gnome: fix clutter fullscreen issues

Seems to fix the ocasional image "corruption"
which happens when the video is put into fullscreen
by creating a new VideoWidget in the fullscreen
window and pausing rendering in the VideoWidget of
the main window, instead of moving the VideoWidget.

Refs #74096

Change-Id: Iae87f815545065cf8a799bfa50dd9865a0b8f26e
diff --git a/src/currentcallview.cpp b/src/currentcallview.cpp
index 18df982..ffe6d40 100644
--- a/src/currentcallview.cpp
+++ b/src/currentcallview.cpp
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
 #include <media/text.h>
 #include <media/textrecording.h>
 #include "models/gtkqtreemodel.h"
+#include "video/videowindow.h"
 struct _CurrentCallView
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@
     GtkWidget *button_chat_input;
     GtkWidget *entry_chat_input;
     GtkWidget *scrolledwindow_chat;
+    GtkWidget *fullscreen_window;
     Call *call;
@@ -101,6 +103,11 @@
+    if (priv->fullscreen_window) {
+        gtk_widget_destroy(priv->fullscreen_window);
+        priv->fullscreen_window = NULL;
+    }
@@ -209,32 +216,15 @@
 static void
-fullscreen_destroy(CurrentCallView *view)
+on_fullscreen_destroy(CurrentCallView *view)
     CurrentCallViewPrivate *priv = CURRENT_CALL_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(view);
-    /* check if the video widgets parent is the the fullscreen window */
-    GtkWidget *parent = gtk_widget_get_parent(priv->video_widget);
-    if (parent != NULL && parent != priv->frame_video) {
-        /* put the videw widget back in the call view */
-        g_object_ref(priv->video_widget);
-        gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(parent), priv->video_widget);
-        gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(priv->frame_video), priv->video_widget);
-        g_object_unref(priv->video_widget);
-        /* destroy the fullscreen window */
-        gtk_widget_destroy(parent);
-    }
-static gboolean
-fullscreen_handle_keys(GtkWidget *self, GdkEventKey *event, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data)
-    if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_Escape)
-        gtk_widget_destroy(self);
-    /* the event has been fully handled */
-    return TRUE;
+    /* fullscreen is being destroyed, clear the pointer and un-pause the rendering
+     * in this window */
+    priv->fullscreen_window = NULL;
+    video_widget_pause_rendering(VIDEO_WIDGET(priv->video_widget), FALSE);
 static gboolean
@@ -246,29 +236,26 @@
     /* on double click */
     if (event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) {
-        /* get the parent to check if its in fullscreen window or not */
-        GtkWidget *parent = gtk_widget_get_parent(GTK_WIDGET(self));
-        if (parent == priv->frame_video){
-            /* not fullscreen, so put it in a separate widget and make it so */
-            GtkWidget *fullscreen_window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
-            gtk_window_set_decorated(GTK_WINDOW(fullscreen_window), FALSE);
-            gtk_window_set_transient_for(GTK_WINDOW(fullscreen_window),
-                                         GTK_WINDOW(gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(view))));
-            g_object_ref(self);
-            gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(priv->frame_video), self);
-            gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(fullscreen_window), self);
-            g_object_unref(self);
-            /* connect signals to make sure we can un-fullscreen */
-            g_signal_connect_swapped(fullscreen_window, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(fullscreen_destroy), view);
-            g_signal_connect(view, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(fullscreen_destroy), NULL);
-            g_signal_connect(fullscreen_window, "key_press_event", G_CALLBACK(fullscreen_handle_keys), NULL);
-            /* present the fullscreen widnow */
-            gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(fullscreen_window));
-            gtk_window_fullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(fullscreen_window));
+        if (priv->fullscreen_window) {
+            /* destroy the fullscreen */
+            gtk_widget_destroy(priv->fullscreen_window);
         } else {
-            /* put it back in the call view */
-            fullscreen_destroy(view);
+            /* pause rendering in this window and create fullscreen */
+            video_widget_pause_rendering(VIDEO_WIDGET(priv->video_widget), TRUE);
+            priv->fullscreen_window = video_window_new(priv->call,
+                GTK_WINDOW(gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(view))));
+            /* connect to destruction of fullscreen so we know when to un-pause
+             * the rendering in thiw window */
+            g_signal_connect_swapped(priv->fullscreen_window,
+                                     "destroy",
+                                     G_CALLBACK(on_fullscreen_destroy),
+                                     view);
+            /* present the fullscreen widnow */
+            gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(priv->fullscreen_window));
+            gtk_window_fullscreen(GTK_WINDOW(priv->fullscreen_window));