WebKitChatContainer: Distinguish senders by contactmethods

Instead of using the sender names to distinguish participants in the
chatview, use the ContactMethods. This fixes an issue where "Me" would
be hardcoded in the html file and could change depending on translation.
This also avoids issues with two senders having the same name.

Tuleap: #1073
Change-Id: Iaab2bfe6914b62e7b96e06e0c806692d155667b9
diff --git a/src/chatview.cpp b/src/chatview.cpp
index 24fcf40..5ab0da7 100644
--- a/src/chatview.cpp
+++ b/src/chatview.cpp
@@ -248,12 +248,89 @@
+get_active_contactmethod(ChatView *self)
+    ChatViewPrivate *priv = CHAT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(self);
+    auto cms = priv->person->phoneNumbers();
+    auto active = gtk_combo_box_get_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->combobox_cm));
+    if (active >= 0 && active < cms.size()) {
+        return cms.at(active);
+    } else {
+        return nullptr;
+    }
+static void
+set_participant_images(ChatView* self)
+    ChatViewPrivate *priv = CHAT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(self);
+    webkit_chat_container_clear_sender_images(
+        WEBKIT_CHAT_CONTAINER(priv->webkit_chat_container)
+    );
+    /* Set the sender image for the peer */
+    ContactMethod* sender_contact_method_peer;
+    QVariant photo_variant_peer;
+    if (priv->person)
+    {
+        photo_variant_peer = priv->person->photo();
+        sender_contact_method_peer = get_active_contactmethod(self);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (priv->cm)
+        {
+            sender_contact_method_peer = priv->cm;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            sender_contact_method_peer = priv->call->peerContactMethod();
+        }
+        photo_variant_peer = sender_contact_method_peer->roleData((int) Call::Role::Photo);
+    }
+    if (photo_variant_peer.isValid())
+    {
+        webkit_chat_container_set_sender_image(
+            WEBKIT_CHAT_CONTAINER(priv->webkit_chat_container),
+            sender_contact_method_peer,
+            photo_variant_peer
+        );
+    }
+    /* set sender image for "ME" */
+    auto profile = ProfileModel::instance().selectedProfile();
+    if (profile)
+    {
+        auto person = profile->person();
+        if (person)
+        {
+            auto photo_variant_me = person->photo();
+            if (photo_variant_me.isValid())
+            {
+                webkit_chat_container_set_sender_image(
+                    WEBKIT_CHAT_CONTAINER(priv->webkit_chat_container),
+                    nullptr,
+                    photo_variant_me
+                );
+            }
+        }
+    }
 static void
 print_text_recording(Media::TextRecording *recording, ChatView *self)
     ChatViewPrivate *priv = CHAT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(self);
+     /* set the photos of the chat participants */
+     set_participant_images(self);
     /* only text messages are supported for now */
     auto model = recording->instantTextMessagingModel();
@@ -300,15 +377,13 @@
 static void
-selected_cm_changed(GtkComboBox *box, ChatView *self)
+selected_cm_changed(G_GNUC_UNUSED GtkComboBox *box, ChatView *self)
-    ChatViewPrivate *priv = CHAT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(self);
-    auto cms = priv->person->phoneNumbers();
-    auto active = gtk_combo_box_get_active(box);
-    if (active >= 0 && active < cms.size()) {
-        print_text_recording(cms.at(active)->textRecording(), self);
+    auto cm = get_active_contactmethod(self);
+    if (cm){
+        print_text_recording(cm->textRecording(), self);
     } else {
         g_warning("no valid ContactMethod selected to display chat conversation");
@@ -418,64 +493,6 @@
 static void
-set_participant_images(ChatView* self)
-    ChatViewPrivate *priv = CHAT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(self);
-    /* set sender image for "ME" */
-    auto profile = ProfileModel::instance().selectedProfile();
-    if (profile)
-    {
-        auto person = profile->person();
-        if (person)
-        {
-            auto photo_variant_me = person->photo();
-            if (photo_variant_me.isValid())
-            {
-                webkit_chat_container_set_sender_image(
-                    WEBKIT_CHAT_CONTAINER(priv->webkit_chat_container),
-                    "Me",
-                    photo_variant_me
-                );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /* Set the sender image for the peer */
-    QString sender_name_peer;
-    QVariant photo_variant_peer;
-    if (priv->person)
-    {
-        photo_variant_peer = priv->person->photo();
-        sender_name_peer = priv->person->roleData(static_cast<int>(Ring::Role::Name)).toString();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ContactMethod *contact_method;
-        if (priv->cm)
-        {
-            contact_method = priv->cm;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            contact_method = priv->call->peerContactMethod();
-        }
-        sender_name_peer = contact_method->roleData(static_cast<int>(Ring::Role::Name)).toString();
-        photo_variant_peer = contact_method->roleData((int) Call::Role::Photo);
-    }
-    if (photo_variant_peer.isValid())
-    {
-        webkit_chat_container_set_sender_image(
-            WEBKIT_CHAT_CONTAINER(priv->webkit_chat_container),
-            sender_name_peer,
-            photo_variant_peer
-        );
-    }
-static void
 webkit_chat_container_ready(ChatView* self)
     /* The webkit chat container has loaded the javascript libraries, we can
@@ -487,9 +504,6 @@
-    /* set the photos of the chat participants */
-    set_participant_images(self);
     /* print the text recordings */
     if (priv->initial_text_recording)