blob: 42ecf8bb5e3bf37f9482be36a7d50a53cbb5f691 [file] [log] [blame]
This directory includes example programs intended for testing
and illustrating features of ccRTP and the ZRTP extension.
Before using these programs make sure that ccRTP is up and
working correctly.
* zrtptest: is similar to ccrtptest in ccRTP demo directory. This
program shows how to use the class SymmetricZRTPSession instead
of RTPSession.
The first test shows that SymmetricZRTPSession is compatible to
RTPSession if it is used without specific initialization or configuration.
The second test initializes the ZRTP engine and starts it just before
sending or receiving RTP data. The enable ZRTP the test sets RTP in
bi-directional mode. This is the main difference to the first test case.
The third test shows how to use an application supplied callback class
to control message printout, switching to secure mode, displaying
the Short Authentication String (SAS).
To start the demo application you may open two shell (command) windows
and start "zrtptest -r" in one window first, then start "zrtptest -s"
in the second window. The application use the port numbers 10002 thruogh
10004 on localhost to communicate.