fix memory leaks, hazardous frees and misc issues

+ remove useless <iostream> import

+ remove useless <iostream> import
+ add missing <memory> import

+ remove useless <iostream> import
+ add missing <memory> and <string> import
+ use g_debug instead of std::cout (not the standard debug output)

+ fix multiple memory leaks in print_account_and_state(),
  on_clear_all_history_foreach() and changeAccountSelection()
+ fix use of deprecated method gtk_entry_set_icon_from_stock()
+ use G_GNUC_UNUSED to remove unused parameter warnings
+ remove various unused variables
+ remove unused function on_save_accounts_timeout()
+ fix multiple places where char* was passed to printf-style function
  with %i formatter

+ fix multiple memory leaks in ring_welcome_update_view() and
+ return FALSE in case of failure in draw_qrcode()

+ webkit_chat_container_execute_js should take const char*, not char*
+ return true in case of success in webview_chat_context_menu()

+ make "Enter the password of your Ring account" string translatable

+ fix multiple memory leaks in ring_client_open()

+ improve ring_hide_notification() return values
+ fix multiple potential hazardous free() calls

+ fix leak in case of error in video_widget_on_drag_data_received()
+ fix hazardous free() call in switch_video_input_file() (uri might be
  NULL even if the answer of the dialog is GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT)

Change-Id: I7db8b63ba1b8ad272d464d0739b2fe24cc18c0b4
Gitlab: #917
Gitlab: #821
Reviewed-by: Sebastien Blin <>
11 files changed
tree: 6d1edd09b85cc9cfdbea819f64335979a13846f8
  1. .tx/
  2. cmake/
  3. data/
  4. doc/
  5. pixmaps/
  6. po/
  7. sounds/
  8. src/
  9. ui/
  10. web/
  11. .gitignore
  12. .gitreview
  14. CMakeLists.txt
  17. gnome-ring.appdata.xml
  18. gnome-ring.desktop
  19. gnome-ring.desktop.autostart

Ring client Gnome

Build Status

Ring-client-gnome is a Ring client written in GTK+3. It uses libRingClient to communicate with the Ring daemon and for all of the underlying models and their logic. Ideally ring-client-gnome should only contain UI related code and any wrappers necessary for interacting with libRingClient.

Packages for Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora can be found at

More info about the Ring project and the clients can be found on our Gitlab's instance:

GNU Ring welcomes contribution from everyone. See for help getting started.

Setting up your environment


  • Ring daemon
  • libRingClient
  • GTK+3 (3.10 or higher)
  • Qt5 Core
  • X11
  • gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (certain icons are used which other themes might be missing)
  • libebook1.2 / evolution-data-server (3.10 or higher)
  • libnotify (optional, if you wish to receive desktop notifications of incoming calls, etc)
  • gettext (optional to compile translations)

On Debian/Ubuntu these can be installed by:

sudo apt-get install g++ cmake libgtk-3-dev qtbase5-dev libclutter-gtk-1.0-dev gnome-icon-theme-symbolic libebook1.2-dev libnotify-dev gettext

On Fedora:

sudo dnf install gcc-c++ cmake gtk3-devel qt5-qtbase-devel clutter-gtk-devel gnome-icon-theme-symbolic evolution-data-server-devel libnotify-devel gettext

The build instructions for the daemon and libRingClient can be found in their respective repositories. See Gerrit:


In the project root dir:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

You can then simply run ./gnome-ring from the build directory


If you're building the client for use (rather than testing of packaging), it is recommended that you install it on your system, eg: in /usr, /usr/local, or /opt, depending on your distro's preference to get full functionality such as desktop integration. In this case you should perform a 'make install' after building the client.

Building without installing Ring daemon and libRingClient

It is possible to build ring-client-gnome without installing the daemon and libRingClient on your system (eg: in /usr or /usr/local):

  1. build the daemon
  2. when building libRingClient, specify the location of the daemon lib in the cmake options with -DRING_BUILD_DIR=, eg: -DRING_BUILD_DIR=/home/user/ring/daemon/src
  3. to get the proper headers, we still need to 'make install' libRingClient, but we don't have to install it in /usr, so just specify another location for the install prefix in the cmake options, eg: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/ringinstall
  4. now compile libRingClient and do 'make install', everything will be installed in the directory specified by the prefix
  5. now we just have to point the client to the libRingClient cmake module during the configuration: -DLibRingClient_DIR=/home/user/ringinstall/lib/cmake/LibRingClient


For now, the build type of the client is "Debug" by default, however it is useful to also have the debug symbols of libRingClient. To do this, specify this when compiling libRingClient with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug in the cmake options.