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// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This file is part of GNU uCommon C++.
// GNU uCommon C++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU uCommon C++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with GNU uCommon C++. If not, see <>.
* Abstract interfaces and support. This is a set of "protocols", a concept
* borrowed from other object oriented languages, to define interfaces for
* low level services. By using a protocol base class which offers both
* virtuals and support methods only, one can easily stack and share these
* as common base classes without having to consider when the final derived
* object implements them. Core protocol methods always are tagged with a
* _ prefix to make it easier to track their derivation.
* @file ucommon/protocols.h
* @author David Sugar <>
#ifndef _UCOMMON_CPR_H_
#include <ucommon/cpr.h>
class String;
class StringPager;
class __EXPORT MemoryProtocol
friend class MemoryRedirect;
* Protocol to allocate memory from the pager heap. The size of the
* request must be less than the size of the memory page used. The
* actual method is in a derived or stacked object.
* @param size of memory request.
* @return allocated memory or NULL if not possible.
virtual void *_alloc(size_t size) = 0;
* Allocation failure handler.
virtual void fault(void) const;
virtual ~MemoryProtocol();
* Convenience function.
* @param size of memory request.
* @return alocated memory or NULL if not possible.
inline void *alloc(size_t size)
{return _alloc(size);};
* Allocate memory from the pager heap. The size of the request must be
* less than the size of the memory page used. The memory is initialized
* to zero. This uses alloc.
* @param size of memory request.
* @return allocated memory or NULL if not possible.
void *zalloc(size_t size);
* Duplicate NULL terminated string into allocated memory. This uses
* alloc.
* @param string to copy into memory.
* @return allocated memory with copy of string or NULL if cannot allocate.
char *dup(const char *string);
* Duplicate existing memory block into allocated memory. This uses alloc.
* @param memory to data copy from.
* @param size of memory to allocate.
* @return allocated memory with copy or NULL if cannot allocate.
void *dup(void *memory, size_t size);
* A redirection base class for the memory protocol. This is used because
* sometimes we choose a common memory pool to manage different objects.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT MemoryRedirect : public MemoryProtocol
MemoryProtocol *target;
MemoryRedirect(MemoryProtocol *protocol);
virtual void *_alloc(size_t size);
* Common locking protocol. This is used for objects that may internally
* have sync'd functions, directly or in a derived class, that lock the
* current object. The default handlers do nothing but offer the virtuals
* as a stub.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT LockingProtocol
virtual void _lock(void);
virtual void _unlock(void);
virtual ~LockingProtocol();
* Used for forming stream output. We would create a derived class who's
* constructor creates an internal string object, and a single method to
* extract that string.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT PrintProtocol
virtual ~PrintProtocol();
* Extract formatted string for object.
virtual const char *_print(void) const = 0;
* Used for processing input. We create a derived class that processes a
* single character of input, and returns a status value. EOF means it
* accepts no more input and any value other than 0 is a character to also
* unget. Otherwise 0 is good to accept more input. The constructor is
* used to reference a final destination object in the derived class.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT InputProtocol
virtual ~InputProtocol();
* Extract formatted string for object.
* @param character code we are pushing.
* @return 0 to keep processing, EOF if done, or char to unget.
virtual int _input(int code) = 0;
* Common character processing protocol. This is used to access a character
* from some type of streaming buffer or memory object.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT CharacterProtocol
const char *eol;
int back;
* Get the next character.
* @return next character or EOF.
virtual int _getch(void) = 0;
* Put the next character.
* @param code to put.
* @return code or EOF if cannot put.
virtual int _putch(int code) = 0;
* Write to back buffer. Mostly used for input format processing.
* @param code to write into backbuffer.
inline void putback(int code)
{back = code;}
* Set end of line marker. Normally this is set to cr & lf, which
* actually supports both lf alone and cr/lf termination of lines.
* However, putline() will always add the full cr/lf if this mode is
* used. This option only effects getline() and putline().
* @param string for eol for getline and putline.
inline void seteol(const char *string)
{eol = string;};
virtual ~CharacterProtocol();
* Get the next character.
* @return next character or EOF.
inline int getchar(void)
{return _getch();};
* Put the next character.
* @param code to put.
* @return code or EOF if cannot put.
inline int putchar(int code)
{return _putch(code);};
size_t print(const PrintProtocol& format);
size_t input(InputProtocol& format);
* Get text as a line of input from the buffer. The eol character(s)
* are used to mark the end of a line. Because the end of line character
* is stripped, the length of the string may be less than the actual
* count read. If at the end of the file buffer and unable to read more
* data an error occured then 0 is returned.
* @param string to save input into.
* @param size limit of string to save.
* @return count of characters actually read or 0 if at end of data.
size_t getline(char *string, size_t size);
* Get a string as a line of input from the buffer. The eol character(s)
* are used to mark the end of a line. Because the end of line character
* is stripped, the length of the string may be less than the actual
* count read. If at the end of the file buffer and unable to read more
* data an error occured then 0 is returned.
* @param buffer to save input into.
* @return count of characters actually read or 0 if at end of data.
size_t getline(String& buffer);
* Put a string as a line of output to the buffer. The eol character is
* appended to the end.
* @param string to write.
* @return total characters successfully written, including eol chars.
size_t putline(const char *string);
size_t putchars(const char *string, size_t count = 0);
* Load input to a string list. The string list filter method is used to
* control loading.
* @param list to load into.
* @return number of items loaded.
size_t load(StringPager *list);
* Save output from a string list.
* @param list to save from.
* @return number of items loaded.
size_t save(const StringPager *list);
* Common buffer protocol class. This is used to create objects which will
* stream character data as needed. This class can support bidirectional
* streaming as may be needed for serial devices, sockets, and pipes. The
* buffering mechanisms are hidden from derived classes, and two virtuals
* are used to communicate with the physical transport.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT BufferProtocol : public CharacterProtocol
typedef enum {RDONLY, WRONLY, RDWR} mode_t;
char *buffer;
char *input, *output;
size_t bufsize, bufpos, insize, outsize;
bool end;
const char *format;
* Construct an empty (unallocated) buffer.
* Construct a buffer of pre-allocated size and access type.
* @param size of buffer to allocate.
* @param access mode of buffer.
BufferProtocol(size_t size, mode_t access = RDWR);
* Destroy object by releasing buffer memory.
virtual ~BufferProtocol();
* Allocation error handler.
virtual void fault(void) const;
* Allocate I/O buffer(s) of specified size. If a buffer is currently
* allocated, it is released.
* @param size of buffer to allocate.
* @param access mode of buffer.
void allocate(size_t size, mode_t access = RDWR);
* Release (free) buffer memory.
void release(void);
* Request workspace in output buffer. This returns a pointer to
* memory from the output buffer and advances the output position.
* This is sometimes used for a form of zero copy write.
* @param size of request area.
* @return data pointer or NULL if not available.
char *request(size_t size);
* Gather returns a pointer to contiguous input of specified size.
* This may require moving the input data in memory.
* @param size of gather space.
* @return data pointer to gathered data or NULL if not available.
char *gather(size_t size);
* Method to push buffer into physical i/o (write). The address is
* passed to this virtual since it is hidden as private.
* @param address of data to push.
* @param size of data to push.
* @return number of bytes written, 0 on error.
virtual size_t _push(const char *address, size_t size) = 0;
* Method to pull buffer from physical i/o (read). The address is
* passed to this virtual since it is hidden as private.
* @param address of buffer to pull data into.
* @param size of buffer area being pulled..
* @return number of read written, 0 on error or end of data.
virtual size_t _pull(char *address, size_t size) = 0;
* Method to get low level i/o error.
* @return error from low level i/o methods.
virtual int _err(void) const = 0;
* Method to clear low level i/o error.
virtual void _clear(void) = 0;
* Return true if blocking.
virtual bool _blocking(void);
* Check if data is pending.
virtual bool _pending(void);
* Flush buffer to physical i/o.
virtual bool _flush(void);
virtual int _getch(void);
virtual int _putch(int ch);
* Get current input position. Sometimes used to help compute and report
* a "tell" offset.
* @return offset of input buffer.
inline size_t input_pending(void)
{return bufpos;};
* Get current output position. Sometimes used to help compute a
* "trunc" operation.
inline size_t output_waiting(void)
{return outsize;};
const char *endl(void)
{return eol;}
* Put memory into the buffer. If count is 0 then put as NULL
* terminated string.
* @param address of characters to put into buffer.
* @param count of characters to put into buffer.
* @return number of characters actually written.
size_t put(const void *address, size_t count);
* Get memory from the buffer.
* @param address of characters save from buffer.
* @param count of characters to get from buffer.
* @return number of characters actually copied.
size_t get(void *address, size_t count);
* Print formatted string to the buffer. The maximum output size is
* the buffer size, and the operation flushes the buffer.
* @param format string.
* @return number of bytes written.
size_t printf(const char *format, ...) __PRINTF(2, 3);
* Flush buffered memory to physical I/O.
* @return true on success, false if not active or fails.
inline bool flush(void)
{return _flush();}
* Purge any pending input or output buffer data.
void purge(void);
* Reset input buffer state. Drops any pending input.
void reset(void);
* Check if at end of input.
* @return true if end of data, false if input still buffered.
bool eof(void);
* See if buffer open.
* @return true if buffer active.
inline operator bool()
{return buffer != NULL;}
* See if buffer closed.
* @return true if buffer inactive.
inline bool operator!()
{return buffer == NULL;}
* See if buffer open.
* @return true if buffer active.
inline bool is_open(void)
{return buffer != NULL;}
* See if input active.
* @return true if input active.
inline bool is_input(void)
{return input != NULL;}
* See if output active.
* @return true if output active.
inline bool is_output(void)
{return output != NULL;}
* See if pending input.
* @return true if input pending.
inline bool is_pending(void)
{return _pending();}
* Set eof flag.
inline void seteof(void)
{end = true;}
inline int err(void)
{return _err();}
template<typename T> inline size_t write(const T& data)
{return put(&data, sizeof(T));}
template<typename T> inline size_t read(T& data)
{return get(&data, sizeof(T));}
template<typename T> inline size_t write(const T* data, unsigned count)
{return put(data, sizeof(T) * count) / sizeof(T);}
template<typename T> inline size_t read(T* data, unsigned count)
{return get(data, sizeof(T) * count) / sizeof(T);}
* A common base class for all managed objects. This is used to manage
* objects that might be linked or reference counted. The base class defines
* only core virtuals some common public methods that should be used by
* all inherited object types.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT ObjectProtocol
* Method to retain (or increase retention) of an object.
virtual void retain(void) = 0;
* Method to release (or decrease retention) of an object.
virtual void release(void) = 0;
* Required virtual destructor.
virtual ~ObjectProtocol();
* Retain (increase retention of) object when copying.
ObjectProtocol *copy(void);
* Increase retention operator.
inline void operator++(void)
* Decrease retention operator.
inline void operator--(void)
* At least with gcc, linking of stream operators was broken. This provides
* an auxillory class to solve the issue.
class __EXPORT _character_operators
inline _character_operators() {};
static CharacterProtocol& print(CharacterProtocol& p, const char *s);
static CharacterProtocol& print(CharacterProtocol& p, const char& ch);
static CharacterProtocol& input(CharacterProtocol& p, char& ch);
static CharacterProtocol& input(CharacterProtocol& p, String& str);
static CharacterProtocol& print(CharacterProtocol& p, const long& value);
static CharacterProtocol& input(CharacterProtocol& p, long& value);
static CharacterProtocol& print(CharacterProtocol& p, const double& value);
static CharacterProtocol& input(CharacterProtocol& p, double& value);
inline CharacterProtocol& operator<< (CharacterProtocol& p, const char *s)
{return _character_operators::print(p, s);}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator<< (CharacterProtocol& p, const char& ch)
{return _character_operators::print(p, ch);}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator>> (CharacterProtocol& p, char& ch)
{return _character_operators::input(p, ch);}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator>> (CharacterProtocol& p, String& str)
{return _character_operators::input(p, str);}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator<< (CharacterProtocol& p, const PrintProtocol& format)
{p.print(format); return p;}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator>> (CharacterProtocol& p, InputProtocol& format)
{p.input(format); return p;}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator<< (CharacterProtocol& p, const StringPager& list)
{; return p;}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator>> (CharacterProtocol& p, StringPager& list)
{p.load(&list); return p;}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator<< (CharacterProtocol& p, const long& value)
{return _character_operators::print(p, value);}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator>> (CharacterProtocol& p, long& value)
{return _character_operators::input(p, value);}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator<< (CharacterProtocol& p, const double& value)
{return _character_operators::print(p, value);}
inline CharacterProtocol& operator>> (CharacterProtocol& p, double& value)
{return _character_operators::input(p, value);}