* #36737: switch back to svn repo, remove assert in sip_transaction.c
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/94/948ef702cb045d8bf1d224fbcee42f2359240570.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/94/948ef702cb045d8bf1d224fbcee42f2359240570.svn-base
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+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/94/948ef702cb045d8bf1d224fbcee42f2359240570.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@

+// File: RefClock.h


+// Desc: DirectShow base classes - defines the IReferenceClock interface.


+// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.




+#ifndef __BASEREFCLOCK__

+#define __BASEREFCLOCK__


+#include <Schedule.h>


+const UINT RESOLUTION = 1;                      /* High resolution timer */

+const INT ADVISE_CACHE = 4;                     /* Default cache size */



+inline LONGLONG WINAPI ConvertToMilliseconds(const REFERENCE_TIME& RT)


+    /* This converts an arbitrary value representing a reference time

+       into a MILLISECONDS value for use in subsequent system calls */


+    return (RT / (UNITS / MILLISECONDS));



+/* This class hierarchy will support an IReferenceClock interface so

+   that an audio card (or other externally driven clock) can update the

+   system wide clock that everyone uses.


+   The interface will be pretty thin with probably just one update method

+   This interface has not yet been defined.

+ */


+/* This abstract base class implements the IReferenceClock

+ * interface.  Classes that actually provide clock signals (from

+ * whatever source) have to be derived from this class.

+ *

+ * The abstract class provides implementations for:

+ *  CUnknown support

+ *      locking support (CCritSec)

+ *  client advise code (creates a thread)

+ *

+ * Question: what can we do about quality?  Change the timer

+ * resolution to lower the system load?  Up the priority of the

+ * timer thread to force more responsive signals?

+ *

+ * During class construction we create a worker thread that is destroyed during

+ * destuction.  This thread executes a series of WaitForSingleObject calls,

+ * waking up when a command is given to the thread or the next wake up point

+ * is reached.  The wakeup points are determined by clients making Advise

+ * calls.

+ *

+ * Each advise call defines a point in time when they wish to be notified.  A

+ * periodic advise is a series of these such events.  We maintain a list of

+ * advise links and calculate when the nearest event notification is due for.

+ * We then call WaitForSingleObject with a timeout equal to this time.  The

+ * handle we wait on is used by the class to signal that something has changed

+ * and that we must reschedule the next event.  This typically happens when

+ * someone comes in and asks for an advise link while we are waiting for an

+ * event to timeout.

+ *

+ * While we are modifying the list of advise requests we

+ * are protected from interference through a critical section.  Clients are NOT

+ * advised through callbacks.  One shot clients have an event set, while

+ * periodic clients have a semaphore released for each event notification.  A

+ * semaphore allows a client to be kept up to date with the number of events

+ * actually triggered and be assured that they can't miss multiple events being

+ * set.

+ *

+ * Keeping track of advises is taken care of by the CAMSchedule class.

+ */


+class CBaseReferenceClock

+: public CUnknown, public IReferenceClock, public CCritSec, public IReferenceClockTimerControl 



+    virtual ~CBaseReferenceClock();     // Don't let me be created on the stack!


+    CBaseReferenceClock(__in_opt LPCTSTR pName, 

+                        __inout_opt LPUNKNOWN pUnk, 

+                        __inout HRESULT *phr, 

+                        __inout_opt CAMSchedule * pSched = 0 );


+    STDMETHODIMP NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, __deref_out void ** ppv);




+    /* IReferenceClock methods */

+    // Derived classes must implement GetPrivateTime().  All our GetTime

+    // does is call GetPrivateTime and then check so that time does not

+    // go backwards.  A return code of S_FALSE implies that the internal

+    // clock has gone backwards and GetTime time has halted until internal

+    // time has caught up. (Don't know if this will be much use to folk,

+    // but it seems odd not to use the return code for something useful.)


+    // When this is called, it sets m_rtLastGotTime to the time it returns.


+    /* Provide standard mechanisms for scheduling events */


+    /* Ask for an async notification that a time has elapsed */

+    STDMETHODIMP AdviseTime(

+        REFERENCE_TIME baseTime,        // base reference time

+        REFERENCE_TIME streamTime,      // stream offset time

+        HEVENT hEvent,                  // advise via this event

+        __out DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie// where your cookie goes

+    );


+    /* Ask for an asynchronous periodic notification that a time has elapsed */

+    STDMETHODIMP AdvisePeriodic(

+        REFERENCE_TIME StartTime,       // starting at this time

+        REFERENCE_TIME PeriodTime,      // time between notifications

+        HSEMAPHORE hSemaphore,          // advise via a semaphore

+        __out DWORD_PTR *pdwAdviseCookie// where your cookie goes

+    );


+    /* Cancel a request for notification(s) - if the notification was

+     * a one shot timer then this function doesn't need to be called

+     * as the advise is automatically cancelled, however it does no

+     * harm to explicitly cancel a one-shot advise.  It is REQUIRED that

+     * clients call Unadvise to clear a Periodic advise setting.

+     */


+    STDMETHODIMP Unadvise(DWORD_PTR dwAdviseCookie);


+    /* Methods for the benefit of derived classes or outer objects */


+    // GetPrivateTime() is the REAL clock.  GetTime is just a cover for

+    // it.  Derived classes will probably override this method but not

+    // GetTime() itself.

+    // The important point about GetPrivateTime() is it's allowed to go

+    // backwards.  Our GetTime() will keep returning the LastGotTime

+    // until GetPrivateTime() catches up.

+    virtual REFERENCE_TIME GetPrivateTime();


+    /* Provide a method for correcting drift */

+    STDMETHODIMP SetTimeDelta( const REFERENCE_TIME& TimeDelta );


+    CAMSchedule * GetSchedule() const { return m_pSchedule; }


+    // IReferenceClockTimerControl methods

+    //

+    // Setting a default of 0 disables the default of 1ms

+    STDMETHODIMP SetDefaultTimerResolution(

+        REFERENCE_TIME timerResolution // in 100ns

+    );

+    STDMETHODIMP GetDefaultTimerResolution(

+        __out REFERENCE_TIME* pTimerResolution // in 100ns

+    );



+    REFERENCE_TIME m_rtPrivateTime;     // Current best estimate of time

+    DWORD          m_dwPrevSystemTime;  // Last vaule we got from timeGetTime

+    REFERENCE_TIME m_rtLastGotTime;     // Last time returned by GetTime

+    REFERENCE_TIME m_rtNextAdvise;      // Time of next advise

+    UINT           m_TimerResolution;


+#ifdef PERF

+    int m_idGetSystemTime;



+// Thread stuff


+    void TriggerThread()    // Wakes thread up.  Need to do this if

+    {                       // time to next advise needs reevaluating.

+        EXECUTE_ASSERT(SetEvent(m_pSchedule->GetEvent()));

+    }




+    BOOL           m_bAbort;            // Flag used for thread shutdown

+    HANDLE         m_hThread;           // Thread handle


+    HRESULT AdviseThread();             // Method in which the advise thread runs

+    static DWORD __stdcall AdviseThreadFunction(__in LPVOID); // Function used to get there



+    CAMSchedule * m_pSchedule;


+    void Restart (IN REFERENCE_TIME rtMinTime = 0I64) ;



