* #29632: Added libsndfile dep
jni: updated sflphone
diff --git a/jni/libsndfile-1.0.25/tests/write_read_test.c b/jni/libsndfile-1.0.25/tests/write_read_test.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8a8f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/libsndfile-1.0.25/tests/write_read_test.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3731 @@
+** Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd@mega-nerd.com>
+** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+** (at your option) any later version.
+** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** GNU General Public License for more details.
+** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+#include "sfconfig.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include	<math.h>
+#if (defined (WIN32) || defined (_WIN32))
+#include	<fcntl.h>
+static int truncate (const char *filename, int ignored) ;
+#include	<sndfile.h>
+#include	"utils.h"
+#include	"generate.h"
+#define	SAMPLE_RATE			11025
+#define	DATA_LENGTH			(1<<12)
+#define	SILLY_WRITE_COUNT	(234)
+static void	pcm_test_char (const char *str, int format, int long_file_okz) ;
+static void	pcm_test_short (const char *str, int format, int long_file_okz) ;
+static void	pcm_test_24bit (const char *str, int format, int long_file_okz) ;
+static void	pcm_test_int (const char *str, int format, int long_file_okz) ;
+static void	pcm_test_float (const char *str, int format, int long_file_okz) ;
+static void	pcm_test_double (const char *str, int format, int long_file_okz) ;
+static void empty_file_test (const char *filename, int format) ;
+typedef union
+{	double d [DATA_LENGTH] ;
+	float f [DATA_LENGTH] ;
+	int i [DATA_LENGTH] ;
+	short s [DATA_LENGTH] ;
+	char c [DATA_LENGTH] ;
+static	BUFFER	orig_data ;
+static	BUFFER	test_data ;
+main (int argc, char **argv)
+{	int		do_all = 0 ;
+	int		test_count = 0 ;
+	count_open_files () ;
+	if (argc != 2)
+	{	printf ("Usage : %s <test>\n", argv [0]) ;
+		printf ("    Where <test> is one of the following:\n") ;
+		printf ("           wav   - test WAV file functions (little endian)\n") ;
+		printf ("           aiff  - test AIFF file functions (big endian)\n") ;
+		printf ("           au    - test AU file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           avr   - test AVR file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           caf   - test CAF file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           raw   - test RAW header-less PCM file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           paf   - test PAF file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           svx   - test 8SVX/16SV file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           nist  - test NIST Sphere file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           ircam - test IRCAM file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           voc   - Create Voice file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           w64   - Sonic Foundry's W64 file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           flac  - test FLAC file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           mpc2k - test MPC 2000 file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           rf64  - test RF64 file functions\n") ;
+		printf ("           all   - perform all tests\n") ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	do_all = !strcmp (argv [1], "all") ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "wav"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.wav"		, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.wav"	, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.wav"	, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.wav"		, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_char	("char.rifx"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.rifx"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.rifx"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.rifx"		, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.wavex"	, SF_FORMAT_WAVEX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.wavex"	, SF_FORMAT_WAVEX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float.wav"	, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.wav"	, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float.rifx"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.rifx"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float.wavex"	, SF_FORMAT_WAVEX | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.wavex"	, SF_FORMAT_WAVEX | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		empty_file_test ("empty_char.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_float.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "aiff"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char_u8.aiff"	, SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_char	("char_s8.aiff"	, SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.aiff"	, SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.aiff"	, SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.aiff"		, SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_sowt.aifc"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_sowt.aifc"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_sowt.aifc"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_twos.aifc"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_twos.aifc"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_twos.aifc"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_short	("dwvw16.aifc", SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16, SF_TRUE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("dwvw24.aifc", SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24, SF_TRUE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float.aifc"	, SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.aifc"	, SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		empty_file_test ("empty_char.aiff", SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.aiff", SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_float.aiff", SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "au"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.au"	, SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.au"	, SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.au"	, SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.au"	, SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float.au"	, SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.au", SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		pcm_test_char	("char_le.au"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_le.au"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_le.au"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_le.au"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float_le.au"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_le.au"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "caf"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.caf"		, SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.caf"	, SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.caf"	, SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.caf"		, SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float.caf"	, SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.caf"	, SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		pcm_test_short	("short_le.caf"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_le.caf"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_le.caf"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float_le.caf"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_le.caf", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "raw"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char_s8.raw"	, SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_char	("char_u8.raw"	, SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_le.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_be.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_le.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_be.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_le.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_be.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float_le.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float_be.raw"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_le.raw", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_be.raw", SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	/* Lite remove start */
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "paf"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char_le.paf", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_PAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_char	("char_be.paf", SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_PAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_le.paf", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_PAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_be.paf", SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_PAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_le.paf", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_PAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_TRUE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_be.paf", SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_PAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_TRUE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "svx"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.svx" , SF_FORMAT_SVX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.svx", SF_FORMAT_SVX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_char.svx", SF_FORMAT_SVX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.svx", SF_FORMAT_SVX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "nist"))
+	{	pcm_test_short	("short_le.nist", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_NIST | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_be.nist", SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_NIST | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_le.nist", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_NIST | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit_be.nist", SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_NIST | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_le.nist"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_NIST | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int 	("int_be.nist"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_NIST | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "ircam"))
+	{	pcm_test_short	("short_be.ircam"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_IRCAM | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_le.ircam"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_IRCAM | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_be.ircam"		, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_IRCAM | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int 	("int_le.ircam"		, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_IRCAM | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float_be.ircam"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_IRCAM | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float_le.ircam"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_IRCAM | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "voc"))
+	{	pcm_test_char 	("char.voc" , SF_FORMAT_VOC | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.voc", SF_FORMAT_VOC | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "mat4"))
+	{	pcm_test_short	("short_be.mat4"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_le.mat4"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_be.mat4"		, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int 	("int_le.mat4"		, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float_be.mat4"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float_le.mat4"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_be.mat4"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_le.mat4"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.mat4", SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_float.mat4", SF_FORMAT_MAT4 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "mat5"))
+	{	pcm_test_char 	("char_be.mat5"		, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_char 	("char_le.mat5"		, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_be.mat5"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short_le.mat5"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int_be.mat5"		, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int 	("int_le.mat5"		, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float_be.mat5"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_float	("float_le.mat5"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_be.mat5"	, SF_ENDIAN_BIG	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double_le.mat5"	, SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		increment_open_file_count () ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_char.mat5", SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.mat5", SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_float.mat5", SF_FORMAT_MAT5 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "pvf"))
+	{	pcm_test_char 	("char.pvf"	, SF_FORMAT_PVF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.pvf", SF_FORMAT_PVF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.pvf"	, SF_FORMAT_PVF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "htk"))
+	{	pcm_test_short	("short.htk", SF_FORMAT_HTK | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "mpc2k"))
+	{	pcm_test_short	("short.mpc", SF_FORMAT_MPC2K | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "avr"))
+	{	pcm_test_char 	("char_u8.avr"	, SF_FORMAT_AVR | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_char 	("char_s8.avr"	, SF_FORMAT_AVR | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.avr"	, SF_FORMAT_AVR | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	/* Lite remove end */
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "w64"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.w64"		, SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.w64"	, SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.w64"	, SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.w64"		, SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float.w64"	, SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.w64"	, SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		empty_file_test ("empty_char.w64", SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.w64", SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_float.w64", SF_FORMAT_W64 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "sds"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.sds"		, SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.sds"	, SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.sds"	, SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_char.sds", SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.sds", SF_FORMAT_SDS | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "sd2"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.sd2"		, SF_FORMAT_SD2 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_TRUE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.sd2"	, SF_FORMAT_SD2 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_TRUE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.sd2"	, SF_FORMAT_SD2 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_TRUE) ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "flac"))
+		{	pcm_test_char	("char.flac"	, SF_FORMAT_FLAC | SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8, SF_TRUE) ;
+			pcm_test_short	("short.flac"	, SF_FORMAT_FLAC | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_TRUE) ;
+			pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.flac"	, SF_FORMAT_FLAC | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_TRUE) ;
+			}
+		else
+			puts ("    No FLAC tests because FLAC support was not compiled in.") ;
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "rf64"))
+	{	pcm_test_char	("char.rf64"	, SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_short	("short.rf64"	, SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_24bit	("24bit.rf64"	, SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24, SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_int	("int.rf64"		, SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32, SF_FALSE) ;
+		/* Lite remove start */
+		pcm_test_float	("float.rf64"	, SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT , SF_FALSE) ;
+		pcm_test_double	("double.rf64"	, SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE, SF_FALSE) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_char.rf64", SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_short.rf64", SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
+		empty_file_test ("empty_float.rf64", SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT) ;
+		/* Lite remove end */
+		test_count++ ;
+		} ;
+	if (test_count == 0)
+	{	printf ("Mono : ************************************\n") ;
+		printf ("Mono : *  No '%s' test defined.\n", argv [1]) ;
+		printf ("Mono : ************************************\n") ;
+		return 1 ;
+		} ;
+	/* Only open file descriptors should be stdin, stdout and stderr. */
+	check_open_file_count_or_die (__LINE__) ;
+	return 0 ;
+} /* main */
+**	Helper functions and macros.
+static void	create_short_file (const char *filename) ;
+#define	CHAR_ERROR(x,y)		(abs ((x) - (y)) > 255)
+#define	INT_ERROR(x,y)		(((x) - (y)) != 0)
+#define	TRIBYTE_ERROR(x,y)	(abs ((x) - (y)) > 255)
+#define	FLOAT_ERROR(x,y)	(fabs ((x) - (y)) > 1e-5)
+#define CONVERT_DATA(k,len,new,orig)					\
+			{	for ((k) = 0 ; (k) < (len) ; (k) ++)	\
+					(new) [k] = (orig) [k] ;			\
+				}
+static void mono_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void stereo_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void mono_rdwr_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void new_rdwr_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd) ;
+static void multi_seek_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void write_seek_extend_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void
+pcm_test_char (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok)
+{	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig ;
+	int			k, allow_fd ;
+	/* Sd2 files cannot be opened from an existing file descriptor. */
+	allow_fd = ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2) ? SF_FALSE : SF_TRUE ;
+	print_test_name ("pcm_test_char", filename) ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 32000.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	/* Some test broken out here. */
+	mono_char_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* Sub format DWVW does not allow seeking. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ok\n") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+		mono_rdwr_char_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* If the format doesn't support stereo we're done. */
+	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
+	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == 0)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		puts ("no stereo : ok") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	stereo_char_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* New read/write test. Not sure if this is needed yet. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) != SF_FORMAT_PAF &&
+		new_rdwr_char_test (filename, format, allow_fd) ;
+	delete_file (format, filename) ;
+	puts ("ok") ;
+	return ;
+} /* pcm_test_char */
+static void
+mono_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	sf_count_t	count ;
+	int			k, items ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_write_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	test_write_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	/* Add non-audio data after the audio. */
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (short)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test, items, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			oct_save_short (orig, test, items) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	sf_close (file) ;
+		unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, items + 10, SEEK_SET, items + 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 6, SEEK_CUR, items + 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample D (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Check read past end of file followed by sf_seek (sndfile, 0, SEEK_CUR). */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	count = 0 ;
+	while (count < sfinfo.frames)
+		count += sf_read_short (file, test, 311) ;
+	/* Check that no error has occurred. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : error where there shouldn't have been one.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/* Check that we haven't read beyond EOF. */
+	if (count > sfinfo.frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLines %d : read past end of file (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, (long) count, (long) sfinfo.frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_CUR, sfinfo.frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	multi_seek_test (filename, format) ;
+	write_seek_extend_test (filename, format) ;
+} /* mono_char_test */
+static void
+stereo_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, items, frames ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 32000.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (short)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n",
+				__LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 2)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Check for errors here. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should NOT return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sf_read_short (file, test, 1) > 0)
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return 0.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/*-----------------------*/
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 8, SEEK_CUR, 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 40 ; k < 44 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (CHAR_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* stereo_char_test */
+static void
+mono_rdwr_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, pass ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+		|| (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2)
+		unlink (filename) ;
+	else
+	{	/* Create a short file. */
+		create_short_file (filename) ;
+		/* Opening a already existing short file (ie invalid header) RDWR is disallowed.
+		** If this returns a valif pointer sf_open() screwed up.
+		*/
+		if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo)))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_open should (SFM_RDWR) have failed but didn't.\n", __LINE__) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		/* Truncate the file to zero bytes. */
+		if (truncate (filename, 0) < 0)
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: truncate (%s) failed", __LINE__, filename) ;
+			perror (NULL) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		} ;
+	/* Opening a zero length file RDWR is allowed, but the SF_INFO struct must contain
+	** all the usual data required when opening the file in WRITE mode.
+	*/
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Do 3 writes followed by reads. After each, check the data and the current
+	** read and write offsets.
+	*/
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		/* Write some data. */
+		test_write_short_or_die (file, pass, orig, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (CHAR_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) A : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_short (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, pass * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open the file again to check the data. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Not enough frames in file. (%ld < %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		}
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames != 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of frames in file. (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok)
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, 0, 0, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+	else
+		test_seek_or_die (file, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, SFM_WRITE | SEEK_SET, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_short_or_die (file, pass, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (CHAR_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) B : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_short (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* mono_rdwr_short_test */
+static void
+new_rdwr_char_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE *wfile, *rwfile ;
+	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	int		items, frames ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	wfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_command (wfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (wfile, 1, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (wfile, 2, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	rwfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames != 2 * frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : incorrect number of frames in file (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 2 * frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (wfile, 3, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (rwfile, 1, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (rwfile, 2, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (wfile) ;
+	sf_close (rwfile) ;
+} /* new_rdwr_char_test */
+static void mono_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void stereo_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void mono_rdwr_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void new_rdwr_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd) ;
+static void multi_seek_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void write_seek_extend_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void
+pcm_test_short (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok)
+{	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig ;
+	int			k, allow_fd ;
+	/* Sd2 files cannot be opened from an existing file descriptor. */
+	allow_fd = ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2) ? SF_FALSE : SF_TRUE ;
+	print_test_name ("pcm_test_short", filename) ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 32000.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	/* Some test broken out here. */
+	mono_short_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* Sub format DWVW does not allow seeking. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ok\n") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+		mono_rdwr_short_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* If the format doesn't support stereo we're done. */
+	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
+	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == 0)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		puts ("no stereo : ok") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	stereo_short_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* New read/write test. Not sure if this is needed yet. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) != SF_FORMAT_PAF &&
+		new_rdwr_short_test (filename, format, allow_fd) ;
+	delete_file (format, filename) ;
+	puts ("ok") ;
+	return ;
+} /* pcm_test_short */
+static void
+mono_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	sf_count_t	count ;
+	int			k, items ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_write_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	test_write_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	/* Add non-audio data after the audio. */
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (short)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test, items, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			oct_save_short (orig, test, items) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	sf_close (file) ;
+		unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, items + 10, SEEK_SET, items + 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 6, SEEK_CUR, items + 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample D (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Check read past end of file followed by sf_seek (sndfile, 0, SEEK_CUR). */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	count = 0 ;
+	while (count < sfinfo.frames)
+		count += sf_read_short (file, test, 311) ;
+	/* Check that no error has occurred. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : error where there shouldn't have been one.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/* Check that we haven't read beyond EOF. */
+	if (count > sfinfo.frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLines %d : read past end of file (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, (long) count, (long) sfinfo.frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_CUR, sfinfo.frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	multi_seek_test (filename, format) ;
+	write_seek_extend_test (filename, format) ;
+} /* mono_short_test */
+static void
+stereo_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, items, frames ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 32000.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (short)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n",
+				__LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 2)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Check for errors here. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should NOT return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sf_read_short (file, test, 1) > 0)
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return 0.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/*-----------------------*/
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 8, SEEK_CUR, 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 40 ; k < 44 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* stereo_short_test */
+static void
+mono_rdwr_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, pass ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+		|| (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2)
+		unlink (filename) ;
+	else
+	{	/* Create a short file. */
+		create_short_file (filename) ;
+		/* Opening a already existing short file (ie invalid header) RDWR is disallowed.
+		** If this returns a valif pointer sf_open() screwed up.
+		*/
+		if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo)))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_open should (SFM_RDWR) have failed but didn't.\n", __LINE__) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		/* Truncate the file to zero bytes. */
+		if (truncate (filename, 0) < 0)
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: truncate (%s) failed", __LINE__, filename) ;
+			perror (NULL) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		} ;
+	/* Opening a zero length file RDWR is allowed, but the SF_INFO struct must contain
+	** all the usual data required when opening the file in WRITE mode.
+	*/
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Do 3 writes followed by reads. After each, check the data and the current
+	** read and write offsets.
+	*/
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		/* Write some data. */
+		test_write_short_or_die (file, pass, orig, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) A : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_short (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, pass * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open the file again to check the data. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Not enough frames in file. (%ld < %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		}
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames != 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of frames in file. (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok)
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, 0, 0, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+	else
+		test_seek_or_die (file, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, SFM_WRITE | SEEK_SET, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_short_or_die (file, pass, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) B : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_short (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* mono_rdwr_short_test */
+static void
+new_rdwr_short_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE *wfile, *rwfile ;
+	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
+	short		*orig, *test ;
+	int		items, frames ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	wfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_command (wfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (wfile, 1, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (wfile, 2, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	rwfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames != 2 * frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : incorrect number of frames in file (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 2 * frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (wfile, 3, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (rwfile, 1, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_short_or_die (rwfile, 2, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (wfile) ;
+	sf_close (rwfile) ;
+} /* new_rdwr_short_test */
+static void mono_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void stereo_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void mono_rdwr_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void new_rdwr_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd) ;
+static void multi_seek_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void write_seek_extend_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void
+pcm_test_24bit (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok)
+{	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig ;
+	int			k, allow_fd ;
+	/* Sd2 files cannot be opened from an existing file descriptor. */
+	allow_fd = ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2) ? SF_FALSE : SF_TRUE ;
+	print_test_name ("pcm_test_24bit", filename) ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, (1.0 * 0x7F000000)) ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	/* Some test broken out here. */
+	mono_24bit_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* Sub format DWVW does not allow seeking. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ok\n") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+		mono_rdwr_24bit_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* If the format doesn't support stereo we're done. */
+	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
+	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == 0)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		puts ("no stereo : ok") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	stereo_24bit_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* New read/write test. Not sure if this is needed yet. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) != SF_FORMAT_PAF &&
+		new_rdwr_24bit_test (filename, format, allow_fd) ;
+	delete_file (format, filename) ;
+	puts ("ok") ;
+	return ;
+} /* pcm_test_24bit */
+static void
+mono_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	sf_count_t	count ;
+	int			k, items ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_write_int_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	test_write_int_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	/* Add non-audio data after the audio. */
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (int)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test, items, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			oct_save_int (orig, test, items) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	sf_close (file) ;
+		unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, items + 10, SEEK_SET, items + 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 6, SEEK_CUR, items + 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample D (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Check read past end of file followed by sf_seek (sndfile, 0, SEEK_CUR). */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	count = 0 ;
+	while (count < sfinfo.frames)
+		count += sf_read_int (file, test, 311) ;
+	/* Check that no error has occurred. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : error where there shouldn't have been one.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/* Check that we haven't read beyond EOF. */
+	if (count > sfinfo.frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLines %d : read past end of file (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, (long) count, (long) sfinfo.frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_CUR, sfinfo.frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	multi_seek_test (filename, format) ;
+	write_seek_extend_test (filename, format) ;
+} /* mono_24bit_test */
+static void
+stereo_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, items, frames ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, (1.0 * 0x7F000000)) ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (file, 0, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (int)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n",
+				__LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 2)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Check for errors here. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should NOT return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sf_read_int (file, test, 1) > 0)
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return 0.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/*-----------------------*/
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 8, SEEK_CUR, 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 40 ; k < 44 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* stereo_24bit_test */
+static void
+mono_rdwr_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, pass ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+		|| (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2)
+		unlink (filename) ;
+	else
+	{	/* Create a short file. */
+		create_short_file (filename) ;
+		/* Opening a already existing short file (ie invalid header) RDWR is disallowed.
+		** If this returns a valif pointer sf_open() screwed up.
+		*/
+		if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo)))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_open should (SFM_RDWR) have failed but didn't.\n", __LINE__) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		/* Truncate the file to zero bytes. */
+		if (truncate (filename, 0) < 0)
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: truncate (%s) failed", __LINE__, filename) ;
+			perror (NULL) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		} ;
+	/* Opening a zero length file RDWR is allowed, but the SF_INFO struct must contain
+	** all the usual data required when opening the file in WRITE mode.
+	*/
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Do 3 writes followed by reads. After each, check the data and the current
+	** read and write offsets.
+	*/
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		/* Write some data. */
+		test_write_int_or_die (file, pass, orig, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) A : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_int (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, pass * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open the file again to check the data. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Not enough frames in file. (%ld < %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		}
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames != 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of frames in file. (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok)
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, 0, 0, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+	else
+		test_seek_or_die (file, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, SFM_WRITE | SEEK_SET, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_int_or_die (file, pass, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (TRIBYTE_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) B : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_int (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* mono_rdwr_int_test */
+static void
+new_rdwr_24bit_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE *wfile, *rwfile ;
+	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	int		items, frames ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	wfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_command (wfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (wfile, 1, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (wfile, 2, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	rwfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames != 2 * frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : incorrect number of frames in file (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 2 * frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (wfile, 3, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (rwfile, 1, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (rwfile, 2, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (wfile) ;
+	sf_close (rwfile) ;
+} /* new_rdwr_24bit_test */
+static void mono_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void stereo_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void mono_rdwr_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void new_rdwr_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd) ;
+static void multi_seek_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void write_seek_extend_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void
+pcm_test_int (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok)
+{	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig ;
+	int			k, allow_fd ;
+	/* Sd2 files cannot be opened from an existing file descriptor. */
+	allow_fd = ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2) ? SF_FALSE : SF_TRUE ;
+	print_test_name ("pcm_test_int", filename) ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, (1.0 * 0x7F000000)) ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	/* Some test broken out here. */
+	mono_int_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* Sub format DWVW does not allow seeking. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ok\n") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+		mono_rdwr_int_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* If the format doesn't support stereo we're done. */
+	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
+	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == 0)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		puts ("no stereo : ok") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	stereo_int_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* New read/write test. Not sure if this is needed yet. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) != SF_FORMAT_PAF &&
+		new_rdwr_int_test (filename, format, allow_fd) ;
+	delete_file (format, filename) ;
+	puts ("ok") ;
+	return ;
+} /* pcm_test_int */
+static void
+mono_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	sf_count_t	count ;
+	int			k, items ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_write_int_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	test_write_int_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	/* Add non-audio data after the audio. */
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (int)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test, items, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			oct_save_int (orig, test, items) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	sf_close (file) ;
+		unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, items + 10, SEEK_SET, items + 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 6, SEEK_CUR, items + 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample D (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Check read past end of file followed by sf_seek (sndfile, 0, SEEK_CUR). */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	count = 0 ;
+	while (count < sfinfo.frames)
+		count += sf_read_int (file, test, 311) ;
+	/* Check that no error has occurred. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : error where there shouldn't have been one.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/* Check that we haven't read beyond EOF. */
+	if (count > sfinfo.frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLines %d : read past end of file (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, (long) count, (long) sfinfo.frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_CUR, sfinfo.frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	multi_seek_test (filename, format) ;
+	write_seek_extend_test (filename, format) ;
+} /* mono_int_test */
+static void
+stereo_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, items, frames ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, (1.0 * 0x7F000000)) ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (file, 0, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (int)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n",
+				__LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 2)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Check for errors here. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should NOT return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sf_read_int (file, test, 1) > 0)
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return 0.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/*-----------------------*/
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 8, SEEK_CUR, 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 40 ; k < 44 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (INT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : 0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* stereo_int_test */
+static void
+mono_rdwr_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, pass ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+		|| (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2)
+		unlink (filename) ;
+	else
+	{	/* Create a short file. */
+		create_short_file (filename) ;
+		/* Opening a already existing short file (ie invalid header) RDWR is disallowed.
+		** If this returns a valif pointer sf_open() screwed up.
+		*/
+		if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo)))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_open should (SFM_RDWR) have failed but didn't.\n", __LINE__) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		/* Truncate the file to zero bytes. */
+		if (truncate (filename, 0) < 0)
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: truncate (%s) failed", __LINE__, filename) ;
+			perror (NULL) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		} ;
+	/* Opening a zero length file RDWR is allowed, but the SF_INFO struct must contain
+	** all the usual data required when opening the file in WRITE mode.
+	*/
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Do 3 writes followed by reads. After each, check the data and the current
+	** read and write offsets.
+	*/
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		/* Write some data. */
+		test_write_int_or_die (file, pass, orig, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_int_or_die (file, 0, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) A : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_int (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, pass * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open the file again to check the data. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Not enough frames in file. (%ld < %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		}
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames != 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of frames in file. (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok)
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, 0, 0, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+	else
+		test_seek_or_die (file, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, SFM_WRITE | SEEK_SET, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_int_or_die (file, pass, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (INT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) B : Error at sample %d (0x%X => 0x%X).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_int (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* mono_rdwr_int_test */
+static void
+new_rdwr_int_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE *wfile, *rwfile ;
+	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
+	int		*orig, *test ;
+	int		items, frames ;
+	orig = orig_data.i ;
+	test = test_data.i ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	wfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_command (wfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (wfile, 1, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (wfile, 2, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	rwfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames != 2 * frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : incorrect number of frames in file (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 2 * frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_writef_int_or_die (wfile, 3, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (rwfile, 1, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_int_or_die (rwfile, 2, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (wfile) ;
+	sf_close (rwfile) ;
+} /* new_rdwr_int_test */
+static void mono_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void stereo_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void mono_rdwr_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void new_rdwr_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd) ;
+static void multi_seek_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void write_seek_extend_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void
+pcm_test_float (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok)
+{	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	float		*orig ;
+	int			k, allow_fd ;
+	/* Sd2 files cannot be opened from an existing file descriptor. */
+	allow_fd = ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2) ? SF_FALSE : SF_TRUE ;
+	print_test_name ("pcm_test_float", filename) ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 1.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.f ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	/* Some test broken out here. */
+	mono_float_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* Sub format DWVW does not allow seeking. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ok\n") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+		mono_rdwr_float_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* If the format doesn't support stereo we're done. */
+	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
+	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == 0)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		puts ("no stereo : ok") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	stereo_float_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* New read/write test. Not sure if this is needed yet. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) != SF_FORMAT_PAF &&
+		new_rdwr_float_test (filename, format, allow_fd) ;
+	delete_file (format, filename) ;
+	puts ("ok") ;
+	return ;
+} /* pcm_test_float */
+static void
+mono_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	float		*orig, *test ;
+	sf_count_t	count ;
+	int			k, items ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	orig = orig_data.f ;
+	test = test_data.f ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_write_float_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	test_write_float_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	/* Add non-audio data after the audio. */
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (float)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, test, items, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			oct_save_float (orig, test, items) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, test, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	sf_close (file) ;
+		unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, items + 10, SEEK_SET, items + 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 6, SEEK_CUR, items + 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample D (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Check read past end of file followed by sf_seek (sndfile, 0, SEEK_CUR). */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	count = 0 ;
+	while (count < sfinfo.frames)
+		count += sf_read_float (file, test, 311) ;
+	/* Check that no error has occurred. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : error where there shouldn't have been one.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/* Check that we haven't read beyond EOF. */
+	if (count > sfinfo.frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLines %d : read past end of file (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, (long) count, (long) sfinfo.frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_CUR, sfinfo.frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	multi_seek_test (filename, format) ;
+	write_seek_extend_test (filename, format) ;
+} /* mono_float_test */
+static void
+stereo_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	float		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, items, frames ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 1.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.f ;
+	test = test_data.f ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_writef_float_or_die (file, 0, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (float)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n",
+				__LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 2)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, test, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Check for errors here. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should NOT return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sf_read_float (file, test, 1) > 0)
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return 0.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/*-----------------------*/
+	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 8, SEEK_CUR, 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 40 ; k < 44 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_float_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* stereo_float_test */
+static void
+mono_rdwr_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	float		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, pass ;
+	orig = orig_data.f ;
+	test = test_data.f ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+		|| (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2)
+		unlink (filename) ;
+	else
+	{	/* Create a short file. */
+		create_short_file (filename) ;
+		/* Opening a already existing short file (ie invalid header) RDWR is disallowed.
+		** If this returns a valif pointer sf_open() screwed up.
+		*/
+		if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo)))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_open should (SFM_RDWR) have failed but didn't.\n", __LINE__) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		/* Truncate the file to zero bytes. */
+		if (truncate (filename, 0) < 0)
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: truncate (%s) failed", __LINE__, filename) ;
+			perror (NULL) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		} ;
+	/* Opening a zero length file RDWR is allowed, but the SF_INFO struct must contain
+	** all the usual data required when opening the file in WRITE mode.
+	*/
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Do 3 writes followed by reads. After each, check the data and the current
+	** read and write offsets.
+	*/
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		/* Write some data. */
+		test_write_float_or_die (file, pass, orig, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_float_or_die (file, 0, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) A : Error at sample %d (%g => %g).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_float (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, pass * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open the file again to check the data. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Not enough frames in file. (%ld < %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		}
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames != 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of frames in file. (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok)
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, 0, 0, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+	else
+		test_seek_or_die (file, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, SFM_WRITE | SEEK_SET, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_float_or_die (file, pass, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) B : Error at sample %d (%g => %g).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_float (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* mono_rdwr_float_test */
+static void
+new_rdwr_float_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE *wfile, *rwfile ;
+	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
+	float		*orig, *test ;
+	int		items, frames ;
+	orig = orig_data.f ;
+	test = test_data.f ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	wfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_command (wfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;
+	test_writef_float_or_die (wfile, 1, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	test_writef_float_or_die (wfile, 2, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	rwfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames != 2 * frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : incorrect number of frames in file (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 2 * frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_writef_float_or_die (wfile, 3, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_float_or_die (rwfile, 1, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_float_or_die (rwfile, 2, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (wfile) ;
+	sf_close (rwfile) ;
+} /* new_rdwr_float_test */
+static void mono_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void stereo_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void mono_rdwr_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd) ;
+static void new_rdwr_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd) ;
+static void multi_seek_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void write_seek_extend_test (const char * filename, int format) ;
+static void
+pcm_test_double (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok)
+{	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	double		*orig ;
+	int			k, allow_fd ;
+	/* Sd2 files cannot be opened from an existing file descriptor. */
+	allow_fd = ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2) ? SF_FALSE : SF_TRUE ;
+	print_test_name ("pcm_test_double", filename) ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 1.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.d ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	/* Some test broken out here. */
+	mono_double_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* Sub format DWVW does not allow seeking. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ok\n") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+		mono_rdwr_double_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* If the format doesn't support stereo we're done. */
+	sfinfo.channels = 2 ;
+	if (sf_format_check (&sfinfo) == 0)
+	{	unlink (filename) ;
+		puts ("no stereo : ok") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	stereo_double_test (filename, format, long_file_ok, allow_fd) ;
+	/* New read/write test. Not sure if this is needed yet. */
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) != SF_FORMAT_PAF &&
+		new_rdwr_double_test (filename, format, allow_fd) ;
+	delete_file (format, filename) ;
+	puts ("ok") ;
+	return ;
+} /* pcm_test_double */
+static void
+mono_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	double		*orig, *test ;
+	sf_count_t	count ;
+	int			k, items ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	orig = orig_data.d ;
+	test = test_data.d ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_write_double_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	test_write_double_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (file) ;
+	/* Add non-audio data after the audio. */
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (double)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > 2 * items)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), items) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, test, items, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			oct_save_double (orig, test, items) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, test, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	if ((format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16 ||
+			(format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK) == SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24)
+	{	sf_close (file) ;
+		unlink (filename) ;
+		printf ("no seek : ") ;
+		return ;
+		} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, items + 10, SEEK_SET, items + 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 6, SEEK_CUR, items + 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample A (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 4, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 10 ; k < 14 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : Incorrect sample D (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, test [k], orig [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Check read past end of file followed by sf_seek (sndfile, 0, SEEK_CUR). */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	count = 0 ;
+	while (count < sfinfo.frames)
+		count += sf_read_double (file, test, 311) ;
+	/* Check that no error has occurred. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Mono : error where there shouldn't have been one.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/* Check that we haven't read beyond EOF. */
+	if (count > sfinfo.frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLines %d : read past end of file (%ld should be %ld)\n", __LINE__, (long) count, (long) sfinfo.frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_CUR, sfinfo.frames, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	multi_seek_test (filename, format) ;
+	write_seek_extend_test (filename, format) ;
+} /* mono_double_test */
+static void
+stereo_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	double		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, items, frames ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	gen_windowed_sine_double (orig_data.d, DATA_LENGTH, 1.0) ;
+	orig = orig_data.d ;
+	test = test_data.d ;
+	/* Make this a macro so gdb steps over it in one go. */
+	CONVERT_DATA (k, DATA_LENGTH, orig, orig_data.d) ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_ARTIST, "Your name here") ;
+	test_writef_double_or_die (file, 0, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_set_string (file, SF_STR_COPYRIGHT, "Copyright (c) 2003") ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	memset (test, 0, items * sizeof (double)) ;
+		memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n",
+				__LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too short). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames > frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of frames in file (too long). (%ld should be %d)\n",
+				__LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 2)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	check_log_buffer_or_die (file, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_double_or_die (file, 0, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 0, SEEK_SET, 0, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_double_or_die (file, 0, test, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 4 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from start of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 10, SEEK_SET, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Check for errors here. */
+	if (sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should NOT return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sf_read_double (file, test, 1) > 0)
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return 0.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! sf_error (file))
+	{	printf ("Line %d: Should return an error.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	/*-----------------------*/
+	test_readf_double_or_die (file, 0, test + 10, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from current position. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 8, SEEK_CUR, 20, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_double_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 40 ; k < 44 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	/* Seek to offset from end of file. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, -1 * (sfinfo.frames - 10), SEEK_END, 10, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_double_or_die (file, 0, test + 20, 2, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 20 ; k < 24 ; k++)
+		if (FLOAT_ERROR (test [k], orig [k]))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Stereo : Incorrect sample (#%d : %g => %g).\n", __LINE__, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* stereo_double_test */
+static void
+mono_rdwr_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int long_file_ok, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO		sfinfo ;
+	double		*orig, *test ;
+	int			k, pass ;
+	orig = orig_data.d ;
+	test = test_data.d ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+		|| (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2)
+		unlink (filename) ;
+	else
+	{	/* Create a short file. */
+		create_short_file (filename) ;
+		/* Opening a already existing short file (ie invalid header) RDWR is disallowed.
+		** If this returns a valif pointer sf_open() screwed up.
+		*/
+		if ((file = sf_open (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo)))
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: sf_open should (SFM_RDWR) have failed but didn't.\n", __LINE__) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		/* Truncate the file to zero bytes. */
+		if (truncate (filename, 0) < 0)
+		{	printf ("\n\nLine %d: truncate (%s) failed", __LINE__, filename) ;
+			perror (NULL) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+		} ;
+	/* Opening a zero length file RDWR is allowed, but the SF_INFO struct must contain
+	** all the usual data required when opening the file in WRITE mode.
+	*/
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= DATA_LENGTH ;
+	sfinfo.channels		= 1 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Do 3 writes followed by reads. After each, check the data and the current
+	** read and write offsets.
+	*/
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		/* Write some data. */
+		test_write_double_or_die (file, pass, orig, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_double_or_die (file, 0, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) A : Error at sample %d (%g => %g).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_double (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, pass * DATA_LENGTH, pass * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open the file again to check the data. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.format != format)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Returned format incorrect (0x%08X => 0x%08X).\n", __LINE__, format, sfinfo.format) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames < 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Not enough frames in file. (%ld < %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		}
+	if (! long_file_ok && sfinfo.frames != 3 * DATA_LENGTH)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of frames in file. (%ld should be %d)\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 3 * DATA_LENGTH ) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (sfinfo.channels != 1)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : Incorrect number of channels in file.\n", __LINE__) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	if (! long_file_ok)
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, 0, 0, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+	else
+		test_seek_or_die (file, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, SFM_WRITE | SEEK_SET, 3 * DATA_LENGTH, sfinfo.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	for (pass = 1 ; pass <= 3 ; pass ++)
+	{	orig [20] = pass * 2 ;
+		test_read_write_position_or_die (file, __LINE__, pass, (pass - 1) * DATA_LENGTH, 3 * DATA_LENGTH) ;
+		/* Read what we just wrote. */
+		test_read_double_or_die (file, pass, test, DATA_LENGTH, __LINE__) ;
+		/* Check the data. */
+		for (k = 0 ; k < DATA_LENGTH ; k++)
+			if (FLOAT_ERROR (orig [k], test [k]))
+			{	printf ("\n\nLine %d (pass %d) B : Error at sample %d (%g => %g).\n", __LINE__, pass, k, orig [k], test [k]) ;
+				oct_save_double (orig, test, DATA_LENGTH) ;
+				exit (1) ;
+				} ;
+		} ; /* for (pass ...) */
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* mono_rdwr_double_test */
+static void
+new_rdwr_double_test (const char *filename, int format, int allow_fd)
+{	SNDFILE *wfile, *rwfile ;
+	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
+	double		*orig, *test ;
+	int		items, frames ;
+	orig = orig_data.d ;
+	test = test_data.d ;
+	sfinfo.samplerate	= 44100 ;
+	sfinfo.frames		= SILLY_WRITE_COUNT ; /* Wrong length. Library should correct this on sf_close. */
+	sfinfo.channels		= 2 ;
+	sfinfo.format		= format ;
+	items = DATA_LENGTH ;
+	frames = items / sfinfo.channels ;
+	wfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_command (wfile, SFC_SET_UPDATE_HEADER_AUTO, NULL, SF_TRUE) ;
+	test_writef_double_or_die (wfile, 1, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	test_writef_double_or_die (wfile, 2, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_write_sync (wfile) ;
+	rwfile = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &sfinfo, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (sfinfo.frames != 2 * frames)
+	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d : incorrect number of frames in file (%ld should be %d)\n\n", __LINE__, SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (sfinfo.frames), 2 * frames) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	test_writef_double_or_die (wfile, 3, orig, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_double_or_die (rwfile, 1, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	test_readf_double_or_die (rwfile, 2, test, frames, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (wfile) ;
+	sf_close (rwfile) ;
+} /* new_rdwr_double_test */
+static void
+empty_file_test (const char *filename, int format)
+{	SNDFILE		*file ;
+	SF_INFO	info ;
+	int allow_fd ;
+	/* Sd2 files cannot be opened from an existing file descriptor. */
+	allow_fd = ((format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_SD2) ? SF_FALSE : SF_TRUE ;
+	print_test_name ("empty_file_test", filename) ;
+	unlink (filename) ;
+	info.samplerate = 48000 ;
+	info.channels = 2 ;
+	info.format = format ;
+	if (sf_format_check (&info) == SF_FALSE)
+	{	info.channels = 1 ;
+		if (sf_format_check (&info) == SF_FALSE)
+		{	puts ("invalid file format") ;
+			return ;
+			} ;
+		} ;
+	/* Create an empty file. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &info, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open for read and check the length. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &info, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (info.frames) != 0)
+	{	printf ("\n\nError : frame count (%ld) should be zero.\n", SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (info.frames)) ;
+			exit (1) ;
+			} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open for read/write and check the length. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_RDWR, &info, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (info.frames) != 0)
+	{	printf ("\n\nError : frame count (%ld) should be zero.\n", SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (info.frames)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Open for read and check the length. */
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &info, allow_fd, __LINE__) ;
+	if (SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (info.frames) != 0)
+	{	printf ("\n\nError : frame count (%ld) should be zero.\n", SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (info.frames)) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	check_open_file_count_or_die (__LINE__) ;
+	unlink (filename) ;
+	puts ("ok") ;
+	return ;
+} /* empty_file_test */
+static void
+create_short_file (const char *filename)
+{	FILE *file ;
+	if (! (file = fopen (filename, "w")))
+	{	printf ("create_short_file : fopen (%s, \"w\") failed.", filename) ;
+		fflush (stdout) ;
+		perror (NULL) ;
+		exit (1) ;
+		} ;
+	fprintf (file, "This is the file data.\n") ;
+	fclose (file) ;
+} /* create_short_file */
+#if (defined (WIN32) || defined (__WIN32))
+/* Win32 does not have truncate (nor does it have the POSIX function ftruncate).
+** Hack somethng up here to over come this. This function can only truncate to a
+** length of zero.
+static int
+truncate (const char *filename, int ignored)
+{	int fd ;
+	ignored = 0 ;
+	if ((fd = open (filename, O_RDWR | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY)) < 0)
+		return 0 ;
+	close (fd) ;
+	return 0 ;
+} /* truncate */
+static void
+multi_seek_test (const char * filename, int format)
+{	SNDFILE * file ;
+	SF_INFO info ;
+	sf_count_t pos ;
+	int k ;
+	/* This test doesn't work on the following. */
+	switch (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK)
+	{	case SF_FORMAT_RAW :
+			return ;
+		default :
+			break ;
+		} ;
+	memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info)) ;
+	generate_file (filename, format, 88200) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &info, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < 10 ; k++)
+	{	pos = info.frames / (k + 2) ;
+		test_seek_or_die (file, pos, SEEK_SET, pos, info.channels, __LINE__) ;
+		} ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+} /* multi_seek_test */
+static void
+write_seek_extend_test (const char * filename, int format)
+{	SNDFILE * file ;
+	SF_INFO info ;
+	short	*orig, *test ;
+	unsigned items, k ;
+	/* This test doesn't work on the following. */
+	switch (format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK)
+	{	case SF_FORMAT_FLAC :
+		case SF_FORMAT_HTK :
+		case SF_FORMAT_PAF :
+		case SF_FORMAT_SDS :
+		case SF_FORMAT_SVX :
+			return ;
+		default :
+			break ;
+		} ;
+	memset (&info, 0, sizeof (info)) ;
+	info.samplerate = 48000 ;
+	info.channels = 1 ;
+	info.format = format ;
+	items = 512 ;
+	exit_if_true (items > ARRAY_LEN (orig_data.s), "Line %d : Bad assumption.\n", __LINE__) ;
+	orig = orig_data.s ;
+	test = test_data.s ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < ARRAY_LEN (orig_data.s) ; k++)
+		orig [k] = 0x3fff ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_WRITE, &info, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
+	test_write_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	/* Extend the file using a seek. */
+	test_seek_or_die (file, 2 * items, SEEK_SET, 2 * items, info.channels, __LINE__) ;
+	test_writef_short_or_die (file, 0, orig, items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	file = test_open_file_or_die (filename, SFM_READ, &info, SF_FALSE, __LINE__) ;
+	test_read_short_or_die (file, 0, test, 3 * items, __LINE__) ;
+	sf_close (file) ;
+	/* Can't do these formats due to scaling. */
+	switch (format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK)
+	{	case SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8 :
+		case SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8 :
+			return ;
+		default :
+			break ;
+		} ;
+	for (k = 0 ; k < items ; k++)
+	{	exit_if_true (test [k] != 0x3fff, "Line %d : test [%d] == %d, should be 0x3fff.\n", __LINE__, k, test [k]) ;
+		exit_if_true (test [items + k] != 0, "Line %d : test [%d] == %d, should be 0.\n", __LINE__, items + k, test [items + k]) ;
+		exit_if_true (test [2 * items + k] != 0x3fff, "Line %d : test [%d] == %d, should be 0x3fff.\n", __LINE__, 2 * items + k, test [2 * items + k]) ;
+		} ;
+	return ;
+} /* write_seek_extend_test */