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// Copyright (C) 2002 Federico Montesino Pouzols <>.
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* @file formats.h
* @short Payload types and formats.
* @defgroup payload Payload types and formats.
* @{
* @typedef PayloadType
* @short RTP payload type numeric identifier.
* At the RTP level a payload format is identified with a 7 bit
* number. This number is binded to a payload format through non-RTP
* means (SIP, SAP, application specific rules, etc.)
typedef uint8 PayloadType;
/// Predefined value for invalid or uninitialized payload type variables.
const PayloadType ptINVALID = 128;
* @enum StaticPayloadType
* @short RTP static payload types (default bindings) defined in the
* AVP profile.
typedef enum {
// Types for audio formats:
sptPCMU = 0, ///< ITU-T G.711. mu-law audio 8 Khz (RFC 1890)
firstStaticPayloadType = sptPCMU,
// 1016 static payload type is now deprecated. Type 1 is reserved.
// spt1016, ///< CELP audio (FED-STD 1016) (RFC 1890)
sptG726_32 = 2, ///< ITU-T G.726. ADPCM audio (RFC 1890)
sptGSM, ///< GSM audio (RFC 1890)
sptG723, ///< ITU-T G.723. MP-MLQ ACELP audio (RFC 1890)
sptDVI4_8000, ///< Modified IMA ADPCM audio 8Khz (RFC 1890)
sptDVI4_16000, ///< Modified IMA ADPCM audio 16Khz (RFC 1890)
sptLPC, ///< LPC audio (RFC 1890)
sptPCMA, ///< ITU-T G.711 A-law audio 8 Khz (RFC 1890)
sptG722, ///< Audio (RFCs 1890, 3047)
sptL16_DUAL, ///< Linear uncompressed dual audio (RFC 1890)
sptL16_MONO, ///< Linear uncompressed mono audio (RFC 1890)
sptQCELP, ///< Audio at 8000 hz.
// Type 13 is reserved.
sptMPA = 14, ///< MPEG Audio elem. stream (RFCs 1890, 2250)
sptG728, ///< ITU-T G.728. LD-CELP audio
sptDVI4_11025, ///< DVI audio at 11025 hz (by Joseph Di Pol)
sptDVI4_22050, ///< DVI audio at 22050 hz (by Joseph Di Pol)
sptG729, ///< ITU-T G.729. CS-ACELP audio
// Type 19 is reserved. Types 20 - 23 are unassigned.
lastStaticAudioPayloadType = sptG729,
// Types for video formats:
// Type 24 is unassigned.
sptCELB = 25, ///< Sun's propietary video (RFCs 1890, 2029)
sptJPEG, ///< JPEG (ISO 10918) video (RFCs 1890, 2435)
// Type 27 is unassigned.
sptNV = 28, ///< Ron Frederick's nv audio (RFC 1890)
// Types 29 and 30 are unassigned.
sptH261 = 31, ///< ITU-T H.261 video (RFCs 1890, 2032)
sptMPV, ///< MPEG Video elem. stream (RFCs 1890, 2250)
sptMP2T, ///< MPEG 2 Transport stream (RFCs 1890, 2250)
sptH263, ///< ITU-T H.263 video (RFCs 2190, 2429)
// Types 35 - 71 are unassigned.
// Types 72 - 76 are reserved.
// Types 96 - 127 are dynamic.
lastStaticPayloadType = sptH263
} StaticPayloadType;
* @class PayloadFormat
* @short Base payload format class.
* The properties of a payload format that, as an RTP stack, ccRTP
* takes into account are the payload type (numeric identifier) and
* the RTP clock rate.
* This is a base class for both StaticPayloadFormat and
* DynamicPayloadFormat.
* @author Federico Montesino Pouzols <>
class __EXPORT PayloadFormat
* Get payload type numeric identifier carried in RTP packets.
* @return payload type numeric identifier.
inline PayloadType getPayloadType() const
{ return payloadType; }
* Get RTP clock rate for this payload format. Note this
* method provides the RTP clock rate (for the timestamp in
* RTP data packets headers), which is not necessarily the
* same as the codec clock rate.
* @return RTP clock rate in Hz.
inline uint32 getRTPClockRate() const
{ return RTPClockRate; }
* PayloadFormat must not be used but as base class.
{ }
* PayloadFormat must not be used but as base class.
inline virtual ~PayloadFormat()
{ }
* Set payload type numeric identifier carried in RTP packets.
* @param pt payload type number.
inline void setPayloadType(PayloadType pt)
{ payloadType = pt; }
* Set RTP clock rate.
* @param rate RTP clock rate in Hz.
inline void setRTPClockRate(uint32 rate)
{ RTPClockRate = rate; }
// default clock rate
static const uint32 defaultRTPClockRate;
PayloadType payloadType; ///< Numeric identifier.
uint32 RTPClockRate; ///< Rate in Hz.
* @class StaticPayloadFormat
* @short Static payload format objects.
* Class of payload formats objects for payload types statically
* assigned. Because these payloads have an RTP clock rate assigned,
* it is not specified to the constructor. A call to
* StaticPayloadFormat(sptPCMU) will set the proper clock rate and any
* other parameters for that static payload type.
* @author Federico Montesino Pouzols <>
class __EXPORT StaticPayloadFormat : public PayloadFormat
* Constructor. Builds a payload format from a static payload
* binding identifier, assigning the numeric identifier and
* RTP clock rate statically bounded.
* @param type Numeric identifier in the range 0-96.
* @note some identifiers are reserved.
StaticPayloadFormat(StaticPayloadType type);
* RTP clock rate for static payload types. There is no need
* for a table like this for video types, since they all have
* 90000 Khz rate.
static uint32 staticAudioTypesRates[lastStaticAudioPayloadType -
firstStaticPayloadType + 1];
* @class DynamicPayloadFormat
* @short Dynamic payload format objects.
* Class of payload formats objects for payload types dynamically
* negotiated. Because these payloads do not have a fix RTP clock rate
* assigned, it must be specified to the constructor. This class will
* be used by applications that support dynamic payload negotiation.
* @author Federico Montesino Pouzols <>
class __EXPORT DynamicPayloadFormat : public PayloadFormat
* Constructor. Builds a dynamic payload format from payload
* numeric identifier and the corresponding RTP clock rate.
* @param type payload type numeric identifier.
* @param rate RTP clock rate.
DynamicPayloadFormat(PayloadType type, uint32 rate);
/** @}*/ // payload
#endif // ndef CCXX_RTP_FORMATS_H_
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