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// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This file is part of GNU uCommon C++.
// GNU uCommon C++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU uCommon C++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with GNU uCommon C++. If not, see <>.
* Realtime timers and timer queues.
* This offers ucommon support for realtime high-resolution threadsafe
* timers and timer queues. Threads may be scheduled by timers and timer
* queues may be used to inject timer events into callback objects or through
* virtuals.
* @file ucommon/timers.h
#include <ucommon/linked.h>
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
* Timer class to use when scheduling realtime events. The timer generally
* uses millisecond values but has a microsecond accuracy. On platforms that
* support it, the timer uses posix realtime monotonic clock extensions,
* otherwise lower accuracy timer systems might be used.
class __EXPORT Timer
friend class Conditional;
friend class Semaphore;
friend class Event;
#if _POSIX_TIMERS > 0 && defined(POSIX_TIMERS)
timespec timer;
#undef POSIX_TIMERS // make sure not used if no support
timeval timer;
bool updated;
* Check if timer has been updated since last check.
* @return true if updated.
bool update(void);
* Check if timer active.
* @return true if active.
bool is_active(void);
#if _MSC_VER > 1400 // windows broken dll linkage issue...
static const timeout_t inf = ((timeout_t)(-1));
static const time_t reset = ((time_t)(0));
static const timeout_t inf; /**< A value to use for infinite time */
static const time_t reset; /**< A value to use when resetting */
#ifdef _MSWINDOWS_
typedef unsigned __int64 tick_t;
typedef uint64_t tick_t;
* Construct an untriggered timer set to the time of creation.
* Construct a triggered timer that expires at specified offset.
* @param offset to expire in milliseconds.
Timer(timeout_t offset);
* Construct a triggered timer that expires at specified offset.
* @param offset to expire in seconds.
Timer(time_t offset);
* Construct a timer from a copy of another timer.
* @param copy of timer to construct from.
Timer(const Timer& copy);
* Set the timer to expire.
* @param expire time in milliseconds.
void set(timeout_t expire);
* Set the timer to expire.
* @param expire time in seconds.
void set(time_t expire);
* Set (update) the timer with current time.
void set(void);
* Clear pending timer, has no value.
void clear(void);
* Get remaining time until the timer expires.
* @return 0 if expired or milliseconds still waiting.
timeout_t get(void) const;
* Get remaining time until timer expires by reference.
* @return 0 if expired or milliseconds still waiting.
inline timeout_t operator*() const
{return get();};
* Check if timer has expired.
* @return true if timer still pending.
bool operator!() const;
* Check if timer expired for is() expression.
* @return true if timer expired.
operator bool() const;
* Set timer expiration.
* @param expire timer in specified seconds.
Timer& operator=(time_t expire);
* Set timer expiration.
* @param expire timer in milliseconds.
Timer& operator=(timeout_t expire);
* Adjust timer expiration.
* @param expire time to add in seconds.
Timer& operator+=(time_t expire);
* Adjust timer expiration.
* @param expire time to add in milliseconds.
Timer& operator+=(timeout_t expire);
* Adjust timer expiration.
* @param expire time to subtract in seconds.
Timer& operator-=(time_t expire);
* Adjust timer expiration.
* @param expire time to subtract in milliseconds.
Timer& operator-=(timeout_t expire);
* Compute difference between two timers.
* @param timer to use for difference.
* @return difference in milliseconds.
timeout_t operator-(const Timer& timer);
* Compare timers if same timeout.
* @param timer to compare with.
* @return true if same.
bool operator==(const Timer& timer) const;
* Compare timers if not same timeout.
* @param timer to compare with.
* @return true if not same.
bool operator!=(const Timer& timer) const;
* Compare timers if earlier timeout than another timer.
* @param timer to compare with.
* @return true if earlier.
bool operator<(const Timer& timer) const;
* Compare timers if earlier than or equal to another timer.
* @param timer to compare with.
* @return true if earlier or same.
bool operator<=(const Timer& timer) const;
* Compare timers if later timeout than another timer.
* @param timer to compare with.
* @return true if later.
bool operator>(const Timer& timer) const;
* Compare timers if later than or equal to another timer.
* @param timer to compare with.
* @return true if later or same.
bool operator>=(const Timer& timer) const;
* Sleep current thread until the specified timer expires.
* @param timer to reference for sleep.
static void sync(Timer &timer);
* Get timer ticks since uuid epoch.
* @return timer ticks in 100ns resolution.
static tick_t ticks(void);
* A timer queue for timer events. The timer queue is used to hold a
* linked list of timers that must be processed together. The timer
* queue processes the timer event list and calls an expired function
* on events that have expired. The timer queue also determines the
* wait time until the next timer will expire. When timer events are
* modified, they can retrigger the queue to re-examine the list to
* find when the next timer will now expire.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT TimerQueue : public OrderedIndex
* A timer event object that lives on a timer queue. Timer events are
* triggered through the timer queue's expire method. Timer events
* also modify the queue when they are changed, particularly to force
* re-evaluation of the expiration period. This class is not used by
* itself but rather as a base class for a timer event object.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT event : protected Timer, public LinkedList
friend class TimerQueue;
* Construct a timer event object and initially arm.
* @param expire timer in specified milliseconds.
event(timeout_t expire);
* Construct an armed timer event object and attach to queue.
* @param queue to add event to.
* @param expire timer in specified milliseconds.
event(TimerQueue *queue, timeout_t expire);
* Event method to call in derived class when timer expires.
virtual void expired(void) = 0;
* Expected next timeout for the timer. This may be overriden
* for strategy purposes when evaluted by timer queue's expire.
* @return milliseconds until timer next triggers.
virtual timeout_t timeout(void);
* Detaches from queue when destroyed.
virtual ~event();
* Attach event to a timer queue. Detaches from previous list if
* already attached elsewhere.
* @param queue to attach to.
void attach(TimerQueue *queue);
* Detach event from a timer queue.
void detach(void);
* Arm event to trigger at specified timeout.
* @param timeout to expire and trigger.
void arm(timeout_t timeout);
* Disarm event.
void disarm(void);
* Time remaining until expired.
* @return milliseconds until timer expires.
inline timeout_t get(void) const
{return Timer::get();};
* Notify timer queue that the timer has been updated.
void update(void);
* Get the timer queue we are attached to.
* @return timer queue or NULL if not attached.
inline TimerQueue *list(void)
{return static_cast<TimerQueue*>(Root);};
friend class event;
* Called in derived class when the queue is being modified.
* This is often used to lock the list.
virtual void modify(void) = 0;
* Called in derived class after the queue has been modified. This often
* releases a lock that modify set and to wakeup a timer thread to
* evaluate when the next timer will now expire.
virtual void update(void) = 0;
* Create an empty timer queue.
* Destroy queue, does not remove event objects.
virtual ~TimerQueue();
* Add a timer event to the timer queue.
* @param timer event to add.
void operator+=(event &timer);
* Remove a timer event from the timer queue.
* @param timer event to remove.
void operator-=(event &timer);
* Process timer queue and find when next event triggers. This function
* will call the expired methods on expired timers. Normally this function
* will be called in the context of a timer thread which sleeps for the
* timeout returned unless it is awoken on an update event.
* @return timeout until next timer expires in milliseconds.
timeout_t expire();
* A convenience type for timer queue timer events.
typedef TimerQueue::event TQEvent;
* A convenience type for timers.
typedef Timer timer_t;
extern "C" {
#if defined(WIN32)
__EXPORT int gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, void *tz);