* #35924: added zrtp module build instructions
diff --git a/jni/libzrtp/cmake/Modules/SourceDistribution.cmake b/jni/libzrtp/cmake/Modules/SourceDistribution.cmake
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4dae25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/libzrtp/cmake/Modules/SourceDistribution.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# - a CMake module that helps to create a source distribution


+# This module provide some macros that setup a source distribution.

+# In contrast to standard CPack processing this is a very lightweight

+# module that works very fast. The source distribution module enables

+# the Cmake user to add indivdiual files and directories and thus

+# provides a more fine grained control than CPack.


+# The module works similar to the standard CMake INSTALL command: the

+# macros of this module prepare CMake files (cmake_src_dist.cmake) that

+# contain all necessary commands to create the distribution directoy.

+# The make target 'src_dist' executes the commands and builds the

+# compressed tar file of the source distribution.  


+# Usage:

+#  src_distribution_init([NOT_INCLUDE_DEFAULT] [<distribtuion name>])

+#    Initializes the source distribution functions. Each CMakeList.txt

+#    that distributes sources must call this macro before it can use

+#    other source distrbution macros. 

+#    Only the first call from the top level CMakeLists.txt uses the

+#    distribution name argument. All subsequent call silently ignore it.

+#    The macro sets the distribution name to ${PROJECT_NAME}-{VERSION}

+#    if no distribution name is provided.

+#    The macro automatically includes some default files and directories 

+#    into the distribution: CMakeLists.txt and the cmake directory. 

+#    Set NOT_INCLUDE_DEFAULT to disable this function.

+#    The macro creates a make target 'src_dist'. This target executes

+#    all operations to create the distribution directory structure and

+#    to create the compressed tar file <distrbution name>.tar.gz. The

+#    source distribution directory can be deleted afterwards.


+#  add_src_dist_dirs(<DIRECTORY> [<DIRECTORY>]*)

+#    Works imilar to the normal add_subdirectory command of CMake.

+#    This call adds a subdirectory that contains sources or other

+#    files that go into a source distribution. The subdirecty must

+#    contain a CMakeLists.txt file that also uses the source distrbution

+#    macros.


+#  add_src_dist_files(<FILENAME> [<FILENAME>]*)

+#    Adds one or more files to the source distrbution.


+# Eaxample:


+# include(SourceDistrbution)


+# The following call initializes the module and sets the distrbution's

+# name to 'mySourceDist'. The macro creates a directory with this name

+# in the current build directory and include the standard CMakeLists.txt

+# file and the 'cmake' directory (it it exists) into the distribution.


+# src_distribution_init(mySourceDist)


+#  Now add some files (assumes ${src_files} was set previously):

+# add_src_dist_files(README LICENSE ${src_files})


+#  Now add a subdirectoy, in this case an include directory:

+# add_src_dist_dirs(include) 



+# ---- internal macros ----


+# This macro gets the current directory relative to CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR 

+# and sets an internal variable to the current distribution directory.

+# Another variable holds the current path to the CMake command file.

+# Other macros use these variable to construct commands

+# to build the distribution structure.


+MACRO (_set_src_dist_scope_vars)


+if (NOT _src_dist_subdir)

+    set(_src_dist_fulldir ${SRC_DIST_DIR})


+    set(_src_dist_fulldir ${SRC_DIST_DIR}${_src_dist_subdir})


+set(_src_dist_cmd_file_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_SRC_DIST_CMD_FILE_NAME})




+# Check for the NOT_INCLUDE_DEFAULT option.


+MACRO(_src_dist_parse_options _result _default _length)

+  set(${_default} TRUE)


+  foreach(_arg ${ARGN})


+         set(${_default} FALSE)

+    endif()

+  endforeach()


+  set(${_result} ${ARGN})

+  list(LENGTH ${_result} ${_length})

+  if (${_length} GREATER 0)

+    list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_result} "NOT_INCLUDE_DEFAULT")

+  endif()

+  # recompute length of list

+  list(LENGTH ${_result} ${_length})






+# This macro initializes the source distribution package.

+# Only the top-level initialization macro init_src_distribution()

+# calls this internal macro.


+MACRO (_src_dist_internal_init)

+# internal variable for distribution cmake file

+set(_SRC_DIST_CMD_FILE_NAME "cmake_src_dist.cmake")


+if (${_src_dist_dirlist_length} EQUAL 0)

+   set(_src_dist_tardir ${PROJECT_NAME}-${VERSION})


+   list(GET _src_dist_dirlist 0 _src_dist_tardir)


+set(SRC_DIST_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${_src_dist_tardir})


+message(STATUS "Source distribution direcrory set to: ${SRC_DIST_DIR}")



+file(REMOVE ${_src_dist_cmd_file_path})


+# fill in first commands into the distribution cmake file. Calling

+# 'make src_dist' executes the stored commands and prepares the source

+# distrubtion.


+file(APPEND ${_src_dist_cmd_file_path} "

+# clear contents of an existing distribution directory





+  COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P ${_src_dist_cmd_file_path}

+  COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar cfj ${SRC_DIST_DIR}.tar.bz2 ${_src_dist_tardir}

+  COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E remove_directory ${SRC_DIST_DIR}

+  )




+################# User visible macros ###################




+# clear old src distribution cmake command file

+_src_dist_parse_options(_src_dist_dirlist _src_dist_default _src_dist_dirlist_length ${ARGN})



+    _src_dist_internal_init()



+  _set_src_dist_scope_vars()

+  file(REMOVE ${_src_dist_cmd_file_path})





+    set(_src_dist_list_tmp)

+    # Get all files names in cmake subdir

+    # Unfortunately CMake also globs all directories and files that start

+    # with . - that is not the same as shell behaviour

+    file(GLOB_RECURSE _src_dist_names_tmp RELATIVE 


+    #

+    # Remove all file names that contain a name that start with .

+    foreach(_nm ${_src_dist_names_tmp})

+      string(REGEX REPLACE .*/\\..* "" _nm ${_nm})

+      set(_src_dist_list_tmp ${_src_dist_list_tmp} ${_nm})

+    endforeach()

+    add_src_dist_files(${_src_dist_list_tmp})

+  endif()


+    file(APPEND ${_src_dist_cmd_file_path} "




+  endif()





+# Add a subdirectory to the src distribution




+foreach(_dir ${ARGN})

+    if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_dir}/CMakeLists.txt)

+        message(FATAL_ERROR 

+	    "Soure distribution subdirectory \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_dir}\" does not contain a CMakeLists.txt")

+    endif()


+    # include subdirectory's distribution cmake command file

+    file(APPEND ${_src_dist_cmd_file_path} "







+# Add files to the src distribution. The handles and install files

+# that are in the same directory as the current source as well as files

+# in sub directories of the current source (with relative path).




+foreach(_file ${ARGN})

+  get_filename_component(_src_dist_tmp_path ${_file} PATH)

+#  string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" "" _src_dist_tmp_path "${_src_dist_tmp_path}")

+  if(_src_dist_tmp_path)

+    set(_src_dist_tmp_path ${_src_dist_fulldir}/${_src_dist_tmp_path})

+  else ()

+    set(_src_dist_tmp_path ${_src_dist_fulldir})

+  endif()

+  file(APPEND ${_src_dist_cmd_file_path} "


+    \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_file}\") ")


