* #36737: switch back to svn repo, remove assert in sip_transaction.c
diff --git a/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/0d/0dcaebc4f4ff3c0b6fbeeabf3cfd19a07e6a35d9.svn-base b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/0d/0dcaebc4f4ff3c0b6fbeeabf3cfd19a07e6a35d9.svn-base
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f769ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/pjproject-android/.svn/pristine/0d/0dcaebc4f4ff3c0b6fbeeabf3cfd19a07e6a35d9.svn-base
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+import py_pjsua
+status = py_pjsua.create()
+print "py status " + `status`
+# Create configuration objects
+ua_cfg = py_pjsua.config_default()
+log_cfg = py_pjsua.logging_config_default()
+media_cfg = py_pjsua.media_config_default()
+# Logging callback.
+def logging_cb1(level, str, len):
+    print str,
+# Configure logging
+log_cfg.cb = logging_cb1
+log_cfg.console_level = 4
+# Initialize pjsua!
+status = py_pjsua.init(ua_cfg, log_cfg, media_cfg);
+print "py status after initialization :" + `status`
+# Start pjsua!
+status = py_pjsua.start()
+if status != 0:
+    exit(1)
+message = py_pjsua.msg_data_init()
+print "identitas object message data :" + `message`
+sipaddr = 'sip:'
+print "checking sip address [%s] : %d" % (sipaddr, py_pjsua.verify_sip_url(sipaddr))
+sipaddr = ''
+print "checking invalid sip address [%s] : %d" % (sipaddr, py_pjsua.verify_sip_url(sipaddr))
+object = py_pjsua.get_pjsip_endpt()
+print "identitas Endpoint :" + `object` + ""
+mediaend = py_pjsua.get_pjmedia_endpt()
+print "identitas Media Endpoint :" + `mediaend` + ""
+pool = py_pjsua.get_pool_factory()
+print "identitas pool factory :" + `pool` + ""
+status = py_pjsua.handle_events(3000)
+print "py status after 3 second of blocking wait :" + `status`
+# end of new testrun
+# lib transport
+stunc = py_pjsua.stun_config_default();
+tc = py_pjsua.transport_config_default();
+status, id = py_pjsua.transport_create(1, tc);
+print "py transport create status " + `status`
+ti = py_pjsua.Transport_Info();
+ti = py_pjsua.transport_get_info(id)
+print "py transport get info status " + `status`
+status = py_pjsua.transport_set_enable(id,1)
+print "py transport set enable status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","set enable",status)
+status = py_pjsua.transport_close(id,1)
+print "py transport close status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","close",status)
+# end of lib transport
+# lib account 
+accfg = py_pjsua.acc_config_default()
+status, accid = py_pjsua.acc_add(accfg, 1)
+print "py acc add status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","add acc",status)
+count = py_pjsua.acc_get_count()
+print "acc count " + `count`
+accid = py_pjsua.acc_get_default()
+print "acc id default " + `accid`
+# end of lib account
+#lib buddy
+bcfg = py_pjsua.Buddy_Config()
+status, id = py_pjsua.buddy_add(bcfg)
+acc_id = id
+print "py buddy add status " + `status` + " id " + `id`
+bool = py_pjsua.buddy_is_valid(id)
+print "py buddy is valid " + `bool`
+count = py_pjsua.get_buddy_count()
+print "buddy count " + `count`
+binfo = py_pjsua.buddy_get_info(id)
+ids = py_pjsua.enum_buddies()
+status = py_pjsua.buddy_del(id)
+print "py buddy del status " + `status`
+status = py_pjsua.buddy_subscribe_pres(id, 1)
+print "py buddy subscribe pres status " + `status`
+status = py_pjsua.im_send(accid, "fahris@divusi.com", "", "hallo", message, 0)
+print "py im send status " + `status`
+status = py_pjsua.im_typing(accid, "fahris@divusi.com", 1, message)
+print "py im typing status " + `status`
+#print "binfo " + `binfo`
+#end of lib buddy
+#lib media
+count = py_pjsua.conf_get_max_ports()
+print "py media conf get max ports " + `count`
+count = py_pjsua.conf_get_active_ports()
+print "py media conf get active ports " + `count`
+ids = py_pjsua.enum_conf_ports()
+for id in ids:
+	print "py media conf ports " + `id`
+	cp_info = py_pjsua.conf_get_port_info(id)
+	print "port info name " + cp_info.name
+pool = py_pjsua.PJ_Pool()
+port = py_pjsua.PJMedia_Port()
+status, id = py_pjsua.conf_add_port(pool,port)
+print "py media conf add port status " + `status` + " id " + `id`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","add port",status)
+status = py_pjsua.conf_remove_port(id)
+print "py media conf remove port status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","remove port",status)
+status = py_pjsua.conf_connect(id, id)
+print "py media conf connect status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","connect",status)
+status = py_pjsua.conf_disconnect(id, id)
+print "py media conf disconnect status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","disconnect",status)
+status, id = py_pjsua.player_create("test.wav", 0)
+print "py media player create status " + `status` + " id " + `id`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","player create",status)
+c_id = py_pjsua.player_get_conf_port(id)
+print "py media player get conf port id " + `c_id`
+status = py_pjsua.player_set_pos(id, 10)
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","player set pos",status)
+status = py_pjsua.player_destroy(id)
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","player destroy",status)
+status, id = py_pjsua.recorder_create("rec.wav", 0, "None", 1000, 0)
+print "py media recorder create status " + `status` + " id " + `id`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","recorder create",status)
+status = py_pjsua.recorder_get_conf_port(id)
+print "py media recorder get conf port status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","recorder get conf port",status)
+status = py_pjsua.recorder_destroy(id)
+print "py media recorder destroy status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","recorder destroy",status)
+#cdev, pdev = py_pjsua.get_snd_dev()
+#print "py media get snd dev capture dev " + `cdev` + " playback dev " + `pdev`
+status = py_pjsua.set_snd_dev(0,1)
+print "py media set snd dev status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","set snd dev",status)
+status = py_pjsua.set_null_snd_dev()
+print "py media set null snd dev status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","set null snd dev",status)
+port = py_pjsua.set_no_snd_dev()
+status = py_pjsua.set_ec(0,0)
+print "py media set ec status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","set ec",status)
+tail = py_pjsua.get_ec_tail()
+print "py media get ec tail " + `tail`
+infos = py_pjsua.enum_codecs()
+for info in infos:
+	print "py media enum codecs " + `info`
+status = py_pjsua.codec_set_priority("coba", 0)
+print "py media codec set priority " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","codec set priority",status)
+c_param = py_pjsua.codec_get_param("coba")
+status = py_pjsua.codec_set_param("coba", c_param)
+print "py media codec set param " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","codec set param",status)
+#end of lib media
+#lib call
+count = py_pjsua.call_get_max_count()
+print "py call get max count " + `count`
+count = py_pjsua.call_get_count()
+print "py call get count " + `count`
+ids = py_pjsua.enum_calls()
+for id in ids:
+	print "py enum calls id " + `id`
+msg_data = py_pjsua.Msg_Data()
+status, id = py_pjsua.call_make_call(-1, "sip:bulukucing1@iptel.org", 0, 0, msg_data)
+print "py call make call " + `status` + " id " + `id`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","call make call",status)
+bool = py_pjsua.call_is_active(id)
+print "py call is active " + `bool`
+bool = py_pjsua.call_has_media(id)
+print "py call has media " + `bool`
+cp_id = py_pjsua.call_get_conf_port(id)
+print "py call get conf port " + `cp_id`
+info = py_pjsua.call_get_info(id)
+if info != None :
+	print "py info id " + `info.id`
+status = py_pjsua.call_set_user_data(id, 0)
+print "py call set user data status " + `status`
+if status != 0 :
+	py_pjsua.perror("py_pjsua","set user data",status)
+user_data = py_pjsua.call_get_user_data(id)
+print "py call get user data " + `user_data`
+#end of lib call
+status = py_pjsua.destroy()
+print "py status " + `status`