* #29632: Added libsndfile dep
jni: updated sflphone
diff --git a/jni/libsndfile-1.0.25/doc/api.html b/jni/libsndfile-1.0.25/doc/api.html
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+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+	The libsndfile API
+	</TITLE>
+	<META NAME="Author"      CONTENT="Erik de Castro Lopo (erikd AT mega-nerd DOT com)">
+	<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="The libsndfile API.">
+	<META NAME="Keywords"    CONTENT="WAV AIFF AU libsndfile sound audio dsp Linux">
+	<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="libsndfile.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="all">
+	<LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF="print.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA="print">
+	Libsndfile is a library designed to allow the reading and writing of many
+	different sampled sound file formats (such as MS Windows WAV and the Apple/SGI
+	AIFF format) through one standard library interface.
+<!-- pepper -->
+	During read and write operations, formats are seamlessly converted between the
+	format the application program has requested or supplied and the file's data
+	format. The application programmer can remain blissfully unaware of issues
+	such as file endian-ness and data format. See <A HREF="#note1">Note 1</A> and
+	<A HREF="#note2">Note 2</A>.
+<!-- pepper -->
+	Every effort is made to keep these documents up-to-date, error free and
+	unambiguous.
+	However, since maintaining the documentation is the least fun part of working
+	on libsndfile, these docs can and do fall behind the behaviour of library.
+	If any errors, omissions or ambiguities are found, please notify me (erikd)
+	at mega-nerd dot com.
+<!-- pepper -->
+	To supplement this reference documentation, there are simple example programs
+	included in the source code tarball.
+	The test suite which is also part of the source code tarball is also a good
+	place to look for the correct usage of the library functions.
+<!-- pepper -->
+	<B> Finally, if you think there is some feature missing from libsndfile, check that
+	it isn't already implemented (and documented)
+		<A HREF="command.html">here</A>.
+	</B>
+The functions of libsndfile are defined as follows:
+<!-- pepper -->
+      #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
+      #include &lt;sndfile.h&gt;
+      SNDFILE*    <A HREF="#open">sf_open</A>          (const char *path, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo) ;
+      SNDFILE*    <A HREF="#open_fd">sf_open_fd</A>       (int fd, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo, int close_desc) ;
+      SNDFILE* 	  <A HREF="#open_virtual">sf_open_virtual</A>  (SF_VIRTUAL_IO *sfvirtual, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo, void *user_data) ;
+      int         <A HREF="#check">sf_format_check</A>  (const SF_INFO *info) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#seek">sf_seek</A>          (SNDFILE *sndfile, sf_count_t frames, int whence) ;
+      int         <A HREF="command.html">sf_command</A>       (SNDFILE *sndfile, int cmd, void *data, int datasize) ;
+      int         <A HREF="#error">sf_error</A>         (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+      const char* <A HREF="#error">sf_strerror</A>      (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+      const char* <A HREF="#error">sf_error_number</A>  (int errnum) ;
+      int         <A HREF="#error">sf_perror</A>        (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+      int         <A HREF="#error">sf_error_str</A>     (SNDFILE *sndfile, char* str, size_t len) ;
+      int         <A HREF="#close">sf_close</A>         (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+      void        <A HREF="#write_sync">sf_write_sync</A>    (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#read">sf_read_short</A>    (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#read">sf_read_int</A>      (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#read">sf_read_float</A>    (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#read">sf_read_double</A>   (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#readf">sf_readf_short</A>   (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#readf">sf_readf_int</A>     (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#readf">sf_readf_float</A>   (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#readf">sf_readf_double</A>  (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#write">sf_write_short</A>   (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#write">sf_write_int</A>     (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#write">sf_write_float</A>   (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#write">sf_write_double</A>  (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#writef">sf_writef_short</A>  (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#writef">sf_writef_int</A>    (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#writef">sf_writef_float</A>  (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#writef">sf_writef_double</A> (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#raw">sf_read_raw</A>      (SNDFILE *sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t bytes) ;
+      sf_count_t  <A HREF="#raw">sf_write_raw</A>     (SNDFILE *sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t bytes) ;
+      const char* <A HREF="#string">sf_get_string</A>    (SNDFILE *sndfile, int str_type) ;
+      int         <A HREF="#string">sf_set_string</A>    (SNDFILE *sndfile, int str_type, const char* str) ;
+<!-- pepper -->
+SNDFILE* is an anonymous pointer to data which is private to the library.
+<A NAME="open"></A>
+<H2><B>File Open Function</B></H2>
+      SNDFILE*  sf_open    (const char *path, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo) ;
+The SF_INFO structure is for passing data between the calling function and the library
+when opening a file for reading or writing. It is defined in sndfile.h as follows:
+<!-- pepper -->
+      typedef struct
+      {    sf_count_t  frames ;     /* Used to be called samples. */
+           int         samplerate ;
+           int         channels ;
+           int         format ;
+           int         sections ;
+           int         seekable ;
+       } SF_INFO ;
+The mode parameter for this function can be any one of the following three values:
+<!-- pepper -->
+      SFM_READ    - read only mode
+      SFM_WRITE   - write only mode
+      SFM_RDWR    - read/write mode
+When opening a file for read, the <b>format</B> field should be set to zero before
+calling sf_open().
+The only exception to this is the case of RAW files where the caller has to set
+the samplerate, channels and format fields to valid values.
+All other fields of the structure are filled in by the library.
+<!-- pepper -->
+When opening a file for write, the caller must fill in structure members samplerate,
+channels, and format.
+<!-- pepper -->
+The format field in the above SF_INFO structure is made up of the bit-wise OR of a
+major format type (values between 0x10000 and 0x08000000), a minor format type
+(with values less than 0x10000) and an optional endian-ness value.
+The currently understood formats are listed in sndfile.h as follows and also include
+bitmasks for separating major and minor file types.
+Not all combinations of endian-ness and major and minor file types are valid.
+<!-- pepper -->
+      enum
+      {   /* Major formats. */
+          SF_FORMAT_WAV          = 0x010000,     /* Microsoft WAV format (little endian). */
+          SF_FORMAT_AIFF         = 0x020000,     /* Apple/SGI AIFF format (big endian). */
+          SF_FORMAT_AU           = 0x030000,     /* Sun/NeXT AU format (big endian). */
+          SF_FORMAT_RAW          = 0x040000,     /* RAW PCM data. */
+          SF_FORMAT_PAF          = 0x050000,     /* Ensoniq PARIS file format. */
+          SF_FORMAT_SVX          = 0x060000,     /* Amiga IFF / SVX8 / SV16 format. */
+          SF_FORMAT_NIST         = 0x070000,     /* Sphere NIST format. */
+          SF_FORMAT_VOC          = 0x080000,     /* VOC files. */
+          SF_FORMAT_IRCAM        = 0x0A0000,     /* Berkeley/IRCAM/CARL */
+          SF_FORMAT_W64          = 0x0B0000,     /* Sonic Foundry's 64 bit RIFF/WAV */
+          SF_FORMAT_MAT4         = 0x0C0000,     /* Matlab (tm) V4.2 / GNU Octave 2.0 */
+          SF_FORMAT_MAT5         = 0x0D0000,     /* Matlab (tm) V5.0 / GNU Octave 2.1 */
+          SF_FORMAT_PVF          = 0x0E0000,     /* Portable Voice Format */
+          SF_FORMAT_XI           = 0x0F0000,     /* Fasttracker 2 Extended Instrument */
+          SF_FORMAT_HTK          = 0x100000,     /* HMM Tool Kit format */
+          SF_FORMAT_SDS          = 0x110000,     /* Midi Sample Dump Standard */
+          SF_FORMAT_AVR          = 0x120000,     /* Audio Visual Research */
+          SF_FORMAT_WAVEX        = 0x130000,     /* MS WAVE with WAVEFORMATEX */
+          SF_FORMAT_SD2          = 0x160000,     /* Sound Designer 2 */
+          SF_FORMAT_FLAC         = 0x170000,     /* FLAC lossless file format */
+          SF_FORMAT_CAF          = 0x180000,     /* Core Audio File format */
+          SF_FORMAT_WVE          = 0x190000,     /* Psion WVE format */
+          SF_FORMAT_OGG          = 0x200000,     /* Xiph OGG container */
+          SF_FORMAT_MPC2K        = 0x210000,     /* Akai MPC 2000 sampler */
+          SF_FORMAT_RF64         = 0x220000,     /* RF64 WAV file */
+          /* Subtypes from here on. */
+          SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8       = 0x0001,       /* Signed 8 bit data */
+          SF_FORMAT_PCM_16       = 0x0002,       /* Signed 16 bit data */
+          SF_FORMAT_PCM_24       = 0x0003,       /* Signed 24 bit data */
+          SF_FORMAT_PCM_32       = 0x0004,       /* Signed 32 bit data */
+          SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8       = 0x0005,       /* Unsigned 8 bit data (WAV and RAW only) */
+          SF_FORMAT_FLOAT        = 0x0006,       /* 32 bit float data */
+          SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE       = 0x0007,       /* 64 bit float data */
+          SF_FORMAT_ULAW         = 0x0010,       /* U-Law encoded. */
+          SF_FORMAT_ALAW         = 0x0011,       /* A-Law encoded. */
+          SF_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM    = 0x0012,       /* IMA ADPCM. */
+          SF_FORMAT_MS_ADPCM     = 0x0013,       /* Microsoft ADPCM. */
+          SF_FORMAT_GSM610       = 0x0020,       /* GSM 6.10 encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_VOX_ADPCM    = 0x0021,       /* Oki Dialogic ADPCM encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_G721_32      = 0x0030,       /* 32kbs G721 ADPCM encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_G723_24      = 0x0031,       /* 24kbs G723 ADPCM encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_G723_40      = 0x0032,       /* 40kbs G723 ADPCM encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_DWVW_12      = 0x0040,       /* 12 bit Delta Width Variable Word encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_DWVW_16      = 0x0041,       /* 16 bit Delta Width Variable Word encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_DWVW_24      = 0x0042,       /* 24 bit Delta Width Variable Word encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_DWVW_N       = 0x0043,       /* N bit Delta Width Variable Word encoding. */
+          SF_FORMAT_DPCM_8       = 0x0050,       /* 8 bit differential PCM (XI only) */
+          SF_FORMAT_DPCM_16      = 0x0051,       /* 16 bit differential PCM (XI only) */
+          SF_FORMAT_VORBIS       = 0x0060,       /* Xiph Vorbis encoding. */
+          /* Endian-ness options. */
+          SF_ENDIAN_FILE         = 0x00000000,   /* Default file endian-ness. */
+          SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE       = 0x10000000,   /* Force little endian-ness. */
+          SF_ENDIAN_BIG          = 0x20000000,   /* Force big endian-ness. */
+          SF_ENDIAN_CPU          = 0x30000000,   /* Force CPU endian-ness. */
+          SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK      = 0x0000FFFF,
+          SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK     = 0x0FFF0000,
+          SF_FORMAT_ENDMASK      = 0x30000000
+      } ;
+<!-- pepper -->
+Every call to sf_open() should be matched with a call to sf_close() to free up
+memory allocated during the call to sf_open().
+<!-- pepper -->
+On success, the sf_open function returns a non-NULL pointer which should be
+passed as the first parameter to all subsequent libsndfile calls dealing with
+that audio file.
+On fail, the sf_open function returns a NULL pointer.
+An explanation of the error can obtained by passing NULL to
+	<A HREF="#error">sf_strerror</A>.
+<A NAME="open_fd"></A>
+<H3><B>File Descriptor Open</B></H3>
+      SNDFILE*  sf_open_fd (int fd, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo, int close_desc) ;
+<b>Note:</b> On Microsoft Windows, this function does not work if the
+application and the libsndfile DLL are linked to different versions of the
+Microsoft C runtime DLL.
+The second open function takes a file descriptor of a file that has already been
+Care should be taken to ensure that the mode of the file represented by the
+descriptor matches the mode argument.
+This function is useful in the following circumstances:
+	<LI>Opening temporary files securely (ie use the tmpfile() to return a
+		FILE* pointer and then using fileno() to retrieve the file descriptor
+		which is then passed to libsndfile).
+	<LI>Opening files with file names using OS specific character encodings
+		and then passing the file descriptor to sf_open_fd().
+	<LI>Opening sound files embedded within larger files.
+			<A HREF="embedded_files.html">More info</A>.
+Every call to sf_open_fd() should be matched with a call to sf_close() to free up
+memory allocated during the call to sf_open().
+When sf_close() is called, the file descriptor is only closed if the <B>close_desc</B>
+parameter was TRUE when the sf_open_fd() function was called.
+On success, the sf_open_fd function returns a non-NULL pointer which should be
+passed as the first parameter to all subsequent libsndfile calls dealing with
+that audio file.
+On fail, the sf_open_fd function returns a NULL pointer.
+<A NAME="open_virtual"></A>
+<h3><b>Virtual File Open Function</b></h3>
+      SNDFILE* 	sf_open_virtual	(SF_VIRTUAL_IO *sfvirtual, int mode, SF_INFO *sfinfo, void *user_data) ;
+	Opens a soundfile from a virtual file I/O context which is provided
+	by the caller. This is usually used to interface libsndfile to a stream or buffer
+	based system. Apart from the sfvirtual and the user_data parameters this function behaves
+	like <a href="#open">sf_open</a>.
+      typedef struct
+      {    sf_vio_get_filelen  get_filelen ;
+           sf_vio_seek         seek ;
+           sf_vio_read         read ;
+           sf_vio_write        write ;
+           sf_vio_tell         tell ;
+      } SF_VIRTUAL_IO ;
+Libsndfile calls the callbacks provided by the SF_VIRTUAL_IO structure when opening, reading
+and writing to the virtual file context. The user_data pointer is a user defined context which
+will be available in the callbacks.
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_get_filelen) (void *user_data) ;
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_seek)        (sf_count_t offset, int whence, void *user_data) ;
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_read)        (void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data) ;
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_write)       (const void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data) ;
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_tell)        (void *user_data) ;
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_get_filelen) (void *user_data) ;
+The virtual file contex must return the length of the virtual file in bytes.<br>
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_seek)        (sf_count_t offset, int whence, void *user_data) ;
+The virtual file context must seek to offset using the seek mode provided by whence which is one of<br>
+      SEEK_CUR
+      SEEK_SET
+      SEEK_END
+The return value must contain the new offset in the file.
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_read)        (void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data) ;
+The virtual file context must copy ("read") "count" bytes into the
+buffer provided by ptr and return the count of actually copied bytes.
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_write)       (const void *ptr, sf_count_t count, void *user_data) ;
+The virtual file context must process "count" bytes stored in the
+buffer passed with ptr and return the count of actually processed bytes.<br>
+      typedef sf_count_t  (*sf_vio_tell)        (void *user_data) ;
+Return the current position of the virtual file context.<br>
+<A NAME="check"></A>
+<BR><H2><B>Format Check Function</B></H2>
+      int  sf_format_check (const SF_INFO *info) ;
+<!-- pepper -->
+This function allows the caller to check if a set of parameters in the SF_INFO struct
+is valid before calling sf_open (SFM_WRITE).
+sf_format_check returns TRUE if the parameters are valid and FALSE otherwise.
+<A NAME="seek"></A>
+<BR><H2><B>File Seek Functions</B></H2>
+      sf_count_t  sf_seek  (SNDFILE *sndfile, sf_count_t frames, int whence) ;
+The file seek functions work much like lseek in unistd.h with the exception that
+the non-audio data is ignored and the seek only moves within the audio data section of
+the file.
+In addition, seeks are defined in number of (multichannel) frames.
+Therefore, a seek in a stereo file from the current position forward with an offset
+of 1 would skip forward by one sample of both channels.
+like lseek(), the whence parameter can be any one of the following three values:
+      SEEK_SET  - The offset is set to the start of the audio data plus offset (multichannel) frames.
+      SEEK_CUR  - The offset is set to its current location plus offset (multichannel) frames.
+      SEEK_END  - The offset is set to the end of the data plus offset (multichannel) frames.
+<!-- pepper -->
+Internally, libsndfile keeps track of the read and write locations using separate
+read and write pointers.
+If a file has been opened with a mode of SFM_RDWR, bitwise OR-ing the standard whence
+values above with either SFM_READ or SFM_WRITE allows the read and write pointers to
+be modified separately.
+If the SEEK_* values are used on their own, the read and write pointers are
+both modified.
+Note that the frames offset can be negative and in fact should be when SEEK_END is used for the
+whence parameter.
+sf_seek will return the offset in (multichannel) frames from the start of the audio data
+or -1 if an error occured (ie an attempt is made to seek beyond the start or end of the file).
+<A NAME="error"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>Error Reporting Functions</B></H2>
+      int         sf_error        (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+This function returns the current error number for the given SNDFILE.
+The error number may be one of the following:
+        enum
+        {   SF_ERR_NO_ERROR             = 0,
+            SF_ERR_SYSTEM               = 2,
+            SF_ERR_MALFORMED_FILE       = 3,
+        } ;
+<!-- pepper -->
+or any one of many other internal error values.
+Applications should only test the return value against error values defined in
+&lt;sndfile.h&gt; as the internal error values are subject to change at any
+For errors not in the above list, the function sf_error_number() can be used to
+convert it to an error string.
+      const char* sf_strerror     (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+      const char* sf_error_number (int errnum) ;
+The error functions sf_strerror() and sf_error_number() convert the library's internal
+error enumerations into text strings.
+      int         sf_perror     (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+      int         sf_error_str  (SNDFILE *sndfile, char* str, size_t len) ;
+The functions sf_perror() and sf_error_str() are deprecated and will be dropped
+from the library at some later date.
+<A NAME="close"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>File Close Function</B></H2>
+      int  sf_close  (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+<!-- pepper -->
+The close function closes the file, deallocates its internal buffers and returns
+0 on success or an error value otherwise.
+<A NAME="write_sync"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>Write Sync Function</B></H2>
+      void  sf_write_sync  (SNDFILE *sndfile) ;
+<!-- pepper -->
+If the file is opened SFM_WRITE or SFM_RDWR, call the operating system's function
+to force the writing of all file cache buffers to disk. If the file is opened
+SFM_READ no action is taken.
+<A NAME="read"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>File Read Functions (Items)</B></H2>
+      sf_count_t  sf_read_short   (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_read_int     (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_read_float   (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_read_double  (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+The file read items functions fill the array pointed to by ptr with the requested
+number of items. The items parameter must be an integer product of the number
+of channels or an error will occur.
+<!-- pepper -->
+It is important to note that the data type used by the calling program and the data
+format of the file do not need to be the same. For instance, it is possible to open
+a 16 bit PCM encoded WAV file and read the data using sf_read_float(). The library
+seamlessly converts between the two formats on-the-fly. See
+<A HREF="#note1">Note 1</A>.
+<!-- pepper -->
+The sf_read_XXXX functions return the number of items read.
+Unless the end of the file was reached during the read, the return value should
+equal the number of items requested.
+Attempts to read beyond the end of the file will not result in an error but will
+cause the sf_read_XXXX functions to return less than the number of items requested
+or 0 if already at the end of the file.
+<A NAME="readf"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>File Read Functions (Frames)</B></H2>
+      sf_count_t  sf_readf_short   (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_readf_int     (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_readf_float   (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_readf_double  (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+<!-- pepper -->
+The file read frames functions fill the array pointed to by ptr with the requested
+number of frames of data. The array must be large enough to hold the product of
+frames and the number of channels.
+Care must be taken to ensure that there is enough space in the array pointed to by
+ptr, to take (frames * channels) number of items (shorts, ints, floats or doubles).
+The sf_readf_XXXX functions return the number of frames read.
+Unless the end of the file was reached during the read, the return value should equal
+the number of frames requested.
+Attempts to read beyond the end of the file will not result in an error but will cause
+the sf_readf_XXXX functions to return less than the number of frames requested or 0 if
+already at the end of the file.
+<A NAME="write"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>File Write Functions (Items)</B></H2>
+      sf_count_t  sf_write_short   (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_write_int     (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_write_float   (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_write_double  (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t items) ;
+The file write items functions write the data in the array pointed to by ptr to the file.
+The items parameter must be an integer product of the number of channels or an error
+will occur.
+<!-- pepper -->
+It is important to note that the data type used by the calling program and the data
+format of the file do not need to be the same. For instance, it is possible to open
+a 16 bit PCM encoded WAV file and write the data using sf_write_float(). The library
+seamlessly converts between the two formats on-the-fly. See
+<A HREF="#note1">Note 1</A>.
+The sf_write_XXXX functions return the number of items written (which should be the
+same as the items parameter).
+<A NAME="writef"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>File Write Functions (Frames)</B></H2>
+      sf_count_t  sf_writef_short  (SNDFILE *sndfile, short *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_writef_int    (SNDFILE *sndfile, int *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_writef_float  (SNDFILE *sndfile, float *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_writef_double (SNDFILE *sndfile, double *ptr, sf_count_t frames) ;
+The file write frames functions write the data in the array pointed to by ptr to the file.
+The array must be large enough to hold the product of frames and the number of channels.
+The sf_writef_XXXX functions return the number of frames written (which should be the
+same as the frames parameter).
+<A NAME="raw"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>Raw File Read and Write Functions</B></H2>
+<!-- pepper -->
+      sf_count_t  sf_read_raw     (SNDFILE *sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t bytes) ;
+      sf_count_t  sf_write_raw    (SNDFILE *sndfile, void *ptr, sf_count_t bytes) ;
+<b>Note:</b> Unless you are writing an external decoder/encode that uses
+libsndfile to handle the file headers, you should not be using these
+The raw read and write functions read raw audio data from the audio file (not to be
+confused with reading RAW header-less PCM files). The number of bytes read or written
+must always be an integer multiple of the number of channels multiplied by the number
+of bytes required to represent one sample from one channel.
+<!-- pepper -->
+The raw read and write functions return the number of bytes read or written (which
+should be the same as the bytes parameter).
+Note : The result of using of both regular reads/writes and raw reads/writes on
+compressed file formats other than SF_FORMAT_ALAW and SF_FORMAT_ULAW is undefined.
+See also : <a href="command.html#SFC_RAW_NEEDS_ENDSWAP">SFC_RAW_NEEDS_ENDSWAP</a>
+<A NAME="string"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>Functions for Reading and Writing String Data</B></H2>
+      const char* sf_get_string   (SNDFILE *sndfile, int str_type) ;
+      int         sf_set_string   (SNDFILE *sndfile, int str_type, const char* str) ;
+These functions allow strings to be set on files opened for write and to be
+retrieved from files opened for read where supported by the given file type.
+The <B>str_type</B> parameter can be any one of the following string types:
+          enum
+          {   SF_STR_TITLE,
+              SF_STR_COPYRIGHT,
+              SF_STR_SOFTWARE,
+              SF_STR_ARTIST,
+              SF_STR_COMMENT,
+              SF_STR_DATE,
+              SF_STR_ALBUM,
+              SF_STR_LICENSE,
+              SF_STR_TRACKNUMBER,
+              SF_STR_GENRE
+          } ;
+The sf_get_string() function returns the specified string if it exists and a
+NULL pointer otherwise.
+In addition to the string ids above, SF_STR_FIRST (== SF_STR_TITLE) and
+SF_STR_LAST (always the same as the highest numbers string id) are also
+available to allow iteration over all the available string ids.
+The sf_set_string() function sets the string data.
+It returns zero on success and non-zero on error.
+The error code can be converted to a string using sf_error_number().
+<A NAME="note1"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>Note 1</B></H2>
+<!-- pepper -->
+When converting between integer PCM formats of differing size (ie using sf_read_int()
+to read a 16 bit PCM encoded WAV file) libsndfile obeys one simple rule:
+<P CLASS=indent_block>
+Whenever integer data is moved from one sized container to another sized container,
+the most significant bit in the source container will become the most significant bit
+in the destination container.
+When converting between integer data and floating point data, different rules apply.
+The default behaviour when reading floating point data (sf_read_float() or
+sf_read_double ()) from a file with integer data is normalisation. Regardless of
+whether data in the file is 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit wide, the data will be read as
+floating point data in the range [-1.0, 1.0]. Similarly, data in the range [-1.0, 1.0]
+will be written to an integer PCM file so that a data value of 1.0 will be the largest
+allowable integer for the given bit width. This normalisation can be turned on or off
+using the <A HREF="command.html">sf_command</A> interface.
+<A NAME="note2"></A>
+<H2><BR><B>Note 2</B></H2>
+Reading a file containg floating point data (allowable with WAV, AIFF, AU and other
+file formats) using integer read methods (sf_read_short() or sf_read_int()) can
+produce unexpected results.
+For instance the data in the file may have a maximum absolute value &lt; 1.0 which
+would mean that all sample values read from the file will be zero.
+In order to read these files correctly using integer read methods, it is recommended
+that you use the
+     <A HREF="command.html">sf_command</A>
+interface, a command of
+and a parameter of SF_TRUE to force correct scaling.
+<!-- pepper -->
+<!-- pepper -->
+	The libsndfile home page is
+		<A HREF="http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/">here</A>.
+Version : 1.0.25
+<!-- pepper -->
+<!-- pepper -->
+<!-- pepper -->
+<!-- pepper -->