* #35924 (zrtp): switch to libzrtpcpp
diff --git a/jni/libzrtp/sources/cryptcommon/aes.h b/jni/libzrtp/sources/cryptcommon/aes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40927fb
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+++ b/jni/libzrtp/sources/cryptcommon/aes.h
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+Copyright (c) 1998-2010, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.
+The redistribution and use of this software (with or without changes)
+is allowed without the payment of fees or royalties provided that:
+  source code distributions include the above copyright notice, this
+  list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+  binary distributions include the above copyright notice, this list
+  of conditions and the following disclaimer in their documentation.
+This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
+in respect of its operation, including, but not limited to, correctness
+and fitness for purpose.
+Issue Date: 20/12/2007
+ This file contains the definitions required to use AES in C. See aesopt.h
+ for optimisation details.
+#ifndef _AES_H
+#define _AES_H
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/*  This include is used to find 8 & 32 bit unsigned integer types  */
+#include "brg_types.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+#define AES_128     /* if a fast 128 bit key scheduler is needed    */
+#define AES_192     /* if a fast 192 bit key scheduler is needed    */
+#define AES_256     /* if a fast 256 bit key scheduler is needed    */
+#define AES_VAR     /* if variable key size scheduler is needed     */
+#define AES_MODES   /* if support is needed for modes               */
+/* The following must also be set in assembler files if being used  */
+#define AES_ENCRYPT /* if support for encryption is needed          */
+#define AES_DECRYPT /* if support for decryption is needed          */
+#define AES_REV_DKS /* define to reverse decryption key schedule    */
+#define AES_BLOCK_SIZE  16  /* the AES block size in bytes          */
+#define N_COLS           4  /* the number of columns in the state   */
+/* The key schedule length is 11, 13 or 15 16-byte blocks for 128,  */
+/* 192 or 256-bit keys respectively. That is 176, 208 or 240 bytes  */
+/* or 44, 52 or 60 32-bit words.                                    */
+#if defined( AES_VAR ) || defined( AES_256 )
+#define KS_LENGTH       60
+#elif defined( AES_192 )
+#define KS_LENGTH       52
+#define KS_LENGTH       44
+/* the character array 'inf' in the following structures is used    */
+/* to hold AES context information. This AES code uses cx->inf.b[0] */
+/* to hold the number of rounds multiplied by 16. The other three   */
+/* elements can be used by code that implements additional modes    */
+typedef union
+{   uint_32t l;
+    uint_8t b[4];
+} aes_inf;
+typedef struct
+{   uint_32t ks[KS_LENGTH];
+    aes_inf inf;
+} aes_encrypt_ctx;
+typedef struct
+{   uint_32t ks[KS_LENGTH];
+    aes_inf inf;
+} aes_decrypt_ctx;
+/* This routine must be called before first use if non-static       */
+/* tables are being used                                            */
+AES_RETURN aes_init(void);
+/* Key lengths in the range 16 <= key_len <= 32 are given in bytes, */
+/* those in the range 128 <= key_len <= 256 are given in bits       */
+#if defined( AES_ENCRYPT )
+#if defined( AES_128 ) || defined( AES_VAR)
+AES_RETURN aes_encrypt_key128(const unsigned char *key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_192 ) || defined( AES_VAR)
+AES_RETURN aes_encrypt_key192(const unsigned char *key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_256 ) || defined( AES_VAR)
+AES_RETURN aes_encrypt_key256(const unsigned char *key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_VAR )
+AES_RETURN aes_encrypt_key(const unsigned char *key, int key_len, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_encrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, const aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_DECRYPT )
+#if defined( AES_128 ) || defined( AES_VAR)
+AES_RETURN aes_decrypt_key128(const unsigned char *key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_192 ) || defined( AES_VAR)
+AES_RETURN aes_decrypt_key192(const unsigned char *key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_256 ) || defined( AES_VAR)
+AES_RETURN aes_decrypt_key256(const unsigned char *key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_VAR )
+AES_RETURN aes_decrypt_key(const unsigned char *key, int key_len, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_decrypt(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined( AES_MODES )
+/* Multiple calls to the following subroutines for multiple block   */
+/* ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB and CTR mode encryption can be used to handle */
+/* long messages incremantally provided that the context AND the iv */
+/* are preserved between all such calls.  For the ECB and CBC modes */
+/* each individual call within a series of incremental calls must   */
+/* process only full blocks (i.e. len must be a multiple of 16) but */
+/* the CFB, OFB and CTR mode calls can handle multiple incremental  */
+/* calls of any length. Each mode is reset when a new AES key is    */
+/* set but ECB and CBC operations can be reset without setting a    */
+/* new key by setting a new IV value.  To reset CFB, OFB and CTR    */
+/* without setting the key, aes_mode_reset() must be called and the */
+/* IV must be set.  NOTE: All these calls update the IV on exit so  */
+/* this has to be reset if a new operation with the same IV as the  */
+/* previous one is required (or decryption follows encryption with  */
+/* the same IV array).                                              */
+AES_RETURN aes_test_alignment_detection(unsigned int n);
+AES_RETURN aes_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+                    int len, const aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_ecb_decrypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+                    int len, const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_cbc_encrypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+                    int len, unsigned char *iv, const aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_cbc_decrypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+                    int len, unsigned char *iv, const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_mode_reset(aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_cfb_encrypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+                    int len, unsigned char *iv, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+AES_RETURN aes_cfb_decrypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+                    int len, unsigned char *iv, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#define aes_ofb_encrypt aes_ofb_crypt
+#define aes_ofb_decrypt aes_ofb_crypt
+AES_RETURN aes_ofb_crypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+                    int len, unsigned char *iv, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+typedef void cbuf_inc(unsigned char *cbuf);
+#define aes_ctr_encrypt aes_ctr_crypt
+#define aes_ctr_decrypt aes_ctr_crypt
+AES_RETURN aes_ctr_crypt(const unsigned char *ibuf, unsigned char *obuf,
+            int len, unsigned char *cbuf, cbuf_inc ctr_inc, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)