libopus: updated to 1.1

Looks like a major update, with better performances for ARM.
diff --git a/jni/libopus/sources/celt/celt.c b/jni/libopus/sources/celt/celt.c
index bc97a79..3e0ce6e 100644
--- a/jni/libopus/sources/celt/celt.c
+++ b/jni/libopus/sources/celt/celt.c
@@ -54,58 +54,8 @@
 #define PACKAGE_VERSION "unknown"
-#define OPUS_CUSTOM_NOSTATIC static inline
-static const unsigned char trim_icdf[11] = {126, 124, 119, 109, 87, 41, 19, 9, 4, 2, 0};
-/* Probs: NONE: 21.875%, LIGHT: 6.25%, NORMAL: 65.625%, AGGRESSIVE: 6.25% */
-static const unsigned char spread_icdf[4] = {25, 23, 2, 0};
-static const unsigned char tapset_icdf[3]={2,1,0};
-static const unsigned char toOpusTable[20] = {
-      0xE0, 0xE8, 0xF0, 0xF8,
-      0xC0, 0xC8, 0xD0, 0xD8,
-      0xA0, 0xA8, 0xB0, 0xB8,
-      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
-      0x80, 0x88, 0x90, 0x98,
-static const unsigned char fromOpusTable[16] = {
-      0x80, 0x88, 0x90, 0x98,
-      0x40, 0x48, 0x50, 0x58,
-      0x20, 0x28, 0x30, 0x38,
-      0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x18
-static inline int toOpus(unsigned char c)
-   int ret=0;
-   if (c<0xA0)
-      ret = toOpusTable[c>>3];
-   if (ret == 0)
-      return -1;
-   else
-      return ret|(c&0x7);
-static inline int fromOpus(unsigned char c)
-   if (c<0x80)
-      return -1;
-   else
-      return fromOpusTable[(c>>3)-16] | (c&0x7);
-#endif /* CUSTOM_MODES */
-static int resampling_factor(opus_int32 rate)
+int resampling_factor(opus_int32 rate)
    int ret;
    switch (rate)
@@ -135,658 +85,101 @@
    return ret;
-/** Encoder state
- @brief Encoder state
- */
-struct OpusCustomEncoder {
-   const OpusCustomMode *mode;     /**< Mode used by the encoder */
-   int overlap;
-   int channels;
-   int stream_channels;
-   int force_intra;
-   int clip;
-   int disable_pf;
-   int complexity;
-   int upsample;
-   int start, end;
-   opus_int32 bitrate;
-   int vbr;
-   int signalling;
-   int constrained_vbr;      /* If zero, VBR can do whatever it likes with the rate */
-   int loss_rate;
-   int lsb_depth;
-   /* Everything beyond this point gets cleared on a reset */
-   opus_uint32 rng;
-   int spread_decision;
-   opus_val32 delayedIntra;
-   int tonal_average;
-   int lastCodedBands;
-   int hf_average;
-   int tapset_decision;
-   int prefilter_period;
-   opus_val16 prefilter_gain;
-   int prefilter_tapset;
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   int prefilter_period_old;
-   opus_val16 prefilter_gain_old;
-   int prefilter_tapset_old;
-   int consec_transient;
-   opus_val32 preemph_memE[2];
-   opus_val32 preemph_memD[2];
-   /* VBR-related parameters */
-   opus_int32 vbr_reservoir;
-   opus_int32 vbr_drift;
-   opus_int32 vbr_offset;
-   opus_int32 vbr_count;
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   celt_sig syn_mem[2][2*MAX_PERIOD];
-   celt_sig in_mem[1]; /* Size = channels*mode->overlap */
-   /* celt_sig prefilter_mem[],  Size = channels*COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD */
-   /* opus_val16 oldBandE[],     Size = channels*mode->nbEBands */
-   /* opus_val16 oldLogE[],      Size = channels*mode->nbEBands */
-   /* opus_val16 oldLogE2[],     Size = channels*mode->nbEBands */
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   /* opus_val16 overlap_mem[],  Size = channels*overlap */
-int celt_encoder_get_size(int channels)
+static void comb_filter_const(opus_val32 *y, opus_val32 *x, int T, int N,
+      opus_val16 g10, opus_val16 g11, opus_val16 g12)
-   CELTMode *mode = opus_custom_mode_create(48000, 960, NULL);
-   return opus_custom_encoder_get_size(mode, channels);
-OPUS_CUSTOM_NOSTATIC int opus_custom_encoder_get_size(const CELTMode *mode, int channels)
-   int size = sizeof(struct CELTEncoder)
-         + (channels*mode->overlap-1)*sizeof(celt_sig)    /* celt_sig in_mem[channels*mode->overlap]; */
-         + channels*COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD*sizeof(celt_sig) /* celt_sig prefilter_mem[channels*COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD]; */
-         + 3*channels*mode->nbEBands*sizeof(opus_val16);  /* opus_val16 oldBandE[channels*mode->nbEBands]; */
-                                                          /* opus_val16 oldLogE[channels*mode->nbEBands]; */
-                                                          /* opus_val16 oldLogE2[channels*mode->nbEBands]; */
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   size += channels*mode->overlap*sizeof(celt_sig);       /* celt_sig overlap_mem[channels*mode->nbEBands]; */
-   return size;
-CELTEncoder *opus_custom_encoder_create(const CELTMode *mode, int channels, int *error)
-   int ret;
-   CELTEncoder *st = (CELTEncoder *)opus_alloc(opus_custom_encoder_get_size(mode, channels));
-   /* init will handle the NULL case */
-   ret = opus_custom_encoder_init(st, mode, channels);
-   if (ret != OPUS_OK)
-   {
-      opus_custom_encoder_destroy(st);
-      st = NULL;
-   }
-   if (error)
-      *error = ret;
-   return st;
-#endif /* CUSTOM_MODES */
-int celt_encoder_init(CELTEncoder *st, opus_int32 sampling_rate, int channels)
-   int ret;
-   ret = opus_custom_encoder_init(st, opus_custom_mode_create(48000, 960, NULL), channels);
-   if (ret != OPUS_OK)
-      return ret;
-   st->upsample = resampling_factor(sampling_rate);
-   return OPUS_OK;
-OPUS_CUSTOM_NOSTATIC int opus_custom_encoder_init(CELTEncoder *st, const CELTMode *mode, int channels)
-   if (channels < 0 || channels > 2)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   if (st==NULL || mode==NULL)
-      return OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL;
-   OPUS_CLEAR((char*)st, opus_custom_encoder_get_size(mode, channels));
-   st->mode = mode;
-   st->overlap = mode->overlap;
-   st->stream_channels = st->channels = channels;
-   st->upsample = 1;
-   st->start = 0;
-   st->end = st->mode->effEBands;
-   st->signalling = 1;
-   st->constrained_vbr = 1;
-   st->clip = 1;
-   st->bitrate = OPUS_BITRATE_MAX;
-   st->vbr = 0;
-   st->force_intra  = 0;
-   st->complexity = 5;
-   st->lsb_depth=24;
-   opus_custom_encoder_ctl(st, OPUS_RESET_STATE);
-   return OPUS_OK;
-void opus_custom_encoder_destroy(CELTEncoder *st)
-   opus_free(st);
-#endif /* CUSTOM_MODES */
-static inline opus_val16 SIG2WORD16(celt_sig x)
-   x = PSHR32(x, SIG_SHIFT);
-   x = MAX32(x, -32768);
-   x = MIN32(x, 32767);
-   return EXTRACT16(x);
-   return (opus_val16)x;
-static int transient_analysis(const opus_val32 * OPUS_RESTRICT in, int len, int C,
-                              int overlap)
+   opus_val32 x0, x1, x2, x3, x4;
    int i;
-   VARDECL(opus_val16, tmp);
-   opus_val32 mem0=0,mem1=0;
-   int is_transient = 0;
-   int block;
-   int N;
-   VARDECL(opus_val16, bins);
-   ALLOC(tmp, len, opus_val16);
-   block = overlap/2;
-   N=len/block;
-   ALLOC(bins, N, opus_val16);
-   if (C==1)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-         tmp[i] = SHR32(in[i],SIG_SHIFT);
-   } else {
-      for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-         tmp[i] = SHR32(ADD32(in[i],in[i+len]), SIG_SHIFT+1);
-   }
-   /* High-pass filter: (1 - 2*z^-1 + z^-2) / (1 - z^-1 + .5*z^-2) */
-   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-   {
-      opus_val32 x,y;
-      x = tmp[i];
-      y = ADD32(mem0, x);
-      mem0 = mem1 + y - SHL32(x,1);
-      mem1 = x - SHR32(y,1);
-      mem0 = mem1 + y - 2*x;
-      mem1 = x - .5f*y;
-      tmp[i] = EXTRACT16(SHR32(y,2));
-   }
-   /* First few samples are bad because we don't propagate the memory */
-   for (i=0;i<12;i++)
-      tmp[i] = 0;
+   x4 = x[-T-2];
+   x3 = x[-T-1];
+   x2 = x[-T];
+   x1 = x[-T+1];
    for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-      int j;
-      opus_val16 max_abs=0;
-      for (j=0;j<block;j++)
-         max_abs = MAX16(max_abs, ABS16(tmp[i*block+j]));
-      bins[i] = max_abs;
+      x0=x[i-T+2];
+      y[i] = x[i]
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(g10,x2)
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(g11,ADD32(x1,x3))
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(g12,ADD32(x0,x4));
+      x4=x3;
+      x3=x2;
+      x2=x1;
+      x1=x0;
-   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-   {
-      int j;
-      int conseq=0;
-      opus_val16 t1, t2, t3;
-      t1 = MULT16_16_Q15(QCONST16(.15f, 15), bins[i]);
-      t2 = MULT16_16_Q15(QCONST16(.4f, 15), bins[i]);
-      t3 = MULT16_16_Q15(QCONST16(.15f, 15), bins[i]);
-      for (j=0;j<i;j++)
-      {
-         if (bins[j] < t1)
-            conseq++;
-         if (bins[j] < t2)
-            conseq++;
-         else
-            conseq = 0;
-      }
-      if (conseq>=3)
-         is_transient=1;
-      conseq = 0;
-      for (j=i+1;j<N;j++)
-      {
-         if (bins[j] < t3)
-            conseq++;
-         else
-            conseq = 0;
-      }
-      if (conseq>=7)
-         is_transient=1;
-   }
-#ifdef FUZZING
-   is_transient = rand()&0x1;
-   return is_transient;
-/** Apply window and compute the MDCT for all sub-frames and
-    all channels in a frame */
-static void compute_mdcts(const CELTMode *mode, int shortBlocks, celt_sig * OPUS_RESTRICT in, celt_sig * OPUS_RESTRICT out, int C, int LM)
-   if (C==1 && !shortBlocks)
-   {
-      const int overlap = OVERLAP(mode);
-      clt_mdct_forward(&mode->mdct, in, out, mode->window, overlap, mode->maxLM-LM, 1);
-   } else {
-      const int overlap = OVERLAP(mode);
-      int N = mode->shortMdctSize<<LM;
-      int B = 1;
-      int b, c;
-      if (shortBlocks)
-      {
-         N = mode->shortMdctSize;
-         B = shortBlocks;
-      }
-      c=0; do {
-         for (b=0;b<B;b++)
-         {
-            /* Interleaving the sub-frames while doing the MDCTs */
-            clt_mdct_forward(&mode->mdct, in+c*(B*N+overlap)+b*N, &out[b+c*N*B], mode->window, overlap, shortBlocks ? mode->maxLM : mode->maxLM-LM, B);
-         }
-      } while (++c<C);
-   }
-/** Compute the IMDCT and apply window for all sub-frames and
-    all channels in a frame */
-static void compute_inv_mdcts(const CELTMode *mode, int shortBlocks, celt_sig *X,
-      celt_sig * OPUS_RESTRICT out_mem[],
-      celt_sig * OPUS_RESTRICT overlap_mem[], int C, int LM)
-   int c;
-   const int N = mode->shortMdctSize<<LM;
-   const int overlap = OVERLAP(mode);
-   VARDECL(opus_val32, x);
-   ALLOC(x, N+overlap, opus_val32);
-   c=0; do {
-      int j;
-      int b;
-      int N2 = N;
-      int B = 1;
-      if (shortBlocks)
-      {
-         N2 = mode->shortMdctSize;
-         B = shortBlocks;
-      }
-      /* Prevents problems from the imdct doing the overlap-add */
-      OPUS_CLEAR(x, overlap);
-      for (b=0;b<B;b++)
-      {
-         /* IMDCT on the interleaved the sub-frames */
-         clt_mdct_backward(&mode->mdct, &X[b+c*N2*B], x+N2*b, mode->window, overlap, shortBlocks ? mode->maxLM : mode->maxLM-LM, B);
-      }
-      for (j=0;j<overlap;j++)
-         out_mem[c][j] = x[j] + overlap_mem[c][j];
-      for (;j<N;j++)
-         out_mem[c][j] = x[j];
-      for (j=0;j<overlap;j++)
-         overlap_mem[c][j] = x[N+j];
-   } while (++c<C);
-static void deemphasis(celt_sig *in[], opus_val16 *pcm, int N, int C, int downsample, const opus_val16 *coef, celt_sig *mem)
-   int c;
-   int count=0;
-   c=0; do {
-      int j;
-      celt_sig * OPUS_RESTRICT x;
-      opus_val16  * OPUS_RESTRICT y;
-      celt_sig m = mem[c];
-      x =in[c];
-      y = pcm+c;
-      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
-      {
-         celt_sig tmp = *x + m;
-         m = MULT16_32_Q15(coef[0], tmp)
-           - MULT16_32_Q15(coef[1], *x);
-         tmp = SHL32(MULT16_32_Q15(coef[3], tmp), 2);
-         x++;
-         /* Technically the store could be moved outside of the if because
-            the stores we don't want will just be overwritten */
-         if (count==0)
-            *y = SCALEOUT(SIG2WORD16(tmp));
-         if (++count==downsample)
-         {
-            y+=C;
-            count=0;
-         }
-      }
-      mem[c] = m;
-   } while (++c<C);
-static void comb_filter(opus_val32 *y, opus_val32 *x, int T0, int T1, int N,
+void comb_filter(opus_val32 *y, opus_val32 *x, int T0, int T1, int N,
       opus_val16 g0, opus_val16 g1, int tapset0, int tapset1,
       const opus_val16 *window, int overlap)
    int i;
    /* printf ("%d %d %f %f\n", T0, T1, g0, g1); */
    opus_val16 g00, g01, g02, g10, g11, g12;
+   opus_val32 x0, x1, x2, x3, x4;
    static const opus_val16 gains[3][3] = {
          {QCONST16(0.3066406250f, 15), QCONST16(0.2170410156f, 15), QCONST16(0.1296386719f, 15)},
          {QCONST16(0.4638671875f, 15), QCONST16(0.2680664062f, 15), QCONST16(0.f, 15)},
          {QCONST16(0.7998046875f, 15), QCONST16(0.1000976562f, 15), QCONST16(0.f, 15)}};
+   if (g0==0 && g1==0)
+   {
+      /* OPT: Happens to work without the OPUS_MOVE(), but only because the current encoder already copies x to y */
+      if (x!=y)
+         OPUS_MOVE(y, x, N);
+      return;
+   }
    g00 = MULT16_16_Q15(g0, gains[tapset0][0]);
    g01 = MULT16_16_Q15(g0, gains[tapset0][1]);
    g02 = MULT16_16_Q15(g0, gains[tapset0][2]);
    g10 = MULT16_16_Q15(g1, gains[tapset1][0]);
    g11 = MULT16_16_Q15(g1, gains[tapset1][1]);
    g12 = MULT16_16_Q15(g1, gains[tapset1][2]);
+   x1 = x[-T1+1];
+   x2 = x[-T1  ];
+   x3 = x[-T1-1];
+   x4 = x[-T1-2];
    for (i=0;i<overlap;i++)
       opus_val16 f;
+      x0=x[i-T1+2];
       f = MULT16_16_Q15(window[i],window[i]);
       y[i] = x[i]
                + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15((Q15ONE-f),g00),x[i-T0])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15((Q15ONE-f),g01),x[i-T0-1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15((Q15ONE-f),g01),x[i-T0+1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15((Q15ONE-f),g02),x[i-T0-2])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15((Q15ONE-f),g02),x[i-T0+2])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g10),x[i-T1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g11),x[i-T1-1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g11),x[i-T1+1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g12),x[i-T1-2])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g12),x[i-T1+2]);
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15((Q15ONE-f),g01),ADD32(x[i-T0+1],x[i-T0-1]))
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15((Q15ONE-f),g02),ADD32(x[i-T0+2],x[i-T0-2]))
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g10),x2)
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g11),ADD32(x1,x3))
+               + MULT16_32_Q15(MULT16_16_Q15(f,g12),ADD32(x0,x4));
+      x4=x3;
+      x3=x2;
+      x2=x1;
+      x1=x0;
-   for (i=overlap;i<N;i++)
-      y[i] = x[i]
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(g10,x[i-T1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(g11,x[i-T1-1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(g11,x[i-T1+1])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(g12,x[i-T1-2])
-               + MULT16_32_Q15(g12,x[i-T1+2]);
+   if (g1==0)
+   {
+      /* OPT: Happens to work without the OPUS_MOVE(), but only because the current encoder already copies x to y */
+      if (x!=y)
+         OPUS_MOVE(y+overlap, x+overlap, N-overlap);
+      return;
+   }
+   /* Compute the part with the constant filter. */
+   comb_filter_const(y+i, x+i, T1, N-i, g10, g11, g12);
-static const signed char tf_select_table[4][8] = {
+const signed char tf_select_table[4][8] = {
       {0, -1, 0, -1,    0,-1, 0,-1},
       {0, -1, 0, -2,    1, 0, 1,-1},
       {0, -2, 0, -3,    2, 0, 1,-1},
       {0, -2, 0, -3,    3, 0, 1,-1},
-static opus_val32 l1_metric(const celt_norm *tmp, int N, int LM, int width)
-   int i, j;
-   static const opus_val16 sqrtM_1[4] = {Q15ONE, QCONST16(.70710678f,15), QCONST16(0.5f,15), QCONST16(0.35355339f,15)};
-   opus_val32 L1;
-   opus_val16 bias;
-   L1=0;
-   for (i=0;i<1<<LM;i++)
-   {
-      opus_val32 L2 = 0;
-      for (j=0;j<N>>LM;j++)
-         L2 = MAC16_16(L2, tmp[(j<<LM)+i], tmp[(j<<LM)+i]);
-      L1 += celt_sqrt(L2);
-   }
-   L1 = MULT16_32_Q15(sqrtM_1[LM], L1);
-   if (width==1)
-      bias = QCONST16(.12f,15)*LM;
-   else if (width==2)
-      bias = QCONST16(.05f,15)*LM;
-   else
-      bias = QCONST16(.02f,15)*LM;
-   L1 = MAC16_32_Q15(L1, bias, L1);
-   return L1;
-static int tf_analysis(const CELTMode *m, int len, int C, int isTransient,
-      int *tf_res, int nbCompressedBytes, celt_norm *X, int N0, int LM,
-      int start, int *tf_sum)
-   int i;
-   VARDECL(int, metric);
-   int cost0;
-   int cost1;
-   VARDECL(int, path0);
-   VARDECL(int, path1);
-   VARDECL(celt_norm, tmp);
-   int lambda;
-   int tf_select=0;
-   if (nbCompressedBytes<15*C || start!=0)
-   {
-      *tf_sum = 0;
-      for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-         tf_res[i] = isTransient;
-      return 0;
-   }
-   if (nbCompressedBytes<40)
-      lambda = 12;
-   else if (nbCompressedBytes<60)
-      lambda = 6;
-   else if (nbCompressedBytes<100)
-      lambda = 4;
-   else
-      lambda = 3;
-   ALLOC(metric, len, int);
-   ALLOC(tmp, (m->eBands[len]-m->eBands[len-1])<<LM, celt_norm);
-   ALLOC(path0, len, int);
-   ALLOC(path1, len, int);
-   *tf_sum = 0;
-   for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-   {
-      int j, k, N;
-      opus_val32 L1, best_L1;
-      int best_level=0;
-      N = (m->eBands[i+1]-m->eBands[i])<<LM;
-      for (j=0;j<N;j++)
-         tmp[j] = X[j+(m->eBands[i]<<LM)];
-      /* Just add the right channel if we're in stereo */
-      if (C==2)
-         for (j=0;j<N;j++)
-            tmp[j] = ADD16(SHR16(tmp[j], 1),SHR16(X[N0+j+(m->eBands[i]<<LM)], 1));
-      L1 = l1_metric(tmp, N, isTransient ? LM : 0, N>>LM);
-      best_L1 = L1;
-      /*printf ("%f ", L1);*/
-      for (k=0;k<LM;k++)
-      {
-         int B;
-         if (isTransient)
-            B = (LM-k-1);
-         else
-            B = k+1;
-         if (isTransient)
-            haar1(tmp, N>>(LM-k), 1<<(LM-k));
-         else
-            haar1(tmp, N>>k, 1<<k);
-         L1 = l1_metric(tmp, N, B, N>>LM);
-         if (L1 < best_L1)
-         {
-            best_L1 = L1;
-            best_level = k+1;
-         }
-      }
-      /*printf ("%d ", isTransient ? LM-best_level : best_level);*/
-      if (isTransient)
-         metric[i] = best_level;
-      else
-         metric[i] = -best_level;
-      *tf_sum += metric[i];
-   }
-   /*printf("\n");*/
-   /* NOTE: Future optimized implementations could detect extreme transients and set
-      tf_select = 1 but so far we have not found a reliable way of making this useful */
-   tf_select = 0;
-   cost0 = 0;
-   cost1 = isTransient ? 0 : lambda;
-   /* Viterbi forward pass */
-   for (i=1;i<len;i++)
-   {
-      int curr0, curr1;
-      int from0, from1;
-      from0 = cost0;
-      from1 = cost1 + lambda;
-      if (from0 < from1)
-      {
-         curr0 = from0;
-         path0[i]= 0;
-      } else {
-         curr0 = from1;
-         path0[i]= 1;
-      }
-      from0 = cost0 + lambda;
-      from1 = cost1;
-      if (from0 < from1)
-      {
-         curr1 = from0;
-         path1[i]= 0;
-      } else {
-         curr1 = from1;
-         path1[i]= 1;
-      }
-      cost0 = curr0 + abs(metric[i]-tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+2*tf_select+0]);
-      cost1 = curr1 + abs(metric[i]-tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+2*tf_select+1]);
-   }
-   tf_res[len-1] = cost0 < cost1 ? 0 : 1;
-   /* Viterbi backward pass to check the decisions */
-   for (i=len-2;i>=0;i--)
-   {
-      if (tf_res[i+1] == 1)
-         tf_res[i] = path1[i+1];
-      else
-         tf_res[i] = path0[i+1];
-   }
-#ifdef FUZZING
-   tf_select = rand()&0x1;
-   tf_res[0] = rand()&0x1;
-   for (i=1;i<len;i++)
-      tf_res[i] = tf_res[i-1] ^ ((rand()&0xF) == 0);
-   return tf_select;
-static void tf_encode(int start, int end, int isTransient, int *tf_res, int LM, int tf_select, ec_enc *enc)
-   int curr, i;
-   int tf_select_rsv;
-   int tf_changed;
-   int logp;
-   opus_uint32 budget;
-   opus_uint32 tell;
-   budget = enc->storage*8;
-   tell = ec_tell(enc);
-   logp = isTransient ? 2 : 4;
-   /* Reserve space to code the tf_select decision. */
-   tf_select_rsv = LM>0 && tell+logp+1 <= budget;
-   budget -= tf_select_rsv;
-   curr = tf_changed = 0;
-   for (i=start;i<end;i++)
-   {
-      if (tell+logp<=budget)
-      {
-         ec_enc_bit_logp(enc, tf_res[i] ^ curr, logp);
-         tell = ec_tell(enc);
-         curr = tf_res[i];
-         tf_changed |= curr;
-      }
-      else
-         tf_res[i] = curr;
-      logp = isTransient ? 4 : 5;
-   }
-   /* Only code tf_select if it would actually make a difference. */
-   if (tf_select_rsv &&
-         tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+0+tf_changed]!=
-         tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+2+tf_changed])
-      ec_enc_bit_logp(enc, tf_select, 1);
-   else
-      tf_select = 0;
-   for (i=start;i<end;i++)
-      tf_res[i] = tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+2*tf_select+tf_res[i]];
-   /*printf("%d %d ", isTransient, tf_select); for(i=0;i<end;i++)printf("%d ", tf_res[i]);printf("\n");*/
-static void tf_decode(int start, int end, int isTransient, int *tf_res, int LM, ec_dec *dec)
-   int i, curr, tf_select;
-   int tf_select_rsv;
-   int tf_changed;
-   int logp;
-   opus_uint32 budget;
-   opus_uint32 tell;
-   budget = dec->storage*8;
-   tell = ec_tell(dec);
-   logp = isTransient ? 2 : 4;
-   tf_select_rsv = LM>0 && tell+logp+1<=budget;
-   budget -= tf_select_rsv;
-   tf_changed = curr = 0;
-   for (i=start;i<end;i++)
-   {
-      if (tell+logp<=budget)
-      {
-         curr ^= ec_dec_bit_logp(dec, logp);
-         tell = ec_tell(dec);
-         tf_changed |= curr;
-      }
-      tf_res[i] = curr;
-      logp = isTransient ? 4 : 5;
-   }
-   tf_select = 0;
-   if (tf_select_rsv &&
-     tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+0+tf_changed] !=
-     tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+2+tf_changed])
-   {
-      tf_select = ec_dec_bit_logp(dec, 1);
-   }
-   for (i=start;i<end;i++)
-   {
-      tf_res[i] = tf_select_table[LM][4*isTransient+2*tf_select+tf_res[i]];
-   }
-static void init_caps(const CELTMode *m,int *cap,int LM,int C)
+void init_caps(const CELTMode *m,int *cap,int LM,int C)
    int i;
    for (i=0;i<m->nbEBands;i++)
@@ -797,2089 +190,6 @@
-static int alloc_trim_analysis(const CELTMode *m, const celt_norm *X,
-      const opus_val16 *bandLogE, int end, int LM, int C, int N0)
-   int i;
-   opus_val32 diff=0;
-   int c;
-   int trim_index = 5;
-   if (C==2)
-   {
-      opus_val16 sum = 0; /* Q10 */
-      /* Compute inter-channel correlation for low frequencies */
-      for (i=0;i<8;i++)
-      {
-         int j;
-         opus_val32 partial = 0;
-         for (j=m->eBands[i]<<LM;j<m->eBands[i+1]<<LM;j++)
-            partial = MAC16_16(partial, X[j], X[N0+j]);
-         sum = ADD16(sum, EXTRACT16(SHR32(partial, 18)));
-      }
-      sum = MULT16_16_Q15(QCONST16(1.f/8, 15), sum);
-      /*printf ("%f\n", sum);*/
-      if (sum > QCONST16(.995f,10))
-         trim_index-=4;
-      else if (sum > QCONST16(.92f,10))
-         trim_index-=3;
-      else if (sum > QCONST16(.85f,10))
-         trim_index-=2;
-      else if (sum > QCONST16(.8f,10))
-         trim_index-=1;
-   }
-   /* Estimate spectral tilt */
-   c=0; do {
-      for (i=0;i<end-1;i++)
-      {
-         diff += bandLogE[i+c*m->nbEBands]*(opus_int32)(2+2*i-m->nbEBands);
-      }
-   } while (++c<C);
-   /* We divide by two here to avoid making the tilt larger for stereo as a
-      result of a bug in the loop above */
-   diff /= 2*C*(end-1);
-   /*printf("%f\n", diff);*/
-   if (diff > QCONST16(2.f, DB_SHIFT))
-      trim_index--;
-   if (diff > QCONST16(8.f, DB_SHIFT))
-      trim_index--;
-   if (diff < -QCONST16(4.f, DB_SHIFT))
-      trim_index++;
-   if (diff < -QCONST16(10.f, DB_SHIFT))
-      trim_index++;
-   if (trim_index<0)
-      trim_index = 0;
-   if (trim_index>10)
-      trim_index = 10;
-#ifdef FUZZING
-   trim_index = rand()%11;
-   return trim_index;
-static int stereo_analysis(const CELTMode *m, const celt_norm *X,
-      int LM, int N0)
-   int i;
-   int thetas;
-   opus_val32 sumLR = EPSILON, sumMS = EPSILON;
-   /* Use the L1 norm to model the entropy of the L/R signal vs the M/S signal */
-   for (i=0;i<13;i++)
-   {
-      int j;
-      for (j=m->eBands[i]<<LM;j<m->eBands[i+1]<<LM;j++)
-      {
-         opus_val32 L, R, M, S;
-         /* We cast to 32-bit first because of the -32768 case */
-         L = EXTEND32(X[j]);
-         R = EXTEND32(X[N0+j]);
-         M = ADD32(L, R);
-         S = SUB32(L, R);
-         sumLR = ADD32(sumLR, ADD32(ABS32(L), ABS32(R)));
-         sumMS = ADD32(sumMS, ADD32(ABS32(M), ABS32(S)));
-      }
-   }
-   sumMS = MULT16_32_Q15(QCONST16(0.707107f, 15), sumMS);
-   thetas = 13;
-   /* We don't need thetas for lower bands with LM<=1 */
-   if (LM<=1)
-      thetas -= 8;
-   return MULT16_32_Q15((m->eBands[13]<<(LM+1))+thetas, sumMS)
-         > MULT16_32_Q15(m->eBands[13]<<(LM+1), sumLR);
-int celt_encode_with_ec(CELTEncoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const opus_val16 * pcm, int frame_size, unsigned char *compressed, int nbCompressedBytes, ec_enc *enc)
-   int i, c, N;
-   opus_int32 bits;
-   ec_enc _enc;
-   VARDECL(celt_sig, in);
-   VARDECL(celt_sig, freq);
-   VARDECL(celt_norm, X);
-   VARDECL(celt_ener, bandE);
-   VARDECL(opus_val16, bandLogE);
-   VARDECL(int, fine_quant);
-   VARDECL(opus_val16, error);
-   VARDECL(int, pulses);
-   VARDECL(int, cap);
-   VARDECL(int, offsets);
-   VARDECL(int, fine_priority);
-   VARDECL(int, tf_res);
-   VARDECL(unsigned char, collapse_masks);
-   celt_sig *prefilter_mem;
-   opus_val16 *oldBandE, *oldLogE, *oldLogE2;
-   int shortBlocks=0;
-   int isTransient=0;
-   const int CC = st->channels;
-   const int C = st->stream_channels;
-   int LM, M;
-   int tf_select;
-   int nbFilledBytes, nbAvailableBytes;
-   int effEnd;
-   int codedBands;
-   int tf_sum;
-   int alloc_trim;
-   int pitch_index=COMBFILTER_MINPERIOD;
-   opus_val16 gain1 = 0;
-   int intensity=0;
-   int dual_stereo=0;
-   int effectiveBytes;
-   opus_val16 pf_threshold;
-   int dynalloc_logp;
-   opus_int32 vbr_rate;
-   opus_int32 total_bits;
-   opus_int32 total_boost;
-   opus_int32 balance;
-   opus_int32 tell;
-   int prefilter_tapset=0;
-   int pf_on;
-   int anti_collapse_rsv;
-   int anti_collapse_on=0;
-   int silence=0;
-   if (nbCompressedBytes<2 || pcm==NULL)
-     return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   frame_size *= st->upsample;
-   for (LM=0;LM<=st->mode->maxLM;LM++)
-      if (st->mode->shortMdctSize<<LM==frame_size)
-         break;
-   if (LM>st->mode->maxLM)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   M=1<<LM;
-   N = M*st->mode->shortMdctSize;
-   prefilter_mem = st->in_mem+CC*(st->overlap);
-   oldBandE = (opus_val16*)(st->in_mem+CC*(st->overlap+COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD));
-   oldLogE = oldBandE + CC*st->mode->nbEBands;
-   oldLogE2 = oldLogE + CC*st->mode->nbEBands;
-   if (enc==NULL)
-   {
-      tell=1;
-      nbFilledBytes=0;
-   } else {
-      tell=ec_tell(enc);
-      nbFilledBytes=(tell+4)>>3;
-   }
-   if (st->signalling && enc==NULL)
-   {
-      int tmp = (st->mode->effEBands-st->end)>>1;
-      st->end = IMAX(1, st->mode->effEBands-tmp);
-      compressed[0] = tmp<<5;
-      compressed[0] |= LM<<3;
-      compressed[0] |= (C==2)<<2;
-      /* Convert "standard mode" to Opus header */
-      if (st->mode->Fs==48000 && st->mode->shortMdctSize==120)
-      {
-         int c0 = toOpus(compressed[0]);
-         if (c0<0)
-            return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-         compressed[0] = c0;
-      }
-      compressed++;
-      nbCompressedBytes--;
-   }
-   celt_assert(st->signalling==0);
-   /* Can't produce more than 1275 output bytes */
-   nbCompressedBytes = IMIN(nbCompressedBytes,1275);
-   nbAvailableBytes = nbCompressedBytes - nbFilledBytes;
-   if (st->vbr && st->bitrate!=OPUS_BITRATE_MAX)
-   {
-      opus_int32 den=st->mode->Fs>>BITRES;
-      vbr_rate=(st->bitrate*frame_size+(den>>1))/den;
-      if (st->signalling)
-         vbr_rate -= 8<<BITRES;
-      effectiveBytes = vbr_rate>>(3+BITRES);
-   } else {
-      opus_int32 tmp;
-      vbr_rate = 0;
-      tmp = st->bitrate*frame_size;
-      if (tell>1)
-         tmp += tell;
-      if (st->bitrate!=OPUS_BITRATE_MAX)
-         nbCompressedBytes = IMAX(2, IMIN(nbCompressedBytes,
-               (tmp+4*st->mode->Fs)/(8*st->mode->Fs)-!!st->signalling));
-      effectiveBytes = nbCompressedBytes;
-   }
-   if (enc==NULL)
-   {
-      ec_enc_init(&_enc, compressed, nbCompressedBytes);
-      enc = &_enc;
-   }
-   if (vbr_rate>0)
-   {
-      /* Computes the max bit-rate allowed in VBR mode to avoid violating the
-          target rate and buffering.
-         We must do this up front so that bust-prevention logic triggers
-          correctly if we don't have enough bits. */
-      if (st->constrained_vbr)
-      {
-         opus_int32 vbr_bound;
-         opus_int32 max_allowed;
-         /* We could use any multiple of vbr_rate as bound (depending on the
-             delay).
-            This is clamped to ensure we use at least two bytes if the encoder
-             was entirely empty, but to allow 0 in hybrid mode. */
-         vbr_bound = vbr_rate;
-         max_allowed = IMIN(IMAX(tell==1?2:0,
-               (vbr_rate+vbr_bound-st->vbr_reservoir)>>(BITRES+3)),
-               nbAvailableBytes);
-         if(max_allowed < nbAvailableBytes)
-         {
-            nbCompressedBytes = nbFilledBytes+max_allowed;
-            nbAvailableBytes = max_allowed;
-            ec_enc_shrink(enc, nbCompressedBytes);
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   total_bits = nbCompressedBytes*8;
-   effEnd = st->end;
-   if (effEnd > st->mode->effEBands)
-      effEnd = st->mode->effEBands;
-   ALLOC(in, CC*(N+st->overlap), celt_sig);
-   /* Find pitch period and gain */
-   {
-      VARDECL(celt_sig, _pre);
-      celt_sig *pre[2];
-      SAVE_STACK;
-      ALLOC(_pre, CC*(N+COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD), celt_sig);
-      pre[0] = _pre;
-      pre[1] = _pre + (N+COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD);
-      silence = 1;
-      c=0; do {
-         int count = 0;
-         const opus_val16 * OPUS_RESTRICT pcmp = pcm+c;
-         celt_sig * OPUS_RESTRICT inp = in+c*(N+st->overlap)+st->overlap;
-         for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-         {
-            celt_sig x, tmp;
-            x = SCALEIN(*pcmp);
-#ifndef FIXED_POINT
-            if (!(x==x))
-               x = 0;
-            if (st->clip)
-               x = MAX32(-65536.f, MIN32(65536.f,x));
-            if (++count==st->upsample)
-            {
-               count=0;
-               pcmp+=CC;
-            } else {
-               x = 0;
-            }
-            /* Apply pre-emphasis */
-            tmp = MULT16_16(st->mode->preemph[2], x);
-            *inp = tmp + st->preemph_memE[c];
-            st->preemph_memE[c] = MULT16_32_Q15(st->mode->preemph[1], *inp)
-                                   - MULT16_32_Q15(st->mode->preemph[0], tmp);
-            silence = silence && *inp == 0;
-            inp++;
-         }
-         OPUS_COPY(pre[c]+COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD, in+c*(N+st->overlap)+st->overlap, N);
-      } while (++c<CC);
-#ifdef FUZZING
-      if ((rand()&0x3F)==0)
-         silence = 1;
-      if (tell==1)
-         ec_enc_bit_logp(enc, silence, 15);
-      else
-         silence=0;
-      if (silence)
-      {
-         /*In VBR mode there is no need to send more than the minimum. */
-         if (vbr_rate>0)
-         {
-            effectiveBytes=nbCompressedBytes=IMIN(nbCompressedBytes, nbFilledBytes+2);
-            total_bits=nbCompressedBytes*8;
-            nbAvailableBytes=2;
-            ec_enc_shrink(enc, nbCompressedBytes);
-         }
-         /* Pretend we've filled all the remaining bits with zeros
-            (that's what the initialiser did anyway) */
-         tell = nbCompressedBytes*8;
-         enc->nbits_total+=tell-ec_tell(enc);
-      }
-      if (nbAvailableBytes>12*C && st->start==0 && !silence && !st->disable_pf && st->complexity >= 5)
-      {
-         VARDECL(opus_val16, pitch_buf);
-         ALLOC(pitch_buf, (COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD+N)>>1, opus_val16);
-         pitch_downsample(pre, pitch_buf, COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD+N, CC);
-         pitch_search(pitch_buf+(COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD>>1), pitch_buf, N,
-         pitch_index = COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD-pitch_index;
-         gain1 = remove_doubling(pitch_buf, COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD, COMBFILTER_MINPERIOD,
-               N, &pitch_index, st->prefilter_period, st->prefilter_gain);
-         if (pitch_index > COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD-2)
-            pitch_index = COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD-2;
-         gain1 = MULT16_16_Q15(QCONST16(.7f,15),gain1);
-         if (st->loss_rate>2)
-            gain1 = HALF32(gain1);
-         if (st->loss_rate>4)
-            gain1 = HALF32(gain1);
-         if (st->loss_rate>8)
-            gain1 = 0;
-         prefilter_tapset = st->tapset_decision;
-      } else {
-         gain1 = 0;
-      }
-      /* Gain threshold for enabling the prefilter/postfilter */
-      pf_threshold = QCONST16(.2f,15);
-      /* Adjusting the threshold based on rate and continuity */
-      if (abs(pitch_index-st->prefilter_period)*10>pitch_index)
-         pf_threshold += QCONST16(.2f,15);
-      if (nbAvailableBytes<25)
-         pf_threshold += QCONST16(.1f,15);
-      if (nbAvailableBytes<35)
-         pf_threshold += QCONST16(.1f,15);
-      if (st->prefilter_gain > QCONST16(.4f,15))
-         pf_threshold -= QCONST16(.1f,15);
-      if (st->prefilter_gain > QCONST16(.55f,15))
-         pf_threshold -= QCONST16(.1f,15);
-      /* Hard threshold at 0.2 */
-      pf_threshold = MAX16(pf_threshold, QCONST16(.2f,15));
-      if (gain1<pf_threshold)
-      {
-         if(st->start==0 && tell+16<=total_bits)
-            ec_enc_bit_logp(enc, 0, 1);
-         gain1 = 0;
-         pf_on = 0;
-      } else {
-         /*This block is not gated by a total bits check only because
-           of the nbAvailableBytes check above.*/
-         int qg;
-         int octave;
-         if (ABS16(gain1-st->prefilter_gain)<QCONST16(.1f,15))
-            gain1=st->prefilter_gain;
-         qg = ((gain1+1536)>>10)/3-1;
-         qg = (int)floor(.5f+gain1*32/3)-1;
-         qg = IMAX(0, IMIN(7, qg));
-         ec_enc_bit_logp(enc, 1, 1);
-         pitch_index += 1;
-         octave = EC_ILOG(pitch_index)-5;
-         ec_enc_uint(enc, octave, 6);
-         ec_enc_bits(enc, pitch_index-(16<<octave), 4+octave);
-         pitch_index -= 1;
-         ec_enc_bits(enc, qg, 3);
-         if (ec_tell(enc)+2<=total_bits)
-            ec_enc_icdf(enc, prefilter_tapset, tapset_icdf, 2);
-         else
-           prefilter_tapset = 0;
-         gain1 = QCONST16(0.09375f,15)*(qg+1);
-         pf_on = 1;
-      }
-      /*printf("%d %f\n", pitch_index, gain1);*/
-      c=0; do {
-         int offset = st->mode->shortMdctSize-st->mode->overlap;
-         st->prefilter_period=IMAX(st->prefilter_period, COMBFILTER_MINPERIOD);
-         OPUS_COPY(in+c*(N+st->overlap), st->in_mem+c*(st->overlap), st->overlap);
-         if (offset)
-            comb_filter(in+c*(N+st->overlap)+st->overlap, pre[c]+COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD,
-                  st->prefilter_period, st->prefilter_period, offset, -st->prefilter_gain, -st->prefilter_gain,
-                  st->prefilter_tapset, st->prefilter_tapset, NULL, 0);
-         comb_filter(in+c*(N+st->overlap)+st->overlap+offset, pre[c]+COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD+offset,
-               st->prefilter_period, pitch_index, N-offset, -st->prefilter_gain, -gain1,
-               st->prefilter_tapset, prefilter_tapset, st->mode->window, st->mode->overlap);
-         OPUS_COPY(st->in_mem+c*(st->overlap), in+c*(N+st->overlap)+N, st->overlap);
-         {
-         } else {
-         }
-      } while (++c<CC);
-   }
-   isTransient = 0;
-   shortBlocks = 0;
-   if (LM>0 && ec_tell(enc)+3<=total_bits)
-   {
-      if (st->complexity > 1)
-      {
-         isTransient = transient_analysis(in, N+st->overlap, CC,
-                  st->overlap);
-         if (isTransient)
-            shortBlocks = M;
-      }
-      ec_enc_bit_logp(enc, isTransient, 3);
-   }
-   ALLOC(freq, CC*N, celt_sig); /**< Interleaved signal MDCTs */
-   ALLOC(bandE,st->mode->nbEBands*CC, celt_ener);
-   ALLOC(bandLogE,st->mode->nbEBands*CC, opus_val16);
-   /* Compute MDCTs */
-   compute_mdcts(st->mode, shortBlocks, in, freq, CC, LM);
-   if (CC==2&&C==1)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-         freq[i] = ADD32(HALF32(freq[i]), HALF32(freq[N+i]));
-   }
-   if (st->upsample != 1)
-   {
-      c=0; do
-      {
-         int bound = N/st->upsample;
-         for (i=0;i<bound;i++)
-            freq[c*N+i] *= st->upsample;
-         for (;i<N;i++)
-            freq[c*N+i] = 0;
-      } while (++c<C);
-   }
-   ALLOC(X, C*N, celt_norm);         /**< Interleaved normalised MDCTs */
-   compute_band_energies(st->mode, freq, bandE, effEnd, C, M);
-   amp2Log2(st->mode, effEnd, st->end, bandE, bandLogE, C);
-   /* Band normalisation */
-   normalise_bands(st->mode, freq, X, bandE, effEnd, C, M);
-   ALLOC(tf_res, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   tf_select = tf_analysis(st->mode, effEnd, C, isTransient, tf_res, effectiveBytes, X, N, LM, st->start, &tf_sum);
-   for (i=effEnd;i<st->end;i++)
-      tf_res[i] = tf_res[effEnd-1];
-   ALLOC(error, C*st->mode->nbEBands, opus_val16);
-   quant_coarse_energy(st->mode, st->start, st->end, effEnd, bandLogE,
-         oldBandE, total_bits, error, enc,
-         C, LM, nbAvailableBytes, st->force_intra,
-         &st->delayedIntra, st->complexity >= 4, st->loss_rate);
-   tf_encode(st->start, st->end, isTransient, tf_res, LM, tf_select, enc);
-   if (ec_tell(enc)+4<=total_bits)
-   {
-      if (shortBlocks || st->complexity < 3 
-          || nbAvailableBytes < 10*C || st->start!=0)
-      {
-         if (st->complexity == 0)
-            st->spread_decision = SPREAD_NONE;
-         else
-            st->spread_decision = SPREAD_NORMAL;
-      } else {
-         st->spread_decision = spreading_decision(st->mode, X,
-               &st->tonal_average, st->spread_decision, &st->hf_average,
-               &st->tapset_decision, pf_on&&!shortBlocks, effEnd, C, M);
-      }
-      ec_enc_icdf(enc, st->spread_decision, spread_icdf, 5);
-   }
-   ALLOC(cap, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   ALLOC(offsets, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   init_caps(st->mode,cap,LM,C);
-   for (i=0;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-      offsets[i] = 0;
-   /* Dynamic allocation code */
-   /* Make sure that dynamic allocation can't make us bust the budget */
-   if (effectiveBytes > 50 && LM>=1)
-   {
-      int t1, t2;
-      if (LM <= 1)
-      {
-         t1 = 3;
-         t2 = 5;
-      } else {
-         t1 = 2;
-         t2 = 4;
-      }
-      for (i=st->start+1;i<st->end-1;i++)
-      {
-         opus_val32 d2;
-         d2 = 2*bandLogE[i]-bandLogE[i-1]-bandLogE[i+1];
-         if (C==2)
-            d2 = HALF32(d2 + 2*bandLogE[i+st->mode->nbEBands]-
-                  bandLogE[i-1+st->mode->nbEBands]-bandLogE[i+1+st->mode->nbEBands]);
-#ifdef FUZZING
-         if((rand()&0xF)==0)
-         {
-            offsets[i] += 1;
-            if((rand()&0x3)==0)
-               offsets[i] += 1+(rand()&0x3);
-         }
-         if (d2 > SHL16(t1,DB_SHIFT))
-            offsets[i] += 1;
-         if (d2 > SHL16(t2,DB_SHIFT))
-            offsets[i] += 1;
-      }
-   }
-   dynalloc_logp = 6;
-   total_bits<<=BITRES;
-   total_boost = 0;
-   tell = ec_tell_frac(enc);
-   for (i=st->start;i<st->end;i++)
-   {
-      int width, quanta;
-      int dynalloc_loop_logp;
-      int boost;
-      int j;
-      width = C*(st->mode->eBands[i+1]-st->mode->eBands[i])<<LM;
-      /* quanta is 6 bits, but no more than 1 bit/sample
-         and no less than 1/8 bit/sample */
-      quanta = IMIN(width<<BITRES, IMAX(6<<BITRES, width));
-      dynalloc_loop_logp = dynalloc_logp;
-      boost = 0;
-      for (j = 0; tell+(dynalloc_loop_logp<<BITRES) < total_bits-total_boost
-            && boost < cap[i]; j++)
-      {
-         int flag;
-         flag = j<offsets[i];
-         ec_enc_bit_logp(enc, flag, dynalloc_loop_logp);
-         tell = ec_tell_frac(enc);
-         if (!flag)
-            break;
-         boost += quanta;
-         total_boost += quanta;
-         dynalloc_loop_logp = 1;
-      }
-      /* Making dynalloc more likely */
-      if (j)
-         dynalloc_logp = IMAX(2, dynalloc_logp-1);
-      offsets[i] = boost;
-   }
-   alloc_trim = 5;
-   if (tell+(6<<BITRES) <= total_bits - total_boost)
-   {
-      alloc_trim = alloc_trim_analysis(st->mode, X, bandLogE,
-            st->end, LM, C, N);
-      ec_enc_icdf(enc, alloc_trim, trim_icdf, 7);
-      tell = ec_tell_frac(enc);
-   }
-   /* Variable bitrate */
-   if (vbr_rate>0)
-   {
-     opus_val16 alpha;
-     opus_int32 delta;
-     /* The target rate in 8th bits per frame */
-     opus_int32 target;
-     opus_int32 min_allowed;
-     int lm_diff = st->mode->maxLM - LM;
-     /* Don't attempt to use more than 510 kb/s, even for frames smaller than 20 ms.
-        The CELT allocator will just not be able to use more than that anyway. */
-     nbCompressedBytes = IMIN(nbCompressedBytes,1275>>(3-LM));
-     target = vbr_rate + (st->vbr_offset>>lm_diff) - ((40*C+20)<<BITRES);
-     /* Shortblocks get a large boost in bitrate, but since they
-        are uncommon long blocks are not greatly affected */
-     if (shortBlocks || tf_sum < -2*(st->end-st->start))
-        target = 7*target/4;
-     else if (tf_sum < -(st->end-st->start))
-        target = 3*target/2;
-     else if (M > 1)
-        target-=(target+14)/28;
-     /* The current offset is removed from the target and the space used
-        so far is added*/
-     target=target+tell;
-     /* In VBR mode the frame size must not be reduced so much that it would
-         result in the encoder running out of bits.
-        The margin of 2 bytes ensures that none of the bust-prevention logic
-         in the decoder will have triggered so far. */
-     min_allowed = ((tell+total_boost+(1<<(BITRES+3))-1)>>(BITRES+3)) + 2 - nbFilledBytes;
-     nbAvailableBytes = (target+(1<<(BITRES+2)))>>(BITRES+3);
-     nbAvailableBytes = IMAX(min_allowed,nbAvailableBytes);
-     nbAvailableBytes = IMIN(nbCompressedBytes,nbAvailableBytes+nbFilledBytes) - nbFilledBytes;
-     /* By how much did we "miss" the target on that frame */
-     delta = target - vbr_rate;
-     target=nbAvailableBytes<<(BITRES+3);
-     /*If the frame is silent we don't adjust our drift, otherwise
-       the encoder will shoot to very high rates after hitting a
-       span of silence, but we do allow the bitres to refill.
-       This means that we'll undershoot our target in CVBR/VBR modes
-       on files with lots of silence. */
-     if(silence)
-     {
-       nbAvailableBytes = 2;
-       target = 2*8<<BITRES;
-       delta = 0;
-     }
-     if (st->vbr_count < 970)
-     {
-        st->vbr_count++;
-        alpha = celt_rcp(SHL32(EXTEND32(st->vbr_count+20),16));
-     } else
-        alpha = QCONST16(.001f,15);
-     /* How many bits have we used in excess of what we're allowed */
-     if (st->constrained_vbr)
-        st->vbr_reservoir += target - vbr_rate;
-     /*printf ("%d\n", st->vbr_reservoir);*/
-     /* Compute the offset we need to apply in order to reach the target */
-     st->vbr_drift += (opus_int32)MULT16_32_Q15(alpha,(delta*(1<<lm_diff))-st->vbr_offset-st->vbr_drift);
-     st->vbr_offset = -st->vbr_drift;
-     /*printf ("%d\n", st->vbr_drift);*/
-     if (st->constrained_vbr && st->vbr_reservoir < 0)
-     {
-        /* We're under the min value -- increase rate */
-        int adjust = (-st->vbr_reservoir)/(8<<BITRES);
-        /* Unless we're just coding silence */
-        nbAvailableBytes += silence?0:adjust;
-        st->vbr_reservoir = 0;
-        /*printf ("+%d\n", adjust);*/
-     }
-     nbCompressedBytes = IMIN(nbCompressedBytes,nbAvailableBytes+nbFilledBytes);
-     /* This moves the raw bits to take into account the new compressed size */
-     ec_enc_shrink(enc, nbCompressedBytes);
-   }
-   if (C==2)
-   {
-      int effectiveRate;
-      /* Always use MS for 2.5 ms frames until we can do a better analysis */
-      if (LM!=0)
-         dual_stereo = stereo_analysis(st->mode, X, LM, N);
-      /* Account for coarse energy */
-      effectiveRate = (8*effectiveBytes - 80)>>LM;
-      /* effectiveRate in kb/s */
-      effectiveRate = 2*effectiveRate/5;
-      if (effectiveRate<35)
-         intensity = 8;
-      else if (effectiveRate<50)
-         intensity = 12;
-      else if (effectiveRate<68)
-         intensity = 16;
-      else if (effectiveRate<84)
-         intensity = 18;
-      else if (effectiveRate<102)
-         intensity = 19;
-      else if (effectiveRate<130)
-         intensity = 20;
-      else
-         intensity = 100;
-      intensity = IMIN(st->end,IMAX(st->start, intensity));
-   }
-   /* Bit allocation */
-   ALLOC(fine_quant, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   ALLOC(pulses, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   ALLOC(fine_priority, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   /* bits =           packet size                    - where we are - safety*/
-   bits = (((opus_int32)nbCompressedBytes*8)<<BITRES) - ec_tell_frac(enc) - 1;
-   anti_collapse_rsv = isTransient&&LM>=2&&bits>=((LM+2)<<BITRES) ? (1<<BITRES) : 0;
-   bits -= anti_collapse_rsv;
-   codedBands = compute_allocation(st->mode, st->start, st->end, offsets, cap,
-         alloc_trim, &intensity, &dual_stereo, bits, &balance, pulses,
-         fine_quant, fine_priority, C, LM, enc, 1, st->lastCodedBands);
-   st->lastCodedBands = codedBands;
-   quant_fine_energy(st->mode, st->start, st->end, oldBandE, error, fine_quant, enc, C);
-   float X0[3000];
-   float bandE0[60];
-   c=0; do
-      for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-         X0[i+c*N] = X[i+c*N];
-   while (++c<C);
-   for (i=0;i<C*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-      bandE0[i] = bandE[i];
-   /* Residual quantisation */
-   ALLOC(collapse_masks, C*st->mode->nbEBands, unsigned char);
-   quant_all_bands(1, st->mode, st->start, st->end, X, C==2 ? X+N : NULL, collapse_masks,
-         bandE, pulses, shortBlocks, st->spread_decision, dual_stereo, intensity, tf_res,
-         nbCompressedBytes*(8<<BITRES)-anti_collapse_rsv, balance, enc, LM, codedBands, &st->rng);
-   if (anti_collapse_rsv > 0)
-   {
-      anti_collapse_on = st->consec_transient<2;
-#ifdef FUZZING
-      anti_collapse_on = rand()&0x1;
-      ec_enc_bits(enc, anti_collapse_on, 1);
-   }
-   quant_energy_finalise(st->mode, st->start, st->end, oldBandE, error, fine_quant, fine_priority, nbCompressedBytes*8-ec_tell(enc), enc, C);
-   if (silence)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<C*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldBandE[i] = -QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-   }
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   /* Re-synthesis of the coded audio if required */
-   {
-      celt_sig *out_mem[2];
-      celt_sig *overlap_mem[2];
-      log2Amp(st->mode, st->start, st->end, bandE, oldBandE, C);
-      if (silence)
-      {
-         for (i=0;i<C*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-            bandE[i] = 0;
-      }
-      measure_norm_mse(st->mode, X, X0, bandE, bandE0, M, N, C);
-      if (anti_collapse_on)
-      {
-         anti_collapse(st->mode, X, collapse_masks, LM, C, N,
-               st->start, st->end, oldBandE, oldLogE, oldLogE2, pulses, st->rng);
-      }
-      /* Synthesis */
-      denormalise_bands(st->mode, X, freq, bandE, effEnd, C, M);
-      OPUS_MOVE(st->syn_mem[0], st->syn_mem[0]+N, MAX_PERIOD);
-      if (CC==2)
-         OPUS_MOVE(st->syn_mem[1], st->syn_mem[1]+N, MAX_PERIOD);
-      c=0; do
-         for (i=0;i<M*st->mode->eBands[st->start];i++)
-            freq[c*N+i] = 0;
-      while (++c<C);
-      c=0; do
-         for (i=M*st->mode->eBands[st->end];i<N;i++)
-            freq[c*N+i] = 0;
-      while (++c<C);
-      if (CC==2&&C==1)
-      {
-         for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-            freq[N+i] = freq[i];
-      }
-      out_mem[0] = st->syn_mem[0]+MAX_PERIOD;
-      if (CC==2)
-         out_mem[1] = st->syn_mem[1]+MAX_PERIOD;
-      overlap_mem[0] = (celt_sig*)(oldLogE2 + CC*st->mode->nbEBands);
-      if (CC==2)
-         overlap_mem[1] = overlap_mem[0] + st->overlap;
-      compute_inv_mdcts(st->mode, shortBlocks, freq, out_mem, overlap_mem, CC, LM);
-      c=0; do {
-         st->prefilter_period=IMAX(st->prefilter_period, COMBFILTER_MINPERIOD);
-         st->prefilter_period_old=IMAX(st->prefilter_period_old, COMBFILTER_MINPERIOD);
-         comb_filter(out_mem[c], out_mem[c], st->prefilter_period_old, st->prefilter_period, st->mode->shortMdctSize,
-               st->prefilter_gain_old, st->prefilter_gain, st->prefilter_tapset_old, st->prefilter_tapset,
-               st->mode->window, st->overlap);
-         if (LM!=0)
-            comb_filter(out_mem[c]+st->mode->shortMdctSize, out_mem[c]+st->mode->shortMdctSize, st->prefilter_period, pitch_index, N-st->mode->shortMdctSize,
-                  st->prefilter_gain, gain1, st->prefilter_tapset, prefilter_tapset,
-                  st->mode->window, st->mode->overlap);
-      } while (++c<CC);
-      deemphasis(out_mem, (opus_val16*)pcm, N, CC, st->upsample, st->mode->preemph, st->preemph_memD);
-      st->prefilter_period_old = st->prefilter_period;
-      st->prefilter_gain_old = st->prefilter_gain;
-      st->prefilter_tapset_old = st->prefilter_tapset;
-   }
-   st->prefilter_period = pitch_index;
-   st->prefilter_gain = gain1;
-   st->prefilter_tapset = prefilter_tapset;
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   if (LM!=0)
-   {
-      st->prefilter_period_old = st->prefilter_period;
-      st->prefilter_gain_old = st->prefilter_gain;
-      st->prefilter_tapset_old = st->prefilter_tapset;
-   }
-   if (CC==2&&C==1) {
-      for (i=0;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldBandE[st->mode->nbEBands+i]=oldBandE[i];
-   }
-   if (!isTransient)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<CC*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldLogE2[i] = oldLogE[i];
-      for (i=0;i<CC*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldLogE[i] = oldBandE[i];
-   } else {
-      for (i=0;i<CC*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldLogE[i] = MIN16(oldLogE[i], oldBandE[i]);
-   }
-   /* In case start or end were to change */
-   c=0; do
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<st->start;i++)
-      {
-         oldBandE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=0;
-         oldLogE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=oldLogE2[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=-QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-      }
-      for (i=st->end;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-      {
-         oldBandE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=0;
-         oldLogE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=oldLogE2[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=-QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-      }
-   } while (++c<CC);
-   if (isTransient)
-      st->consec_transient++;
-   else
-      st->consec_transient=0;
-   st->rng = enc->rng;
-   /* If there's any room left (can only happen for very high rates),
-      it's already filled with zeros */
-   ec_enc_done(enc);
-   if (st->signalling)
-      nbCompressedBytes++;
-   if (ec_get_error(enc))
-      return OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR;
-   else
-      return nbCompressedBytes;
-int opus_custom_encode(CELTEncoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const opus_int16 * pcm, int frame_size, unsigned char *compressed, int nbCompressedBytes)
-   return celt_encode_with_ec(st, pcm, frame_size, compressed, nbCompressedBytes, NULL);
-int opus_custom_encode_float(CELTEncoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const float * pcm, int frame_size, unsigned char *compressed, int nbCompressedBytes)
-   int j, ret, C, N;
-   VARDECL(opus_int16, in);
-   if (pcm==NULL)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   C = st->channels;
-   N = frame_size;
-   ALLOC(in, C*N, opus_int16);
-   for (j=0;j<C*N;j++)
-     in[j] = FLOAT2INT16(pcm[j]);
-   ret=celt_encode_with_ec(st,in,frame_size,compressed,nbCompressedBytes, NULL);
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   for (j=0;j<C*N;j++)
-      ((float*)pcm)[j]=in[j]*(1.f/32768.f);
-   return ret;
-#endif /* DISABLE_FLOAT_API */
-int opus_custom_encode(CELTEncoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const opus_int16 * pcm, int frame_size, unsigned char *compressed, int nbCompressedBytes)
-   int j, ret, C, N;
-   VARDECL(celt_sig, in);
-   if (pcm==NULL)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   C=st->channels;
-   N=frame_size;
-   ALLOC(in, C*N, celt_sig);
-   for (j=0;j<C*N;j++) {
-     in[j] = SCALEOUT(pcm[j]);
-   }
-   ret = celt_encode_with_ec(st,in,frame_size,compressed,nbCompressedBytes, NULL);
-#ifdef RESYNTH
-   for (j=0;j<C*N;j++)
-      ((opus_int16*)pcm)[j] = FLOAT2INT16(in[j]);
-   return ret;
-int opus_custom_encode_float(CELTEncoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const float * pcm, int frame_size, unsigned char *compressed, int nbCompressedBytes)
-   return celt_encode_with_ec(st, pcm, frame_size, compressed, nbCompressedBytes, NULL);
-#endif /* CUSTOM_MODES */
-int opus_custom_encoder_ctl(CELTEncoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, int request, ...)
-   va_list ap;
-   va_start(ap, request);
-   switch (request)
-   {
-      {
-         int value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<0 || value>10)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->complexity = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<0 || value>=st->mode->nbEBands)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->start = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<1 || value>st->mode->nbEBands)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->end = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         int value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<0 || value>2)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->disable_pf = value<=1;
-         st->force_intra = value==0;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         int value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<0 || value>100)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->loss_rate = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         st->constrained_vbr = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         st->vbr = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<=500 && value!=OPUS_BITRATE_MAX)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         value = IMIN(value, 260000*st->channels);
-         st->bitrate = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<1 || value>2)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->stream_channels = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-          opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-          if (value<8 || value>24)
-             goto bad_arg;
-          st->lsb_depth=value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-          opus_int32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*);
-          *value=st->lsb_depth;
-      }
-      break;
-      case OPUS_RESET_STATE:
-      {
-         int i;
-         opus_val16 *oldBandE, *oldLogE, *oldLogE2;
-         oldBandE = (opus_val16*)(st->in_mem+st->channels*(st->overlap+COMBFILTER_MAXPERIOD));
-         oldLogE = oldBandE + st->channels*st->mode->nbEBands;
-         oldLogE2 = oldLogE + st->channels*st->mode->nbEBands;
-         OPUS_CLEAR((char*)&st->ENCODER_RESET_START,
-               opus_custom_encoder_get_size(st->mode, st->channels)-
-               ((char*)&st->ENCODER_RESET_START - (char*)st));
-         for (i=0;i<st->channels*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-            oldLogE[i]=oldLogE2[i]=-QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-         st->vbr_offset = 0;
-         st->delayedIntra = 1;
-         st->spread_decision = SPREAD_NORMAL;
-         st->tonal_average = 256;
-         st->hf_average = 0;
-         st->tapset_decision = 0;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         st->clip = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         st->signalling = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         const CELTMode ** value = va_arg(ap, const CELTMode**);
-         if (value==0)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         *value=st->mode;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_uint32 * value = va_arg(ap, opus_uint32 *);
-         if (value==0)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         *value=st->rng;
-      }
-      break;
-      default:
-         goto bad_request;
-   }
-   va_end(ap);
-   return OPUS_OK;
-   va_end(ap);
-   return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   va_end(ap);
-/*                                                                    */
-/*                             DECODER                                */
-/*                                                                    */
-#define DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
-/** Decoder state
- @brief Decoder state
- */
-struct OpusCustomDecoder {
-   const OpusCustomMode *mode;
-   int overlap;
-   int channels;
-   int stream_channels;
-   int downsample;
-   int start, end;
-   int signalling;
-   /* Everything beyond this point gets cleared on a reset */
-   opus_uint32 rng;
-   int error;
-   int last_pitch_index;
-   int loss_count;
-   int postfilter_period;
-   int postfilter_period_old;
-   opus_val16 postfilter_gain;
-   opus_val16 postfilter_gain_old;
-   int postfilter_tapset;
-   int postfilter_tapset_old;
-   celt_sig preemph_memD[2];
-   celt_sig _decode_mem[1]; /* Size = channels*(DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE+mode->overlap) */
-   /* opus_val16 lpc[],  Size = channels*LPC_ORDER */
-   /* opus_val16 oldEBands[], Size = 2*mode->nbEBands */
-   /* opus_val16 oldLogE[], Size = 2*mode->nbEBands */
-   /* opus_val16 oldLogE2[], Size = 2*mode->nbEBands */
-   /* opus_val16 backgroundLogE[], Size = 2*mode->nbEBands */
-int celt_decoder_get_size(int channels)
-   const CELTMode *mode = opus_custom_mode_create(48000, 960, NULL);
-   return opus_custom_decoder_get_size(mode, channels);
-OPUS_CUSTOM_NOSTATIC int opus_custom_decoder_get_size(const CELTMode *mode, int channels)
-   int size = sizeof(struct CELTDecoder)
-            + (channels*(DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE+mode->overlap)-1)*sizeof(celt_sig)
-            + channels*LPC_ORDER*sizeof(opus_val16)
-            + 4*2*mode->nbEBands*sizeof(opus_val16);
-   return size;
-CELTDecoder *opus_custom_decoder_create(const CELTMode *mode, int channels, int *error)
-   int ret;
-   CELTDecoder *st = (CELTDecoder *)opus_alloc(opus_custom_decoder_get_size(mode, channels));
-   ret = opus_custom_decoder_init(st, mode, channels);
-   if (ret != OPUS_OK)
-   {
-      opus_custom_decoder_destroy(st);
-      st = NULL;
-   }
-   if (error)
-      *error = ret;
-   return st;
-#endif /* CUSTOM_MODES */
-int celt_decoder_init(CELTDecoder *st, opus_int32 sampling_rate, int channels)
-   int ret;
-   ret = opus_custom_decoder_init(st, opus_custom_mode_create(48000, 960, NULL), channels);
-   if (ret != OPUS_OK)
-      return ret;
-   st->downsample = resampling_factor(sampling_rate);
-   if (st->downsample==0)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   else
-      return OPUS_OK;
-OPUS_CUSTOM_NOSTATIC int opus_custom_decoder_init(CELTDecoder *st, const CELTMode *mode, int channels)
-   if (channels < 0 || channels > 2)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   if (st==NULL)
-      return OPUS_ALLOC_FAIL;
-   OPUS_CLEAR((char*)st, opus_custom_decoder_get_size(mode, channels));
-   st->mode = mode;
-   st->overlap = mode->overlap;
-   st->stream_channels = st->channels = channels;
-   st->downsample = 1;
-   st->start = 0;
-   st->end = st->mode->effEBands;
-   st->signalling = 1;
-   st->loss_count = 0;
-   opus_custom_decoder_ctl(st, OPUS_RESET_STATE);
-   return OPUS_OK;
-void opus_custom_decoder_destroy(CELTDecoder *st)
-   opus_free(st);
-#endif /* CUSTOM_MODES */
-static void celt_decode_lost(CELTDecoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, opus_val16 * OPUS_RESTRICT pcm, int N, int LM)
-   int c;
-   int pitch_index;
-   opus_val16 fade = Q15ONE;
-   int i, len;
-   const int C = st->channels;
-   int offset;
-   celt_sig *out_mem[2];
-   celt_sig *decode_mem[2];
-   celt_sig *overlap_mem[2];
-   opus_val16 *lpc;
-   opus_val32 *out_syn[2];
-   opus_val16 *oldBandE, *oldLogE, *oldLogE2, *backgroundLogE;
-   const OpusCustomMode *mode;
-   int nbEBands;
-   int overlap;
-   const opus_int16 *eBands;
-   mode = st->mode;
-   nbEBands = mode->nbEBands;
-   overlap = mode->overlap;
-   eBands = mode->eBands;
-   c=0; do {
-      decode_mem[c] = st->_decode_mem + c*(DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE+st->overlap);
-      out_mem[c] = decode_mem[c]+DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE-MAX_PERIOD;
-      overlap_mem[c] = decode_mem[c]+DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE;
-   } while (++c<C);
-   lpc = (opus_val16*)(st->_decode_mem+(DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE+st->overlap)*C);
-   oldBandE = lpc+C*LPC_ORDER;
-   oldLogE = oldBandE + 2*nbEBands;
-   oldLogE2 = oldLogE + 2*nbEBands;
-   backgroundLogE = oldLogE2  + 2*nbEBands;
-   c=0; do {
-      out_syn[c] = out_mem[c]+MAX_PERIOD-N;
-   } while (++c<C);
-   len = N+overlap;
-   if (st->loss_count >= 5 || st->start!=0)
-   {
-      /* Noise-based PLC/CNG */
-      VARDECL(celt_sig, freq);
-      VARDECL(celt_norm, X);
-      VARDECL(celt_ener, bandE);
-      opus_uint32 seed;
-      int effEnd;
-      effEnd = st->end;
-      if (effEnd > mode->effEBands)
-         effEnd = mode->effEBands;
-      ALLOC(freq, C*N, celt_sig); /**< Interleaved signal MDCTs */
-      ALLOC(X, C*N, celt_norm);   /**< Interleaved normalised MDCTs */
-      ALLOC(bandE, nbEBands*C, celt_ener);
-      if (st->loss_count >= 5)
-         log2Amp(mode, st->start, st->end, bandE, backgroundLogE, C);
-      else {
-         /* Energy decay */
-         opus_val16 decay = st->loss_count==0 ? QCONST16(1.5f, DB_SHIFT) : QCONST16(.5f, DB_SHIFT);
-         c=0; do
-         {
-            for (i=st->start;i<st->end;i++)
-               oldBandE[c*nbEBands+i] -= decay;
-         } while (++c<C);
-         log2Amp(mode, st->start, st->end, bandE, oldBandE, C);
-      }
-      seed = st->rng;
-      for (c=0;c<C;c++)
-      {
-         for (i=0;i<(st->mode->eBands[st->start]<<LM);i++)
-            X[c*N+i] = 0;
-         for (i=st->start;i<mode->effEBands;i++)
-         {
-            int j;
-            int boffs;
-            int blen;
-            boffs = N*c+(eBands[i]<<LM);
-            blen = (eBands[i+1]-eBands[i])<<LM;
-            for (j=0;j<blen;j++)
-            {
-               seed = celt_lcg_rand(seed);
-               X[boffs+j] = (celt_norm)((opus_int32)seed>>20);
-            }
-            renormalise_vector(X+boffs, blen, Q15ONE);
-         }
-         for (i=(st->mode->eBands[st->end]<<LM);i<N;i++)
-            X[c*N+i] = 0;
-      }
-      st->rng = seed;
-      denormalise_bands(mode, X, freq, bandE, mode->effEBands, C, 1<<LM);
-      c=0; do
-         for (i=0;i<st->mode->eBands[st->start]<<LM;i++)
-            freq[c*N+i] = 0;
-      while (++c<C);
-      c=0; do {
-         int bound = eBands[effEnd]<<LM;
-         if (st->downsample!=1)
-            bound = IMIN(bound, N/st->downsample);
-         for (i=bound;i<N;i++)
-            freq[c*N+i] = 0;
-      } while (++c<C);
-      c=0; do {
-         OPUS_MOVE(decode_mem[c], decode_mem[c]+N, DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE-N+overlap);
-      } while (++c<C);
-      compute_inv_mdcts(mode, 0, freq, out_syn, overlap_mem, C, LM);
-   } else {
-      /* Pitch-based PLC */
-      VARDECL(opus_val32, etmp);
-      if (st->loss_count == 0)
-      {
-         opus_val16 pitch_buf[DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE>>1];
-         /* Corresponds to a min pitch of 67 Hz. It's possible to save CPU in this
-         search by using only part of the decode buffer */
-         int poffset = 720;
-         pitch_downsample(decode_mem, pitch_buf, DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE, C);
-         /* Max pitch is 100 samples (480 Hz) */
-         pitch_search(pitch_buf+((poffset)>>1), pitch_buf, DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE-poffset,
-               poffset-100, &pitch_index);
-         pitch_index = poffset-pitch_index;
-         st->last_pitch_index = pitch_index;
-      } else {
-         pitch_index = st->last_pitch_index;
-         fade = QCONST16(.8f,15);
-      }
-      ALLOC(etmp, overlap, opus_val32);
-      c=0; do {
-         opus_val16 exc[MAX_PERIOD];
-         opus_val32 ac[LPC_ORDER+1];
-         opus_val16 decay;
-         opus_val16 attenuation;
-         opus_val32 S1=0;
-         opus_val16 mem[LPC_ORDER]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
-         opus_val32 *e = out_syn[c];
-         offset = MAX_PERIOD-pitch_index;
-         for (i=0;i<MAX_PERIOD;i++)
-            exc[i] = ROUND16(out_mem[c][i], SIG_SHIFT);
-         /* Compute LPC coefficients for the last MAX_PERIOD samples before the loss so we can
-            work in the excitation-filter domain */
-         if (st->loss_count == 0)
-         {
-            _celt_autocorr(exc, ac, mode->window, overlap,
-                  LPC_ORDER, MAX_PERIOD);
-            /* Noise floor -40 dB */
-            ac[0] += SHR32(ac[0],13);
-            ac[0] *= 1.0001f;
-            /* Lag windowing */
-            for (i=1;i<=LPC_ORDER;i++)
-            {
-               /*ac[i] *= exp(-.5*(2*M_PI*.002*i)*(2*M_PI*.002*i));*/
-               ac[i] -= MULT16_32_Q15(2*i*i, ac[i]);
-               ac[i] -= ac[i]*(.008f*i)*(.008f*i);
-            }
-            _celt_lpc(lpc+c*LPC_ORDER, ac, LPC_ORDER);
-         }
-         /* Samples just before the beginning of exc  */
-         for (i=0;i<LPC_ORDER;i++)
-            mem[i] = ROUND16(out_mem[c][-1-i], SIG_SHIFT);
-         /* Compute the excitation for MAX_PERIOD samples before the loss */
-         celt_fir(exc, lpc+c*LPC_ORDER, exc, MAX_PERIOD, LPC_ORDER, mem);
-         /* Check if the waveform is decaying (and if so how fast)
-            We do this to avoid adding energy when concealing in a segment
-            with decaying energy */
-         {
-            opus_val32 E1=1, E2=1;
-            int period;
-            int shift;
-            if (pitch_index <= MAX_PERIOD/2)
-               period = pitch_index;
-            else
-               period = MAX_PERIOD/2;
-            shift = IMAX(0,2*celt_zlog2(celt_maxabs16(&exc[MAX_PERIOD-2*period], 2*period))-20);
-            for (i=0;i<period;i++)
-            {
-               E1 += SHR32(MULT16_16(exc[MAX_PERIOD-period+i],exc[MAX_PERIOD-period+i]),shift);
-               E2 += SHR32(MULT16_16(exc[MAX_PERIOD-2*period+i],exc[MAX_PERIOD-2*period+i]),shift);
-            }
-            if (E1 > E2)
-               E1 = E2;
-            decay = celt_sqrt(frac_div32(SHR32(E1,1),E2));
-            attenuation = decay;
-         }
-         /* Move memory one frame to the left */
-         OPUS_MOVE(decode_mem[c], decode_mem[c]+N, DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE-N+overlap);
-         /* Extrapolate excitation with the right period, taking decay into account */
-         for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-         {
-            opus_val16 tmp;
-            if (offset+i >= MAX_PERIOD)
-            {
-               offset -= pitch_index;
-               attenuation = MULT16_16_Q15(attenuation, decay);
-            }
-            e[i] = SHL32(EXTEND32(MULT16_16_Q15(attenuation, exc[offset+i])), SIG_SHIFT);
-            /* Compute the energy of the previously decoded signal whose
-               excitation we're copying */
-            tmp = ROUND16(out_mem[c][-N+offset+i],SIG_SHIFT);
-            S1 += SHR32(MULT16_16(tmp,tmp),8);
-         }
-         /* Copy the last decoded samples (prior to the overlap region) to
-            synthesis filter memory so we can have a continuous signal. */
-         for (i=0;i<LPC_ORDER;i++)
-            mem[i] = ROUND16(out_mem[c][MAX_PERIOD-N-1-i], SIG_SHIFT);
-         /* Apply the fading if not the first loss */
-         for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-            e[i] = MULT16_32_Q15(fade, e[i]);
-         /* Synthesis filter -- back in the signal domain */
-         celt_iir(e, lpc+c*LPC_ORDER, e, len, LPC_ORDER, mem);
-         /* Check if the synthesis energy is higher than expected, which can
-            happen with the signal changes during our window. If so, attenuate. */
-         {
-            opus_val32 S2=0;
-            for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-            {
-               opus_val16 tmp = ROUND16(e[i],SIG_SHIFT);
-               S2 += SHR32(MULT16_16(tmp,tmp),8);
-            }
-            /* This checks for an "explosion" in the synthesis */
-            if (!(S1 > SHR32(S2,2)))
-            /* Float test is written this way to catch NaNs at the same time */
-            if (!(S1 > 0.2f*S2))
-            {
-               for (i=0;i<len;i++)
-                  e[i] = 0;
-            } else if (S1 < S2)
-            {
-               opus_val16 ratio = celt_sqrt(frac_div32(SHR32(S1,1)+1,S2+1));
-               for (i=0;i<overlap;i++)
-               {
-                  opus_val16 tmp_g = Q15ONE - MULT16_16_Q15(mode->window[i], Q15ONE-ratio);
-                  e[i] = MULT16_32_Q15(tmp_g, e[i]);
-               }
-               for (i=overlap;i<len;i++)
-                  e[i] = MULT16_32_Q15(ratio, e[i]);
-            }
-         }
-         /* Apply pre-filter to the MDCT overlap for the next frame because the
-            post-filter will be re-applied in the decoder after the MDCT overlap */
-         comb_filter(etmp, out_mem[c]+MAX_PERIOD, st->postfilter_period, st->postfilter_period, st->overlap,
-               -st->postfilter_gain, -st->postfilter_gain, st->postfilter_tapset, st->postfilter_tapset,
-               NULL, 0);
-         /* Simulate TDAC on the concealed audio so that it blends with the
-            MDCT of next frames. */
-         for (i=0;i<overlap/2;i++)
-         {
-            opus_val32 tmp;
-            tmp = MULT16_32_Q15(mode->window[i],           etmp[overlap-1-i]) +
-                  MULT16_32_Q15(mode->window[overlap-i-1], etmp[i          ]);
-            out_mem[c][MAX_PERIOD+i] = MULT16_32_Q15(mode->window[overlap-i-1], tmp);
-            out_mem[c][MAX_PERIOD+overlap-i-1] = MULT16_32_Q15(mode->window[i], tmp);
-         }
-      } while (++c<C);
-   }
-   deemphasis(out_syn, pcm, N, C, st->downsample, mode->preemph, st->preemph_memD);
-   st->loss_count++;
-int celt_decode_with_ec(CELTDecoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_val16 * OPUS_RESTRICT pcm, int frame_size, ec_dec *dec)
-   int c, i, N;
-   int spread_decision;
-   opus_int32 bits;
-   ec_dec _dec;
-   VARDECL(celt_sig, freq);
-   VARDECL(celt_norm, X);
-   VARDECL(celt_ener, bandE);
-   VARDECL(int, fine_quant);
-   VARDECL(int, pulses);
-   VARDECL(int, cap);
-   VARDECL(int, offsets);
-   VARDECL(int, fine_priority);
-   VARDECL(int, tf_res);
-   VARDECL(unsigned char, collapse_masks);
-   celt_sig *out_mem[2];
-   celt_sig *decode_mem[2];
-   celt_sig *overlap_mem[2];
-   celt_sig *out_syn[2];
-   opus_val16 *lpc;
-   opus_val16 *oldBandE, *oldLogE, *oldLogE2, *backgroundLogE;
-   int shortBlocks;
-   int isTransient;
-   int intra_ener;
-   const int CC = st->channels;
-   int LM, M;
-   int effEnd;
-   int codedBands;
-   int alloc_trim;
-   int postfilter_pitch;
-   opus_val16 postfilter_gain;
-   int intensity=0;
-   int dual_stereo=0;
-   opus_int32 total_bits;
-   opus_int32 balance;
-   opus_int32 tell;
-   int dynalloc_logp;
-   int postfilter_tapset;
-   int anti_collapse_rsv;
-   int anti_collapse_on=0;
-   int silence;
-   int C = st->stream_channels;
-   frame_size *= st->downsample;
-   c=0; do {
-      decode_mem[c] = st->_decode_mem + c*(DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE+st->overlap);
-      out_mem[c] = decode_mem[c]+DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE-MAX_PERIOD;
-      overlap_mem[c] = decode_mem[c]+DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE;
-   } while (++c<CC);
-   lpc = (opus_val16*)(st->_decode_mem+(DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE+st->overlap)*CC);
-   oldBandE = lpc+CC*LPC_ORDER;
-   oldLogE = oldBandE + 2*st->mode->nbEBands;
-   oldLogE2 = oldLogE + 2*st->mode->nbEBands;
-   backgroundLogE = oldLogE2  + 2*st->mode->nbEBands;
-   if (st->signalling && data!=NULL)
-   {
-      int data0=data[0];
-      /* Convert "standard mode" to Opus header */
-      if (st->mode->Fs==48000 && st->mode->shortMdctSize==120)
-      {
-         data0 = fromOpus(data0);
-         if (data0<0)
-            return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
-      }
-      st->end = IMAX(1, st->mode->effEBands-2*(data0>>5));
-      LM = (data0>>3)&0x3;
-      C = 1 + ((data0>>2)&0x1);
-      data++;
-      len--;
-      if (LM>st->mode->maxLM)
-         return OPUS_INVALID_PACKET;
-      if (frame_size < st->mode->shortMdctSize<<LM)
-         return OPUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;
-      else
-         frame_size = st->mode->shortMdctSize<<LM;
-   } else {
-   {
-      for (LM=0;LM<=st->mode->maxLM;LM++)
-         if (st->mode->shortMdctSize<<LM==frame_size)
-            break;
-      if (LM>st->mode->maxLM)
-         return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   }
-   M=1<<LM;
-   if (len<0 || len>1275 || pcm==NULL)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   N = M*st->mode->shortMdctSize;
-   effEnd = st->end;
-   if (effEnd > st->mode->effEBands)
-      effEnd = st->mode->effEBands;
-   if (data == NULL || len<=1)
-   {
-      celt_decode_lost(st, pcm, N, LM);
-      return frame_size/st->downsample;
-   }
-   ALLOC(freq, IMAX(CC,C)*N, celt_sig); /**< Interleaved signal MDCTs */
-   ALLOC(X, C*N, celt_norm);   /**< Interleaved normalised MDCTs */
-   ALLOC(bandE, st->mode->nbEBands*C, celt_ener);
-   c=0; do
-      for (i=0;i<M*st->mode->eBands[st->start];i++)
-         X[c*N+i] = 0;
-   while (++c<C);
-   c=0; do
-      for (i=M*st->mode->eBands[effEnd];i<N;i++)
-         X[c*N+i] = 0;
-   while (++c<C);
-   if (dec == NULL)
-   {
-      ec_dec_init(&_dec,(unsigned char*)data,len);
-      dec = &_dec;
-   }
-   if (C==1)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldBandE[i]=MAX16(oldBandE[i],oldBandE[st->mode->nbEBands+i]);
-   }
-   total_bits = len*8;
-   tell = ec_tell(dec);
-   if (tell >= total_bits)
-      silence = 1;
-   else if (tell==1)
-      silence = ec_dec_bit_logp(dec, 15);
-   else
-      silence = 0;
-   if (silence)
-   {
-      /* Pretend we've read all the remaining bits */
-      tell = len*8;
-      dec->nbits_total+=tell-ec_tell(dec);
-   }
-   postfilter_gain = 0;
-   postfilter_pitch = 0;
-   postfilter_tapset = 0;
-   if (st->start==0 && tell+16 <= total_bits)
-   {
-      if(ec_dec_bit_logp(dec, 1))
-      {
-         int qg, octave;
-         octave = ec_dec_uint(dec, 6);
-         postfilter_pitch = (16<<octave)+ec_dec_bits(dec, 4+octave)-1;
-         qg = ec_dec_bits(dec, 3);
-         if (ec_tell(dec)+2<=total_bits)
-            postfilter_tapset = ec_dec_icdf(dec, tapset_icdf, 2);
-         postfilter_gain = QCONST16(.09375f,15)*(qg+1);
-      }
-      tell = ec_tell(dec);
-   }
-   if (LM > 0 && tell+3 <= total_bits)
-   {
-      isTransient = ec_dec_bit_logp(dec, 3);
-      tell = ec_tell(dec);
-   }
-   else
-      isTransient = 0;
-   if (isTransient)
-      shortBlocks = M;
-   else
-      shortBlocks = 0;
-   /* Decode the global flags (first symbols in the stream) */
-   intra_ener = tell+3<=total_bits ? ec_dec_bit_logp(dec, 3) : 0;
-   /* Get band energies */
-   unquant_coarse_energy(st->mode, st->start, st->end, oldBandE,
-         intra_ener, dec, C, LM);
-   ALLOC(tf_res, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   tf_decode(st->start, st->end, isTransient, tf_res, LM, dec);
-   tell = ec_tell(dec);
-   spread_decision = SPREAD_NORMAL;
-   if (tell+4 <= total_bits)
-      spread_decision = ec_dec_icdf(dec, spread_icdf, 5);
-   ALLOC(pulses, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   ALLOC(cap, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   ALLOC(offsets, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   ALLOC(fine_priority, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   init_caps(st->mode,cap,LM,C);
-   dynalloc_logp = 6;
-   total_bits<<=BITRES;
-   tell = ec_tell_frac(dec);
-   for (i=st->start;i<st->end;i++)
-   {
-      int width, quanta;
-      int dynalloc_loop_logp;
-      int boost;
-      width = C*(st->mode->eBands[i+1]-st->mode->eBands[i])<<LM;
-      /* quanta is 6 bits, but no more than 1 bit/sample
-         and no less than 1/8 bit/sample */
-      quanta = IMIN(width<<BITRES, IMAX(6<<BITRES, width));
-      dynalloc_loop_logp = dynalloc_logp;
-      boost = 0;
-      while (tell+(dynalloc_loop_logp<<BITRES) < total_bits && boost < cap[i])
-      {
-         int flag;
-         flag = ec_dec_bit_logp(dec, dynalloc_loop_logp);
-         tell = ec_tell_frac(dec);
-         if (!flag)
-            break;
-         boost += quanta;
-         total_bits -= quanta;
-         dynalloc_loop_logp = 1;
-      }
-      offsets[i] = boost;
-      /* Making dynalloc more likely */
-      if (boost>0)
-         dynalloc_logp = IMAX(2, dynalloc_logp-1);
-   }
-   ALLOC(fine_quant, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
-   alloc_trim = tell+(6<<BITRES) <= total_bits ?
-         ec_dec_icdf(dec, trim_icdf, 7) : 5;
-   bits = (((opus_int32)len*8)<<BITRES) - ec_tell_frac(dec) - 1;
-   anti_collapse_rsv = isTransient&&LM>=2&&bits>=((LM+2)<<BITRES) ? (1<<BITRES) : 0;
-   bits -= anti_collapse_rsv;
-   codedBands = compute_allocation(st->mode, st->start, st->end, offsets, cap,
-         alloc_trim, &intensity, &dual_stereo, bits, &balance, pulses,
-         fine_quant, fine_priority, C, LM, dec, 0, 0);
-   unquant_fine_energy(st->mode, st->start, st->end, oldBandE, fine_quant, dec, C);
-   /* Decode fixed codebook */
-   ALLOC(collapse_masks, C*st->mode->nbEBands, unsigned char);
-   quant_all_bands(0, st->mode, st->start, st->end, X, C==2 ? X+N : NULL, collapse_masks,
-         NULL, pulses, shortBlocks, spread_decision, dual_stereo, intensity, tf_res,
-         len*(8<<BITRES)-anti_collapse_rsv, balance, dec, LM, codedBands, &st->rng);
-   if (anti_collapse_rsv > 0)
-   {
-      anti_collapse_on = ec_dec_bits(dec, 1);
-   }
-   unquant_energy_finalise(st->mode, st->start, st->end, oldBandE,
-         fine_quant, fine_priority, len*8-ec_tell(dec), dec, C);
-   if (anti_collapse_on)
-      anti_collapse(st->mode, X, collapse_masks, LM, C, N,
-            st->start, st->end, oldBandE, oldLogE, oldLogE2, pulses, st->rng);
-   log2Amp(st->mode, st->start, st->end, bandE, oldBandE, C);
-   if (silence)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<C*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-      {
-         bandE[i] = 0;
-         oldBandE[i] = -QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-      }
-   }
-   /* Synthesis */
-   denormalise_bands(st->mode, X, freq, bandE, effEnd, C, M);
-   OPUS_MOVE(decode_mem[0], decode_mem[0]+N, DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE-N);
-   if (CC==2)
-      OPUS_MOVE(decode_mem[1], decode_mem[1]+N, DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE-N);
-   c=0; do
-      for (i=0;i<M*st->mode->eBands[st->start];i++)
-         freq[c*N+i] = 0;
-   while (++c<C);
-   c=0; do {
-      int bound = M*st->mode->eBands[effEnd];
-      if (st->downsample!=1)
-         bound = IMIN(bound, N/st->downsample);
-      for (i=bound;i<N;i++)
-         freq[c*N+i] = 0;
-   } while (++c<C);
-   out_syn[0] = out_mem[0]+MAX_PERIOD-N;
-   if (CC==2)
-      out_syn[1] = out_mem[1]+MAX_PERIOD-N;
-   if (CC==2&&C==1)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-         freq[N+i] = freq[i];
-   }
-   if (CC==1&&C==2)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<N;i++)
-         freq[i] = HALF32(ADD32(freq[i],freq[N+i]));
-   }
-   /* Compute inverse MDCTs */
-   compute_inv_mdcts(st->mode, shortBlocks, freq, out_syn, overlap_mem, CC, LM);
-   c=0; do {
-      st->postfilter_period=IMAX(st->postfilter_period, COMBFILTER_MINPERIOD);
-      st->postfilter_period_old=IMAX(st->postfilter_period_old, COMBFILTER_MINPERIOD);
-      comb_filter(out_syn[c], out_syn[c], st->postfilter_period_old, st->postfilter_period, st->mode->shortMdctSize,
-            st->postfilter_gain_old, st->postfilter_gain, st->postfilter_tapset_old, st->postfilter_tapset,
-            st->mode->window, st->overlap);
-      if (LM!=0)
-         comb_filter(out_syn[c]+st->mode->shortMdctSize, out_syn[c]+st->mode->shortMdctSize, st->postfilter_period, postfilter_pitch, N-st->mode->shortMdctSize,
-               st->postfilter_gain, postfilter_gain, st->postfilter_tapset, postfilter_tapset,
-               st->mode->window, st->mode->overlap);
-   } while (++c<CC);
-   st->postfilter_period_old = st->postfilter_period;
-   st->postfilter_gain_old = st->postfilter_gain;
-   st->postfilter_tapset_old = st->postfilter_tapset;
-   st->postfilter_period = postfilter_pitch;
-   st->postfilter_gain = postfilter_gain;
-   st->postfilter_tapset = postfilter_tapset;
-   if (LM!=0)
-   {
-      st->postfilter_period_old = st->postfilter_period;
-      st->postfilter_gain_old = st->postfilter_gain;
-      st->postfilter_tapset_old = st->postfilter_tapset;
-   }
-   if (C==1) {
-      for (i=0;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldBandE[st->mode->nbEBands+i]=oldBandE[i];
-   }
-   /* In case start or end were to change */
-   if (!isTransient)
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<2*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldLogE2[i] = oldLogE[i];
-      for (i=0;i<2*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldLogE[i] = oldBandE[i];
-      for (i=0;i<2*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         backgroundLogE[i] = MIN16(backgroundLogE[i] + M*QCONST16(0.001f,DB_SHIFT), oldBandE[i]);
-   } else {
-      for (i=0;i<2*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-         oldLogE[i] = MIN16(oldLogE[i], oldBandE[i]);
-   }
-   c=0; do
-   {
-      for (i=0;i<st->start;i++)
-      {
-         oldBandE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=0;
-         oldLogE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=oldLogE2[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=-QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-      }
-      for (i=st->end;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-      {
-         oldBandE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=0;
-         oldLogE[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=oldLogE2[c*st->mode->nbEBands+i]=-QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-      }
-   } while (++c<2);
-   st->rng = dec->rng;
-   deemphasis(out_syn, pcm, N, CC, st->downsample, st->mode->preemph, st->preemph_memD);
-   st->loss_count = 0;
-   if (ec_tell(dec) > 8*len)
-      return OPUS_INTERNAL_ERROR;
-   if(ec_get_error(dec))
-      st->error = 1;
-   return frame_size/st->downsample;
-int opus_custom_decode(CELTDecoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_int16 * OPUS_RESTRICT pcm, int frame_size)
-   return celt_decode_with_ec(st, data, len, pcm, frame_size, NULL);
-int opus_custom_decode_float(CELTDecoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const unsigned char *data, int len, float * OPUS_RESTRICT pcm, int frame_size)
-   int j, ret, C, N;
-   VARDECL(opus_int16, out);
-   if (pcm==NULL)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   C = st->channels;
-   N = frame_size;
-   ALLOC(out, C*N, opus_int16);
-   ret=celt_decode_with_ec(st, data, len, out, frame_size, NULL);
-   if (ret>0)
-      for (j=0;j<C*ret;j++)
-         pcm[j]=out[j]*(1.f/32768.f);
-   return ret;
-#endif /* DISABLE_FLOAT_API */
-int opus_custom_decode_float(CELTDecoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const unsigned char *data, int len, float * OPUS_RESTRICT pcm, int frame_size)
-   return celt_decode_with_ec(st, data, len, pcm, frame_size, NULL);
-int opus_custom_decode(CELTDecoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, const unsigned char *data, int len, opus_int16 * OPUS_RESTRICT pcm, int frame_size)
-   int j, ret, C, N;
-   VARDECL(celt_sig, out);
-   if (pcm==NULL)
-      return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-   C = st->channels;
-   N = frame_size;
-   ALLOC(out, C*N, celt_sig);
-   ret=celt_decode_with_ec(st, data, len, out, frame_size, NULL);
-   if (ret>0)
-      for (j=0;j<C*ret;j++)
-         pcm[j] = FLOAT2INT16 (out[j]);
-   return ret;
-#endif /* CUSTOM_MODES */
-int opus_custom_decoder_ctl(CELTDecoder * OPUS_RESTRICT st, int request, ...)
-   va_list ap;
-   va_start(ap, request);
-   switch (request)
-   {
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<0 || value>=st->mode->nbEBands)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->start = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<1 || value>st->mode->nbEBands)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->end = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         if (value<1 || value>2)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         st->stream_channels = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*);
-         if (value==NULL)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         *value=st->error;
-         st->error = 0;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*);
-         if (value==NULL)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         *value = st->overlap/st->downsample;
-      }
-      break;
-      case OPUS_RESET_STATE:
-      {
-         int i;
-         opus_val16 *lpc, *oldBandE, *oldLogE, *oldLogE2;
-         lpc = (opus_val16*)(st->_decode_mem+(DECODE_BUFFER_SIZE+st->overlap)*st->channels);
-         oldBandE = lpc+st->channels*LPC_ORDER;
-         oldLogE = oldBandE + 2*st->mode->nbEBands;
-         oldLogE2 = oldLogE + 2*st->mode->nbEBands;
-         OPUS_CLEAR((char*)&st->DECODER_RESET_START,
-               opus_custom_decoder_get_size(st->mode, st->channels)-
-               ((char*)&st->DECODER_RESET_START - (char*)st));
-         for (i=0;i<2*st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
-            oldLogE[i]=oldLogE2[i]=-QCONST16(28.f,DB_SHIFT);
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*);
-         if (value==NULL)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         *value = st->postfilter_period;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         const CELTMode ** value = va_arg(ap, const CELTMode**);
-         if (value==0)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         *value=st->mode;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
-         st->signalling = value;
-      }
-      break;
-      {
-         opus_uint32 * value = va_arg(ap, opus_uint32 *);
-         if (value==0)
-            goto bad_arg;
-         *value=st->rng;
-      }
-      break;
-      default:
-         goto bad_request;
-   }
-   va_end(ap);
-   return OPUS_OK;
-   va_end(ap);
-   return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-      va_end(ap);
 const char *opus_strerror(int error)