use gtk_combo_box_set_qmodel to reduce code

This work is alreayd done for us in this utility function.
Aditionally we no longer need to filter disabled account protocols
since AIX has been removed.

Change-Id: I2cc4812c95be5ee0e87b8292d6b289f30ef992d4
Reviewed-by: Nicolas Jäger <>
diff --git a/src/accountview.cpp b/src/accountview.cpp
index 76eb75d..b003505 100644
--- a/src/accountview.cpp
+++ b/src/accountview.cpp
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
     gint current_page; /* keeps track of current notebook page displayed */
-    ActiveItemProxyModel *active_protocols;
     QMetaObject::Connection protocol_selection_changed;
+    QMetaObject::Connection account_selection_changed;
@@ -81,22 +81,12 @@
     AccountViewPrivate *priv = ACCOUNT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(view);
+    QObject::disconnect(priv->account_selection_changed);
 static void
-account_view_finalize(GObject *object)
-    AccountView *view = ACCOUNT_VIEW(object);
-    AccountViewPrivate *priv = ACCOUNT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(view);
-    delete priv->active_protocols;
-    G_OBJECT_CLASS(account_view_parent_class)->finalize(object);
-static void
 update_account_model_selection(GtkTreeSelection *selection, G_GNUC_UNUSED gpointer user_data)
     QModelIndex current = get_index_from_selection(selection);
@@ -362,36 +352,26 @@
     AccountViewPrivate *priv = ACCOUNT_VIEW_GET_PRIVATE(view);
-    GtkTreeIter protocol_iter;
-    if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->combobox_account_type), &protocol_iter)) {
-        /* get the qmodelindex of the protocol */
-        GtkTreeModel *protocol_model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->combobox_account_type));
-        QModelIndex protocol_idx = gtk_q_tree_model_get_source_idx(
-                                    GTK_Q_TREE_MODEL(protocol_model),
-                                    &protocol_iter);
-        if (protocol_idx.isValid()) {
-            protocol_idx = priv->active_protocols->mapToSource(protocol_idx);
+    auto idx = gtk_combo_box_get_index(GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->combobox_account_type));
+    if (idx.isValid()) {
+        Account::Protocol protocol = qvariant_cast<Account::Protocol>(;
+        if (protocol == Account::Protocol::RING)
+        {
+            show_account_creation_wizard(view);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* show working dialog in case save operation takes time */
+            GtkWidget *working = ring_dialog_working(GTK_WIDGET(view), NULL);
+            gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(working));
-            Account::Protocol protocol = qvariant_cast<Account::Protocol>(;
-            if (protocol == Account::Protocol::RING)
-            {
-                show_account_creation_wizard(view);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                /* show working dialog in case save operation takes time */
-                GtkWidget *working = ring_dialog_working(GTK_WIDGET(view), NULL);
-                gtk_window_present(GTK_WINDOW(working));
+            AccountModel::instance().add(QString(_("New Account")), idx);
-                AccountModel::instance().add(QString(_("New Account")), protocol_idx);
-                /* now save after a short timeout to make sure that
-                 * the save doesn't happen before the "working" dialog is presented
-                 * the timeout function should destroy the "working" dialog when done saving
-                 */
-                g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 300, (GSourceFunc)save_account, working, NULL);
-            }
+            /* now save after a short timeout to make sure that
+             * the save doesn't happen before the "working" dialog is presented
+             * the timeout function should destroy the "working" dialog when done saving
+             */
+            g_timeout_add_full(G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 300, (GSourceFunc)save_account, working, NULL);
@@ -570,23 +550,14 @@
     gtk_stack_set_visible_child(GTK_STACK(priv->stack_account), empty_box);
     /* populate account type combo box */
-    /* TODO: when to delete this model? */
-    priv->active_protocols = new ActiveItemProxyModel((QAbstractItemModel *)AccountModel::instance().protocolModel());
-    GtkQTreeModel *protocol_model = gtk_q_tree_model_new(
-                                                (QSortFilterProxyModel *)priv->active_protocols,
-                                                1,
-                                                0, Qt::DisplayRole, G_TYPE_STRING);
-    gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->combobox_account_type), GTK_TREE_MODEL(protocol_model));
-    renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
-    gtk_cell_layout_pack_start(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(priv->combobox_account_type), renderer, FALSE);
-    gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(priv->combobox_account_type), renderer,
-                                   "text", 0, NULL);
+    priv->protocol_selection_changed = gtk_combo_box_set_qmodel_text(
+        GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->combobox_account_type),
+        AccountModel::instance().protocolModel(),
+        AccountModel::instance().protocolModel()->selectionModel()
+    );
     /* connect signals to and from the selection model of the account model */
-    priv->protocol_selection_changed = QObject::connect(
+    priv->account_selection_changed = QObject::connect(
         [=](const QModelIndex & current, G_GNUC_UNUSED const QModelIndex & previous) {
@@ -608,19 +579,6 @@
     g_signal_connect(account_selection, "changed", G_CALLBACK(update_account_model_selection), NULL);
     g_signal_connect(account_selection, "changed", G_CALLBACK(account_selection_changed), view);
-    /* select the default protocol */
-    QModelIndex protocol_idx = AccountModel::instance().protocolModel()->selectionModel()->currentIndex();
-    if (protocol_idx.isValid()) {
-        protocol_idx = priv->active_protocols->mapFromSource(protocol_idx);
-        GtkTreeIter protocol_iter;
-        if (gtk_q_tree_model_source_index_to_iter(
-                (GtkQTreeModel *)protocol_model,
-                protocol_idx,
-                &protocol_iter)) {
-            gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->combobox_account_type), &protocol_iter);
-        }
-    }
     /* connect signals to add/remove accounts */
     g_signal_connect(priv->button_remove_account, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(remove_account), view);
     g_signal_connect(priv->button_add_account, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(add_account), view);
@@ -634,7 +592,6 @@
 account_view_class_init(AccountViewClass *klass)
     G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->dispose = account_view_dispose;
-    G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->finalize = account_view_finalize;
     gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource(GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass),