* #36737: switch back to svn repo, remove assert in sip_transaction.c
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/fc/fcec2d615442f8b1c2f24b8dff7cc386597933b7.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/fc/fcec2d615442f8b1c2f24b8dff7cc386597933b7.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c512cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/fc/fcec2d615442f8b1c2f24b8dff7cc386597933b7.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+   /******************************************************************
+       iLBC Speech Coder ANSI-C Source Code
+       filter.h
+       Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).
+       All Rights Reserved.
+   ******************************************************************/
+   #ifndef __iLBC_FILTER_H
+   #define __iLBC_FILTER_H
+   void AllPoleFilter(
+       float *InOut,   /* (i/o) on entrance InOut[-orderCoef] to
+                              InOut[-1] contain the state of the
+                              filter (delayed samples). InOut[0] to
+                              InOut[lengthInOut-1] contain the filter
+                              input, on en exit InOut[-orderCoef] to
+                              InOut[-1] is unchanged and InOut[0] to
+                              InOut[lengthInOut-1] contain filtered
+                              samples */
+       float *Coef,/* (i) filter coefficients, Coef[0] is assumed
+                              to be 1.0 */
+       int lengthInOut,/* (i) number of input/output samples */
+       int orderCoef   /* (i) number of filter coefficients */
+   );
+   void AllZeroFilter(
+       float *In,      /* (i) In[0] to In[lengthInOut-1] contain
+                              filter input samples */
+       float *Coef,/* (i) filter coefficients (Coef[0] is assumed
+                              to be 1.0) */
+       int lengthInOut,/* (i) number of input/output samples */
+       int orderCoef,  /* (i) number of filter coefficients */
+       float *Out      /* (i/o) on entrance Out[-orderCoef] to Out[-1]
+                              contain the filter state, on exit Out[0]
+                              to Out[lengthInOut-1] contain filtered
+                              samples */
+   );
+   void ZeroPoleFilter(
+       float *In,      /* (i) In[0] to In[lengthInOut-1] contain filter
+                              input samples In[-orderCoef] to In[-1]
+                              contain state of all-zero section */
+       float *ZeroCoef,/* (i) filter coefficients for all-zero
+                              section (ZeroCoef[0] is assumed to
+                              be 1.0) */
+       float *PoleCoef,/* (i) filter coefficients for all-pole section
+                              (ZeroCoef[0] is assumed to be 1.0) */
+       int lengthInOut,/* (i) number of input/output samples */
+       int orderCoef,  /* (i) number of filter coefficients */
+       float *Out      /* (i/o) on entrance Out[-orderCoef] to Out[-1]
+                              contain state of all-pole section. On
+                              exit Out[0] to Out[lengthInOut-1]
+                              contain filtered samples */
+   );
+   void DownSample (
+       float  *In,     /* (i) input samples */
+       float  *Coef,   /* (i) filter coefficients */
+       int lengthIn,   /* (i) number of input samples */
+       float  *state,  /* (i) filter state */
+       float  *Out     /* (o) downsampled output */
+   );
+   #endif