#13795: Initial commit for sflphone-android

includes: libexpat libyaml libdbus-c++ commoncpp ccrtp
          libdbus (from android-4.0.4 sources)

- git ignores "/jni/sflphone", sflphone repo should be cloned.
- sflphone-android only needs daemon directory. Ideally it should be possible
to clone it without cloning the whole sflphone project.
into sfl-android (commit 6a0fa7a "#13961: Fix cipher handling" has been used here)
- add pjsip-android project as a git submodule
- sflphone-android needs pjsip android project. Ideally daemon git repository
should not embed pjsip. Instead pjsip should be clone from official repositories.

Considering this, structure should have three distincts git repos:




Signed-off-by: Emeric Vigier <emeric.vigier@savoirfairelinux.com>
diff --git a/jni/dbus/doc/TODO b/jni/dbus/doc/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb4e797
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/dbus/doc/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+Important for 1.2
+ - System bus activation
+ - Windows port
+Important for 1.0 GLib Bindings
+ - Test point-to-point mode
+ - Add support for getting sender
+ - format_version in the object info doesn't look like it's handled correctly. The creator
+   of the object info should specify some fixed number per struct version; the library
+   should handle only specific numbers it knows about. There's no assumption that all 
+   numbers >= the given one are compatible. The idea is that new versions of the lib
+   can offer totally different object info structs, but old versions
+   keep working.
+Important for 1.0 Python bindings
+ - Hammer down API
+ - Fix removing of signals from the match tree
+ - Fix refcounting and userdata lifecycles
+ - Write a generic mainloop
+Might as Well for 1.0
+ - protocol version in each message is pretty silly
+Can Be Post 1.0
+ - revamp dbus-launch a bit,
+   see http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/dbus/2006-October/005906.html
+   for some thoughts.
+ - clean up the creds issue on *BSD's in dbus/dbus-sysdeps-unix.c.
+   They should work as is but we need to rearange it to make it
+   clearer which method is being used.  configure.in should
+   be fixed up to make that decition.
+ - _dbus_connection_unref_unlocked() is essentially always broken because
+   the connection finalizer calls non-unlocked functions. One fix is to make 
+   the finalizer run with the lock held, but since it calls out to the app that may 
+   be pretty broken. More likely all the uses of unref_unlocked are just wrong.
+ - if the GUID is obtained only during authentication, not in the address, 
+   we could still share the connection
+ - Allow a dbus_g_proxy_to_string()/g_object_to_string() that
+   would convert the proxy to an "IOR" and dbus_g_proxy_from_string()
+   that would decode; using these, dbus-glib users could avoid
+   DBusConnection entirely. Of course the same applies to other kinds
+   of binding. This would use dbus_connection_open()'s connection-sharing
+   feature to avoid massive proliferation of connections.
+ - DBusWatchList/TimeoutList duplicate a lot of code, as do
+   protected_change_watch/protected_change_timeout in dbus-connection.c
+   and dbus-server.c. This could all be mopped up, cut-and-paste 
+   fixed, code size reduced.
+ - change .service files to allow Names=list in addition to Name=string
+ - The message bus internal code still says "service" for 
+   "name", "base service" for "unique name", "activate" for 
+   "start"; would be nice to clean up.
+ - Property list feature on message bus (list of properties associated 
+   with a connection). May also include message matching rules 
+   that involve the properties of the source or destination
+   connection.
+ - Disconnecting the remote end on invalid UTF-8 is probably not a good 
+   idea. The definition of "valid" is slightly fuzzy. I think it might 
+   be better to just silently "fix" the UTF-8, or perhaps return an error.
+ - build and install the Doxygen manual in Makefile when --enable-docs
+ - if you send the same message to multiple connections, the serial number 
+   will only be right for one of them. Probably need to just write() the serial 
+   number, rather than putting it in the DBusMessage, or something.
+ - perhaps the bus driver should have properties that reflect attributes
+   of the session, such as hostname, architecture, operating system, 
+   etc. Could be useful for code that wants to special-case behavior 
+   for a particular host or class of hosts, for example.
+ - currently the security policy stuff for messages to/from 
+   the bus driver is kind of strange; basically it's hardcoded that 
+   you can always talk to the driver, but the default config file 
+   has rules for it anyway, or something. it's conceptually 
+   screwy at the moment.
+ - when making a method call, if the call serial were globally unique,
+   we could forward the call serial along with any method calls made
+   as a result of the first method call, and allow reentrancy that was
+   strictly part of the call stack of said method call. But I don't
+   really see how to do this without making the user pass around the
+   call serial to all method calls all the time, or disallowing 
+   async calls.
+   If done post 1.0 will probably be an optional/ugly-API type 
+   of thing.
+ - I don't want to introduce DBusObject, but refcounting and object
+   data could still be factored out into an internal "base class" 
+   perhaps.
+ - Keep convenience wrappers in sync with bus methods
+ - document the auth protocol as a set of states and transitions, and
+   then reimplement it in those terms
+ - recursive dispatch, see dbus_connection_dispatch()
+ - do we need per-display activation; if so I'd like to do this by setting a
+   "display ID" property on screen 0, with a GUID, and keying activation by 
+   said GUID. Otherwise you get all kinds of unrobust
+   string/hostname-based mess. per-screen is then done by appending screen number
+   to the display. If displays have a deterministic ID like this, you can 
+   do per-display by simply including GUID in the service name.
+ - optimization and profiling!
+ - Match rules aren't in the spec (probably a lot of methods on the bus
+   are not)
+ - the "break loader" and valid/invalid message tests are all disabled;
+   they need to be fixed and re-enabled with the new message args stuff.
+   I think I want to drop the .message files thing and just have code
+   that generates messages, more like the tests for
+   dbus-marshal-recursive.c (this is mostly done now, just needs some
+   cleanup)
+ - just before 1.0, try a HAVE_INT64=0 build and be sure it runs
+ - Windows port needs recursive mutexes
+Should Be Post 1.0
+ - look into supporting the concept of a "connection" generically
+   (what does this TODO item mean?)
+ - test/name-test should be named test/with-bus or something like that