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// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This file is part of GNU uCommon C++.
// GNU uCommon C++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// GNU uCommon C++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with GNU uCommon C++. If not, see <>.
* Threadsafe object containers. This is used to better define
* object containers and manipulating classes which can be presumed to be
* fully threadsafe and thread-aware. This has to be defined separately
* to assure correct order of preceeding headers as well as to better
* organize the library for clarity. Most of these classes and templates
* work with classes derived from Object and LinkedObject and make use of
* conditional for time constrained acquisition of managed objects.
* @file ucommon/containers.h
#include <ucommon/platform.h>
#include <ucommon/protocols.h>
#include <ucommon/linked.h>
#include <ucommon/memory.h>
#include <ucommon/thread.h>
* Linked allocator helper for linked_allocator template. This is used
* to alloc an array of typed objects tied to a free list in a single
* operation.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT LinkedAllocator : private Conditional
LinkedObject *freelist;
LinkedObject *get(void);
LinkedObject *get(timeout_t timeout);
void release(LinkedObject *node);
* Test if there is still objects in the free list.
* @return true if there are objects.
operator bool();
* Test if the free list is empty.
* @return true if the free list is empty.
bool operator!();
* A thread-safe buffer for serializing and streaming class data. While
* the queue and stack operate by managing lists of reference pointers to
* objects of various mixed kind, the buffer holds physical copies of objects
* that being passed through it, and all must be the same size. For this
* reason the buffer is normally used through the bufferof<type> template
* rather than stand-alone. The buffer is accessed in fifo order.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT Buffer : protected Conditional
size_t bufsize, objsize;
caddr_t buf, head, tail;
unsigned objcount, limit;
* Create a buffer to hold a series of objects.
* @param size of each object in buffer.
* @param count of objects in the buffer.
Buffer(size_t typesize, size_t count);
* Deallocate buffer and unblock any waiting threads.
virtual ~Buffer();
* Get the next object from the buffer.
* @param timeout to wait when buffer is empty in milliseconds.
* @return pointer to next object in the buffer or NULL if timed out.
void *get(timeout_t timeout);
* Get the next object from the buffer. This blocks until an object
* becomes available.
* @return pointer to next object from buffer.
void *get(void);
* Put (copy) an object into the buffer. This blocks while the buffer
* is full.
* @param data to copy into the buffer.
void put(void *data);
* Put (copy) an object into the buffer.
* @param data to copy into the buffer.
* @param timeout to wait if buffer is full.
* @return true if copied, false if timed out while full.
bool put(void *data, timeout_t timeout);
* Release must be called when we get an object from the buffer. This
* is because the pointer we return is a physical pointer to memory
* that is part of the buffer. The object we get cannot be removed or
* the memory modified while the object is being used.
void release(void);
* Copy the next object from the buffer. This blocks until an object
* becomes available. Buffer is auto-released.
* @param data pointer to copy into.
void copy(void *data);
* Copy the next object from the buffer. Buffer is auto-released.
* @param data pointer to copy into.
* @param timeout to wait when buffer is empty in milliseconds.
* @return true if object copied, or false if timed out.
bool copy(void *data, timeout_t timeout);
* Peek at pending data in buffer. This returns a pointer to
* objects relative to the head. In effect it is the same as
* get() for item = 0.
* @param item to examine in buffer.
* @return pointer to item or NULL if invalid item number.
void *peek(unsigned item);
virtual void *invalid(void) const;
* Get the size of the buffer.
* @return size of the buffer.
unsigned size(void);
* Get the number of objects in the buffer currently.
* @return number of objects buffered.
unsigned count(void);
* Test if there is data waiting in the buffer.
* @return true if buffer has data.
operator bool();
* Test if the buffer is empty.
* @return true if the buffer is empty.
bool operator!();
* Manage a thread-safe queue of objects through reference pointers. This
* can be particularly interesting when used to enqueue/dequeue reference
* counted managed objects. Thread-safe access is managed through a
* conditional. Both lifo and fifo forms of queue access may be used. A
* pool of self-managed member objects are used to operate the queue. This
* queue is optimized for fifo access; while lifo is supported, it will be
* slow. If you need primarily lifo, you should use stack instead.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT Queue : protected OrderedIndex, protected Conditional
mempager *pager;
LinkedObject *freelist;
size_t used;
class __LOCAL member : public OrderedObject
member(Queue *q, ObjectProtocol *obj);
ObjectProtocol *object;
friend class member;
size_t limit;
virtual ObjectProtocol *invalid(void) const;
* Create a queue that uses a memory pager for internally managed
* member objects for a specified maximum number of object pointers.
* @param pager to use for internal member object or NULL to use heap.
* @param number of pointers that can be in the queue or 0 for unlimited.
* size limit.
Queue(mempager *pager = NULL, size_t number = 0);
* Destroy queue. If no mempager is used, then frees heap.
* Remove a specific object pointer for the queue. This can remove
* a member from any location in the queue, whether beginning, end, or
* somewhere in the middle. This also releases the object.
* @param object to remove.
* @return true if object was removed, false if not found.
bool remove(ObjectProtocol *object);
* Post an object into the queue by it's pointer. This can wait for
* a specified timeout if the queue is full, for example, for another
* thread to remove an object pointer. This also retains the object.
* @param object to post.
* @param timeout to wait if queue is full in milliseconds.
* @return true if object posted, false if queue full and timeout expired.
bool post(ObjectProtocol *object, timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Examine pending existing object in queue. Does not remove it.
* @param number of elements back.
* @return object in queue or NULL if invalid value.
ObjectProtocol *get(unsigned offset = 0);
* Get and remove last object posted to the queue. This can wait for
* a specified timeout of the queue is empty. The object is still
* retained and must be released or deleted by the receiving function.
* @param timeout to wait if empty in milliseconds.
* @return object from queue or NULL if empty and timed out.
ObjectProtocol *fifo(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Get and remove first object posted to the queue. This can wait for
* a specified timeout of the queue is empty. The object is still
* retained and must be released or deleted by the receiving function.
* @param timeout to wait if empty in milliseconds.
* @return object from queue or NULL if empty and timed out.
ObjectProtocol *lifo(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Get number of object points currently in the queue.
* @return number of objects in queue.
size_t count(void);
* Manage a thread-safe stack of objects through reference pointers. This
* Thread-safe access is managed through a conditional. This differs from
* the queue in lifo mode because delinking the last object is immediate,
* and because it has much less overhead. A pool of self-managed
* member objects are used to operate the stack.
* @author David Sugar <>
class __EXPORT Stack : protected Conditional
LinkedObject *freelist, *usedlist;
mempager *pager;
size_t used;
class __LOCAL member : public LinkedObject
member(Stack *s, ObjectProtocol *obj);
ObjectProtocol *object;
friend class member;
size_t limit;
virtual ObjectProtocol *invalid(void) const;
* Create a stack that uses a memory pager for internally managed
* member objects for a specified maximum number of object pointers.
* @param pager to use for internal member object or NULL to use heap.
* @param number of pointers that can be in the stack or 0 if unlimited.
Stack(mempager *pager = NULL, size_t number = 0);
* Destroy queue. If no pager is used, then frees heap.
virtual ~Stack();
* Remove a specific object pointer for the queue. This can remove
* a member from any location in the queue, whether beginning, end, or
* somewhere in the middle. This also releases the object.
* @param object to remove.
* @return true if object was removed, false if not found.
bool remove(ObjectProtocol *object);
* Push an object into the stack by it's pointer. This can wait for
* a specified timeout if the stack is full, for example, for another
* thread to remove an object pointer. This also retains the object.
* @param object to push.
* @param timeout to wait if stack is full in milliseconds.
* @return true if object pushed, false if stack full and timeout expired.
bool push(ObjectProtocol *object, timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Get and remove last object pushed on the stack. This can wait for
* a specified timeout of the stack is empty. The object is still
* retained and must be released or deleted by the receiving function.
* @param timeout to wait if empty in milliseconds.
* @return object pulled from stack or NULL if empty and timed out.
ObjectProtocol *pull(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Examine an existing object on the stack.
* @param offset to stack entry.
* @return object examined.
ObjectProtocol *get(unsigned offset = 0);
* Get number of object points currently in the stack.
* @return number of objects in stack.
size_t count(void);
const ObjectProtocol *peek(timeout_t timeout = 0);
* Linked allocator template to gather linked objects. This allocates the
* object pool in a single array as a single heap allocation, and releases
* the whole pool with a single delete when done. It is also threadsafe.
* The types used must be derived of LinkedObject.
* @author David Sugar <>
template <class T>
class linked_allocator : public LinkedAllocator
T* array;
inline linked_allocator(size_t size) : LinkedAllocator() {
array = new T[size];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i)
{delete[] array;};
inline T *get(void)
{return static_cast<T *>(LinkedAllocator::get());};
inline T *get(timeout_t timeout)
{return static_cast<T *>(LinkedAllocator::get(timeout));};
inline void release(T *node)
* A templated typed class for buffering of objects. This operates as a
* fifo buffer of typed objects which are physically copied into the buffer.
* The objects that are buffered are accessed from allocated buffer space.
* As designed this may be used with multiple producer threads and one
* consumer thread. To use multiple consumers, one can copy the typed object
* from the buffer through the get pointer and then call release. The
* copied object can then be used safely. This is what the copy method is
* used for.
* @author David Sugar <>
template<class T>
class bufferof : public Buffer
* Create a buffer to hold a series of typed objects.
* @param count of typed objects in the buffer.
inline bufferof(unsigned capacity) :
Buffer(sizeof(T), capacity) {};
* Get the next typed object from the buffer. This blocks until an object
* becomes available.
* @return pointer to next typed object from buffer.
inline T *get(void)
{return static_cast<T*>(get());};
* Get the next typed object from the buffer.
* @param timeout to wait when buffer is empty in milliseconds.
* @return pointer to next typed object in the buffer or NULL if timed out.
inline T *get(timeout_t timeout)
{return static_cast<T*>(get(timeout));};
* Put (copy) a typed object into the buffer. This blocks while the buffer
* is full.
* @param object to copy into the buffer.
inline void put(T *object)
* Put (copy) an object into the buffer.
* @param object to copy into the buffer.
* @param timeout to wait if buffer is full.
* @return true if copied, false if timed out while full.
inline bool put(T *object, timeout_t timeout)
{return put(object, timeout);};
* Copy the next typed object from the buffer. This blocks until an object
* becomes available.
* @param object pointer to copy typed object into.
inline void copy(T *object)
* Copy the next typed object from the buffer.
* @param object pointer to copy typed object into.
* @param timeout to wait when buffer is empty in milliseconds.
* @return true if object copied, or false if timed out.
inline bool get(T *object, timeout_t timeout)
{return copy(object, timeout);};
* Examine past item in the buffer. This is a typecast of the peek
* operation.
* @param item in buffer.
* @return item pointer if valid or NULL.
inline const T& at(unsigned item)
{return static_cast<const T&>(Buffer::peek(item));};
* Examine past item in the buffer. This is a typecast of the peek
* operation.
* @param item in buffer.
* @return item pointer if valid or NULL.
inline T&operator[](unsigned item)
{return static_cast<T&>(Buffer::peek(item));};
inline T* operator()(unsigned offset = 0)
{return static_cast<T*>(Buffer::peek(offset));}
* A templated typed class for thread-safe stack of object pointers. This
* allows one to use the stack class in a typesafe manner for a specific
* object type derived from Object rather than generically for any derived
* object class.
* @author David Sugar <>
template<class T>
class stackof : public Stack
* Create templated stack of typed objects.
* @param memory pool for internal use of stack.
* @param size of stack to construct. Uses 0 if no size limit.
inline stackof(mempager *memory, size_t size = 0) : Stack(memory, size) {};
* Remove a specific typed object pointer for the stack. This can remove
* a member from any location in the stack, whether beginning, end, or
* somewhere in the middle. This releases the object.
* @param object to remove.
* @return true if object was removed, false if not found.
inline bool remove(T *object)
{return Stack::remove(object);};
* Push a typed object into the stack by it's pointer. This can wait for
* a specified timeout if the queue is full, for example, for another
* thread to remove an object pointer. This retains the object.
* @param object to push.
* @param timeout to wait if queue is full in milliseconds.
* @return true if object pushed, false if queue full and timeout expired.
inline bool push(T *object, timeout_t timeout = 0)
{return Stack::push(object);};
* Get and remove last typed object posted to the stack. This can wait for
* a specified timeout of the stack is empty. The object is still retained
* and must be released or deleted by the receiving function.
* @param timeout to wait if empty in milliseconds.
* @return object from queue or NULL if empty and timed out.
inline T *pull(timeout_t timeout = 0)
{return static_cast<T *>(Stack::pull(timeout));};
* Examine last typed object posted to the stack. This can wait for
* a specified timeout of the stack is empty.
* @param timeout to wait if empty in milliseconds.
* @return object in queue or NULL if empty and timed out.
inline const T *peek(timeout_t timeout = 0)
{return static_cast<const T *>(Stack::peek(timeout));};
inline T* operator()(unsigned offset = 0)
{return static_cast<T*>(Stack::get(offset));}
* Examine past item in the stack. This is a typecast of the peek
* operation.
* @param offset in stack.
* @return item pointer if valid or NULL.
inline const T& at(unsigned offset = 0)
{return static_cast<const T&>(Stack::get(offset));};
* Examine past item in the stack. This is a typecast of the peek
* operation.
* @param offset in stack.
* @return item pointer if valid or NULL.
inline const T& operator[](unsigned offset)
{return static_cast<T&>(Stack::get(offset));};
* A templated typed class for thread-safe queue of object pointers. This
* allows one to use the queue class in a typesafe manner for a specific
* object type derived from Object rather than generically for any derived
* object class.
* @author David Sugar <>
template<class T>
class queueof : public Queue
* Create templated queue of typed objects.
* @param memory pool for internal use by queue.
* @param size of queue to construct. Uses 0 if no size limit.
inline queueof(mempager *memory, size_t size = 0) : Queue(memory, size) {};
* Remove a specific typed object pointer for the queue. This can remove
* a member from any location in the queue, whether beginning, end, or
* somewhere in the middle. This releases the object.
* @param object to remove.
* @return true if object was removed, false if not found.
inline bool remove(T *object)
{return Queue::remove(object);};
* Post a typed object into the queue by it's pointer. This can wait for
* a specified timeout if the queue is full, for example, for another
* thread to remove an object pointer. This retains the object.
* @param object to post.
* @param timeout to wait if queue is full in milliseconds.
* @return true if object posted, false if queue full and timeout expired.
inline bool post(T *object, timeout_t timeout = 0)
{return Queue::post(object);};
* Get and remove first typed object posted to the queue. This can wait for
* a specified timeut of the queue is empty. The object is still retained
* and must be released or deleted by the receiving function.
* @param timeout to wait if empty in milliseconds.
* @return object from queue or NULL if empty and timed out.
inline T *fifo(timeout_t timeout = 0)
{return static_cast<T *>(Queue::fifo(timeout));};
* Get and remove last typed object posted to the queue. This can wait for
* a specified timeout of the queue is empty. The object is still retained
* and must be released or deleted by the receiving function.
* @param timeout to wait if empty in milliseconds.
* @return object from queue or NULL if empty and timed out.
inline T *lifo(timeout_t timeout = 0)
{return static_cast<T *>(Queue::lifo(timeout));};
* Examine past item in the queue. This is a typecast of the peek
* operation.
* @param offset in queue.
* @return item pointer if valid or NULL.
inline const T& at(unsigned offset = 0)
{return static_cast<const T&>(Queue::get(offset));};
* Examine past item in the queue. This is a typecast of the peek
* operation.
* @param offset in queue.
* @return item pointer if valid or NULL.
inline T& operator[](unsigned offset)
{return static_cast<T&>(Queue::get(offset));};
inline T* operator()(unsigned offset = 0)
{return static_cast<T*>(Queue::get(offset));}
* Convenience type for using thread-safe object stacks.
typedef Stack stack_t;
* Convenience type for using thread-safe object fifo (queue).
typedef Queue fifo_t;