improve search entry behaviour

We improve the search entry by trying to do what the user wants:
* if a user explicitly specifies the scheme ("sip:" or "ring:")
  then we always use a corresponding account type (use
  currentDefaultAccount() with the scheme type)
* if a user doesn't specify the scheme, then we decide based on the
  user selected account; if SIP account then we assume its a SIP
  URI; if RING account then we check if its a ringID, otherwise we
  perform a name lookup.

Additionally, the use of currentDefaultAccount() in all cases makes
sure that we automatically switch to the correct account so that
the search result is always visible.

Change-Id: I2ad4e5472c06dedc5912a4ffbb4d6906d5d6f84a
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Jäger <>
1 file changed