* #36737: switch back to svn repo, remove assert in sip_transaction.c
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/ef/efb7ad9e5ddcddd48fb26cd8dc0ff2bc56d20aeb.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/ef/efb7ad9e5ddcddd48fb26cd8dc0ff2bc56d20aeb.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebed3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/ef/efb7ad9e5ddcddd48fb26cd8dc0ff2bc56d20aeb.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,1603 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/sdp_neg.h>
+#include <pjmedia/sdp.h>
+#include <pjmedia/errno.h>
+#include <pj/assert.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+#include <pj/string.h>
+#include <pj/ctype.h>
+#include <pj/array.h>
+ * This structure describes SDP media negotiator.
+ */
+struct pjmedia_sdp_neg
+    pjmedia_sdp_neg_state state;	    /**< Negotiator state.	     */
+    pj_bool_t		  prefer_remote_codec_order;
+    pj_bool_t             answer_with_multiple_codecs;
+    pj_bool_t		  has_remote_answer;
+    pj_bool_t		  answer_was_remote;
+    pjmedia_sdp_session	*initial_sdp,	    /**< Initial local SDP	     */
+			*active_local_sdp,  /**< Currently active local SDP. */
+			*active_remote_sdp, /**< Currently active remote's.  */
+			*neg_local_sdp,	    /**< Temporary local SDP.	     */
+			*neg_remote_sdp;    /**< Temporary remote SDP.	     */
+static const char *state_str[] = 
+    "STATE_NULL",
+    "STATE_DONE",
+/* Definition of customized SDP format negotiation callback */
+struct fmt_match_cb_t
+    pj_str_t			    fmt_name;
+    pjmedia_sdp_neg_fmt_match_cb    cb;
+/* Number of registered customized SDP format negotiation callbacks */
+static unsigned fmt_match_cb_cnt;
+/* The registered customized SDP format negotiation callbacks */
+static struct fmt_match_cb_t 
+	      fmt_match_cb[PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_MAX_CUSTOM_FMT_NEG_CB];
+/* Redefining a very long identifier name, just for convenience */
+static pj_status_t custom_fmt_match( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   const pj_str_t *fmt_name,
+				   pjmedia_sdp_media *offer,
+				   unsigned o_fmt_idx,
+				   pjmedia_sdp_media *answer,
+				   unsigned a_fmt_idx,
+				   unsigned option);
+ * Get string representation of negotiator state.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(const char*) pjmedia_sdp_neg_state_str(pjmedia_sdp_neg_state state)
+    if (state >=0 && state < (pjmedia_sdp_neg_state)PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(state_str))
+	return state_str[state];
+    return "<?UNKNOWN?>";
+ * Create with local offer.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_create_w_local_offer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      const pjmedia_sdp_session *local,
+				      pjmedia_sdp_neg **p_neg)
+    pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && local && p_neg, PJ_EINVAL);
+    *p_neg = NULL;
+    /* Validate local offer. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN((status=pjmedia_sdp_validate(local))==PJ_SUCCESS, status);
+    /* Create and initialize negotiator. */
+    neg = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, pjmedia_sdp_neg);
+    neg->prefer_remote_codec_order = PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_PREFER_REMOTE_CODEC_ORDER;
+    neg->answer_with_multiple_codecs = PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_ANSWER_MULTIPLE_CODECS;
+    neg->initial_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, local);
+    neg->neg_local_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, local);
+    *p_neg = neg;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Create with remote offer and initial local offer/answer.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_create_w_remote_offer(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      const pjmedia_sdp_session *initial,
+				      const pjmedia_sdp_session *remote,
+				      pjmedia_sdp_neg **p_neg)
+    pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && remote && p_neg, PJ_EINVAL);
+    *p_neg = NULL;
+    /* Validate remote offer and initial answer */
+    status = pjmedia_sdp_validate2(remote, PJ_FALSE);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return status;
+    /* Create and initialize negotiator. */
+    neg = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, pjmedia_sdp_neg);
+    neg->prefer_remote_codec_order = PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_PREFER_REMOTE_CODEC_ORDER;
+    neg->neg_remote_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, remote);
+    if (initial) {
+	PJ_ASSERT_RETURN((status=pjmedia_sdp_validate(initial))==PJ_SUCCESS, 
+			 status);
+	neg->initial_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, initial);
+	neg->neg_local_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, initial);
+    } else {
+    }
+    *p_neg = neg;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Set codec order preference.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_prefer_remote_codec_order(
+						pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+						pj_bool_t prefer_remote)
+    neg->prefer_remote_codec_order = prefer_remote;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Set multiple codec answering.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_answer_multiple_codecs(
+                        pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+                        pj_bool_t answer_multiple)
+    neg->answer_with_multiple_codecs = answer_multiple;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Get SDP negotiator state.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pjmedia_sdp_neg_state) pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_state( pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg )
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    return neg->state;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_active_local( pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+					const pjmedia_sdp_session **local)
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg && local, PJ_EINVAL);
+    *local = neg->active_local_sdp;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_active_remote( pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+				   const pjmedia_sdp_session **remote)
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg && remote, PJ_EINVAL);
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg->active_remote_sdp, PJMEDIA_SDPNEG_ENOACTIVE);
+    *remote = neg->active_remote_sdp;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_bool_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_was_answer_remote(pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg)
+    return neg->answer_was_remote;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_neg_remote( pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+				const pjmedia_sdp_session **remote)
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg && remote, PJ_EINVAL);
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg->neg_remote_sdp, PJMEDIA_SDPNEG_ENONEG);
+    *remote = neg->neg_remote_sdp;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_get_neg_local( pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+			       const pjmedia_sdp_session **local)
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg && local, PJ_EINVAL);
+    *local = neg->neg_local_sdp;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+static pjmedia_sdp_media *sdp_media_clone_deactivate(
+				    pj_pool_t *pool,
+                                    const pjmedia_sdp_media *rem_med,
+                                    const pjmedia_sdp_media *local_med,
+                                    const pjmedia_sdp_session *local_sess)
+    pjmedia_sdp_media *res;
+    res = pjmedia_sdp_media_clone_deactivate(pool, rem_med);
+    if (!res)
+	return NULL;
+    if (!res->conn && (!local_sess || !local_sess->conn)) {
+	if (local_med && local_med->conn)
+	    res->conn = pjmedia_sdp_conn_clone(pool, local_med->conn);
+	else {
+	    res->conn = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, pjmedia_sdp_conn);
+	    res->conn->net_type = pj_str("IN");
+	    res->conn->addr_type = pj_str("IP4");
+	    res->conn->addr = pj_str("");
+	}
+    }
+    return res;
+ * Modify local SDP and wait for remote answer.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_modify_local_offer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				    pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+				    const pjmedia_sdp_session *local)
+    return pjmedia_sdp_neg_modify_local_offer2(pool, neg, 0, local);
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_modify_local_offer2(
+                                    pj_pool_t *pool,
+				    pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+                                    unsigned flags,
+				    const pjmedia_sdp_session *local)
+    pjmedia_sdp_session *new_offer;
+    pjmedia_sdp_session *old_offer;
+    char media_used[PJMEDIA_MAX_SDP_MEDIA];
+    unsigned oi; /* old offer media index */
+    pj_status_t status;
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && neg && local, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Can only do this in STATE_DONE. */
+    /* Validate the new offer */
+    status = pjmedia_sdp_validate(local);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return status;
+    /* Change state to STATE_LOCAL_OFFER */
+    /* Init vars */
+    pj_bzero(media_used, sizeof(media_used));
+    old_offer = neg->active_local_sdp;
+    new_offer = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, local);
+    /* RFC 3264 Section 8: When issuing an offer that modifies the session,
+     * the "o=" line of the new SDP MUST be identical to that in the
+     * previous SDP, except that the version in the origin field MUST
+     * increment by one from the previous SDP.
+     */
+    pj_strdup(pool, &new_offer->origin.user, &old_offer->origin.user);
+    new_offer->origin.id = old_offer->origin.id;
+    new_offer->origin.version = old_offer->origin.version + 1;
+    pj_strdup(pool, &new_offer->origin.net_type, &old_offer->origin.net_type);
+    pj_strdup(pool, &new_offer->origin.addr_type,&old_offer->origin.addr_type);
+    pj_strdup(pool, &new_offer->origin.addr, &old_offer->origin.addr);
+    if ((flags & PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_ALLOW_MEDIA_CHANGE) == 0) {
+       /* Generating the new offer, in the case media lines doesn't match the
+        * active SDP (e.g. current/active SDP's have m=audio and m=video lines,
+        * and the new offer only has m=audio line), the negotiator will fix 
+        * the new offer by reordering and adding the missing media line with 
+        * port number set to zero.
+        */
+        for (oi = 0; oi < old_offer->media_count; ++oi) {
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media *om;
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media *nm;
+	    unsigned ni; /* new offer media index */
+	    pj_bool_t found = PJ_FALSE;
+	    om = old_offer->media[oi];
+	    for (ni = oi; ni < new_offer->media_count; ++ni) {
+	        nm = new_offer->media[ni];
+	        if (pj_strcmp(&nm->desc.media, &om->desc.media) == 0) {
+		    if (ni != oi) {
+		        /* The same media found but the position unmatched to
+                         * the old offer, so let's put this media in the right
+                         * place, and keep the order of the rest.
+		         */
+		        pj_array_insert(
+                            new_offer->media,		 /* array    */
+			    sizeof(new_offer->media[0]), /* elmt size*/
+			    ni,				 /* count    */
+		            oi,				 /* pos      */
+			    &nm);			 /* new elmt */
+		    }
+		    found = PJ_TRUE;
+		    break;
+	        }
+	    }
+	    if (!found) {
+	        pjmedia_sdp_media *m;
+	        m = sdp_media_clone_deactivate(pool, om, om, local);
+	        pj_array_insert(new_offer->media, sizeof(new_offer->media[0]),
+			        new_offer->media_count++, oi, &m);
+	    }
+        }
+    } else {
+        /* If media type change is allowed, the negotiator only needs to fix 
+         * the new offer by adding the missing media line(s) with port number
+         * set to zero.
+         */
+        for (oi = new_offer->media_count; oi < old_offer->media_count; ++oi) {
+            pjmedia_sdp_media *m;
+	    m = sdp_media_clone_deactivate(pool, old_offer->media[oi],
+                                           old_offer->media[oi], local);
+	    pj_array_insert(new_offer->media, sizeof(new_offer->media[0]),
+	                    new_offer->media_count++, oi, &m);
+        }
+    }
+    /* New_offer fixed */
+    neg->initial_sdp = new_offer;
+    neg->neg_local_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, new_offer);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_send_local_offer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+				  const pjmedia_sdp_session **offer)
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg && offer, PJ_EINVAL);
+    *offer = NULL;
+    /* Can only do this in STATE_DONE or STATE_LOCAL_OFFER. */
+		     neg->state == PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_STATE_LOCAL_OFFER, 
+    if (neg->state == PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_STATE_DONE) {
+	/* If in STATE_DONE, set the active SDP as the offer. */
+	neg->neg_local_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, 
+						       neg->active_local_sdp);
+	*offer = neg->active_local_sdp;
+    } else {
+	/* We assume that we're in STATE_LOCAL_OFFER.
+	 * In this case set the neg_local_sdp as the offer.
+	 */
+	*offer = neg->neg_local_sdp;
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_remote_answer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+				   const pjmedia_sdp_session *remote)
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && neg && remote, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Can only do this in STATE_LOCAL_OFFER.
+     * If we haven't provided local offer, then rx_remote_offer() should
+     * be called instead of this function.
+     */
+    /* We're ready to negotiate. */
+    neg->has_remote_answer = PJ_TRUE;
+    neg->neg_remote_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, remote);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_remote_offer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+				  const pjmedia_sdp_session *remote)
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && neg && remote, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Can only do this in STATE_DONE.
+     * If we already provide local offer, then rx_remote_answer() should
+     * be called instead of this function.
+     */
+    /* State now is STATE_REMOTE_OFFER. */
+    neg->neg_remote_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, remote);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_set_local_answer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+				  const pjmedia_sdp_session *local)
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && neg && local, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Can only do this in STATE_REMOTE_OFFER.
+     * If we already provide local offer, then rx_remote_answer() should
+     * be called instead of this function.
+     */
+    /* State now is STATE_WAIT_NEGO. */
+    if (local) {
+	neg->neg_local_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, local);
+	if (neg->initial_sdp) {
+	    /* I don't think there is anything in RFC 3264 that mandates
+	     * answerer to place the same origin (and increment version)
+	     * in the answer, but probably it won't hurt either.
+	     * Note that the version will be incremented in 
+	     * pjmedia_sdp_neg_negotiate()
+	     */
+	    neg->neg_local_sdp->origin.id = neg->initial_sdp->origin.id;
+	} else {
+	    neg->initial_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, local);
+	}
+    } else {
+	neg->neg_local_sdp = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, neg->initial_sdp);
+    }
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_bool_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_has_local_answer(pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg)
+    pj_assert(neg && neg->state==PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_STATE_WAIT_NEGO);
+    return !neg->has_remote_answer;
+/* Swap string. */
+static void str_swap(pj_str_t *str1, pj_str_t *str2)
+    pj_str_t tmp = *str1;
+    *str1 = *str2;
+    *str2 = tmp;
+static void remove_all_media_directions(pjmedia_sdp_media *m)
+    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_all_attr(m, "inactive");
+    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_all_attr(m, "sendrecv");
+    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_all_attr(m, "sendonly");
+    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_all_attr(m, "recvonly");
+/* Update media direction based on peer's media direction */
+static void update_media_direction(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				   const pjmedia_sdp_media *remote,
+				   pjmedia_sdp_media *local)
+    pjmedia_dir old_dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING_DECODING,
+	        new_dir;
+    /* Get the media direction of local SDP */
+    if (pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(local, "sendonly", NULL))
+    else if (pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(local, "recvonly", NULL))
+    else if (pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(local, "inactive", NULL))
+	old_dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE;
+    new_dir = old_dir;
+    /* Adjust local media direction based on remote media direction */
+    if (pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(remote, "inactive", NULL) != NULL) {
+	/* If remote has "a=inactive", then local is inactive too */
+	new_dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE;
+    } else if(pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(remote, "sendonly", NULL) != NULL) {
+	/* If remote has "a=sendonly", then set local to "recvonly" if
+	 * it is currently "sendrecv". Otherwise if local is NOT "recvonly",
+	 * then set local direction to "inactive".
+	 */
+	switch (old_dir) {
+	    new_dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_DECODING;
+	    break;
+	    /* No change */
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    new_dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE;
+	    break;
+	}
+    } else if(pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(remote, "recvonly", NULL) != NULL) {
+	/* If remote has "a=recvonly", then set local to "sendonly" if
+	 * it is currently "sendrecv". Otherwise if local is NOT "sendonly",
+	 * then set local direction to "inactive"
+	 */
+	switch (old_dir) {
+	    new_dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_ENCODING;
+	    break;
+	    /* No change */
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    new_dir = PJMEDIA_DIR_NONE;
+	    break;
+	}
+    } else {
+	/* Remote indicates "sendrecv" capability. No change to local 
+	 * direction 
+	 */
+    }
+    if (new_dir != old_dir) {
+	pjmedia_sdp_attr *a = NULL;
+	remove_all_media_directions(local);
+	switch (new_dir) {
+	    a = pjmedia_sdp_attr_create(pool, "inactive", NULL);
+	    break;
+	    a = pjmedia_sdp_attr_create(pool, "sendonly", NULL);
+	    break;
+	    a = pjmedia_sdp_attr_create(pool, "recvonly", NULL);
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    /* sendrecv */
+	    break;
+	}
+	if (a) {
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_add_attr(local, a);
+	}
+    }
+/* Update single local media description to after receiving answer
+ * from remote.
+ */
+static pj_status_t process_m_answer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				     pjmedia_sdp_media *offer,
+				     pjmedia_sdp_media *answer,
+				     pj_bool_t allow_asym)
+    unsigned i;
+    /* Check that the media type match our offer. */
+    if (pj_strcmp(&answer->desc.media, &offer->desc.media)!=0) {
+	/* The media type in the answer is different than the offer! */
+    }
+    /* Check that transport in the answer match our offer. */
+    /* At this point, transport type must be compatible, 
+     * the transport instance will do more validation later.
+     */
+    if (pjmedia_sdp_transport_cmp(&answer->desc.transport, 
+				  &offer->desc.transport) 
+    {
+    }
+    /* Check if remote has rejected our offer */
+    if (answer->desc.port == 0) {
+	/* Remote has rejected our offer. 
+	 * Deactivate our media too.
+	 */
+	pjmedia_sdp_media_deactivate(pool, offer);
+	/* Don't need to proceed */
+	return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Ticket #1148: check if remote answer does not set port to zero when
+     * offered with port zero. Let's just tolerate it.
+     */
+    if (offer->desc.port == 0) {
+	/* Don't need to proceed */
+	return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Process direction attributes */
+    update_media_direction(pool, answer, offer);
+    /* If asymetric media is allowed, then just check that remote answer has 
+     * codecs that are within the offer. 
+     *
+     * Otherwise if asymetric media is not allowed, then we will choose only
+     * one codec in our initial offer to match the answer.
+     */
+    if (allow_asym) {
+	for (i=0; i<answer->desc.fmt_count; ++i) {
+	    unsigned j;
+	    pj_str_t *rem_fmt = &answer->desc.fmt[i];
+	    for (j=0; j<offer->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+		if (pj_strcmp(rem_fmt, &answer->desc.fmt[j])==0)
+		    break;
+	    }
+	    if (j != offer->desc.fmt_count) {
+		/* Found at least one common codec. */
+		break;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (i == answer->desc.fmt_count) {
+	    /* No common codec in the answer! */
+	}
+    } else {
+	/* Offer format priority based on answer format index/priority */
+	unsigned offer_fmt_prior[PJMEDIA_MAX_SDP_FMT];
+	/* Remove all format in the offer that has no matching answer */
+	for (i=0; i<offer->desc.fmt_count;) {
+	    unsigned pt;
+	    pj_uint32_t j;
+	    pj_str_t *fmt = &offer->desc.fmt[i];
+	    /* Find matching answer */
+	    pt = pj_strtoul(fmt);
+	    if (pt < 96) {
+		for (j=0; j<answer->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+		    if (pj_strcmp(fmt, &answer->desc.fmt[j])==0)
+			break;
+		}
+	    } else {
+		/* This is dynamic payload type.
+		 * For dynamic payload type, we must look the rtpmap and
+		 * compare the encoding name.
+		 */
+		const pjmedia_sdp_attr *a;
+		pjmedia_sdp_rtpmap or_;
+		/* Get the rtpmap for the payload type in the offer. */
+		a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(offer, "rtpmap", fmt);
+		if (!a) {
+		    pj_assert(!"Bug! Offer should have been validated");
+		    return PJ_EBUG;
+		}
+		pjmedia_sdp_attr_get_rtpmap(a, &or_);
+		/* Find paylaod in answer SDP with matching 
+		 * encoding name and clock rate.
+		 */
+		for (j=0; j<answer->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+		    a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "rtpmap", 
+						     &answer->desc.fmt[j]);
+		    if (a) {
+			pjmedia_sdp_rtpmap ar;
+			pjmedia_sdp_attr_get_rtpmap(a, &ar);
+			/* See if encoding name, clock rate, and channel
+			 * count match 
+			 */
+			if (!pj_stricmp(&or_.enc_name, &ar.enc_name) &&
+			    or_.clock_rate == ar.clock_rate &&
+			    (pj_stricmp(&or_.param, &ar.param)==0 ||
+			     (ar.param.slen==1 && *ar.param.ptr=='1')))
+			{
+			    /* Call custom format matching callbacks */
+			    if (custom_fmt_match(pool, &or_.enc_name,
+						 offer, i, answer, j, 0) ==
+			    {
+				/* Match! */
+				break;
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (j == answer->desc.fmt_count) {
+		/* This format has no matching answer.
+		 * Remove it from our offer.
+		 */
+		pjmedia_sdp_attr *a;
+		/* Remove rtpmap associated with this format */
+		a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(offer, "rtpmap", fmt);
+		if (a)
+		    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(offer, a);
+		/* Remove fmtp associated with this format */
+		a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(offer, "fmtp", fmt);
+		if (a)
+		    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(offer, a);
+		/* Remove this format from offer's array */
+		pj_array_erase(offer->desc.fmt, sizeof(offer->desc.fmt[0]),
+			       offer->desc.fmt_count, i);
+		--offer->desc.fmt_count;
+	    } else {
+		offer_fmt_prior[i] = j;
+		++i;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (0 == offer->desc.fmt_count) {
+	    /* No common codec in the answer! */
+	}
+	/* Post process:
+	 * - Resort offer formats so the order match to the answer.
+	 * - Remove answer formats that unmatches to the offer.
+	 */
+	/* Resort offer formats */
+	for (i=0; i<offer->desc.fmt_count; ++i) {
+	    unsigned j;
+	    for (j=i+1; j<offer->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+		if (offer_fmt_prior[i] > offer_fmt_prior[j]) {
+		    unsigned tmp = offer_fmt_prior[i];
+		    offer_fmt_prior[i] = offer_fmt_prior[j];
+		    offer_fmt_prior[j] = tmp;
+		    str_swap(&offer->desc.fmt[i], &offer->desc.fmt[j]);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	/* Remove unmatched answer formats */
+	{
+	    unsigned del_cnt = 0;
+	    for (i=0; i<answer->desc.fmt_count;) {
+		/* The offer is ordered now, also the offer_fmt_prior */
+		if (i >= offer->desc.fmt_count || 
+		    offer_fmt_prior[i]-del_cnt != i)
+		{
+		    pj_str_t *fmt = &answer->desc.fmt[i];
+		    pjmedia_sdp_attr *a;
+		    /* Remove rtpmap associated with this format */
+		    a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "rtpmap", fmt);
+		    if (a)
+			pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(answer, a);
+		    /* Remove fmtp associated with this format */
+		    a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "fmtp", fmt);
+		    if (a)
+			pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(answer, a);
+		    /* Remove this format from answer's array */
+		    pj_array_erase(answer->desc.fmt, 
+				   sizeof(answer->desc.fmt[0]),
+				   answer->desc.fmt_count, i);
+		    --answer->desc.fmt_count;
+		    ++del_cnt;
+		} else {
+		    ++i;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /* Looks okay */
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+/* Update local media session (offer) to create active local session
+ * after receiving remote answer.
+ */
+static pj_status_t process_answer(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  pjmedia_sdp_session *offer,
+				  pjmedia_sdp_session *answer,
+				  pj_bool_t allow_asym,
+				  pjmedia_sdp_session **p_active)
+    unsigned omi = 0; /* Offer media index */
+    unsigned ami = 0; /* Answer media index */
+    pj_bool_t has_active = PJ_FALSE;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    /* Check arguments. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && offer && answer && p_active, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Check that media count match between offer and answer */
+    // Ticket #527, different media count is allowed for more interoperability,
+    // however, the media order must be same between offer and answer.
+    // if (offer->media_count != answer->media_count)
+    /* Now update each media line in the offer with the answer. */
+    for (; omi<offer->media_count; ++omi) {
+	if (ami == answer->media_count) {
+	    /* The answer has less media than the offer */
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media *am;
+	    /* Generate matching-but-disabled-media for the answer */
+	    am = sdp_media_clone_deactivate(pool, offer->media[omi],
+	                                    offer->media[omi], offer);
+	    answer->media[answer->media_count++] = am;
+	    ++ami;
+	    /* Deactivate our media offer too */
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_deactivate(pool, offer->media[omi]);
+	    /* No answer media to be negotiated */
+	    continue;
+	}
+	status = process_m_answer(pool, offer->media[omi], answer->media[ami],
+				  allow_asym);
+	/* If media type is mismatched, just disable the media. */
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_deactivate(pool, offer->media[omi]);
+	    continue;
+	}
+	/* No common format in the answer media. */
+	else if (status == PJMEDIA_SDPNEG_EANSNOMEDIA) {
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_deactivate(pool, offer->media[omi]);
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_deactivate(pool, answer->media[ami]);
+	} 
+	/* Return the error code, for other errors. */
+	else if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    return status;
+	}
+	if (offer->media[omi]->desc.port != 0)
+	    has_active = PJ_TRUE;
+	++ami;
+    }
+    *p_active = offer;
+    return has_active ? PJ_SUCCESS : PJMEDIA_SDPNEG_ENOMEDIA;
+/* Internal function to rewrite the format string in SDP attribute rtpmap
+ * and fmtp.
+ */
+PJ_INLINE(void) rewrite_pt(pj_pool_t *pool, pj_str_t *attr_val,
+			   const pj_str_t *old_pt, const pj_str_t *new_pt)
+    int len_diff = (int)(new_pt->slen - old_pt->slen);
+    /* Note that attribute value should be null-terminated. */
+    if (len_diff > 0) {
+	pj_str_t new_val;
+	new_val.ptr = (char*)pj_pool_alloc(pool, attr_val->slen+len_diff+1);
+	new_val.slen = attr_val->slen + len_diff;
+	pj_memcpy(new_val.ptr + len_diff, attr_val->ptr, attr_val->slen + 1);
+	*attr_val = new_val;
+    } else if (len_diff < 0) {
+	attr_val->slen += len_diff;
+	pj_memmove(attr_val->ptr, attr_val->ptr - len_diff,
+		   attr_val->slen + 1);
+    }
+    pj_memcpy(attr_val->ptr, new_pt->ptr, new_pt->slen);
+/* Internal function to apply symmetric PT for the local answer. */
+static void apply_answer_symmetric_pt(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				      pjmedia_sdp_media *answer,
+				      unsigned pt_cnt,
+				      const pj_str_t pt_offer[],
+				      const pj_str_t pt_answer[])
+    pjmedia_sdp_attr *a_tmp[PJMEDIA_MAX_SDP_ATTR];
+    unsigned i, a_tmp_cnt = 0;
+    /* Rewrite the payload types in the answer if different to
+     * the ones in the offer.
+     */
+    for (i = 0; i < pt_cnt; ++i) {
+	pjmedia_sdp_attr *a;
+	/* Skip if the PTs are the same already, e.g: static PT. */
+	if (pj_strcmp(&pt_answer[i], &pt_offer[i]) == 0)
+	    continue;
+	/* Rewrite payload type in the answer to match to the offer */
+	pj_strdup(pool, &answer->desc.fmt[i], &pt_offer[i]);
+	/* Also update payload type in rtpmap */
+	a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "rtpmap", &pt_answer[i]);
+	if (a) {
+	    rewrite_pt(pool, &a->value, &pt_answer[i], &pt_offer[i]);
+	    /* Temporarily remove the attribute in case the new payload
+	     * type is being used by another format in the media.
+	     */
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(answer, a);
+	    a_tmp[a_tmp_cnt++] = a;
+	}
+	/* Also update payload type in fmtp */
+	a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "fmtp", &pt_answer[i]);
+	if (a) {
+	    rewrite_pt(pool, &a->value, &pt_answer[i], &pt_offer[i]);
+	    /* Temporarily remove the attribute in case the new payload
+	     * type is being used by another format in the media.
+	     */
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(answer, a);
+	    a_tmp[a_tmp_cnt++] = a;
+	}
+    }
+    /* Return back 'rtpmap' and 'fmtp' attributes */
+    for (i = 0; i < a_tmp_cnt; ++i)
+	pjmedia_sdp_media_add_attr(answer, a_tmp[i]);
+/* Try to match offer with answer. */
+static pj_status_t match_offer(pj_pool_t *pool,
+			       pj_bool_t prefer_remote_codec_order,
+                               pj_bool_t answer_with_multiple_codecs,
+			       const pjmedia_sdp_media *offer,
+			       const pjmedia_sdp_media *preanswer,
+			       const pjmedia_sdp_session *preanswer_sdp,
+			       pjmedia_sdp_media **p_answer)
+    unsigned i;
+    pj_bool_t master_has_codec = 0,
+	      master_has_telephone_event = 0,
+	      master_has_other = 0,
+	      found_matching_codec = 0,
+	      found_matching_telephone_event = 0,
+	      found_matching_other = 0;
+    unsigned pt_answer_count = 0;
+    pj_str_t pt_answer[PJMEDIA_MAX_SDP_FMT];
+    pj_str_t pt_offer[PJMEDIA_MAX_SDP_FMT];
+    pjmedia_sdp_media *answer;
+    const pjmedia_sdp_media *master, *slave;
+    /* If offer has zero port, just clone the offer */
+    if (offer->desc.port == 0) {
+	answer = sdp_media_clone_deactivate(pool, offer, preanswer,
+					    preanswer_sdp);
+	*p_answer = answer;
+	return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* If the preanswer define zero port, this media is being rejected,
+     * just clone the preanswer.
+     */
+    if (preanswer->desc.port == 0) {
+	answer = pjmedia_sdp_media_clone(pool, preanswer);
+	*p_answer = answer;
+	return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Set master/slave negotiator based on prefer_remote_codec_order. */
+    if (prefer_remote_codec_order) {
+	master = offer;
+	slave  = preanswer;
+    } else {
+	master = preanswer;
+	slave  = offer;
+    }
+    /* With the addition of telephone-event and dodgy MS RTC SDP, 
+     * the answer generation algorithm looks really shitty...
+     */
+    for (i=0; i<master->desc.fmt_count; ++i) {
+	unsigned j;
+	if (pj_isdigit(*master->desc.fmt[i].ptr)) {
+	    /* This is normal/standard payload type, where it's identified
+	     * by payload number.
+	     */
+	    unsigned pt;
+	    pt = pj_strtoul(&master->desc.fmt[i]);
+	    if (pt < 96) {
+		/* For static payload type, it's enough to compare just
+		 * the payload number.
+		 */
+		master_has_codec = 1;
+		/* We just need to select one codec if not allowing multiple.
+		 * Continue if we have selected matching codec for previous 
+		 * payload.
+		 */
+		if (!answer_with_multiple_codecs && found_matching_codec)
+		    continue;
+		/* Find matching codec in local descriptor. */
+		for (j=0; j<slave->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+		    unsigned p;
+		    p = pj_strtoul(&slave->desc.fmt[j]);
+		    if (p == pt && pj_isdigit(*slave->desc.fmt[j].ptr)) {
+			found_matching_codec = 1;
+			pt_offer[pt_answer_count] = slave->desc.fmt[j];
+			pt_answer[pt_answer_count++] = slave->desc.fmt[j];
+			break;
+		    }
+		}
+	    } else {
+		/* This is dynamic payload type.
+		 * For dynamic payload type, we must look the rtpmap and
+		 * compare the encoding name.
+		 */
+		const pjmedia_sdp_attr *a;
+		pjmedia_sdp_rtpmap or_;
+		pj_bool_t is_codec;
+		/* Get the rtpmap for the payload type in the master. */
+		a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(master, "rtpmap", 
+						 &master->desc.fmt[i]);
+		if (!a) {
+		    pj_assert(!"Bug! Offer should have been validated");
+		}
+		pjmedia_sdp_attr_get_rtpmap(a, &or_);
+		if (!pj_stricmp2(&or_.enc_name, "telephone-event")) {
+		    master_has_telephone_event = 1;
+		    if (found_matching_telephone_event)
+			continue;
+		    is_codec = 0;
+		} else {
+		    master_has_codec = 1;
+		    if (!answer_with_multiple_codecs && found_matching_codec)
+			continue;
+		    is_codec = 1;
+		}
+		/* Find paylaod in our initial SDP with matching 
+		 * encoding name and clock rate.
+		 */
+		for (j=0; j<slave->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+		    a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(slave, "rtpmap", 
+						     &slave->desc.fmt[j]);
+		    if (a) {
+			pjmedia_sdp_rtpmap lr;
+			pjmedia_sdp_attr_get_rtpmap(a, &lr);
+			/* See if encoding name, clock rate, and
+			 * channel count  match 
+			 */
+			if (!pj_stricmp(&or_.enc_name, &lr.enc_name) &&
+			    or_.clock_rate == lr.clock_rate &&
+			    (pj_stricmp(&or_.param, &lr.param)==0 ||
+			     (lr.param.slen==0 && or_.param.slen==1 && 
+						 *or_.param.ptr=='1') || 
+			     (or_.param.slen==0 && lr.param.slen==1 && 
+						  *lr.param.ptr=='1'))) 
+			{
+			    /* Match! */
+			    if (is_codec) {
+				pjmedia_sdp_media *o, *a;
+				unsigned o_fmt_idx, a_fmt_idx;
+				o = (pjmedia_sdp_media*)offer;
+				a = (pjmedia_sdp_media*)preanswer;
+				o_fmt_idx = prefer_remote_codec_order? i:j;
+				a_fmt_idx = prefer_remote_codec_order? j:i;
+				/* Call custom format matching callbacks */
+				if (custom_fmt_match(pool, &or_.enc_name,
+						     o, o_fmt_idx,
+						     a, a_fmt_idx,
+						     ALLOW_MODIFY_ANSWER) !=
+				    PJ_SUCCESS)
+				{
+				    continue;
+				}
+				found_matching_codec = 1;
+			    } else {
+				found_matching_telephone_event = 1;
+			    }
+			    pt_offer[pt_answer_count] = 
+						prefer_remote_codec_order?
+						offer->desc.fmt[i]:
+						offer->desc.fmt[j];
+			    pt_answer[pt_answer_count++] = 
+						prefer_remote_codec_order? 
+						preanswer->desc.fmt[j]:
+						preanswer->desc.fmt[i];
+			    break;
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    /* This is a non-standard, brain damaged SDP where the payload
+	     * type is non-numeric. It exists e.g. in Microsoft RTC based
+	     * UA, to indicate instant messaging capability.
+	     * Example:
+	     *	- m=x-ms-message 5060 sip null
+	     */
+	    master_has_other = 1;
+	    if (found_matching_other)
+		continue;
+	    for (j=0; j<slave->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+		if (!pj_strcmp(&master->desc.fmt[i], &slave->desc.fmt[j])) {
+		    /* Match */
+		    found_matching_other = 1;
+		    pt_offer[pt_answer_count] = prefer_remote_codec_order?
+						offer->desc.fmt[i]:
+						offer->desc.fmt[j];
+		    pt_answer[pt_answer_count++] = prefer_remote_codec_order? 
+						   preanswer->desc.fmt[j]:
+						   preanswer->desc.fmt[i];
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    /* See if all types of master can be matched. */
+    if (master_has_codec && !found_matching_codec) {
+    }
+    /* If this comment is removed, negotiation will fail if remote has offered
+       telephone-event and local is not configured with telephone-event
+    if (offer_has_telephone_event && !found_matching_telephone_event) {
+    }
+    */
+    if (master_has_other && !found_matching_other) {
+    }
+    /* Seems like everything is in order.
+     * Build the answer by cloning from preanswer, but rearrange the payload
+     * to suit the offer.
+     */
+    answer = pjmedia_sdp_media_clone(pool, preanswer);
+    for (i=0; i<pt_answer_count; ++i) {
+	unsigned j;
+	for (j=i; j<answer->desc.fmt_count; ++j) {
+	    if (!pj_strcmp(&answer->desc.fmt[j], &pt_answer[i]))
+		break;
+	}
+	pj_assert(j != answer->desc.fmt_count);
+	str_swap(&answer->desc.fmt[i], &answer->desc.fmt[j]);
+    }
+    /* Remove unwanted local formats. */
+    for (i=pt_answer_count; i<answer->desc.fmt_count; ++i) {
+	pjmedia_sdp_attr *a;
+	/* Remove rtpmap for this format */
+	a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "rtpmap", 
+					 &answer->desc.fmt[i]);
+	if (a) {
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(answer, a);
+	}
+	/* Remove fmtp for this format */
+	a = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "fmtp", 
+					 &answer->desc.fmt[i]);
+	if (a) {
+	    pjmedia_sdp_media_remove_attr(answer, a);
+	}
+    }
+    answer->desc.fmt_count = pt_answer_count;
+    apply_answer_symmetric_pt(pool, answer, pt_answer_count,
+			      pt_offer, pt_answer);
+    /* Update media direction. */
+    update_media_direction(pool, offer, answer);
+    *p_answer = answer;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+/* Create complete answer for remote's offer. */
+static pj_status_t create_answer( pj_pool_t *pool,
+				  pj_bool_t prefer_remote_codec_order,
+                                  pj_bool_t answer_with_multiple_codecs,
+				  const pjmedia_sdp_session *initial,
+				  const pjmedia_sdp_session *offer,
+				  pjmedia_sdp_session **p_answer)
+    pj_status_t status = PJMEDIA_SDPNEG_ENOMEDIA;
+    pj_bool_t has_active = PJ_FALSE;
+    pjmedia_sdp_session *answer;
+    char media_used[PJMEDIA_MAX_SDP_MEDIA];
+    unsigned i;
+    /* Validate remote offer. 
+     * This should have been validated before.
+     */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN((status=pjmedia_sdp_validate(offer))==PJ_SUCCESS, status);
+    /* Create initial answer by duplicating initial SDP,
+     * but clear all media lines. The media lines will be filled up later.
+     */
+    answer = pjmedia_sdp_session_clone(pool, initial);
+    answer->media_count = 0;
+    pj_bzero(media_used, sizeof(media_used));
+    /* For each media line, create our answer based on our initial
+     * capability.
+     */
+    for (i=0; i<offer->media_count; ++i) {
+	const pjmedia_sdp_media *om;	/* offer */
+	const pjmedia_sdp_media *im;	/* initial media */
+	pjmedia_sdp_media *am = NULL;	/* answer/result */
+	unsigned j;
+	om = offer->media[i];
+	/* Find media description in our initial capability that matches
+	 * the media type and transport type of offer's media, has
+	 * matching codec, and has not been used to answer other offer.
+	 */
+	for (im=NULL, j=0; j<initial->media_count; ++j) {
+	    im = initial->media[j];
+	    if (pj_strcmp(&om->desc.media, &im->desc.media)==0 &&
+		pj_strcmp(&om->desc.transport, &im->desc.transport)==0 &&
+		media_used[j] == 0)
+	    {
+                pj_status_t status2;
+		/* See if it has matching codec. */
+		status2 = match_offer(pool, prefer_remote_codec_order,
+                                      answer_with_multiple_codecs,
+				      om, im, initial, &am);
+		if (status2 == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+		    /* Mark media as used. */
+		    media_used[j] = 1;
+		    break;
+                } else {
+                    status = status2;
+                }
+	    }
+	}
+	if (j==initial->media_count) {
+	    /* No matching media.
+	     * Reject the offer by setting the port to zero in the answer.
+	     */
+	    /* For simplicity in the construction of the answer, we'll
+	     * just clone the media from the offer. Anyway receiver will
+	     * ignore anything in the media once it sees that the port
+	     * number is zero.
+	     */
+	    am = sdp_media_clone_deactivate(pool, om, om, answer);
+	} else {
+	    /* The answer is in am */
+	    pj_assert(am != NULL);
+	}
+	/* Add the media answer */
+	answer->media[answer->media_count++] = am;
+	/* Check if this media is active.*/
+	if (am->desc.port != 0)
+	    has_active = PJ_TRUE;
+    }
+    *p_answer = answer;
+    return has_active ? PJ_SUCCESS : status;
+/* Cancel offer */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_cancel_offer(pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg)
+    /* Must be in LOCAL_OFFER state. */
+    /* Clear temporary SDP */
+    neg->neg_local_sdp = neg->neg_remote_sdp = NULL;
+    neg->has_remote_answer = PJ_FALSE;
+    if (neg->state == PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_STATE_LOCAL_OFFER) {
+	/* Increment next version number. This happens if for example
+	 * the reinvite offer is rejected by 488. If we don't increment
+	 * the version here, the next offer will have the same version.
+	 */
+	neg->active_local_sdp->origin.version++;
+    }
+    /* Reset state to done */
+    neg->state = PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_STATE_DONE;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+/* The best bit: SDP negotiation function! */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_negotiate( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					       pjmedia_sdp_neg *neg,
+					       pj_bool_t allow_asym)
+    pj_status_t status;
+    /* Check arguments are valid. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && neg, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Must be in STATE_WAIT_NEGO state. */
+    /* Must have remote offer. */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(neg->neg_remote_sdp, PJ_EBUG);
+    if (neg->has_remote_answer) {
+	pjmedia_sdp_session *active;
+	status = process_answer(pool, neg->neg_local_sdp, neg->neg_remote_sdp,
+			        allow_asym, &active);
+	if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    /* Only update active SDPs when negotiation is successfull */
+	    neg->active_local_sdp = active;
+	    neg->active_remote_sdp = neg->neg_remote_sdp;
+	}
+    } else {
+	pjmedia_sdp_session *answer = NULL;
+	status = create_answer(pool, neg->prefer_remote_codec_order,
+                               neg->answer_with_multiple_codecs,
+			       neg->neg_local_sdp, neg->neg_remote_sdp,
+			       &answer);
+	if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	    pj_uint32_t active_ver;
+	    if (neg->active_local_sdp)
+		active_ver = neg->active_local_sdp->origin.version;
+	    else
+		active_ver = neg->initial_sdp->origin.version;
+	    /* Only update active SDPs when negotiation is successfull */
+	    neg->active_local_sdp = answer;
+	    neg->active_remote_sdp = neg->neg_remote_sdp;
+	    /* Increment SDP version */
+	    neg->active_local_sdp->origin.version = ++active_ver;
+	}
+    }
+    /* State is DONE regardless */
+    neg->state = PJMEDIA_SDP_NEG_STATE_DONE;
+    /* Save state */
+    neg->answer_was_remote = neg->has_remote_answer;
+    /* Clear temporary SDP */
+    neg->neg_local_sdp = neg->neg_remote_sdp = NULL;
+    neg->has_remote_answer = PJ_FALSE;
+    return status;
+static pj_status_t custom_fmt_match(pj_pool_t *pool,
+				    const pj_str_t *fmt_name,
+				    pjmedia_sdp_media *offer,
+				    unsigned o_fmt_idx,
+				    pjmedia_sdp_media *answer,
+				    unsigned a_fmt_idx,
+				    unsigned option)
+    unsigned i;
+    for (i = 0; i < fmt_match_cb_cnt; ++i) {
+	if (pj_stricmp(fmt_name, &fmt_match_cb[i].fmt_name) == 0) {
+	    pj_assert(fmt_match_cb[i].cb);
+	    return (*fmt_match_cb[i].cb)(pool, offer, o_fmt_idx,
+					 answer, a_fmt_idx,
+					 option);
+	}
+    }
+    /* Not customized format matching found, should be matched */
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+/* Register customized SDP format negotiation callback function. */
+PJ_DECL(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_register_fmt_match_cb(
+					const pj_str_t *fmt_name,
+					pjmedia_sdp_neg_fmt_match_cb cb)
+    struct fmt_match_cb_t *f = NULL;
+    unsigned i;
+    /* Check if the callback for the format name has been registered */
+    for (i = 0; i < fmt_match_cb_cnt; ++i) {
+	if (pj_stricmp(fmt_name, &fmt_match_cb[i].fmt_name) == 0)
+	    break;
+    }
+    /* Unregistration */
+    if (cb == NULL) {
+	if (i == fmt_match_cb_cnt)
+	    return PJ_ENOTFOUND;
+	pj_array_erase(fmt_match_cb, sizeof(fmt_match_cb[0]),
+		       fmt_match_cb_cnt, i);
+	fmt_match_cb_cnt--;
+	return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    /* Registration */
+    if (i < fmt_match_cb_cnt) {
+	/* The same format name has been registered before */
+	if (cb != fmt_match_cb[i].cb)
+	    return PJ_EEXISTS;
+	else
+	    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    if (fmt_match_cb_cnt >= PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(fmt_match_cb))
+	return PJ_ETOOMANY;
+    f = &fmt_match_cb[fmt_match_cb_cnt++];
+    f->fmt_name = *fmt_name;
+    f->cb = cb;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+/* Match format in the SDP media offer and answer. */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_sdp_neg_fmt_match(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					      pjmedia_sdp_media *offer,
+					      unsigned o_fmt_idx,
+					      pjmedia_sdp_media *answer,
+					      unsigned a_fmt_idx,
+					      unsigned option)
+    const pjmedia_sdp_attr *attr;
+    pjmedia_sdp_rtpmap o_rtpmap, a_rtpmap;
+    unsigned o_pt;
+    unsigned a_pt;
+    o_pt = pj_strtoul(&offer->desc.fmt[o_fmt_idx]);
+    a_pt = pj_strtoul(&answer->desc.fmt[a_fmt_idx]);
+    if (o_pt < 96 || a_pt < 96) {
+	if (o_pt == a_pt)
+	    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+	else
+    }
+    /* Get the format rtpmap from the offer. */
+    attr = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(offer, "rtpmap", 
+					&offer->desc.fmt[o_fmt_idx]);
+    if (!attr) {
+	pj_assert(!"Bug! Offer haven't been validated");
+	return PJ_EBUG;
+    }
+    pjmedia_sdp_attr_get_rtpmap(attr, &o_rtpmap);
+    /* Get the format rtpmap from the answer. */
+    attr = pjmedia_sdp_media_find_attr2(answer, "rtpmap", 
+					&answer->desc.fmt[a_fmt_idx]);
+    if (!attr) {
+	pj_assert(!"Bug! Answer haven't been validated");
+	return PJ_EBUG;
+    }
+    pjmedia_sdp_attr_get_rtpmap(attr, &a_rtpmap);
+    if (pj_stricmp(&o_rtpmap.enc_name, &a_rtpmap.enc_name) != 0 ||
+	o_rtpmap.clock_rate != a_rtpmap.clock_rate)
+    {
+    }
+    return custom_fmt_match(pool, &o_rtpmap.enc_name,
+			    offer, o_fmt_idx, answer, a_fmt_idx, option);