* #36737: switch back to svn repo, remove assert in sip_transaction.c
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/23/234aee018c5563933928ab0d8fb67446bba9f4ab.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/23/234aee018c5563933928ab0d8fb67446bba9f4ab.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d99697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/23/234aee018c5563933928ab0d8fb67446bba9f4ab.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@

+// File: MType.cpp


+// Desc: DirectShow base classes - implements a class that holds and 

+//       manages media type information.


+// Copyright (c) 1992-2001 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.



+#include <pjmedia-videodev/config.h>




+// helper class that derived pin objects can use to compare media

+// types etc. Has same data members as the struct AM_MEDIA_TYPE defined

+// in the streams IDL file, but also has (non-virtual) functions


+#include <streams.h>

+#include <mmreg.h>



+    FreeMediaType(*this);






+    InitMediaType();




+CMediaType::CMediaType(const GUID * type)


+    InitMediaType();

+    majortype = *type;




+// copy constructor does a deep copy of the format block


+CMediaType::CMediaType(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& rt, __out_opt HRESULT* phr)


+    HRESULT hr = CopyMediaType(this, &rt);

+    if (FAILED(hr) && (NULL != phr)) {

+        *phr = hr;

+    }




+CMediaType::CMediaType(const CMediaType& rt, __out_opt HRESULT* phr)


+    HRESULT hr = CopyMediaType(this, &rt);

+    if (FAILED(hr) && (NULL != phr)) {

+        *phr = hr;

+    }




+// this class inherits publicly from AM_MEDIA_TYPE so the compiler could generate

+// the following assignment operator itself, however it could introduce some

+// memory conflicts and leaks in the process because the structure contains

+// a dynamically allocated block (pbFormat) which it will not copy correctly



+CMediaType::operator=(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& rt)


+    Set(rt);

+    return *this;




+CMediaType::operator=(const CMediaType& rt)


+    *this = (AM_MEDIA_TYPE &) rt;

+    return *this;




+CMediaType::operator == (const CMediaType& rt) const


+    // I don't believe we need to check sample size or

+    // temporal compression flags, since I think these must

+    // be represented in the type, subtype and format somehow. They

+    // are pulled out as separate flags so that people who don't understand

+    // the particular format representation can still see them, but

+    // they should duplicate information in the format block.


+    return ((IsEqualGUID(majortype,rt.majortype) == TRUE) &&

+        (IsEqualGUID(subtype,rt.subtype) == TRUE) &&

+        (IsEqualGUID(formattype,rt.formattype) == TRUE) &&

+        (cbFormat == rt.cbFormat) &&

+        ( (cbFormat == 0) ||

+          pbFormat != NULL && rt.pbFormat != NULL &&

+          (memcmp(pbFormat, rt.pbFormat, cbFormat) == 0)));





+CMediaType::operator != (const CMediaType& rt) const


+    /* Check to see if they are equal */


+    if (*this == rt) {

+        return FALSE;

+    }

+    return TRUE;





+CMediaType::Set(const CMediaType& rt)


+    return Set((AM_MEDIA_TYPE &) rt);





+CMediaType::Set(const AM_MEDIA_TYPE& rt)


+    if (&rt != this) {

+        FreeMediaType(*this);

+        HRESULT hr = CopyMediaType(this, &rt);

+        if (FAILED(hr)) {

+            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

+        }

+    }


+    return S_OK;    





+CMediaType::IsValid() const


+    return (!IsEqualGUID(majortype,GUID_NULL));





+CMediaType::SetType(const GUID* ptype)


+    majortype = *ptype;





+CMediaType::SetSubtype(const GUID* ptype)


+    subtype = *ptype;





+CMediaType::GetSampleSize() const {

+    if (IsFixedSize()) {

+        return lSampleSize;

+    } else {

+        return 0;

+    }





+CMediaType::SetSampleSize(ULONG sz) {

+    if (sz == 0) {

+        SetVariableSize();

+    } else {

+        bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE;

+        lSampleSize = sz;

+    }





+CMediaType::SetVariableSize() {

+    bFixedSizeSamples = FALSE;





+CMediaType::SetTemporalCompression(BOOL bCompressed) {

+    bTemporalCompression = bCompressed;




+CMediaType::SetFormat(__in_bcount(cb) BYTE * pformat, ULONG cb)


+    if (NULL == AllocFormatBuffer(cb))

+	return(FALSE);


+    ASSERT(pbFormat);

+    memcpy(pbFormat, pformat, cb);

+    return(TRUE);




+// set the type of the media type format block, this type defines what you

+// will actually find in the format pointer. For example FORMAT_VideoInfo or

+// FORMAT_WaveFormatEx. In the future this may be an interface pointer to a

+// property set. Before sending out media types this should be filled in.



+CMediaType::SetFormatType(const GUID *pformattype)


+    formattype = *pformattype;




+// reset the format buffer


+void CMediaType::ResetFormatBuffer()


+    if (cbFormat) {

+        CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pbFormat);

+    }

+    cbFormat = 0;

+    pbFormat = NULL;




+// allocate length bytes for the format and return a read/write pointer

+// If we cannot allocate the new block of memory we return NULL leaving

+// the original block of memory untouched (as does ReallocFormatBuffer)



+CMediaType::AllocFormatBuffer(ULONG length)


+    ASSERT(length);


+    // do the types have the same buffer size


+    if (cbFormat == length) {

+        return pbFormat;

+    }


+    // allocate the new format buffer


+    BYTE *pNewFormat = (PBYTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(length);

+    if (pNewFormat == NULL) {

+        if (length <= cbFormat) return pbFormat; //reuse the old block anyway.

+        return NULL;

+    }


+    // delete the old format


+    if (cbFormat != 0) {

+        ASSERT(pbFormat);

+        CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pbFormat);

+    }


+    cbFormat = length;

+    pbFormat = pNewFormat;

+    return pbFormat;




+// reallocate length bytes for the format and return a read/write pointer

+// to it. We keep as much information as we can given the new buffer size

+// if this fails the original format buffer is left untouched. The caller

+// is responsible for ensuring the size of memory required is non zero



+CMediaType::ReallocFormatBuffer(ULONG length)


+    ASSERT(length);


+    // do the types have the same buffer size


+    if (cbFormat == length) {

+        return pbFormat;

+    }


+    // allocate the new format buffer


+    BYTE *pNewFormat = (PBYTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(length);

+    if (pNewFormat == NULL) {

+        if (length <= cbFormat) return pbFormat; //reuse the old block anyway.

+        return NULL;

+    }


+    // copy any previous format (or part of if new is smaller)

+    // delete the old format and replace with the new one


+    if (cbFormat != 0) {

+        ASSERT(pbFormat);

+        memcpy(pNewFormat,pbFormat,min(length,cbFormat));

+        CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pbFormat);

+    }


+    cbFormat = length;

+    pbFormat = pNewFormat;

+    return pNewFormat;



+// initialise a media type structure


+void CMediaType::InitMediaType()


+    ZeroMemory((PVOID)this, sizeof(*this));

+    lSampleSize = 1;

+    bFixedSizeSamples = TRUE;




+// a partially specified media type can be passed to IPin::Connect

+// as a constraint on the media type used in the connection.

+// the type, subtype or format type can be null.


+CMediaType::IsPartiallySpecified(void) const


+    if ((majortype == GUID_NULL) ||

+        (formattype == GUID_NULL)) {

+            return TRUE;

+    } else {

+        return FALSE;

+    }




+CMediaType::MatchesPartial(const CMediaType* ppartial) const


+    if ((ppartial->majortype != GUID_NULL) &&

+        (majortype != ppartial->majortype)) {

+            return FALSE;

+    }

+    if ((ppartial->subtype != GUID_NULL) &&

+        (subtype != ppartial->subtype)) {

+            return FALSE;

+    }


+    if (ppartial->formattype != GUID_NULL) {

+        // if the format block is specified then it must match exactly

+        if (formattype != ppartial->formattype) {

+            return FALSE;

+        }

+        if (cbFormat != ppartial->cbFormat) {

+            return FALSE;

+        }

+        if ((cbFormat != 0) &&

+            (memcmp(pbFormat, ppartial->pbFormat, cbFormat) != 0)) {

+                return FALSE;

+        }

+    }


+    return TRUE;






+// general purpose function to delete a heap allocated AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure

+// which is useful when calling IEnumMediaTypes::Next as the interface

+// implementation allocates the structures which you must later delete

+// the format block may also be a pointer to an interface to release


+void WINAPI DeleteMediaType(__inout_opt AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt)


+    // allow NULL pointers for coding simplicity


+    if (pmt == NULL) {

+        return;

+    }


+    FreeMediaType(*pmt);

+    CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pmt);




+// this also comes in useful when using the IEnumMediaTypes interface so

+// that you can copy a media type, you can do nearly the same by creating

+// a CMediaType object but as soon as it goes out of scope the destructor

+// will delete the memory it allocated (this takes a copy of the memory)


+AM_MEDIA_TYPE * WINAPI CreateMediaType(AM_MEDIA_TYPE const *pSrc)


+    ASSERT(pSrc);


+    // Allocate a block of memory for the media type


+    AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pMediaType =

+        (AM_MEDIA_TYPE *)CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE));


+    if (pMediaType == NULL) {

+        return NULL;

+    }

+    // Copy the variable length format block


+    HRESULT hr = CopyMediaType(pMediaType,pSrc);

+    if (FAILED(hr)) {

+        CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)pMediaType);

+        return NULL;

+    }


+    return pMediaType;




+//  Copy 1 media type to another


+HRESULT WINAPI CopyMediaType(__out AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtTarget, const AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtSource)


+    //  We'll leak if we copy onto one that already exists - there's one

+    //  case we can check like that - copying to itself.

+    ASSERT(pmtSource != pmtTarget);

+    *pmtTarget = *pmtSource;

+    if (pmtSource->cbFormat != 0) {

+        ASSERT(pmtSource->pbFormat != NULL);

+        pmtTarget->pbFormat = (PBYTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(pmtSource->cbFormat);

+        if (pmtTarget->pbFormat == NULL) {

+            pmtTarget->cbFormat = 0;

+            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

+        } else {

+            CopyMemory((PVOID)pmtTarget->pbFormat, (PVOID)pmtSource->pbFormat,

+                       pmtTarget->cbFormat);

+        }

+    }

+    if (pmtTarget->pUnk != NULL) {

+        pmtTarget->pUnk->AddRef();

+    }


+    return S_OK;



+//  Free an existing media type (ie free resources it holds)


+void WINAPI FreeMediaType(__inout AM_MEDIA_TYPE& mt)


+    if (mt.cbFormat != 0) {

+        CoTaskMemFree((PVOID)mt.pbFormat);


+        // Strictly unnecessary but tidier

+        mt.cbFormat = 0;

+        mt.pbFormat = NULL;

+    }

+    if (mt.pUnk != NULL) {

+        mt.pUnk->Release();

+        mt.pUnk = NULL;

+    }



+//  Initialize a media type from a WAVEFORMATEX


+STDAPI CreateAudioMediaType(

+    const WAVEFORMATEX *pwfx,

+    __out AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt,

+    BOOL bSetFormat



+    pmt->majortype            = MEDIATYPE_Audio;

+    if (pwfx->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE) {

+        pmt->subtype = ((PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE)pwfx)->SubFormat;

+    } else {

+        pmt->subtype              = FOURCCMap(pwfx->wFormatTag);

+    }

+    pmt->formattype           = FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;

+    pmt->bFixedSizeSamples    = TRUE;

+    pmt->bTemporalCompression = FALSE;

+    pmt->lSampleSize          = pwfx->nBlockAlign;

+    pmt->pUnk                 = NULL;

+    if (bSetFormat) {

+        if (pwfx->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) {

+            pmt->cbFormat         = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX);

+        } else {

+            pmt->cbFormat         = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + pwfx->cbSize;

+        }

+        pmt->pbFormat             = (PBYTE)CoTaskMemAlloc(pmt->cbFormat);

+        if (pmt->pbFormat == NULL) {

+            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

+        }

+        if (pwfx->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) {

+            CopyMemory(pmt->pbFormat, pwfx, sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT));

+            ((WAVEFORMATEX *)pmt->pbFormat)->cbSize = 0;

+        } else {

+            CopyMemory(pmt->pbFormat, pwfx, pmt->cbFormat);

+        }

+    }

+    return S_OK;



+// eliminate very many spurious warnings from MS compiler

+#pragma warning(disable:4514)
