* #40116: Switch to 2.3.0 libzrtpcpp version
diff --git a/jni/libzrtp/sources/src/ZRtp.cpp b/jni/libzrtp/sources/src/ZRtp.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..50c29a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/libzrtp/sources/src/ZRtp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2525 @@
+  Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Werner Dittmann
+  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+  (at your option) any later version.
+  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+  GNU General Public License for more details.
+  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Authors: Werner Dittmann <Werner.Dittmann@t-online.de>
+ */
+#include <sstream>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/crypto/ZrtpDH.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/crypto/hmac256.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/crypto/sha256.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/crypto/hmac384.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/crypto/sha384.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/crypto/aesCFB.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/crypto/twoCFB.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/ZRtp.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/ZrtpStateClass.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/ZIDFile.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/ZIDRecord.h>
+#include <libzrtpcpp/Base32.h>
+using namespace GnuZrtpCodes;
+/* disabled...but used in testing and debugging, probably should have a
+   controlling #define...
+   *
+static void hexdump(const char* title, const unsigned char *s, int l) {
+    int n=0;
+    if (s == NULL) return;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s",title);
+    for( ; n < l ; ++n)
+    {
+        if((n%16) == 0)
+            fprintf(stderr, "\n%04x",n);
+        fprintf(stderr, " %02x",s[n]);
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ */
+ * This method simplifies detection of libzrtpcpp inside Automake, configure
+ * and friends
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+    int ZrtpAvailable()
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+ZRtp::ZRtp(uint8_t *myZid, ZrtpCallback *cb, std::string id, ZrtpConfigure* config, bool mitmm, bool sasSignSupport):
+        callback(cb), dhContext(NULL), DHss(NULL), auxSecret(NULL), auxSecretLength(0), rs1Valid(false),
+        rs2Valid(false), msgShaContext(NULL), multiStream(false), multiStreamAvailable(false), pbxSecretTmp(NULL),
+        configureAlgos(*config) {
+    enableMitmEnrollment = config->isTrustedMitM();
+    paranoidMode = config->isParanoidMode();
+    // setup the implicit hash function pointers and length
+    hashLengthImpl = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+    hashFunctionImpl = sha256;
+    hashListFunctionImpl = sha256;
+    hmacFunctionImpl = hmac_sha256;
+    hmacListFunctionImpl = hmac_sha256;
+    /*
+     * Generate H0 as a random number (256 bits, 32 bytes) and then
+     * the hash chain, refer to chapter 9. Use the implicit hash function.
+     */
+    randomZRTP(H0, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE);
+    sha256(H0, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, H1);        // hash H0 and generate H1
+    sha256(H1, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, H2);        // H2
+    sha256(H2, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, H3);        // H3
+    zrtpHello.configureHello(&configureAlgos);
+    zrtpHello.setH3(H3);                    // set H3 in Hello, included in helloHash
+    memcpy(zid, myZid, ZID_SIZE);
+    zrtpHello.setZid(zid);
+    if (mitmm)                              // this session acts for a trusted MitM (PBX)
+        zrtpHello.setMitmMode();
+    if (sasSignSupport)                     // the application supports SAS signing
+        zrtpHello.setSasSign();
+    setClientId(id);                        // set id, compute HMAC and final helloHash
+    stateEngine = new ZrtpStateClass(this);
+ZRtp::~ZRtp() {
+    stopZrtp();
+    if (DHss != NULL) {
+        delete DHss;
+        DHss = NULL;
+    }
+    if (stateEngine != NULL) {
+        delete stateEngine;
+        stateEngine = NULL;
+    }
+    if (dhContext != NULL) {
+        delete dhContext;
+        dhContext = NULL;
+    }
+    if (msgShaContext != NULL) {
+        closeHashCtx(msgShaContext, NULL);
+        msgShaContext = NULL;
+    }
+    if (auxSecret != NULL) {
+        delete auxSecret;
+        auxSecret = NULL;
+        auxSecretLength = 0;
+    }
+    memset(hmacKeyI, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    memset(hmacKeyR, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    memset(zrtpKeyI, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    memset(zrtpKeyR, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    /*
+     * Clear the Initiator's srtp key and salt
+     */
+    memset(srtpKeyI, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    memset(srtpSaltI, 0,  MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    /*
+     * Clear he Responder's srtp key and salt
+     */
+    memset(srtpKeyR, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    memset(srtpSaltR, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+    memset(zrtpSession, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+void ZRtp::processZrtpMessage(uint8_t *message, uint32_t pSSRC) {
+    Event_t ev;
+    peerSSRC = pSSRC;
+    ev.type = ZrtpPacket;
+    ev.packet = message;
+    if (stateEngine != NULL) {
+        stateEngine->processEvent(&ev);
+    }
+void ZRtp::processTimeout() {
+    Event_t ev;
+    ev.type = Timer;
+    if (stateEngine != NULL) {
+        stateEngine->processEvent(&ev);
+    }
+#ifdef oldgoclear
+bool ZRtp::handleGoClear(uint8_t *message)
+    char *msg, first, last;
+    msg = (char *)message + 4;
+    first = tolower(*msg);
+    last = tolower(*(msg+6));
+    if (first == 'g' && last == 'r') {
+        Event_t ev;
+        ev.type = ZrtpGoClear;
+        ev.packet = message;
+        if (stateEngine != NULL) {
+            stateEngine->processEvent(&ev);
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    else {
+        return false;
+    }
+void ZRtp::startZrtpEngine() {
+    Event_t ev;
+    if (stateEngine != NULL && stateEngine->inState(Initial)) {
+        ev.type = ZrtpInitial;
+        stateEngine->processEvent(&ev);
+    }
+void ZRtp::stopZrtp() {
+    Event_t ev;
+    if (stateEngine != NULL) {
+        ev.type = ZrtpClose;
+        stateEngine->processEvent(&ev);
+    }
+bool ZRtp::inState(int32_t state)
+    if (stateEngine != NULL) {
+        return stateEngine->inState(state);
+    }
+    else {
+        return false;
+    }
+ZrtpPacketHello* ZRtp::prepareHello() {
+    return &zrtpHello;
+ZrtpPacketHelloAck* ZRtp::prepareHelloAck() {
+    return &zrtpHelloAck;
+ * At this point we will assume the role of Initiator. This role may change
+ * in case we have a commit-clash. Refer to chapter 5.2 in the spec how
+ * to break this tie.
+ */
+ZrtpPacketCommit* ZRtp::prepareCommit(ZrtpPacketHello *hello, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoHelloReceived);
+    if (memcmp(hello->getVersion(), zrtpVersion, ZRTP_WORD_SIZE-1) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = UnsuppZRTPVersion;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Save our peer's (presumably the Responder) ZRTP id
+    memcpy(peerZid, hello->getZid(), ZID_SIZE);
+    if (memcmp(peerZid, zid, ZID_SIZE) == 0) {       // peers have same ZID????
+        *errMsg = EqualZIDHello;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    memcpy(peerH3, hello->getH3(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE);
+    /*
+     * The Following section extracts the algorithm from the peer's Hello
+     * packet. Always the preferend offered algorithms are
+     * used. If the received Hello does not contain algo specifiers
+     * or offers only unsupported optional algos then replace
+     * these with mandatory algos and put them into the Commit packet.
+     * Refer to the findBest*() functions.
+     * If this is a MultiStream ZRTP object then do not get the cipher,
+     * authentication from hello packet but use the pre-initialized values
+     * as proposed by the standard. If we switch to responder mode the
+     * commit packet may contain other algos - see function
+     * prepareConfirm2MultiStream(...).
+     */
+    sasType = findBestSASType(hello);
+    if (!multiStream) {
+        authLength = findBestAuthLen(hello);
+        pubKey = findBestPubkey(hello);
+        cipher = findBestCipher(hello, pubKey);
+        hash = findBestHash(hello);
+        multiStreamAvailable = checkMultiStream(hello);
+    }
+    else {
+        if (checkMultiStream(hello)) {
+            return prepareCommitMultiStream(hello);
+        }
+        else {
+            // we are in multi-stream but peer does not offer multi-stream
+            // return error code to other party - unsupported PK, must be Mult
+            *errMsg = UnsuppPKExchange;
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    setNegotiatedHash(hash);
+    // Modify here when introducing new DH key agreement, for example
+    // elliptic curves.
+    dhContext = new ZrtpDH(pubKey->getName());
+    dhContext->generatePublicKey();
+    dhContext->getPubKeyBytes(pubKeyBytes);
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoCommitDHGenerated);
+    // Prepare IV data that we will use during confirm packet encryption.
+    randomZRTP(randomIV, sizeof(randomIV));
+    /*
+     * Prepare our DHPart2 packet here. Required to compute HVI. If we stay
+     * in Initiator role then we reuse this packet later in prepareDHPart2().
+     * To create this DH packet we have to compute the retained secret ids
+     * first. Thus get our peer's retained secret data first.
+     */
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile *zidFile = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zidFile->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    //Compute the Initator's and Responder's retained secret ids.
+    computeSharedSecretSet(zidRec);
+    // Check if a PBX application set the MitM flag.
+    if (hello->isMitmMode()) {
+        mitmSeen = true;
+    }
+    // Flag to record that fact that we have a MitM key of the other peer.
+    peerIsEnrolled = zidRec.isMITMKeyAvailable();
+    signSasSeen = hello->isSasSign();
+    // Construct a DHPart2 message (Initiator's DH message). This packet
+    // is required to compute the HVI (Hash Value Initiator), refer to
+    // chapter
+    // Fill the values in the DHPart2 packet
+    zrtpDH2.setPubKeyType(pubKey->getName());
+    zrtpDH2.setMessageType((uint8_t*)DHPart2Msg);
+    zrtpDH2.setRs1Id(rs1IDi);
+    zrtpDH2.setRs2Id(rs2IDi);
+    zrtpDH2.setAuxSecretId(auxSecretIDi);
+    zrtpDH2.setPbxSecretId(pbxSecretIDi);
+    zrtpDH2.setPv(pubKeyBytes);
+    zrtpDH2.setH1(H1);
+    int32_t len = zrtpDH2.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Compute HMAC over DH2, excluding the HMAC field (HMAC_SIZE)
+    // and store in DH2. Key to HMAC is H0, use HASH_IMAGE_SIZE bytes only.
+    // Must use implicit HMAC functions.
+    uint8_t hmac[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    hmacFunctionImpl(H0, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, (uint8_t*)zrtpDH2.getHeaderBase(), len-(HMAC_SIZE), hmac, &macLen);
+    zrtpDH2.setHMAC(hmac);
+    // Compute the HVI, refer to chapter of the specification
+    computeHvi(&zrtpDH2, hello);
+    zrtpCommit.setZid(zid);
+    zrtpCommit.setHashType((uint8_t*)hash->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setCipherType((uint8_t*)cipher->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setAuthLen((uint8_t*)authLength->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setPubKeyType((uint8_t*)pubKey->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setSasType((uint8_t*)sasType->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setHvi(hvi);
+    zrtpCommit.setH2(H2);
+    len = zrtpCommit.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Compute HMAC over Commit, excluding the HMAC field (HMAC_SIZE)
+    // and store in Hello. Key to HMAC is H1, use HASH_IMAGE_SIZE bytes only.
+    // Must use implicit HMAC functions.
+    hmacFunctionImpl(H1, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, (uint8_t*)zrtpCommit.getHeaderBase(), len-(HMAC_SIZE), hmac, &macLen);
+    zrtpCommit.setHMAC(hmac);
+    // hash first messages to produce overall message hash
+    // First the Responder's Hello message, second the Commit (always Initator's).
+    // Must use negotiated hash.
+    int32_t helloLen = hello->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    msgShaContext = createHashCtx();
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)hello->getHeaderBase(), helloLen);
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)zrtpCommit.getHeaderBase(), len);
+    // store Hello data temporarily until we can check HMAC after receiving Commit as
+    // Responder or DHPart1 as Initiator
+    storeMsgTemp(hello);
+    // calculate hash over the received Hello packet - is peer's hello hash.
+    // Use implicit hash algorithm
+    hashFunctionImpl((unsigned char*)hello->getHeaderBase(), helloLen, peerHelloHash);
+    memcpy(peerHelloVersion, hello->getVersion(), ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    peerHelloVersion[ZRTP_WORD_SIZE] = 0;
+    return &zrtpCommit;
+ZrtpPacketCommit* ZRtp::prepareCommitMultiStream(ZrtpPacketHello *hello) {
+    randomZRTP(hvi, ZRTP_WORD_SIZE*4);  // This is the Multi-Stream NONCE size
+    zrtpCommit.setZid(zid);
+    zrtpCommit.setHashType((uint8_t*)hash->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setCipherType((uint8_t*)cipher->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setAuthLen((uint8_t*)authLength->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setPubKeyType((uint8_t*)"Mult");  // this is fixed because of Multi Stream mode
+    zrtpCommit.setSasType((uint8_t*)sasType->getName());
+    zrtpCommit.setNonce(hvi);
+    zrtpCommit.setH2(H2);
+    int32_t len = zrtpCommit.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Compute HMAC over Commit, excluding the HMAC field (HMAC_SIZE)
+    // and store in Hello. Key to HMAC is H1, use HASH_IMAGE_SIZE bytes only.
+    // Must use the implicit HMAC function.
+    uint8_t hmac[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    hmacFunctionImpl(H1, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, (uint8_t*)zrtpCommit.getHeaderBase(), len-(HMAC_SIZE), hmac, &macLen);
+    zrtpCommit.setHMACMulti(hmac);
+    // hash first messages to produce overall message hash
+    // First the Responder's Hello message, second the Commit
+    // (always Initator's).
+    // Must use the negotiated hash.
+    msgShaContext = createHashCtx();
+    int32_t helloLen = hello->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)hello->getHeaderBase(), helloLen);
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)zrtpCommit.getHeaderBase(), len);
+    // store Hello data temporarily until we can check HMAC after receiving Commit as
+    // Responder or DHPart1 as Initiator
+    storeMsgTemp(hello);
+    // calculate hash over the received Hello packet - is peer's hello hash.
+    // Use implicit hash algorithm
+    hashFunctionImpl((unsigned char*)hello->getHeaderBase(), helloLen, peerHelloHash);
+    memcpy(peerHelloVersion, hello->getVersion(), ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    peerHelloVersion[ZRTP_WORD_SIZE] = 0;
+    return &zrtpCommit;
+ * At this point we will take the role of the Responder. We may have been in
+ * the role of the Initiator before and already sent a commit packet that
+ * clashed with a commit packet from our peer. If our HVI was lower than our
+ * peer's HVI then we switched to Responder and handle our peer's commit packet
+ * here. This method takes care to delete and refresh data left over from a
+ * possible Initiator preparation. This belongs to prepared DH data, message
+ * hash SHA context
+ */
+ZrtpPacketDHPart* ZRtp::prepareDHPart1(ZrtpPacketCommit *commit, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoRespCommitReceived);
+    // The following code check the hash chain according chapter 10 to detect
+    // false ZRTP packets.
+    // Must use the implicit hash function.
+    uint8_t tmpH3[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    memcpy(peerH2, commit->getH2(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE);
+    hashFunctionImpl(peerH2, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpH3);
+    if (memcmp(tmpH3, peerH3, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = IgnorePacket;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Check HMAC of previous Hello packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+    // HMAC key of peer's Hello packet is peer's H2 that is contained in the
+    // Commit packet. Refer to chapter 9.1.
+    if (!checkMsgHmac(peerH2)) {
+        sendInfo(Severe, SevereHelloHMACFailed);
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // check if we support the commited Cipher type
+    AlgorithmEnum* cp = &zrtpSymCiphers.getByName((const char*)commit->getCipherType());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppCiphertype;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    cipher = cp;
+    // check if we support the commited Authentication length
+    cp = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName((const char*)commit->getAuthLen());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppSRTPAuthTag;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    authLength = cp;
+    // check if we support the commited hash type
+    cp = &zrtpHashes.getByName((const char*)commit->getHashType());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppHashType;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // check if the peer's commited hash is the same that we used when
+    // preparing our commit packet. If not do the necessary resets and
+    // recompute some data.
+    if (*(int32_t*)(hash->getName()) != *(int32_t*)(cp->getName())) {
+        hash = cp;
+        setNegotiatedHash(hash);
+        ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+        ZIDFile *zidFile = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+        zidFile->getRecord(&zidRec);
+        // Compute the Initator's and Responder's retained secret ids
+        // with the committed hash.
+        computeSharedSecretSet(zidRec);
+    }
+    // check if we support the commited pub key type
+    cp = &zrtpPubKeys.getByName((const char*)commit->getPubKeysType());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppPKExchange;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    pubKey = cp;
+    // check if we support the commited SAS type
+    cp = &zrtpSasTypes.getByName((const char*)commit->getSasType());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppSASScheme;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    sasType = cp;
+    // dhContext cannot be NULL - always setup during prepareCommit()
+    // check if we can use the dhContext prepared by prepareCOmmit(),
+    // if not delete old DH context and generate new one
+    // The algorithm names are 4 chars only, thus we can cast to int32_t
+    if (*(int32_t*)(dhContext->getDHtype()) != *(int32_t*)(pubKey->getName())) {
+        delete dhContext;
+        dhContext = new ZrtpDH(pubKey->getName());
+        dhContext->generatePublicKey();
+    }
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoDH1DHGenerated);
+    dhContext->getPubKeyBytes(pubKeyBytes);
+    // Setup a DHPart1 packet.
+    zrtpDH1.setPubKeyType(pubKey->getName());
+    zrtpDH1.setMessageType((uint8_t*)DHPart1Msg);
+    zrtpDH1.setRs1Id(rs1IDr);
+    zrtpDH1.setRs2Id(rs2IDr);
+    zrtpDH1.setAuxSecretId(auxSecretIDr);
+    zrtpDH1.setPbxSecretId(pbxSecretIDr);
+    zrtpDH1.setPv(pubKeyBytes);
+    zrtpDH1.setH1(H1);
+    int32_t len = zrtpDH1.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Compute HMAC over DHPart1, excluding the HMAC field (HMAC_SIZE)
+    // and store in DHPart1.
+    // Use implicit Hash function
+    uint8_t hmac[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    hmacFunctionImpl(H0, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, (uint8_t*)zrtpDH1.getHeaderBase(), len-(HMAC_SIZE), hmac, &macLen);
+    zrtpDH1.setHMAC(hmac);
+    // We are definitly responder. Save the peer's hvi for later compare.
+    myRole = Responder;
+    memcpy(peerHvi, commit->getHvi(), HVI_SIZE);
+    // We are responder. Release a possibly pre-computed SHA context
+    // because this was prepared for Initiator. Then create a new one.
+    if (msgShaContext != NULL) {
+        closeHashCtx(msgShaContext, NULL);
+    }
+    msgShaContext = createHashCtx();
+    // Hash messages to produce overall message hash:
+    // First the Responder's (my) Hello message, second the Commit
+    // (always Initator's), then the DH1 message (which is always a
+    // Responder's message).
+    // Must use negotiated hash
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)zrtpHello.getHeaderBase(), zrtpHello.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)commit->getHeaderBase(), commit->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)zrtpDH1.getHeaderBase(), zrtpDH1.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    // store Commit data temporarily until we can check HMAC after we got DHPart2
+    storeMsgTemp(commit);
+    return &zrtpDH1;
+ * At this point we will take the role of the Initiator.
+ */
+ZrtpPacketDHPart* ZRtp::prepareDHPart2(ZrtpPacketDHPart *dhPart1, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    uint8_t* pvr;
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoInitDH1Received);
+    // Because we are initiator the protocol engine didn't receive Commit
+    // thus could not store a peer's H2. A two step SHA256 is required to
+    // re-compute H3. Then compare with peer's H3 from peer's Hello packet.
+    // Must use implicit hash function.
+    uint8_t tmpHash[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    hashFunctionImpl(dhPart1->getH1(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpHash); // Compute peer's H2
+    memcpy(peerH2, tmpHash, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE);
+    hashFunctionImpl(peerH2, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpHash);          // Compute peer's H3 (tmpHash)
+    if (memcmp(tmpHash, peerH3, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = IgnorePacket;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Check HMAC of previous Hello packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+    // HMAC key of the Hello packet is peer's H2 that was computed above.
+    // Refer to chapter 9.1 and chapter 10.
+    if (!checkMsgHmac(peerH2)) {
+        sendInfo(Severe, SevereHelloHMACFailed);
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // get memory to store DH result TODO: make it fixed memory
+    DHss = new uint8_t[dhContext->getDhSize()];
+    if (DHss == NULL) {
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // get and check Responder's public value, see chap. 5.4.3 in the spec
+    pvr = dhPart1->getPv();
+    if (!dhContext->checkPubKey(pvr)) {
+        *errMsg = DHErrorWrongPV;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dhContext->computeSecretKey(pvr, DHss);
+    myRole = Initiator;
+    // We are Initiator: the Responder's Hello and the Initiator's (our) Commit
+    // are already hashed in the context. Now hash the Responder's DH1 and then
+    // the Initiator's (our) DH2 in that order.
+    // Use the negotiated hash function.
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)dhPart1->getHeaderBase(), dhPart1->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)zrtpDH2.getHeaderBase(), zrtpDH2.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    // Compute the message Hash
+    closeHashCtx(msgShaContext, messageHash);
+    msgShaContext = NULL;
+    // To compute the keys for the Initiator we need the retained secrets of our
+    // peer. Get them from the storage.
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile *zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    // Now compute the S0, all dependend keys and the new RS1. The function
+    // also performs sign SAS callback if it's active.
+    generateKeysInitiator(dhPart1, zidRec);
+    zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+    delete dhContext;
+    dhContext = NULL;
+    // TODO: at initiator we can call signSAS at this point, don't dealy until confirm1 reveived
+    // store DHPart1 data temporarily until we can check HMAC after receiving Confirm1
+    storeMsgTemp(dhPart1);
+    return &zrtpDH2;
+ * At this point we are Responder.
+ */
+ZrtpPacketConfirm* ZRtp::prepareConfirm1(ZrtpPacketDHPart* dhPart2, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    uint8_t* pvi;
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoRespDH2Received);
+    // Because we are responder we received a Commit and stored its H2.
+    // Now re-compute H2 from received H1 and compare with stored peer's H2.
+    // Use implicit hash function
+    uint8_t tmpHash[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    hashFunctionImpl(dhPart2->getH1(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpHash);
+    if (memcmp(tmpHash, peerH2, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = IgnorePacket;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Check HMAC of Commit packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+    // HMAC key of the Commit packet is peer's H1 that is contained in
+    // DHPart2. Refer to chapter 9.1 and chapter 10.
+    if (!checkMsgHmac(dhPart2->getH1())) {
+        sendInfo(Severe, SevereCommitHMACFailed);
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Now we have the peer's pvi. Because we are responder re-compute my hvi
+    // using my Hello packet and the Initiator's DHPart2 and compare with
+    // hvi sent in commit packet. If it doesn't macht then a MitM attack
+    // may have occured.
+    computeHvi(dhPart2, &zrtpHello);
+    if (memcmp(hvi, peerHvi, HVI_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = DHErrorWrongHVI;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    DHss = new uint8_t[dhContext->getDhSize()];
+    if (DHss == NULL) {
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Get and check the Initiator's public value, see chap. 5.4.2 of the spec
+    pvi = dhPart2->getPv();
+    if (!dhContext->checkPubKey(pvi)) {
+        *errMsg = DHErrorWrongPV;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    dhContext->computeSecretKey(pvi, DHss);
+    // Hash the Initiator's DH2 into the message Hash (other messages already
+    // prepared, see method prepareDHPart1().
+    // Use neotiated hash function
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)dhPart2->getHeaderBase(), dhPart2->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    closeHashCtx(msgShaContext, messageHash);
+    msgShaContext = NULL;
+    // To compute the Keys for the Initiator we need the retained secrets of our
+    // peer. Get them from the storage.
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile *zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    /*
+     * The expected shared secret Ids were already computed when we built the
+     * DHPart1 packet. Generate s0, all depended keys, and the new RS1 value
+     * for the ZID record. The functions also performs sign SAS callback if it's active.
+     */
+    generateKeysResponder(dhPart2, zidRec);
+    zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+    delete dhContext;
+    dhContext = NULL;
+    // Fill in Confirm1 packet.
+    zrtpConfirm1.setMessageType((uint8_t*)Confirm1Msg);
+    // Check if user verfied the SAS in a previous call and thus verfied
+    // the retained secret. Don't set the verified flag if paranoidMode is true.
+    if (zidRec.isSasVerified() && !paranoidMode) {
+        zrtpConfirm1.setSASFlag();
+    }
+    zrtpConfirm1.setExpTime(0xFFFFFFFF);
+    zrtpConfirm1.setIv(randomIV);
+    zrtpConfirm1.setHashH0(H0);
+    // if this run at PBX user agent enrollment service then set flag in confirm
+    // packet and store the MitM key
+    if (enrollmentMode) {
+        computePBXSecret();
+        zrtpConfirm1.setPBXEnrollment();
+        writeEnrollmentPBX();
+    }
+    uint8_t confMac[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    // Encrypt and HMAC with Responder's key - we are Respondere here
+    int hmlen = (zrtpConfirm1.getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    cipher->getEncrypt()(zrtpKeyR, cipher->getKeylen(), randomIV, zrtpConfirm1.getHashH0(), hmlen);
+    hmacFunction(hmacKeyR, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpConfirm1.getHashH0(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    zrtpConfirm1.setHmac(confMac);
+    // store DHPart2 data temporarily until we can check HMAC after receiving Confirm2
+    storeMsgTemp(dhPart2);
+    return &zrtpConfirm1;
+ * At this point we are Responder.
+ */
+ZrtpPacketConfirm* ZRtp::prepareConfirm1MultiStream(ZrtpPacketCommit* commit, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoRespCommitReceived);
+    // The following code checks the hash chain according chapter 10 to detect
+    // false ZRTP packets.
+    // Use implicit hash function
+    uint8_t tmpH3[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    memcpy(peerH2, commit->getH2(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE);
+    hashFunctionImpl(peerH2, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpH3);
+    if (memcmp(tmpH3, peerH3, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = IgnorePacket;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // Check HMAC of previous Hello packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+    // HMAC key of peer's Hello packet is peer's H2 that is contained in the
+    // Commit packet. Refer to chapter 9.1.
+    if (!checkMsgHmac(peerH2)) {
+        sendInfo(Severe, SevereHelloHMACFailed);
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // check if Commit contains "Mult" as pub key type
+    AlgorithmEnum* cp = &zrtpPubKeys.getByName((const char*)commit->getPubKeysType());
+    if (!cp->isValid() || *(int32_t*)(cp->getName()) != *(int32_t*)mult) {
+        *errMsg = UnsuppPKExchange;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // check if we support the commited cipher
+    cp = &zrtpSymCiphers.getByName((const char*)commit->getCipherType());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppCiphertype;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    cipher = cp;
+    // check if we support the commited Authentication length
+    cp = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName((const char*)commit->getAuthLen());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppSRTPAuthTag;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    authLength = cp;
+    // check if we support the commited hash type
+    cp = &zrtpHashes.getByName((const char*)commit->getHashType());
+    if (!cp->isValid()) { // no match - something went wrong
+        *errMsg = UnsuppHashType;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // check if the peer's commited hash is the same that we used when
+    // preparing our commit packet. If not do the necessary resets and
+    // recompute some data.
+    if (*(int32_t*)(hash->getName()) != *(int32_t*)(cp->getName())) {
+        hash = cp;
+        setNegotiatedHash(hash);
+    }
+    myRole = Responder;
+    // We are responder. Release a possibly pre-computed SHA256 context
+    // because this was prepared for Initiator. Then create a new one.
+    if (msgShaContext != NULL) {
+        closeHashCtx(msgShaContext, NULL);
+    }
+    msgShaContext = createHashCtx();
+    // Hash messages to produce overall message hash:
+    // First the Responder's (my) Hello message, second the Commit
+    // (always Initator's)
+    // use negotiated hash
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)zrtpHello.getHeaderBase(), zrtpHello.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    hashCtxFunction(msgShaContext, (unsigned char*)commit->getHeaderBase(), commit->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    closeHashCtx(msgShaContext, messageHash);
+    msgShaContext = NULL;
+    generateKeysMultiStream();
+    // Fill in Confirm1 packet.
+    zrtpConfirm1.setMessageType((uint8_t*)Confirm1Msg);
+    zrtpConfirm1.setExpTime(0xFFFFFFFF);
+    zrtpConfirm1.setIv(randomIV);
+    zrtpConfirm1.setHashH0(H0);
+    uint8_t confMac[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    // Encrypt and HMAC with Responder's key - we are Respondere here
+    int32_t hmlen = (zrtpConfirm1.getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    cipher->getEncrypt()(zrtpKeyR, cipher->getKeylen(), randomIV, zrtpConfirm1.getHashH0(), hmlen);
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hmacKeyR, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpConfirm1.getHashH0(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    zrtpConfirm1.setHmac(confMac);
+    // Store Commit data temporarily until we can check HMAC after receiving Confirm2
+    storeMsgTemp(commit);
+    return &zrtpConfirm1;
+ * At this point we are Initiator.
+ */
+ZrtpPacketConfirm* ZRtp::prepareConfirm2(ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm1, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoInitConf1Received);
+    uint8_t confMac[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    // Use the Responder's keys here because we are Initiator here and
+    // receive packets from Responder
+    int16_t hmlen = (confirm1->getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hmacKeyR, hashLength, (unsigned char*)confirm1->getHashH0(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    if (memcmp(confMac, confirm1->getHmac(), HMAC_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = ConfirmHMACWrong;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    cipher->getDecrypt()(zrtpKeyR, cipher->getKeylen(), confirm1->getIv(), confirm1->getHashH0(), hmlen);
+    std::string cs(cipher->getReadable());
+    cs.append("/").append(pubKey->getName());
+    // Check HMAC of DHPart1 packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+    // HMAC key of the DHPart1 packet is peer's H0 that is contained in
+    // Confirm1. Refer to chapter 9.
+    if (!checkMsgHmac(confirm1->getHashH0())) {
+        sendInfo(Severe, SevereDH1HMACFailed);
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    signatureLength = confirm1->getSignatureLength();
+    if (signSasSeen && signatureLength > 0) {
+        signatureData = confirm1->getSignatureData();
+        callback->checkSASSignature(sasHash);
+        // TODO: error handling if checkSASSignature returns false.
+    }
+    /*
+     * The Confirm1 is ok, handle the Retained secret stuff and inform
+     * GUI about state.
+     */
+    bool sasFlag = confirm1->isSASFlag();
+    // Initialize a ZID record to get peer's retained secrets
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile *zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    // Our peer did not confirm the SAS in last session, thus reset
+    // our SAS flag too. Reset the flag also if paranoidMode is true.
+    if (!sasFlag || paranoidMode) {
+        zidRec.resetSasVerified();
+    }
+    // get verified flag from current RS1 before set a new RS1. This
+    // may not be set even if peer's flag is set in confirm1 message.
+    sasFlag = zidRec.isSasVerified();
+    callback->srtpSecretsOn(cs, SAS, sasFlag);
+    // now we are ready to save the new RS1 which inherits the verified
+    // flag from old RS1
+    zidRec.setNewRs1((const uint8_t*)newRs1);
+    zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+    // now generate my Confirm2 message
+    zrtpConfirm2.setMessageType((uint8_t*)Confirm2Msg);
+    zrtpConfirm2.setHashH0(H0);
+    if (sasFlag) {
+        zrtpConfirm2.setSASFlag();
+    }
+    zrtpConfirm2.setExpTime(0xFFFFFFFF);
+    zrtpConfirm2.setIv(randomIV);
+    // Compute PBX secret if we are in enrollemnt mode (PBX user agent)
+    // or enrollment was enabled at normal user agent and flag in confirm packet
+    if (enrollmentMode || (enableMitmEnrollment && confirm1->isPBXEnrollment())) {
+        computePBXSecret();
+        // if this runs at PBX user agent enrollment service then set flag in confirm
+        // packet and store the MitM key. The PBX user agent service always stores
+        // its MitM key.
+        if (enrollmentMode) {
+            zrtpConfirm2.setPBXEnrollment();
+            writeEnrollmentPBX();
+        }
+    }
+    // Encrypt and HMAC with Initiator's key - we are Initiator here
+    hmlen = (zrtpConfirm2.getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    cipher->getEncrypt()(zrtpKeyI, cipher->getKeylen(), randomIV, zrtpConfirm2.getHashH0(), hmlen);
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hmacKeyI, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpConfirm2.getHashH0(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    zrtpConfirm2.setHmac(confMac);
+    // Ask for enrollment only if enabled via configuration and the
+    // confirm1 packet contains the enrollment flag. The enrolling user
+    // agent stores the MitM key only if the user accepts the enrollment
+    // request.
+    if (enableMitmEnrollment && confirm1->isPBXEnrollment()) {
+        callback->zrtpAskEnrollment(EnrollmentRequest);
+    }
+    return &zrtpConfirm2;
+ * Save the computed MitM secret to the ZID record of the peer
+ */
+void ZRtp::writeEnrollmentPBX() {
+    // Initialize a ZID record to get peer's retained secrets
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile *zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    if (pbxSecretTmp != NULL) {
+        zidRec.setMiTMData(pbxSecretTmp);
+    }
+    zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+ * At this point we are Initiator.
+ */
+ZrtpPacketConfirm* ZRtp::prepareConfirm2MultiStream(ZrtpPacketConfirm* confirm1, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    // check Confirm1 packet using the keys
+    // prepare Confirm2 packet
+    // don't update SAS, RS
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoInitConf1Received);
+    uint8_t confMac[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    closeHashCtx(msgShaContext, messageHash);
+    msgShaContext = NULL;
+    myRole = Initiator;
+    generateKeysMultiStream();
+    // Use the Responder's keys here because we are Initiator here and
+    // receive packets from Responder
+    int32_t hmlen = (confirm1->getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hmacKeyR, hashLength, (unsigned char*)confirm1->getHashH0(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    if (memcmp(confMac, confirm1->getHmac(), HMAC_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = ConfirmHMACWrong;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    cipher->getDecrypt()(zrtpKeyR, cipher->getKeylen(), confirm1->getIv(), confirm1->getHashH0(), hmlen);
+    std::string cs(cipher->getReadable());
+    // Because we are initiator the protocol engine didn't receive Commit and
+    // because we are using multi-stream mode here we also did not receive a DHPart1 and
+    // thus could not store a responder's H2 or H1. A two step hash is required to
+    // re-compute H1, H2.
+    // USe implicit hash function.
+    uint8_t tmpHash[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    hashFunctionImpl(confirm1->getHashH0(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpHash); // Compute peer's H1 in tmpHash
+    hashFunctionImpl(tmpHash, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpHash);               // Compute peer's H2 in tmpHash
+    memcpy(peerH2, tmpHash, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE);                          // copy and truncate to peerH2
+    // Check HMAC of previous Hello packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+    // HMAC key of the Hello packet is peer's H2 that was computed above.
+    // Refer to chapter 9.1 and chapter 10.
+    if (!checkMsgHmac(peerH2)) {
+        sendInfo(Severe, SevereHelloHMACFailed);
+        *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    // TODO: here we have a SAS signature from reponder, call checkSASsignature (save / compare in case of resend)
+    // Inform GUI about security state, don't show SAS and its state
+    std::string cs1("");
+    callback->srtpSecretsOn(cs, cs1, true);
+    // now generate my Confirm2 message
+    zrtpConfirm2.setMessageType((uint8_t*)Confirm2Msg);
+    zrtpConfirm2.setHashH0(H0);
+    zrtpConfirm2.setExpTime(0xFFFFFFFF);
+    zrtpConfirm2.setIv(randomIV);
+    // Encrypt and HMAC with Initiator's key - we are Initiator here
+    hmlen = (zrtpConfirm2.getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    cipher->getEncrypt()(zrtpKeyI, cipher->getKeylen(), randomIV, zrtpConfirm2.getHashH0(), hmlen);
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hmacKeyI, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpConfirm2.getHashH0(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    zrtpConfirm2.setHmac(confMac);
+    return &zrtpConfirm2;
+ * At this point we are Responder.
+ */
+ZrtpPacketConf2Ack* ZRtp::prepareConf2Ack(ZrtpPacketConfirm *confirm2, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    sendInfo(Info, InfoRespConf2Received);
+    uint8_t confMac[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    // Use the Initiator's keys here because we are Responder here and
+    // reveice packets from Initiator
+    int16_t hmlen = (confirm2->getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hmacKeyI, hashLength,
+                 (unsigned char*)confirm2->getHashH0(),
+                 hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    if (memcmp(confMac, confirm2->getHmac(), HMAC_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = ConfirmHMACWrong;
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    cipher->getDecrypt()(zrtpKeyI, cipher->getKeylen(), confirm2->getIv(), confirm2->getHashH0(), hmlen);
+    std::string cs(cipher->getReadable());
+    if (!multiStream) {
+        // Check HMAC of DHPart2 packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+        // HMAC key of the DHPart2 packet is peer's H0 that is contained in
+        // Confirm2. Refer to chapter 9.1 and chapter 10.
+        if (!checkMsgHmac(confirm2->getHashH0())) {
+            sendInfo(Severe, SevereDH2HMACFailed);
+            *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        signatureLength = confirm2->getSignatureLength();
+        if (signSasSeen && signatureLength > 0) {
+            signatureData = confirm2->getSignatureData();
+            callback->checkSASSignature(sasHash);
+            // TODO: error handling if checkSASSignature returns false.
+        }
+        /*
+        * The Confirm2 is ok, handle the Retained secret stuff and inform
+        * GUI about state.
+        */
+        bool sasFlag = confirm2->isSASFlag();
+        // Initialize a ZID record to get peer's retained secrets
+        ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+        ZIDFile *zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+        zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+        // Our peer did not confirm the SAS in last session, thus reset
+        // our SAS flag too. Reset the flag also if paranoidMode is true.
+        if (!sasFlag || paranoidMode) {
+            zidRec.resetSasVerified();
+        }
+        // Now get the resulting SAS verified flag from current RS1 before setting a new RS1.
+        // It's a combination of our SAS verfied flag and peer's verified flag. Only if both
+        // were set (true) then sasFlag becomes true.
+        sasFlag = zidRec.isSasVerified();
+        cs.append("/").append(pubKey->getName());
+        callback->srtpSecretsOn(cs, SAS, sasFlag);
+        // save new RS1, this inherits the verified flag from old RS1
+        zidRec.setNewRs1((const uint8_t*)newRs1);
+        zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+        // Ask for enrollment only if enabled via configuration and the
+        // confirm packet contains the enrollment flag. The enrolling user
+        // agent stores the MitM key only if the user accepts the enrollment
+        // request.
+        if (enableMitmEnrollment && confirm2->isPBXEnrollment()) {
+            computePBXSecret();
+            callback->zrtpAskEnrollment(EnrollmentRequest);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        // Check HMAC of Commit packet stored in temporary buffer. The
+        // HMAC key of the Commit packet is initiator's H1
+        // use implicit hash function.
+        uint8_t tmpHash[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+        hashFunctionImpl(confirm2->getHashH0(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpHash); // Compute initiator's H1 in tmpHash
+        if (!checkMsgHmac(tmpHash)) {
+            sendInfo(Severe, SevereCommitHMACFailed);
+            *errMsg = CriticalSWError;
+            return NULL;
+        }
+        std::string cs1("");
+        // Inform GUI about security state, don't show SAS and its state
+        callback->srtpSecretsOn(cs, cs1, true);
+    }
+    return &zrtpConf2Ack;
+ZrtpPacketErrorAck* ZRtp::prepareErrorAck(ZrtpPacketError* epkt) {
+    sendInfo(ZrtpError, epkt->getErrorCode() * -1);
+    return &zrtpErrorAck;
+ZrtpPacketError* ZRtp::prepareError(uint32_t errMsg) {
+    zrtpError.setErrorCode(errMsg);
+    return &zrtpError;
+ZrtpPacketPingAck* ZRtp::preparePingAck(ZrtpPacketPing* ppkt) {
+    // Because we do not support ZRTP proxy mode use the truncated ZID.
+    // If this code shall be used in ZRTP proxy implementation the computation
+    // of the endpoint hash must be enhanced (see chaps 5.15ff and 5.16)
+    zrtpPingAck.setLocalEpHash(zid);
+    zrtpPingAck.setRemoteEpHash(ppkt->getEpHash());
+    zrtpPingAck.setSSRC(peerSSRC);
+    return &zrtpPingAck;
+ZrtpPacketRelayAck* ZRtp::prepareRelayAck(ZrtpPacketSASrelay* srly, uint32_t* errMsg) {
+    // handle and render SAS relay data only if the peer announced that it is a trusted
+    // PBX. Don't handle SAS relay in paranoidMode.
+    if (!mitmSeen || paranoidMode)
+        return &zrtpRelayAck;
+    uint8_t* hkey, *ekey;
+    // If we are responder then the PBX used it's Initiator keys
+    if (myRole == Responder) {
+        hkey = hmacKeyI;
+        ekey = zrtpKeyI;
+    }
+    else {
+        hkey = hmacKeyR;
+        ekey = zrtpKeyR;
+    }
+    uint8_t confMac[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    // Use the Initiator's keys here because we are Responder here and
+    // reveice packets from Initiator
+    int16_t hmlen = (srly->getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hkey, hashLength, (unsigned char*)srly->getFiller(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    if (memcmp(confMac, srly->getHmac(), HMAC_SIZE) != 0) {
+        *errMsg = ConfirmHMACWrong;
+        return NULL;                // TODO - check error handling
+    }
+    cipher->getDecrypt()(ekey, cipher->getKeylen(), srly->getIv(), (uint8_t*)srly->getFiller(), hmlen);
+    const uint8_t* render = srly->getSas();
+    const uint8_t* newSasHash = srly->getTrustedSas();
+    bool sasHashNull = true;
+    for (int i = 0; i < HASH_IMAGE_SIZE; i++) {
+        if (newSasHash[i] != 0) {
+            sasHashNull = false;
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    // Check if new SAS is null or a trusted MitM relationship doesn't exist.
+    // If this is the case then don't render and don't show the new SAS - use
+    // the computed SAS hash but we may use a different SAS rendering algorithm to
+    // render the computed SAS.
+    if (sasHashNull || !peerIsEnrolled) {
+        newSasHash = sasHash;
+    }
+    // If other SAS schemes required - check here and use others
+    AlgorithmEnum* renderAlgo = &zrtpSasTypes.getByName((const char*)render);
+    uint8_t sasBytes[4];;
+    if (renderAlgo->isValid()) {
+        sasBytes[0] = newSasHash[0];
+        sasBytes[1] = newSasHash[1];
+        sasBytes[2] = newSasHash[2] & 0xf0;
+        sasBytes[3] = 0;
+    }
+    SAS = Base32(sasBytes, 20).getEncoded();
+    std::string cs(cipher->getReadable());
+    cs.append("/").append(pubKey->getName()).append("/MitM");
+    callback->srtpSecretsOn(cs, SAS, false);
+    return &zrtpRelayAck;
+// TODO Implement GoClear handling
+ZrtpPacketClearAck* ZRtp::prepareClearAck(ZrtpPacketGoClear* gpkt) {
+    sendInfo(Warning, WarningGoClearReceived);
+    return &zrtpClearAck;
+ZrtpPacketGoClear* ZRtp::prepareGoClear(uint32_t errMsg) {
+    ZrtpPacketGoClear* gclr = &zrtpGoClear;
+    gclr->clrClearHmac();
+    return gclr;
+ * The next functions look up and return a prefered algorithm. These
+ * functions work as follows:
+ * - If the Hello packet does not contain an algorithm (number of algorithms
+*    is zero) then return the mandatory algorithm.
+ * - Build a list of algorithm names and ids from configuration data. If
+ *   the configuration data does not contain a mandatory algorithm append
+ *   the mandatory algorithm to the list and ids.
+ * - Build a list of algorithm names from the Hello message. If
+ *   the Hello message does not contain a mandatory algorithm append
+ *   the mandatory algorithm to the list.
+ * - Lookup a matching algorithm. The list built from Hello takes
+ *   precedence in the lookup (indexed by the outermost loop).
+ *
+ * This guarantees that we always return a supported alogrithm respecting
+ * the order of algorithms in the Hello message
+ *
+ * The mandatory algorithms are: (internal enums are our prefered algoritms)
+ * Hash:                S256 (SHA 256)             (internal enum Sha256)
+ * Symmetric Cipher:    AES1 (AES 128)             (internal enum Aes128)
+ * SRTP Authentication: HS32 and HS80 (32/80 bits) (internal enum AuthLen32)
+ * Key Agreement:       DH3k (3072 Diffie-Helman)  (internal enum Dh3072)
+ *
+ */
+AlgorithmEnum* ZRtp::findBestHash(ZrtpPacketHello *hello) {
+    int i;
+    int ii;
+    int numAlgosOffered;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosOffered[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    int numAlgosConf;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosConf[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    bool mandatoryFound = false;
+    // If Hello does not contain any hash names return Sha256, its mandatory
+    int num = hello->getNumHashes();
+    if (num == 0) {
+        return &zrtpHashes.getByName(mandatoryHash);
+    }
+    // Build list of configured hash algorithm names, append mandatory algos
+    // if necessary.
+    numAlgosConf = configureAlgos.getNumConfiguredAlgos(HashAlgorithm);
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosConf; i++) {
+        algosConf[i] = &configureAlgos.getAlgoAt(HashAlgorithm, i);
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosConf[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryHash) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosConf[numAlgosConf++] = &zrtpHashes.getByName(mandatoryHash);
+    }
+    // Build list of offered known algos in Hello, append mandatory algos if necessary
+    mandatoryFound = false;
+    for (numAlgosOffered = 0, i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered] = &zrtpHashes.getByName((const char*)hello->getHashType(i));
+        if (!algosOffered[numAlgosOffered]->isValid())
+            continue;
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryHash) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++] = &zrtpHashes.getByName(mandatoryHash);
+    }
+    // Lookup offered algos in configured algos. Because of appended
+    // mandatory algorithms at least one match will happen
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosOffered; i++) {
+        for (ii = 0; ii < numAlgosConf; ii++) {
+            if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)(algosConf[ii]->getName())) {
+                return algosConf[ii];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return &zrtpHashes.getByName(mandatoryHash);
+AlgorithmEnum* ZRtp::findBestCipher(ZrtpPacketHello *hello, AlgorithmEnum* pk) {
+    int i;
+    int ii;
+    int numAlgosOffered;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosOffered[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    int numAlgosConf;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosConf[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    bool mandatoryFound = false;
+    int num = hello->getNumCiphers();
+    if (num == 0 || (*(int32_t*)(pk->getName()) == *(int32_t*)dh2k)) {
+        return &zrtpSymCiphers.getByName(aes1);
+    }
+    // Build list of configured cipher algorithm names, append mandatory algos
+    // if necessary.
+    numAlgosConf = configureAlgos.getNumConfiguredAlgos(CipherAlgorithm);
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosConf; i++) {
+        algosConf[i] = &configureAlgos.getAlgoAt(CipherAlgorithm, i);
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosConf[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryCipher) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosConf[numAlgosConf++] = &zrtpSymCiphers.getByName(mandatoryCipher);
+    }
+    // Build list of offered known algos names in Hello, append mandatory algos if
+    // necessary
+    mandatoryFound = false;
+    for (numAlgosOffered = 0, i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered] = &zrtpSymCiphers.getByName((const char*)hello->getCipherType(i));
+        if (!algosOffered[numAlgosOffered]->isValid())
+            continue;
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryCipher) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++] = &zrtpSymCiphers.getByName(mandatoryCipher);
+    }
+    // Lookup offered algos in configured algos. Because of appended
+    // mandatory algorithms at least one match will happen
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosOffered; i++) {
+        for (ii = 0; ii < numAlgosConf; ii++) {
+            if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)(algosConf[ii]->getName())) {
+                return algosConf[ii];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return &zrtpSymCiphers.getByName(mandatoryCipher);
+AlgorithmEnum* ZRtp::findBestPubkey(ZrtpPacketHello *hello) {
+    int i;
+    int ii;
+    int numAlgosOffered;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosOffered[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    int numAlgosConf;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosConf[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    bool mandatoryFound = false;
+    int num = hello->getNumPubKeys();
+    if (num == 0) {
+        return &zrtpPubKeys.getByName(mandatoryPubKey);
+    }
+    // Build list of configured pubkey algorithm names, append mandatory algos
+    // if necessary.
+    // The list must include real public key algorithms only, so skip
+    // mult-stream mode, preshared and alike.
+    numAlgosConf = configureAlgos.getNumConfiguredAlgos(PubKeyAlgorithm);
+    for (i = 0, ii = 0; i < numAlgosConf; i++) {
+        algosConf[ii] = &configureAlgos.getAlgoAt(PubKeyAlgorithm, ii);
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosConf[ii]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mult) {
+            continue;                               // skip multi-stream mode
+        }
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosConf[ii++]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryPubKey) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    numAlgosConf = ii;
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosConf[numAlgosConf++] = &zrtpPubKeys.getByName(mandatoryPubKey);
+    }
+    // Build list of offered known algos in Hello, append mandatory algos if necessary
+    mandatoryFound = false;
+    for (numAlgosOffered = 0, i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered] = &zrtpPubKeys.getByName((const char*)hello->getPubKeyType(i));
+        if (!algosOffered[numAlgosOffered]->isValid())
+            continue;
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryPubKey) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++] = &zrtpPubKeys.getByName(mandatoryPubKey);
+    }
+    // Lookup offered algos in configured algos. Because of appended
+    // mandatory algorithms at least one match will happen
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosOffered; i++) {
+        for (ii = 0; ii < numAlgosConf; ii++) {
+            if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)(algosConf[ii]->getName())) {
+                return algosConf[ii];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return &zrtpPubKeys.getByName(mandatoryPubKey);
+AlgorithmEnum* ZRtp::findBestSASType(ZrtpPacketHello *hello) {
+    int  i;
+    int ii;
+    int numAlgosOffered;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosOffered[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    int numAlgosConf;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosConf[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+1];
+    bool mandatoryFound = false;
+    int num = hello->getNumSas();
+    if (num == 0) {
+        return &zrtpSasTypes.getByName(mandatorySasType);
+    }
+    // Buildlist of configured SAS algorithm names, append mandatory algos
+    // if necessary.
+    numAlgosConf = configureAlgos.getNumConfiguredAlgos(SasType);
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosConf; i++) {
+        algosConf[i] = &configureAlgos.getAlgoAt(SasType, i);
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosConf[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatorySasType) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosConf[numAlgosConf++] = &zrtpSasTypes.getByName(mandatorySasType);
+    }
+    // Build list of offered known algos in Hello, append mandatory algos if necessary
+    for (numAlgosOffered = 0, i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered] = &zrtpSasTypes.getByName((const char*)hello->getSasType(i++));
+        if (!algosOffered[numAlgosOffered]->isValid())
+            continue;
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatorySasType) {
+            mandatoryFound = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++] = &zrtpSasTypes.getByName(mandatorySasType);
+    }
+    // Lookup offered algos in configured algos. Because of appended
+    // mandatory algorithms at least one match will happen
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosOffered; i++) {
+        for (ii = 0; ii < numAlgosConf; ii++) {
+            if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)(algosConf[ii]->getName())) {
+                return algosConf[ii];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return &zrtpSasTypes.getByName(mandatorySasType);
+AlgorithmEnum* ZRtp::findBestAuthLen(ZrtpPacketHello *hello) {
+    int  i;
+    int ii;
+    int numAlgosOffered;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosOffered[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+2];
+    int numAlgosConf;
+    AlgorithmEnum* algosConf[ZrtpConfigure::maxNoOfAlgos+2];
+    bool mandatoryFound_1 = false;
+    bool mandatoryFound_2 = false;
+    int num = hello->getNumAuth();
+    if (num == 0) {
+        return &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(mandatoryAuthLen_1);
+    }
+    // Build list of configured SAS algorithm names, append mandatory algos
+    // if necessary.
+    numAlgosConf = configureAlgos.getNumConfiguredAlgos(AuthLength);
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosConf; i++) {
+        algosConf[i] = &configureAlgos.getAlgoAt(AuthLength, i);
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosConf[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryAuthLen_1) {
+            mandatoryFound_1 = true;
+        }
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosConf[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryAuthLen_2) {
+            mandatoryFound_2 = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound_1) {
+        algosConf[numAlgosConf++] = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(mandatoryAuthLen_1);
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound_2) {
+        algosConf[numAlgosConf++] = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(mandatoryAuthLen_2);
+    }
+    // Build list of offered known algos in Hello, append mandatory algos if necessary
+    for (numAlgosOffered = 0, i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered] = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName((const char*)hello->getAuthLen(i));
+        if (!algosOffered[numAlgosOffered]->isValid())
+            continue;
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[numAlgosOffered]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryAuthLen_1) {
+            mandatoryFound_1 = true;
+        }
+        if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)mandatoryAuthLen_2) {
+            mandatoryFound_2 = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound_1) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++] = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(mandatoryAuthLen_1);
+    }
+    if (!mandatoryFound_2) {
+        algosOffered[numAlgosOffered++] = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(mandatoryAuthLen_2);
+    }
+    // Lookup offered algos in configured algos. Because of appended
+    // mandatory algorithms at least one match will happen
+    for (i = 0; i < numAlgosOffered; i++) {
+        for (ii = 0; ii < numAlgosConf; ii++) {
+            if (*(int32_t*)(algosOffered[i]->getName()) == *(int32_t*)(algosConf[ii]->getName())) {
+                return algosConf[ii];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return &zrtpAuthLengths.getByName(mandatoryAuthLen_1);
+bool ZRtp::checkMultiStream(ZrtpPacketHello *hello) {
+    int  i;
+    int num = hello->getNumPubKeys();
+    // Multi Stream mode is mandatory, thus if nothing is offered then it is supported :-)
+    if (num == 0) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        if (*(int32_t*)(hello->getPubKeyType(i)) == *(int32_t*)mult) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+bool ZRtp::verifyH2(ZrtpPacketCommit *commit) {
+    uint8_t tmpH3[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    sha256(commit->getH2(), HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tmpH3);
+    if (memcmp(tmpH3, peerH3, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE) != 0) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+void ZRtp::computeHvi(ZrtpPacketDHPart* dh, ZrtpPacketHello *hello) {
+    unsigned char* data[3];
+    unsigned int length[3];
+    /*
+     * populate the vector to compute the HVI hash according to the
+     * ZRTP specification.
+     */
+    data[0] = (uint8_t*)dh->getHeaderBase();
+    length[0] = dh->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    data[1] = (uint8_t*)hello->getHeaderBase();
+    length[1] = hello->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    data[2] = NULL;            // terminate data chunks
+    hashListFunction(data, length, hvi);
+    return;
+void ZRtp:: computeSharedSecretSet(ZIDRecord &zidRec) {
+    /*
+     * Compute the Initiator's and Reponder's retained shared secret Ids.
+     * Use negotiated HMAC.
+     */
+    uint8_t randBuf[RS_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    if (!zidRec.isRs1Valid()) {
+        randomZRTP(randBuf, RS_LENGTH);
+        hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)initiator, strlen(initiator), rs1IDi, &macLen);
+        hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)responder, strlen(responder), rs1IDr, &macLen);
+    }
+    else {
+        rs1Valid = true;
+        hmacFunction((unsigned char*)zidRec.getRs1(), RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)initiator, strlen(initiator), rs1IDi, &macLen);
+        hmacFunction((unsigned char*)zidRec.getRs1(), RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)responder, strlen(responder), rs1IDr, &macLen);
+    }
+    if (!zidRec.isRs2Valid()) {
+        randomZRTP(randBuf, RS_LENGTH);
+        hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)initiator, strlen(initiator), rs2IDi, &macLen);
+        hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)responder, strlen(responder), rs2IDr, &macLen);
+    }
+    else {
+        rs2Valid = true;
+        hmacFunction((unsigned char*)zidRec.getRs2(), RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)initiator, strlen(initiator), rs2IDi, &macLen);
+        hmacFunction((unsigned char*)zidRec.getRs2(), RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)responder, strlen(responder), rs2IDr, &macLen);
+    }
+    /*
+    * For the time being we don't support this types of shared secrect. Could be
+    * easily done: somebody sets some data into our ZRtp object, check it here
+    * and use it. Otherwise use the random data.
+    */
+    randomZRTP(randBuf, RS_LENGTH);
+    hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)initiator, strlen(initiator), auxSecretIDi, &macLen);
+    hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)responder, strlen(responder), auxSecretIDr, &macLen);
+    if (!zidRec.isMITMKeyAvailable()) {
+        randomZRTP(randBuf, RS_LENGTH);
+        hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)initiator, strlen(initiator), pbxSecretIDi, &macLen);
+        hmacFunction(randBuf, RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)responder, strlen(responder), pbxSecretIDr, &macLen);
+    }
+    else {
+        hmacFunction((unsigned char*)zidRec.getMiTMData(), RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)initiator, strlen(initiator), pbxSecretIDi, &macLen);
+        hmacFunction((unsigned char*)zidRec.getMiTMData(), RS_LENGTH, (unsigned char*)responder, strlen(responder), pbxSecretIDr, &macLen);
+    }
+ * The DH packet for this function is DHPart1 and contains the Responder's
+ * retained secret ids. Compare them with the expected secret ids (refer
+ * to chapter 5.3 in the specification).
+ * When using this method then we are in Initiator role.
+ */
+void ZRtp::generateKeysInitiator(ZrtpPacketDHPart *dhPart, ZIDRecord& zidRec) {
+    const uint8_t* setD[3];
+    int32_t rsFound = 0;
+    setD[0] = setD[1] = setD[2] = NULL;
+    /*
+     * Select the real secrets into setD. The dhPart is DHpart1 message
+     * received from responder. rs1IDr and rs2IDr are the expected ids using
+     * the initator's cached retained secrets.
+     */
+    int matchingSecrets = 0;
+    if (memcmp(rs1IDr, dhPart->getRs1Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs1();
+        rsFound = 0x1;
+    }
+    else if (memcmp(rs1IDr, dhPart->getRs2Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs1();
+        rsFound = 0x2;
+    }
+    else if (memcmp(rs2IDr, dhPart->getRs1Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs2();
+        rsFound = 0x4;
+    }
+    else if (memcmp(rs2IDr, dhPart->getRs2Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs2();
+        rsFound = 0x8;
+    }
+    /* *** Not yet supported
+    if (memcmp(auxSecretIDr, dhPart->getAuxSecretId(), 8) == 0) {
+    DEBUGOUT((fprintf(stdout, "%c: Match for aux secret found\n", zid[0])));
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = auxSecret;
+    }
+    */
+    if (memcmp(pbxSecretIDr, dhPart->getPbxSecretId(), 8) == 0) {
+        DEBUGOUT((fprintf(stdout, "%c: Match for Other_secret found\n", zid[0])));
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getMiTMData();
+    }
+    // Check if some retained secrets found
+    if (rsFound == 0) {                        // no RS matches found
+        if (rs1Valid || rs2Valid) {            // but valid RS records in cache
+            sendInfo(Warning, WarningNoExpectedRSMatch);
+            zidRec.resetSasVerified();
+        }
+        else {                                 // No valid RS record in cache
+            sendInfo(Warning, WarningNoRSMatch);
+        }
+    }
+    else {                                     // at least one RS matches
+        sendInfo(Info, InfoRSMatchFound);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Ready to generate s0 here.
+     * The formular to compute S0 (Refer to ZRTP specification 5.4.4):
+     *
+      s0 = hash( counter | DHResult | "ZRTP-HMAC-KDF" | ZIDi | ZIDr | \
+      total_hash | len(s1) | s1 | len(s2) | s2 | len(s3) | s3)
+     *
+     * Note: in this function we are Initiator, thus ZIDi is our zid
+     * (zid), ZIDr is the peer's zid (peerZid).
+     */
+    /*
+     * These arrays hold the pointers and lengths of the data that must be
+     * hashed to create S0.  According to the formula the max number of
+     * elements to hash is 12, add one for the terminating "NULL"
+     */
+    unsigned char* data[13];
+    unsigned int   length[13];
+    uint32_t pos = 0;                  // index into the array
+    // we need a number of length data items, so define them here
+    uint32_t counter, sLen[3];
+    //Very first element is a fixed counter, big endian
+    counter = 1;
+    counter = htonl(counter);
+    data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&counter;
+    length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+    // Next is the DH result itself
+    data[pos] = DHss;
+    length[pos++] = dhContext->getDhSize();
+    // Next the fixed string "ZRTP-HMAC-KDF"
+    data[pos] = (unsigned char*)KDFString;
+    length[pos++] = strlen(KDFString);
+    // Next is Initiator's id (ZIDi), in this case as Initiator
+    // it is zid
+    data[pos] = zid;
+    length[pos++] = ZID_SIZE;
+    // Next is Responder's id (ZIDr), in this case our peer's id
+    data[pos] = peerZid;
+    length[pos++] = ZID_SIZE;
+    // Next ist total hash (messageHash) itself
+    data[pos] = messageHash;
+    length[pos++] = hashLength;
+    /*
+     * For each matching shared secret hash the length of
+     * the shared secret as 32 bit big-endian number followd by the
+     * shared secret itself. The length of a shared seceret is
+     * currently fixed to RS_LENGTH. If a shared
+     * secret is not used _only_ its length is hased as zero
+     * length. NOTE: if implementing auxSecret and/or pbxSecret -> check
+     * this length stuff again.
+     */
+    int secretHashLen = RS_LENGTH;
+    secretHashLen = htonl(secretHashLen);        // prepare 32 bit big-endian number
+    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (setD[i] != NULL) {           // a matching secret, set length, then secret
+            sLen[i] = secretHashLen;
+            data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&sLen[i];
+            length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+            data[pos] = (unsigned char*)setD[i];
+            length[pos++] = RS_LENGTH;
+        }
+        else {                           // no machting secret, set length 0, skip secret
+            sLen[i] = 0;
+            data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&sLen[i];
+            length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+        }
+    }
+    data[pos] = NULL;
+    hashListFunction(data, length, s0);
+//  hexdump("S0 I", s0, hashLength);
+    memset(DHss, 0, dhContext->getDhSize());
+    delete[] DHss;
+    DHss = NULL;
+    computeSRTPKeys();
+    memset(s0, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+ * The DH packet for this function is DHPart2 and contains the Initiator's
+ * retained secret ids. Compare them with the expected secret ids (refer
+ * to chapter 5.3.1 in the specification).
+ */
+void ZRtp::generateKeysResponder(ZrtpPacketDHPart *dhPart, ZIDRecord& zidRec) {
+    const uint8_t* setD[3];
+    int32_t rsFound = 0;
+    setD[0] = setD[1] = setD[2] = NULL;
+    /*
+     * Select the real secrets into setD
+     */
+    int matchingSecrets = 0;
+    if (memcmp(rs1IDi, dhPart->getRs1Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs1();
+        rsFound = 0x1;
+    }
+    else if (memcmp(rs1IDi, dhPart->getRs2Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs1();
+        rsFound = 0x2;
+    }
+    else if (memcmp(rs2IDi, dhPart->getRs2Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs2();
+        rsFound |= 0x4;
+    }
+    else if (memcmp(rs2IDi, dhPart->getRs1Id(), HMAC_SIZE) == 0) {
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getRs2();
+        rsFound |= 0x8;
+    }
+    /* ***** not yet supported
+    if (memcmp(auxSecretIDi, dhPart->getauxSecretId(), 8) == 0) {
+    DEBUGOUT((fprintf(stdout, "%c: Match for aux secret found\n", zid[0])));
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = ;
+    }
+    */
+    if (memcmp(pbxSecretIDi, dhPart->getPbxSecretId(), 8) == 0) {
+        DEBUGOUT((fprintf(stdout, "%c: Match for PBX secret found\n", zid[0])));
+        setD[matchingSecrets++] = zidRec.getMiTMData();
+    }
+    // Check if some retained secrets found
+    if (rsFound == 0) {                        // no RS matches found
+        if (rs1Valid || rs2Valid) {            // but valid RS records in cache
+            sendInfo(Warning, WarningNoExpectedRSMatch);
+            zidRec.resetSasVerified();
+        }
+        else {                                 // No valid RS record in cache
+            sendInfo(Warning, WarningNoRSMatch);
+        }
+    }
+    else {                                     // at least one RS matches
+        sendInfo(Info, InfoRSMatchFound);
+    }
+    /*
+     * ready to generate s0 here.
+     * The formular to compute S0 (Refer to ZRTP specification 5.4.4):
+     *
+      s0 = hash( counter | DHResult | "ZRTP-HMAC-KDF" | ZIDi | ZIDr | \
+      total_hash | len(s1) | s1 | len(s2) | s2 | len(s3) | s3)
+     *
+     * Note: in this function we are Responder, thus ZIDi is the peer's zid
+     * (peerZid), ZIDr is our zid.
+     */
+    /*
+     * These arrays hold the pointers and lengths of the data that must be
+     * hashed to create S0.  According to the formula the max number of
+     * elements to hash is 12, add one for the terminating "NULL"
+     */
+    unsigned char* data[13];
+    unsigned int   length[13];
+    uint32_t pos = 0;                  // index into the array
+    // we need a number of length data items, so define them here
+    uint32_t counter, sLen[3];
+    //Very first element is a fixed counter, big endian
+    counter = 1;
+    counter = htonl(counter);
+    data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&counter;
+    length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+    // Next is the DH result itself
+    data[pos] = DHss;
+    length[pos++] = dhContext->getDhSize();
+    // Next the fixed string "ZRTP-HMAC-KDF"
+    data[pos] = (unsigned char*)KDFString;
+    length[pos++] = strlen(KDFString);
+    // Next is Initiator's id (ZIDi), in this case as Responder
+    // it is peerZid
+    data[pos] = peerZid;
+    length[pos++] = ZID_SIZE;
+    // Next is Responder's id (ZIDr), in this case our own zid
+    data[pos] = zid;
+    length[pos++] = ZID_SIZE;
+    // Next ist total hash (messageHash) itself
+    data[pos] = messageHash;
+    length[pos++] = hashLength;
+    /*
+     * For each matching shared secret hash the length of
+     * the shared secret as 32 bit big-endian number followd by the
+     * shared secret itself. The length of a shared seceret is
+     * currently fixed to SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH. If a shared
+     * secret is not used _only_ its length is hased as zero
+     * length. NOTE: if implementing auxSecret and/or pbxSecret -> check
+     * this length stuff again.
+     */
+    int secretHashLen = RS_LENGTH;
+    secretHashLen = htonl(secretHashLen);        // prepare 32 bit big-endian number
+    for (int32_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (setD[i] != NULL) {           // a matching secret, set length, then secret
+            sLen[i] = secretHashLen;
+            data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&sLen[i];
+            length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+            data[pos] = (unsigned char*)setD[i];
+            length[pos++] = RS_LENGTH;
+        }
+        else {                           // no machting secret, set length 0, skip secret
+            sLen[i] = 0;
+            data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&sLen[i];
+            length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+        }
+    }
+    data[pos] = NULL;
+    hashListFunction(data, length, s0);
+//  hexdump("S0 R", s0, hashLength);
+    memset(DHss, 0, dhContext->getDhSize());
+    delete[] DHss;
+    DHss = NULL;
+    computeSRTPKeys();
+    memset(s0, 0, MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH);
+void ZRtp::KDF(uint8_t* key, uint32_t keyLength, uint8_t* label, int32_t labelLength,
+               uint8_t* context, int32_t contextLength, int32_t L, uint8_t* output) {
+    unsigned char* data[6];
+    uint32_t length[6];
+    uint32_t pos = 0;                  // index into the array
+    uint32_t maclen = 0;
+    // Very first element is a fixed counter, big endian
+    uint32_t counter = 1;
+    counter = htonl(counter);
+    data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&counter;
+    length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+    // Next element is the label, null terminated, labelLength includes null byte.
+    data[pos] = label;
+    length[pos++] = labelLength;
+    // Next is the KDF context
+    data[pos] = context;
+    length[pos++] = contextLength;
+    // last element is HMAC length in bits, big endian
+    uint32_t len = htonl(L);
+    data[pos] = (unsigned char*)&len;
+    length[pos++] = sizeof(uint32_t);
+    data[pos] = NULL;
+    // Use negotiated hash.
+    hmacListFunction(key, keyLength, data, length, output, &maclen);
+// Compute the Multi Stream mode s0
+void ZRtp::generateKeysMultiStream() {
+    // allocate the maximum size, compute real size to use
+    uint8_t KDFcontext[sizeof(peerZid)+sizeof(zid)+sizeof(messageHash)];
+    int32_t kdfSize = sizeof(peerZid)+sizeof(zid)+hashLength;
+    if (myRole == Responder) {
+        memcpy(KDFcontext, peerZid, sizeof(peerZid));
+        memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(peerZid), zid, sizeof(zid));
+    }
+    else {
+        memcpy(KDFcontext, zid, sizeof(zid));
+        memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(zid), peerZid, sizeof(peerZid));
+    }
+    memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(zid)+sizeof(peerZid), messageHash, hashLength);
+    KDF(zrtpSession, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpMsk, strlen(zrtpMsk)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, hashLength*8, s0);
+    memset(KDFcontext, 0, sizeof(KDFcontext));
+    computeSRTPKeys();
+void ZRtp::computePBXSecret() {
+    // Construct the KDF context as per ZRTP specification chap 7.3.1:
+    // ZIDi || ZIDr
+    uint8_t KDFcontext[sizeof(peerZid)+sizeof(zid)];
+    int32_t kdfSize = sizeof(peerZid)+sizeof(zid);
+    if (myRole == Responder) {
+        memcpy(KDFcontext, peerZid, sizeof(peerZid));
+        memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(peerZid), zid, sizeof(zid));
+    }
+    else {
+        memcpy(KDFcontext, zid, sizeof(zid));
+        memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(zid), peerZid, sizeof(peerZid));
+    }
+    KDF(zrtpSession, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpTrustedMitm, strlen(zrtpTrustedMitm)+1, KDFcontext,
+        kdfSize, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 8, pbxSecretTmpBuffer);
+    pbxSecretTmp = pbxSecretTmpBuffer;  // set pointer to buffer, signal PBX secret was computed
+void ZRtp::computeSRTPKeys() {
+    // allocate the maximum size, compute real size to use
+    uint8_t KDFcontext[sizeof(peerZid)+sizeof(zid)+sizeof(messageHash)];
+    int32_t kdfSize = sizeof(peerZid)+sizeof(zid)+hashLength;
+    int32_t keyLen = cipher->getKeylen() * 8;
+    if (myRole == Responder) {
+        memcpy(KDFcontext, peerZid, sizeof(peerZid));
+        memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(peerZid), zid, sizeof(zid));
+    }
+    else {
+        memcpy(KDFcontext, zid, sizeof(zid));
+        memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(zid), peerZid, sizeof(peerZid));
+    }
+    memcpy(KDFcontext+sizeof(zid)+sizeof(peerZid), messageHash, hashLength);
+    // Inititiator key and salt
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)iniMasterKey, strlen(iniMasterKey)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, keyLen, srtpKeyI);
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)iniMasterSalt, strlen(iniMasterSalt)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, 112, srtpSaltI);
+    // Responder key and salt
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)respMasterKey, strlen(respMasterKey)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, keyLen, srtpKeyR);
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)respMasterSalt, strlen(respMasterSalt)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, 112, srtpSaltR);
+    // The HMAC keys for GoClear
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)iniHmacKey, strlen(iniHmacKey)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, hashLength*8, hmacKeyI);
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)respHmacKey, strlen(respHmacKey)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, hashLength*8, hmacKeyR);
+    // The keys for Confirm messages
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)iniZrtpKey, strlen(iniZrtpKey)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, keyLen, zrtpKeyI);
+    KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)respZrtpKey, strlen(respZrtpKey)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, keyLen, zrtpKeyR);
+    if (!multiStream) {
+        // Compute the new Retained Secret
+        KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)retainedSec, strlen(retainedSec)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH*8, newRs1);
+        // Compute the ZRTP Session Key
+        KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpSessionKey, strlen(zrtpSessionKey)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, hashLength*8, zrtpSession);
+        // perform SAS generation according to chapter 5.5 and 8.
+        // we don't need a speciai sasValue filed. sasValue are the first
+        // (leftmost) 32 bits (4 bytes) of sasHash
+        uint8_t sasBytes[4];
+        KDF(s0, hashLength, (unsigned char*)sasString, strlen(sasString)+1, KDFcontext, kdfSize, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH*8, sasHash);
+        // according to chapter 8 only the leftmost 20 bits of sasValue (aka
+        //  sasHash) are used to create the character SAS string of type SAS
+        // base 32 (5 bits per character)
+        sasBytes[0] = sasHash[0];
+        sasBytes[1] = sasHash[1];
+        sasBytes[2] = sasHash[2] & 0xf0;
+        sasBytes[3] = 0;
+        SAS = Base32(sasBytes, 20).getEncoded();
+        if (signSasSeen)
+            callback->signSAS(sasHash);
+    }
+    memset(KDFcontext, 0, sizeof(KDFcontext));
+bool ZRtp::srtpSecretsReady(EnableSecurity part) {
+    SrtpSecret_t sec;
+    sec.symEncAlgorithm = cipher->getAlgoId();
+    sec.keyInitiator = srtpKeyI;
+    sec.initKeyLen = cipher->getKeylen() * 8;
+    sec.saltInitiator = srtpSaltI;
+    sec.initSaltLen = 112;
+    sec.keyResponder = srtpKeyR;
+    sec.respKeyLen = cipher->getKeylen() * 8;
+    sec.saltResponder = srtpSaltR;
+    sec.respSaltLen = 112;
+    sec.authAlgorithm = authLength->getAlgoId();
+    sec.srtpAuthTagLen = authLength->getKeylen();
+    sec.sas = SAS;
+    sec.role = myRole;
+    return callback->srtpSecretsReady(&sec, part);
+void ZRtp::setNegotiatedHash(AlgorithmEnum* hash) {
+    switch (zrtpHashes.getOrdinal(*hash)) {
+    case 0:
+        hashLength = SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+        hashFunction = sha256;
+        hashListFunction = sha256;
+        hmacFunction = hmac_sha256;
+        hmacListFunction = hmac_sha256;
+        createHashCtx = createSha256Context;
+        closeHashCtx = closeSha256Context;
+        hashCtxFunction = sha256Ctx;
+        hashCtxListFunction = sha256Ctx;
+        break;
+    case 1:
+        hashLength = SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+        hashFunction = sha384;
+        hashListFunction = sha384;
+        hmacFunction = hmac_sha384;
+        hmacListFunction = hmac_sha384;
+        createHashCtx = createSha384Context;
+        closeHashCtx = closeSha384Context;
+        hashCtxFunction = sha384Ctx;
+        hashCtxListFunction = sha384Ctx;
+        break;
+    }
+void ZRtp::srtpSecretsOff(EnableSecurity part) {
+    callback->srtpSecretsOff(part);
+void ZRtp::SASVerified() {
+    if (paranoidMode)
+        return;
+    // Initialize a ZID record to get peer's retained secrets
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile *zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    zidRec.setSasVerified();
+    zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+void ZRtp::resetSASVerified() {
+    // Initialize a ZID record to get peer's retained secrets
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile *zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    zidRec.resetSasVerified();
+    zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+void ZRtp::sendInfo(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode) {
+    // We've reached secure state: overwrite the SRTP master key and master salt.
+    if (severity == Info && subCode == InfoSecureStateOn) {
+        memset(srtpKeyI, 0, cipher->getKeylen());
+        memset(srtpSaltI, 0, 112/8);
+        memset(srtpKeyR, 0, cipher->getKeylen());
+        memset(srtpSaltR, 0, 112/8);
+    }
+    callback->sendInfo(severity, subCode);
+void ZRtp::zrtpNegotiationFailed(GnuZrtpCodes::MessageSeverity severity, int32_t subCode) {
+    callback->zrtpNegotiationFailed(severity, subCode);
+void ZRtp::zrtpNotSuppOther() {
+    callback->zrtpNotSuppOther();
+void ZRtp::synchEnter() {
+    callback->synchEnter();
+void ZRtp::synchLeave() {
+    callback->synchLeave();
+int32_t ZRtp::sendPacketZRTP(ZrtpPacketBase *packet) {
+    return ((packet == NULL) ? 0 :
+            callback->sendDataZRTP(packet->getHeaderBase(), (packet->getLength() * 4) + 4));
+int32_t ZRtp::activateTimer(int32_t tm) {
+    return (callback->activateTimer(tm));
+int32_t ZRtp::cancelTimer() {
+    return (callback->cancelTimer());
+void ZRtp::setAuxSecret(uint8_t* data, int32_t length) {
+    if (length > 0) {
+        auxSecret = new uint8_t[length];
+        auxSecretLength = length;
+        memcpy(auxSecret, data, length);
+    }
+void ZRtp::setClientId(std::string id) {
+    if (id.size() < CLIENT_ID_SIZE) {
+        unsigned char tmp[CLIENT_ID_SIZE +1] = {' '};
+        memcpy(tmp, id.c_str(), id.size());
+        tmp[CLIENT_ID_SIZE] = 0;
+        zrtpHello.setClientId(tmp);
+    } else {
+        zrtpHello.setClientId((unsigned char*)id.c_str());
+    }
+    int32_t len = zrtpHello.getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    // Hello packet is ready now, compute its HMAC
+    // (excluding the HMAC field (2*ZTP_WORD_SIZE)) and store in Hello
+    // use the implicit hash function
+    uint8_t hmac[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    hmacFunctionImpl(H2, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, (uint8_t*)zrtpHello.getHeaderBase(), len-(2*ZRTP_WORD_SIZE), hmac, &macLen);
+    zrtpHello.setHMAC(hmac);
+    // calculate hash over the final Hello packet, refer to chap 9.1 how to
+    // use this hash in SIP/SDP.
+    hashFunctionImpl((uint8_t*)zrtpHello.getHeaderBase(), len, helloHash);
+void ZRtp::storeMsgTemp(ZrtpPacketBase* pkt) {
+    int32_t length = pkt->getLength() * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    memset(tempMsgBuffer, 0, sizeof(tempMsgBuffer));
+    memcpy(tempMsgBuffer, (uint8_t*)pkt->getHeaderBase(), length);
+    lengthOfMsgData = length;
+bool ZRtp::checkMsgHmac(uint8_t* key) {
+    uint8_t hmac[IMPL_MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    int32_t len = lengthOfMsgData-(HMAC_SIZE);  // compute HMAC, but exlude the stored HMAC :-)
+    // Use the implicit hash function
+    hmacFunctionImpl(key, HASH_IMAGE_SIZE, tempMsgBuffer, len, hmac, &macLen);
+    return (memcmp(hmac, tempMsgBuffer+len, (HMAC_SIZE)) == 0 ? true : false);
+std::string ZRtp::getHelloHash() {
+    std::ostringstream stm;
+    uint8_t* hp = helloHash;
+    stm << zrtpVersion;
+    stm << " ";
+    stm.fill('0');
+    stm << hex;
+    for (int i = 0; i < hashLengthImpl; i++) {
+        stm.width(2);
+        stm << static_cast<uint32_t>(*hp++);
+    }
+    return stm.str();
+std::string ZRtp::getPeerHelloHash() {
+    std::ostringstream stm;
+    if (peerHelloVersion[0] == 0)
+        return std::string();
+    uint8_t* hp = peerHelloHash;
+    stm << peerHelloVersion;
+    stm << " ";
+    stm.fill('0');
+    stm << hex;
+    for (int i = 0; i < hashLengthImpl; i++) {
+        stm.width(2);
+        stm << static_cast<uint32_t>(*hp++);
+    }
+    return stm.str();
+std::string ZRtp::getMultiStrParams() {
+    // the string will hold binary data - it's opaque to the application
+    std::string str("");
+    char tmp[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1 + 1 + 1]; // hash length + cipher + authLength + hash
+    if (inState(SecureState) && !multiStream) {
+        // construct array that holds zrtpSession, cipher type, auth-length, and hash type
+        tmp[0] = zrtpHashes.getOrdinal(*hash);
+        tmp[1] = zrtpAuthLengths.getOrdinal(*authLength);
+        tmp[2] = zrtpSymCiphers.getOrdinal(*cipher);
+        memcpy(tmp+3, zrtpSession, hashLength);
+        str.assign(tmp, hashLength + 1 + 1 + 1); // set chars (bytes) to the string
+    }
+    return str;
+void ZRtp::setMultiStrParams(std::string parameters) {
+    char tmp[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH + 1 + 1 + 1]; // max. hash length + cipher + authLength + hash
+    // First get negotiated hash from parameters, set algorithms and length
+    int i = parameters.at(0) & 0xff;
+    hash = &zrtpHashes.getByOrdinal(i);
+    setNegotiatedHash(hash);           // sets hashlength
+    // use string.copy(buffer, num, start=0) to retrieve chars (bytes) from the string
+    parameters.copy(tmp, hashLength + 1 + 1 + 1, 0);
+    i = tmp[1] & 0xff;
+    authLength = &zrtpAuthLengths.getByOrdinal(i);
+    i = tmp[2] & 0xff;
+    cipher = &zrtpSymCiphers.getByOrdinal(i);
+    memcpy(zrtpSession, tmp+3, hashLength);
+    // after setting zrtpSession, cipher, and auth-length set multi-stream to true
+    multiStream = true;
+    stateEngine->setMultiStream(true);
+bool ZRtp::isMultiStream() {
+    return multiStream;
+bool ZRtp::isMultiStreamAvailable() {
+    return multiStreamAvailable;
+void ZRtp::acceptEnrollment(bool accepted) {
+    if (!accepted) {
+        callback->zrtpInformEnrollment(EnrollmentCanceled);
+        return;
+    }
+    // Get peer's zid record to store the pbx (MitM) secret
+    // Initialize a ZID record to get peer's retained secrets
+    ZIDRecord zidRec(peerZid);
+    ZIDFile* zid = ZIDFile::getInstance();
+    zid->getRecord(&zidRec);
+    if (pbxSecretTmp != NULL) {
+        zidRec.setMiTMData(pbxSecretTmp);
+        callback->zrtpInformEnrollment(EnrollmentOk);
+    }
+    else {
+        callback->zrtpInformEnrollment(EnrollmentFailed);
+        return;
+    }
+    zid->saveRecord(&zidRec);
+    return;
+bool ZRtp::setSignatureData(uint8_t* data, int32_t length) {
+    if ((length % 4) != 0)
+        return false;
+    ZrtpPacketConfirm* cfrm = (myRole == Responder) ? &zrtpConfirm1 : &zrtpConfirm2;
+    cfrm->setSignatureLength(length / 4);
+    return cfrm->setSignatureData(data, length);
+const uint8_t* ZRtp::getSignatureData() {
+    return signatureData;
+int32_t ZRtp::getSignatureLength() {
+    return signatureLength * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+void ZRtp::conf2AckSecure() {
+    Event_t ev;
+    ev.type = ZrtpPacket;
+    ev.packet = (uint8_t*)&zrtpConf2Ack;
+    if (stateEngine != NULL) {
+        stateEngine->processEvent(&ev);
+    }
+int32_t ZRtp::compareCommit(ZrtpPacketCommit *commit) {
+    // TODO: enhance to compare according to rules defined in chapter 4.2
+    int32_t len = 0;
+    len = !multiStream ? HVI_SIZE : (4 * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE);
+    return (memcmp(hvi, commit->getHvi(), len));
+bool ZRtp::isEnrollmentMode() {
+    return enrollmentMode;
+void ZRtp::setEnrollmentMode(bool enrollmentMode) {
+    this->enrollmentMode = enrollmentMode;
+bool ZRtp::isPeerEnrolled() {
+    return peerIsEnrolled;
+bool ZRtp::sendSASRelayPacket(uint8_t* sh, std::string render) {
+    uint8_t confMac[MAX_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+    uint32_t macLen;
+    uint8_t* hkey, *ekey;
+    // If we are responder then the PBX used it's Initiator keys
+    if (myRole == Responder) {
+        hkey = hmacKeyR;
+        ekey = zrtpKeyR;
+        // TODO: check signature length in zrtpConfirm1 and if not zero copy Signature data
+    }
+    else {
+        hkey = hmacKeyI;
+        ekey = zrtpKeyI;
+        // TODO: check signature length in zrtpConfirm2 and if not zero copy Signature data
+    }
+    // Prepare IV data that we will use during confirm packet encryption.
+    randomZRTP(randomIV, sizeof(randomIV));
+    zrtpSasRelay.setIv(randomIV);
+    zrtpSasRelay.setTrustedSas(sh);
+    zrtpSasRelay.setSas((uint8_t*)render.c_str());
+    // Encrypt and HMAC with Initiator's key - we are Initiator here
+    int16_t hmlen = (zrtpSasRelay.getLength() - 9) * ZRTP_WORD_SIZE;
+    cipher->getEncrypt()(ekey, cipher->getKeylen(), randomIV, (uint8_t*)zrtpSasRelay.getFiller(), hmlen);
+    // Use negotiated HMAC (hash)
+    hmacFunction(hkey, hashLength, (unsigned char*)zrtpSasRelay.getFiller(), hmlen, confMac, &macLen);
+    zrtpSasRelay.setHmac(confMac);
+    stateEngine->sendSASRelay(&zrtpSasRelay);
+    return true;
+std::string ZRtp::getSasType() {
+    std::string sasT(sasType->getName());
+    return sasT;
+uint8_t* ZRtp::getSasHash() {
+    return sasHash;
+int32_t ZRtp::getPeerZid(uint8_t* data) {
+    memcpy(data, peerZid, IDENTIFIER_LEN);
+    return IDENTIFIER_LEN;
+/** EMACS **
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: c++
+ * c-default-style: ellemtel
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * End:
+ */