update version to 20240426-01 (417)

Change-Id: I3af0e5715a4de3bec00e9275d96fb033d59e5ea1
1 file changed
tree: c6baecc0c19d409da2e06eecc60b6d84a615a546
  1. .github/
  2. .gitlab/
  3. .tx/
  4. ci/
  5. docker/
  6. fastlane/
  7. jami-android/
  8. .cqfdrc
  9. .gitignore
  10. .gitmodules
  11. .gitreview
  12. compile.sh
  14. cqfd
  15. fdroidMergeRequest.sh
  16. README.md
  17. update-translations.sh
  18. update_version.py

Jami Android

The Jami client for Android

Download on the Play Store Download on F-DroidBuild Status


Download the project including the daemon submodule with:

git clone --recursive https://review.jami.net/jami-client-android

Or to download the daemon submodule from the existing project directory:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Make sure to have autotools, autopoint, swig, yasm, m4, ninja-build and cmake available on your system: on Debian/Ubuntu:

apt install cmake build-essential swig yasm ninja-build m4 autotools-dev autopoint

On Arch:

pacman -S cmake ninja automake swig yasm m4 patch autoconf pkgconf

On macOS:

brew install cmake automake autotools libtool pkg-config yasm swig

When using brew on macOS, the 'libtoolize' binary might be available as 'glibtoolize'. In that case, the following command makes it avaialble to the build system:

ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/glibtoolize /opt/homebrew/bin/libtoolize

Make sure to have the Android SDK and NDK available.

Build instructions

With Android Studio:

  • Add 'jami-android' in Android Studio
  • Click on build
  • Enjoy!

With the command line:

cd jami-client-android/jami-android
./gradlew assembleDebug

Update translations

Update translations using the Transifex client (tx) :


Generate new release commit

Generate a new release commit updating the version code and version string:

./update_version.py --commit

Report issues

Report issues on Gitlab: https://git.jami.net/savoirfairelinux/jami-client-android