* #36737: switch back to svn repo, remove assert in sip_transaction.c
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/4f/4fef6b17a805627ce0362c57fc587323c03601a4.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/4f/4fef6b17a805627ce0362c57fc587323c03601a4.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea7c7bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/4f/4fef6b17a805627ce0362c57fc587323c03601a4.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Teluu Inc. (http://www.teluu.com)
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Benny Prijono <benny@prijono.org>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 
+ */
+#include <pjmedia/tonegen.h>
+#include <pjmedia/errno.h>
+#include <pjmedia/silencedet.h>
+#include <pj/assert.h>
+#include <pj/ctype.h>
+#include <pj/lock.h>
+#include <pj/log.h>
+#include <pj/pool.h>
+/* amplitude */
+#ifndef M_PI
+#   define M_PI  ((DATA)3.141592653589793238462643383279)
+    #include <math.h>
+    #define DATA	double
+    /*
+     * This is the good old tone generator using sin().
+     * Speed = 1347 usec to generate 1 second, 8KHz dual-tones (2.66GHz P4).
+     *         approx. 10.91 MIPS
+     *
+     *         506,535 usec/100.29 MIPS on ARM926EJ-S.
+     */
+    struct gen
+    {
+	DATA add;
+	DATA c;
+	DATA vol;
+    };
+    #define GEN_INIT(var,R,F,A) var.add = ((DATA)F)/R, var.c=0, var.vol=A
+    #define GEN_SAMP(val,var)   val = (short)(sin(var.c * 2 * M_PI) * \
+					      var.vol); \
+			        var.c += var.add
+    #include <math.h>
+    #define DATA	float
+    /*
+     * Default floating-point based tone generation using sine wave 
+     * generation from:
+     *   http://www.musicdsp.org/showone.php?id=10.
+     * This produces good quality tone in relatively faster time than
+     * the normal sin() generator.
+     * Speed = 350 usec to generate 1 second, 8KHz dual-tones (2.66GHz P4).
+     *         approx. 2.84 MIPS
+     *
+     *         18,037 usec/3.57 MIPS on ARM926EJ-S.
+     */
+    struct gen
+    {
+	DATA a, s0, s1;
+    };
+    #define GEN_INIT(var,R,F,A) var.a = (DATA) (2.0 * sin(M_PI * F / R)); \
+			        var.s0 = 0; \
+			        var.s1 = (DATA)(0 - (int)A)
+    #define GEN_SAMP(val,var)   var.s0 = var.s0 - var.a * var.s1; \
+			        var.s1 = var.s1 + var.a * var.s0; \
+			        val = (short) var.s0
+    /* Cordic algorithm with 28 bit size, from:
+     * http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~jhw/cordic/
+     * Speed = 742 usec to generate 1 second, 8KHz dual-tones (2.66GHz P4).
+     *         approx. 6.01 MIPS
+     *
+     *         ARM926EJ-S results:
+     *	        loop=7:   8,943 usec/1.77 MIPS
+     *		loop=8:   9,872 usec/1.95 MIPS
+     *          loop=10: 11,662 usec/2.31 MIPS
+     *          loop=12: 13,561 usec/2.69 MIPS
+     */
+    #define CORDIC_1K		0x026DD3B6
+    #define CORDIC_HALF_PI	0x06487ED5
+    #define CORDIC_PI		(CORDIC_HALF_PI * 2)
+    #define CORDIC_MUL_BITS	26
+    #define CORDIC_MUL		(1 << CORDIC_MUL_BITS)
+    #define CORDIC_NTAB		28
+    static int cordic_ctab [] = 
+    {
+	0x03243F6A, 0x01DAC670, 0x00FADBAF, 0x007F56EA, 0x003FEAB7, 
+	0x001FFD55, 0x000FFFAA, 0x0007FFF5, 0x0003FFFE, 0x0001FFFF, 
+	0x0000FFFF, 0x00007FFF, 0x00003FFF, 0x00001FFF, 0x00000FFF, 
+	0x000007FF, 0x000003FF, 0x000001FF, 0x000000FF, 0x0000007F, 
+	0x0000003F, 0x0000001F, 0x0000000F, 0x00000007, 0x00000003, 
+	0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00000000 
+    };
+    static pj_int32_t cordic(pj_int32_t theta, unsigned n)
+    {
+	unsigned k;
+	int d;
+	pj_int32_t tx;
+	pj_int32_t x = CORDIC_1K, y = 0, z = theta;
+	for (k=0; k<n; ++k) {
+	    #if 0
+	    d = (z>=0) ? 0 : -1;
+	    #else
+	    /* Only slightly (~2.5%) faster, but not portable? */
+	     d = z>>27;
+	    #endif
+	    tx = x - (((y>>k) ^ d) - d);
+	    y = y + (((x>>k) ^ d) - d);
+	    z = z - ((cordic_ctab[k] ^ d) - d);
+	    x = tx;
+	}  
+	return y;
+    }
+    /* Note: theta must be uint32 here */
+    static pj_int32_t cordic_sin(pj_uint32_t theta, unsigned n)
+    {
+	if (theta < CORDIC_HALF_PI)
+	    return cordic(theta, n);
+	else if (theta < CORDIC_PI)
+	    return cordic(CORDIC_HALF_PI-(theta-CORDIC_HALF_PI), n);
+	else if (theta < CORDIC_PI + CORDIC_HALF_PI)
+	    return -cordic(theta - CORDIC_PI, n);
+	else if (theta < 2 * CORDIC_PI)
+	    return -cordic(CORDIC_HALF_PI-(theta-3*CORDIC_HALF_PI), n);
+	else {
+	    pj_assert(!"Invalid cordic_sin() value");
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    }
+    struct gen
+    {
+	unsigned    add;
+	pj_uint32_t c;
+	unsigned    vol;
+    };
+    #define VOL(var,v)		(((v) * var.vol) >> 15)
+    #define GEN_INIT(var,R,F,A)	gen_init(&var, R, F, A)
+    #define GEN_SAMP(val,var)	val = gen_samp(&var)
+    static void gen_init(struct gen *var, unsigned R, unsigned F, unsigned A)
+    {
+	var->add = 2*CORDIC_PI/R * F;
+	var->c = 0;
+	var->vol = A;
+    }
+    PJ_INLINE(short) gen_samp(struct gen *var)
+    {
+	pj_int32_t val;
+	val = cordic_sin(var->c, CORDIC_LOOP);
+	/*val = (val * 32767) / CORDIC_MUL;
+	 *val = VOL((*var), val);
+	 */
+	val = ((val >> 10) * var->vol) >> 16;
+	var->c += var->add;
+	if (var->c > 2*CORDIC_PI)
+	    var->c -= (2 * CORDIC_PI);
+	return (short) val;
+    }
+    /* 
+     * Fallback algorithm when floating point is disabled.
+     * This is a very fast fixed point tone generation using sine wave
+     * approximation from
+     *    http://www.audiomulch.com/~rossb/code/sinusoids/ 
+     * Quality wise not so good, but it's blazing fast!
+     * Speed = 117 usec to generate 1 second, 8KHz dual-tones (2.66GHz P4).
+     *         approx. 0.95 MIPS
+     *
+     *         1,449 usec/0.29 MIPS on ARM926EJ-S.
+     */
+    PJ_INLINE(int) approximate_sin3(unsigned x)
+    {	
+	    unsigned s=-(int)(x>>31);
+	    x+=x;
+	    x=x>>16;
+	    x*=x^0xffff;            // x=x*(2-x)
+	    x+=x;                   // optional
+	    return x^s;
+    }
+    struct gen
+    {
+	unsigned add;
+	unsigned c;
+	unsigned vol;
+    };
+    #define MAXI		((unsigned)0xFFFFFFFF)
+    #define SIN			approximate_sin3
+    #define VOL(var,v)		(((v) * var.vol) >> 15)
+    #define GEN_INIT(var,R,F,A)	var.add = MAXI/R * F, var.c=0, var.vol=A
+    #define GEN_SAMP(val,var)	val = (short) VOL(var,SIN(var.c)>>16); \
+				var.c += var.add
+    #error "PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_ALG is not set correctly"
+struct gen_state
+    struct gen tone1;
+    struct gen tone2;
+    pj_bool_t  has_tone2;
+static void init_generate_single_tone(struct gen_state *state,
+				      unsigned clock_rate, 
+				      unsigned freq,
+				      unsigned vol)
+    GEN_INIT(state->tone1,clock_rate,freq,vol);
+    state->has_tone2 = PJ_FALSE;
+static void generate_single_tone(struct gen_state *state,
+				 unsigned channel_count,
+				 unsigned samples,
+				 short buf[]) 
+    short *end = buf + samples;
+    if (channel_count==1) {
+	while (buf < end) {
+	    GEN_SAMP(*buf++, state->tone1);
+	}
+    } else if (channel_count == 2) {
+	while (buf < end) {
+	    GEN_SAMP(*buf, state->tone1);
+	    *(buf+1) = *buf;
+	    buf += 2;
+	}
+    }
+static void init_generate_dual_tone(struct gen_state *state,
+				    unsigned clock_rate, 
+				    unsigned freq1,
+				    unsigned freq2,
+				    unsigned vol)
+    GEN_INIT(state->tone1,clock_rate,freq1,vol);
+    GEN_INIT(state->tone2,clock_rate,freq2,vol);
+    state->has_tone2 = PJ_TRUE;
+static void generate_dual_tone(struct gen_state *state,
+			       unsigned channel_count,
+			       unsigned samples,
+			       short buf[]) 
+    short *end = buf + samples;
+    if (channel_count==1) {
+	int val, val2;
+	while (buf < end) {
+	    GEN_SAMP(val, state->tone1);
+	    GEN_SAMP(val2, state->tone2);
+	    *buf++ = (short)((val+val2) >> 1);
+	}
+    } else if (channel_count == 2) {
+	int val, val2;
+	while (buf < end) {
+	    GEN_SAMP(val, state->tone1);
+	    GEN_SAMP(val2, state->tone2);
+	    val = (val + val2) >> 1;
+	    *buf++ = (short)val;
+	    *buf++ = (short)val;
+	}
+    }
+static void init_generate_tone(struct gen_state *state,
+			       unsigned clock_rate, 
+			       unsigned freq1,
+			       unsigned freq2,
+			       unsigned vol)
+    if (freq2)
+	init_generate_dual_tone(state, clock_rate, freq1, freq2 ,vol);
+    else
+	init_generate_single_tone(state, clock_rate, freq1,vol);
+static void generate_tone(struct gen_state *state,
+			  unsigned channel_count,
+			  unsigned samples,
+			  short buf[])
+    if (!state->has_tone2)
+	generate_single_tone(state, channel_count, samples, buf);
+    else
+	generate_dual_tone(state, channel_count, samples, buf);
+#define THIS_FILE   "tonegen.c"
+#if 0
+#   define TRACE_(expr)	PJ_LOG(4,expr)
+#   define TRACE_(expr)
+enum flags
+struct tonegen
+    pjmedia_port	base;
+    /* options */
+    unsigned		options;
+    unsigned		playback_options;
+    unsigned		fade_in_len;	/* fade in for this # of samples */
+    unsigned		fade_out_len;	/* fade out for this # of samples*/
+    /* lock */
+    pj_lock_t	       *lock;
+    /* Digit map */
+    pjmedia_tone_digit_map  *digit_map;
+    /* Tone generation state */
+    struct gen_state	state;
+    /* Currently played digits: */
+    unsigned		count;		    /* # of digits		*/
+    unsigned		cur_digit;	    /* currently played		*/
+    unsigned		dig_samples;	    /* sample pos in cur digit	*/
+    pjmedia_tone_desc	digits[PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_MAX_DIGITS];/* array of digits*/
+/* Default digit map is DTMF */
+static pjmedia_tone_digit_map digit_map = 
+    16,
+    {
+	{ '0', 941,  1336 },
+	{ '1', 697,  1209 },
+	{ '2', 697,  1336 },
+	{ '3', 697,  1477 },
+	{ '4', 770,  1209 },
+	{ '5', 770,  1336 },
+	{ '6', 770,  1477 },
+	{ '7', 852,  1209 },
+	{ '8', 852,  1336 },
+	{ '9', 852,  1477 },
+	{ 'a', 697,  1633 },
+	{ 'b', 770,  1633 },
+	{ 'c', 852,  1633 },
+	{ 'd', 941,  1633 },
+	{ '*', 941,  1209 },
+	{ '#', 941,  1477 },
+    }
+static pj_status_t tonegen_get_frame(pjmedia_port *this_port, 
+				     pjmedia_frame *frame);
+static pj_status_t tonegen_destroy(pjmedia_port *this_port);
+ * Create an instance of tone generator with the specified parameters.
+ * When the tone generator is first created, it will be loaded with the
+ * default digit map.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_create2(pj_pool_t *pool,
+					    const pj_str_t *name,
+					    unsigned clock_rate,
+					    unsigned channel_count,
+					    unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					    unsigned bits_per_sample,
+					    unsigned options,
+					    pjmedia_port **p_port)
+    const pj_str_t STR_TONE_GEN = pj_str("tonegen");
+    struct tonegen  *tonegen;
+    pj_status_t status;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(pool && clock_rate && channel_count && 
+		     samples_per_frame && bits_per_sample == 16 && 
+		     p_port != NULL, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Only support mono and stereo */
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(channel_count==1 || channel_count==2, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Create and initialize port */
+    tonegen = PJ_POOL_ZALLOC_T(pool, struct tonegen);
+    if (name == NULL || name->slen == 0) name = &STR_TONE_GEN;
+    status = pjmedia_port_info_init(&tonegen->base.info, name, 
+				    SIGNATURE, clock_rate, channel_count, 
+				    bits_per_sample, samples_per_frame);
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
+	return status;
+    tonegen->options = options;
+    tonegen->base.get_frame = &tonegen_get_frame;
+    tonegen->base.on_destroy = &tonegen_destroy;
+    tonegen->digit_map = &digit_map;
+    tonegen->fade_in_len = PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_FADE_IN_TIME * clock_rate / 1000;
+    tonegen->fade_out_len = PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_FADE_OUT_TIME * clock_rate / 1000;
+    /* Lock */
+    if (options & PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_NO_LOCK) {
+	status = pj_lock_create_null_mutex(pool, "tonegen", &tonegen->lock);
+    } else {
+	status = pj_lock_create_simple_mutex(pool, "tonegen", &tonegen->lock);
+    }
+    if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) {
+	return status;
+    }
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "Tonegen created: %u/%u/%u/%u", clock_rate, 
+	    channel_count, samples_per_frame, bits_per_sample));
+    /* Done */
+    *p_port = &tonegen->base;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_create( pj_pool_t *pool,
+					    unsigned clock_rate,
+					    unsigned channel_count,
+					    unsigned samples_per_frame,
+					    unsigned bits_per_sample,
+					    unsigned options,
+					    pjmedia_port **p_port)
+    return pjmedia_tonegen_create2(pool, NULL, clock_rate, channel_count,
+				   samples_per_frame, bits_per_sample, 
+				   options, p_port);
+ * Check if the tone generator is still busy producing some tones.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_bool_t) pjmedia_tonegen_is_busy(pjmedia_port *port)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_TRUE);
+    return tonegen->count != 0;
+ * Instruct the tone generator to stop current processing.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_stop(pjmedia_port *port)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_EINVAL);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_stop()"));
+    pj_lock_acquire(tonegen->lock);
+    tonegen->count = 0;
+    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+    tonegen->dig_samples = 0;
+    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Instruct the tone generator to stop current processing.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_rewind(pjmedia_port *port)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_EINVAL);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_rewind()"));
+    /* Reset back to the first tone */
+    pj_lock_acquire(tonegen->lock);
+    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+    tonegen->dig_samples = 0;
+    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Callback to destroy tonegen
+ */
+static pj_status_t tonegen_destroy(pjmedia_port *port)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_EINVAL);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_destroy()"));
+    pj_lock_acquire(tonegen->lock);
+    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+    pj_lock_destroy(tonegen->lock);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Fill a frame with tones.
+ */
+static pj_status_t tonegen_get_frame(pjmedia_port *port, 
+				     pjmedia_frame *frame)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    short *dst, *end;
+    unsigned clock_rate = PJMEDIA_PIA_SRATE(&tonegen->base.info);
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_EINVAL);
+    pj_lock_acquire(tonegen->lock);
+    if (tonegen->count == 0) {
+	/* We don't have digits to play */
+	frame->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
+	goto on_return;
+    }
+    if (tonegen->cur_digit > tonegen->count) {
+	/* We have played all the digits */
+	if ((tonegen->options|tonegen->playback_options)&PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP)
+	{
+	    /* Reset back to the first tone */
+	    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+	    tonegen->dig_samples = 0;
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): rewind"));
+	} else {
+	    tonegen->count = 0;
+	    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+	    frame->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): no more digit"));
+	    goto on_return;
+	}
+    }
+    if (tonegen->dig_samples>=(tonegen->digits[tonegen->cur_digit].on_msec+
+			       tonegen->digits[tonegen->cur_digit].off_msec)*
+			       clock_rate / 1000)
+    {
+	/* We have finished with current digit */
+	tonegen->cur_digit++;
+	tonegen->dig_samples = 0;
+	TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): next digit"));
+    }
+    if (tonegen->cur_digit >= tonegen->count) {
+	/* After we're finished with the last digit, we have played all 
+	 * the digits 
+	 */
+	if ((tonegen->options|tonegen->playback_options)&PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP)
+	{
+	    /* Reset back to the first tone */
+	    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+	    tonegen->dig_samples = 0;
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): rewind"));
+	} else {
+	    tonegen->count = 0;
+	    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+	    frame->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_NONE;
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): no more digit"));
+	    goto on_return;
+	}
+    }
+    dst = (short*) frame->buf;
+    end = dst + PJMEDIA_PIA_SPF(&port->info);
+    while (dst < end) {
+	pjmedia_tone_desc *dig = &tonegen->digits[tonegen->cur_digit];
+	unsigned required, cnt, on_samp, off_samp;
+	required = (unsigned)(end - dst);
+	on_samp = dig->on_msec * clock_rate / 1000;
+	off_samp = dig->off_msec * clock_rate / 1000;
+	/* Init tonegen */
+	if (tonegen->dig_samples == 0 && 
+	    (tonegen->count!=1 || !(dig->flags & PJMEDIA_TONE_INITIALIZED)))
+	{
+	    init_generate_tone(&tonegen->state,
+		               PJMEDIA_PIA_SRATE(&port->info),
+			       dig->freq1, dig->freq2, dig->volume);
+	    dig->flags |= PJMEDIA_TONE_INITIALIZED;
+	    if (tonegen->cur_digit > 0) {
+		/* Clear initialized flag of previous digit */
+		tonegen->digits[tonegen->cur_digit-1].flags &= 
+	    }
+	}
+	/* Add tone signal */
+	if (tonegen->dig_samples < on_samp) {
+	    cnt = on_samp - tonegen->dig_samples;
+	    if (cnt > required)
+		cnt = required;
+	    generate_tone(&tonegen->state,
+			  PJMEDIA_PIA_CCNT(&port->info),
+			  cnt, dst);
+	    dst += cnt;
+	    tonegen->dig_samples += cnt;
+	    required -= cnt;
+	    if ((dig->flags & PJMEDIA_TONE_ENABLE_FADE) && 
+		tonegen->dig_samples == cnt) 
+	    {
+		/* Fade in */
+		short *samp = (dst - cnt);
+		short *end;
+		if (cnt > tonegen->fade_in_len)
+		    cnt = tonegen->fade_in_len;
+		end = samp + cnt;
+		if (cnt) {
+		    const unsigned step = 0xFFFF / cnt;
+		    unsigned scale = 0;
+		    for (; samp < end; ++samp) {
+			(*samp) = (short)(((*samp) * scale) >> 16);
+			scale += step;
+		    }
+		}
+	    } else if ((dig->flags & PJMEDIA_TONE_ENABLE_FADE) &&
+			tonegen->dig_samples==on_samp) 
+	    {
+		/* Fade out */
+		if (cnt > tonegen->fade_out_len)
+		    cnt = tonegen->fade_out_len;
+		if (cnt) {
+		    short *samp = (dst - cnt);
+		    const unsigned step = 0xFFFF / cnt;
+		    unsigned scale = 0xFFFF - step;
+		    for (; samp < dst; ++samp) {
+			(*samp) = (short)(((*samp) * scale) >> 16);
+			scale -= step;
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (dst == end)
+		break;
+	}
+	/* Add silence signal */
+	cnt = off_samp + on_samp - tonegen->dig_samples;
+	if (cnt > required)
+	    cnt = required;
+	pjmedia_zero_samples(dst, cnt);
+	dst += cnt;
+	tonegen->dig_samples += cnt;
+	/* Move to next digit if we're finished with this tone */
+	if (tonegen->dig_samples >= on_samp + off_samp) {
+	    tonegen->cur_digit++;
+	    tonegen->dig_samples = 0;
+	    if (tonegen->cur_digit >= tonegen->count) {
+		/* All digits have been played */
+		if ((tonegen->options & PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP) ||
+		    (tonegen->playback_options & PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP))
+		{
+		    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+		} else {
+		    break;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    if (dst < end)
+	pjmedia_zero_samples(dst, (unsigned)(end-dst));
+    frame->type = PJMEDIA_FRAME_TYPE_AUDIO;
+    frame->size = PJMEDIA_PIA_AVG_FSZ(&port->info);
+    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): frame created, level=%u",
+	    pjmedia_calc_avg_signal((pj_int16_t*)frame->buf, frame->size/2)));
+    if (tonegen->cur_digit >= tonegen->count) {
+	if ((tonegen->options|tonegen->playback_options)&PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_LOOP)
+	{
+	    /* Reset back to the first tone */
+	    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+	    tonegen->dig_samples = 0;
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): rewind"));
+	} else {
+	    tonegen->count = 0;
+	    tonegen->cur_digit = 0;
+	    TRACE_((THIS_FILE, "tonegen_get_frame(): no more digit"));
+	}
+    }
+    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Play tones.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_play( pjmedia_port *port,
+					  unsigned count,
+					  const pjmedia_tone_desc tones[],
+					  unsigned options)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    unsigned i;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port && port->info.signature == SIGNATURE &&
+		     count && tones, PJ_EINVAL);
+    /* Don't put more than available buffer */
+		     PJ_ETOOMANY);
+    pj_lock_acquire(tonegen->lock);
+    /* Set playback options */
+    tonegen->playback_options = options;
+    /* Copy digits */
+    pj_memcpy(tonegen->digits + tonegen->count,
+	      tones, count * sizeof(pjmedia_tone_desc));
+    /* Normalize volume, and check if we need to disable fading.
+     * Disable fading if tone off time is zero. Application probably
+     * wants to play this tone continuously (e.g. dial tone).
+     */
+    for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+	pjmedia_tone_desc *t = &tonegen->digits[i+tonegen->count];
+	if (t->volume == 0)
+	    t->volume = AMP;
+	else if (t->volume < 0)
+	    t->volume = (short) -t->volume;
+	/* Reset flags */
+	t->flags = 0;
+	if (t->off_msec != 0)
+	    t->flags |= PJMEDIA_TONE_ENABLE_FADE;
+    }
+    tonegen->count += count;
+    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Play digits.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_play_digits( pjmedia_port *port,
+						 unsigned count,
+						 const pjmedia_tone_digit digits[],
+						 unsigned options)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    pjmedia_tone_desc tones[PJMEDIA_TONEGEN_MAX_DIGITS];
+    const pjmedia_tone_digit_map *map;
+    unsigned i;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port && port->info.signature == SIGNATURE &&
+		     count && digits, PJ_EINVAL);
+    pj_lock_acquire(tonegen->lock);
+    map = tonegen->digit_map;
+    for (i=0; i<count; ++i) {
+	int d = pj_tolower(digits[i].digit);
+	unsigned j;
+	/* Translate ASCII digits with digitmap */
+	for (j=0; j<map->count; ++j) {
+	    if (d == map->digits[j].digit)
+		break;
+	}
+	if (j == map->count) {
+	    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+	}
+	tones[i].freq1 = map->digits[j].freq1;
+	tones[i].freq2 = map->digits[j].freq2;
+	tones[i].on_msec = digits[i].on_msec;
+	tones[i].off_msec = digits[i].off_msec;
+	tones[i].volume = digits[i].volume;
+    }
+    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+    return pjmedia_tonegen_play(port, count, tones, options);
+ * Get the digit-map currently used by this tone generator.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_get_digit_map(pjmedia_port *port,
+						  const pjmedia_tone_digit_map **m)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_EINVAL);
+    *m = tonegen->digit_map;
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;
+ * Set digit map to be used by the tone generator.
+ */
+PJ_DEF(pj_status_t) pjmedia_tonegen_set_digit_map(pjmedia_port *port,
+						  pjmedia_tone_digit_map *m)
+    struct tonegen *tonegen = (struct tonegen*) port;
+    PJ_ASSERT_RETURN(port->info.signature == SIGNATURE, PJ_EINVAL);
+    pj_lock_acquire(tonegen->lock);
+    tonegen->digit_map = m;
+    pj_lock_release(tonegen->lock);
+    return PJ_SUCCESS;