ui: do not display a dialog after SIP account creation

When adding a SIP account the dialog 'Account device added' was shown.
This dialog notifies the user that his Ring account is now available on
this device. It should not be presented when creating a SIP account.

Change-Id: I86066b6d9cbe9e33e9cac9fbb2fe1f8a7027c847
Tuleap: #1112
1 file changed
tree: bd63c01c3d912a73cca7185102a03825b7d6bf7b
  1. .tx/
  2. ring-android/
  3. .gitignore
  4. .gitreview
  5. build-daemon.sh
  6. compile.sh
  7. configure.sh
  9. gen-env.sh
  10. jenkins-sflphone-android.sh
  11. Makefile
  12. README.md
  13. update-translations.sh

Ring Android

This repository is meant for the porting of Ring to Android.

Download on the Play Store Download on F-DroidBuild StatusBuild Status


Clone this as a submodule of: https://gerrit-ring.savoirfairelinux.com/#/admin/projects/ring-project to obtain the required Ring daemon source.

You can also manually clone the daemon and override the DAEMON_DIR during compilation

Make sure you have the android-ndk and android-sdk, and you'll want something like this in your .bashrc (or equivalent):

export ANDROID_NDK=$HOME/src/android-ndk
export ANDROID_SDK=$HOME/src/android-sdk-linux
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK/platform-tools:${PATH}

install swig-2.0.6 or later and python-2.7 or later on your system

Build instructions

Supported archs are: armeabi-v7a and x86


ANDROID_ABI="armeabi-v7a x86"



If you cloned the daemon in a custom directory (other than ../daemon), you can specify it using an absolute path:

DAEMON_DIR=custom_path ./compile.sh

When all else fails:

git clean -dfx
cd ../daemon (or custom_path)
git clean -dfx

And start again.

Update translations

Update translations using the Transifex client (tx) :



Retrieve client log from device (client must be running before executing this)

adb logcat *:D | grep `adb shell ps | egrep 'cx.ring' | cut -c10-15` > logring.txt

Common issues

  • Makeinfo issue makeinfo: command not found WARNING: 'makeinfo' is missing on your system. Solution: Install texinfo package containing makeinfo dep.

  • Unable to locate tools.jar Solution: Your java installation is not pointing to a JDK. Install one, or make JAVA_HOME point to it.

  • When building the apk error in build-tools error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6 Solution: Install lib32stdc++6 lib32z1-dev