* #36737: switch back to svn repo, remove assert in sip_transaction.c
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/b3/b3ee4c4bf5662159c96671f55cd4e6c29e5c4f35.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/b3/b3ee4c4bf5662159c96671f55cd4e6c29e5c4f35.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19695c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/b3/b3ee4c4bf5662159c96671f55cd4e6c29e5c4f35.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+   /******************************************************************
+       iLBC Speech Coder ANSI-C Source Code
+       LPCencode.c
+       Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).
+       All Rights Reserved.
+   ******************************************************************/
+   #include <string.h>
+   #include "iLBC_define.h"
+   #include "helpfun.h"
+   #include "lsf.h"
+   #include "constants.h"
+   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *  lpc analysis (subrutine to LPCencode)
+    *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   void SimpleAnalysis(
+       float *lsf,         /* (o) lsf coefficients */
+       float *data,    /* (i) new data vector */
+       iLBC_Enc_Inst_t *iLBCenc_inst
+                           /* (i/o) the encoder state structure */
+   ){
+       int k, is;
+       float temp[BLOCKL_MAX], lp[LPC_FILTERORDER + 1];
+       float lp2[LPC_FILTERORDER + 1];
+       float r[LPC_FILTERORDER + 1];
+       is=LPC_LOOKBACK+BLOCKL_MAX-iLBCenc_inst->blockl;
+       memcpy(iLBCenc_inst->lpc_buffer+is,data,
+           iLBCenc_inst->blockl*sizeof(float));
+       /* No lookahead, last window is asymmetric */
+       for (k = 0; k < iLBCenc_inst->lpc_n; k++) {
+           is = LPC_LOOKBACK;
+           if (k < (iLBCenc_inst->lpc_n - 1)) {
+               window(temp, lpc_winTbl,
+                   iLBCenc_inst->lpc_buffer, BLOCKL_MAX);
+           } else {
+               window(temp, lpc_asymwinTbl,
+                   iLBCenc_inst->lpc_buffer + is, BLOCKL_MAX);
+           }
+           autocorr(r, temp, BLOCKL_MAX, LPC_FILTERORDER);
+           window(r, r, lpc_lagwinTbl, LPC_FILTERORDER + 1);
+           levdurb(lp, temp, r, LPC_FILTERORDER);
+           bwexpand(lp2, lp, LPC_CHIRP_SYNTDENUM, LPC_FILTERORDER+1);
+           a2lsf(lsf + k*LPC_FILTERORDER, lp2);
+       }
+       is=LPC_LOOKBACK+BLOCKL_MAX-iLBCenc_inst->blockl;
+       memmove(iLBCenc_inst->lpc_buffer,
+           iLBCenc_inst->lpc_buffer+LPC_LOOKBACK+BLOCKL_MAX-is,
+           is*sizeof(float));
+   }
+   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *  lsf interpolator and conversion from lsf to a coefficients
+    *  (subrutine to SimpleInterpolateLSF)
+    *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   void LSFinterpolate2a_enc(
+       float *a,       /* (o) lpc coefficients */
+       float *lsf1,/* (i) first set of lsf coefficients */
+       float *lsf2,/* (i) second set of lsf coefficients */
+       float coef,     /* (i) weighting coefficient to use between
+                              lsf1 and lsf2 */
+       long length      /* (i) length of coefficient vectors */
+   ){
+       float  lsftmp[LPC_FILTERORDER];
+       interpolate(lsftmp, lsf1, lsf2, coef, length);
+       lsf2a(a, lsftmp);
+   }
+   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *  lsf interpolator (subrutine to LPCencode)
+    *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   void SimpleInterpolateLSF(
+       float *syntdenum,   /* (o) the synthesis filter denominator
+                                  resulting from the quantized
+                                  interpolated lsf */
+       float *weightdenum, /* (o) the weighting filter denominator
+                                  resulting from the unquantized
+                                  interpolated lsf */
+       float *lsf,         /* (i) the unquantized lsf coefficients */
+       float *lsfdeq,      /* (i) the dequantized lsf coefficients */
+       float *lsfold,      /* (i) the unquantized lsf coefficients of
+                                  the previous signal frame */
+       float *lsfdeqold, /* (i) the dequantized lsf coefficients of
+                                  the previous signal frame */
+       int length,         /* (i) should equate LPC_FILTERORDER */
+       iLBC_Enc_Inst_t *iLBCenc_inst
+                           /* (i/o) the encoder state structure */
+   ){
+       int    i, pos, lp_length;
+       float  lp[LPC_FILTERORDER + 1], *lsf2, *lsfdeq2;
+       lsf2 = lsf + length;
+       lsfdeq2 = lsfdeq + length;
+       lp_length = length + 1;
+       if (iLBCenc_inst->mode==30) {
+           /* sub-frame 1: Interpolation between old and first
+              set of lsf coefficients */
+           LSFinterpolate2a_enc(lp, lsfdeqold, lsfdeq,
+               lsf_weightTbl_30ms[0], length);
+           memcpy(syntdenum,lp,lp_length*sizeof(float));
+           LSFinterpolate2a_enc(lp, lsfold, lsf,
+               lsf_weightTbl_30ms[0], length);
+           bwexpand(weightdenum, lp, LPC_CHIRP_WEIGHTDENUM, lp_length);
+           /* sub-frame 2 to 6: Interpolation between first
+              and second set of lsf coefficients */
+           pos = lp_length;
+           for (i = 1; i < iLBCenc_inst->nsub; i++) {
+               LSFinterpolate2a_enc(lp, lsfdeq, lsfdeq2,
+                   lsf_weightTbl_30ms[i], length);
+               memcpy(syntdenum + pos,lp,lp_length*sizeof(float));
+               LSFinterpolate2a_enc(lp, lsf, lsf2,
+                   lsf_weightTbl_30ms[i], length);
+               bwexpand(weightdenum + pos, lp,
+                   LPC_CHIRP_WEIGHTDENUM, lp_length);
+               pos += lp_length;
+           }
+       }
+       else {
+           pos = 0;
+           for (i = 0; i < iLBCenc_inst->nsub; i++) {
+               LSFinterpolate2a_enc(lp, lsfdeqold, lsfdeq,
+                   lsf_weightTbl_20ms[i], length);
+               memcpy(syntdenum+pos,lp,lp_length*sizeof(float));
+               LSFinterpolate2a_enc(lp, lsfold, lsf,
+                   lsf_weightTbl_20ms[i], length);
+               bwexpand(weightdenum+pos, lp,
+                   LPC_CHIRP_WEIGHTDENUM, lp_length);
+               pos += lp_length;
+           }
+       }
+       /* update memory */
+       if (iLBCenc_inst->mode==30) {
+           memcpy(lsfold, lsf2, length*sizeof(float));
+           memcpy(lsfdeqold, lsfdeq2, length*sizeof(float));
+       }
+       else {
+           memcpy(lsfold, lsf, length*sizeof(float));
+           memcpy(lsfdeqold, lsfdeq, length*sizeof(float));
+       }
+   }
+   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *  lsf quantizer (subrutine to LPCencode)
+    *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   void SimplelsfQ(
+       float *lsfdeq,    /* (o) dequantized lsf coefficients
+                              (dimension FILTERORDER) */
+       int *index,     /* (o) quantization index */
+       float *lsf,      /* (i) the lsf coefficient vector to be
+                              quantized (dimension FILTERORDER ) */
+       int lpc_n     /* (i) number of lsf sets to quantize */
+   ){
+       /* Quantize first LSF with memoryless split VQ */
+       SplitVQ(lsfdeq, index, lsf, lsfCbTbl, LSF_NSPLIT,
+           dim_lsfCbTbl, size_lsfCbTbl);
+       if (lpc_n==2) {
+           /* Quantize second LSF with memoryless split VQ */
+           SplitVQ(lsfdeq + LPC_FILTERORDER, index + LSF_NSPLIT,
+               lsf + LPC_FILTERORDER, lsfCbTbl, LSF_NSPLIT,
+               dim_lsfCbTbl, size_lsfCbTbl);
+       }
+   }
+   /*----------------------------------------------------------------*
+    *  lpc encoder
+    *---------------------------------------------------------------*/
+   void LPCencode(
+       float *syntdenum, /* (i/o) synthesis filter coefficients
+                                  before/after encoding */
+       float *weightdenum, /* (i/o) weighting denumerator
+                                  coefficients before/after
+                                  encoding */
+       int *lsf_index,     /* (o) lsf quantization index */
+       float *data,    /* (i) lsf coefficients to quantize */
+       iLBC_Enc_Inst_t *iLBCenc_inst
+                           /* (i/o) the encoder state structure */
+   ){
+       float lsf[LPC_FILTERORDER * LPC_N_MAX];
+       float lsfdeq[LPC_FILTERORDER * LPC_N_MAX];
+       int change=0;
+       SimpleAnalysis(lsf, data, iLBCenc_inst);
+       SimplelsfQ(lsfdeq, lsf_index, lsf, iLBCenc_inst->lpc_n);
+       change=LSF_check(lsfdeq, LPC_FILTERORDER, iLBCenc_inst->lpc_n);
+       SimpleInterpolateLSF(syntdenum, weightdenum,
+           lsf, lsfdeq, iLBCenc_inst->lsfold,
+           iLBCenc_inst->lsfdeqold, LPC_FILTERORDER, iLBCenc_inst);
+   }