#14371: Add opensll to main repository
diff --git a/jni/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86/comba.pl b/jni/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86/comba.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2291253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni/openssl/crypto/bn/asm/x86/comba.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# x86 assember
+sub mul_add_c
+	{
+	local($a,$ai,$b,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$pos,$i,$na,$nb)=@_;
+	# pos == -1 if eax and edx are pre-loaded, 0 to load from next
+	# words, and 1 if load return value
+	&comment("mul a[$ai]*b[$bi]");
+	# "eax" and "edx" will always be pre-loaded.
+	# &mov("eax",&DWP($ai*4,$a,"",0)) ;
+	# &mov("edx",&DWP($bi*4,$b,"",0));
+	&mul("edx");
+	&add($c0,"eax");
+	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# laod next a
+	 &mov("eax",&wparam(0)) if $pos > 0;			# load r[]
+	 ###
+	&adc($c1,"edx");
+	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$b,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# laod next b
+	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$b,"",0)) if $pos == 1;	# laod next b
+	 ###
+	&adc($c2,0);
+	 # is pos > 1, it means it is the last loop 
+	 &mov(&DWP($i*4,"eax","",0),$c0) if $pos > 0;		# save r[];
+	&mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 1;		# laod next a
+	}
+sub sqr_add_c
+	{
+	local($r,$a,$ai,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$pos,$i,$na,$nb)=@_;
+	# pos == -1 if eax and edx are pre-loaded, 0 to load from next
+	# words, and 1 if load return value
+	&comment("sqr a[$ai]*a[$bi]");
+	# "eax" and "edx" will always be pre-loaded.
+	# &mov("eax",&DWP($ai*4,$a,"",0)) ;
+	# &mov("edx",&DWP($bi*4,$b,"",0));
+	if ($ai == $bi)
+		{ &mul("eax");}
+	else
+		{ &mul("edx");}
+	&add($c0,"eax");
+	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# load next a
+	 ###
+	&adc($c1,"edx");
+	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$a,"",0)) if ($pos == 1) && ($na != $nb);
+	 ###
+	&adc($c2,0);
+	 # is pos > 1, it means it is the last loop 
+	 &mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0) if $pos > 0;		# save r[];
+	&mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 1;		# load next b
+	}
+sub sqr_add_c2
+	{
+	local($r,$a,$ai,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$pos,$i,$na,$nb)=@_;
+	# pos == -1 if eax and edx are pre-loaded, 0 to load from next
+	# words, and 1 if load return value
+	&comment("sqr a[$ai]*a[$bi]");
+	# "eax" and "edx" will always be pre-loaded.
+	# &mov("eax",&DWP($ai*4,$a,"",0)) ;
+	# &mov("edx",&DWP($bi*4,$a,"",0));
+	if ($ai == $bi)
+		{ &mul("eax");}
+	else
+		{ &mul("edx");}
+	&add("eax","eax");
+	 ###
+	&adc("edx","edx");
+	 ###
+	&adc($c2,0);
+	 &add($c0,"eax");
+	&adc($c1,"edx");
+	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 0;	# load next a
+	 &mov("eax",&DWP(($na)*4,$a,"",0)) if $pos == 1;	# load next b
+	&adc($c2,0);
+	&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0) if $pos > 0;		# save r[];
+	 &mov("edx",&DWP(($nb)*4,$a,"",0)) if ($pos <= 1) && ($na != $nb);
+	 ###
+	}
+sub bn_mul_comba
+	{
+	local($name,$num)=@_;
+	local($a,$b,$c0,$c1,$c2);
+	local($i,$as,$ae,$bs,$be,$ai,$bi);
+	local($tot,$end);
+	&function_begin_B($name,"");
+	$c0="ebx";
+	$c1="ecx";
+	$c2="ebp";
+	$a="esi";
+	$b="edi";
+	$as=0;
+	$ae=0;
+	$bs=0;
+	$be=0;
+	$tot=$num+$num-1;
+	&push("esi");
+	 &mov($a,&wparam(1));
+	&push("edi");
+	 &mov($b,&wparam(2));
+	&push("ebp");
+	 &push("ebx");
+	&xor($c0,$c0);
+	 &mov("eax",&DWP(0,$a,"",0));	# load the first word 
+	&xor($c1,$c1);
+	 &mov("edx",&DWP(0,$b,"",0));	# load the first second 
+	for ($i=0; $i<$tot; $i++)
+		{
+		$ai=$as;
+		$bi=$bs;
+		$end=$be+1;
+		&comment("################## Calculate word $i"); 
+		for ($j=$bs; $j<$end; $j++)
+			{
+			&xor($c2,$c2) if ($j == $bs);
+			if (($j+1) == $end)
+				{
+				$v=1;
+				$v=2 if (($i+1) == $tot);
+				}
+			else
+				{ $v=0; }
+			if (($j+1) != $end)
+				{
+				$na=($ai-1);
+				$nb=($bi+1);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$na=$as+($i < ($num-1));
+				$nb=$bs+($i >= ($num-1));
+				}
+#printf STDERR "[$ai,$bi] -> [$na,$nb]\n";
+			&mul_add_c($a,$ai,$b,$bi,$c0,$c1,$c2,$v,$i,$na,$nb);
+			if ($v)
+				{
+				&comment("saved r[$i]");
+				# &mov("eax",&wparam(0));
+				# &mov(&DWP($i*4,"eax","",0),$c0);
+				($c0,$c1,$c2)=($c1,$c2,$c0);
+				}
+			$ai--;
+			$bi++;
+			}
+		$as++ if ($i < ($num-1));
+		$ae++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
+		$bs++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
+		$be++ if ($i < ($num-1));
+		}
+	&comment("save r[$i]");
+	# &mov("eax",&wparam(0));
+	&mov(&DWP($i*4,"eax","",0),$c0);
+	&pop("ebx");
+	&pop("ebp");
+	&pop("edi");
+	&pop("esi");
+	&ret();
+	&function_end_B($name);
+	}
+sub bn_sqr_comba
+	{
+	local($name,$num)=@_;
+	local($r,$a,$c0,$c1,$c2)=@_;
+	local($i,$as,$ae,$bs,$be,$ai,$bi);
+	local($b,$tot,$end,$half);
+	&function_begin_B($name,"");
+	$c0="ebx";
+	$c1="ecx";
+	$c2="ebp";
+	$a="esi";
+	$r="edi";
+	&push("esi");
+	 &push("edi");
+	&push("ebp");
+	 &push("ebx");
+	&mov($r,&wparam(0));
+	 &mov($a,&wparam(1));
+	&xor($c0,$c0);
+	 &xor($c1,$c1);
+	&mov("eax",&DWP(0,$a,"",0)); # load the first word
+	$as=0;
+	$ae=0;
+	$bs=0;
+	$be=0;
+	$tot=$num+$num-1;
+	for ($i=0; $i<$tot; $i++)
+		{
+		$ai=$as;
+		$bi=$bs;
+		$end=$be+1;
+		&comment("############### Calculate word $i");
+		for ($j=$bs; $j<$end; $j++)
+			{
+			&xor($c2,$c2) if ($j == $bs);
+			if (($ai-1) < ($bi+1))
+				{
+				$v=1;
+				$v=2 if ($i+1) == $tot;
+				}
+			else
+				{ $v=0; }
+			if (!$v)
+				{
+				$na=$ai-1;
+				$nb=$bi+1;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				$na=$as+($i < ($num-1));
+				$nb=$bs+($i >= ($num-1));
+				}
+			if ($ai == $bi)
+				{
+				&sqr_add_c($r,$a,$ai,$bi,
+					$c0,$c1,$c2,$v,$i,$na,$nb);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				&sqr_add_c2($r,$a,$ai,$bi,
+					$c0,$c1,$c2,$v,$i,$na,$nb);
+				}
+			if ($v)
+				{
+				&comment("saved r[$i]");
+				#&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0);
+				($c0,$c1,$c2)=($c1,$c2,$c0);
+				last;
+				}
+			$ai--;
+			$bi++;
+			}
+		$as++ if ($i < ($num-1));
+		$ae++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
+		$bs++ if ($i >= ($num-1));
+		$be++ if ($i < ($num-1));
+		}
+	&mov(&DWP($i*4,$r,"",0),$c0);
+	&pop("ebx");
+	&pop("ebp");
+	&pop("edi");
+	&pop("esi");
+	&ret();
+	&function_end_B($name);
+	}