#14371: Add opensll to main repository
diff --git a/jni/openssl/crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-ia64.pl b/jni/openssl/crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-ia64.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49cd5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/openssl/crypto/rc4/asm/rc4-ia64.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# ====================================================================
+# Written by David Mosberger <David.Mosberger@acm.org> based on the
+# Itanium optimized Crypto code which was released by HP Labs at
+# http://www.hpl.hp.com/research/linux/crypto/.
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
+# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+# the following conditions:
+# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+# This is a little helper program which generates a software-pipelined
+# for RC4 encryption.  The basic algorithm looks like this:
+#   for (counter = 0; counter < len; ++counter)
+#     {
+#       in = inp[counter];
+#       SI = S[I];
+#       J = (SI + J) & 0xff;
+#       SJ = S[J];
+#       T = (SI + SJ) & 0xff;
+#       S[I] = SJ, S[J] = SI;
+#       ST = S[T];
+#       outp[counter] = in ^ ST;
+#       I = (I + 1) & 0xff;
+#     }
+# Pipelining this loop isn't easy, because the stores to the S[] array
+# need to be observed in the right order.  The loop generated by the
+# code below has the following pipeline diagram:
+#      cycle
+#     | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |14 |15 |16 |17 |
+# iter
+#   1: xxx LDI xxx xxx xxx LDJ xxx SWP xxx LDT xxx xxx
+#   2:             xxx LDI xxx xxx xxx LDJ xxx SWP xxx LDT xxx xxx
+#   3:                         xxx LDI xxx xxx xxx LDJ xxx SWP xxx LDT xxx xxx
+#   where:
+# 	LDI = load of S[I]
+# 	LDJ = load of S[J]
+# 	SWP = swap of S[I] and S[J]
+# 	LDT = load of S[T]
+# Note that in the above diagram, the major trouble-spot is that LDI
+# of the 2nd iteration is performed BEFORE the SWP of the first
+# iteration.  Fortunately, this is easy to detect (I of the 1st
+# iteration will be equal to J of the 2nd iteration) and when this
+# happens, we simply forward the proper value from the 1st iteration
+# to the 2nd one.  The proper value in this case is simply the value
+# of S[I] from the first iteration (thanks to the fact that SWP
+# simply swaps the contents of S[I] and S[J]).
+# Another potential trouble-spot is in cycle 7, where SWP of the 1st
+# iteration issues at the same time as the LDI of the 3rd iteration.
+# However, thanks to IA-64 execution semantics, this can be taken
+# care of simply by placing LDI later in the instruction-group than
+# SWP.  IA-64 CPUs will automatically forward the value if they
+# detect that the SWP and LDI are accessing the same memory-location.
+# The core-loop that can be pipelined then looks like this (annotated
+# with McKinley/Madison issue port & latency numbers, assuming L1
+# cache hits for the most part):
+# operation:	    instruction:		    issue-ports:  latency
+# ------------------  -----------------------------   ------------- -------
+# Data = *inp++       ld1 data = [inp], 1             M0-M1         1 cyc     c0
+#                     shladd Iptr = I, KeyTable, 3    M0-M3, I0, I1 1 cyc
+# I = (I + 1) & 0xff  padd1 nextI = I, one            M0-M3, I0, I1 3 cyc
+#                     ;;
+# SI = S[I]           ld8 SI = [Iptr]                 M0-M1         1 cyc     c1 * after SWAP!
+#                     ;;
+#                     cmp.eq.unc pBypass = I, J                                  * after J is valid!
+# J = SI + J          add J = J, SI                   M0-M3, I0, I1 1 cyc     c2
+#                     (pBypass) br.cond.spnt Bypass
+#                     ;;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# J = J & 0xff        zxt1 J = J                      I0, I1, 1 cyc           c3
+#                     ;;
+#                     shladd Jptr = J, KeyTable, 3    M0-M3, I0, I1 1 cyc     c4
+#                     ;;
+# SJ = S[J]           ld8 SJ = [Jptr]                 M0-M1         1 cyc     c5
+#                     ;;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# T = (SI + SJ)       add T = SI, SJ                  M0-M3, I0, I1 1 cyc     c6
+#                     ;;
+# T = T & 0xff        zxt1 T = T                      I0, I1        1 cyc
+# S[I] = SJ           st8 [Iptr] = SJ                 M2-M3                   c7
+# S[J] = SI           st8 [Jptr] = SI                 M2-M3
+#                     ;;
+#                     shladd Tptr = T, KeyTable, 3    M0-M3, I0, I1 1 cyc     c8
+#                     ;;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# T = S[T]            ld8 T = [Tptr]                  M0-M1         1 cyc     c9
+#                     ;;
+# data ^= T           xor data = data, T              M0-M3, I0, I1 1 cyc     c10
+#                     ;;
+# *out++ = Data ^ T   dep word = word, data, 8, POS   I0, I1        1 cyc     c11
+#                     ;;
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# There are several points worth making here:
+#   - Note that due to the bypass/forwarding-path, the first two
+#     phases of the loop are strangly mingled together.  In
+#     particular, note that the first stage of the pipeline is
+#     using the value of "J", as calculated by the second stage.
+#   - Each bundle-pair will have exactly 6 instructions.
+#   - Pipelined, the loop can execute in 3 cycles/iteration and
+#     4 stages.  However, McKinley/Madison can issue "st1" to
+#     the same bank at a rate of at most one per 4 cycles.  Thus,
+#     instead of storing each byte, we accumulate them in a word
+#     and then write them back at once with a single "st8" (this
+#     implies that the setup code needs to ensure that the output
+#     buffer is properly aligned, if need be, by encoding the
+#     first few bytes separately).
+#   - There is no space for a "br.ctop" instruction.  For this
+#     reason we can't use module-loop support in IA-64 and have
+#     to do a traditional, purely software-pipelined loop.
+#   - We can't replace any of the remaining "add/zxt1" pairs with
+#     "padd1" because the latency for that instruction is too high
+#     and would push the loop to the point where more bypasses
+#     would be needed, which we don't have space for.
+#   - The above loop runs at around 3.26 cycles/byte, or roughly
+#     440 MByte/sec on a 1.5GHz Madison.  This is well below the
+#     system bus bandwidth and hence with judicious use of
+#     "lfetch" this loop can run at (almost) peak speed even when
+#     the input and output data reside in memory.  The
+#     max. latency that can be tolerated is (PREFETCH_DISTANCE *
+#     L2_LINE_SIZE * 3 cyc), or about 384 cycles assuming (at
+#     least) 1-ahead prefetching of 128 byte cache-lines.  Note
+#     that we do NOT prefetch into L1, since that would only
+#     interfere with the S[] table values stored there.  This is
+#     acceptable because there is a 10 cycle latency between
+#     load and first use of the input data.
+#   - We use a branch to out-of-line bypass-code of cycle-pressure:
+#     we calculate the next J, check for the need to activate the
+#     bypass path, and activate the bypass path ALL IN THE SAME
+#     CYCLE.  If we didn't have these constraints, we could do
+#     the bypass with a simple conditional move instruction.
+#     Fortunately, the bypass paths get activated relatively
+#     infrequently, so the extra branches don't cost all that much
+#     (about 0.04 cycles/byte, measured on a 16396 byte file with
+#     random input data).
+$phases = 4;		# number of stages/phases in the pipelined-loop
+$unroll_count = 6;	# number of times we unrolled it
+$pComI = (1 << 0);
+$pComJ = (1 << 1);
+$pComT = (1 << 2);
+$pOut  = (1 << 3);
+$NData = 4;
+$NIP = 3;
+$NJP = 2;
+$NI = 2;
+$NSI = 3;
+$NSJ = 2;
+$NT = 2;
+$NOutWord = 2;
+# $threshold is the minimum length before we attempt to use the
+# big software-pipelined loop.  It MUST be greater-or-equal
+# to:
+#  		PHASES * (UNROLL_COUNT + 1) + 7
+# The "+ 7" comes from the fact we may have to encode up to
+#   7 bytes separately before the output pointer is aligned.
+$threshold = (3 * ($phases * ($unroll_count + 1)) + 7);
+sub I {
+    local *code = shift;
+    local $format = shift;
+    $code .= sprintf ("\t\t".$format."\n", @_);
+sub P {
+    local *code = shift;
+    local $format = shift;
+    $code .= sprintf ($format."\n", @_);
+sub STOP {
+    local *code = shift;
+    $code .=<<___;
+		;;
+sub emit_body {
+    local *c = shift;
+    local *bypass = shift;
+    local ($iteration, $p) = @_;
+    local $i0 = $iteration;
+    local $i1 = $iteration - 1;
+    local $i2 = $iteration - 2;
+    local $i3 = $iteration - 3;
+    local $iw0 = ($iteration - 3) / 8;
+    local $iw1 = ($iteration > 3) ? ($iteration - 4) / 8 : 1;
+    local $byte_num = ($iteration - 3) % 8;
+    local $label = $iteration + 1;
+    local $pAny = ($p & 0xf) == 0xf;
+    local $pByp = (($p & $pComI) && ($iteration > 0));
+    $c.=<<___;
+    if (($p & 0xf) == 0) {
+	$c.="#ifdef HOST_IS_BIG_ENDIAN\n";
+	&I(\$c,"shr.u	OutWord[%u] = OutWord[%u], 32;;",
+				$iw1 % $NOutWord, $iw1 % $NOutWord);
+	$c.="#endif\n";
+	&I(\$c, "st4 [OutPtr] = OutWord[%u], 4", $iw1 % $NOutWord);
+	return;
+    }
+    # Cycle 0
+    &I(\$c, "{ .mmi")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "ld1    Data[%u] = [InPtr], 1", $i0 % $NData)     if ($p & $pComI);
+    &I(\$c, "padd1  I[%u] = One, I[%u]", $i0 % $NI, $i1 % $NI)if ($p & $pComI);
+    &I(\$c, "zxt1   J = J")				      if ($p & $pComJ);
+    &I(\$c, "}")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "{ .mmi")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "LKEY   T[%u] = [T[%u]]", $i1 % $NT, $i1 % $NT)   if ($p & $pOut);
+    &I(\$c, "add    T[%u] = SI[%u], SJ[%u]",
+       $i0 % $NT, $i2 % $NSI, $i1 % $NSJ)		      if ($p & $pComT);
+    &I(\$c, "KEYADDR(IPr[%u], I[%u])", $i0 % $NIP, $i1 % $NI) if ($p & $pComI);
+    &I(\$c, "}")					      if ($pAny);
+    &STOP(\$c);
+    # Cycle 1
+    &I(\$c, "{ .mmi")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "SKEY   [IPr[%u]] = SJ[%u]", $i2 % $NIP, $i1%$NSJ)if ($p & $pComT);
+    &I(\$c, "SKEY   [JP[%u]] = SI[%u]", $i1 % $NJP, $i2%$NSI) if ($p & $pComT);
+    &I(\$c, "zxt1   T[%u] = T[%u]", $i0 % $NT, $i0 % $NT)     if ($p & $pComT);
+    &I(\$c, "}")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "{ .mmi")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "LKEY   SI[%u] = [IPr[%u]]", $i0 % $NSI, $i0%$NIP)if ($p & $pComI);
+    &I(\$c, "KEYADDR(JP[%u], J)", $i0 % $NJP)		      if ($p & $pComJ);
+    &I(\$c, "xor    Data[%u] = Data[%u], T[%u]",
+       $i3 % $NData, $i3 % $NData, $i1 % $NT)		      if ($p & $pOut);
+    &I(\$c, "}")					      if ($pAny);
+    &STOP(\$c);
+    # Cycle 2
+    &I(\$c, "{ .mmi")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "LKEY   SJ[%u] = [JP[%u]]", $i0 % $NSJ, $i0%$NJP) if ($p & $pComJ);
+    &I(\$c, "cmp.eq pBypass, p0 = I[%u], J", $i1 % $NI)	      if ($pByp);
+    &I(\$c, "dep OutWord[%u] = Data[%u], OutWord[%u], BYTE_POS(%u), 8",
+       $iw0%$NOutWord, $i3%$NData, $iw1%$NOutWord, $byte_num) if ($p & $pOut);
+    &I(\$c, "}")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "{ .mmb")					      if ($pAny);
+    &I(\$c, "add    J = J, SI[%u]", $i0 % $NSI)		      if ($p & $pComI);
+    &I(\$c, "KEYADDR(T[%u], T[%u])", $i0 % $NT, $i0 % $NT)    if ($p & $pComT);
+    &P(\$c, "(pBypass)\tbr.cond.spnt.many .rc4Bypass%u",$label)if ($pByp);
+    &I(\$c, "}") if ($pAny);
+    &STOP(\$c);
+    &P(\$c, ".rc4Resume%u:", $label)			      if ($pByp);
+    if ($byte_num == 0 && $iteration >= $phases) {
+	&I(\$c, "st8 [OutPtr] = OutWord[%u], 8",
+	   $iw1 % $NOutWord)				      if ($p & $pOut);
+	if ($iteration == (1 + $unroll_count) * $phases - 1) {
+	    if ($unroll_count == 6) {
+		&I(\$c, "mov OutWord[%u] = OutWord[%u]",
+		   $iw1 % $NOutWord, $iw0 % $NOutWord);
+	    }
+	    &I(\$c, "lfetch.nt1 [InPrefetch], %u",
+	       $unroll_count * $phases);
+	    &I(\$c, "lfetch.excl.nt1 [OutPrefetch], %u",
+	       $unroll_count * $phases);
+	    &I(\$c, "br.cloop.sptk.few .rc4Loop");
+	}
+    }
+    if ($pByp) {
+	&P(\$bypass, ".rc4Bypass%u:", $label);
+	&I(\$bypass, "sub J = J, SI[%u]", $i0 % $NSI);
+	&I(\$bypass, "nop 0");
+	&I(\$bypass, "nop 0");
+	&I(\$bypass, ";;");
+	&I(\$bypass, "add J = J, SI[%u]", $i1 % $NSI);
+	&I(\$bypass, "mov SI[%u] = SI[%u]", $i0 % $NSI, $i1 % $NSI);
+	&I(\$bypass, "br.sptk.many .rc4Resume%u\n", $label);
+	&I(\$bypass, ";;");
+    }
+.ident \"rc4-ia64.s, version 3.0\"
+.ident \"Copyright (c) 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.\"
+#define LCSave		r8
+#define PRSave		r9
+/* Inputs become invalid once rotation begins!  */
+#define StateTable	in0
+#define DataLen		in1
+#define InputBuffer	in2
+#define OutputBuffer	in3
+#define KTable		r14
+#define J		r15
+#define InPtr		r16
+#define OutPtr		r17
+#define InPrefetch	r18
+#define OutPrefetch	r19
+#define One		r20
+#define LoopCount	r21
+#define Remainder	r22
+#define IFinal		r23
+#define EndPtr		r24
+#define tmp0		r25
+#define tmp1		r26
+#define pBypass		p6
+#define pDone		p7
+#define pSmall		p8
+#define pAligned	p9
+#define pUnaligned	p10
+#define pComputeI	pPhase[0]
+#define pComputeJ	pPhase[1]
+#define pComputeT	pPhase[2]
+#define pOutput		pPhase[3]
+#define RetVal		r8
+#define L_OK		p7
+#define L_NOK		p8
+#define	_NINPUTS	4
+#define	_NOUTPUT	0
+#define	_NROTATE	24
+#ifndef SZ
+# define SZ	4	// this must be set to sizeof(RC4_INT)
+#if SZ == 1
+# define LKEY			ld1
+# define SKEY			st1
+# define KEYADDR(dst, i)	add dst = i, KTable
+#elif SZ == 2
+# define LKEY			ld2
+# define SKEY			st2
+# define KEYADDR(dst, i)	shladd dst = i, 1, KTable
+#elif SZ == 4
+# define LKEY			ld4
+# define SKEY			st4
+# define KEYADDR(dst, i)	shladd dst = i, 2, KTable
+# define LKEY			ld8
+# define SKEY			st8
+# define KEYADDR(dst, i)	shladd dst = i, 3, KTable
+#if defined(_HPUX_SOURCE) && !defined(_LP64)
+# define ADDP	addp4
+# define ADDP	add
+/* Define a macro for the bit number of the n-th byte: */
+#if defined(_HPUX_SOURCE) || defined(B_ENDIAN)
+# define BYTE_POS(n)	(56 - (8 * (n)))
+# define BYTE_POS(n)	(8 * (n))
+   We must perform the first phase of the pipeline explicitly since
+   we will always load from the stable the first time. The br.cexit
+   will never be taken since regardless of the number of bytes because
+   the epilogue count is 4.
+/* MODSCHED_RC4 macro was split to _PROLOGUE and _LOOP, because HP-UX
+   assembler failed on original macro with syntax error. <appro> */
+#define MODSCHED_RC4_PROLOGUE						   \\
+	{								   \\
+				ld1		Data[0] = [InPtr], 1;	   \\
+				add		IFinal = 1, I[1];	   \\
+				KEYADDR(IPr[0], I[1]);			   \\
+	} ;;								   \\
+	{								   \\
+				LKEY		SI[0] = [IPr[0]];	   \\
+				mov		pr.rot = 0x10000;	   \\
+				mov		ar.ec = 4;		   \\
+	} ;;								   \\
+	{								   \\
+				add		J = J, SI[0];		   \\
+				zxt1		I[0] = IFinal;		   \\
+				br.cexit.spnt.few .+16; /* never taken */  \\
+	} ;;
+#define MODSCHED_RC4_LOOP(label)					   \\
+label:									   \\
+	{	.mmi;							   \\
+		(pComputeI)	ld1		Data[0] = [InPtr], 1;	   \\
+		(pComputeI)	add		IFinal = 1, I[1];	   \\
+		(pComputeJ)	zxt1		J = J;			   \\
+	}{	.mmi;							   \\
+		(pOutput)	LKEY		T[1] = [T[1]];		   \\
+		(pComputeT)	add		T[0] = SI[2], SJ[1];	   \\
+		(pComputeI)	KEYADDR(IPr[0], I[1]);			   \\
+	} ;;								   \\
+	{	.mmi;							   \\
+		(pComputeT)	SKEY		[IPr[2]] = SJ[1];	   \\
+		(pComputeT)	SKEY		[JP[1]] = SI[2];	   \\
+		(pComputeT)	zxt1		T[0] = T[0];		   \\
+	}{	.mmi;							   \\
+		(pComputeI)	LKEY		SI[0] = [IPr[0]];	   \\
+		(pComputeJ)	KEYADDR(JP[0], J);			   \\
+		(pComputeI)	cmp.eq.unc	pBypass, p0 = I[1], J;	   \\
+	} ;;								   \\
+	{	.mmi;							   \\
+		(pComputeJ)	LKEY		SJ[0] = [JP[0]];	   \\
+		(pOutput)	xor		Data[3] = Data[3], T[1];   \\
+				nop		0x0;			   \\
+	}{	.mmi;							   \\
+		(pComputeT)	KEYADDR(T[0], T[0]);			   \\
+		(pBypass)	mov		SI[0] = SI[1];		   \\
+		(pComputeI)	zxt1		I[0] = IFinal;		   \\
+	} ;;								   \\
+	{	.mmb;							   \\
+		(pOutput)	st1		[OutPtr] = Data[3], 1;	   \\
+		(pComputeI)	add		J = J, SI[0];		   \\
+				br.ctop.sptk.few label;			   \\
+	} ;;
+	.text
+	.align	32
+	.type	RC4, \@function
+	.global	RC4
+	.proc	RC4
+	.prologue
+	{
+	  	.mmi
+		alloc	r2 = ar.pfs, _NINPUTS, _NLOCALS, _NOUTPUT, _NROTATE
+		.rotr Data[4], I[2], IPr[3], SI[3], JP[2], SJ[2], T[2], \\
+		      OutWord[2]
+		.rotp pPhase[4]
+		ADDP		InPrefetch = 0, InputBuffer
+		ADDP		KTable = 0, StateTable
+	}
+	{
+		.mmi
+		ADDP		InPtr = 0, InputBuffer
+		ADDP		OutPtr = 0, OutputBuffer
+		mov		RetVal = r0
+	}
+	;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		lfetch.nt1	[InPrefetch], 0x80
+		ADDP		OutPrefetch = 0, OutputBuffer
+	}
+	{               // Return 0 if the input length is nonsensical
+        	.mib
+		ADDP		StateTable = 0, StateTable
+        	cmp.ge.unc  	L_NOK, L_OK = r0, DataLen
+	(L_NOK) br.ret.sptk.few rp
+	}
+	;;
+	{
+        	.mib
+        	cmp.eq.or  	L_NOK, L_OK = r0, InPtr
+        	cmp.eq.or  	L_NOK, L_OK = r0, OutPtr
+		nop		0x0
+	}
+	{
+		.mib
+        	cmp.eq.or  	L_NOK, L_OK = r0, StateTable
+		nop		0x0
+	(L_NOK) br.ret.sptk.few rp
+	}
+	;;
+		LKEY		I[1] = [KTable], SZ
+/* Prefetch the state-table. It contains 256 elements of size SZ */
+#if SZ == 1
+		ADDP		tmp0 = 1*128, StateTable
+#elif SZ == 2
+		ADDP		tmp0 = 3*128, StateTable
+		ADDP		tmp1 = 2*128, StateTable
+#elif SZ == 4
+		ADDP		tmp0 = 7*128, StateTable
+		ADDP		tmp1 = 6*128, StateTable
+#elif SZ == 8
+		ADDP		tmp0 = 15*128, StateTable
+		ADDP		tmp1 = 14*128, StateTable
+		;;
+#if SZ >= 8
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0], -256	// 15
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp1], -256;;
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0], -256	// 13
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp1], -256;;
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0], -256	// 11
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp1], -256;;
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0], -256	//  9
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp1], -256;;
+#if SZ >= 4
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0], -256	//  7
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp1], -256;;
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0], -256	//  5
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp1], -256;;
+#if SZ >= 2
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0], -256	//  3
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp1], -256;;
+	{
+		.mii
+		lfetch.fault.nt1		[tmp0]		//  1
+		add		I[1]=1,I[1];;
+		zxt1		I[1]=I[1]
+	}
+	{
+		.mmi
+		lfetch.nt1	[InPrefetch], 0x80
+		lfetch.excl.nt1	[OutPrefetch], 0x80
+		.save		pr, PRSave
+		mov		PRSave = pr
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		lfetch.excl.nt1	[OutPrefetch], 0x80
+		LKEY		J = [KTable], SZ
+		ADDP		EndPtr = DataLen, InPtr
+	}  ;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		ADDP		EndPtr = -1, EndPtr	// Make it point to
+							// last data byte.
+		mov		One = 1
+		.save		ar.lc, LCSave
+		mov		LCSave = ar.lc
+		.body
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmb
+		sub		Remainder = 0, OutPtr
+		cmp.gtu		pSmall, p0 = $threshold, DataLen
+(pSmall)	br.cond.dpnt	.rc4Remainder		// Data too small for
+							// big loop.
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		and		Remainder = 0x7, Remainder
+		;;
+		cmp.eq		pAligned, pUnaligned = Remainder, r0
+		nop		0x0
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmb
+.pred.rel	"mutex",pUnaligned,pAligned
+(pUnaligned)	add		Remainder = -1, Remainder
+(pAligned)	sub		Remainder = EndPtr, InPtr
+(pAligned)	br.cond.dptk.many .rc4Aligned
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		nop		0x0
+		nop		0x0
+		mov.i		ar.lc = Remainder
+	}
+/* Do the initial few bytes via the compact, modulo-scheduled loop
+   until the output pointer is 8-byte-aligned.  */
+	{
+		.mib
+		sub		Remainder = EndPtr, InPtr
+		zxt1		IFinal = IFinal
+		clrrrb				// Clear CFM.rrb.pr so
+		;;				// next "mov pr.rot = N"
+						// does the right thing.
+	}
+	{
+		.mmi
+		mov		I[1] = IFinal
+		nop		0x0
+		nop		0x0
+	} ;;
+   Unrolled loop count = (Remainder - ($unroll_count+1)*$phases)/($unroll_count*$phases)
+ */
+	{
+		.mlx
+		add	LoopCount = 1 - ($unroll_count + 1)*$phases, Remainder
+		movl		Remainder = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		setf.sig	f6 = LoopCount		// M2, M3	6 cyc
+		setf.sig	f7 = Remainder		// M2, M3	6 cyc
+		nop		0x0
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mfb
+		nop		0x0
+		xmpy.hu		f6 = f6, f7
+		nop		0x0
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		getf.sig	LoopCount = f6;;	// M2		5 cyc
+		nop		0x0
+		shr.u		LoopCount = LoopCount, 4
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mmi
+		nop		0x0
+		nop		0x0
+		mov.i		ar.lc = LoopCount
+	} ;;
+/* Now comes the unrolled loop: */
+$iteration = 0;
+# Generate the prologue:
+$predicates = 1;
+for ($i = 0; $i < $phases; ++$i) {
+    &emit_body (\$code, \$bypass, $iteration++, $predicates);
+    $predicates = ($predicates << 1) | 1;
+# Generate the body:
+for ($i = 0; $i < $unroll_count*$phases; ++$i) {
+    &emit_body (\$code, \$bypass, $iteration++, $predicates);
+# Generate the epilogue:
+for ($i = 0; $i < $phases; ++$i) {
+    $predicates <<= 1;
+    &emit_body (\$code, \$bypass, $iteration++, $predicates);
+	{
+		.mmi
+		lfetch.nt1	[EndPtr]	// fetch line with last byte
+		mov		IFinal = I[1]
+		nop		0x0
+	}
+	{
+		.mmi
+		sub		Remainder = EndPtr, InPtr	// Calculate
+								// # of bytes
+								// left - 1
+		nop		0x0
+		nop		0x0
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mib
+		cmp.eq		pDone, p0 = -1, Remainder // done already?
+		mov.i		ar.lc = Remainder
+(pDone)		br.cond.dptk.few .rc4Complete
+	}
+/* Do the remaining bytes via the compact, modulo-scheduled loop */
+	{
+		.mmi
+		add		KTable = -SZ, KTable
+		add		IFinal = -1, IFinal
+		mov		ar.lc = LCSave
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mii
+		SKEY		[KTable] = J,-SZ
+		zxt1		IFinal = IFinal
+		mov		pr = PRSave, 0x1FFFF
+	} ;;
+	{
+		.mib
+		SKEY		[KTable] = IFinal
+		add		RetVal = 1, r0
+		br.ret.sptk.few	rp
+	} ;;
+# Last but not least, emit the code for the bypass-code of the unrolled loop:
+	.endp RC4
+print $code;