+                        id: bannedContactsLayoutWidget
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        spacing: 6
+                        RowLayout {
+                            Layout.leftMargin: 9
+                            Layout.rightMargin: 8
+                            Layout.topMargin: 1
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                            Label {
+                                Layout.preferredWidth: 164
+                                Layout.minimumWidth: 164
+                                Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                text: qsTr("Banned Contact")
+                                font.pointSize: 13
+                                font.kerning: true
+                                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
+                                verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+                            }
+                            Item {
+                                Layout.fillHeight: true
+                                Layout.maximumWidth: 10
+                                Layout.preferredWidth: 10
+                                Layout.minimumWidth: 10
+                            }
+                            HoverableRadiusButton {
+                                id: bannedContactsBtn
+                                Layout.maximumWidth: 30
+                                Layout.preferredWidth: 30
+                                Layout.minimumWidth: 30
+                                Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                                Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                                buttonImageHeight: height
+                                buttonImageWidth: height
+                                radius: height / 2
+                                icon.source: bannedContactsListWidget.visible? "qrc:/images/icons/round-arrow_drop_up-24px.svg" : "qrc:/images/icons/round-arrow_drop_down-24px.svg"
+                                icon.height: 32
+                                icon.width: 32
+                                onClicked: {
+                                    toggleBannedContacts()
+                                }
+                            }
+                            Item {
+                                Layout.fillHeight: true
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            }
+                        }
+                        ColumnLayout {
+                            id: bannedContactsListWidget
+                            spacing: 6
+                            Layout.leftMargin: 9
+                            Layout.rightMargin: 8
+                            Layout.bottomMargin: 9
+                            Item {
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.minimumHeight: 10
+                                Layout.preferredHeight: 10
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 10
+                            }
+                            ListViewJami {
+                                id: bannedListWidget
+                                Layout.leftMargin: 20
+                                Layout.fillWidth: true
+                                Layout.minimumWidth: 580
+                                Layout.minimumHeight: 150
+                                Layout.preferredHeight: 150
+                                Layout.maximumHeight: 150
+                                model: bannedListModel
+                                delegate: BannedItemDelegate{
+                                    id: bannedListDelegate
+                                    width: bannedListWidget.width
+                                    height: 74
+                                    contactName : ContactName
+                                    contactID: ContactID
+                                    contactPicture_base64: ContactPicture
+                                    onClicked: {
+                                        bannedListWidget.currentIndex = index
+                                    }
+                                    onBtnReAddContactClicked: {
+                                        unban(index)
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    Item {
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        Layout.minimumHeight: 20
+                        Layout.preferredHeight: 20
+                        Layout.maximumHeight: 20
+                    }
+                    RowLayout {
+                        Layout.fillWidth: true
+                        Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                        Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                        Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                        Item {
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            Layout.fillHeight: true
+                        }
+                        HoverableRadiusButton {
+                            id: advancedAccountSettingsPButton
+                            Layout.minimumWidth: 180
+                            Layout.minimumHeight: 30
+                            Layout.preferredHeight: 30
+                            Layout.maximumHeight: 30
+                            radius: height / 2
+                            text: qsTr("Advanced Account Settings")
+                            font.pointSize: 10
+                            font.kerning: true
+                            icon.source: {
+                                if (advanceSettingsView.visible) {
+                                    return "qrc:/images/icons/round-arrow_drop_up-24px.svg"
+                                } else {
+                                    return "qrc:/images/icons/round-arrow_drop_down-24px.svg"
+                                }
+                            }
+                            icon.height: 24
+                            icon.width: 24
+                            onClicked: {
+                                advanceSettingsView.visible = !advanceSettingsView.visible
+                                if (advanceSettingsView.visible) {
+                                    advanceSettingsView.updateAccountInfoDisplayedAdvance()
+                                    var mappedCoor = advancedAccountSettingsPButton.mapToItem(accoutnViewLayout,advancedAccountSettingsPButton.x,advancedAccountSettingsPButton.y)
+                                    accoutScrollView.vScrollBar.position = mappedCoor.y / accoutnViewLayout.height
+                                } else {
+                                    accoutScrollView.vScrollBar.position = 0
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Item {
+                            Layout.fillWidth: true
+                            Layout.fillHeight: true
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                Item {
+                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                    Layout.minimumHeight: 48
+                    Layout.preferredHeight: 48
+                    Layout.maximumHeight: 48
+                }
+                ColumnLayout {
+                    spacing: 6
+                    Layout.fillHeight: true
+                    Layout.fillWidth: true
+                    Layout.leftMargin: 30
+                    // instantiate advance setting page
+                    AdvancedSettingsView {
+                        id: advanceSettingsView
+                        Layout.leftMargin: 10
+                        visible: false
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Item {
+            Layout.fillHeight: true
+            Layout.fillWidth: true
+        }
+    }