#14371: Add opensll to main repository
diff --git a/jni/openssl/crypto/bn/bntest.c b/jni/openssl/crypto/bn/bntest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f5954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/openssl/crypto/bn/bntest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2013 @@
+/* crypto/bn/bntest.c */
+/* Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This package is an SSL implementation written
+ * by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
+ * The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL.
+ * 
+ * This library is free for commercial and non-commercial use as long as
+ * the following conditions are aheared to.  The following conditions
+ * apply to all code found in this distribution, be it the RC4, RSA,
+ * lhash, DES, etc., code; not just the SSL code.  The SSL documentation
+ * included with this distribution is covered by the same copyright terms
+ * except that the holder is Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com).
+ * 
+ * Copyright remains Eric Young's, and as such any Copyright notices in
+ * the code are not to be removed.
+ * If this package is used in a product, Eric Young should be given attribution
+ * as the author of the parts of the library used.
+ * This can be in the form of a textual message at program startup or
+ * in documentation (online or textual) provided with the package.
+ * 
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *    "This product includes cryptographic software written by
+ *     Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com)"
+ *    The word 'cryptographic' can be left out if the rouines from the library
+ *    being used are not cryptographic related :-).
+ * 4. If you include any Windows specific code (or a derivative thereof) from 
+ *    the apps directory (application code) you must include an acknowledgement:
+ *    "This product includes software written by Tim Hudson (tjh@cryptsoft.com)"
+ * 
+ * 
+ * The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or
+ * derivative of this code cannot be changed.  i.e. this code cannot simply be
+ * copied and put under another distribution licence
+ * [including the GNU Public Licence.]
+ */
+/* ====================================================================
+ * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
+ *
+ * Portions of the attached software ("Contribution") are developed by 
+ * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., and are contributed to the OpenSSL project.
+ *
+ * The Contribution is licensed pursuant to the Eric Young open source
+ * license provided above.
+ *
+ * The binary polynomial arithmetic software is originally written by 
+ * Sheueling Chang Shantz and Douglas Stebila of Sun Microsystems Laboratories.
+ *
+ */
+/* Until the key-gen callbacks are modified to use newer prototypes, we allow
+ * deprecated functions for openssl-internal code */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "e_os.h"
+#include <openssl/bio.h>
+#include <openssl/bn.h>
+#include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include <openssl/x509.h>
+#include <openssl/err.h>
+const int num0 = 100; /* number of tests */
+const int num1 = 50;  /* additional tests for some functions */
+const int num2 = 5;   /* number of tests for slow functions */
+int test_add(BIO *bp);
+int test_sub(BIO *bp);
+int test_lshift1(BIO *bp);
+int test_lshift(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx,BIGNUM *a_);
+int test_rshift1(BIO *bp);
+int test_rshift(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_div(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_div_word(BIO *bp);
+int test_div_recp(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_mul(BIO *bp);
+int test_sqr(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_mont(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_mod(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_mod_mul(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_mod_exp(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_mod_exp_mont_consttime(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_exp(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_gf2m_add(BIO *bp);
+int test_gf2m_mod(BIO *bp);
+int test_gf2m_mod_mul(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_gf2m_mod_sqr(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_gf2m_mod_inv(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_gf2m_mod_div(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_gf2m_mod_exp(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_gf2m_mod_sqrt(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_gf2m_mod_solve_quad(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_kron(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int test_sqrt(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx);
+int rand_neg(void);
+static int results=0;
+static unsigned char lst[]="\xC6\x4F\x43\x04\x2A\xEA\xCA\x6E\x58\x36\x80\x5B\xE8\xC9"
+static const char rnd_seed[] = "string to make the random number generator think it has entropy";
+static void message(BIO *out, char *m)
+	{
+	fprintf(stderr, "test %s\n", m);
+	BIO_puts(out, "print \"test ");
+	BIO_puts(out, m);
+	BIO_puts(out, "\\n\"\n");
+	}
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	{
+	BN_CTX *ctx;
+	BIO *out;
+	char *outfile=NULL;
+	results = 0;
+	RAND_seed(rnd_seed, sizeof rnd_seed); /* or BN_generate_prime may fail */
+	argc--;
+	argv++;
+	while (argc >= 1)
+		{
+		if (strcmp(*argv,"-results") == 0)
+			results=1;
+		else if (strcmp(*argv,"-out") == 0)
+			{
+			if (--argc < 1) break;
+			outfile= *(++argv);
+			}
+		argc--;
+		argv++;
+		}
+	ctx=BN_CTX_new();
+	if (ctx == NULL) EXIT(1);
+	out=BIO_new(BIO_s_file());
+	if (out == NULL) EXIT(1);
+	if (outfile == NULL)
+		{
+		BIO_set_fp(out,stdout,BIO_NOCLOSE);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if (!BIO_write_filename(out,outfile))
+			{
+			perror(outfile);
+			EXIT(1);
+			}
+		}
+	if (!results)
+		BIO_puts(out,"obase=16\nibase=16\n");
+	message(out,"BN_add");
+	if (!test_add(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_sub");
+	if (!test_sub(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_lshift1");
+	if (!test_lshift1(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_lshift (fixed)");
+	if (!test_lshift(out,ctx,BN_bin2bn(lst,sizeof(lst)-1,NULL)))
+	    goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_lshift");
+	if (!test_lshift(out,ctx,NULL)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_rshift1");
+	if (!test_rshift1(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_rshift");
+	if (!test_rshift(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_sqr");
+	if (!test_sqr(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_mul");
+	if (!test_mul(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_div");
+	if (!test_div(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_div_word");
+	if (!test_div_word(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_div_recp");
+	if (!test_div_recp(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_mod");
+	if (!test_mod(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_mod_mul");
+	if (!test_mod_mul(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_mont");
+	if (!test_mont(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_mod_exp");
+	if (!test_mod_exp(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime");
+	if (!test_mod_exp_mont_consttime(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_exp");
+	if (!test_exp(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_kronecker");
+	if (!test_kron(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_mod_sqrt");
+	if (!test_sqrt(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC2M
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_add");
+	if (!test_gf2m_add(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod(out)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod_mul");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod_mul(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod_sqr");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod_sqr(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod_inv");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod_inv(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod_div");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod_div(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod_exp");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod_exp(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod_sqrt");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod_sqrt(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	message(out,"BN_GF2m_mod_solve_quad");
+	if (!test_gf2m_mod_solve_quad(out,ctx)) goto err;
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+	BIO_free(out);
+	EXIT(0);
+	BIO_puts(out,"1\n"); /* make sure the Perl script fed by bc notices
+	                      * the failure, see test_bn in test/Makefile.ssl*/
+	(void)BIO_flush(out);
+	ERR_load_crypto_strings();
+	ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+	EXIT(1);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_add(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,b,c;
+	int i;
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	BN_bntest_rand(&a,512,0,0);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(&b,450+i,0,0);
+		a.neg=rand_neg();
+		b.neg=rand_neg();
+		BN_add(&c,&a,&b);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," + ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		a.neg=!a.neg;
+		b.neg=!b.neg;
+		BN_add(&c,&c,&b);
+		BN_add(&c,&c,&a);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&c))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Add test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_sub(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,b,c;
+	int i;
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	for (i=0; i<num0+num1; i++)
+		{
+		if (i < num1)
+			{
+			BN_bntest_rand(&a,512,0,0);
+			BN_copy(&b,&a);
+			if (BN_set_bit(&a,i)==0) return(0);
+			BN_add_word(&b,i);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			BN_bntest_rand(&b,400+i-num1,0,0);
+			a.neg=rand_neg();
+			b.neg=rand_neg();
+			}
+		BN_sub(&c,&a,&b);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_add(&c,&c,&b);
+		BN_sub(&c,&c,&a);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&c))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Subtract test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_div(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,b,c,d,e;
+	int i;
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	BN_init(&d);
+	BN_init(&e);
+	for (i=0; i<num0+num1; i++)
+		{
+		if (i < num1)
+			{
+			BN_bntest_rand(&a,400,0,0);
+			BN_copy(&b,&a);
+			BN_lshift(&a,&a,i);
+			BN_add_word(&a,i);
+			}
+		else
+			BN_bntest_rand(&b,50+3*(i-num1),0,0);
+		a.neg=rand_neg();
+		b.neg=rand_neg();
+		BN_div(&d,&c,&a,&b,ctx);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," / ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&d);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_mul(&e,&d,&b,ctx);
+		BN_add(&d,&e,&c);
+		BN_sub(&d,&d,&a);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&d))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Division test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	BN_free(&d);
+	BN_free(&e);
+	return(1);
+	}
+static void print_word(BIO *bp,BN_ULONG w)
+	{
+	if (sizeof(w) > sizeof(unsigned long))
+		{
+		unsigned long	h=(unsigned long)(w>>32),
+				l=(unsigned long)(w);
+		if (h)	BIO_printf(bp,"%lX%08lX",h,l);
+		else	BIO_printf(bp,"%lX",l);
+		return;
+		}
+	BIO_printf(bp,BN_HEX_FMT1,w);
+	}
+int test_div_word(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM   a,b;
+	BN_ULONG r,s;
+	int i;
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		do {
+			BN_bntest_rand(&a,512,-1,0);
+			BN_bntest_rand(&b,BN_BITS2,-1,0);
+			s = b.d[0];
+		} while (!s);
+		BN_copy(&b, &a);
+		r = BN_div_word(&b, s);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," / ");
+				print_word(bp,s);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&b);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				print_word(bp,s);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			print_word(bp,r);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_mul_word(&b,s);
+		BN_add_word(&b,r);
+		BN_sub(&b,&a,&b);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&b))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Division (word) test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_div_recp(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,b,c,d,e;
+	BN_RECP_CTX recp;
+	int i;
+	BN_RECP_CTX_init(&recp);
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	BN_init(&d);
+	BN_init(&e);
+	for (i=0; i<num0+num1; i++)
+		{
+		if (i < num1)
+			{
+			BN_bntest_rand(&a,400,0,0);
+			BN_copy(&b,&a);
+			BN_lshift(&a,&a,i);
+			BN_add_word(&a,i);
+			}
+		else
+			BN_bntest_rand(&b,50+3*(i-num1),0,0);
+		a.neg=rand_neg();
+		b.neg=rand_neg();
+		BN_RECP_CTX_set(&recp,&b,ctx);
+		BN_div_recp(&d,&c,&a,&recp,ctx);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," / ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&d);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_mul(&e,&d,&b,ctx);
+		BN_add(&d,&e,&c);
+		BN_sub(&d,&d,&a);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&d))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Reciprocal division test failed!\n");
+		    fprintf(stderr,"a=");
+		    BN_print_fp(stderr,&a);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"\nb=");
+		    BN_print_fp(stderr,&b);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	BN_free(&d);
+	BN_free(&e);
+	BN_RECP_CTX_free(&recp);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_mul(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,b,c,d,e;
+	int i;
+	BN_CTX *ctx;
+	ctx = BN_CTX_new();
+	if (ctx == NULL) EXIT(1);
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	BN_init(&d);
+	BN_init(&e);
+	for (i=0; i<num0+num1; i++)
+		{
+		if (i <= num1)
+			{
+			BN_bntest_rand(&a,100,0,0);
+			BN_bntest_rand(&b,100,0,0);
+			}
+		else
+			BN_bntest_rand(&b,i-num1,0,0);
+		a.neg=rand_neg();
+		b.neg=rand_neg();
+		BN_mul(&c,&a,&b,ctx);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," * ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_div(&d,&e,&c,&a,ctx);
+		BN_sub(&d,&d,&b);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&d) || !BN_is_zero(&e))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Multiplication test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	BN_free(&d);
+	BN_free(&e);
+	BN_CTX_free(ctx);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_sqr(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,c,d,e;
+	int i;
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	BN_init(&d);
+	BN_init(&e);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(&a,40+i*10,0,0);
+		a.neg=rand_neg();
+		BN_sqr(&c,&a,ctx);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," * ");
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_div(&d,&e,&c,&a,ctx);
+		BN_sub(&d,&d,&a);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&d) || !BN_is_zero(&e))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Square test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	BN_free(&d);
+	BN_free(&e);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_mont(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,b,c,d,A,B;
+	int i;
+	BN_MONT_CTX *mont;
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	BN_init(&d);
+	BN_init(&A);
+	BN_init(&B);
+	BN_init(&n);
+	mont=BN_MONT_CTX_new();
+	if (mont == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	BN_bntest_rand(&a,100,0,0); /**/
+	BN_bntest_rand(&b,100,0,0); /**/
+	for (i=0; i<num2; i++)
+		{
+		int bits = (200*(i+1))/num2;
+		if (bits == 0)
+			continue;
+		BN_bntest_rand(&n,bits,0,1);
+		BN_MONT_CTX_set(mont,&n,ctx);
+		BN_nnmod(&a,&a,&n,ctx);
+		BN_nnmod(&b,&b,&n,ctx);
+		BN_to_montgomery(&A,&a,mont,ctx);
+		BN_to_montgomery(&B,&b,mont,ctx);
+		BN_mod_mul_montgomery(&c,&A,&B,mont,ctx);/**/
+		BN_from_montgomery(&A,&c,mont,ctx);/**/
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+#ifdef undef
+fprintf(stderr,"%d * %d %% %d\n",
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," * ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				BN_print(bp,&(mont->N));
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&A);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_mod_mul(&d,&a,&b,&n,ctx);
+		BN_sub(&d,&d,&A);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&d))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Montgomery multiplication test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_MONT_CTX_free(mont);
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	BN_free(&d);
+	BN_free(&A);
+	BN_free(&B);
+	BN_free(&n);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_mod(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c,*d,*e;
+	int i;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	BN_bntest_rand(a,1024,0,0); /**/
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(b,450+i*10,0,0); /**/
+		a->neg=rand_neg();
+		b->neg=rand_neg();
+		BN_mod(c,a,b,ctx);/**/
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				BN_print(bp,b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_div(d,e,a,b,ctx);
+		BN_sub(e,e,c);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(e))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Modulo test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_mod_mul(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c,*d,*e;
+	int i,j;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
+	BN_bntest_rand(c,1024,0,0); /**/
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a,475+i*10,0,0); /**/
+		BN_bntest_rand(b,425+i*11,0,0); /**/
+		a->neg=rand_neg();
+		b->neg=rand_neg();
+		if (!BN_mod_mul(e,a,b,c,ctx))
+			{
+			unsigned long l;
+			while ((l=ERR_get_error()))
+				fprintf(stderr,"ERROR:%s\n",
+					ERR_error_string(l,NULL));
+			EXIT(1);
+			}
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," * ");
+				BN_print(bp,b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				BN_print(bp,c);
+				if ((a->neg ^ b->neg) && !BN_is_zero(e))
+					{
+					/* If  (a*b) % c  is negative,  c  must be added
+					 * in order to obtain the normalized remainder
+					 * (new with OpenSSL 0.9.7, previous versions of
+					 * BN_mod_mul could generate negative results)
+					 */
+					BIO_puts(bp," + ");
+					BN_print(bp,c);
+					}
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,e);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_mul(d,a,b,ctx);
+		BN_sub(d,d,e);
+		BN_div(a,b,d,c,ctx);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(b))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Modulo multiply test failed!\n");
+		    ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr);
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_mod_exp(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c,*d,*e;
+	int i;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	BN_bntest_rand(c,30,0,1); /* must be odd for montgomery */
+	for (i=0; i<num2; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a,20+i*5,0,0); /**/
+		BN_bntest_rand(b,2+i,0,0); /**/
+		if (!BN_mod_exp(d,a,b,c,ctx))
+			return(0);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," ^ ");
+				BN_print(bp,b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				BN_print(bp,c);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,d);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_exp(e,a,b,ctx);
+		BN_sub(e,e,d);
+		BN_div(a,b,e,c,ctx);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(b))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Modulo exponentiation test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_mod_exp_mont_consttime(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c,*d,*e;
+	int i;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	BN_bntest_rand(c,30,0,1); /* must be odd for montgomery */
+	for (i=0; i<num2; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a,20+i*5,0,0); /**/
+		BN_bntest_rand(b,2+i,0,0); /**/
+		if (!BN_mod_exp_mont_consttime(d,a,b,c,ctx,NULL))
+			return(00);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," ^ ");
+				BN_print(bp,b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+				BN_print(bp,c);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,d);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_exp(e,a,b,ctx);
+		BN_sub(e,e,d);
+		BN_div(a,b,e,c,ctx);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(b))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Modulo exponentiation test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_exp(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*d,*e,*one;
+	int i;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	one=BN_new();
+	BN_one(one);
+	for (i=0; i<num2; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a,20+i*5,0,0); /**/
+		BN_bntest_rand(b,2+i,0,0); /**/
+		if (BN_exp(d,a,b,ctx) <= 0)
+			return(0);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," ^ ");
+				BN_print(bp,b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,d);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_one(e);
+		for( ; !BN_is_zero(b) ; BN_sub(b,b,one))
+		    BN_mul(e,e,a,ctx);
+		BN_sub(e,e,d);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(e))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Exponentiation test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	BN_free(one);
+	return(1);
+	}
+#ifndef OPENSSL_NO_EC2M
+int test_gf2m_add(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM a,b,c;
+	int i, ret = 0;
+	BN_init(&a);
+	BN_init(&b);
+	BN_init(&c);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_rand(&a,512,0,0);
+		BN_copy(&b, BN_value_one());
+		a.neg=rand_neg();
+		b.neg=rand_neg();
+		BN_GF2m_add(&c,&a,&b);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,&a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," ^ ");
+				BN_print(bp,&b);
+				BIO_puts(bp," = ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,&c);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		/* Test that two added values have the correct parity. */
+		if((BN_is_odd(&a) && BN_is_odd(&c)) || (!BN_is_odd(&a) && !BN_is_odd(&c)))
+			{
+		    fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) addition test (a) failed!\n");
+			goto err;
+			}
+		BN_GF2m_add(&c,&c,&c);
+		/* Test that c + c = 0. */
+		if(!BN_is_zero(&c))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) addition test (b) failed!\n");
+			goto err;
+		    }
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(&a);
+	BN_free(&b);
+	BN_free(&c);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d,*e;
+	int i, j, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 1024, 0, 0);
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			BN_GF2m_mod(c, a, b[j]);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+			if (bp != NULL)
+				{
+				if (!results)
+					{
+					BN_print(bp,a);
+					BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+					BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+					BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+					BN_print(bp,c);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+					}
+				}
+			BN_GF2m_add(d, a, c);
+			BN_GF2m_mod(e, d, b[j]);
+			/* Test that a + (a mod p) mod p == 0. */
+			if(!BN_is_zero(e))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modulo test failed!\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod_mul(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d,*e,*f,*g,*h;
+	int i, j, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	f=BN_new();
+	g=BN_new();
+	h=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 1024, 0, 0);
+		BN_bntest_rand(c, 1024, 0, 0);
+		BN_bntest_rand(d, 1024, 0, 0);
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			BN_GF2m_mod_mul(e, a, c, b[j], ctx);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+			if (bp != NULL)
+				{
+				if (!results)
+					{
+					BN_print(bp,a);
+					BIO_puts(bp," * ");
+					BN_print(bp,c);
+					BIO_puts(bp," % ");
+					BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+					BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+					BN_print(bp,e);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+					}
+				}
+			BN_GF2m_add(f, a, d);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_mul(g, f, c, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_mul(h, d, c, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_add(f, e, g);
+			BN_GF2m_add(f, f, h);
+			/* Test that (a+d)*c = a*c + d*c. */
+			if(!BN_is_zero(f))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modular multiplication test failed!\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	BN_free(f);
+	BN_free(g);
+	BN_free(h);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod_sqr(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d;
+	int i, j, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 1024, 0, 0);
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			BN_GF2m_mod_sqr(c, a, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_copy(d, a);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_mul(d, a, d, b[j], ctx);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+			if (bp != NULL)
+				{
+				if (!results)
+					{
+					BN_print(bp,a);
+					BIO_puts(bp," ^ 2 % ");
+					BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+					BIO_puts(bp, " = ");
+					BN_print(bp,c);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"; a * a = ");
+					BN_print(bp,d);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+					}
+				}
+			BN_GF2m_add(d, c, d);
+			/* Test that a*a = a^2. */
+			if(!BN_is_zero(d))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modular squaring test failed!\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod_inv(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d;
+	int i, j, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 512, 0, 0); 
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			BN_GF2m_mod_inv(c, a, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_mul(d, a, c, b[j], ctx);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+			if (bp != NULL)
+				{
+				if (!results)
+					{
+					BN_print(bp,a);
+					BIO_puts(bp, " * ");
+					BN_print(bp,c);
+					BIO_puts(bp," - 1 % ");
+					BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+					}
+				}
+			/* Test that ((1/a)*a) = 1. */
+			if(!BN_is_one(d))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modular inversion test failed!\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod_div(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d,*e,*f;
+	int i, j, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	f=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 512, 0, 0); 
+		BN_bntest_rand(c, 512, 0, 0);
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			BN_GF2m_mod_div(d, a, c, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_mul(e, d, c, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_div(f, a, e, b[j], ctx);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+			if (bp != NULL)
+				{
+				if (!results)
+					{
+					BN_print(bp,a);
+					BIO_puts(bp, " = ");
+					BN_print(bp,c);
+					BIO_puts(bp," * ");
+					BN_print(bp,d);
+					BIO_puts(bp, " % ");
+					BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+					}
+				}
+			/* Test that ((a/c)*c)/a = 1. */
+			if(!BN_is_one(f))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modular division test failed!\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	BN_free(f);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod_exp(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d,*e,*f;
+	int i, j, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	f=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 512, 0, 0);
+		BN_bntest_rand(c, 512, 0, 0);
+		BN_bntest_rand(d, 512, 0, 0);
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			BN_GF2m_mod_exp(e, a, c, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_exp(f, a, d, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_mul(e, e, f, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_add(f, c, d);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_exp(f, a, f, b[j], ctx);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+			if (bp != NULL)
+				{
+				if (!results)
+					{
+					BN_print(bp,a);
+					BIO_puts(bp, " ^ (");
+					BN_print(bp,c);
+					BIO_puts(bp," + ");
+					BN_print(bp,d);
+					BIO_puts(bp, ") = ");
+					BN_print(bp,e);
+					BIO_puts(bp, "; - ");
+					BN_print(bp,f);
+					BIO_puts(bp, " % ");
+					BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+					}
+				}
+			BN_GF2m_add(f, e, f);
+			/* Test that a^(c+d)=a^c*a^d. */
+			if(!BN_is_zero(f))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modular exponentiation test failed!\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	BN_free(f);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod_sqrt(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d,*e,*f;
+	int i, j, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	f=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 512, 0, 0);
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			BN_GF2m_mod(c, a, b[j]);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_sqrt(d, a, b[j], ctx);
+			BN_GF2m_mod_sqr(e, d, b[j], ctx);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+			if (bp != NULL)
+				{
+				if (!results)
+					{
+					BN_print(bp,d);
+					BIO_puts(bp, " ^ 2 - ");
+					BN_print(bp,a);
+					BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+					}
+				}
+			BN_GF2m_add(f, c, e);
+			/* Test that d^2 = a, where d = sqrt(a). */
+			if(!BN_is_zero(f))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modular square root test failed!\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	BN_free(f);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_gf2m_mod_solve_quad(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b[2],*c,*d,*e;
+	int i, j, s = 0, t, ret = 0;
+	int p0[] = {163,7,6,3,0,-1};
+	int p1[] = {193,15,0,-1};
+	a=BN_new();
+	b[0]=BN_new();
+	b[1]=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p0, b[0]);
+	BN_GF2m_arr2poly(p1, b[1]);
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_bntest_rand(a, 512, 0, 0);
+		for (j=0; j < 2; j++)
+			{
+			t = BN_GF2m_mod_solve_quad(c, a, b[j], ctx);
+			if (t)
+				{
+				s++;
+				BN_GF2m_mod_sqr(d, c, b[j], ctx);
+				BN_GF2m_add(d, c, d);
+				BN_GF2m_mod(e, a, b[j]);
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+				if (bp != NULL)
+					{
+					if (!results)
+						{
+						BN_print(bp,c);
+						BIO_puts(bp, " is root of z^2 + z = ");
+						BN_print(bp,a);
+						BIO_puts(bp, " % ");
+						BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+						BIO_puts(bp, "\n");
+						}
+					}
+				BN_GF2m_add(e, e, d);
+				/* Test that solution of quadratic c satisfies c^2 + c = a. */
+				if(!BN_is_zero(e))
+					{
+					fprintf(stderr,"GF(2^m) modular solve quadratic test failed!\n");
+					goto err;
+					}
+				}
+			else 
+				{
+#if 0 /* make test uses ouput in bc but bc can't handle GF(2^m) arithmetic */
+				if (bp != NULL)
+					{
+					if (!results)
+						{
+						BIO_puts(bp, "There are no roots of z^2 + z = ");
+						BN_print(bp,a);
+						BIO_puts(bp, " % ");
+						BN_print(bp,b[j]);
+						BIO_puts(bp, "\n");
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (s == 0)
+		{	
+		fprintf(stderr,"All %i tests of GF(2^m) modular solve quadratic resulted in no roots;\n", num0);
+		fprintf(stderr,"this is very unlikely and probably indicates an error.\n");
+		goto err;
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+  err:
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b[0]);
+	BN_free(b[1]);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	return ret;
+	}
+static int genprime_cb(int p, int n, BN_GENCB *arg)
+	{
+	char c='*';
+	if (p == 0) c='.';
+	if (p == 1) c='+';
+	if (p == 2) c='*';
+	if (p == 3) c='\n';
+	putc(c, stderr);
+	fflush(stderr);
+	return 1;
+	}
+int test_kron(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BN_GENCB cb;
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*r,*t;
+	int i;
+	int legendre, kronecker;
+	int ret = 0;
+	a = BN_new();
+	b = BN_new();
+	r = BN_new();
+	t = BN_new();
+	if (a == NULL || b == NULL || r == NULL || t == NULL) goto err;
+	BN_GENCB_set(&cb, genprime_cb, NULL);
+	/* We test BN_kronecker(a, b, ctx) just for  b  odd (Jacobi symbol).
+	 * In this case we know that if  b  is prime, then BN_kronecker(a, b, ctx)
+	 * is congruent to $a^{(b-1)/2}$, modulo $b$ (Legendre symbol).
+	 * So we generate a random prime  b  and compare these values
+	 * for a number of random  a's.  (That is, we run the Solovay-Strassen
+	 * primality test to confirm that  b  is prime, except that we
+	 * don't want to test whether  b  is prime but whether BN_kronecker
+	 * works.) */
+	if (!BN_generate_prime_ex(b, 512, 0, NULL, NULL, &cb)) goto err;
+	b->neg = rand_neg();
+	putc('\n', stderr);
+	for (i = 0; i < num0; i++)
+		{
+		if (!BN_bntest_rand(a, 512, 0, 0)) goto err;
+		a->neg = rand_neg();
+		/* t := (|b|-1)/2  (note that b is odd) */
+		if (!BN_copy(t, b)) goto err;
+		t->neg = 0;
+		if (!BN_sub_word(t, 1)) goto err;
+		if (!BN_rshift1(t, t)) goto err;
+		/* r := a^t mod b */
+		b->neg=0;
+		if (!BN_mod_exp_recp(r, a, t, b, ctx)) goto err;
+		b->neg=1;
+		if (BN_is_word(r, 1))
+			legendre = 1;
+		else if (BN_is_zero(r))
+			legendre = 0;
+		else
+			{
+			if (!BN_add_word(r, 1)) goto err;
+			if (0 != BN_ucmp(r, b))
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr, "Legendre symbol computation failed\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			legendre = -1;
+			}
+		kronecker = BN_kronecker(a, b, ctx);
+		if (kronecker < -1) goto err;
+		/* we actually need BN_kronecker(a, |b|) */
+		if (a->neg && b->neg)
+			kronecker = -kronecker;
+		if (legendre != kronecker)
+			{
+			fprintf(stderr, "legendre != kronecker; a = ");
+			BN_print_fp(stderr, a);
+			fprintf(stderr, ", b = ");
+			BN_print_fp(stderr, b);
+			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+			goto err;
+			}
+		putc('.', stderr);
+		fflush(stderr);
+		}
+	putc('\n', stderr);
+	fflush(stderr);
+	ret = 1;
+ err:
+	if (a != NULL) BN_free(a);
+	if (b != NULL) BN_free(b);
+	if (r != NULL) BN_free(r);
+	if (t != NULL) BN_free(t);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_sqrt(BIO *bp, BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BN_GENCB cb;
+	BIGNUM *a,*p,*r;
+	int i, j;
+	int ret = 0;
+	a = BN_new();
+	p = BN_new();
+	r = BN_new();
+	if (a == NULL || p == NULL || r == NULL) goto err;
+	BN_GENCB_set(&cb, genprime_cb, NULL);
+	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+		{
+		if (i < 8)
+			{
+			unsigned primes[8] = { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 };
+			if (!BN_set_word(p, primes[i])) goto err;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (!BN_set_word(a, 32)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_set_word(r, 2*i + 1)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_generate_prime_ex(p, 256, 0, a, r, &cb)) goto err;
+			putc('\n', stderr);
+			}
+		p->neg = rand_neg();
+		for (j = 0; j < num2; j++)
+			{
+			/* construct 'a' such that it is a square modulo p,
+			 * but in general not a proper square and not reduced modulo p */
+			if (!BN_bntest_rand(r, 256, 0, 3)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_nnmod(r, r, p, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_mod_sqr(r, r, p, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_bntest_rand(a, 256, 0, 3)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_nnmod(a, a, p, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_mod_sqr(a, a, p, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_mul(a, a, r, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (rand_neg())
+				if (!BN_sub(a, a, p)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_mod_sqrt(r, a, p, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_mod_sqr(r, r, p, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (!BN_nnmod(a, a, p, ctx)) goto err;
+			if (BN_cmp(a, r) != 0)
+				{
+				fprintf(stderr, "BN_mod_sqrt failed: a = ");
+				BN_print_fp(stderr, a);
+				fprintf(stderr, ", r = ");
+				BN_print_fp(stderr, r);
+				fprintf(stderr, ", p = ");
+				BN_print_fp(stderr, p);
+				fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+				goto err;
+				}
+			putc('.', stderr);
+			fflush(stderr);
+			}
+		putc('\n', stderr);
+		fflush(stderr);
+		}
+	ret = 1;
+ err:
+	if (a != NULL) BN_free(a);
+	if (p != NULL) BN_free(p);
+	if (r != NULL) BN_free(r);
+	return ret;
+	}
+int test_lshift(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx,BIGNUM *a_)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c,*d;
+	int i;
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	BN_one(c);
+	if(a_)
+	    a=a_;
+	else
+	    {
+	    a=BN_new();
+	    BN_bntest_rand(a,200,0,0); /**/
+	    a->neg=rand_neg();
+	    }
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_lshift(b,a,i+1);
+		BN_add(c,c,c);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," * ");
+				BN_print(bp,c);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,b);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_mul(d,a,c,ctx);
+		BN_sub(d,d,b);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(d))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Left shift test failed!\n");
+		    fprintf(stderr,"a=");
+		    BN_print_fp(stderr,a);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"\nb=");
+		    BN_print_fp(stderr,b);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"\nc=");
+		    BN_print_fp(stderr,c);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"\nd=");
+		    BN_print_fp(stderr,d);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_lshift1(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c;
+	int i;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	BN_bntest_rand(a,200,0,0); /**/
+	a->neg=rand_neg();
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_lshift1(b,a);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," * 2");
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,b);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_add(c,a,a);
+		BN_sub(a,b,c);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(a))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Left shift one test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		BN_copy(a,b);
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_rshift(BIO *bp,BN_CTX *ctx)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c,*d,*e;
+	int i;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	d=BN_new();
+	e=BN_new();
+	BN_one(c);
+	BN_bntest_rand(a,200,0,0); /**/
+	a->neg=rand_neg();
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_rshift(b,a,i+1);
+		BN_add(c,c,c);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," / ");
+				BN_print(bp,c);
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,b);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_div(d,e,a,c,ctx);
+		BN_sub(d,d,b);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(d))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Right shift test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	BN_free(d);
+	BN_free(e);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int test_rshift1(BIO *bp)
+	{
+	BIGNUM *a,*b,*c;
+	int i;
+	a=BN_new();
+	b=BN_new();
+	c=BN_new();
+	BN_bntest_rand(a,200,0,0); /**/
+	a->neg=rand_neg();
+	for (i=0; i<num0; i++)
+		{
+		BN_rshift1(b,a);
+		if (bp != NULL)
+			{
+			if (!results)
+				{
+				BN_print(bp,a);
+				BIO_puts(bp," / 2");
+				BIO_puts(bp," - ");
+				}
+			BN_print(bp,b);
+			BIO_puts(bp,"\n");
+			}
+		BN_sub(c,a,b);
+		BN_sub(c,c,b);
+		if(!BN_is_zero(c) && !BN_abs_is_word(c, 1))
+		    {
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Right shift one test failed!\n");
+		    return 0;
+		    }
+		BN_copy(a,b);
+		}
+	BN_free(a);
+	BN_free(b);
+	BN_free(c);
+	return(1);
+	}
+int rand_neg(void)
+	{
+	static unsigned int neg=0;
+	static int sign[8]={0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1};
+	return(sign[(neg++)%8]);
+	}