Switch commoncpp2 to ucommon to solve dependency conflicts.

libccrtp was depending on commoncpp2, and have been replaced by a version
depending on ucommon as well.
diff --git a/jni/libucommon/sources/inc/commoncpp/thread.h b/jni/libucommon/sources/inc/commoncpp/thread.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f72c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/libucommon/sources/inc/commoncpp/thread.h
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
+// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ * @file commoncpp/thread.h
+ * @short Common C++ thread class and sychronization objects
+ **/
+#include <commoncpp/config.h>
+#include <commoncpp/string.h>
+#define ENTER_CRITICAL  enterMutex();
+#define LEAVE_CRITICAL  leaveMutex();
+class __EXPORT Mutex : protected ucommon::RecursiveMutex
+    inline Mutex() : RecursiveMutex() {};
+    inline void enterMutex(void)
+        {RecursiveMutex::lock();};
+    inline void leaveMutex(void)
+        {RecursiveMutex::release();};
+    inline bool tryEnterMutex(void)
+        {return RecursiveMutex::lock(0l);};
+    inline void enter(void)
+        {RecursiveMutex::lock();};
+    inline void leave(void)
+        {RecursiveMutex::release();};
+    inline bool test(void)
+        {return RecursiveMutex::lock(0l);};
+ * The Mutex Counter is a counter variable which can safely be incremented
+ * or decremented by multiple threads.  A Mutex is used to protect access
+ * to the counter variable (an integer).  An initial value can be specified
+ * for the counter, and it can be manipulated with the ++ and -- operators.
+ *
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@ostel.com>
+ * @short Thread protected integer counter.
+ */
+class __EXPORT MutexCounter : public Mutex
+    volatile int    counter;
+    /**
+     * Create and optionally name a mutex protected counter.
+     */
+    MutexCounter();
+    /**
+     * Create and optionally name a mutex protected counter with
+     * an initial value.
+     *
+     * @param initial value of counter.
+     */
+    MutexCounter(int initial);
+    int operator++();
+    int operator--();
+ * The MutexLock class is used to protect a section of code so that at any
+ * given time only a single thread can perform the protected operation.
+ *
+ * It use Mutex to protect operation. Using this class is usefull and
+ * exception safe.  The mutex that has been locked is automatically
+ * released when the function call stack falls out of scope, so one doesnt
+ * have to remember to unlock the mutex at each function return.
+ *
+ * A common use is
+ *
+ * void func_to_protect()
+ * {
+ *   MutexLock lock(mutex);
+ *   ... operation ...
+ * }
+ *
+ * NOTE: do not declare variable as "MutexLock (mutex)", the mutex will be
+ * released at statement end.
+ *
+ * @author Frediano Ziglio <freddy77@angelfire.com>
+ * @short Mutex automatic locker for protected access.
+ */
+class __EXPORT MutexLock
+    Mutex& mutex;
+    /**
+     * Acquire the mutex
+     *
+     * @param _mutex reference to mutex to aquire.
+     */
+    inline MutexLock( Mutex& _mutex ) : mutex( _mutex )
+        { mutex.enterMutex(); }
+    /**
+     * Release the mutex automatically
+     */
+    // this should be not-virtual
+    inline ~MutexLock()
+        { mutex.leaveMutex(); }
+class __EXPORT ThreadLock : protected ucommon::ThreadLock
+    inline ThreadLock() : ucommon::ThreadLock() {};
+    inline void readLock(void)
+        {ucommon::ThreadLock::access();};
+    inline void writeLock(void)
+        {ucommon::ThreadLock::modify();};
+    inline void tryReadLock(void)
+        {ucommon::ThreadLock::access(0);};
+    inline void tryWriteLock(void)
+        {ucommon::ThreadLock::modify(0);};
+    inline void unlock(void)
+        {ucommon::ThreadLock::release();};
+ * The ReadLock class is used to protect a section of code through
+ * a ThreadLock for "read" access to the member function.  The
+ * ThreadLock is automatically released when the object falls out of
+ * scope.
+ *
+ * A common use is
+ *
+ * void func_to_protect()
+ * {
+ *   ReadLock lock(threadlock);
+ *   ... operation ...
+ * }
+ *
+ * NOTE: do not declare variable as "ReadLock (threadlock)", the
+ * mutex will be released at statement end.
+ *
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@gnu.org>
+ * @short Read mode automatic locker for protected access.
+ */
+class __EXPORT ReadLock
+    ThreadLock& tl;
+    /**
+     * Wait for read access
+     *
+     * @param _tl reference to lock to aquire.
+     */
+    inline ReadLock( ThreadLock& _tl ) : tl( _tl )
+        { tl.readLock(); }
+    /**
+     * Post the semaphore automatically
+     */
+    // this should be not-virtual
+    inline ~ReadLock()
+        { tl.unlock(); }
+ * The WriteLock class is used to protect a section of code through
+ * a ThreadLock for "write" access to the member function.  The
+ * ThreadLock is automatically released when the object falls out of
+ * scope.
+ *
+ * A common use is
+ *
+ * void func_to_protect()
+ * {
+ *   WriteLock lock(threadlock);
+ *   ... operation ...
+ * }
+ *
+ * NOTE: do not declare variable as "WriteLock (threadlock)", the
+ * mutex will be released at statement end.
+ *
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@gnu.org>
+ * @short Read mode automatic locker for protected access.
+ */
+class __EXPORT WriteLock
+    ThreadLock& tl;
+    /**
+     * Wait for write access
+     *
+     * @param _tl reference to threadlock to aquire.
+     */
+    inline WriteLock( ThreadLock& _tl ) : tl( _tl )
+        { tl.writeLock(); }
+    /**
+     * Post the semaphore automatically
+     */
+    // this should be not-virtual
+    inline ~WriteLock()
+        { tl.unlock(); }
+class __EXPORT Conditional : private ucommon::Conditional
+    inline Conditional() : ucommon::Conditional() {};
+    bool wait(timeout_t timeout, bool locked = false);
+    void signal(bool broadcast);
+    inline void enterMutex(void)
+        {ucommon::Conditional::lock();};
+    inline void leaveMutex(void)
+        {ucommon::Conditional::unlock();};
+class __EXPORT Semaphore : private ucommon::Semaphore
+    inline Semaphore(unsigned size=0) : ucommon::Semaphore(size) {};
+    inline bool wait(timeout_t timeout = 0)
+        {return ucommon::Semaphore::wait(timeout);};
+    inline void post(void)
+        {ucommon::Semaphore::release();};
+ * The SemaphoreLock class is used to protect a section of code through
+ * a semaphore so that only x instances of the member function may
+ * execute concurrently.
+ *
+ * A common use is
+ *
+ * void func_to_protect()
+ * {
+ *   SemaphoreLock lock(semaphore);
+ *   ... operation ...
+ * }
+ *
+ * NOTE: do not declare variable as "SemaohoreLock (semaphore)", the
+ * mutex will be released at statement end.
+ *
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@gnu.org>
+ * @short Semaphore automatic locker for protected access.
+ */
+class __EXPORT SemaphoreLock
+    Semaphore& sem;
+    /**
+     * Wait for the semaphore
+     */
+    inline SemaphoreLock( Semaphore& _sem ) : sem( _sem )
+        { sem.wait(); }
+    /**
+     * Post the semaphore automatically
+     */
+    // this should be not-virtual
+    inline ~SemaphoreLock()
+        { sem.post(); }
+class __EXPORT Event : private ucommon::TimedEvent
+    inline Event() : TimedEvent() {};
+    inline void wait(void)
+        {ucommon::TimedEvent::wait(Timer::inf);};
+    inline bool wait(timeout_t timeout)
+        {return ucommon::TimedEvent::wait(timeout);};
+    inline void signal(void)
+        {ucommon::TimedEvent::signal();};
+    inline void reset(void)
+        {ucommon::TimedEvent::reset();};
+class __EXPORT Thread : protected ucommon::JoinableThread
+    /**
+     * How to raise error
+     */
+    typedef enum Throw {
+        throwNothing,  /**< continue without throwing error */
+        throwObject,   /**< throw object that cause error (throw this) */
+        throwException /**< throw an object relative to error */
+    } Throw;
+    friend class Slog;
+    Throw exceptions;
+    bool detached, terminated;
+    Thread *parent;
+    size_t msgpos;
+    char msgbuf[128];
+    Thread(int pri = 0, size_t stack = 0);
+    virtual ~Thread();
+    inline void map(void)
+        {JoinableThread::map();};
+    virtual void initial(void);
+    virtual void notify(Thread *thread);
+    virtual void final(void);
+    virtual void run(void) = 0;
+    void terminate(void);
+    void finalize(void);
+    void detach(void);
+    void start(void);
+    void exit(void);
+    inline void join(void)
+        {JoinableThread::join();};
+    inline void sync(void)
+        {Thread::exit();};
+    static inline Thread *get(void)
+        {return (Thread *)JoinableThread::get();};
+    inline static void yield(void)
+        {ucommon::Thread::yield();};
+    inline static void sleep(timeout_t msec = TIMEOUT_INF)
+        {ucommon::Thread::sleep(msec);};
+    bool isRunning(void);
+    bool isThread(void);
+    /**
+     * Get exception mode of the current thread.
+     *
+     * @return exception mode.
+     */
+    static Throw getException(void);
+    /**
+     * Set exception mode of the current thread.
+     *
+     * @return exception mode.
+     */
+    static void setException(Throw mode);
+    /**
+     * Get the thread id.
+     */
+    inline pthread_t getId(void)
+        {return tid;};
+ * This class is used to access non-reentrant date and time functions in the
+ * standard C library.
+ *
+ * The class has two purposes:
+ * - 1 To be used internaly in CommonCpp's date and time classes to make them
+ *     thread safe.
+ * - 2 To be used by clients as thread safe replacements to the standard C
+ *     functions, much like Thread::sleep() represents a thread safe version
+ *     of the standard sleep() function.
+ *
+ * @note The class provides one function with the same name as its equivalent
+ *       standard function and one with another, unique name. For new clients,
+ *       the version with the unique name is recommended to make it easy to
+ *       grep for accidental usage of the standard functions. The version with
+ *       the standard name is provided for existing clients to sed replace their
+ *       original version.
+ *
+ * @note Also note that some functions that returned pointers have been redone
+ *       to take that pointer as an argument instead, making the caller
+ *       responsible for memory allocation/deallocation. This is almost
+ *       how POSIX specifies *_r functions (reentrant versions of the
+ *       standard time functions), except the POSIX functions also return the
+ *       given pointer while we do not. We don't use the *_r functions as they
+ *       aren't all generally available on all platforms yet.
+ *
+ * @author Idar Tollefsen <idar@cognita.no>
+ * @short Thread safe date and time functions.
+ */
+class __EXPORT SysTime
+    static time_t getTime(time_t *tloc = NULL);
+    static time_t time(time_t *tloc)
+        { return getTime(tloc); };
+    static int getTimeOfDay(struct timeval *tp);
+    static int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tp, struct timezone *)
+        { return getTimeOfDay(tp); };
+    static struct tm *getLocalTime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result);
+    static struct tm *locatime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result)
+        { return getLocalTime(clock, result); };
+    static struct tm *getGMTTime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result);
+    static struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *clock, struct tm *result)
+        { return getGMTTime(clock, result);};
+ * Timer ports are used to provide synchronized timing events when managed
+ * under a "service thread" such as SocketService.  This is made into a
+ * stand-alone base class since other derived libraries (such as the
+ * serial handlers) may also use the pooled "service thread" model
+ * and hence also require this code for managing timing.
+ *
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@ostel.com>
+ * @short synchronized millisecond timing for service threads.
+ */
+class __EXPORT TimerPort
+#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
+    struct timeval timer;
+    DWORD timer;
+    bool active;
+    /**
+     * Create a timer, mark it as inactive, and set the initial
+     * "start" time to the creation time of the timer object.  This
+     * allows "incTimer" to initially refer to time delays relative
+     * to the original start time of the object.
+     */
+    TimerPort();
+    /**
+     * Set a new start time for the object based on when this call is
+     * made and optionally activate the timer for a specified number
+     * of milliseconds.  This can be used to set the starting time
+     * of a realtime session.
+     *
+     * @param timeout delay in milliseconds from "now"
+     */
+    void setTimer(timeout_t timeout = 0);
+    /**
+     * Set a timeout based on the current time reference value either
+     * from object creation or the last setTimer().  This reference
+     * can be used to time synchronize realtime data over specified
+     * intervals and force expiration when a new frame should be
+     * released in a synchronized manner.
+     *
+     * @param timeout delay in milliseconds from reference.
+     */
+    void incTimer(timeout_t timeout);
+    /**
+     * Adjust a timeout based on the current time reference value either
+     * from object creation or the last setTimer().  This reference
+     * can be used to time synchronize realtime data over specified
+     * intervals and force expiration when a new frame should be
+     * released in a synchronized manner.
+     *
+     * @param timeout delay in milliseconds from reference.
+     */
+    void decTimer(timeout_t timeout);
+    /**
+     * Sleep until the current timer expires.  This is useful in time
+     * syncing realtime periodic tasks.
+     */
+    void sleepTimer(void);
+    /**
+     * This is used to "disable" the service thread from expiring
+     * the timer object.  It does not effect the reference time from
+     * either creation or a setTimer().
+     */
+    void endTimer(void);
+    /**
+     * This is used by service threads to determine how much time
+     * remains before the timer expires based on a timeout specified
+     * in setTimer() or incTimer().  It can also be called after
+     * setting a timeout with incTimer() to see if the current timeout
+     * has already expired and hence that the application is already
+     * delayed and should skip frame(s).
+     *
+     * return time remaining in milliseconds, or TIMEOUT_INF if
+     * inactive.
+     */
+    timeout_t getTimer(void) const;
+    /**
+     * This is used to determine how much time has elapsed since a
+     * timer port setTimer benchmark time was initially set.  This
+     * allows one to use setTimer() to set the timer to the current
+     * time and then measure elapsed time from that point forward.
+     *
+     * return time elapsed in milliseconds, or TIMEOUT_INF if
+     * inactive.
+     */
+    timeout_t getElapsed(void) const;
+#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
+struct  timespec *getTimeout(struct timespec *spec, timeout_t timeout);
+inline struct tm *localtime_r(const time_t *t, struct tm *b)
+    {return SysTime::getLocalTime(t, b);}
+inline char *ctime_r(const time_t *t, char *buf)
+    {return ctime(t);}
+inline struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *t, struct tm *b)
+    {return SysTime::getGMTTime(t, b);}
+inline char *asctime_r(const struct tm *tm, char *b)
+    {return asctime(tm);}
+inline Thread *getThread(void)
+    {return Thread::get();}
+ * The buffer class represents an IPC service that is built upon a buffer
+ * of fixed capacity that can be used to transfer objects between one or
+ * more producer and consumer threads.  Producer threads post objects
+ * into the buffer, and consumer threads wait for and receive objects from
+ * the buffer.  Semaphores are used to to block the buffer from overflowing
+ * and indicate when there is data available, and mutexes are used to protect
+ * multiple consumers and producer threads from stepping over each other.
+ *
+ * The buffer class is an abstract class in that the actual data being
+ * buffered is not directly specified within the buffer class itself.  The
+ * buffer class should be used as a base class for a class that actually
+ * impliments buffering and which may be aware of the data types actually
+ * are being buffered.  A template class could be created based on buffer
+ * for this purpose.  Another possibility is to create a class derived
+ * from both Thread and Buffer which can be used to implement message passing
+ * threads.
+ *
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@ostel.com>
+ * @short Producer/Consumer buffer for use between threads.
+ */
+#ifdef  _MSWINDOWS_
+class __EXPORT Buffer : public Mutex
+class __EXPORT Buffer : public Conditional
+#ifdef  _MSWINDOWS_
+    HANDLE  sem_head, sem_tail;
+    size_t _size;
+    size_t _used;
+    /**
+     * Invoke derived class buffer peeking method.
+     * @return size of object found.
+     * @param buf pointer to copy contents of head of buffer to.
+     */
+    virtual size_t onPeek(void *buf) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Invoke derived class object request from buffer.
+     * @return size of object returned.
+     * @param buf pointer to hold object returned from the buffer.
+     */
+    virtual size_t onWait(void *buf) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Invoke derived class posting of object to buffer.
+     * @return size of object posted.
+     * @param buf pointer to object being posted to the buffer.
+     */
+    virtual size_t onPost(void *buf) = 0;
+    /**
+     * value to return when a timed operation returned with a
+     * timeout.
+     */
+    static const size_t timeout;
+    /**
+     * Create a buffer object of known capacity.
+     * @param capacity is the integer capacity of the buffer.
+     */
+    Buffer(size_t capacity);
+    /**
+     * In derived functions, may be used to free the actual memory
+     * used to hold buffered data.
+     */
+    virtual ~Buffer();
+    /**
+     * Return the capacity of the buffer as specified at creation.
+     * @return size of buffer.
+     */
+    inline size_t getSize(void)
+        {return _size;};
+    /**
+     * Return the current capacity in use for the buffer.  Free space
+     * is technically getSize() - getUsed().
+     * @return integer used capacity of the buffer.
+     * @see #getSize
+     */
+    inline size_t getUsed(void)
+        {return _used;};
+    /**
+     * Let one or more threads wait for an object to become available
+     * in the buffer.  The waiting thread(s) will wait forever if no
+     * object is ever placed into the buffer.
+     *
+     * @return size of object passed by buffer in bytes.
+     * @param buf pointer to store object retrieved from the buffer.
+     * @param timeout time to wait.
+     */
+    size_t wait(void *buf, timeout_t timeout = 0);
+    /**
+     * Post an object into the buffer and enable a waiting thread to
+     * receive it.
+     *
+     * @return size of object posted in bytes.
+     * @param buf pointer to object to store in the buffer.
+     * @param timeout time to wait.
+     */
+    size_t post(void *buf, timeout_t timeout = 0);
+    /**
+     * Peek at the current content (first object) in the buffer.
+     *
+     * @return size of object in the buffer.
+     * @param buf pointer to store object found in the buffer.
+     */
+    size_t peek(void *buf);
+    /**
+     * New virtual to test if buffer is a valid object.
+     * @return true if object is valid.
+     */
+    virtual bool isValid(void);
+ * A buffer class that holds a known capacity of fixed sized objects defined
+ * during creation.
+ *
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@ostel.com>
+ * @short producer/consumer buffer for fixed size objects.
+ */
+class __EXPORT FixedBuffer : public Buffer
+    char *buf, *head, *tail;
+    size_t objsize;
+    /**
+     * Return the first object in the buffer.
+     * @return predefined size of this buffers objects.
+     * @param buf pointer to copy contents of head of buffer to.
+     */
+    size_t onPeek(void *buf);
+    /**
+     * Wait for and return a fixed object in the buffer.
+     * @return predefined size of this buffers objects.
+     * @param buf pointer to hold object returned from the buffer.
+     */
+    size_t onWait(void *buf);
+    /**
+     * Post an object of the appropriate size into the buffer.
+     * @return predefined size of this buffers objects.
+     * @param buf pointer to data to copy into the buffer.
+     */
+    size_t onPost(void *buf);
+    /**
+     * Create a buffer of known capacity for objects of a specified
+     * size.
+     *
+     * @param capacity of the buffer.
+     * @param objsize for each object held in the buffer.
+     */
+    FixedBuffer(size_t capacity, size_t objsize);
+    /**
+     * Create a copy of an existing fixed size buffer and duplicate
+     * it's contents.
+     *
+     * @param fb existing FixedBuffer object.
+     */
+    FixedBuffer(const FixedBuffer &fb);
+    /**
+     * Destroy the fixed buffer and free the memory used to store objects.
+     */
+    virtual ~FixedBuffer();
+    FixedBuffer &operator=(const FixedBuffer &fb);
+    bool isValid(void);
+ * Somewhat generic queue processing class to establish a producer
+ * consumer queue.  This may be used to buffer cdr records, or for
+ * other purposes where an in-memory queue is needed for rapid
+ * posting.  This class is derived from Mutex and maintains a linked
+ * list.  A thread is used to dequeue data and pass it to a callback
+ * method that is used in place of "run" for each item present on the
+ * queue.  The conditional is used to signal the run thread when new
+ * data is posted.
+ *
+ * This class was changed by Angelo Naselli to have a timeout on the queue
+ *
+ * @short in memory data queue interface.
+ * @author David Sugar <dyfet@ostel.com>
+ */
+class __EXPORT ThreadQueue : public Mutex, public Thread, public Semaphore
+    void run(void);         // private run method
+    typedef struct _data {
+        struct _data *next;
+        unsigned len;
+        char data[1];
+    }   data_t;
+    timeout_t timeout;
+    bool started;
+    data_t *first, *last;       // head/tail of list
+    String name;
+    /*
+     * Overloading of final(). It demarks Semaphore to avoid deadlock.
+     */
+    virtual void final();
+    /**
+     * Start of dequeing.  Maybe we need to connect a database
+     * or something, so we have a virtual...
+     */
+    virtual void startQueue(void);
+    /**
+     * End of dequeing, we expect the queue is empty for now.  Maybe
+     * we need to disconnect a database or something, so we have
+     * another virtual.
+     */
+    virtual void stopQueue(void);
+    /**
+     * A derivable method to call when the timout is expired.
+    */
+    virtual void onTimer(void);
+    /**
+     * Virtual callback method to handle processing of a queued
+     * data items.  After the item is processed, it is deleted from
+     * memory.  We can call multiple instances of runQueue in order
+     * if multiple items are waiting.
+     *
+     * @param data item being dequed.
+     */
+    virtual void runQueue(void *data) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Create instance of our queue and give it a process priority.
+     *
+     * @param id queue ID.
+     * @param pri process priority.
+     * @param stack stack size.
+     */
+    ThreadQueue(const char *id, int pri, size_t stack = 0);
+    /**
+     * Destroy the queue.
+     */
+    virtual ~ThreadQueue();
+    /**
+     * Set the queue timeout.
+     * When the timer expires, the onTimer() method is called
+     * for the thread
+     *
+     * @param timeout timeout in milliseconds.
+     */
+    void setTimer(timeout_t timeout);
+    /**
+     * Put some unspecified data into this queue.  A new qd
+     * structure is created and sized to contain a copy of
+     * the actual content.
+     *
+     * @param data pointer to data.
+     * @param len size of data.
+     */
+    void post(const void *data, unsigned len);
+/** @relates Buffer */
+inline size_t get(Buffer &b, void *o, timeout_t t = 0)
+    {return b.wait(o, t);}
+/** @relates Buffer */
+inline size_t put(Buffer &b, void *o, timeout_t t = 0)
+    {return b.post(o, t);}
+/** @relates Buffer */
+inline size_t peek(Buffer &b, void *o)
+    {return b.peek(o);}