Filter contacts and history using search entry

This filters the contacts and history view with the text in the search entry,
the same way the conversations are filtered.

The new NameNumberFilterProxyModel is used to do this.

Tuleap: #651
Change-Id: I4a5129a6bd5b495446b5637c069ba87e62d1fb5e
diff --git a/src/historyview.h b/src/historyview.h
index 587af37..e444add 100644
--- a/src/historyview.h
+++ b/src/historyview.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 GType      history_view_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
 GtkWidget *history_view_new      (void);
+void       history_view_set_filter_string(HistoryView *, const char*);