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// Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Open Source Telecom Corporation.
// Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
// library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
// templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
// this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
// file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
// the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
// invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
// the GNU General Public License.
// This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
// Common C++. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
// Common C++, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
// not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
// anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
// this exception notice from them.
// If you write modifications of your own for GNU Common C++, it is your choice
// whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
// If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
* @file file.h
* @short Files and dynamic loader services.
#include <commoncpp/config.h>
#include <commoncpp/thread.h>
#include <commoncpp/exception.h>
#ifndef WIN32
# ifdef __BORLANDC__
# include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# else
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <cstdio>
# endif
# include <dirent.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/mman.h>
# if __BORLANDC__ >= 0x0560
# include <dirent.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# else
# include <direct.h>
# endif
typedef unsigned long pos_t;
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
// use a define so that if the sys/types.h header already defines caddr_t
// as it may on BSD systems, we do not break it by redefining again.
#undef caddr_t
#define caddr_t char *
typedef size_t ccxx_size_t;
typedef DWORD ccxx_size_t;
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define PATH_MAX 256
#ifndef NAME_MAX
#define NAME_MAX 64
class __EXPORT File
enum Error {
errSuccess = 0,
typedef enum Error Error;
enum Access {
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
accessReadOnly = O_RDONLY,
accessWriteOnly= O_WRONLY,
accessReadWrite = O_RDWR
accessReadOnly = GENERIC_READ,
accessWriteOnly = GENERIC_WRITE,
typedef enum Access Access;
typedef struct _fcb {
struct _fcb *next;
caddr_t address;
ccxx_size_t len;
off_t pos;
bool locked;
} fcb_t;
#ifdef _MSWINDOWS_
enum Open {
openReadOnly, // = FILE_OPEN_READONLY,
openWriteOnly, // = FILE_OPEN_WRITEONLY,
openReadWrite, // = FILE_OPEN_READWRITE,
openAppend, // = FILE_OPEN_APPEND,
openTruncate // = FILE_OPEN_TRUNCATE
enum Open {
openReadOnly = O_RDONLY,
openWriteOnly = O_WRONLY,
openReadWrite = O_RDWR,
openAppend = O_WRONLY | O_APPEND,
#ifdef O_SYNC
openSync = O_RDWR | O_SYNC,
openSync = O_RDWR,
openTruncate = O_RDWR | O_TRUNC
typedef enum Open Open;
/* to be used in future */
#ifndef S_IRUSR
#define S_IRUSR 0400
#define S_IWUSR 0200
#define S_IRGRP 0040
#define S_IWGRP 0020
#define S_IROTH 0004
#define S_IWOTH 0002
#endif // !WIN32
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
enum Attr {
attrInvalid = 0,
attrPrivate = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR,
attrGroup = attrPrivate | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP,
attrPublic = attrGroup | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH
#else // defined WIN32
enum Attr {
#endif // !WIN32
typedef enum Attr Attr;
#ifdef _MSWINDOWS_
enum Complete {
completionImmediate, // = FILE_COMPLETION_IMMEDIATE,
completionDelayed, // = FILE_COMPLETION_DELAYED,
completionDeferred // = FILE_COMPLETION_DEFERRED
enum Mapping {
enum Mapping {
mappedRead = accessReadOnly,
mappedWrite = accessWriteOnly,
mappedReadWrite = accessReadWrite
enum Complete {
typedef enum Complete Complete;
typedef enum Mapping Mapping;
static const char *getExtension(const char *path);
static const char *getFilename(const char *path);
static char *getFilename(const char *path, char *buffer, size_t size = NAME_MAX);
static char *getDirname(const char *path, char *buffer, size_t size = PATH_MAX);
static char *getRealpath(const char *path, char *buffer, size_t size = PATH_MAX);
* A low level portable directory class. Used to support ccstd Directory
* container. This provides a basic mechanism for allocating and
* accessing file entries.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short low level directory access class.
class __EXPORT Dir : public File
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *save;
char save_space[sizeof(struct dirent) + PATH_MAX + 1];
struct dirent *entry;
WIN32_FIND_DATA data, fdata;
char *name;
Dir(const char *name = NULL);
static bool create(const char *path, Attr attr = attrGroup);
static bool remove(const char *path);
static bool setPrefix(const char *path);
static bool getPrefix(char *path, size_t size = PATH_MAX);
void open(const char *name);
void close(void);
virtual ~Dir();
const char *getName(void);
const char *operator++()
{return getName();};
const char *operator++(int)
{return getName();};
const char *operator*();
bool rewind(void);
bool operator!()
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
{return !dir;};
{return hDir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;};
bool isValid(void);
* A generic class to walk a hierarchical directory structure.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Directory tree walking.
class __EXPORT DirTree
char path[PATH_MAX + 1];
Dir *dir;
unsigned max, current, prefixpos;
* Virtual method to filter results. Virtual override methods
* should call baseclass method to assure . and .. names are
* stripped out.
* @return true if current filename is accepted.
* @param file path to examine
* @param ino info of type, date, etc.
virtual bool filter(const char *file, struct stat *ino);
* Construct a directory tree walk starting at the specified
* prefix. A maximum subdirectory depth is also specified.
* @param prefix to start walk.
* @param maxdepth subdirectory depth to examine.
DirTree(const char *prefix, unsigned maxdepth);
* Construct an un-opened directory tree of a known maximum depth
* @param maxdepth subdirectory subdirectory depth.
DirTree(unsigned maxdepth);
virtual ~DirTree();
* Open a directory tree path.
* @param prefix directory path to open.
void open(const char *prefix);
* Close the directory path.
void close(void);
* Extract the next full pathname from the directory walk.
* When returning directories, a '/' is appended. The
* returned string is a buffer of MAX_PATH size.
* @return path of next subdirectory entry or NULL.
char *getPath(void);
* This is used to step through the filter virtual for an
* entire subtree, and is used for cases where a derived
* DirTree class performs it's primary operations through
* filter rather than externally by calling getPath().
* @return number of files and directories examined.
* @param prefix directory path to examine.
unsigned perform(const char *prefix);
* The purpose of this class is to define a base class for low level
* random file access that is portable between Win32 and Posix systems.
* This class is a foundation both for optimized thread shared and
* traditional locked file access that is commonly used to build
* database services, rather than the standard C++ streaming file classes.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Portable random disk file access.
class __EXPORT RandomFile : protected Mutex, public File
Error errid;
char *errstr;
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
int fd;
// FIXME: WIN32 as no access member
Access access;
char *pathname;
struct {
unsigned count : 16;
bool thrown : 1;
bool initial : 1;
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
bool immediate : 1;
bool temp : 1;
} flags;
* Create an unopened random access file.
RandomFile(const char *name = NULL);
* Default copy constructor.
RandomFile(const RandomFile &rf);
* Post an error event.
* @return error code.
* @param errid error code.
* @param errstr error message string.
Error error(Error errid, char *errstr = NULL);
* Post an extended string error message.
* @return errExtended.
* @param err error string.
inline Error error(char *err)
{return error(errExtended, err);};
* Used to enable or disable throwing of exceptions on
* errors.
* @param enable true if errors will be thrown.
inline void setError(bool enable)
{flags.thrown = !enable;};
#ifndef _MSWINDOWS_
* Used to set file completion modes.
* @return errSuccess if okay.
* @param mode completion mode.
* @todo implement in win32
Error setCompletion(Complete mode);
* Used to set the temporary attribute for the file. Temporary
* files are automatically deleted when closed.
* @param enable true for marking as temporary.
inline void setTemporary(bool enable)
{flags.temp = enable;};
* This method is used to initialize a newly created file as
* indicated by the "initial" flag. This method also returns
* the file access permissions that should be associated with
* the file. This method should never be called directly, but
* is instead used to impliment the "Initial" method. Typically
* one would use this to build an empty database shell when a
* previously empty database file is created.
* @return access, or attrInvalid if should be removed.
virtual Attr initialize(void);
* Close the file.
void final(void);
* Destroy a random access file or it's derived class.
virtual ~RandomFile();
* This method should be called right after a RandomFile derived
* object has been created. This method will invoke initialize
* if the object is newly created, and set file access permissions
* appropriately.
* @return true if file had to be initialized.
bool initial(void);
* Get current file capacity.
* @return total file size.
off_t getCapacity(void);
* This method is commonly used to close and re-open an existing
* database. This may be used when the database has been unlinked
* and an external process provides a new one to use.
virtual Error restart(void);
* Return current error id.
* @return last error identifier set.
inline Error getErrorNumber(void)
{return errid;};
* Return current error string.
* @return last error string set.
inline char *getErrorString(void)
{return errstr;};
bool operator!(void);
* This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared
* by multiple processes. Each thread should access a dup of the database
* object, and mutex locks can be used to preserve transaction
* integrety if multiple threads are used.
* SharedFile is used when a database may be shared between multiple
* processes. SharedFile automatically applies low level byte-range "file
* locks", and provides an interface to fetch and release byte-range locked
* portions of a file.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short This class defines a database I/O file service that can be shared by multiple processes.
class __EXPORT SharedFile : public RandomFile
fcb_t fcb;
Error open(const char *path);
* Open or create a new database file. You should also use
* Initial.
* @param path pathname of database to open.
SharedFile(const char *path);
* Create a shared file as a duplicate of an existing shared
* file.
* @param file original file.
SharedFile(const SharedFile &file);
* Close and finish a database file.
virtual ~SharedFile();
* Restart an existing database; close and re-open.
* @return errSuccess if successful.
Error restart(void)
{return open(pathname);};
* Lock and Fetch a portion of the file into physical memory.
* This can use state information to fetch the current record
* multiple times.
* @return errSuccess on success.
* @param address address to use, or NULL if same as last I/O.
* @param length length to use, or 0 if same as last I/O.
* @param position file position to use -1 if same as last I/O.
Error fetch(caddr_t address = NULL, ccxx_size_t length = 0, off_t position = -1);
* Update a portion of a file from physical memory. This can use
* state information to commit the last read record. The current
* lock is also cleared.
* @return errSuccess on success.
* @param address address to use, or NULL if same as last I/O.
* @param length length to use, or 0 if same as last I/O.
* @param position file position to use or -1 if same as last I/O.
Error update(caddr_t address = NULL, ccxx_size_t length = 0, off_t position = -1);
* Clear a lock held from a previous fetch operation without
* updating.
* @return errSuccess on success.
* @param length length to use, or 0 if same as last I/O.
* @param pos file position to use or -1 if same as last I/O.
Error clear(ccxx_size_t length = 0, off_t pos = -1);
* Add new data to the end of the file. Locks file during append.
* @param address address to use, or NULL if same as last I/O.
* @param length length to use, or 0 if same as last I/O.
Error append(caddr_t address = NULL, ccxx_size_t length = 0);
* Fetch the current file position marker for this thread.
* @return file position offset.
off_t getPosition(void);
bool operator++(void);
bool operator--(void);
* Create and map a disk file into memory. This portable class works
* under both Posix via mmap and under the win32 API. A mapped file
* can be referenced directly by it's memory segment. One can map
* and unmap portions of a file on demand, and update
* changed memory pages mapped from files immediately through sync().
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Map a named disk file into memory.
class __EXPORT MappedFile : public RandomFile
fcb_t fcb;
int prot;
#ifdef _MSWINDOWS_
char mapname[64];
* Open a file for mapping. More than one segment of a file
* may be mapped into seperate regions of memory.
* @param fname file name to access for mapping.
* @param mode access mode to map file.
MappedFile(const char *fname, Access mode);
* Create if not exists, and map a file of specified size
* into memory.
* @param fname file name to access for mapping.
* @param mode access mode to map file.
* @param size of file to map.
MappedFile(const char *fname, Access mode, size_t size);
* Map a portion or all of a specified file in the specified
* shared memory access mode. Valid mapping modes include
* mappedRead, mappedWrite, and mappedReadWrite.
* @param fname pathname of file to map into memory.
* @param offset from start of file to begin mapping in bytes.
* @param size of mapped area in bytes.
* @param mode to map file.
MappedFile(const char *fname, pos_t offset, size_t size, Access mode);
* Release a mapped section of memory associated with a file. The
* mapped area is updated back to disk.
virtual ~MappedFile();
// FIXME: not use library function in header ??
* Synchronize the contents of the mapped portion of memory with
* the disk file and wait for completion. This assures the memory
* mapped from the file is written back.
void sync(void);
* Synchronize a segment of memory mapped from a segment fetch.
* @param address memory address to update.
* @param len size of segment.
void sync(caddr_t address, size_t len);
* Map a portion of the memory mapped from the file back to the
* file and do not wait for completion. This is useful when mapping
* a database file and updating a single record.
* @param offset offset into the mapped region of memory.
* @param len length of partial region (example, record length).
void update(size_t offset = 0, size_t len = 0);
* Update a mapped region back to disk as specified by address
* and length.
* @param address address of segment.
* @param len length of segment.
void update(caddr_t address, size_t len);
* Release (unmap) a memory segment.
* @param address address of memory segment to release.
* @param len length of memory segment to release.
void release(caddr_t address, size_t len);
* Fetch a pointer to an offset within the memory mapped portion
* of the disk file. This really is used for convience of matching
* operations between Update and Fetch, as one could simply have
* accessed the base pointer where the file was mapped directly.
* @param offset from start of mapped memory.
inline caddr_t fetch(size_t offset = 0)
{return ((char *)(fcb.address)) + offset;};
* Fetch and map a portion of a disk file to a logical memory
* block.
* @return pointer to memory segment.
* @param pos offset of file segment to map.
* @param len size of memory segment to map.
caddr_t fetch(off_t pos, size_t len);
* Lock the currently mapped portion of a file.
* @return true if pages are locked.
bool lock(void);
* Unlock a locked mapped portion of a file.
void unlock(void);
* Compute map size to aligned page boundry.
* @param size request.
* @return page aligned size.
size_t pageAligned(size_t size);
* The DSO dynamic loader class is used to load object files. On
* elf based systems this is typically done with dlopen. A dummy
* stub class is generated for non-dl capable systems.
* @author David Sugar <>
* @short Dynamic class file loader.
class __EXPORT DSO
const char *err;
static Mutex mutex;
static DSO *first;
static DSO *last;
DSO *next, *prev;
const char *id;
void *image;
typedef ucommon::dso::addr_t addr_t;
void loader(const char *filename, bool resolve);
* Construct and load a DSO object file.
* @param filename pathname of object file to load.
DSO(const char *filename)
{loader(filename, true);};
DSO(const char *filename, bool resolve)
{loader(filename, resolve);};
* Retrieve error indicator associated with DSO failure. This
* is often used in catch handlers.
inline const char *getError(void)
{return err;};
* Detach a DSO object from running memory.
virtual ~DSO();
* Lookup a symbol in the loaded file.
addr_t operator[](const char *sym);
static void dynunload(void);
* Find a specific DSO object by filename.
* @param name of DSO object file (partial).
static DSO *getObject(const char *name);
* See if DSO object is valid.
* @return true if valid.
bool isValid(void);
* Install debug handler...
static void setDebug(void);
/** @relates RandomFile */
bool __EXPORT isDir(const char *path);
/** @relates RandomFile */
bool __EXPORT isFile(const char *path);
#ifndef WIN32
/** @relates RandomFile */
bool __EXPORT isDevice(const char *path);
/** @relates RandomFile */
inline bool isDevice(const char *path)
{ return false; }
/** @relates RandomFile */
bool __EXPORT canAccess(const char *path);
/** @relates RandomFile */
bool __EXPORT canModify(const char *path);
/** @relates RandomFile */
time_t __EXPORT lastModified(const char *path);
/** @relates RandomFile */
time_t __EXPORT lastAccessed(const char *path);
class DirException : public IOException
DirException(const String &str) : IOException(str) {};
class __EXPORT DSOException : public IOException
DSOException(const String &str) : IOException(str) {};
class __EXPORT FileException : public IOException
FileException(const String &str) : IOException(str) {};
/** EMACS **
* Local variables:
* mode: c++
* c-basic-offset: 4
* End: